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tv   Legavii  NTV  April 10, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

5:40 am
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oh, sit down, sit down, yeah, well, that means, based on the above, the leadership of heaven. the decision was made to introduce an emergency search regime in the area until the fugitives are found, in view of the special danger of those wanted, there is an instruction to use weapons without warning, allow it, let's come in, which means i understood correctly, they are not needed alive, yeah, right, there is no need to stand on ceremony with them , they didn’t get along very well with our captives, okay, but additional data, signs, behavioral characteristics. in your verbal partner from whom
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looking for something? what are the signs? ss, they are ss in africa, fascist faces. most likely they are hiding in the area of ​​​​the drunken mountain in the surrounding area, therefore our area of ​​​​responsibility. now operatives from the search department of the camps will arrive; each search group will be assigned one of our employees. it's up to you to figure out who's with whom. eh, come here, he knows those places like the back of his hand, they could have figured it out in an instant. well, one more thing, since the event is held in secrecy, you can work carefully to avoid panic among the population take my car, but be careful, uh-huh, let me go, let's get to work, they're afraid of panic, if the people had called out, they would have brought these ss men themselves... half an hour later
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they brought them in pieces, wow, that's right, i've got the guy three times he escaped from captivity, so the local germans caught him twice, civilians, by the way, they have a complete ordeal about this, well, everything is in order, that means, the third time, the third time he escaped, oh, here the gulag operas have arrived. colonel duzhin, operational search department gulak, sergeant belyashin, detective kostin, detective rozhkov, detective officer kozurev, i believe this is the entire personnel, well, our entire department has seven people, including the chief.
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in the hospital, another on duty, the boss is on site, see him off, why? surely the task has been set, do you have any questions? isn't it true, real pissants? true, during the escape they killed the sentries and seized weapons. yes, your security is lousy, things can get messy. this means, since your sector is considered the most promising, your task is to help us navigate the area, each of you will be assigned to one from search groups, my people have signs of beglis. the most experienced employee who knows this area well will go with me, well , this is kozyrev, one is worth five, so you will go with me, the rest of the bus, okay, vach kozurev, let’s go, no, thank you, i’m on my own with a handyman, you’ll go for me.
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look, there’s a whole treasury here, well, alive, alive, respected, you... what, although i already understood, well done, that means you can guess what the market will be for, i can guess, how can it be, dear man, you’re on
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our land guard the cabbage, with chenushami you share, you try to come to an agreement, but we pass the cash register, it’s not good. my brother and i have been working in the caucasus for a long time. sorry, it was my mistake. can we solve this issue now? we will decide, we will definitely decide. let’s just calculate how much you owe for ratting for six months and decide. i am not the one who decides this issue. people are behind me. if you are concerned about the local bureaucrats, it is in vain that they left you to be eaten. and the cops don’t write for you, i know, other people, we’ll decide seriously with them, we’ll decide, but for now, sit down, think about your sorrowful affairs, good, drink, if you want,
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come on, come here, stand, what will you decide with him, and what do you want, look for it, well, the flag is in their hands, well, come on , what do you want?
