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tv   Utro  NTV  April 10, 2024 6:30am-8:01am MSK

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we wish you the best morning, further in the program. let's find out the details of the emergency. we engage first gear. on mtv there is a program about an emergency in the studio of marat seddikov. the flood situation in the orenburg region continues to be difficult; water in the ural and sakmara rivers continues to occupy more and more territories. authorities. urged people living in areas
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of possible flooding to evacuate immediately. meanwhile, volunteers on boats continue to patrol the flooded streets, rescuing pets, which the owners could not take with them, some of the four-legged animals have to be evacuated in a hurry, so they were left on a leash, dogs and cats were carried out of houses that went under water. at least this is a chance to save the animal. holding tightly onto one of the horns, the man in the boat tries to pull out the exhausted drowning woman. all these people are volunteers, residents of flooded cities and villages themselves, collected boats, blankets, ropes, cages, and in order to cover a larger scale, they wrote on the internet and called out who needed help, and almost everyone needed help, many have their own household, chickens, pigs, horses, defenseless animals die in the water, their owners simply didn’t have time to evacuate, he put on overalls, he has a gun for spraying with drugs, that’s it, now he’s going, i’ll be there. and
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wait. from morning until night, as they say, seryoga is in the field, or rather in the water, requests are constantly pouring in, including from caring people who have noticed someone in trouble. i heard that the dog was abandoned on the property, spent two days in icy water, after which its paws gave out. exhausted allabai, found with difficulty. you and i have an agreement for now, i ’ll tie you up now, and then you and i will communicate without ropes, understand? there can be a dozen such flights a day, until you are already exhausted and saved.
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electric scooters, has replenished its fleet with scooters with large numbers. nameplates , the so-called smaller short-term rental system, are, of course, on any electric scooter provided by rental services, otherwise you will not be able to charter a scooter through the application. but will the large number of cameras recording violations be noticed? electric scooters and other personal mobility devices and sims are not subject to state registration. the letters on
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the digital designations on them, regardless of size, are not state registration marks, that is, the number of the electric scooter is not unconditional evidence of the guilt of a person suspected of committing an administrative offense. in addition, the code of administrative offenses still does not include fines for electric scooters, for example, for speeding or for failure to provide an advantage pedestrian the issue is being considered in the state duma. however, visible signs are a good incentive for drivers to comply with traffic rules. for example, in the event of an accident, damage to property or health, using this number through a tick-sharing company it is easy to identify the offender in order to then demand compensation from him. they scared the woman with her shoes, teased the malicious internet, covered the number with tape and then, goodbye. tomorrow is april 1st, no jokes.
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for the fourth time , a cadet will be allowed to drive an examination car only after six months, and not in a month, as before. in addition, when choosing a driving school, now, along with the license, it is necessary to check the presence of a conclusion on the compliance of the material and technical base with the established requirements, otherwise, after completing the course, the traffic police will not allow the graduate to take the exams. the best thing for today at 20:00 is the action-packed series hot spot. arseny robot continues to restore order in his hometown. we need a trunk. watch today's episodes. edik, what have you done?
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khasanov was killed, and so was the moscow lawyer. murin worked and left. they'll tell you it's me believe it or not, it's up to you, but i will find someone who did it. where is the second one? in any case, we need to close the issue before evening. murin, i know you are there. edik khasanov, did you kill him? murin, he's knocking everyone down. murin, stand, hot spot. today at 20:00 on ntv. about the weather for today. hello. the cyclone is carrying from siberia, and there is a cold period, in irkutsk it is still up to +15, tomorrow it will be
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+10, under the cold, sharp wind and precipitation the rest of the south will quickly cool down, in the urals , on the contrary, warming is ahead, in yekaterinburg +6 with rain, tomorrow without precipitation and +1, in in orenburg there is stable rain... in places, there shouldn't be any tomorrow, which means that it will be at least a little easier for rescuers in incredibly difficult conditions, words cannot describe what the streets of the villages of orenburg have become, movement is only possible by boat, hundreds are evacuated here every day people, they don’t forget about animals, on european territory the focus is on a new wave of abnormal heat, in the middle zone the temperature is approaching 25 , mostly sunny, rains on the volga and it’s cooler there, about 15, by the way, in the south too it could have been warmer, but... so far the maximum is +25, the black sea is not higher than twenty, the reason is the sharp wind and cool air currents from turkey, there is practically no precipitation, and the main focus in the region is on the increase in fire danger, and the north-west is moving to cool, in st. petersburg tomorrow it will be +10, and today it will be 20-21, but in the afternoon there will be rain and
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thunderstorms, in moscow there will be no precipitation during the day and +22, this is the peak, tomorrow it will be +18. see further, morning is the best. listening to auto stories along with the main road, finding chemistry in products from sergei malozemova, let's get acquainted with the world of show business. mashene, do you like to sleep? i love. well, of course, you get up early, right? while you're warming up the car, you like to take a stroll, right? yes, how do you know? imagine that you are warming up your car and you fall asleep. are you feeling good, are you having wonderful dreams? yes. but we have to go, we have to go, well, well, now let’s warm up the car a little, i’ll go, you’re not going anywhere, why? but because you won’t wake up, no, i’m already awake, look, i’m starting the car, pulling out of the garage, you
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’re sleeping, no, you’re sleeping, you’re sleeping, open the window, why are you heating? car with the window closed, open the window, you're sleeping, you're sleeping, i'm not sleeping, it's nice to sleep under a blanket, under a blanket of carbon monoxide, you'll never wake up again, you're sleeping, well, if i'm sleeping, then wake me up, you're thinking, that i’m near, i ’m not near, here you see yourself, it’s me, and you’re sleeping, he won’t wake up anymore, you won’t wake up anymore, wake up, “wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, imagined, scary, yes , this is what it’s all about, whoever started the car, so, go, turn it off, why, drowsiness not because you, strictly speaking, want to sleep, but because
