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tv   DNK  NTV  April 10, 2024 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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he doesn’t want to say anything, but nevertheless, the night before the death of the child, he spent the night in this apartment with his girlfriend, he was there, there is also one more information from him, his girlfriend admitted to him that during the day the child also fell twice in front of her eyes, so already in the afternoon of the eleventh, she confessed to him and asked him not to tell anyone, and in the morning he noticed dmitry that the child was sitting somehow unnaturally, looking at one point, they were there already in the morning. i think it will, well, in any case, i see that a lot of actions have been taken a mother through negligence once, through bad manners twice, out of frank indifference towards children and this child in particular, and this is what the option is to deprive her of her rights or not to deprive her, of course, to deprive her, this is a formal mother. and you will seek
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the severest punishment for your wife. undoubtedly. ivan, you can provide andrey with your assistance in this matter. yes, of course, without a doubt. we will try to work out the issue regarding this vacation. it needs to be increased so that you can be with your child during this difficult time. of course, we will take control and attract the attention of federal supervisory authorities to this story, because it is resonant, well, in principle, it is out of the ordinary. we will not leave you from them. we'll help. anna, can you provide support to andrey and his son? of course, of course, the only thing, only i don’t specialize in little ones, that is, working with small children, so for this i can, perhaps, recommend a colleague who is a child psychologist and he is definitely needed, but advising you personally for work with living in general with the humility of this so difficult situation, it really is a crazy tragedy, to put it mildly.
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of course, you can absolutely count on me. thank you. andrey, once again accept my most sincere condolences from everyone who is in the studio today, i think, from all the tv viewers. hang in there. thank you. remember that with any problem you can turn to our program for help. we will continue tomorrow, right now, with a new dna test. watch tomorrow in the program beyond. people in their own apartments are suffocating from unbearable odors and no longer know how to fight with cockroaches, they blame the neighbor for everything. there are mountains of garbage up to the ceiling. the smell, of course, is a terrible stench. the cockroaches are terrible, but they can’t reach her, because she doesn’t even let her own daughter on the doorstep. instead of taking this trash away, you bring it back. they slander me because i am alone.
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a resident of kaluga intends to prove that she is the grandmother of a teenager who, after the death of his mother, ended up in an orphanage. marina buigleshvili contacted us for a dna test. hello, marina, does a grandmother need to prove that she is a grandmother? the help of genetic testing? well, how can i tell you, i’m sure that this is my grandson, well, my son was not legally married to his daughter-in-law, marina. why are you, marina, asking for a genetic examination, they are doing it for your son, my son died when this happened?
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alexander died on may 16, 2023, he was taken by an ambulance, and in the morning he died, but what happened to him? well, since marina died, it was very difficult for him, he was very worried, i said, sash, well, eat at least a little, food has already stopped accepting him. he he developed pancreatitis from all these experiences, your son never doubted his paternity, sasha did not, he loved seryozha, he called them on the phone, their children, when he and marina got together, lizonka was one and a half years old, daughter marina from a previous relationship, yes, while they lived, their family relationships developed. later
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seryozha appeared, here you are, marina, when alexander introduced the girl, his chosen one, you know, sasha and i were doing renovations. so one day marina’s mother, tamara, called us about renovation, sasha and i went, sasha really liked marina, she is elegant, she is attentive, cheerful, they developed this kind of relationship, and somehow she says, can we come to you to get married, tamara doesn’t mind. took a ring, took flowers, a cake on the day off , we went to tamara, we had a very good time, had fun, relaxed, even stayed overnight there, why didn’t the wedding take place in the end, sasha didn’t have citizenship yet and marina didn’t
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want to register until i didn’t want to, but how they lived, they rented a house, lived together, they they lived in mineral waters, and i... not far away, but i went to see them, how often did you visit their home, well , a week, so that i didn’t go, this didn’t happen, they lived well, friendly, marina worked at the railway station as a conductor , while she was on the flight, sasha was looking after lizonka, and how did your son tell you that he was about to become a dad, you know, i was visiting them when marina was on the flight. the flight was supposed to arrive before this day, i came to sasha for the night, well, with lisa, they were still living in a hostel there and marina called him, and he says: mom, imagine what marina told me, she’s pregnant, of course, i’m
