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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 10, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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glad to see you, yes i ran, ran, the situation with floods in orenburg, the water is flooding more and more territories, entering houses where yesterday it was dry, as... the residents of this street say, in just 24 hours the water has risen by more than 20 see what is the situation in other flooded regions? our military attacked the locations of the ukrainian armed forces in the artyomovsk direction. heavy snipers also work at a distance. if we are talking about urban
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development, the distances are minimal, about the work of snipers of the pacific fleet on south donetsk direction. report by sergei pikulin. british foreign minister cameron came to the united states to ask for money for ukraine. david cameron better take care of his country, and frankly, he might as well kiss me. is there any progress on this issue? exactly 80 years ago. soviet troops liberated odessa from the fascist invaders, as it was, by reviewing newsreel footage, archival documents, talking with historians, evgeniy golovanov studied. hello, welcome to information service of the ntv television company. in the studio of yulia bekhtareva. in orenburg, the water level in the ural river exceeded the critical level; at night it rose by 50 cm and now stands at more than 9.5 m. according to forecasts in...
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since yesterday i measured 70 cm around the house in the potential flood zone, now that is how much rose, it turns out that apartment buildings, residents of this microdistrict in the middle of the night, as the level rises, in just an hour +11 cm, the day before it came to conflicts, where the muddy rivers will flow to live. cottages decided to build a dam, residents
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apartment buildings tried to prevent this, the kamaz arrived, they continue to dig, the tractor is moving, the rapid rise of water has already caused new flooding, the kuznechna microdistrict is also called the old center of orenburg, now several streets here have gone under water, the name is like a mockery, the first lake, while sergey i wanted to get some groceries, and my wife was waiting at the second floor window, water came to their house, literally from the underground, just now. for about half an hour, maybe the water remains in front of our eyes, yes, well, an hour, yes, their neighbors, pensioners ponov, we also hoped until the very end that the water wouldn’t come in, it comes quickly, right now, it’s not clear from here or there, the water floods more and more territories, entering houses where yesterday it was dry, as the residents of this street say, in just a day , the water rose more than 20 cm, dacha areas. on the outskirts of the city, now
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we find ourselves even deeper in the water, we can talk like neighbors, before you could have it at the store, now you’re sitting in the boats, and why don’t you take the film to the store? no, vitali will go to the store, instead of roads, waterways, better transport, then, what can a neighbor take for buvs. they approached the assault on the water barrier tactically, the corporal is his call sign, a colleague in the northern military district, while he is fighting, he needs to be saved.
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the flood situation is becoming more complicated in the kurgan region. in the regional capital , traffic on several roads was restricted to strengthen dams. according to forecasts, the water level in the tabol river may exceed 11 m.
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it is not difficult to understand such persistence of the authorities’ rescuers, given the volume of water flowing towards the kurgan region, the region will be forced to release two waters at once reservoirs from kazakhstan and the chelyabinsk region. look how the shed was flooded, we were evacuated at night, that’s it, we arrived home there. we spent the night higher up, then we came here again to see how the situation would be, so what? well, as you can see, just as yesterday it was coming in meters, now it’s coming in centimeters. the settlement in which we are now located is located approximately 120
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km from kurgan, and it is one of the first to receive the blow of the elements. behind the flooded bridge there are two more large villages: ozerny and proryvnoye. transport links with them are already interrupted. lifeguard today. they will launch a floating conveyor on it that will deliver people to villages cut off from the mainland; it is designed to transport people or rescuers, as well as passenger equipment from the place of flooding, respectively, to safe areas, as well as for some kind of emergency evacuation of the population from flooded areas , with the help of this floating vehicle you can transport one vehicle and 40 people. affected population. a flood wave awaits in the regional center itself, there city ​​authorities held a meeting with representatives of management companies and homeowners associations. according to forecasts, it is expected that the city center will be flooded, flooded, flooded