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fatal carbon monoxide poisoning is developing, death can occur quite quickly within a few tens of minutes, everyone knows about the danger of exhaust gases in the garage, but people still die. a young man from orsk locked himself in the box, started the car, and they managed to save him. a person is not very aware of the actions, does not immediately understand that he is becoming ill, falls asleep and leads to death. me now. suicide, i'll now put the exhaust pipe outside car, it’s very insidious, without windy weather, heavy gases can spread near the exit from the garage for quite a long time, in fact, stay there, well, well, move the car, come on, naive guy, i’ll show you how it works on example of heavy smoke, where? yours in the empty pipe, here, please, well, look, you see, you
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see, he doesn’t go out into the street from the gate at all, although the gate is open, look, everything is sucked back into the garage, but it’s here, let’s go look there, here’s the carpet from carbon monoxide, unconvincing, heavy smoke, non-carbon monoxide, yes, yes, okay, i measured, with a gas analyzer, the level of carbon monoxide concentration in the cabin of a car driven inside a garage with closed and open gates. start the car, let's go get some fresh air for 7 minutes. carbon monoxide has the ability to bind to hemoglobin in the blood, causing red blood cells to lose their ability to carry oxygen. even with a minimum concentration of carbon monoxide of 5 mg. per cubic meter, after 15 minutes a person begins to show symptoms of poisoning;
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sometimes, on the contrary, emotional arousal occurs, euphoria and even a surge of potency. near novosibirsk, a young couple decided to retire to a garage in the open ten, they did not wake up. huh, it’s smoking, i can’t breathe, i’m thinking why my head hurts all the time, also electrocytes, they’re with blood, i understand everything, let’s get a gas analyzer. look at the testimony, it’s 20 times more, and this is in a closed salon, let’s get out of here quickly, otherwise you, oh, listen, and you’ll already lose your mind, we see pink coloring of the skin of the dead, including the faces, this is due to the fact that carboxymoglobin gives the blood turned bright red, in just 7 minutes, the amount of time it usually takes to warm up a car, the concentration of carbon monoxide in the car exceeded the norm by 20 times. in the box itself , the indicators are slightly lower, gas fills a small volume of the cabin faster and remains there; in
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the garage itself there is at least minimal ventilation. when the gate is open , the co concentration in the cabin is three times higher than normal, in the garage it is five. the gas escapes into the street, but immediately creeps back into the garage. all clear? if the car is not warmed up in the garage, there are no harmful gases, and nothing threatens me. hmm, what are you will you do it in the garage if the car is not warmed up? well, as always, will you go to the cellar? yes, stop, i'll go first. yes, here you are, oh, you can breathe normally here. i told you. usually, vegetables rot and release carbon dioxide, so there is nothing to breathe in the cellars. what are you doing?
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“get behind the wheel, now i’ll show you where carbon monoxide goes, when the exhaust pipe is in a snowdrift, the gas will find a hole, but how are you, you have something to breathe, no longer, i don’t have it either, it’s not necessary to warm up modern cars for a long time, but if you still warm it up, then..." in the garage, not in a snowdrift, with an exhaust
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pipe in the wind, and if you feel sleepy, take a breath of fresh air, take a breath of fresh air, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, in our column absolutely everyone wins the question from the audience, we get interesting topics from you, you learn new things, share what worries you in a special form on the website, this is the question i will answer today. irina slutskaya from belarusian grodno asks what is more dangerous: treating trees with insecticides or eating the fruits afterwards with worms? let's figure it out. experienced gardener stanislav eremenko from magnitogorsk considers insects to be part of living nature, which does not need to be fought; he is even ready to share
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the harvest with pests. i’m not at all embarrassed by worms swimming in jars of... sweat - i don’t panic, i don’t say: ugh, i won’t drink this, but i removed the spoon and continued drinking. the worms that are found, for example, in cherries and plums are the larvae of adult pests that lay eggs in the fruit. here, we can primarily name the cherry fly, which belongs to the order diptera, damages cherries and sweet cherries. the cherry elephant, a small shiny bug named for its peculiar trunk, also loves berries. the plum is eaten by another insect, the plum or eastern european codling moth, a gray butterfly with brown spots on the wings to prevent them from spoiling the harvest, summer residents set traps using just ordinary masking tape, i wrap it around the bottom of the trunk in a circle, as wide as possible, then he spreads glue on the tape from
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insects and mice, and then fruit moths and others stick to it. i couldn’t try anything on it last year, because it just happened that these ugly insects ate them, so if you don’t treat them, just imagine, you won’t
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try anything, insecticides are divided into four classes, the first two , the most toxic, are used only in... in industrial production. at dachas and garden plots, only drugs of the third and fourth classes in terms of danger are allowed to be used. in general, insecticides are, of course, more effective, because they destroy insects, and homemade solutions only repel, but it is important to take precautions, wear a respirator, protective overalls, special glasses, gloves, tarpaulin or rubber boots, and after processing the garden , you need all the clothes. wash with laundry soap and soda, of course, spraying should be stopped a certain time before harvesting, then everything from the fruit will have time to evaporate , be washed off by rain, and the residue can be easily removed with running water. if we strictly follow these regulations, read the instructions carefully, which is attached to each preparation, then
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there is no danger for plants, for the environment, including from the point of view of residuals, there is no amount of pesticides in the resulting products, if you do not violate the processing instructions and wash the fruits before eating, there is no need to be afraid of insecticides, but should i worry about accidentally eating worms? in fact, they do not cause any harm to the body and dissolve in gastric juice, but the danger is different: damaged fruits quickly deteriorate, damage is usually visible this way: and drive away the worms you can immerse the crop in salt water. uninvited guests will emerge from their hiding places and emerge, and you will be able to enjoy the wonderful summer flavors without fear. ryan reynolds loves to troll his wife blake lively and best friend hugh jackman.
