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tv   Legavii  NTV  April 10, 2024 4:50am-5:40am MSK

4:50 am
and it doesn’t matter that they were shot, i lost them, no one bothered to look into it , i was often written off, i’m not a surgeon, i’m a supplier, supplying my personal cemetery, it’s clear, and i won’t perform this operation, i don’t want to kill anyone else, you if you do this, and i will assist you, get ready for the operation. well, the temperature has started to drop, tell me, she’ll get better, yes, of course, don’t worry, you need to buy something, let’s go, i’ll write you a prescription, she’s sleeping.
4:51 am
be patient with the cossack, you will be an ataman, well, klimov, like alcohol, get any anesthetic, yes, or do you prefer alcohol with a snack, but with a snack, there’s a long time left, wait, be patient, there’s still a couple of stitches left, we realized. “monitor your pulse, it’s not there, don’t fuss, trofimov, we’re losing it, don’t fuss, don’t stand, after 10 compressions you’ll be breathing, okay, i think 4, 3, 2, 1, inhale, another inhale. that’s enough,
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come on, klimov, it’s not that simple, i’ve had enough of the dead, come on, come on, come on, i think, yes, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, breath, another breath, klima, come on, start your heart, you still have business here, come on, klima, come on, come on, come on!
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sit quietly and wait, okay? they told you, sit quietly, you are aware of what you are doing, i am a member of the district committee bureau, oh well, wither, not for rallies, you know who i am, no, well, judging by my manners, i am a bandit. you're great,
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and i'm the main bandit in these parts, believe me, now what the market is going to be about, i have no idea, yeah, but tomorrow i'll tell the police about it, and at the same time tell me a joke about the shop that makes women's bras with panties, and about the share , which nasaruk is delivering to your homies from the executive committee of the city committee, or is your boss already around too? "i don't understand what you're talking about speech, yes, you understand everything, but do you know why the worker calls the proletariat, no, because they fly past the cash register all the time, but i don’t, listen to me with both ears. "
4:55 am
quietly, the earring is sleeping, here it’s such a thing that it’s work again , yes? no, how can i say this, in general, don’t be scared, komtsumer, all the questions
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come later, you need to feed them, figure something out quickly. “sit down, sit down, sit here, quietly, i ’ll help my wife now. “
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not right away, what’s stronger, give it stronger, come on, give me some cognac, so, well, as the working class says, i suggest you drink so that you and i had everything, we had nothing for it , come on, well, if everyone has everything, then who will build communism, but i beg you, communism is when everyone has enough of everything? and no one works a damn thing like us, well, i don’t know about everyone else, but apparently communism has already arrived in some of their apartments, yes, and by the way, it was very difficult for me, i keep thinking, we those two germans
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were a ghost, or whatever, i’ll tell you a secret, they weren’t a dream, they probably ran away. where, well, from where, from captivity, from where they escape, they say there’s an underground production here somewhere, can you imagine, they make panties and bras, and from parachute silk, you pour it in, but you fill it in, i’m telling the truth, you pour it in, and you know who’s in charge of it all, your eagle is our rest. samson? yes, samson. what, you thought, why is he sticking around here? he organized, marketed, and adjusted all this production. it's normal, the germans sew. and our hubbies cover this whole sharashka office. so if all
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this is revealed, will they be imprisoned? they'll give you 10 years. and samson, the tower generally lights up. and we'll end up being friends. straw widows, you understand, i’m by no means in a communist paradise, so, i advise you in a friendly way, hide all your property, all your jewelry, away, for a while, you know, just in case, come on, let’s have a drink with you , so that you and i have everything, and they have nothing for it, come on!
5:00 am
uh-huh, yes, this is our job for a long time, you sew, each shift is exactly a week, then work. change, my host has come here for the third time, it’s better here than in the camp, but it’s a pity that we can’t look at the fresh air, where is your camp? under potula, there is a lot of food there, very poor food and many people die from illness, well, in your camps it’s not a resort either, i don’t know, i’m nibs there, crass. what he says? he says that a lot of their people died in our camps.
