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tv   Za granyu  NTV  April 10, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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in the previous episode of the program beyond the boundary , twenty-seven-year-old andrei bobkov from samara said that while he was in service, his nine-month-old son died, the man’s wife said. the boy fell out of bed, he fell out of bed, yes, onto the floor, she picked him up, that is, he didn’t even cry, she fed him, that is, he fell asleep, everything was fine, she went off to cook again, she came back and looked at what he had already rolled his eyes and was cold, but andrei and his mother did not believe that it was an accident, his whole face was bruised, there were bruises for months, his lip was broken, there was bleeding, his lips were broken, but...
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for years street, she stood at the bus stop, crying, i decided to go up and ask what was the matter, but she said that her husband i sent syzr to my relatives, i was at the northern military district at that time, why did she cry, well , she got boiled, apparently because i don’t know anyone, so i tried to calm her down verbally, then we just continued to communicate online, you saw her often , went to visit her, came to visit, two or three times a week, it didn’t bother you that her husband was absent for a reason, and you at this time...
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well, i somehow didn’t attach any importance to this, but i was in the corridor, looked at him from the corridor, she went to artyom, that is, change diaper, feed, she said he fell asleep, returned to the kitchen, prepared dinner, went to check on him, screamed, that is, dima, he is not breathing, i ran into the room, so you approached the baby, yes, yes, i, that is she was holding it in her hands, i approached it, and the only thing i noticed was a small tit on her forehead. that’s it, i
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didn’t notice any other injuries, then she fell, she fell into the frill, then, then we called an ambulance, so when she was bathing in the pool, she had the baby in her arms, well, he was on the sofa. who called an ambulance? i called an ambulance, what happened next? then the ambulance arrived and already recorded death, but who called the police? we were also waiting for the police, and at that time i was with her. after your friend came back conscious, did you ask her about something? she told me that on the tenth he fell off the sofa twice, on the tenth? yes, the day before, the day before, yes, she told me under what circumstances he fell, how hard he fell, that she called an ambulance. or not, she told you something about it, that on the morning of the eleventh she called an ambulance, but the paramedic didn’t notice anything, that is, he didn’t record any injuries, but is it true that almost immediately after the tragedy you and your friend went to the store? no, that ’s not true, we went downstairs while we were waiting for
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the police, we just stood there, and the child was left alone with the eldest, no, the eldest was with us, and the youngest stayed with, well, yes, he was lying on the sofa, already dead, dmitry, at what point did you take your eldest son and leave? went to bed and died with this child, we waited, well, we waited for the police for some time, that is, they didn’t arrived, we decided to go downstairs, we waited at the entrance, how the boy behaved, he said, i can’t look at this, this is his boleslava, andrey, how do you comment on dmitry’s story, do you believe him? no, of course, not a single word, that they are on the street, of course, i don’t believe him, they were definitely out on the street, either he or she, they hit him, i’m sure of it. olga, how do you like dmitry’s story? i am sure that he interfered with them with his scream, and that she, that he easily could, because he interfered with them. do you believe that dmitry came to her for dinner? yes, god, well,
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well, what are we talking about, we are all adults here , what nonsense, what kind of dinner, eat some buckwheat, i wouldn’t be embarrassed, really, well, i’d just be silent. it seems to me that the question here is not even whether he was disgraced there or not, here i see clearly how the version of how it all happened is being built, there were two of them there, and if it was committed by prior conspiracy by a group of people, there are already two of them , then this is a completely different responsibility, including you, the young man who hammers nails may also not be the best, so to speak, the outcome of this whole matter, so, of course, we agreed, of course, you have now clearly built a version that would whitewash as much as possible, firstly, you, who came there and allegedly did not participate in this, and secondly, whitewashed the mother child, which you are now saying, he had a little sled, you see how the conversation went, that
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on the eve of the tenth he hit somewhere, he was already sleepy, nothing at all fits with you, it just doesn’t fit, you understand, here you are understand that if you... took part in this, well, it’s not too late admit. dmitry, will you understand what to say? i, no, i have nothing else to get. admit it honestly, on that day, or a few days before the tragedy, did your friend beat your youngest son? no, not once during the entire time of our acquaintance , not that day, not even that day, did i see assault from her country, that is , she did not show any aggression towards children, and you did not raise your hand to the boy, you did not touch a finger, older or younger. who else is with you that day? there was, no, there were no strangers in the apartment. are you sure, that your friend had nothing to do with the baby’s death? yes, i would be sure of that. we have a certificate of the boy's death, i think you will be interested to see it. medical
