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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  April 10, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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today in our program you are simply the best, we take our hats off. cover operation. the nord streams were blown up by ukrainians under the leadership of western intelligence services. was the biden family personally involved in the financing? a criminal case has been opened regarding the financing of terrorism. enemy dodge. a new nato headquarters will appear.
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hello, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, i am andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we are working live, we continue to monitor the situation with record floods, we will tell you they said, why is this all the time, i have some kind of mined part of the stage here, we told you the day before that today in the orenburg region the peak of the flood is expected, in general, for now it must be said that the situation remains very difficult, if we talk about in the regional center itself, there is a critical point. the water indicator is considered to be 930 cm, and so tonight, as a result of the flood of the ural river in orenburg, 989 cm was recorded, that is, this is higher than all others, well even more by 60 cm, that is , higher than all expectations, and the hours counted, in as a result of this, i’m looking at the latest data, more than 300 houses ended up in the flood zone, let ’s look at orenburg now, already... and he doesn’t ask if
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my dacha sank, didn’t sank, look, they’re definitely all already sunk, definitely already all water, settlements around the city, the village named kuibyshevo, zarechny, the village of kuznechny, it’s all flooded now, now you will see footage directly, here from orenburg, this is an embankment, this is a whole skate park floating away, paths, benches are completely hidden under water , in the disaster area local hippodrome, the ural water intake, which supplies a third of the population of orenburg with water, is under threat. in total, according to the mayor's office , about 2,000 houses in the city are flooded, and the evacuation of local residents continues. here are two people, they were miraculously saved, the rescuers noticed them when people were already starting to drown near the house, because their boat overturned and sank. all victims are being placed in temporary accommodation centers. many, however, do not sit still, gather in groups and try to somehow stop the flow of water on their own. arranging things like this
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small homemade dams. the minister of construction and housing and communal services irok faizulin arrived in the orenburg region today; he works in orsk, neighboring orenburg, where the water has already begun to recede, and significantly, it is already possible to think and discuss how to restore the city after the flood. the level of the ural river has gone down in orsk over the past 24 hours, this has rescued almost one and a half hundred houses from water captivity, but another 6,500 remain. in the flood zone, rescue work continues in the city, patrols have been stepped up to prevent looting, to all victims the first lump sum payment is already being prescribed for the flood, this is 100,000 rubles for each family member. the first payments, which will simply not be for compensation of damage, but for maintenance, the governor increased one-time payments to 100,000 rubles to each family member and they will receive it - in accordance with
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the submitted applications, local residents and military personnel are helping, and so the ministry of defense has calculated that over the past hundred years, the military has delivered more than 20 tons of humanitarian aid to the flood zone, as you can see, including drinking water water, which is so needed now, it is reported that the ministry of defense has joined in the removal of people from flooded areas. they are now preparing for the peak of the flood in the kurgan region; it is reported that the water level in... tabul is growing rapidly and is now almost 9 m. evacuation from the danger zone has already begun in four areas. according to reports, 700 people were taken out without waiting for high water. traffic on some highways in kurgan has already been blocked for regular vehicles. this is needed in order to deliver, lay the ground necessary to strengthen the dam. drinking water is being urgently delivered to the region, and reinforcements from the airmobile forces of the ministry of emergency situations, as well as rescuers, are being deployed there. from the neighboring sverdlovsk
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region and from khantemansiysk. i have andrei ilaminevich, a suspicion that we will start with the news of the flood tomorrow too, because kurgan now looks like it really is somehow. this year it was very uh, well, as they explain, well, firstly, there was a lot of snow, yes, in principle it was quite severe frost, the ground was frozen, that is, on the snow lay on the frozen ground for a very long time, and then it immediately began to melt, because yesterday we had such a downpour that i still say, here in the moscow region there is snow, so of course there is such an amount of water, this really does not relieve responsibility everyone who builds wonderful dams, in which mice have eaten holes, about what we said yesterday. so let's move on, today we wanted to return, well, due to new circumstances, to one obvious, in my opinion, topic, which for some reason for our western enemies remains some kind of grandiose mystery, i mean the northern flows, and as you know, the investigation of this incident took place in many european
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countries, in general, the conclusion was clear that it was sabotage, it was an explosion, but who he did this, it is impossible to establish this, so... russia, germany, cyprus, the usa and france with a request to conduct an investigation into the facts
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of the organization and financing of some terrorist attacks. first of all, it was about blowing up the gas pipeline to nord stream, passing through the bottom of the baltic sea. the appeal called this a ukrainian undercover operation. his name first appeared on the pages of the american newspaper washington post in november. the authors of the document learned the remaining names from
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unnamed ukrainian sources. three people dived directly to the nord stream pipes. oleg varava, former kiev police officer, female technodiver with call sign. since germany is obviously an ally of ukraine. ukraine was quite capable of doing this, this is an operation at a depth of only 30 m. version with involvement ukraine is the most plausible, the fact that it was zaluzhny is quite true. the organization of the technical details of the operation, as stated in the appeal, was carried out by experts from the united states, led by a certain employee of the american embassy in kiev named smith. the divers were first trained in a deep-sea quarry in the zhytomyr region, then transported to romania, where they dived in the area of ​​the sea
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sections of the southern currents in the black sea, after which the group was moved to poland, where the same andrameda yacht was rented. obviously, that such a complex scheme required serious funding. the money went through private companies, but the day before the investigative committee of russia opened a criminal case under the article of sponsoring terrorism. it has been established that funds received through commercial organizations, in particular the oil and gas company burisma holdings, operating in ukraine, have been used in recent years to carry out terrorist acts in the russian federation, as well as abroad, in order to eliminate prominent...
