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tv   Podsudimii  NTV  April 10, 2024 2:25am-3:11am MSK

2:25 am
mash, can you hear me, you have to confess, if you want her to stay alive, who are you, where is my daughter, you heard everything. where are we? i came here on business.
2:26 am
and who i wanted to detain, you didn’t tell me their names. who could it be? i didn’t find a single piece of evidence in the case that you killed masha. natasha, natasha, natasha, what is this, where is the blood coming from? natasha, andrey, what? masha disappeared, there were three of them. now, now, wait, wait,
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wait, now, now, now, now i 'll call you soon, now, natasha, natasha, huh?
2:28 am
lawyer emelyanova, is it possible? yeah, it's alright doctor, everything is fine. come on in. please be careful with him, he has no need to worry. i found the hospital where aldunina’s sister was lying. but a few months ago she
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died, which i don’t understand, but he was so eager to be free, he said that he was in a hurry to see his sister, yes, why was he in a hurry, just to quickly get free, perhaps, ah... what if she, whom he called sister, in fact, mine, my daughter, masha, masha, yes, why did you decide that, he came to see me today, and i could be wrong, but it seems to me, yes, masha was with him, you see, masha is with him now. wait,
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this is really possible. altunin lived in your house, in apartment number 49. where , together with you, on the same site, because this cannot be a coincidence, this is not a coincidence, i don’t understand, i don’t understand anything, there is another authority, which means there is another chance to gain time and figure it all out, unfortunately, no, you can’t give up, we will lose, how do you know, it’s me, it’s... in order for masha to stay alive, i took the blame on myself, i falsified all the evidence, evidence against myself, yes, and
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i tried very hard, i tried to make my guilt obvious, but really? nothing can be done, no, this case cannot be won. albert romanovich, i’m listening, dmitry ilyevich, greetings, how is our mutual acquaintance with you, everything is fine,
2:32 am
he spent the whole night in the first-aid post, his lawyer came to see him, i think he asked you to take him to the punishment cell and no one. not to let him in, then why the hell does everyone come to see him like he’s visiting a deputy? point number one: remind me? no need, i remember. unnoticed, sorry, i have every day after inspection, complaints are written in batches. i take a lot of risks, but there is no gratitude. i heard you, i would like to get recordings of all his conversations on these dates. is this possible? all. perhaps, subject to certain conditions, there are several win-win options.
2:33 am
good afternoon, hello, alexey, nesterov, i’m dmitry, nesterov, you’ve made a mistake. who are you, who are you, who are you,
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who are you, who are you? she said alexey, dima, dima, how does she know you? how did she get you so close? knows?
2:35 am
hello, hello, what about our guests? oh yes, come on in. good evening, can you imagine, nikola managed to come to st. petersburg for a couple of days, just some kind of surprise, hello. how long have you not seen each other? is this from a wedding about six years ago? seven? excuse me, can i talk to you for
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a second? who is this? this is nika's mistress, dima, he had a mistress. and you knew all these
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years, wait, why are you talking about this so calmly? she loves dima very much. take heart, it won't be easy for you. yuri, help me, please, take your hands off. they are waiting for you there. smile! i propose to drink to nicole,
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to be honest, i feel embarrassed, and even sorry that i don’t remember you at all, but it’s okay, because 7 years have passed, that’s not the point, the point is that dima is taking lyosha’s death very hard. yes, doctors say this happens after severe stress, but now it’s better, and before he didn’t recognize anyone at all, but he’s undergoing a rehabilitation course, so soon everything will come back, really, friends, life goes on, let’s drink to your wonderful family, family and children, this is so wonderful, yes for the children, thank you, zhora. oh, i wet myself, yeah, let's go change your shirt, you really
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don't remember anything, absolutely. thank you for such a wonderful evening. everything was just perfect. good night.
2:40 am
she won't leave you alone. why so little? the rest must be paid to the doctor at the clinic. the operation is complex and expensive. don't worry, we 'll take care of your sister. and you do what you have to do.
2:41 am
fine. make sure the girl isn't breathing. and... put the body in the suitcase, you will find the suitcase at the meeting place, they washed the biting paws, the stocks by the ditch, the gray-white and the gosling hid in ditch, uncle sasha, where is dad, well, you said that we were going to meet dad, i don’t know, he was hiding somewhere in a ditch. uncle sasha, are you cold? if you want, take my scarf.
2:42 am
uncle sasha, are you crying, no, it’s the wind, i had to become a criminal, forgive me , my dear, i have to press.
2:43 am
andrey sergeevich, everything is fine with you.