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very happy too, well, when i got pregnant, it’s time to go, well, she wanted the privilege more. as a single mother, but your son was ready to get married, sasha, yes, sasha wanted to obtain citizenship and legalize the marriage, but i understand that it was for this reason that your alexander did not succeed in becoming the official father of his son. marina did not give this, she only gave a single middle name. who chose the baby's name? sasha, in honor of his dad. and from the family did you meet the baby's mother at home? we met sasha, lisa, and me. only you, relatives on the paternal side, met, but on the maternal side, no, tamara, somehow she didn’t get along very well with marina, she didn’t even come to meet her grandson from the maternity hospital, how did they live further, they bought a house, they had such a good time, they put the entire garden in order, they wanted
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to do some reconstruction inside the house, but it so happened that tamara, apparently they borrowed money from tamara, and tamara told them... her mother somehow insisted, they had to sell the house in which they were going to start a family , yes, it affected their relationship, well , not yet, while they moved to a remote place, they lived well there, seryozha i came to see them there, seryozha was about 2 years old, so
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what then at what point went wrong ? tamara arrived with a taxi driver, i don’t know what happened to them, but... she’s alive, i say, sasha, let’s go to kaluga, we have relatives here, let’s go, you’ll unwind a little, but after about a week, sasha found out that marina is dating this taxi driver, that is, marina has a new relationship: mom introduced her, mom introduced her, sasha, she has no citizenship, but sasha has a son,
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well, she didn’t fall in love with him, she immediately found some other match for her daughter, and that everything worked out well with that new man, yes, she became pregnant from him. from the taxi driver, right away, well, i don’t know, we left with sasha, while in kaluga, we found out, and you watched how life developed further for the children? the child died, this is because she was pregnant, there was a conflict between her and her mother, her mother ended up in the hospital because of marina, and marina, marina was imprisoned, for which marina was imprisoned, marina stabbed her mother with a knife, that is, marina was imprisoned because she stabbed her mother, the mother was consequently sent to the hospital, and the children? we were in the house, we returned from kaluga to mineral waters, uh, sasha found
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marina’s phone number, where she was sitting, then we went to the orphanage with sasha together, then we tried to go to the guardianship, who will give it to sasha? , if it is not written down, who will give us, yes, who will give us a child, and marina was not yet deprived. parental rights, that is, you went to the orphanage to visit the children, they let us in, yes, they let me in, we brought the package, they visited marina, and sasha went and visited marina in prison, he kept telling me, mom, i love her, this man, who is a taxi driver, where has he disappeared, but we don’t know him, well, he was somehow generally interested in marina’s life, i don’t know anything, in the end, for how long, for what period of time marina was imprisoned, well, she was imprisoned for about a year and a half, then she was released as a substitute. but sasha waited for her, they got together, they took the children, sasha waited, i rented a house nearby in
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alexandria, well, they got chickens, they had a vegetable garden, everything was just like in a family, well , things got better, marina’s mother no longer interfered in their relationship, she intervened, her mother came, she found out that marina, or maybe marina called, i want to squeeze. her dear one, it’s obvious that she forgave her, well , they decided to rent mineral waters, in alexandria she didn’t want lizonka to go to school in the village, marina moved there with sasha, they lived in an apartment there, invited us to visit , marina wanted both my mother and me, well, so that we would still be related. so that there are souls, well it turned out like this, that everything was fine, then tamara
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rushed to sasha, you don’t have citizenship, what can you give marina, and that in the end this again interfered with the happiness of the young people, of course, they broke up again, and you didn’t try to talk to marina, that it was their mother who was the reason for them discord, once again i didn’t give a damn, marin, if you look like your mother, you can see for yourself that you have... sasha , relationships aren’t improving, let’s go to coluga, well, it’s too far away, well, you’ll continue to work at the railway station, i’m for i’ll watch it as children, they wanted to move it closer to me, buy something here, but she didn't agree or what? marina is not, most likely she didn’t want it from her mother, after that your son tried to return to marina, of course, but tamara began to live in marina’s house there, in an apartment, i don’t know for what reason. although she had her own home, that is, marina chose to raise her children alone and live with her mother,
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who just recently had such a terrible conflict, i’m surprised at this, i say: “sash, it’s not working, she doesn’t want to live with you , well, let's go, and we left, returned to kolubi again, after that marina was deprived had parental rights because she did not lead a bad lifestyle. and the children were taken away again, the children ended up in the orphanage again, marina tried to somehow get them back, of course, she made a fictitious marriage with some man, i’ll tell you now, anatoly gerosimenko, they adopted the children, they made the adoption to get the children back, they they took it, that is, wait, your seryozha had some other last name. like