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under the article on abuse of influence. in 2020, he was caught trying to pay a bribe of $5 million to get criminal cases closed. but zlochevsky got off with a fine because...
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well, what is the answer? no, you see, there are things that are very difficult to talk about, you know, the people in the hall who are sitting, they know very well that sponsoring terrorism for the united states has been a normal practice for decades. about the fact that, strictly speaking, the main customer of the terrorist attack on nord streams can only be joe biden, who also publicly stated this, well, in general, there are no doubts either. then it’s just technological questions, who translated how, then i’ll ask in a different way, this is what we announced, in the sense of opening a criminal case for financing terrorism.
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very often what is revealed about, for example, the united states, about their elites is used in their internal political struggle, but this is what you are talking about, and this is not necessary for trump to come, that is, relatively speaking, this information, if found confirmation, the republicans can use it, they will certainly use it against , including biden, within the framework of the election campaign, that is, here, that is, they will now tell us that this is interference in elections by means of an institution.
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and to be honest, i will be happy if such evidence is really provided that burisma, and preferably hunter biden, is involved, i will really be happy, but for now, at the moment, i have to admit that few people in the west will believe this, that's all they believe or not, to what extent they will believe it or not, this is the second question, the question is how true is this version, how convincing is the evidence, maybe yes, bogdan anatolyevich, i’m here too. i would divide it a little into two components: first, why do we need this here in russia, first, i agree, just with anton valerievich, this really allows us, say, since ukraine is not just a sponsor, but also an implementation, an instrument this terrorism against us, which consists not only in undermining the northern flows, but also in the destruction of crocusal against civilians, the destruction there
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was no reference to crocus in this, but there were other episodes, no, this is important, the explosion of the crimean bridge, that’s when the car yes...
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i can’t agree with you why ? we will now show the material that you will ruin everything, only everything began to get better, regarding europe, which wants to distance itself, just the examples that will now be in our material, regarding ukrainian terrorist activity, where this activity leads further, so there european intelligence services do not want to distance themselves from anything, moreover, as i see it, again, european intelligence services are participating in this and helping the ukrainians as much as possible. let's see an example , we'll return the word to you, okay, october 2022, a truck filled with explosives explodes at night in the middle of the crimean bridge. responsibility soon. fsb investigators established his complete route, which passed through several states everywhere without
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problems. from odessa the explosives were sent to bulgaria by sea, from there to georgia, then to armenia. in yerevan, they began to cover their tracks ; the sender's information was changed, after which the explosives reached russia through the georgian checkpoint verkhniy lars. the deceased truck driver did not know what exactly he was carrying and why, but ukrainians. now they don’t hide their pride, and i’ll tell you vidverto, i’ll tell you frankly, after this operation the top leaders of western intelligence services said, you’re simply the best, we take our hats off. estonian special services are seen by many as accomplices in the murder of russian journalist daria dugina, her car ukrainian saboteurs blew up in august 2022 in the moscow region, the direct perpetrator was ukrainian natalya vovk, who quickly left for estonia with her daughter, from there she immediately moved:
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only 70 kg of explosives ready for use. prior to this, the cargo safely crossed several european countries. the route followed the chain of ukraine, romania, hungary, slovakia, poland, lithuania, latvia and finally russia. no problems were identified, after which i drove into the schengen area, following again.
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a terrorist attack will be launched, it is necessary, a small one is needed little detail, you need to win, without this this mechanism will not start, without this, i think,
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behind the scenes there are respectable people with pride, when the doors close, some closed meetings, they proudly declare: yes, we blew it up, if you want we’ll arrange this for you , if you behave badly, well, just imagine, but this does not mean that we don’t have to try to do this now somehow.
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he received an order, he went, they used him in the dark, put him in a cloth, and did they know that they would definitely kill him, so what? and no, well, you just understand, this is the moment when, somewhere at a press conference there will be western leaders or a representative of the american intelligence services says that we are no-no-no, nothing, no collateral victims, we are only for democracy, well, if they tell this little guy that this is ideal, well, in general, this means that whites
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can change the opinion of these ideologically minded people, even in principle, if they lose in a war, they still have it, the opinion of these people cannot be changed, maybe even the opinion it is impossible to change a person who is ideologically inclined, you can only replace this person, i mean, i don’t understand what it means to change if you replace, relatively speaking, biden.