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george clooney made fun of matt damon, but he himself fell for brad pitt's prank. among the stars. they most often choose prank fans from their colleagues as objects. in show business news we talk about celebrities who cannot live without jokes. the most famous in hollywood are frenemis, this is the name given to friends who play enemies in public: hugh jackman and ryan reynels. they recently starred together in the film deadpool and wolsamach, which will be released worldwide at the end of july. the comic confrontation between the actors began on the 15th and will not let her friend be offended. ryan and scarlett eventually divorced, but ryan and hugh are friends and still constantly tease each other on social networks, call it a war of pranks.
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for example, one day jackman and his friend jake gyllenhaal invited reynolds to a party, saying that everyone would come in stupid clothes. christmas sweaters. naturally, only rain appeared in such an outfit. friends, we were happy to capture this moment and the photo of the embarrassment spread around the internet. reynels himself plays the role most often. jackman as deadpool, for example, in the first film he wore a cardboard mask with hugh’s face, and once in the costume of his hero he interfered with a friend’s recording of a video for social networks. ryan also loves to prank his wife blake lively. he often posts an unfortunate photo of his wife with the caption “my wife has no filters,” and once congratulated her on her birthday birth using a photo where half of her face is cropped. lively is out of debt. on her husband’s birthday, she posted a photo where he was almost invisible. but another ryan gosling in all his glory. the same technique was used by chris prat, who decided to make fun of his colleague jennifer lorens. during the pre-tour of their joint film passengers, he posted
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pictures in which lawrence was barely visible, or she turned away. the actress took revenge on prat when, on the jimmy kimela show, she painted a bus with black paint with a portrait of the actor. kimal himself has been in a long-running comic feud with matt damon. it all started back in 2005, when... the host, finishing an unsuccessful episode of his evening show, said: “sorry mat damon, but the broadcast time is up.” the actor was not supposed to participate in that program, and his name simply came to kimala's mind first. and since then , he ended many episodes with this phrase, when damon finally came to the show, sat down in the chair, kimal uttered his signature phrase and ended the broadcast. then they constantly teased each other both during the program and outside of it. the most recent prank was at the oscars, which... at the end of the show, anatomy of a fall star messi the dog marked matt damon's star on the hollywood walk of fame. his friend george clooney once made fun of damon. when they
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were preparing to film treasure hunters, damon went on a diet, but every time he put on his workout pants, they got narrower. it turned out that clooney persuaded the costume designers to sew in his pants by a couple of centimeters every week; clooney himself was played by a friend. his famous buddy, brad pitt. he sent letters to the entire crew of the film ocean's 12, in which he said that clooney was working according to the stanislavsky system, and in order to get used to the role, he asked them to call him only mr. ocean and not look him in the eyes. the actor, having revealed the prank, immediately took revenge on his colleague. he pasted an obscene sticker on pitt's car , and brad was even stopped by police, to whom he had to justify himself. once upon a time clooney on behalf of pete from... this is show business news today,
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marina kazantseva was with you, see you, smiled, it means she recognized her, she smiled, it means she was real. they recognize, love, remember, appreciate, truly. bsb is a bank for the real thing, they wanted to take away my sneakers, i took them off, and i’ll go in what we’ll come up with, they live by the laws. we should pay for the horn, that’s our way, but you’re an intelligent young man, we are the street,
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we are the street, we are the street, we are the street, we are the street, they fall in love according to the laws of the streets, if you want i ’ll sing you something about love, change our hearts demand, we’ll tear out our legs, let’s pass the bride, yeah, they’re fighting. according to the laws of the streets, boys kick they don’t beat you, because the power, vova, is in the people, the youth brochki, the three musketeers have seen enough and you think everyone is there for one and they die according to the laws of the streets, well, what got you there, forgive me, the boys don’t apologize, the boy’s word, blood is on asphalt, the most anticipated television premiere of the year, from monday at 23:00 on ntv. hot spot, new season, from tuesday at 20:00 on ntv. it is important to treat leg pain, swelling, and symptoms of vuricosis from the inside. troxactiv tablets.
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cream dye, rich color, no gray hair, protection against damage, strong shine of dyed hair, ate, hair like after a salon. when sore joints become obstacle to a comfortable life, use ambien drugs, which bioactively solve joint problems and take care of you like those closest to you. ambien preparations for active joints. the morning continues, the best. let's ask the chef about a new recipe. we have the right to receive legal assistance. let's go to armenia and eat khash with federico arnaldi. as a child, when i ate pasta with a sandwich, my mother told me that you are so stupid about eating bread and bread. although, when i ate a sandwich with a school cutlet, no one said anything
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to me. i didn’t say that, now i understand that the bread in that cutlet was normal, but it was tasty, so now from time to time i make myself such a nostalgic sandwich, bread with bread, or rather bread with meat loaf, we prepare a nostalgic sandwich, meat bread is deservedly loved by many, because it is an excellent alternative to cutlets and... sausage, and it’s also very easy to prepare, let’s go, first of all i take minced meat, add an egg, breadcrumbs, add quite a lot of breadcrumbs, per kilogram of minced meat there are approximately 200 g of crackers, and milk powder, this is my life hack, regular milk will add a lot of excess liquid, and milk powder will add the right milky taste, good.