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the father who adopted him, and the mother was able to take her children, the mother was able to take them, and how they lived further, sasha tried with marina talk, but anatoly took it, she was sleeping, anatoly, yes, this anatoly, the husband, well, i don’t know how they lived there, maybe marina couldn’t live... she lived with him, but however he was imprisoned, and marina she also drank, everything went in a circle again, the children ended up in an orphanage again, the children ended up in an orphanage and suddenly marina died. he was imprisoned, marina is dying, the children are staying in the orphanage for the third time , poor children, this is very difficult, i have sasha, why did he die, because he was worried, mom, how is marinka, marinka is gone from life, lisa and seryozha in the orphanage, well
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, how long can they endure, why didn’t your son take any action so that your son, his son, for the third time... would not end up in the orphanage, no, we were waiting for yulia to buy house, yulia herself says, this is sashana’s sister, your daughter, yes, we will buy a house, sasha, don’t worry, we will take the children, we will begin to establish custody, well, sasha did not wait for this day, so he died, in october i went to the children , i went to the orphanage, uh, i went to foster care, i asked, i didn’t even know that their last name was different, i swear, i didn’t know, about this fictitious husband, i didn’t know, i say, sergei, but no, they have a different last name, well, in the end you managed to meet them, of course, i brought them gifts, lizonka for a prom dress, we we were packing things with our daughter, which means she’s already quite
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an adult, yes, she’s already 16, how old is your grandson now, do you think? i also love her, she is also my granddaughter, well , not my own, but still mine. now let's talk about the second grandmother, how does she feel about this whole situation, about the fact that the children are in an orphanage? and it seems to me that they indifferent. lisa said even her grandmother blocked her. marina, she believes that you can raise her grandson with dignity, but she herself
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does not want to take any part in his future life. in the studio tamara matveevna. hello tamara, hello, are you ready to give your grandson sergei to be raised by marina. since she wants and says that she already has this, that she takes them, it means she has a desire for this, so that this child will be in the family, and you don’t mind, i don’t mind, well, you ’re also a grandmother, why don’t you take a grandson to yourself for upbringing, i’m a grandmother, i took it, well, i got it.
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what are you saying, what are you saying, are you not hearing what you are saying? marina, why does tamara have such a reaction, she feels guilty, she is aggressive, a scandalous person, lisa told me that when marina was somewhere there, i don’t know where she was, that’s
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grandma, she didn’t like seryozha, she she beat seryozha, this is according to lisa, because she didn’t... love sasha, she didn’t love seryozha either. ksenia, what can you say about this? it also seems to me that if there is such a possibility, if there is desire, you will do everything for this to take your own grandchildren. i can’t take it, don’t blame me, i have legs, i don’t want to keep an eye on him, he’s 11, and what if he ends up somewhere, and what will i do? that’s why i can’t, i don’t give up on them, they were with me all the time, they weren’t, but they can’t take them to me. well, i can’t take them now, my blood pressure is barely the same, i want to take it away, i’m not asking you, then let’s figure it out in order why you didn’t like marina’s son as her daughter’s chosen one, well, let marina. tell me, because he didn’t do anything bad to you, god my, when we were visiting, you yourself threw yourself at him, that’s right,
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tell me, swallow, what he was doing, if i told you, tamara, you’ll tell me, i worked nowhere, firstly, he was acting out, he never worked in production, his mother was close by, but he didn’t suffer from anything, he had children, he met marina, i didn’t know him, from the newspaper, the newspaper... we were doing renovations, i invited him home, they got together and it started , what started, well , uh, well, good fun, little by little at first, slowly at first, you know it happened almost every day, and you think, as i understand it, that marina’s son alexander had a bad influence on marina, right, but because every day they do this, then marina buys from her mother. the apartment is like a common fund, there are three owners, that’s it, she works as a guide, he lives with her, she takes out a loan there
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, there’s not enough credit, the loan went, that’s it, now they ’ve lived, lived, she’s got a little loan, they’re buying an apartment in a nine-story building, i ’m happy that they are buying a nine-story building, a room with all amenities, well, everything is fine goes, yes, good, i say, thank god, she gives birth at this nine. it turned out that he took it in this, this very thing began, they bought a house and when they sold the money, they sold this apartment, and bought the house cheaper, there was money, sasha got carried away with another thing,
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there was this kind of machine, he played for money, something like that , marina takes out a loan again, the loss started, of course sasha’s drinking grew, marina’s too, we started having scandals, that’s all, i say, it was going well, marinka is doing it, everything, everything is fine, he works for his mother there, they together, he doesn’t work there, i don’t know, i wasn’t there for that, the same guy came again, here
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’s a loan, then there were collectors, they started breaking the windows and writing on the fences, but they can’t pay anything, then she asks me these 35,000, mom, i’ll sell the house, i’ll give you the money , i’ll leave, i gave her these 300.
