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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 10, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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the level of the ural river in the orenburg region has exceeded a critical level, it is rapidly flowing , and instantly more than 700 people are killed.
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some are admired, others are afraid and fiercely hate how the disembodied lancet became the most formidable weapon at the front, omar magomed. these attacks could have a domino effect on the global energy landscape. the head of the pentagon pointed out to kiev that attempts to attack russian refineries do not suit ukraine’s western allies. and in the united states, for the first time , the parents of a teenager who organized an armed attack were sentenced to prison attack on a school. hello, you are watching the news on ntv, in the egor kalyvanov studio. so, kurgan, orenburg and tyumen are three regions where the emergency regime is in effect. vorenburg region, the disaster zone is now not orsk and its environs, but the regional center. over the course of a day , the ural river rose in the orenburg region by almost a meter. the critical point has long been overcome and the water is still rising. where yesterday it was dry, today there are stormy streams. only above abandoned villages. the barking of abandoned
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dogs can be heard. number of flooded houses in the region approaching 13. yesterday it was about 10,000. people continue to be evacuated from dangerous areas; more than 7,500 people have been evacuated. most left for relatives. some people wait until the last minute. as a result, the process looks less like a planned evacuation and more like a rescue operation. oar, give, oar, oar, hold, oar, in the disaster zone they make a barrier from sandbags and dig up old dams, sometimes holes have to be repaired when water is already pouring through them, not only private but also apartment buildings are sunk, residents of orenburg they say that some streets in the lowlands were flooded in less than 10 minutes, one wave, and the water is in the basements on the first floors, in five courtyards. this night in orenburg turned out to be
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restless; the day before , warning sirens were turned on several times in the city; evacuation from dangerous areas was reported on television. late in the evening, the water level in the ural river exceeded the critical level of 930 cm, which means that new areas of the city were flooded; during the next raid , maxim totska was no longer able to come out unscathed. where it is now arriving, we have now sailed, i got down, was able to open the gate, already when i swam out, i could no longer, i had already filled it up, i already had water in my eyes, but in our house yesterday it was like this, now it turns out to be waist-deep , yes, it is rising before our eyes, that is, how much has it risen in total, since yesterday, i measured 70 cm around the house, most of the inhabitants of this water world moved onto land even earlier, this time the authorities tried to remove at least the elderly from dangerous areas and children, builder finisher...
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mine is literally sweating, just now , in about half an hour, maybe the water is rising before our eyes , well, now, and their neighbors are pensioners ponova too. until the last moment we hoped that the water wouldn’t come in, it moves quickly, instantly, it’s not clear from here or there, the water floods more and more territories, entering houses where only yesterday it was dry, as the residents of this street say, in just a day, the water has risen by more than 20 cm, dacha areas on the outskirts of the city are now even deeper in the water, talk like neighbors, before it was possible at the store, now sitting in the boats, and you... they approached the assault on the water barrier tactically, the corporal is the call sign of a colleague in the northern military district, while he is fighting, it is necessary
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to save the property in his house, the operation is supported by air. oploskogo, pass eight houses, look, if the fence is not in the way, turn right, i’ll be there in a minute. i'm flying off to recharge, i accepted. the rescue of the laptop and furniture ended in victory; it is not clear when the truce with the water element will come; no one here doubts it, after the level rises water will easily capture new territories. mikhail chinov, igor akimov, ekaterina kostyukevich, nikolai tatsun, ntv, orenburg. and the water remains in the tabol river, in kurgan, but slower than before; the peak is expected in the second half of the week. much depends on how they will go. discharges in the reservoirs of kazakhstan upstream, in the bed of the tabol river, there are many so-called bottlenecks, they slow down the speed of the wave. now in the most flooded area of ​​kurgan , the water level has exceeded 9 m. in a good situation, the river will rise to 11 m, in a bad situation
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- up to 14. the scale of evacuation depends on these values. according to media reports , hundreds of thousands of people can be removed from the disaster zone according to plans. our correspondent olga zinkova. from a settlement that was one of the first in the kurgan region to encounter big water. according to regional authorities, the most difficult situation remains in the zverenogolovsky municipal district. we are now in the village of the same name and we see that the level in the tabol river is indeed constantly rising. houses on the first coastline are already flooded, people were evacuated from here. in advance, the day before , emergencies ministry employees went around the yards, warning about the danger, and they were especially alarmed in anticipation of a big wave here tonight. attention, forced evacuation has been announced, please collect documents and take them to a temporary accommodation center. it is not difficult to understand such persistence of the authorities’ rescuers, given the volume of water flowing towards the kurgan region, the region will be forced to release
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water from two reservoirs in kazakhstan and the chelyabinsk region at once. we were evacuated at night. that's it, we moved home there to a higher place and spent the night. and then they came here again to watch. how will the situation be, so what? well, as you can see, just as yesterday it was coming in meters, now it’s coming in centimeters. the village of zverenogolovskaya is located about 120 km from kurgan; it is one of the first to receive the blow of the elements. behind the flooded bridge there are two more large villages, ozerny and proryvny, which are no longer accessible by transport. today rescuers will launch a floating conveyor on which they will deliver people in villages cut off from the mainland. designed for transporting people or rescuers, as well as passenger equipment from the place of flooding, respectively, to safe areas, as well as for some kind of emergency evacuation of the population from flooded areas. with the help of this floating vehicle, you can transfer one personal unit of equipment and 40 people.