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i knead it like dough, after this the minced meat should be allowed to brew so that the moisture that is in the meat in the egg is absorbed into the bread and the bread swells, good. i kneaded the meat, set it aside, let the minced meat sit, then chop all the ingredients that will be needed to make the bread, bell pepper, cut into small cubes, onions, i also cut the onion into a medium cube, send it to the pepper, i will also send pistachios here, i won’t do anything with them, if there are no pistachios, you can use them. oak or walnut, or you can do without nuts at all. for flavor, juiciness and fat, i will cut brisket, brisket or bacon, see what you like best here, i cut everything into approximately
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the same cube. for some piquancy i'll add some olives, if you like, you can use capers or pickles instead of olives. be sure to try the ingredients, to understand how much salt they will add to the minced meat, only after we add all the ingredients will we lightly add salt to the minced meat. well, the filling or flavor enhancer for the bread is ready. now the next step: we take the minced meat and divide it into two unequal parts, i put the smaller part aside, it will come in handy a little later, so i put all the filling into the larger part of the minced meat, mix everything well, now i take... a baking dish, one part i put the minced meat that was set aside in advance on the bottom, i lay out the minced meat with the filling, but everything needs to be packed more tightly, to avoid lumps and air bubbles,
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i put minced meat on top without additives, but if i put minced meat with additives on top, it won’t look very nice, they will most likely burn. and so we will have meat loaf with a beautiful golden brown top crust, i level everything with a knife, give it a shape slightly reminiscent of a loaf of bread, now everything is very simple: i take a baking sheet or baking dish, put our shape with the future meat loaf there, pour in water, not a baking dish, into a baking tray and send the bread bake for an hour and a half in the oven, temperature 108. even without looking at the clock, but looking at the meat loaf, i see that it is already ready, let's take it out, so here it is,
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wonderful meat loaf, well, in general, it doesn't look like bread, it looks like a big beautiful piece of meat, i specially prepared creamy horseradish for it, i love it, horseradish. black with seeds, it’s just very cool, i cut off a larger piece, and why waste time, cut off a piece of meat bread, the usual bread with a generous amount of creamy horseradish, still hot meat on top bread, well, maybe a little greenery, so that the dish immediately turns into a useful and healthy one. i got such an unusual, brutal, beautiful, and most importantly delicious sandwich. well, if you want even more amazing recipes for fantastic sandwiches, be sure to visit the kitchenarf website. i assure you, you will find a lot of interesting things for yourself. well, with this i say goodbye to you, my name is grigory
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mosin. see you, may the salt and pepper be with you. people ask us: i heard that from april 1, 2024 , a law will come into force according to which regional authorities will be able to establish temporary restrictions on the retail sale of alcoholic beverages, so -called nalivayki or glass shops, which are located in apartment buildings. how will this affect ordinary citizens? if you drink at home, then no way. back in february, the state duma adopted a law providing for the rights of regional ones. stay limits the operation of so-called liqueurs, places of retail sale of alcohol in apartment buildings, well, in particular , regional authorities will be able to prohibit the retail sale of beer and a number of things on their territory other low-alcohol drinks in such
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eateries. there were a large number of complaints from residents of apartment buildings, people complained that liqueurs act as shops during the day, and sell alcohol at night, attracting social visitors from all over the area, there is noise and disorder. prevent their residents from living peacefully. now regions will be able to set requirements regarding the sale of beer, cider and other alcoholic beverages in restaurants, bars, cafes, buffets, and also limit the time. sales of alcoholic beverages at public catering outlets, well with the exception of restaurants located in apartment buildings in adjacent areas. the constituent entities of the russian federation already have the right to restrict the sale of strong alcohol products, you and i know this. now, after making the decision to ban livayek, its regional authorities will have every opportunity to restore order in this area. some. experts and deputies believe that nalivayki are a new evil
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in modern russia and are simply getting people drunk. in addition, in drinking places there is an accumulation of criminal elements. if you look at it, people, especially men and women , rarely come to such establishments not for a drink, but for communication. you can drink in the kitchen, in the garage, some people manage to drink in their parked car, for which they are then deprived of their driver’s license. so this is what it is. subsidies and benefits,