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death certificate. issue date: february 13, 2024. causes of death: traumatic cerebral edema, hemorrhage, subarachnoedal traumatic, hemorrhage. firstly, this is a conclusion, as you can comment, we saw damage on the child’s face and more than one, yes, we can assume that he fell several times, twice from the sofa, stood up three times, fell somewhere, there, well, the younger brother could accidentally hit him with a toy or he could hit himself, this
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could be assumed based on external injuries, but taking into account the internal injuries, a fracture of the skull bones, and in a nine-month-old child the skull bones are still elastic, in some others... the fontanel is not it heals, that is , they are in the process of maturation, and in order to break this flexible bone, it takes a good force, but it is not a fall from the sofa, it is not like a fall from the sofa. does not fit on the face, what we see, that is, on the face - these are individual places of application that traumatize the body, according to the certificate it is clear that there is also one place of application of traumatic force on the head, that is, these are repeated injuries to blunt hard objects, that is, it could be a fist, maybe some kind of rolling pin, a frying pan, respectively here it can be concluded from this conclusion that the cause of death was that some kind of traumatic... impact was caused to the area of ​​the cranial vault, and quite a significant one, which led not only to a fracture of the skull bones,
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but also a traumatic brain injury, take into account that what we saw in the coffin, how the child lay, from the grandmother’s point of view, when she told what he had, and there was bleeding on the other cheek, on the forehead, on the nose, on the lip, then , accordingly, this is all the place of application traumatic force, but according to the certificate , the cause of death was definitely from a traumatic brain injury. which place of application was the vault of the skull. how can one explain the fact that the child had two types of hemorrhage? a subdural hematoma occurs as a result of a ruptured vessel and most likely it ruptured in the area subdural hemorrhage, that is , subdoral hemorrhage formed as a result of the subarachnydal vessel bursting as a result of the injury, blood began to flow into the subdural space. what does cerebral edema mean? cerebral edema is secondary, that is, any kind. traumatic brain injury is accompanied by cerebral edema, that is, the body reflexively
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tries to replace lost blood , the meninges and brain begin to leak, and then death occurs. with such injuries, andrey, did the child have a chance to survive? i think not, but could he eat with such injuries? he could have eaten something else, the child could have lived there from minutes to some, let’s say, 10-20. 30 hours, but not a day, that’s right, not a day, of course, dmitry, you were interrogated in this case, yes, you were detained, yes, i was detained, but then after two days i was released, what is your status now, now i still in the status of a suspect, but you are sure that your guilt will not be proven, i am sure you are ready to undergo a test for lie detector to confirm my innocence, yes i’m ready, then let’s do it right now, our specialist is waiting for you. backstage, please come in, tell me, andrey, was your eldest son
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examined for beatings? no, they didn’t examine him, and you yourself didn’t notice any traces on the boy? no, i took it right away, no, no, it was with me. ivan, shouldn’t they have examined andrei’s eldest son after what happened, of course, especially having such, such a certificate, yes, a conclusion, of course, the fact that we... now that a, let's say, full medical examination of this child was not immediately carried out is due, well , let's say, to the version that the suspect put forward, and specifically yes, all efforts are made by medicine and justice , they were aimed at the deceased to establish , strictly speaking, all the circumstances. now , from the shock of this, the child is also in shock, he will move away, and i am more than sure that - you
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get ready, there are details, there is a lot more that he will tell you. andrey, what for? article your wife was detained? at first it had article 109, part one 109, causing death by negligence, and recently it was reclassified to part four of article 11, this is intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm resulting in death. natalya, how can you? comment on this document, i am sure that she did not do this, and an independent examination will give a conclusion, i believe that there was no blow here, in the sense that the examination of how a child could fall and hit was repeated 12 times, nina, how can you comment such a position grandmothers, the grandmother’s position is aimed at protecting her daughter and for the child to return,