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your mother! seryozha, uncle yura didn’t come, no, what’s happening on the street is terrible! the police, some military men with dogs, barking noise, like during an evacuation, they are looking for prisoners, ours, they probably write here that german prisoners of war will return
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to their homeland, but they decided that they had already redeemed themselves? he probably became, there, too, you know, there’s no sugar, but i wouldn’t let them go at all, at least until they rebuild what they destroyed, it’s all complicated, seryozha, they are people too, they have mothers, wives and children waiting for them at home. and in general, stop reading the newspaper, i’d read a book, if i can’t walk, then i need to
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know what’s happening in the country in the world, i’ll always have time to read books. mom, mom, come here, is there a fire or something ? i won, well, let me see, seryozha, this is some huge money,
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horse, they told you that you can’t smoke, it’s dangerous, i’m tired of being afraid, then at least smoke out the window, we shouldn’t do stupid things, the main stupid thing in our lives . i'm saving your life now, es reicht mir,
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dass du wegen jeder kleinigkeit mit mir rumstreitest. well, marika, are you also in captivity? it's okay, i'll buy you a ticket to faterland. now i’m sure i won’t do anything stupid, that means
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nothing, so far nothing, nothing, but we have put the whole drunken mountain on our ears, now only a fool doesn’t know that we are looking for fugitive germans, but i asked kozyrev, people are not blind, not deaf, comrade major, we go around and ask leading questions, in the city i think the same thing, here you know, it doesn’t take much intelligence to make 2 +2 fold now gossip will not work, although it may be for the better on the other hand, it is the civic duty of every person to help us find the piklets, the main thing here is that without initiative, we need to inform the population that when they discovered any strangers, they immediately informed us, and how to do, this is not moscow, where levitan announced on the radio, everyone knows what happened, here you know, after 10 pm there are only stray dogs walking on the streets. this is for sure, which means we will work out the night option, they are unlikely now
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if they get busy, that’s also true, touch colonel, then allow people to be dismissed for dinner, they still have to work all night then, i don’t mind, kuzyrev, let’s dismiss the guys, at 22:00 everyone is here again, and without delay i have, your employee is strange. he looks at me as if i owe him something, but after the camp he was with us, comrade colonel, at first they gave him 15 years, and then they completely acquitted him, although he managed to serve 3 years. so don't judge him too harshly, yeah, i see, maybe some tea, later, let's now let’s figure out a plan for the night’s event, come on, treat the feathers, we need to buy our own, we are fighting begging, comrade
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horns, the expense is screaming, which is completely, yeah, i was happy before twenty. excuse me, comrade colonel, i’m listening, comrade colonel, i can accommodate you now, so the stalovs, you can go to the factories, and if you want, it’s tastier, it’s brighter, there ’s a restaurant on the square that’s open until midnight, although it’s a bit expensive, comrade colonel, thank you, i have information of particular importance , chick,
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she has no time for you now, dokukin left, do you want wait for him and you’ll tell him personally, but i don’t care who i tell? i'm talking about the germans, damn it, listen, you see thieves in the morning, germans in the evening, stop with this business, you idiot, wait, where did you see the german, but i didn't see anything, i heard it as if they were speaking german in the next apartment, yours the address is quick, factory 37, apartment 30, well , we were talking exactly at thirty-one, but maybe it wasn’t imagining, it’s all about the cars, the duty officer with me will show you the address , i’m at the post, comrade colonel, the car, i said, i’m running march , here is a comrade colonel, well, maybe i would too, to, well, where you are, short, well, well, yeah, i’m
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here now. why are you like this? what happened? i won the lottery. you imagine? we checked it 100 times. i don't believe it at all. now we can use this money to heal the earring? shall we heal? yes, we will put him on his feet with this money. yes, you 're lucky, gray, well done, listen, i have an idea, now we'll quickly have dinner, and you and i will have time for the last session, but you won't be able to sleep, we'll just have dinner, today we're working into the night, and look for these guys of ours let alone search, we’ll dig the ground, okay, now i’ll quickly, listen, well, you’re lucky, seryoga, and the newspaper also says
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that german prisoners of war are being released to their homeland. this is what happens, there’s nothing left for them to sit, and i say, maybe i should tell them about this, right now, let them go, give up, listen, what, this is an idea, then look, my mother and i will have time for the last session, we just have to i should take them to the department myself so that nothing happens on the way, tell mom i’ll be quick.
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but now you have this opportunity. you do you think i have already crossed the line after which it is enough for me, instead of a living woman, to kiss only her photograph. but i crossed this line a long time ago. everything will change, willie, as soon as you hug her. how do you think? could we defeat the russians? is this so important to you? yes, it's important.