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don't miss central television, the first information show about the events and people of the week. big water, the most important thing, i heard, it’s rising, rising, gone, the russian city suffered from a flood, the likes of which has never happened in modern history, i didn’t manage to get anything out, everything remained there, why a disaster in the urals could be the first of the many floods, and the entire 21st century, as scientists say, will be the century of high water, this is only a small fraction of the possible threats, which cities are at risk and where a dam needs to be built now, because tomorrow may be too late. this will be your central television on saturday at 19:00 on ntv. mikhail shufutinsky. secret of a million on saturday at 20:20 on ntv. alfa friday -
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chainsaw forever and get a reliable and faithful assistant. dna today at 17:50 on ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything it becomes clear, we continue, and this part, let's start with news from finland, where nato'. has entered into the creation of an additional headquarters of the ground forces, why is this important, it is important where this headquarters will be located only 140 km from the russian border, according to the finnish press, namely the newspaper iltalekti, the new high-readiness headquarters will be located in the city of michele when it is completed this new military facility has not been specified, but it is known that work there will be in full swing around the clock, in peacetime alliance soldiers will be trained there, this finnish will be subordinate...
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he welcomes the first 20 people, but such an advanced detachment that is sent directly to lithuania. this is an important day for the bundeswehr; this is the first time we have deployed such a unit outside germany. this is also important for the defense capability of the alliance, because soon we will be in lithuania with a whole brigade, but it won’t be limited to these twenty, it is reported that at the end of the year they plan to send up to 150 bundeswehr troops to lithuania, by twenty by the seventh year there will already be up to 5,000 of them. the main deployment site of the brigade will be the rudinkai military training ground, not far from the border with belarus. the sending of bundeswehr soldiers to lithuania is called a historical event in the german press, it turned out that the military, as... in the consciousness of germany. berlin sees the conflict in ukraine as a turning point in geopolitics.
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and this, among other things, provoked a turn in we are in lithuania, the threat is acutely felt here, people are not talking about whether there will be such things, such are the moods and expectations. when an attack from russia occurs,
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if i remember correctly, the most competent, adequate, but check there if i suddenly could have been mistaken, while andrei nikolaevich said something very strange that for the first time since the second world war the germans are somewhere abroad germany, in afghanistan there were 15,000 of them, i think he means a permanent base, a permanent place, but they are not there within the framework of some kind of international, pistorius can be refuted,
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in general, it’s also no secret to anyone. in italy on tuesday, at the request of the ministry of internal affairs of tajikistan, 32-year-old ilhom sayrahmon zada, who has been on the international wanted list for 8 years for participating in hostilities in the country of the banned isis in syria, was detained. the militant flew to rome from the netherlands; during the security check
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, he was found to have fake passports from kyrgyzstan, uzbekistan and ukraine. by the way, in kiev in 2022 he was already caught for arms trafficking, but safely. 10 years ago, ukrainian radicals helped isis in syria fight president bashar assad; back in 2015, kuwaiti security services detained a certain lebanese citizen osama mohammed said hayata, who admitted that he bought weapons in ukraine and then transported them to militants in syria through turkey. the british press then wrote about
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ukrainians in the ranks of terrorists, for example, that supporters of the mejlis of the crimean tatar people, banned in russia, joined ... people's terrorists in isis. all of them are fighting against the assad regime on the side of the opposition. almost all crimeans reached syria through turkey. fazil amzaev, spokesman for the ukrainian office of hizbud tahrir, told the bbc that the participation of ukrainian muslims in the fighting actions in syria are a fait accompli. when the isis terrorists in syria were defeated, the militants began to move to ukraine. in 2018, on instructions from the sbu, an islamist militant was preparing an assassination attempt on one. islamic state military camps in iraq and syria. in february, while filming a report from a danish tv channel, one of the fighters was caught on camera with an isis patch on his sleeve. since the start of the war in ukraine, there have been many reports of isis fighters
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being transferred from syria to ukraine or being allowed to travel through turkey to ukraine. therefore, you know, isis militants have been participating in the russian-ukrainian war for 2 years already, this is not news. maxim anatolyevich, it ’s just pistorius today, then, then, some time ago, in one of the programs , you expressed doubts that ukraine is really spinning isis like that, you and i even argued a little, remember, it’s spinning, it’s not spinning, but certain their connections are well established, or not, or this doesn’t convince you either, so what about the management.
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islamic state with the state of ukraine, which still exists, we show that light is creeping out from these connections more and more, and we ask you to do this somehow.
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america, so when we talk, you understand that it will be of interest to disturb the western audience when the same terrorist who killed someone in the city of moscow kills someone in the city of paris. until then, no matter what he does here, they will not notice it. yes, they understand perfectly well that this is isis, and they understand perfectly well who transferred this isis to the territory of ukraine, why this isis on the territory of ukraine is under the tutelage of the special services, which in turn are under the tutelage is located in america, why? because that's what they call acceptable evil in the united states. what was used in general for decades, starting from the nazis, thugs, look at latin america, all these death squads, who they consisted of and
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what they were, it bothered someone, well, after about a decade , some official resigned , then he says: ah-ah-ah, look at what kind of rabble we were dealing with, at this time they are already dealing with completely different rabble, now they understand it all perfectly, because that they use this as an acceptable evil in the fight against this music will be eternal, alexander nikolaevich, but only in different... but i can’t help but pick up the theme of the rabble, because the rabble must be mobilized somewhere and sent somewhere, well, here they are and they direct as best they can, well, this is a joke, in fact it was difficult not to imagine that sooner or later, i’m still surprised that quite late, an alliance will form between, i won’t say isis, because i can’t imagine this at all structure, so well... let's say, radical islamism and ukraine, and why would this be for you, as far
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as i understand, i am quite offended not only for afghanistan, which happened quite a long time ago, but for syria, which happened relatively recently, everyone forgot about this, but they didn’t like it when they talked about that if we don’t suppress something in syria, they will come here through the caucasus? i don’t know how justified this point of view was, but when they suppressed and defended assat, they came through the ukrainians, and why was this rapprochement obvious to you, and between islamism and radical ukrainianism, that’s what it is, because this is not a union between ukrainians and islam, but this is a union between those who hate and want to kill russians, so to speak, this also leads to a change in my position.