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for custody and so on, of course, who needs such a stain, and even more so a guardian, yes, who extolled such a woman, such a reputation. you know that here my colleague and i are sitting discussing her, well, education doesn’t take away from it in any way, you understand, there’s no need to fight now, we need to find out the truth, the experts say correctly that no one is questioning it in any way the service you do to society by raising children, that’s still, given everything that is happening here now, maybe we should admit the idea that
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you could not know everything, that she could tell you one thing and do something completely different? of course, i might not know everything, but those conversations that andrei had on the phone, where he was bargaining for a child, write a refusal, write a refusal, i don’t want to, if i were a father in his place, i would also know that everything is happening, i would offer anything to take my child and money, just to take it faster, this is the position, you allow it, i can’t, of course, forgive me me that i will say this now, but not all families who raise... not only a daughter, but in our time people really lack inner
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honesty, and the acceptance that even ours are not just adopted, relatives children, and... can do such absolutely terrible things, especially related to babies, and children in general. arthur, who do you think could be involved in the baby’s death? in my vision, they are sitting in the kitchen, the child raised his voice, which means he’s in the way, she’s walking and he doesn’t calm down, she gave everything, even more, more gave, even more, but this one doesn’t care, he knows, he will calm her down now, she will calm him down, now everything will continue like this... like hammering nails, that’s how it all happened, and i’ll fill you in, and then, when they saw that he was no longer breathing, they collected everything from the table in a bag, went to throw all the snow out into the street, where they were found, in fact, they got them on the street, anna, but on the other hand, if she was involved in this only
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mother, dmitry would not be a suspect, i don’t believe that he did it with his own hands, yes, i i believe i did it. she, and he turned a blind eye to all this, that is, well, let her figure it out on her own, her child is everything, but on the other hand, olga, it cannot be denied that dmitry could have done this, and i immediately said that it’s my opinion , that they both did it, because the irritating factor is the sound, the sound irritates them very much, well, the child is alive, and i think that she knocked, and he came up, he... by the way, this one here comrade, he did absolutely, absolutely led, he did everything as she said, it seems to me that we are dealing with a very strong a manipulator who, well, with the child’s mother, that is, a pathological liar who is excellent at manipulating people, presenting himself as a pretty good person, she twisted them all and she and this dmitry, perhaps they really just had common interests, they
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had dinner, and i suspect , which is quite possible, yes it... came from the mother to him, perhaps, regardless of whether he took an active part or an inactive part, they had dinner together, she could beat the child in front of him, he sat like, well ok, okay, what can i do here, he was sitting in the kitchen, of course, well, he didn’t interfere, apparently he was sitting, andrei, you tried to talk to your wife again, but she says the same thing, he fell, he fell , i’m not guilty of anything, but if your wife’s guilt is... proven, will you ever be able to forgive her for this? in no case, i don’t think that anyone will ever be able to forgive this, i wouldn’t even want to cross paths with her anymore, will you seek the most severe punishment? yes, but do you want to divorce her? of course, i've already filed for divorce to deprive her of parental rights. how the accused sister explains the boy’s death, what dmitry’s lie detector test will show,
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we’ll find out the whole truth in a couple of minutes. it’s not necessary like this, you need to understand it like this, like this. sunday at 20:20 on ntv. there
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edik, what have you done? khasanov was killed, and so was the lawyer moskovskoe. murin worked and left. they'll tell you it's me, believe it or not, it's up to you, but i'll find someone who did it. where's the second one? in any case, we need to close the issue before evening. murin, i know you are there. edik khasanov, you killed, you, murin, are killing everyone, murin, stand, hot spot, today 20:00 on ntv, beyond, beyond, the inconsolable father continues to find out how and under what circumstances his nine-month-old son died, andrey, your wife’s sister doesn’t believe that she... could kill her own child. olesya nikitina is in our studio. hello, oles. hello. who are you from?
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learned about what happened. your sister, from your sister, your sister called early in the morning on the day of death and said that her youngest son had died, she was in shock, the only thing she said was that he fell from the sofa, do you believe your sister that everything was exactly like that, yes, yes , because i have never seen her raise her hand to her eldest son, and even more so she would never raise it. hand on such a small child, she is a good, loving, caring mother, she is a very reserved person, i want to note that she gave everything to her children, this you can see on social networks, she posted everything, that is, she posted everything, you heard and the reaction of experts, just social networks, of course, this is not an indicator, so tell me about what you yourself saw at home?