5:01 am
thank you. are you speak doutch? yes, but just a little. what he says? he says that he is your
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colleague, he took our military prisoners, what to do next, do you think? if you don’t give us away, we will clean up the border. you can't cross the border, our border is castle, he'll shoot you. they say that they want to send us to sebere, it’s better to die in freedom than in a camp from cold and illness, okay, i ’ll think about what to do with you. uncle yuri,
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are these real krauts, they escaped from a prison camp, real germans, earring, from the camp, why aren’t you sleeping, i don’t want to, why don’t you hand them over, they’re enemies. if i had met them at the front, i wouldn’t have even thought, here, i don’t know, in general, everything is complicated, you will grow up, you will understand, go to sleep, come on, i beg you, don’t ask anyone about this. agreement, sleep,
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change clothes. i have them in my apartment for now i'll hide it. you judge, you’re a man, it’s up to you to decide what you’re doing here, you’re bored, at night, it didn’t bother you before, can i come in? glavka was right, he trampled everyone. i hope you won't make a scene.
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i definitely will. but later. you have a different problem now. your germans have escaped. what kind of germans are they, where are they from? from the house of idiots. you've completely lost your mind. how do you know about the germans? it doesn't matter how i know. what matters is what happens when others find out about it. and that will be? lord, wake up the dream itself. this is for sure, there’s nowhere more precise, so listen up, just those who need to be understood in this case, and dig your nose into the ground. samsonchik, hello, quickly check all the workers, i ’ll be there soon, faster, i said, ugh,
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damn, i scared you, why aren’t you sleeping? i wanted to ask you the same question, where were you, you survived until the first interrogation, you need to remember the date, a significant date, okay, i’ll repeat it again, where did you go to the dance, where, in bad luck, did you go to the dance with klavka lychkova , with whom, yes, your hearing is really bad, you should go to the doctor, well , yes... come on, come on, at least do something, as a man, you know, anna, i never flattered myself with the hope that you married for love, come on, come on, come on, come on, this
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is something new, but your disregard for the rules of decency, our well-being, mine, yours, i hope i explain clearly, not exactly what exactly you are accusing me of, that you could come up with a more interesting story, not like this babble, why they sculpt, but because they don’t go to dances in your at age with a keyboard, it’s even stupider than staying overnight with your partner, firstly, it’s not stupid, and secondly... well, what can you do, if this is true, well, okay, i'll check, come on, come on, just don't drag it out, otherwise we went home after the dance in the club, i left, she was still conscious, but not for long, i know her, hello, ivan, i'm sorry, it’s late, you’re at home, please call me, i’ll explain later,
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call me, i say. “klavdia petrovna, is it true that you’re crazy today, which is understandable, no, nothing happened, good night, well, the conflict is over, listen, supyanov, what the hell, look at your watch, what? who the fuck, okay, i'll be there now, something happened i asked a question, go to sleep, i have no objections.
5:09 am
let them work, so arbayton, schnell, schnell, i said, well, what, what, did you find out anything?
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come out, it's me, the munchkin has arrived. willy, your russian has arrived, he’s just as mine as yours, at least we’re his guests, you need to at least say hello to the owner, hello,
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what’s wrong with him, he got up on the wrong foot, but no, he didn’t go to bed, i understand . i was waiting to see if i would bring the vlakodavas to your liking or not? forgive me, yuri, i’m not quite russian and i don’t understand what the soul has to do with it, the dog, in the sense that i’ll rat you out or not, you stern man, your horst, forgive him, yuri, it was just very difficult for him in the camp, and for you and me too, but the host tolerates captivity very difficult, and you mean it’s easy. but no, but i treat this philosophically, i believe that every person, to one degree or another, is in captivity,
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interesting, well, explain, oh, it’s simple, the personal freedom of each person, by someone or something... it is always limited in childhood, by parents, school, teachers, then it is the wife, family, what should we do with you next? forgive me, yuri, i did not understand you. i insulted you. hit the
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gut means to devour. let's go have breakfast. thank you, i don't want to. because you need at least a little respect, you show it, i don’t mind, you pig horst, kiss him on the ass, don’t forget, forgive him, oh, okay, to hell with him, we’ll get more.
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russia. modern, technologically advanced, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia, 500 fd, men know everything.