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there’s a window in the closet, they haven’t had time to surround us yet, go away, willy, and you, go away, willy, where did you get it from, what’s the difference, i found
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it, go away, that means they’ll seize the block, now i’m... writing in what order we will inspect houses, check the documents of everyone we meet, carry it out, yes, that means it’s like this, i’m gathering the guys, here, now let’s start, quickly, quickly, don’t you know your area, comrade, but it’s your fault, comrade colonel, this is not my area, you’d better take one of our apers , the street is exactly the same, and the house number, you know, we didn’t have signs that we didn’t put up, which one is the thirty-seventh, well, the devil knows, maybe this one, maybe this one, but which is our house, comrade colonel, so you start here from these two entrances, just be careful not to scare off the germans if the house turns out to be the wrong one,
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near the other houses, place observers, do it, eat, let's go,
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get out, get out! was he alone? colonel, there should be a second one in apartment thirty-one. where are you
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from here? this is the job. it's clear. so, what about comrade colonel? the second one left, they inspected everything, that’s right, they inspected the back room, the window in the large storage room is broken, the frieze seems to have floated out into the neighboring courtyard, why is it bad, look at the courtyard, go around all
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the apartments and...
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communes outside the city, but i can’t shine there, i i’ll explain everything specifically, and the place he’ll point over here, great, comrade kozarev, come with us, so everyone follow me, run.
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i will help, soldier, i will help, stay here and wait for me, each of us has something dear to us, honor, memory, present and future. expensive
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sincerely, and not like a worn-out phrase from a sticker. we do not throw words to the wind and do not abandon our own. join yours. nikita ponfilov has big problems. it's not nice to attack from behind, huh? oops, too. i think this dog is mad. we need to be euthanized, but the entire homicide department is having a hard time, we have a murder, wood grouse, it looks like the truth, i’ll shoot, the right decision, the dog comes to me, the dog, according to numerous requests from tv viewers, the dog, today at 8:25 on ntv, it’s not what
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i thought, okay, take all the money, it’s not mine, but i’ll figure it out, it’s already like that everything is ours, i thought you were going to say something smart, but you’re all in one tune, rasp, ah... what do you need, i gave it all, there’s nothing else, you’re the one who’s going to tell me about the kurur, and i can rub my glasses in without any ointment, i at least and not an accountant, but i read some of your economics and papers, so according to the criminal code you have already earned five towers, well, if it’s pure cabbage, then almost 16 lemons, i shared with people, more than half
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was spent on bribes, oh... no more than a third, i even admit that you threw something at the development of production, which got out, books smart people read, how much? you need it, let’s do the math, to hell with you, we divide the numbers in half, we determine your debt as a quarter of the remainder, that’s two lemons, i don’t have that kind of money, search, my dear, search until i end up with two lemons in common, you’re out of here you go out, then you’ll kill anyway, that’s how you’ll behave. so, let's take a look around, are you sure that this
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is the place, well, if your person hasn't messed anything up, then yes, this is the place. and who are you going to look for here? so, thank you, comrade kozylev, you are free. yeah, now, you brought me here, be so kind as to bring me back, my legs are not state-of-the-art. then sit in the car and don’t interfere with work. let's start! they surrounded you, they surrounded you tightly, someone stood up to you, so here, listen, sipa yakut, hold them
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for about five minutes, then get out, let’s hold you, give rasp, untie him, people open it, come on, come on, hurry up, it's for me, hold on, i'll make an agreement, they won't touch you, you'll still answer me what kind of bitch is plowing at you, but that's for later, let's go, let's go, come on, let's go! i don’t know what it was, who shot, are you frozen, fire, your mother, maybe at least for the sake of decency i can offer them to surrender, i don’t need your advice, they won’t detain you anymore, can you help me? and what the hell is going on here, i don’t have to explain anything to you, everything is free,
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what? it’s just a waste of time to put people down, maybe throw grenades at them, just these people, work inside carefully, there must be our man there, we’re doing everything, the colonel is standing,