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, apartment buildings will be flooded, and the chairman will have to convey this information to residents, as well as tell them how to act in case of emergency. during the dangerous period , several areas in the city are closed. several roads and bridges have been blocked, and today it became known that in the city, for the sake of safety , all planned hospitalizations will be canceled in city hospitals. julia: yes, thank you, take care of yourself, it was olga zenkova, she works in the kurgan region, where they continue to fight floods. russia is doing everything to ensure the safety of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, but not a single nuclear power plant in the world is designed to withstand the effects of fire. this is stated in the note that our country sent to the international atomic energy agency. russia asks the organization to condemn the terrorist attacks of the armed forces of ukraine on a nuclear facility and call on kiev to immediately stop them. chief magat confirmed receipt appeal and said that tomorrow
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the agency’s board of governors will hold a regular meeting. next week the topic will be raised at the un sophbiz. rafael grossi agreed that attacks on the nuclear power plant could lead to catastrophic consequences. true, he did not say who exactly applied them. in less than a week, ukrainian drones attacked the zaporozhye nuclear power plant five times, the dome of one of the reactors was damaged, and people were injured. and to the news from the northern military district zone in the artyomovsk direction, hail calculations in the group of troops south attacked the places of deployment in the ssu. the fire was adjusted by drone operators, who also confirmed the destruction of the target. there, in the artyomovsky direction, in the area of ​​chachovo yar, our tankers eliminated ukrainian artillery crews and a fortified ammunition depot. after which
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russian attack aircraft entered the enemy positions for final clearing. in the north donetsk direction, the su-25 crew hit ukrainian armed forces strongholds. unguided ammunition hits were performed at the given coordinates. confirmed the gunner. on in the southern donetsk direction , the so -called heavy snipers help the advancement of russian attack aircraft. these are those who hit targets from large-caliber rifles at a distance...
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this is koschey, the call sign was not given because of his appearance, several times he got out of such troubles that his colleagues joked that maybe the secret really is in the chest, in which there is a hare, a duck and so on along the chain until the needle itself, according to kashchei, a modern sniper is a universal weapon, can hit targets or aim at them. beat them, or evacuate the wounded. in inhabitant, when there is dense construction around,
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the distance is reduced to a minimum of 200-300 m. yes, the third house, range 820, you see, i observe, you can work. without such guys, it’s not easy for assault squads to advance; they can’t do without a couple of snipers. sergey pekulin and alekdzhanov, ntv, south donetsk direction, special operations. american lawmakers demanded that the biden administration report how much money the united states plans to spend on military support for ukraine. members of both houses of congress said that in march of this year, costs for the needs of kiev exceeded expected performance. as it turned out, the white house simply did not account for expenses of at least 680 million. the figure over the decades was completely shocking. we are talking about an amount of 300 billion dollars, as they read in congress, the white house transferred under...
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it is still unknown how much the kiev regime will be financed further. the republicans in congress did not come to a consensus, even the head of the british foreign ministry began to beg for money , however, cameron was explained in an accessible form that he had better deal with the problems of his kingdoms. alexey vasilovsky will continue: over the past four months, this is the second visit of the head of british diplomacy, david cameron, to washington, pursuing the same goal. persuade republicans to allocate money to ukraine as quickly as possible. in december 2023, the british minister left the american capital with nothing. now it looks like he has nothing to boast about again. i didn't come here to teach anyone or tell anyone what to do to interfere in the political process in the united states. i came as a great friend and defender of this countries. i think that providing additional assistance to ukraine is in the interests of your security and your future. before the december visit. cameron made an even bigger mistake: he published an article in which he compared the slowness of the republicans
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in helping kiev with the western policy of appeasing nazi germany in the thirties of the last century, for which he received a spanking from the american right. he compared vasti to those who appeased hitler's policies, because you do not want to vote to support ukraine, that is, you appease putin. i really don't care what david cameron says, i think it's rude name calling and i don't like that kind of language at all. david cameron better take care of his country. honestly speaking, he can even kiss me. now kemeren has decided to come separately to pay his respects to the republicans. on monday he held talks with donald trump, the british foreign office said that it is common practice before elections to meet with promising candidates for the us presidency. but details the conversation was not reported. but cameron’s meeting with the speaker of the lower house mike johnson, who has been refusing to bring the ukraine aid bill to a vote for several months, never took place. you could say it's gone. according to the version of that same kiss from margery taylor greene, the speaker did not find time to meet with the briton.