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the most delicious khash in armenia is hidden high, high in the mountains, well, at least that ’s what my sources say, and by the way, my sources also told me that the road to khash is very, very picturesque, let’s see, we ’re going up to the very high mountain of armenia, aragats, 3,200 m above sea level, and along the way we admire these sugar mountain peaks with picturesque landscapes. we take a photo of the ancient ambert fortress, built back in the 7th century, and walk along the alley, what is it called? alley of the armenian alphabet. can you imagine
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what a strong love the armenian people have for their language and alphabet. it is so strong that in honor of the 1600th anniversary of the alphabet , this monument was erected to it. and by the way, this is not surprising, because the armenian alphabet is one of the oldest in the world, this is the first second, this is not just an alphabet. these symbols are not just letters, they are also numbers. remember? as the romans wrote, yes, for example, in is five, here it’s about the same thing, that is, imagine, the first letter of the alphabet up to the ninth symbolizes exactly from one to nine, then there are tens, 10, 20, 30 and so on, after then there are hundreds, 100, 200, 300, and then there are thousands, thousands and so on, that is, using different combinations of these letters you can create dates, mathematical formulas, codes. this is not just an alphabet, it's a whole
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space. and the favorite activity of tourists here is to find the armenian letter for their initials and take a photo with it. why are we any worse? well, finally, the most important letter: the first letter of the main armenian treat, khash, for the sake of which we climb higher, higher and higher. and now, finally, we are at our goal, it is here, on the shores of glacial lake kari, at an altitude of 3200 m above sea level, that the best khash in armenia is prepared all year round. the main thing that is required when cooking khash is patience. the second secret is ox legs, you need them. medium, meaty. and the third secret is water, mountain, pure. and
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the air is the same. and then nothing complicated. place it on the fire and cook over low heat for 24 hours, without salt or seasoning, skimming off the foam. until it works out, here is this fatty, fatty milky hash, which, as it turned out, you still need to be able to eat. we must first get the meat from here. oh, we need to get it, yes. true, it can hardly be called meat, but... how much collagen, alera, take out the bones, tendons, cartilage, put it there, cover it with pita bread, cover it, on that side, cover it like this. only now in khash is added with salt and chopped garlic, that is, each eater does it according to his own taste, koroshin there is lavash, this is dried lavash, i really like all the dishes that are like a construction set, where there is a whole ritual in order to prepare for eating,
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gorging, eating, gorging, i’m a foreigner, you understand, the foreigner finally ... is silent, because the time has come to appreciate one of the most iconic armenian treats, how delicious, friederika, very fatty, very nutritious, even if for now we only eat broth without meat , all anyway, he eats it early in the morning, so wait, you are now using the pita as a napkin, like this is how it is here, but don’t worry, the surprises don’t end here at all, it feels like... i’m eating liquid jellied meat, yes it is, it’s practically just collagen, yes, that’s why you look so young, maybe so, i breathe the air here, i eat fish here, i cut sheep here, i eat it, for this to stay, here ’s the secret of eternal youth, fresh mountain
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air and khash, this is armenia, this is genuine pleasure, feeling the taste of coffee. jardin colombia medellin from selected arabica beans, which have revealed the aroma in the author's roasting, filled with colombian passion, a pleasure to feel, authentic. uralsip is a bank for business, and we work on the principle of all or nothing.
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i didn’t play it safe, i don’t like these dances on the graves, they killed him with my fitter, he pressed you tightly, you want you to fight on his side, you’re the one who will circle him, i told the truth, then you can do what you want, arseny robok, hot spot, new season, from tuesday at 20:00 on ntv, tires can be found conveniently and quickly, there is a search by car brand! navito heartburn can cause a lot of discomfort, but it can be stopped; one capsule of rabdiprazole north star in the morning helps fight heartburn all day. the northern star trusts us. in a crowded place there is appetite. only dad will tame it. eating a door
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meeting today at 14:00 on ntv. about the weather for today. hello. in the far east , snow and wind are increasing in chukotka. it is still restless in kamchatka, in the kuril islands, and in the south of the mainland there is only light rain. warming precipitation is carried by a cyclone from siberia, and there is a cold period, in irkutsk it is still up to +15, tomorrow it will be +10, under the cold, sharp wind and precipitation the rest of the south will quickly cool down, in the urals, on the contrary, warming is ahead, in yekaterinburg +6 with rain, tomorrow no precipitation and +1, in orenburg stable up to +15, in some places rains, there shouldn’t be any tomorrow, which means it will be at least a little easier for rescuers in incredibly difficult conditions. words cannot describe what the streets of orenburg villages have become, movement is only possible by boats, hundreds of people are evacuated here every day, and animals are not forgotten.