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openly recruited, transferred, they were even filmed there, they filmed themselves and so on, this is a human resource, and a human resource that from the point of view of, well, strategists, puppeteers, i don’t know, it is very valuable, why , because these people, i don’t agree here, they are very religiously motivated, these people are not afraid not only to kill, but to die, modern europeans are not ready and do not want to die, as long as there is ukraine and isis, they will push them there, as one saying of the special services says, there is no waste here, there is. only reserves, if these reserves are poisonous, if it is a cobra, if it is , i don’t know, poisonous mushrooms, you need to use everything against the frag, let’s feed him poisonous mushrooms and plant a poisonous snake in his apartment, this is bad, unethical, uncivilized, indecent and in general this is a violation of the commandments, but give the commandments let's leave it only for our citizens, for the golden billion, there is nothing new under the sun, well, absolutely not, of course ukraine will use these forces and
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those who rule ukraine will also use them. because it is just a tool, it is the same tool as the radical left groups, in cambodia, for example, who fought against vietnam, radical leftists, any leftists, any radical groups, in africa he fought, in short, until their cannot be destroyed, there is no other way, they can be destroyed, but you can store the reserve in such a frozen form, no, we obviously don’t want to store them in reserve, we would like such canned food. that’s it, you don’t go far, we’ll continue with everyone else, we thank the guests, and after a few minutes , why didn’t he start wandering around earlier, but i
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had this music, ruzil minikaev, although there will be a war soon, leon kemsen. i see in the area, i’ll bury you, nikita kologrivy, don’t you understand that they will now catch us all one by one, anna will overpower, help, anton vasiliev, we are now new we are creating control, now we have the power, we will hand over all of you in 2 weeks, sergei burunov, for which i became the father of a bandit, ivan yankovsky, they are sharpening their teeth on us, no one likes that we are a power in ourselves.
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got into the frame, no, he was only visible from above. groups in striped swimsuits were swimming beautifully, and there was a beautiful run. alexander yushchenko, so we will continue now, again today we have a topic about the younger generation, about the fact that they are causing headaches for themselves, well, of course, for us all too, but i will now briefly remind you, dear viewers, when you and i meet in this already warm season, i mean the meeting place outside the program, which means on may 25 i invite you to petigorsk at the sofia palace of culture, june 22 omsk, concert hall june 29 troitsky cultural center, to which trushkin called me. let in st. petersburg, on july 22 my concert will be held in yalta at the chekhov theater, on august 24 in sochi at the winter theater, then on september 7 in kaliningrad palace of culture of zheleznodorozhnikov. okay, now we have news
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also about teenagers. this is some news to kickstart our topic today. let’s start with the numbers that were mentioned by the chairman of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin, the numbers are alarming. according to his data, over the past year in russia it grew by a third. the number of especially serious crimes committed by teenagers is slightly less than half of the total number of juvenile offenders, again according to bastrykin, they are all children, they beat up peers, bully classmates and even attack adults, and similar incidents are observed in many regions countries. the investigative committee noted the particular cynicism and cruelty of these young criminals; they film their exploits on their phones and post them online. it is necessary to understand that such crimes are a serious factor influencing the level of crime as a whole, connivance with minor offenses provokes young people to commit more serious crimes,
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therefore such acts cannot be left without consequences, and the perpetrators must be punished. well, the head of the investigative committee has already ordered the opening of a criminal case into the brutal beating a group of teenagers, their peers, orphans, earlier in this case. deputy speaker of the state duma, anna kuznetsova, has already contacted her. this incident occurred in the city of kamensk-uralsky, this is the sverdlovsk region, back in february, a group of seven teenagers beat a child for his appearance, he had long hair, they filmed the whole process, the boy was hospitalized, he had a closed cranial , closed craniocerebral injury, concussion and broken nasal bones, the juvenile hooligans themselves have already been detained, it turned out that they are 15 years old, so they can be attracted to the corner. responsibility, although law enforcement officials continue to investigate. according to kuznetsova, the case was not started in a timely manner; the teenager’s injuries were initially registered as a domestic injury. now the vice speaker asks for a legal assessment
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of the current crime prevention system bodies. anna kuznetsova also warned that soon the demonstration of such violent footage could be equated to so-called trash streams, for which, according to the new package of measures, which now. networks are free, children watch them too, and this can provoke new outbreaks of cruelty, together with our colleagues we will strive for the speedy adoption of these bills to protect our children from destructive content. well, today we’re not talking about trash streams, but at the same time, we’re talking about defense , and that’s why i was listening to this quote now.