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it turned out that the press conference following the results of the new trip was exactly like the previous one, in content, and even in appearance, except for the british diplomat from december changed clothes. what i spoke about today at the capital meeting is that assistance to ukraine is not only a matter of european security, it is also in the interests of the security of the united states. cameron is no accident. then now focuses attention, first of all, on the benefits for their countries. in the united states , the majority of citizens do not want the state to allocate billions of dollars in tranches to ukraine when things are not going well for themselves. today it happened. it is known that the white house’s current request for assistance to ukraine for $60 billion is actually an advance, so supposedly the biden administration intends to ask congress for another $100 billion to kiev. i'm just trying to understand the overall volume of demand for this war addressed to the american people. it does not appear to be reflected in the current request, and a member of this committee has
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said that there may be another request for $100 billion. the head of the pentagon, to whom the question was addressed, did not elaborate.
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today is a memorable date in the history of the great patriotic war. exactly 80 years ago, the red army liberated odessa from fascist invaders. the city was under occupation for more than 2.5 years. during this time, tens of thousands of people died there. the complex operation to liberate odessa lasted 3 weeks. military chronicle and archives of the battle for odessa in the material of evgeny golovanov. among the hundreds of films with military chronicles of the great patriotic war in the storage of the state film fund there are captured ones. with little-known footage filmed by romanian cameramen during the years of occupation of odessa. hitler's attempts to take odessa in '41 were assigned to the allies, promising to give them part of ukrainian lands. romanian troops used heavy guns to shoot at the defensive structures on the outskirts of the city itself, turning it into ruins, through which supplies and evacuation of civilians took place. having entered the city, romanian soldiers marched in parade formation
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along the cobblestones, the street of occupied odessa, along destroyed and still burning houses, inspected and counted the trophies in the port.
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they were herded into four large wooden barns on the outskirts of the city, the barns were doused with kerosene , they were set on fire, the people in the barns threw everything away, they screamed and cried, but they all burned out. in terms of numbers, our troops that liberated odessa were slightly superior to the romanian-german ones, but by that time they were no longer fighting in numbers, but in skill and even cunning, when 67 marines under the command of senior lieutenant alshansky... landed on fishing boats in the port of nikolaev, delayed themselves and for two days, having repelled 18 attacks, they were held by significant nazi forces, almost all the paratroopers died and were nominated for the title of heroes of the soviet union, but... largely thanks to their feat, the main forces then we managed to take nikolaev and go to odessa. the battle of odessa became the most important stage of the entire dnieper-karat operation, after which the red army managed
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to cut off the supply of german troops in crimea, their fate was sealed. on april 10 , 1944, the whole country finally heard the voice of luvitan with the long-awaited news. moscow speaks. troops of the third ukrainian front. today is april 10th. captured an important economic and political center of the country, a regional city of ukraine and a first-class port on the black sea, odessa. on the day of the liberation of the city from the fascist invaders, along with victory day, odessa was always celebrated on a large scale, but after the coup in ukraine, this holiday, along with the symbols and attributes of victory , was actually banned. ukrainian.
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the booing corporation is again at the center of a scandal. this time, one of the engineers announced serious defects in the dreamliner fuselage. according to him, parts for the aircraft body began to be stamped by different manufacturers, because of this they are not the same shape, they have to be connected to each other force, as a result the material experiences increased stress and may collapse during flight. the engineer's revelation was published by the new york times, and he turned to journalists after his concerns were ignored by his hand.