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a new wave of abnormal heat is in the spotlight in european territory. in the middle zone, the temperature approaches 25 , mostly sunny, rains on the volga, and it’s cooler there, about 15. by the way, in the south it could also be warmer, but so far the maximum is +25, the black sea is not higher than twenty, the reason is the sharp wind and cool air currents. from turkey, there is virtually no precipitation, and the focus in the region is on increasing fire danger. and the northwest is turning to cool, in st. petersburg tomorrow it will be +10, and today it will be 20-21, but in the afternoon there will be rain and thunderstorms. in moscow during the day there is no precipitation and +22. this is the peak. tomorrow +18. we wish you the best morning. next in the program. we identify the symptoms of the disease with your doctor. let's make pearl barley salad together with yulia vysotskaya. let's get acquainted with the miracle news with sergei malozemov, let us once remember the people's artist roman viktyuk. good morning,
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the program your doctor is on air and here we are talking about the right medicine, with the right doctors. hello, alexey evgenievich, hello, daniylevich, i’m very glad to see you. on our show, alexey evrgenovich, i would like to talk to you about a problem that is now very, let’s say, very common, many people repeat the problem of stress, they say, i have stress, that ’s what stress is, sometimes it even starts to make me nervous when everyone around says i have stress, you think maybe you have stress too, it’s just that you don’t talk about it, everyone says: i’m stressed, that’s why everything is falling out of my hands, everything is going badly. such a one-word excuse: i have stress, do i really have it? well, of course there is stress, and you and i, as
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doctors, understand and deal with it every day. the concept is broad, and there is positive stress, which helps to reveal the potential of the individual, human development, and there is negative stress, which inhibits activity, negatively affects... the mental and physical state of a person, well, which in general prevents us from living seriously, which we must fight if possible. is there any medical definition of what stress is? well, formally, with stress there is a physiological definition, when it is tension, which is caused by certain hormonal changes, psychophysiological changes, well, the feeling of heartbeat, for example, an increase in blood pressure, a disturbance. digestion, but these are some private manifestations of stress, in a medical, i would say, in a psychological psychiatric
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sense, stress is... sometimes activity is maintained, but for this you have to pay with physiological resources, increased pressure, most often, diseases of the heart, intestines, skin, the whole,
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the world, the world with a huge amount of information, information periodically causes such psychological pressure, frustration, before, no one did this i didn’t know anything, because information did not spread at such a speed, probably this is also of great importance, that is, we live in conditions of chronic - such nervous tension, is it stress or not stress, i i think this is stress, also stress, i think that all this is stress, you say that
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we have to strain our brains, this is one of the powerful physiological factors that provokes stress, this is a large amount of information that cannot be processed, great responsibility, here from a physiological point of view, the key elements of stress are these, if we expand our situations further, we can look at what stress affects, changes in social conditions, listen, well, that's all... and you can see the change social situations have a colossal impact on people’s lives, another moment, psychological, how the relationships have become more complicated, and if you used to, say, my ancestors were there somewhere, well, in general, peasants lived, and there, at best , was the headman or someone from the beginning, but now if we count the number of bosses only from whom
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information about instructions comes, then it becomes creepy, i... see these people who are sometimes forced to coordinate the instructions of different bosses, and people tell me: i start working after 6 pm, because from 10 before 60 i am simply engaged in coordination, some additional movements, naturally, this causes what we call frustration, that is, annoyance, dissatisfaction with the situation, which is physiologically and psychologically expressed as stress, we have a system of meanings, a system of values, we have some skills that we can use, and there are those that we cannot use, it is no coincidence that they talk about the subconscious, yes, what is it, and the subconscious is some of those skills, abilities, instincts that we did not realize in the course of our development, we are not we were taught to resist, or we were not taught to respond to threats with dignity, or we were not
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taught to ask for forgiveness, sorry. so it can be translated as some flexibility, when a person is faced with a stressful situation, and comes out of there like a bully, what is called a newborn, and he is just born, you understand, it’s simple, during the war there was an appearance during the patriotic war ivan terkin, sociable, communicative, never discouraged, great,
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thank you very much alexey evgenievich for really. raised a very serious topic, i think this topic is absolutely endless, you can talk about it, discuss it from different sides endlessly, the topic of stress, the topic of finding. us in the modern world, and how can we learn to live with it, we are unlikely to be able to overcome stress, we need to learn to live with it, find in it, probably, a positive, a positive way out of every situation, thank you very much, i would like to wish you all psychological health, including, and see you again. you and i are not just having a salad, i take the amount of pearl barley that we need you will need today, crumbly, just like a grain to a grain, i add
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capers here, i had these capers in vinegar, i drained them, a tablespoon of capers, olives, i separate them into such large pieces, you know, it’s all to taste, if you like - more of that olive taste, then you can at least add, i don’t know, 20 pieces, sun-dried tomatoes in oil, i just removed the excess oil, cut them into small pieces like this, and of course the greens, i chopped the greens and i need to cut them, now here we chopped up the greens. added greens here, i also need a small piece, half of a medium-sized sweet red onion, cut into
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slices like this, into a bowl. i pour vinegar over this beauty, i have apple cider vinegar, but you can take wine vinegar, white vinegar, or you can take cider vinegar, let it marinate for a while while the onions are pickled, this way the excess anger goes away from it and it becomes more tender, crispy and crispy. you don’t know that much, well, i would say it smells so persistently like onions knows how, in the meantime we have... the beans are ready, throw them in a colander and rinse
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with very, very cold water so that they do not lose this beautiful emerald color, but at the same time so that they are soft, beans. let's squeeze it out, like this, cut it in half like this, at the same time for you, look, how you can see how she is, see how tender she is. so, the beans go here along with all the other ingredients, of course, for the dressing we definitely need olive oil and a little lemon juice. about two tablespoons, salt to taste, pepper to taste, pickled
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red onion, squeeze lightly, a little vinegar won’t hurt here, which is with the onion, now everything is, oh, how beautiful it is, and how healthy it is, and how tasty it is, mix, and now we just have to add here that pumpkin that we baked, so we lay it all out, well, this is how you are going to serve it, it just seems to me that there should be such a flatter container, so that, firstly, all the ingredients are visible, yes, so that they are somehow visually pleasing our taste buds, a person eats first of all with his eyes, then it’s just... and the taste really comes on, here is our pumpkin, and we add caramel tanned pieces of sweet juicy pumpkin
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, carefully distribute them and voila, a wonderful dish on the table, everything is ready, a miracle of technology is on the air, a program in which... i , sergey molozyomov and my team, we test everything on ourselves. get rid of back pain and improve it.
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let's check if the roller will help muscovite maria bolyasnikova, she recently created her own brand of scented candles and makes them in the kitchen, she sits a lot, her back started to ache, making making candles on average takes me 3-4 hours a day, most of the time, the most painstaking part is cutting the wax, grinding it, mixing the scents, and of course my back gets numb and tired, because i do it either... in tension, or standing in a bent position. maria takes breaks to warm up, but the pain remains. before using the roller, we’ll check to see if our heroine has any serious illnesses. by the way, the seller is silent about the fact that the accessory may not suit someone. and, judging by recent research by german scientists, the list the contraindications for such tripods are quite extensive. injuries, osteoporosis, severe scoliosis, spinal deformity.