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i immediately had such an association, here in our country, i don’t even remember how many years ago, there is a mandatory caption before almost any television program or before a film, smoking, which means there are scenes of smoking, smoking harmful to health, blah blah blah, in films for a very long time, in my opinion, this is some kind of a little strange policy, what is called blurring, that is, covering up a cigarette.
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teenagers who smoke, that is, these are all smeared cigarettes and these inscriptions, they obviously don’t work, i didn’t know these numbers that i will now announce to you in the story, my colleagues prepared all this, and we’re not even talking about simple , well, the usual traditional cigarettes, these steam rooms , these are what they call, lord, wipes, yes, i confuse this one all the time, it turns out that an adult is interested in this garbage? well, it doesn’t get used to so quickly, but teenagers almost instantly, i didn’t know this either, that is, in short, it means that the problem with this teenage smoking, the wild growth of smoking teenagers is obviously our inability to remove the addiction by any means, but it’s complicated such a moment, let’s look at the plot, a few months ago a ninth-grader died in the moscow region. the father discovered at night that she
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was having convulsions; doctors could not save the girl. were able to. later it turned out that the schoolgirl smoked vapes in secret from her family. last year, two teenagers from st. petersburg, who constantly smoked e-cigarettes, died within 3 days. in moscow , a sixteen-year-old teenager decided to smoke a vape while taking a hot bath and did not wake up the next morning. these are not all the mysterious deaths of teenage vapers lately . doctors talk about the so-called vapers disease. irreversible damage to the lungs as a result of inhalation of vapors. very unpleasant sensation when taking a deep breath somehow in the throat, as if there was not enough air, i thought that he was probably just sick, something like that, but it turned out that he was not just sick. the statistics are disappointing. according to the ministry of health, since 2011, it was then that electronic cigarettes appeared in our country, and there were 10 times more nicotine-dependent teenagers in russia. now almost every fifth russian teenager over fifteen smokes. and if among
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adults only 15% of smokers are addicted to electronic cigarettes, then among children this is almost everyone who has tried it, you go to school, you understand that children smoke there, in schools today they remove the doors to the toilets so that you can see who smokes and who doesn’t, well, what have we come to, children die every month from smoking, in fact, we are not dealing with a businessman , this is just some kind of mafia, school leaders are trying to fight addiction, but so far they are losing, modern children... cannot be caught either by smell or by smoke, a teacher from the chelyabinsk region installed a phone in the toilet to identify smokers, but ninth-graders found they made a scandal out of him some manage to smoke right in the classroom, in a krasnoyarsk school a teacher got into a fight with a fifth-grader who was smoking an electronic device in class, as a result the girl broke her finger, a criminal case was opened against the teacher, four or five of them gather in one booth, that’s how we say , so to speak, this... is passed on
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to each other, 50% of the parents attack us when we identify this situation, and say: prove that there is a nicotine-containing liquid, there is just steam, they hovered, to war with children vapers are gradually joining legislators, a year ago in russia, passed a law in which nicotine-free liquids were equated with nicotine ones; they are now also prohibited from being sold to minors. there is a fight against sales via the internet, which is where teenagers most often shop, bypassing prohibitions; of course, violations cannot be avoided. moscow and the moscow region recently entered the top regions for violations of pro rules.
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this is the sale of these electronic cigarettes, and then leave regular cigarettes on sale, well , now we are in order, which means how much i i understand that when these things first appeared, they were positioned as harmless , yes, that’s right, some kind of harmless, well, like healthier than usual,
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yes, that means, in order to somehow understand what direction to argue all this, aleksandrevich, let’s start with you, so you can explain to me, this thing is really less... harmful than ordinary cigarettes, and the story with light brands, like malbra light, there and so on, it’s already all scientists have proven that, in fact, their harmfulness is compensated for by simply frequency of smoking, that is, the level, technology, level of nicotine dose still reaches the level when...
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prairies, freedom, freedom, cool, everything is there, in fact, behind this there is a medical dependence on tobacco, yes, here, and for humans in fact, the child is sold under the guise of freedom, in fact, direct medical dependence, this is a terrible manipulation that exists, in general, we have a 500-year war once, excuse me, the white is red, when the white race sold a...
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quite a few are registered here more usa, in particular in 2018-19, wait. why did i turn to you now, maybe i misunderstood you, but you are saying there that these things are not as harmful as sega, not so yes, explain what you mean not as harmful, that is, like children can, why who said that children can, the issue of harm is actually quite complex,
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that we know, in general, the technology is completely different, so yes, and the base is glycerin, propylene, glycol, safe substances, we have been widely using it for a long time, this is what here in this paresche. steam, this is the main component that forms, in fact, steam, the next component is nicotine, nicotine is actually essentially the same as in tobacco or in vaping, and naturally, it is addictive, there is nothing new in this, the third component, as a rule, of most wipes is aromatic additives, that’s what all this stinks of, some with sweaty socks, some with some kind of rubber band, well, yes, the taste is aromatic additives, they actually have partly questions, in fact,
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now alexander andrevich is one of, but you’re smoking this crap, this is this, why are you smoking this crap instead of smoking normal human male crap, and i don’t want me to stink, well, i don’t really stink either, right now you’re me somehow they put me in an awkward situation like this, that is, you don’t think on your own that this is more harmful, not more harmful, it’s just that i’m like a person who cares about health.