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that’s it, the boy has had his day, go for it, the boys are covered, don’t bark, listen, let me go, lock him up, follow me, follow me, come on, follow me, faster, faster, here, come, come, come, stand, drop your weapon, people and you, or what, who did you want to see, the pope , who are you? have you betrayed us? you didn't answer the question? for some time now i have proposed in the answer. listen, deal with him, i 'll give you a lot of money, right? oh, you nit. trump, fuck off. don't make him sin, let him go
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go away. you don't even know who you fit in with? i don't care, you know me. it seemed to me that you need my help, drop your weapon, i don’t understand, that’s all. you understand, well, i’m not joking, are you really going to shoot, and you take a chance, roan, go away, rasp, rasp, you’re like, it’s okay, chew the lie, now i’ve molded a custom for you, a trump card, then we’ll play around, go away! but now i
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think i understand whose apartment 31 this is, i could have guessed earlier, you’re thinking about the wrong things, we’ve lost brains and fat, you, colonel, traded your service for women’s panties, you still won’t prove anything, if you were willing get dirty, others will prove it, not this time, so the next ones, get up, i say, get up, no, yakut, no, go away, okay, get up, thank you, dear, i’ll tell you. i will thank you, you will thank the prosecutor, listen, why
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the prosecutor? wait, we can come to an agreement, do you really think that everything in the world can be bought, but why buy, just agree, off to where, negotiate, i, i’ll go out anyway, as soon as you leave, you’ll come back in, let’s go, edik. 0:00 on ntv. the boy's word. blood on the asphalt
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a time of cleansing. taking lymphotransit? lymphotransit helps cleanse the body , introduce toxins, and also reduce. by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the company valar. your spring update. and now about the weather for today. a cyclone is gathering clouds over chukotka. the further south you go, the calmer it is and the south is warmer. +12-17. vladivostok lags behind, only +7. southern siberia is on the cold line. in krasnoyarsk today +10, in novosibirsk +6, tomorrow in these cities only +3. snow will be added to the rain. in the urals , on the contrary, it is getting warmer, today there are still few places above +10, tomorrow almost everywhere. stable warmth in orenburg, the rains will end, but the floods are not subsiding yet. on european territory, the weather is changed by a cyclone passing over the northern regions, there is precipitation there, but it will finally get warmer, for another day it will protect the north-west and center from cold weather, but at its tail, in kaliningrad it is now +13, rain, and in general the drop will be accompanied by rain and thunderstorms. yoga
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is dry and very fire hazardous, fuel the fire adds a sharp wind, and just like in seaside vladivostok, in sochi the sea is also cool. the further from the coast, the warmer it is. in st. petersburg today maximum +20-21 in the afternoon rains and thunderstorms in moscow no precipitation and +22 this is the peak tomorrow +18 yes, let me come in, well, that’s all, if you just sit down briefly, even so, yeah, well, something from the good of all that is it? no, but their eldest was killed before my eyes, the rest took the bodies and left. yes, things are going on, kuzyrev, go home, tomorrow you’ll write everything down for me again in more detail,
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for now this is enough for my report, go rest, tell the guy, let him go home, eat, come on. yes, yes, kukin is worried, but how is your hero, but he just let him go, i have his rapport, and where the fuck is this netvan? i'm in the bullpen while he's sunbathing. do you think we can go up with what we have dug up? well, what if we smooth it out?
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we’ll crush our snot in sugar again, what kind of life is it, 12, kuzir, whatever, lights out, you can stomp all the way to the hut, well... whatever you want to drink, come on, now let’s slam and have a snack. and home to warm beds, otherwise with this gain there’s no personal life, you need two fascist
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shortcomings, they put the whole region on their backs, well, they’re welcome there, here’s some salt, i recommend it, you’ll get tired of it, let’s suddenly, be healthy, yuruk, eh...
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they’ll kill me too, now they shouldn’t. the order has been issued, all of you are being sent to your homeland by germany.
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you need to go to the police station yourself, show up again, it’s okay, i’m used to it, but maybe in the morning? “i’ll take you myself, who knows, they ’ve already buried you both there and sent you away, well, marika, let’s go home, do you want a drink?”
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we wish you the best morning, further in program, we find out the details of the emergency, turn on the first program, on ntv there is an emergency program in the marat seddikov studio, the flood situation in the orenburg region continues to persist. complex water in the ural and sakmara rivers arrives and captures more and more territories, the authorities under...


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