5:15 am
so that means andrei ilyevich, comrade lychkov is also aware of this matter, yeah, you’re interesting people, you brew the porridge, eat it while it’s delicious, when you realize that it’s burnt, you invite me to eat, don’t call, evgeniy adamovich, it so happened, we wanted to bring you up to date, but we didn’t have time. we thought we’d fix it, then okay, okay, don’t take me for an idiot, i’ve been in the police force for 20 years, you know what it’s called, anti-state activity, even
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how... it turns out that’s not all, the criminals here decided for you touch, so you want me to resolve this issue with them, so what will i present to them? well, there will be a man there will be an article, so look for who is bothering you, that i will report to the management that there is a clandestine enterprise operating in my area in which prisoners of war work and who are covering for the city authorities, having a profit from this. you understand what will happen to us for this, you and i will think it’s a waste of money at the nearest dacha, there is a decision to discuss with you the size of your material interest, it will be monthly, for some reason there is no appetite, eat your shit yourself. let's assume that you
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didn't tell me anything and i didn't hear anything, well on that, thank you, tsupyanov, andrey ilyich, they’re calling evgeniy adamovich, i’m listening to you, zons, yes. i’m listening, yes, duty officer, gather all the department heads for an emergency meeting, carry it out.
5:18 am
here, here, here and here is a pipe, very similar, but i didn’t see it from the other side, well, let’s go, let’s see. sit, smoke, i’ll go and have a look, i don’t smoke, nicotine suicide, well then sit and don’t smoke.
5:19 am
hi, great, what's up?
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did these germans say anything, they won’t say anything else, there’s no point in asking them, let’s get the evacuation together, we’ll translate everything farming to another place, well, look, let's go. it’s definitely here, we still have a lot of things to do, it seems that the wolfhounds have come for your soul, but what does this mean for our soul, then i’ll explain, well, that’s okay, i told them to figure it out themselves, how it is themselves, it’s his immediate
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responsibility to protect us from... criminals, well, that's enough, they've gone wild, we need to wrap up the case, they pecked and that's enough, but if you connect him with goridze, let him... negotiate it yourself, we still don't have enough criminals, we've become insolent at the end, and what can they really do for us? do? well, they know about our affairs, so what? who will believe them? don’t be cool, andrey ilyevich, what do you suggest? they need garidze, well, let them look for him, but we have nothing to do with it, so he says, we’ll make him alone. alone with the bandits? what can we do? then, excuse me, but i don’t believe that he opened his own enterprise without the knowledge of the security forces. i think so too, he probably has a joker hidden up his sleeve for such
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situations, but if we just warn him, in no case, we fulfilled our obligations, we helped him. organize the enterprise, that’s it, then it’s his problem, let him do whatever he wants, and if the bandits come again, so what, you say that you have no idea what we’re talking about, listen, i told you how many times, don’t call me here. what? your mother. what measures are you taking? good. keep me informed.
5:23 am
today, two prisoners escaped from the workshop, as when on their feet, at night, this, this is already serious, if they are found they will start talking, it will not seem like enough to us all, so we must search, they are already looking.
5:24 am
m, great, great, what about duty, today, thank god, there were no incidents, so she got into a drunken fight. otherwise, everything is quiet, as if there was nothing more, eruk, well, if there was, which i would know, listen, but as a young woman, and what exactly interests you, yes, i just asked, and you were with your uncles, you were, well, like him, okay, he said who cut him, the light just started, and who is this? yeah, i couldn’t finish the sentence, uh-huh, but my health is fine, so the scratch will outlive you and me, but damn it,
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a front-line friend was not on his way to the district, he stopped by, where did he come from? where he was going to stop by our wilderness, from the north pole to the south pole, okay, come on, come on. this is who the policeman is, you yourself are the policeman, now sit quietly and keep quiet, we’ll go into the thick of it. great, baby, well, i've been splurging on my own,
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i'm sorry, i don't understand what you're talking about, don't contact me with such nonsense again, well, well, you can live. well, come on, baby, bye, see you. are you sure it's a good idea to come here, there are so many policemen here, okay, don't worry, philosopher, she knows what they say, the best hidden thing is what lies in the most visible place, this is a good proverb, i remember, okay, use your tongue less, stay loose, otherwise the prussian spirits will kill you... in general, stand here, if
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they ask you anything, pretend that you are shell-shocked, i understand, oh, little guy , i wish you better health, why are you bothering here, it’s an urgent matter, come on, who is this, and this is with me, a fellow soldier, passing through, riding, shell-shocked, speaking very poorly, it’s clear, what have you got there, do you hear? , man, help me turn the starter, turn the starter, uh-huh, he’s shell-shocked or something, uh-huh, well, sometimes, i’m in forty-third, near kursk, she also shied away like that, for 2 years she was a capercaillie, didn’t hear a damn thing, then she let go of nothing, let’s roll, “so
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they have a workshop in the old factory, you say, that’s right, i personally checked it, a real underground production, who works, somehow people, how did you identify them, intelligence information, well done, i will report to the zone, but a little later, why not now, there is a more important matter, tonight two german prisoners of war escaped from a passing chalon,
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as dr. goebbels said. children everywhere the same, both in germany, in russia, so in africa, yes, why are you acting up?