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it’s possible and that your daughter began to live with this vyacheslav, they’re with me, but he didn’t come to us so they met somewhere, she’s me with the children, when this same thing doesn’t leave
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us, i say: marina, why is he here in the kitchen, i have a big house, why doesn’t he leave, well, we’ll live for now, then i said, go away, marina, you have an apartment, pack your things and leave, i say, you have an apartment with all the amenities and live, work, i say , i said, i say, before lunch, so that you don’t have a dream, so she left, no, so listen, well, i’m coming, not drunk, i started shouting at him, he started rushing at me to fight and said, i’ll live here, you say you won’t throw me out of here, i called the police, the police arrived, he started embroidering, three of them gathered, he they tied him up, and they took my daughter away, she runs away through another entrance, she’s such a natural fool, is it possible to run away, the children are here, and the policeman says, that is, the police, well , this is the only one left from the police, he says,
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i’m calling the guardian, he’s coming guardianship, guardianship is coming, i say: leave me, my house is 60 square meters, no, she says, let her, she says, since she doesn’t need children, we’ll break up, your daughter just ran away, she ran away to the police, the police, to help out him, so she went there, they put them both there, her they put me in prison, well, yes, they closed me down, so marina, it turns out that for what reason the children first... ended up in an orphanage, but marina’s mother stabbed her, she was in the hospital, they cut me, i got it like this, and you know the children yourself, i looked, but you never came, where should the children go, and why should i come, she came to me on june 1, we set the table, that’s what she said, that no one came, my grandmother blocked me, so you understand, then now it’s good to say,
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listen, “what recording did you give liza, you i wrote, how is your grandmother so, so and so, after a week or two they blocked me, they didn’t call me, they called me every day all day and night, this is after this recording, well, no need, well, marina, the grandchildren insisted against the other woman, the grandmother didn’t say anything, why should i tell you, you can’t say that to children, so you were in college, and you called her?” “we read on the phone, your grandmother, your grandmother, this tamara, she’s to blame for everything , she is a bad woman, so after this recording, it means the kids don’t call me, marina, what did you tell the kids about grandma tamara? that's right, after that 2 weeks, when this happened, well, when this recording happened.
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after 2 weeks, the children did not call at all, who has good reason to doubt that the result of the dna test will please marina, who dreams of becoming a grandmother, in this family drama an unexpected turn awaits us, we will continue after a short advertisement, transfer debts from credit cards to the bank, conveniently repay them in installments for 24 months. it’s just terrible, how scary it was, but it’s so amazing, just categorically beautiful, mask, fifth anniversary season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv, hot spot, new season from tuesday at 20:00 on ntv.