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yes, it’s true, well, maybe there’s a little bit of fraud here, they just
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decided to make extra money on children, because it was it’s clear that children, i looked at the pictures, there’s much more of this steam smoke, it’s very impressive, beautiful, here they are, showing off in front of each other with a regular cigarette, they used to smoke behind the school, they tried to hide it all from adults and smoked through sticks or through some tweezers, so that the teacher, teacher, parents don’t smell it, so that later you ’ll agree that it’s marketing. why did we return to tightening the same
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in your question is actually the root of the adopted law, which at one time was adopted a year ago, and by and large it does not work, children continue to smoke just as they smoked, taking into account the fact that it depends on their specific perception. we have an odorless liquid, which is why parents cannot understand whether the children smoked or not, teachers cannot understand
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whether they smoked or not, so the children both bought and will buy bypassing all possible laws there, moreover, vape manufacturers , look, they are always so bright, they make bright markers for children, the veps make exactly the same ones so that to perceive them is marketing, selling, selling for the health of our children, and it is no coincidence that yaroslav milovek and i. and what prevents us from equating all this exactly like
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cigarettes, we look at cigarettes, all this is closed somewhere on the third shelf on the right, a person should know. the smoke is so fashionable, yes, you can’t put it in your mouth , i tried to watch it on purpose, you have to inhale it deeply and blow it out , this is such a fashionable evaporation, what is it like to inhale, again, a cigarette experiment, i also tried smoking at one time , you fill it completely, leave the smoke in your mouth , inhale, exhale through the napkin, all the blackness remains on the napkin, as soon as you
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inhale deeply, the napkin will be perfectly clean, so this means here is a proposal to completely ban the sale, deputies of the state duma once consulted with you, here when this bill was being prepared, as i understand it, you do not approve of the idea of ​​a complete ban, i believe that any ban is a road to nowhere, why? well, the thing is that today you can’t sell to minors either, that’s right, well, sell minors are not allowed, you see, this is not a move by marketers that they are trying to do here now. it was about the same thing, this is a story, it prohibits implementation - this means that they are not not inherent only in russia, this is the whole world today , there is a struggle going on, some countries
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prohibit others, so let’s get our bearings, let’s also see how it is in the world in general. made in china, it’s a lot more, maybe they did it, let’s have a smoke, then after a pause we’ll give you the floor, we ’re right here, yes, we’ve just collected examples, so let’s do it later we gave a briefing, listen to the riddle for a short break, a man returned, he had not been in the city for 10 years, he came to his mother’s grave, in its place the owner of the meat processing plant was buried with a monument, the question is, who did the money go to? what kind of justice is this? zhenya murin, your mother will not forgive you. do you really think that i didn’t take precautions? i don't like these dances on graves. killed him with this. he pressed you tightly, he wants you to fight on his side. you are his. he told the truth, then you can do whatever you want. arseniy robok, hot spot. new season, with
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a year ago on the ban on the import and sale of electronic cigarettes and disposable vapes announced in australia. in this way, the authorities
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are trying to stop the growth of teenage smoking. vapes will soon be sold only in pharmacies, in pharmaceutical packaging with a prescription from a doctor for anti-smoking products. certain flavorings and dyes used in vapes will also be banned, and the permissible concentration of nicotine in them will be reduced. no more bubblegum scents, pink unicorns, or disguised vape pens that kids hide in their pencil cases. instead we will have simple packaging with regular flavorings. in china, they also came to the conclusion that children are most attracted to bright flavors in electronic cigarettes, so they banned the sale of electronic cigarettes with flavors. products can now only have tobacco flavor, this is the least popular among... i'm not sure that there are studies in this area that would say that after the ban on flavorings for electronic cigarettes, everything will be fine,
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vaping users will just switch to tobacco . the fight against vaping began in the united states back in 2019. some states have introduced restrictions on the composition, it is prohibited to add flavorings, in others there are restrictions on the place of smoking, you cannot use vapes and electronic devices in restaurants and bars, for example, in new york a complete ban on vaping was introduced. new york state's top law enforcement officers have a responsibility to protect youth, and that's what we do. a more thorough fight against electronic cigarettes is being waged in singapore, where the sale and... use of electronic cigarettes is completely prohibited, for this faces a fine, with our money - it’s almost 70,000 rubles. or a prison term of up to 6 months. about the same punishment awaits electronic sellers. even more severe punishment in india, for using vapes, you face 1 year in prison and a fine of up to $1,500; for repeated violations, the term increases to 3 years, and the fine is up to $7,000. in new zealand, this is the most striking example that we gave, there
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are still public battles there, of course, but for now everything remains as it was... there is always a demand for something to be softened. sergei mikhailovich, however, we have a certain product that is smoked by millions, or even tens of millions of people all over the world. a significant part of consumers are children. we don't understand how much harm this stuff actually causes to health, because we may find out about it decades after these vapes are smoked. and yet, we allow all this, we allow it quite uncontrollably, only a few countries are trying. screw it all up, then being faced with a lack of understanding from society as to why it was allowed, and now it’s possible, well, not quite like that, i think you ’re oversimplifying it, we have very strict legislation, one of the toughest in the world, one of the most, this is recognized, so to speak, by everyone, but schoolchildren still smoke, just a second, this is a matter of law enforcement, excuse me, if the law is not followed, we can pass any law, it will not be respected, so let’s be brief, because there is little time, first, i am against smoking, everything must be done to
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make russia a non-smoking country. the main harmful foods that you receive when smoking a cigarette, a person is the result of pyrolysis, combustion oxidation. the temperature at the edge of the cigarette is about 800°. this means that these products, heated tobacco and so on, have no pyrolysis, no combustion, this reduces the amount and concentration of harmful substances by about 10 times. this is where it all comes from. the next problem is children. yes, it's
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technologically advanced, it's convenient. but look, we also have laws adopted by the state duma that will now be decided, about which they said on tv, first, a ban aromatizers, in the second reading, in the committee, in the technical regulations, this issue has already been resolved, there are fines, you look, today fines are up to 5000, they are about the same for enterprises, a question of law enforcement, so you say, why advertising, yes we have wait, mikhailovich, let’s get back to research, excuse me, look, we’re on the council. we had an academic university from kazan, yeah, we had an association of health workers on risk reduction issues, and so, well, we also had two, academician
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zaridze was present.