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the marketplace paid for communication networks, then business news, marina pimenova is with us. marina, why do you need this? rostelecom believes that marketplaces are growing very quickly, and the money should be shared. rostelecom president mikhail asievsky invited marketplaces and other internet companies to contribute to development of telecommunications infrastructure. rbc writes about this. osievsky recalled that telecom operators have increased their fees for frequencies several times over. this money goes to a fund from which the construction of communication networks in small settlements is financed. at the same time, according to him, the cellular communications market is growing very slowly, in contrast to the marketplaces
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of other internet companies. but they complain that the president of rostelecom does not participate in the development of infrastructure. rostelecom also pointed out that internet companies are drivers of growth in both income digital market, so the load on the network. previously , russian post proposed collecting a so-called infrastructure payment from marketplaces. to support unprofitable post offices, needless to say that the marketplaces were against it? the russian stock market this morning is winning back yesterday's slight decline, the reason could be rising oil prices again, but it is not helping the ruble, the dollar has risen in price to 93.20, and the euro has broken through the level of 101 rubles. stores that opened in russia in place of zara and massimoduti last year increased sales, but still found themselves... in big losses, as rbc writes, the revenue of the new fashion company, which develops stores under the maak, dub, ecru and velet brands, grew to 21
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billion rubles in the twenty-third year. this is less than it was back in the pandemic of the twenty-first year, but more than twice the figure of the twenty- second year. which, however, is understandable, because the stores that belonged to the cis at that time, this is the former name of the new fashion, stood closed for a significant part of the year. in addition, if now under the management of a new fashion four brands. then zarsng managed only zara stores in russia. but even a noticeable increase in revenue did not save the new fashion from a net loss of approximately 5.5 billion rubles. this is due to the fact that, as rbc writes, the company’s expenses have increased significantly. julia, everything about economics. yes, marin, thank you, it was marina pimenova with business news, now we will take a break for a short advertisement, and in a couple of minutes we will talk about the big holiday that muslims across the country are celebrating today. don't switch.
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news, we continue broadcasting. today the islamic world celebrates the second most important holiday of eid al-adha. it marks the end of the holy month of ramadan. vladimir putin has already congratulated the believers. he emphasized that followers of islam carefully preserve the traditions of their ancestors, and muslim organizations in russia actively participate in the life of the country, educate the younger generation and support the participants of the northern military district. vladimir putin wished the believers health and success in everything. this morning, in honor of the holiday , solemn prayers were held throughout the country. the main service took place in the moscow cathedral mosque. nahid babayev visited there. the moscow cathedral mosque, like the surrounding area, was crowded with believers. thousands of people came here this morning to celebrate eid bayram. and among the visitors i saw, including diplomats from several muslim countries. before the start of the
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namaz prayer, he addressed the believers. we continue to pray for peace, for victory, for the blessing of the almighty, for the granting of peace to the whole world. once again i want to greet you with the words assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu, peace be upon you, the mercy of allah almighty and his blessing. the service began at 7:00 am moscow time. eid al-fitr is perhaps one of the main
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muslim holidays. it has been celebrated since since the time of the prophet muhammad, from 624. the holiday marks the end of lent. it is strict in islam, lasting 30 days, during which you cannot eat or drink during the day. truly, the month of ramadan is... that month in which every deed of a believer is multiplied 700 times, so every believer is in a hurry to do a good deed so that allah almighty will forgive him his sins and grant him and his family, his relatives, mercy. an important part of the holiday is the distribution of alms, al-fitr. in chechnya during the holy month of ramadan free bread was distributed, about 350 thousand people received food packages, and after ramzan kadyrov’s call to pay it off.
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fruits, vegetables and so on, well , there’s a lot of everything, it’s impossible to list it all; in several regions of russia, eid al-fitr has been declared a holiday, so you can have time to visit all your friends and relatives. nahid babaev, fatima dadaeva, ruslan nagoev and ilya khristinin, ntv. and that's all by this time. stay on ntv. stagnation of lymph can cause swelling. transit helps reduce swelling due to accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the company evalar. spring is a time of cleansing. take lymphatic transit. lymphatic transit helps cleanse the body by introducing toxins, as well as reducing swelling by
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accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the valar company - your spring renewal. and now about the weather for tomorrow, the european territory of russia will talk about temperature changes, first about the north. the most powerful cold we have is in the koma republic, even for it it is 10 degrees colder than expected, and there will be a further lag from the calendar still not so big, but this is due to strong winds and snowfalls, so there is little consolation, only in soktyvkar, plus there is rain there. and now about the cold snap, but for the north-west this evening together with a thunderstorm, tomorrow it will not be higher than +6 -12. in the center, the rain , mainly in the northern regions, the decrease in temperature will be prolonged and gentle to the climatic norm, this week it will not get colder, but... the volga region is still getting warmer, from nizhny novgorod and kazan to saratov +16:21 hardly without rain will it work out? in the south, rain is in the forecast only for the republics the north caucasus, being a great landmass, has a noticeable temperature range. krasnodar, given to rostovina.


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