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did your sister always have cleanliness and order? yes, of course, the children always had something to eat, there was always fruit and soup, that is, my sister always looked after them, they were always well dressed, that is, i saw her care. svetlana told me that when you got into the apartment, there was a monstrous mess there, you can assume that in your house my sister may not have been cleaned, and it was difficult for her, with two children, to clean, apparently, but even i came to her, she had it, she had it clean. i was a witness, but how often did you come to your sister? once, probably for a month and a half, that’s how she is too, but i want to note that andrei did not allow me to come to samara, andrei did not allow it, why didn’t they allow it, the last time i asked my sister to leave, i first talked to my sister , because i missed my nephews,
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i wanted to see and babysit mine. what do i need my sister said, andrey won’t let me go, i already wrote, i said, let me talk to him, i talked to andrey, he didn’t want to let her go, supposedly she was walking, but that didn’t happen, there was this conversation, why didn’t you want to let your wife go to my sister, wherever she wanted, but she , you know, she went wherever she wanted, she really went, you know, if she went to a rented apartment without my knowledge in syzran , there this is...
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her husband, my brother’s father, cheated, problems started, she became, so to speak, she often had feasts and, so to speak, led unhealthy lifestyle, from which she later died, they had a hard time with the death of their mothers, how old were you, i was 15 years old, well , yes, it was probably the hardest for me. because there was a conscious age, my brother probably didn’t understand and my sister didn’t fully understand either, you tried to support them, of course, of course, i was always there and i always tried to protect them, and to take care of them, that’s what i always had that i am an older sister, that’s what’s in my head, that i should be close to them and protect them, olga, the story about les touches you before les,
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of course it does, i have a daughter - younger than my daughter is 13 years old, i understand how, well, a child at that age when with any problem, yes, with some kind of experience, first of all he goes to a loved one, to a mother, when such a burden falls on a girl, when you still need to stand up morally yourself and be there to lead the children to whom you must set examples, perseverance. and i, i sincerely feel sorry for me as a mother when children are left in this, in such a situation, and it’s probably, of course, very good that she ended up in at least they got to natalya’s family, yes, that it wasn’t her grandfather, because there was a grandfather too, but there was a shelter, yes, but why olesya, after the death of your mother you ended up in a shelter, because there were other relatives, grandmother, father, dad, no , dad
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wasn't there. grandma, she also drank, and they wouldn’t have given us to her, and you ended up in a shelter, how long did you spend there? almost a year, i am very grateful to my mother that she took us under her wing, well... now you call natalya mom, mom, i always called her mom, she raised us, she gave us the opportunity to a decent life. and your sister also calls her mom, how does she feel about her? yes, great, she relates, she always kept in touch, i am a modest, hidden person, and i could not call my mother again, but my sister always kept in touch and was aware of everything. oles, are you still having a hard time dealing with the death of your biological mother? did her death leave a strong imprint on your sister? mom, i don’t think so, no, how did she treat kandrey, what do you know about her family, about her relationship with her husband? what i am sure of is that she loved very much andrey, she was faithful to him, she always wanted
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a family, she wanted him to always be with her, but he is such an untactile person, he won’t hug him again, she endured everything, that is, everything he said andrey, i did everything, but how do you feel about the fact that andrey is divorcing your sister and wants to deprive her of parental rights? that they are getting divorced, let it be their business, after such a betrayal this is probably what should be done, although before what do you call betrayal, how did he act, spread misinformation, false information, he spread it on the internet, slandered my sister, it’s simply false , well, tell me straight out that she killed her son. you don’t think that this is true, even we talked to him, i told him, andrey, you really believe that you could do this, he lowered his eyes and said, well, if not her, then he, and i until the last, i always wanted them
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to be together, i prayed, i really did, i treated andrei well, i prayed for him when he was in the service, i worried about mine sister, this is happening now. but now they are getting divorced and andrei wants to take the child, how do you feel about this? he won’t be able to raise him alone, because my sister did all the upbringing, he didn’t spend the proper time as a father with a child, well, look, oles, you talk so well about your sister, while how can you explain that while her husband was during a special operation, she made a new friend , dmitry, who regularly, i insist on this: she and andrey had a conversation that they were breaking up, who was the initiator? how much
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andrei told me, this is what my sister was like, apparently she was just tired of being alone, it was very difficult for her mentally without andrei, if your sister did not cheat on her husband, as you say, and you are in this... he was just there, i again i repeat, what a betrayal, but the fact that the whole relationship, this person who sits opposite me, he was constantly nervous, the last time we saw each other, she was talking to him on the phone, and she was nervous, the fact that there were some girls all the time, everything, everything, that communication that is constantly with me young woman.