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the same thing that tobacco lobbyists did 100 years ago in the united states, now you do it a little differently, turning it a little, but this is research that shows that it is not harmful, i ’m just sorry, i can smell it from afar, excuse me, but why do you invite experts to the studio, if you feel everything, then there is no need to invite us, you give some arguments about your feelings, when i ask specific questions, you tell me, but i don’t know, maybe a little why i don’t know, serious research is serious research yes population. it’s not that some institute there took something in a test tube, looked at it, excuse me, it’s funny, that means it should be done on populations, serious scientists in the world recognize the problem, for some reason you don’t, you understand how you should look at the kakranovsky library, at least there is something similar to population studies, they are definitely against vaping, you see, there is not even a dispute here at the international level, there is actually no dispute about harm, the issue is reduced harm, i’m not talking what am i
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said that this is a game of barking again, this has already been said here, if there is less of these substances, but smoke more often, then they will not cut off the entire leg, only the heel. year, in fact, everything that i hear here now looks like a battle of some manufacturers against other manufacturers for the consumer market, with all this, this is the formation of consumer demand for the most vulnerable parts, namely children, because if adults have a critical thinking, some kind of assessment, some kind of instinct of self-preservation, then children are just being led to everything is very elegant, pretty, like strawberries, like gum, like the smell of bubblegum , because they are told that it’s completely harmless, in fact it’s... forming potential buyers for future years to come, and it doesn’t matter what they will then use, will they slip out of this era, will they switch to regular cigarettes, the habit of constantly taking something is fixed, dragging it into the mouth , then inhaling, taking it like a pacifier, you know, and the trouble is that
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there really aren’t that many ways to combat this and a lot in modern conditions, here we are as parents we are really faced with the fact that the question of law enforcement practice is, as it were , maybe i asked this question just now, he couldn’t answer, but you...
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schools, and if there is such a brake in the heads of children and parents, then, probably, conversations between moms, dads and children about how you shouldn’t do this and don’t get into trouble, yeah.
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i decided to be beautiful, i have the right to this cognac, against dmitry malikov, i apologize in advance for this mess, i still found the key to victory, dmitry, you know
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that i simply adore the shaman to your songs listen, chaliapin prohar smiles at me when he meets me, and i want to do something so that dzhigurda would be ashamed of me, such a mistress, links, no specks, everything is in the pawnshop, i wake up in the morning, i have oprah in my soul, i also wake up in the morning i immediately turn on the drill, kill me, kill me, antosha, kill me, you are with a migratory bird, your soul is flying into the sky, it was i who did not give my grandmother the medicine, the apartment is now mine, the stars, today for reaching the final. dmitry malikov will also fight on saturday at 22:00 on ntv. the general partner of the show is vtb bank. all
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ease of movement about our terminator petrovna is running, stop where are you going this time the girl was once taken home by the grandson to music , i’ll pop in now to feed the cat and back for the grandson , look at the record, the grandson goes to the garden in the morning , then to the social security service, then to the post office. grandson from the garden to the music of evening scandinavian walking, and also got this cat, you know what she called it, sinoden, what kind of joints do you need to have in order to live on the fifth floor without an elevator, to run so briskly, the exact terminator, liquid, an ordinary person has had legs for a long time her back would be broken, and i'm telling you, she has money from the future, there is no other way to explain it, synoden, ease of movement.
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our expense. sinnaden - ease of movement. hot spot, new season, from tuesday at 20:00 on ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. we continue, in general, until, as i understand it, the main doubt that we have voiced here today is that. entrance, word for word, and the man decided to discipline the offender with the help of a belt. in
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samara, a man attacked a neighbor with a child who was explaining to him that smoking was prohibited on the landing. as a result, the smoker now received a suspended sentence and was also forced to pay compensation to the victim 350,000 rub. last december in the krasnodar territory, a group of people who had been drinking decided to smoke in a restaurant, which led to a mass brawl and shootout. a man came to...