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there is pain, no, here, it’s unpleasant, uh-huh, because it’s tense, more, more on the right, here, it seems to me, on the left, on the left, here, yes, it hurts, yes, yes, to make sure there are no pathologies of the spine, a neurologist marina kleptsova orders an x-ray for maria, you and i see that there is kyphos here, so... the spine is curved to the side, this is called scoliosis, well, there is a manifestation of osteochondrosis, this is in principle, the changes are acceptable, there is nothing catastrophic or critical, maria’s doctor did not find any contraindications for working with the roller, and now she will try to do everything according to the instructions, go over the most painful points, most often the discomfort in the back is not caused by the spine itself, the attachment points hurt muscles to bones, tendons. for a week, i used it only
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on my back, i moved it from the top to the bottom, it was not very comfortable, when rolling along the spine, what kind of sensations were there, not always pleasant, in some places even painful ones, rehabilitation doctor vasiliev, who from... uses similar simulators when working with patients, is not surprised, in his opinion, the back cannot be treated with such a roller, it was simply created for someone else, and it is inconvenient because here, well, it’s like a back the spine is conditionally in the active phase , it is definitely not relaxed, that is, you have to keep the body in a tense state, that is, we cannot give a relaxing procedure to a tense muscle, that is, they do not interact, so a... this
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can spasm them even more . main area of ​​application - muscles that are difficult to work and relax yourself, with massage or exercises, for example, the lateral or front surface of the thigh, calf muscles. some doctors, such as american physiotherapist daniel weiss, even believe that using such manipulations in the lumbar area is potentially dangerous. the roller can harm the facets.
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pain, it is better to use the roller not to treat anything, but before or after training , due to muscle relaxation, the joints become more mobile, they are more active synovial fluid is produced, which lubricates and reduces friction. in itself, the exercise machine can be a good addition to exercise, but advertising describing its capabilities for treating the back and neck clearly distorts reality. not a miracle. one morning on ntv, i’m sergey mayorov, hello, i ’ve talked with roman grigoryevich viktyuk many times. we could talk for a long time, he literally paralyzed me with his intellect. as soon as i slightly revived myself to insert some, in my opinion, appropriate quote, he would immediately finish the sentence and casually throw out: "don't be smart." but when i first received the national television taffy award,
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viktyuk was the first to call and said: “don’t stop smiling.” the history of the memory of roman viktyuk today in the “once upon a time” project. roman viktyuk has always been sharp not only in the russian language, but also in the dramatic language. men with makeup, in thongs and feathers, women in rigid , brutal corsets excited the theater community from tokyo to new york. even there, critics called viktyuk scandalous and provocative, and the public voted in rubles, or pounds, yens and dollars. i’ll tell you the main feature: a new actor came. or a new actress, he was appointed to the play, rehearsals began, he said: you will definitely be naked in this performance, he looked at the reaction, there were actresses who did so and said, no, this will not happen, someone undressed right there and then, right now, you won’t, but
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now, naked, this is such a provocation that he always did in order to liberate the actor, this does not mean that as a result this actor appeared naked, it is important that his nature, his physics and his psyches were tuned to this openness, because he believed that sexual energy is the energy that brings the actor to the stage, which is transmitted to the viewer, and which makes the theater absolutely unique. considering that you are, in fact, a holatea, when it...
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theater - look for some kind of psychological performances that can still be felt as, forgive this word, infernal, that is, still make it clear that the most everyday story, it exists in the space of the universe, that is, people live small, but... no one has canceled space. today , another mysticism is happening on the stage of the roman viktyuk theater, a new galaxy is being created. honored artist of russia, director dmitry bozin adjusts the light, sound and his mood before the evening
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performance "scorpio". for the first time, a native of beshkek, who grew up in a siberian village near tyumen, was noticed by roman viktyuk as a gitis student when he was at the institute... we are playing dostoevsky, come, we’ll show you. he was late, as always, my partner said that she had to run and disappeared. viktyuk has arrived i'm sitting. the teacher is sitting, i say: but my partner has left, i don’t know, but he says:
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so play for two, so i, jumping from one point to another, play alyosha, then her, then alyosha, then her, teacher mine looks with such eyes, doesn’t believe it, viktyuk said, i didn’t doubt it, then naturally he said that i played disgustingly, but... that is, i played like a dog, and then in chomsky’s office he asked me to read something from excerpts according to the speech, i read bunin, at first he said: “no, no, no, you’re telling me words, as you have memorized, and you have to, well, if something happens, you cut it out, and you have to say between words, well, you understand, i would like you to..." you just have to understand what this is and
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this is between how- now it’s easy for me to understand, accept, hold this kind of thinking pause, and then he seemed to break what was given to me into pieces, that’s how he broke into some components into atoms, my then... misunderstanding. 1995 dmitry bozin, leading actor of the roman viktyuk theater. not a single premiere was complete without his participation. viktyuk made sure that his student forgot everything that professor pavel chomsky once taught him in gitis. i looked at the butterfly, i saw the maids. i understood that this is a powerful director who... thinks in a historically interesting way, the magical structure that i saw in the maids in m ​​buttery
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was desirable to me from within, i was constantly looking for opportunities in gitis to encounter poetic and magical theater. portraits of dmitry bozin today decorate the corridors, staircases and faye of the theater; ladies from eighteen and older eat. strawberries with sparkling wine underneath at all times tuned in to the powerful energy of the upcoming action, some gloatingly called it a highly artistic striptease, others a striptease of human souls, they whispered on the sidelines why did viktyuk choose the father of a large family, dmitry bozin , as his favorite? i was able to dive very deeply into the improvisational flow, and viktyuk was then improvising. i was very interested in him, who at some stage was considered simply totalitarian, from the turn
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of his head to the movement of his finger, everything was choreographed by him, then suddenly he was our entire team started training for an instant dive somewhere where you weren’t going to end up, and it worked, do you remember his last words? unfortunately, there were no words, because we couldn’t reach him for a month, and he was lying there, it was impossible, they said that if we called him, it could, well, turn him off instantly, but we still hoped that he would return, he stayed look when you boiled, in anger or in admiration, did you say something to him?