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do you think this dmitry could have beaten your nephew or not? my sister wouldn't allow this. but nevertheless, the child was beaten, but two adults, the child was beaten, well, who did it? either one of them, or both, or someone else was, right now. dmitry answers the polygraph examiner's questions. let's see how it passes muster. were you in a romantic relationship with the suspect? no. have you seen your friend at least once raise her hand against her youngest son artyom? no. on the day when your friend’s youngest son died, did you see her beating him? no. have you at least once
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raised your hand against your friend’s youngest son? no. your friend's child died because you beat him? no. anna. they say i studied psychology too, these look down, look up, i think he’s lying. ivan, do you think dmitry is holding himself confidently? i saw that dmitry was absolutely dependent and cowardly. and what does he say, you know, really in such a monotonous, rote manner, trying not to change his reactions. what’s important here is that the whole calculation
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of this study is that the question will cause a surge of emotions in a person if he is lying, yes, here, unfortunately, it turns out that he tries to keep himself, you know, on one note, that’s how it all goes , he goes, he knows much more than he says, you know, i was looking at the footage just now and after asking if you had seen the reaction of beating your children at least once, he said no, and then looked away. someone remembered, i could be wrong, and i even hope that i’m wrong, nina, what do you think, dmitry is guilty or not, he is definitely guilty, why, even if there were only passive actions on his part, that is, he saw, but did not say, hide information, provides false information to the investigation, he is guilty first of all humanly, morally, that he is not said, knew, saw, hid, probably not just. so he is a suspect, i have a big question, why is he not under subscription,
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if he were under subscription, we would not see him here, he simply could not come here, why is he not in the season at all is, or maybe it’s the other way around, it could be that i think about this all the time, that andrei’s wife is shielding her new lover, maybe such a possibility cannot be ruled out, if he did something, is she really such a bad mother, that... how many cases do i know when women chose an unfamiliar man, and not the child they gave birth to? oles, do you think your sister’s guilt will be proven? i think not, i believe with all my heart that she couldn’t do this, that’s all for me too terrifying, and but i know my sister. olesya, do you think that after everything that happened, she will be able to raise?
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i apologize in advance for this mess, ah, i finally found the key to victory, dmitry, you know that i just love listening to the shaman to your songs, it’s not chaliapin prokhor who smiles when we meet, but i want to do something so that dzhigurda would be ashamed of me , such a housewife, not a speck of dust, not a speck, everything is in the pawnshop, i wake up in the morning, i feel apri in my soul. i also wake up in the morning and immediately turn on the drill, kill
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me, kill me too, kill me, you and migratory bird, the soul flies into the sky, it was i who did not give my grandmother the medicine, the apartment is now mine, the stars, today marina fedunkev and dmitry malikov will fight for reaching the finals, on saturday at 22:00 on... tv. boy's word: blood on the asphalt - the most anticipated premiere of the year, from monday at 23:00. people with long-term anxiety often hear advice: calm down, don’t be nervous, you need to sleep. but in fact, anxiety can be treated. new: afabazole retard with gradual release of the active substance allows you to take just one tablet per day. vabazole alarm can and should be treated. at bigfest you definitely choose a hamburger for. 39 rub. and other offers at a very favorable price, and even
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earn. how his subordinates became accomplices in the crime. forced them to drip into the solution at risk. for the dismissal, why does the nizhny novgorod aesculapius still not consider himself guilty, he imagines himself to be a god and put himself above medicine, the doctor of last hope in the author's project of andrei kunitsin, a person has the right, on sunday at 16:20 on ntv. beyond the limits, beyond the limits, after the death of his nine-month-old son, the man insists on the most severe punishment for those responsible for the death of the child. they believe that the mother of a murdered baby should not be allowed close to the child. in the studio raisa mitrafanova and elena zatelepina. hello, hello, hello. rais, who are you
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detained by? i am sister, sister andri. elena, who are you coming to? my current husband was this girl's stepfather. the impression you had about your brother’s wife, at first it was not bad, but then somehow everything suddenly changed, everything changed dramatically, around october, she stopped any communication with us, she used to send some photographs , children, videos, well , somehow in october everything disappeared at once, and you tried to find out from her why she stopped communicating, what happened, well, first of all , some grievances against us, for what, we can’t even say, we always... helped her, but on the day of that terrible tragedy, you immediately our mother noticed us at the scene of the incident, immediately, of course, we drove for a long time, 3:36 in the morning we just arrived there in the early hours, we went into this... apartment, of course, it was scary to go in, it was a mess, everything was lying around, what - there were things lying around,