2:44 am
masha is alive, and in order to help her, we need to get out of here, here you go! and you, in the sense, want to go there, someone here doesn’t want to, oh, guys, you live in peace, in short, there’s one here, an escape specialist, like me.
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well, they say you’re a specialist, if i knew how to get out of here, i wouldn’t be here with you now, so there’s no way out, i don’t know, think for yourself, there are no hopeless situations. here are the examination results: electroencephalogram, mri of the brain, conclusion of a neurologist and psychiatrist. thank you! doctor, hello,
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thank you, doctor, you helped me a lot, please contact me, post-traumatic stress disorder caused by the loss of a loved one, characterized by partial memory loss. so it really is dmitry. dima, what are you doing here? i remembered, i
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remembered everything. let's go to my place. give me 5 minutes, i need 5 minutes, of course, i'll wait for you downstairs in the car.
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2:49 am
how did you sleep? fine. i'll be waiting for you downstairs. she doesn't believe me.
2:50 am
you're leaving tomorrow, unfortunately, yes, and i'm sorry too. would you like a glass of wine? with pleasure. chablis, how you like it.
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julia, yulechka, friend, but you can’t help but know, hello, it’s me, such exquisite wine and such sourness, i... have
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another glass, my brother hated white wine, you couldn’t help but know that , no, no, no,
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let’s go in, good afternoon, everything is ready, all you have to do is sign, something happened,
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i won’t sign. “we decided not to give up, and i prepared a cassation appeal, we decided, yes, we agreed that we must fight to the end, i will try, it’s useless, i myself falsified the evidence, i myself gave a confession , it is impossible to win this case, "are you not telling me something?" facing the wall, are you okay?
2:55 am
listen, can you hurry up, that's not her, that's her.
2:56 am
tell. what did i hear, tell me what i heard it, well, of course, well, of course, you heard it, i thought so, julia, everything is fine, everything, everything is fine, there is no reason to cry, everything is not good, everything is very bad, i hit a man. and get out of the car, take her home, yes,
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of course. driver of car 878, press in as the buches haven’t stopped. hello, denis. i wish you good health. news, have you heard? klimov
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refuses to challenge the verdict in the third instance. heard. i don't understand what he's doing. well, at least i hope so. you won’t stop looking for his daughter, you already have, i’m leaving, here you go if klimov had had the chance to handle your case, he would not have betrayed you. that's your difference. our difference is that i would never find myself in such a situation. please remove your hands. yes, yes, comrade general, i’ll be right there, comrade general, come in,
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you’ve packed your things, okay. right, here you go , quickly figure out what kind of drunken freak he is, threw himself under nesterov’s wheels, press him, scare him, ask how he’s going to pay for the car repairs, i understand everything, yes, go ahead!
3:00 am
i wish you good health, welcome, we are waiting, we are waiting, so to speak. allow me, comrade colonel, start it up, let's go. hello, albert romanovich, hello, dmitry ilyevich, well, come in, settle down, help yourself, you give everyone such a warm welcome,
3:01 am
you’re joking, well, to be honest, i don’t understand you, why do you need this, yes, everything is fine, albert romanovich , that's how it should be. you will be provided with a separate cell, of course, not a five-star all inclusive, but you didn’t come to the resort, right? thank you, whiskey or cognac, whiskey, they called, comrade general, ignatiev, you’ve gone crazy, do you even understand who nesterov is, that’s right, that’s right exactly, why did you put him in a pre-trial detention center, what about your head? this could have happened, comrade general nesterov himself asked to go to a pre-trial detention center, yes,
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nanar, you’re taking me for an idiot, that’s right, oh, no way, he really asked to go to a pre-trial detention center himself, yes, he didn’t understand.
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let 's go ahead.
3:04 am
you guys. it's not me, it's you, you killed your wife.
3:05 am
“alexey ilyevich nesterov, you have been detained on suspicion of murder. you are mistaken, and dmitry ilyevich nesterov, the president of this company, my brother and i are very similar, alexey is me, try, prove it, i will find the killer, why it wouldn’t be worth it to me." are you feeling bad? yes, somehow lunch didn’t go well, i’m sorry. you’re afraid that i’ll remember,
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you’ll probably try to kill me, but in your opinion it won’t happen, i can bear everything, i ’ll bear it for masha’s sake . it’s clear, i got under dad’s side again, don’t
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scream, he won’t wake up. i apologize that we came to your house without an invitation, but it’s even awkward, somehow, your husband forced me to take this step, who are you , what do you need, andrey, don’t yell, otherwise it will hurt, i understand, andrey is fast asleep, your husband.
3:08 am
3:09 am
sorry, he’s left-handed, left-handed. you put things in order here.
3:10 am
klimov, klimov.


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