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television on saturdays at 19:00 on ntv. mikhail shufutinsky is 76 years old, since he gave his gift to the country. another holiday, we are still being tortured, what happened to you on september 3, why , having lived with his beloved for almost 10 years, he is in no hurry to put a stamp in his passport, and you jealous, yes very much, like mikhail shufutinsky lost 30 kilos, when all the young people are married, he must match, when he becomes a great-grandfather, without falling out of his chair, we will have a baby, is the king of chanson ready to give up the stage to the young, will you return to your village, you now everyone will forget, but i only have... mikhail shufutinsky on his birthday in
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the million-dollar secret studio on saturday at 20:20 on ntv. in the studio of the dna program, the supposed grandmother of an eleven-year-old. who ended up in an orphanage after the death of his mother, a woman hopes that the result of a genetic examination will confirm that the boy is her own grandson, which means she will be able to take him to her. marina, what if your relationship with sergei is not confirmed, what then? even if it’s not confirmed, i’ll take the child, my daughter told me, if it’s not confirmed, we ’ll take seryozha, that is, you’re ready to take seryozha in any case. against, i don’t mind if marina refuses to give you guardianship, she is ready to take seryozha herself. in the studio of yulia kokaeva. hello, yulia, please come in. i
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i understand that you, like your mother, believe that seryozha is your brother’s son, which means you are the boy’s own aunt. yes, he is very similar, very similar in character, he also likes to joke, well, seryozha is... a copy of sasha, you can say, that is , you have no doubts about the relationship, your brother, he planned to take the boy, he wanted to plan, of course, after marina’s death, especially since he really wanted this. he wanted to get citizenship, i promised him that i would buy a house, that we would take seryozha, and that the boy would be with his own father. what can you say about mom seryozha, marina? well, marina, when i came to visit them, in the fifteenth year, then they lived, seryozha, was already about, probably, two or three years old, probably, liza was probably older, so, i was marina’s first then i saw her once, but she... seemed very nice to me, hospitable, she did housework, she
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was also like a mother, she kept the children clean, in order, everything was as it should be, like ordinary families always do, but something in what -that moment went wrong, that’s exactly what came from sasha, she’s hardworking, beautiful, she hard-working, she worked as a guide, she was rewarded, she was everything, even judged like that, but marina sat, but marina was there. parental rights, sasha didn’t have that, who makes a good parent then? i’m saying, what happened is that marina looked askance at, i ’m telling you, what about sasha, they both, let’s say, it’s good, they broke up, stopped living together, that marina then led a good lifestyle, you want to say, that’s it happened to marina, the person turned out to be nothing, and you blame it on her,
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and she says, liza is little, who gives her
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telephone? tamara, don’t be stupid, she’s so little, she was already 8-9 years old, she already knew this phone number 525, i called me, she said: grandma, come, pick us up from there, i’m coming, there was a lot of dirt there, so so that in marina’s house, where she lived, that marina, my daughter lived, there was nothing to eat in this marina, my mother brought food, and my grandmother. marina, because he drinks all the time, doesn’t work, what is he needed for? julia, despite the difficult relationship, your brother still loved marina, he loved her very much, yes, even when marina died, he was very worried, even he had tears in his eyes, you could say it knocked him down, it knocked him down very much, because he seemed to stop. eat, he says, i don’t have an appetite, i’m not talking to you, okay,
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tell the truth, tell the truth in front of everyone, that he couldn’t go a single day with you without drinking, well, tell me, he’s been drinking all his life, he’s finished drinking what the doctor told him in front of us, when we called him soon, your liver is unusable, you will soon die, he says, stop drinking, you are already a lazy person, you say, yes, well, let her take the child correctly. i see her sister, that is, she is a daughter, they will raise a child. yulia, will your mother be able to raise seryozha? yes, of course, firstly, my mother raised us four children, besides me and sasha, i also have two brothers. mom raised us all the same, treated everyone the same. we didn’t have any business, he loves him more, he loves me less, we always got together as a family, always had dinner with... and how does my brother feel about the fact that marina listed the father of the child as the father
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of a stranger, who is this child? established, yes, because it’s like this, he wanted to record seryozha himself, tell me honestly, if he forgave betrayals, did he ever doubt that seryozha was his son, no, he didn’t doubt it, he still always stood until the last, the earring is my son, the earring is my everything, your brother marina believes that tamara’s daughter, 11 years old, gave birth to a child from another, in the studio anvar bikirov, hello, hello! do you think that your sister is not a grandmother? i would like her to be a grandmother, but there is some doubts, since we often get together on weekends, well , everyone, all my relatives come there every year, that’s where i met marina, well, we kind of