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allô, sí.
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yes, there is no force behind them, otherwise there would have been a lot of garbage long ago, so what happens is this, well, the main one also sent the garbage even further away, and there is no reason for him to get involved in their misunderstandings, they have shit themselves, they are dragging him along with them, and he’s not a fool, he’s sitting in his own mussarna, wondering from the side what the situation will be, i don’t understand, but what will they do then, out of greed and stupidity.
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so businesslike, he couldn’t help but think that sooner or later we’d spot him, that’s right, but if he’s not plowing for the country, or he’s not good protection, then what? well, that means he has some kind of trump card in this regard, but you say the point, we need to think about this topic, come on, come on! you called the police, so what kind of secrecy is this, you be quiet, otherwise he will hear, whoever hears, yes, i say this one, he is in
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the next apartment, the owner is not there, so he hid, well, where are the owners, and where have they separated, who goes where, first. she left, well , her roommate also left for someone else, wait, wait, now he’s not yurka kozyri, the apartment is right, trump lives here, he first moved in with this basket, she left here he is, well, we know this play, so maybe he’s sitting there, yurka kozyrev, no, no, i, i knocked, i knocked with my foot, he would have opened the trump card, a stranger is there, what are we going to do, well, what, let's open the apartment and see who's there, what if he's already left? nothing like that, we still arrived at the signal, and if he’s there, we won’t take him, then even more so we’ll grab him in full from both the dokukin and the trump card. well, shall we kick it out? no, no, let me try to open it, especially since there’s no one there, if not, and you secure the windows in the courtyard, there’s another one there there is on the other side, but if you know how to divide in two forward, uh, on watch, in the yard, i,
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i can stand, but if he throws himself under me, i won’t do anything, so let’s do it yourself. that's it, we'll do it, just without amateur performances, if anything happens, shout, that's it, let's go, yeah, hello, neighbor! who are you guarding here? oh, he showed up himself, we’re catching the yard, he’s holed up in your apartment, stand there, leave him alone, why are you
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frying like you’ve been cut to death, and i almost lost my breath out of fear, i told you to leave it aside, leave everything aside, leave it aside, we’re your neighbor i called and said, there seems to be someone walking around there, so we arrived, so what’s walking around, what’s going on with us? you can’t walk in the apartment, but i don’t know, this freaking freak is a fucking alarmist, everything is fine, my tribe came to me from kaluga, i placed them here so that polina wouldn’t be crowded, one was with me, the other stayed at home, but what about he didn’t open it when they knocked, well, i’m telling you, the man is sick, don’t you understand, yeah, i see, i see, the gene, his name is volodya, he’s shell-shocked, he can’t speak , yeah, we’ve all met, then come on, y we still have a lot of things to do, well, that’s it, come on, yes, it’s you, yes...
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great, this is for the last three games, what’s up with the fugitives, nothing so far, they’re looking for it, i told you, there should have been more, huh?
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it won’t, we will close, haven’t we agreed with the chief of police, if we had agreed, i would have already known, but since everyone is silent, it means we haven’t agreed, we will look for a new place and new workers, prisoners again? by the way, they are being transported to vaterland, all of moscow is talking about it, we’ll hire bunnies, you know how dispossessed people work well, i’m management of the camps, they promised to think about where the equipment was transported, i ’ll tell you later, the main thing is that the fugitives don’t run far, if they are still here, duzhen said that they couldn’t go far, he and his people are already here, okay , i'm off, if anything happens, you know where to find me.
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