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a rug, it even felt like they were walking on it in boots without taking off their shoes, but i understand that you didn’t believe the version that the boy just fell, no, initially she was very calm about said this, no emotions at all, even when she simply told us that i want to add my... i was in frank shock at what could have happened, i said that the child had died, i was just like, i said, yes, i’ll come now. yes , it was scary to look, i was so close that i just didn’t have the courage to approach, i
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saw a wound on the head, what kind of wound do you mean, there were quite a lot of wounds on him, like on the back of his head, there was probably a little bit of blood on the right side, well , what was the condition of the eldest son’s bleeding, my husband and i went into the apartment, and he... he said, my brother died, to hear this from a small child it was, of course, terribly unbearable, well, he wasn’t hysterical, of course, well, as i understand it, the child was in shock, at that moment when you were still in the apartment, how the mother behaved towards her eldest son, she was looking for his phone, whose eldest son, and why on this phone, my eldest son always liked to shoot some kind of video, yes, videos, take photographs, yes, that is, there were a lot of them, ... many people saw them, even his mother saw me in order to erase dima from there, do you think that your wife could hide something like that?
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liki, yes, that's why she was looking for her phone to delete the photos, because the photos were deleted from january 5 to february 11 there was not a single photo, not in the cloud, how do you like this version, then what comes next is not a shock, how many, no , it was my head that i needed to find the older man’s phone, erase all the photos from there, so that dima wouldn’t be there, all of a sudden. he took a photograph of something while they were sleeping there, so to speak, doing something else there, because then it will all fall into the hands of the husband who will come to the investigation, this is understandable, this is the concealment of evidence, this too, i hope that the investigation will give a proper assessment of this, because this will include this action of, uh, so to speak, deleting photographs, this will also be one of the acceptable evidence that there really is guilt , andrey, your eldest... son lives with you now, yes, but does he understand what happened to his brother? yes, unfortunately, he understands, we often go to his grave, and that is
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, he asks, but artyom is still where he is, is he in heaven or is he there in the ground, so i don’t know even how to really explain to him, but the boy is interested in where his mother is, no, he’s absolutely not interested, he doesn’t ask about his mother, not that they don’t ask, even i, she called me, but she says, give me yegor the phone, i i say, yegor, do you want to talk, he shakes his head, no, i don’t want to. as i understand it, andrey, you are now trying to envelop the boy with love, affection, support, so that he quickly forgets about the nightmare he experienced. yes, we visited you, let's see the story. twenty-seven-year-old andrey bobkov from samara, together with his five-year-old son, he temporarily moved to his father’s apartment. for a comfortable stay there is all the necessary furniture and appliances. and so that the child would not get bored, dad thoroughly purchased toys. what kind of where they go here this is this here they just go here and the fire department from where
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the father and son come in together they play for a walk every evening andrey puts yegor to bed for the sake of the child he even stood at the stove i also know how to cook i also have a lot of experience in this there is something he loves most. anna, how would you comment? in these frames, the eldest child, i think, of course he knows
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everything, and has seen everything, it’s clear that that’s enough. difficult at the age of five, i actually want to, well, explain for understanding that the most acute moment of the fundamental psyche and many acquired things occurs just before the age of five. how can i help my child recover from this? well, firstly , there must be a specialist, and specifically a child psychologist, because there will be therapy through fairy tales, most likely through art therapy, through drawings, but i want to give... and i can do this, of course, as a recommendation to loved ones, here they are very often confused, it seems to adults, well, he’s such a baby and you can’t tell him the truth, so adults in this way want to protect and avoid these sharp corners on such serious topics, but the topic is the same one of the most serious existential themes is this death, the one that we are all essentially afraid of, if
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at all, absolutely, unconditionally, and only. how to convey this to him, if sometimes even an adult finds it difficult to say this, i don’t know, but i agree that you need to live it if bury it inside, forget about it, leave it for later, it will come out later and it is unclear how it will later result in the child’s life. elena, but it’s clear that andrei is a caring father, very,