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a conflict broke out in ufa because a mother reprimanded a neighbor who was smoking on the playground. as a result, not embarrassed by the children, the women decided to find out who was right and had to call the police. no, what, no, what about guys? law enforcement, this is pure hooliganism, what difference does it make, hooliganism, there is a law that prohibits, i don’t know, robbing banks, people go to rob banks, they sit on a five and leave quite easily, it’s the same here, i insulted a person, received a suspended sentence, this is a gesture, i always really like it, this is the most in quantity, listen, excuse me,
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go to any toilet, at the airport, at the train station , in all the toilets there are, grandfather ivan, kingdom of heaven, he started smoking at the age of 6, and explained this by the fact that everyone around smoked, and i smoked, i was at school, when i was 7 years old, i came to the first grade, four the boy was already smoking, by the seventh grade half the class and half the school were smoking, to the toilet it was impossible to go in, the smoke was so strong that you
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could hang an axe, there were no vapes, and where did teenage smoking come from? that is, today we will ban vapes and the problem will be solved by itself, smoking by teenagers.
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according to some people, ban it, so nicotine will remain, cigarettes will remain, the situation will not change in any way, this is firstly, and secondly , it is actually a law enforcement practice, today in stores they sell the internet to children from illegal manufacturers, please explain to me where they got it from all these schoolchildren whom we will show and simply go to youtube, it will be there where they got
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all this from, they are not eighteen, as you say, we have the toughest legislation in the world to regulate selling, yet these schoolchildren have all this, look, what are we doing not this way? if there is already a ban on selling to schoolchildren and teenagers, what will a complete ban change? where does a schoolchild buy today? he buys somewhere on a telegram channel. they deliver it to his home, he just buys it in the store, when he comes and looks at the shelf, here is an example that liquid for electronic cigarettes costs 300 rubles. you know, the excise tax on liquid for electronic cigarettes 30 ml today is more than 1,200 rubles. how he buys for 300 rubles. because it is illegal and counterfeit, when the manufacturer produced illegal and counterfeit, he has already committed a criminal offense. for a minor it is less izzo.
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shops, which sometimes you need to know quite often after work, all this is very good , we also have a lot of small ones near our house , strictly, i don’t know, somehow i didn’t see them serve it, so look, what why the state managed to defeat the tobacco lobby there in the tenth, fifteenth year, because we, the anti-tobacco coalition, filed a statement with the investigative committee of rospotrebnadzor that a product that is harmful on the market cannot be in free circulation and has no right under the law on protection consumer rights,
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it’s very simple, there is article 238 of the criminal code, violation of safety requirements for the life and health of the consumer, so what we are discussing today is the result of the fact that rospotrebnadzor the investigative committee does not fully comply with whether even which food products can be harmful to health, but wait, this is an elementary story. we are talking about what has been proven, there are connections there, there is a toxin that experts know that if we now conduct, for example, as is required in a criminal case, an examination, we will get a predetermined , clear result, after which an order should be issued to close the production or retail outlet , well, if they don’t do this, then prison is your home, it’s very simple, they cannot do this, because the state is afraid of social rebellion, but... thereby it seems to lie under the producers and say: well, we ’ll play here a little more, wait, but the program must
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be different, we admit that there is a problem, there, in 15 years, we set ourselves a point at which there will be no free, free sales of goods that cause harm, let’s discuss these options now, after a pause, we’ll try to give more opportunities for our guests, our guests, to speak, a short break. the serviceman urgently returned home directly with svo for the funeral of my nine-month-old son. i 'm only interested in one thing: the cause of my child's death. the wife assured that the baby died due to a fall, but the husband does not understand where the bruises on the child’s face came from? you believe that your wife may have been hiding evidence, so she looked for her phone to delete the photos. from january 5 to february 11, there were no photos. also, at the time of the baby’s death, the wife was in the apartment with...
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generation. i myself am the father of three children. and for i am interested in the topic of teenage smoking, it is very sensitive, the eldest is five, but today in a language he understands i explain the dangers of alcohol, not with prohibitions, with explanations, first of all, of course, it will be almost impossible to eradicate it, but the state is obliged to do everything to reduce this by a factor, first of all, this is, of course, promoting a healthy lifestyle, making sure that smoking is not fashionable, why do teenagers smoke, because it is first and foremost a fashion, this is what i said, i absolutely agree, well vladimir? i have appeal to mr. yushchenko, please don’t force me to quit smoking, help me quit smoking, that’s what i need, now he will have a conversation with you, listen, but why talk to you, how old are you, fifty kopecks, as part of helping you quit smoking, i i can help you, so wait, as part of
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the help, remove all this from the visible shelves, as it is now with cigarettes. a little bit, that's all, this whole story about such a tobacco one, and this is because there are evil cigarettes, and there are good ones, this should also be removed, this such an organizational approach, and then i will have a propaganda approach about the dangers of smoking, and how did you meet yours, you know, did it happen by accident in a cafe somehow? our eyes just crossed paths, she looked at me like that and said: you will be my husband, but what are you doing? yes, i smoked a lot then, in the second quarter i ran out of steam, she caught up with me, it... was a meeting place that cannot be changed. 14:00 weekday ntv. goodbye.
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the level of the ural river in the orenburg region has exceeded a critical level. she's fast it’s coming, right here instantly. more than 7,000 people were evacuated from dangerous areas.


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