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a flood wave is expected in the regional center itself. city authorities held a meeting for representatives of hoa management companies. according to forecasts, the city center may be flooded and apartment buildings. the chairman must convey this information to. residents and tell them how to act in case of an emergency. during the dangerous period , several bridges and sections of roads in the city were closed, and for safety reasons, planned hospitalization in hospitals was canceled. olga zenkova, artemy epifanov, valeria proskuryakova, mtv television company. and to the news from the nwo zone. in the artyomovsky direction, the most difficult situation remains in the area of ​​​​the settlement of chasov yar. russian attack aircraft are advancing with constant support tankers and artillerymen. in particular , reactivity calculations. in the kherson region, upon arrival of four minibuses from the right bank of the dnieper, ukrainian units tried to rotate into positions with the ukrainian armed forces infantry. our scouts spotted them, and it was
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decided to launch a strike from the fagot anti-tank missile system. report on how ukrainian positions are being hit by lancet drone crews in the southern donetsk direction. the word lancet from latin can be translated as a spear or pike, and it is also a surgical instrument for opening abscesses, these days the word lancet is associated with a formidable weapon about effective...
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a reconnaissance drone flies deep behind enemy lines. composite material and special electronic filling easily bypass all electronic warfare systems of ukrainian formations. the operator notices a camouflaged howitzer. the target is captured and then lancet is sent. and this is footage of the destruction of the artillery position, which was not saved by the protective plates tightly placed in the network. with the advent of lancets and such scouts as the hall. became more efficient destruction of equipment than the same artillery.
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another advantage of the lancet is its high speed, the ability to maneuver in the air and even hover for a while; this crew accounted for about a hundred sorties and three dozen destroyed equipment. in this footage , the destruction of drones at the french-made caesar installation, drones hit the enemy not only on the battlefield, but against those who finance the war in the russian donbass. threat to global energy, as stated by us secretary of defense lloyd austin, spoke in favor of kiev's cessation of such actions. ukrainian drones have attacked several oil refineries in nizhny novgorod since the beginning of march. these attacks could
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have a domino effect on the global energy landscape. frankly, i think it is better for ukraine to strike at tactical operational targets, since they can directly affect the current hostilities . meanwhile, the united states transferred to ukraine a new batch of weapons: 500 kalashnikov assault rifles, machine guns, sniper rifles, grenades and more than 5,000 rounds of ammunition. this is a weapon was confiscated. the sender was the islamic revolutionary guard corps. today it became known that the european union court decided to lift sanctions from businessmen mikhail fridman and pyotr avin. both have been under european sanctions for more than 2 years. and why did you make this decision 2 years later? let's find out from denis talalaev. business news. egor, in short, the court considered that the sanctions were a mistake, but still , it is too early to say that the sanctions against... businessmen have already been lifted. the european court of justice ruled to withdraw
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sanctions against businessmen mikhail fridman and peter avin. he concluded that none of the reasons for the original designation were sufficiently justified. the court decided that the eu council did not prove that fridman and avin supported a policy that, quote: undermines and threatens the territorial integrity of ukraine. and also did not prove that they provided material assistance to government decision-makers who received benefits from them, however, as the kommersant newspaper notes, the eu council is not obliged to implement the court decision. both fridman and aven, being shareholders of the largest private bank in russia, alfa bank, found themselves under eu sanctions almost immediately after the outbreak of events in ukraine, on february 28, 2020. pyotr avin said in an interview with the financial times that the business he had been building for 30 years was completely destroyed. and now he... can't pay any bills, including the cleaning lady and the driver. last october , it became known that mikhail fridman had moved
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from great britain to israel, but because of the hamas attack, he flew to moscow. the businessman himself clarified that when everything calms down, he plans return to israel and live there permanently. the russian stock market today is recovering from yesterday’s slight drop, but the reason for this slight increase could be rising oil prices, but it does not help the ruble. the dollar has risen in price. to the level of 9319, the euro broke through the level of 101 rubles. the stores that opened in russia in place of zara and massimati increased sales, but still.