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roman viktyuk had several muses: lyudmila gurchenko, elena obraztsova, vera vasilyeva, valentina talyzina, alla dimidova, margarita terikhov, for margarita borisovna's daughter anna, the maestro became a godfather in the world of theater and cinema. we'll find out what it's like to be a student of the great vikchuk tomorrow morning in the once upon a time project on ntv. i'm sergey mayorov, happily. in the lecture hall of the gazprom pavilion at the russia exhibition
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, leaders of art museums, scientific and restoration centers, specialized educational institutions, restoration artists and... and specialists discussed current problems of museum restoration. one of the topics was the state certification of museum restorers, the organizer of the discussion was the russian museum, where a strong school of scientific restoration has been formed and strong ties have been established with educational institutions. since legislation develops in its own way, and let’s say, museum practice develops in its own way, a certain inconsistency in point of view has arisen. restorers to work with the museum fund. has no right to admit uncertified participants in the discussion agreed that one of the most pressing problems today is the training of a new generation of restorers and
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transferring to them the experience of masters. modern technologies and connections are, of course, very important here. this kind of discipline, in general , a restorer, he combines in himself, if we are talking about works of art, an artist, a technologist, well, a scientist, yes, because you need extensive knowledge in the field of physics, chemistry, and so on, and a craftsman, because in the end it all comes down to here in manual labor, in the ability to perform some kind of operation, that is , science, craft and art, but it is difficult to combine these in one.
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restoration project, and such educational, they began to gather children from specialized universities, show master classes on how restoration is carried out, but today we understand that the need for obtaining such professional knowledge, openness of the restoration profession exists, today the greatest
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painting by karl brelow is being restored, the last day pompeii and master classes are also planned. including on the site of the russian museum. aims at the exchange of knowledge between experienced craftsmen and a new generation of restorers multifunctional social project poou gazprom friends of st. petersburg. it gives young professionals the opportunity to take part in preserving the revival of cultural and historical heritage and creating a modern urban environment. the project is also aimed at dialogue with restorers. as part of mentoring in restoration workshops, employees of the russian museum. show their work and tell how to restore the original appearance of works of art. most recently , the children were able to attend a master class on restoration of a painting and historical frame of bryulov’s painting the last day of pompeii. this year, by the way, several more such master classes for young restorers are planned. i am a restorer myself, i am studying to become a
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painting restorer, and it was very important for me to be in these workshops and to receive such a mentor.
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i have never seen her raise a hand to her son. what will a lie detector test show? there are hidden moments that he, perhaps, for reasons of correctness, does not want to talk about, but nevertheless less, this is beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on ntv. hmm, she smiled, which means she recognized it. he smiled, which means he was real. they recognize, love, remember,
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the surface, the apartments are checked in russia , it remains, just choose, transparent choice on avito real estate, take care of your sleep, melatonin north star, sleep well. stagnation of lymph can cause swelling. lymphatic transit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the company. spring is a time of cleansing, take lymphotransit. lymphatic transit helps cleanse the body by introducing toxins, as well as reducing swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the valar company. your spring update. and now about the weather for today. a cyclone is gathering clouds over chukotka. the further south you go, the calmer it is and the south is warmer. +12-17, vladivostok is behind, only +7 there. southern siberia is on
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the cold line. in krasnoyarsk today. in novosibirsk +6, tomorrow in these cities only +3, snow will be added to the rains, on the contrary, it is getting warmer in the urals, today there are still few places above +10, tomorrow almost everywhere, it will be steadily warm in orenburg, the rains will end, but the floods are not subsiding yet. on european territory, the weather is changed by a cyclone passing over the northern regions, there is precipitation, but it will finally get warmer, for another day it will protect the north-west and center from cold weather, but at its tail in kaliningrad there is now +13 rain, and in general there will be a drop accompanied by rain and thunderstorms. dry yaga is a very fire hazard, it adds fuel to the fire there is a sharp wind, and just like in seaside vladivostok, in sochi the sea is also cool. the further from the coast, the warmer it is. in st. petersburg today the maximum is +20-21, in the afternoon there will be rain and thunderstorms, in moscow there will be no precipitation and +22, this is the peak. tomorrow +18.
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flood situation in orenburg. the water is flooding more and more territories, entering houses where only yesterday it was dry, as the residents of this street say, that’s all. per day, the water rose by more than 20 cm. what is the situation in other flooded regions? our military struck in places deployment of the ukrainian armed forces in the artyomovsk direction. they also attacked the enemy using the latest technologies. some admire, others fear and
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fiercely hate how a drone is. the lancet became the most formidable weapon on the amarma front.


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