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very, i wanted to say, andrei, and... you love your baby so much, and i sincerely wish you strength, courage, and switch your suffering thoughts to the child now, this is the maximum, this is what you can, then give it, this is your salvation, in my opinion, andrey, when you need to return to the sound of the northern military district, on the twenty-seventh i have the last one day, the twenty-eighth, i should already be behind the tape, and you were already wondering what awaits in this case... your eldest son, who will he stay with if mom is in the season, dad leaves the service? i'm even afraid to imagine. nikit, are there any delays in these cases? can something be done so as not to separate father and son? there is such a possibility, but it may take a little longer, and i understand that you cannot help but return, because this may also raise a number of questions, we will try to help you in order to somehow resolve this issue with the command, but for now yes ,
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but while we are organizing all this, you can give a power of attorney to your mother. we are trying to help you try to resolve this story as quickly as possible, that is , there is such an opportunity. ivan, what is the likelihood that andrei’s wife will be deprived of parental rights, there will be a trial based on a guilty verdict, yes, a decision can indeed be made in a fairly short time on deprivation if the mother is found guilty of the death of her son , her parental rights to her second child. and here, as the only opikun, he can andrey solve all the issues, if she is found guilty, what responsibility does she face, the limits of punishment are up to 15 years in prison, depending on the presence of mitigating factors , we have comments from the investigative committee. on february 11 of this year , the body of a nine-month-old child without signs of life was discovered in an apartment in a house located in the city of sizrne. the child's death occurred as a result of a traumatic brain injury. on
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this fact, the investigative department for the city of syzari of the investigative department of the investigative department. russian criminal code federation, causing grievous bodily harm resulting in the death of the victim through negligence. the mother of the child was detained on suspicion of committing this crime. maria, but the version of the accident immediately fades away. the investigative committee will never reclassify a less serious article to a more serious article without significant evidence, not only indirect, but also direct. therefore , significant evidence. there definitely were, it was done for a reason, yes nina, but do you think it could be that during investigations and dmitry will be brought to justice, not only andrei’s wife, of course, everything is possible, maybe he will have another article, for example, he may, the testimony initially hid his truths, what the real situation was, maybe for this
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will be punished, maybe as an accomplice will be punished? i do not exclude this possibility, that perhaps it was even a group of people, perhaps the two of them did it. dmitry passed a polygraph test, our specialist is ready to announce the results. there is a polygraph in the studio.
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the pensioner herself is worried that her beloved grandson will turn out to be a stranger by blood, there are some doubts, since marina behaves relaxed, marina, you drank a lot, for this she was deprived of parental rights, will the supposed grandmother be able to become an official grandmother, tama gave away the children to orphanage, you can’t take your grandchildren to you, i can’t take them, but you’ve never come to the children, so why should i come?
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get tankali premium right now for free, find out how by calling 8800 2009 456 all conversations are confidential the boy's word blood on the asphalt - the most anticipated premiere of the year from monday at 23:00 beyond, this is beyond, the man who buried his nine-month-old son met in our studio with his wife's friend, whom he suspects of involvement in the boy's murder, now he is ready to...
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he wasn’t exactly a witness to her beating, but he observed elements, episodes of rude attitude, rude insults, it happened, he also had such a very clear reaction to questions, how do you think she left the children in a dangerous situation, yes his honest reaction, that there were a lot of such cases, andrei, do you want to say something now, no, i am only interested in one thing, the cause of the death of my child, has nothing to do with the death of the child, that dmitry did not raise a hand against him, did not commit any rude or cruel actions, or any careless actions that resulted, yes, in the child receiving injuries incompatible with life, and so on, that is, in principle, he treated the child, well, i’ll say it correctly, there are hidden moments about which he can maybe , for reasons of correctness, he doesn’t want to say, but nevertheless, the night before the death of the child , he spent the night in this...
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eyes, now in the afternoon of the eleventh, she confessed to him and asked him not to tell anyone, to him, that during the day the child also fell on her twice and in the morning he noticed dmitry that the child sits somehow unnaturally, looks at one point, already in the morning there were parameters for something incomprehensible in your professional opinion, therefore guilt. it will be proven to the mother, i think it will be, well, in any case, i see that many actions were committed by the mother due to negligence once, due to her bad manners twice, due to frank indifference towards children and this child, in particular, this is what the option deprive her of her rights or not, of course deprive her, this is a formal mother, andrey, you will achieve the most severe punishment for your wife, of course, ivan, you can...


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