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this is despite the fact that now new fashion manages four brands, and zaara sng managed only zaara stores in russia. moreover, even this significant revenue growth in the past year did not save new fashion from a net loss of approximately 5.5 billion rubles. this is due to the fact that, as rbc notes, the company’s expenses have increased significantly. and again, if we compare it with the financial results of russian stores in 2020, then the comparison is clearly not in favor of those stores that.
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payments for classroom management in small towns will begin in april, including taking into account compensation for march. a court in michigan has sentenced the parents of a teenager who committed a school shooting. this is the first such decision in us history. in november in the year twenty-one, a fifteen-year-old student committed a shooting at a city school. oxford, then four people were killed and seven more were injured. the juvenile offender has already been sentenced to life imprisonment , and now his parents are in the dock. they were accused of keeping weapons in the open at home and not paying attention to their son’s unstable mental state, and alarm calls were made long before the tragedy, as the investigation found.
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the announcement of the verdict was broadcast on all american channels. nobody expects that the parents will be psychics, this is not a judgment due to bad parenting, a judgment for repeated actions or lack thereof that could stop an oncoming train, for repeatedly ignoring something that would make a reasonable person's hair stand on end. as a result, on charges of causing death by negligence, jennifer and james crumbley were sentenced to prison terms of 10 to 15 years, depending on their behavior in prison. next, watch the emergency program, marat sedego is with us. over to you, and egor, it’s established the identity of the man who shot police officers in the moscow region, thirty-four-year-old vasily buryakov, now one of the most wanted criminals in the country, he dealt with a local police officer and wounded a ugrozesk employee when they tried to detain him, then fled on a motorcycle towards tver, where the criminal is now hiding, unknown, the police
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warn that if you meet this person, you should not try to detain him. buryakov, as they say, is armed. very dangerous, what kind of person is this, what about him loved ones are responding, we’ll tell you about this in a few minutes. thanks to the state of emergency, further, well, i ’ll say goodbye to you for now, until the next news release at 16:00, see you, i came to work at a tasty point for a good salary, for stability, reliability. i found much more, come for a decent salary, stay for love, get to the point with work! and there will be no money, with a card, there will be money, now you can easily get up to 300,000 rubles for any purpose, spend it
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rostix. every week there are super discounts on your favorite hits only in the rostix app. there will be no money to be made. sazon card, there will be money. now you can easily get up to 300,000 rubles. spend them anywhere for any purpose. sazonkart. and there will always be money, on ntv, program emergency in the studio marat seddikov, we are live, today we must arrest the system administrator of a small metropolitan company that produces furniture, alexander smirnov is suspected of murder, he dealt with a casual acquaintance, they celebrated something together. right in the office, then they disagreed, and smirnov killed his opponent, and in a very strange way, having committed the crime, the administrator did not run away,
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but waited for the police from the scene of the event, diana kovando. on your forty-first birthday handyman alexander smirnov will remember this for the rest of his life. here he is in the footage of the investigative actions, still not really recovering from two days of drinking alcohol after a protracted holiday, looking down, trying to remember the details of that terrible night when he killed a man. you admit, you don’t admit, you admit partially, you admit partially, you want to testify, you don’t want to, yes, the investigators also had to wait for the detainee to sober up and be able to somehow connect the words in a sentence about his victim, nikita tsvetkov, who knew him all several hours, first he beat him half to death, and then he took some completely perverted measures in order not to leave any chance to his opponent, who was still alive, and filled his mouth with foam, which quickly penetrated into his breath. the path began to rapidly harden, one can imagine how the murdered man suffered, with each passing moment, feeling that he could no longer breathe. alexander smirnov committed the murder right at his workplace, he worked in a furniture
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company... these are ganks, this is the garden ring, the very center of moscow. here today.


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