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sat there back and forth, and i was sitting next to sashka, marina, i see , sashka constantly pulls her back, marina, maybe that’s enough? there’s something here, well, i don’t like this, when a woman behaves a little relaxed, i didn’t tell sasha, but i have a feeling that sasha, something seems to me, something’s not right, but i’m talking about herself, is she playing around on the side, you know, maybe still nephew with you, of course, he shared with me, that’s absolutely right, he called me when they broke up, he says uncle, that’s it, he says, she... kicked me out, i say what happened, a good father, a good family man, i say, okay, maybe you ’re not telling me something after all, although he always tells me the truth, sasha told me, he says, he didn’t have time, i just after we separated, she contacted some taxi driver , or something, i don’t know, he told me, i immediately have
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a memory of that evening when we were sitting and here i am, i told sasha, i say, sasha, i had, i had such a premonition, suddenly she, suddenly she had some fun, of course, i really want to, because looking at the photographs of sashkin’s children and the earrings, they are similar, but it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t give a reason, because there are many of us on earth who are similar to each other, you discussed your doubts with your nephew, maybe he already had doubts about that, no, he was categorically against it, i say, that’s it i love him equally, this is my child, and after the separation. with marina, he often communicated with son, she didn’t even let me in, he complained to me, yes, he came, why didn’t she let me in, didn’t even show the children, didn’t let him, well, that’s also impossible, but why could this be, i also can’t understand this reason , who is ready to accept seryozha as a blood brother, even without a dna test, we will find out
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is simple as 1 2 3, this is a dna program, the woman underwent a genetic examination with a pupil of the orphanage to prove that she is his paternal grandmother. for a year now, marina bueglishvili and her daughter yulia have been regularly coming to the litvinovskoye cemetery in kaluga. marina's son is buried here, alexander zelenov. he had pancreatitis in his stomach; for some reason he stopped taking food. apparently this caused something to explode in my head. i was at work, he called and said: “mom, i see a black and white tv,” he says, come, he says, call an ambulance. well, they called an ambulance, and in the morning...
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well, we will take care of custody, i promised him, back when he was alive, son, don’t worry, we will take the children, the mother of marina sergeeva and tamara matveeva says that she cannot take an active part in seryozha’s life due to health problems, for the same reason, she i was forced to move from a city apartment to a private house, we lived in an apartment in the dzheedsky village, on the second floor, well, my legs are bad, it’s difficult for me to get up at all. and also driving, in the morning you won’t end up in either the hospital or the city, you won’t get a seat, no matter
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where you plan to go, not only do you have to call a taxi there, but it’s so problematic there, after the death of her son, marina buiglishvili wanted to take seryozha from the orphanage , but the guardianship authorities refused her, because according to the documents the child has a different father, a complete stranger , who is now in prison, and are you talking to anyone? do a test, do dna, then maybe you will succeed. they answered me like this. tamara, aliza, who gave birth to your daughter? she was married to roman. is this roman's daughter? how do i know who it is, this novel, they took dna there, i don’t know that she didn’t tell me anything about them. they lived separately. marina, what do you know about lisa’s dad? when we arrived at the orphanage, when... she was sitting, uh, roman came there, the affairs of dna, lisa, it turned out that it was not roman,
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the daughter, some kind of horror, that is, it turns out, marina, there is a high probability that the same thing will happen in your case, this is what i want to find out, so, is seryozha ours or not, with your help, with your program, we just hope to find out, is it true? anvar, i understand that it is actually very important for everyone, despite the great love for seryozha, yulia, and for you it is important, yes, of course, well, i really hope that after all seryozha is ours, i will hope 100% that i will take him, not me, but my daughter will help me take him, i will do it anyway, even if my mother is refused, i will try to take seryozha too, are you already doing something for this? well, yes, for starters, i bought my own home, and in the summer i plan to expand so that
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i also have a small son, he is 2 years older than seryozha. so they communicate with my son, but does marina even have a chance of not getting custody? i hope that it will work out, i studied at school, i passed the entire medical examination, i got out of work, i worked there for 5 years, the characteristics are very good, the fact that i wrote everything in my autobiography, the only thing is that i didn’t pass the test, it’s psychological here a psychological test, if they at least said that there
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really is a test, it is aimed at limiting as much as possible those individuals who are truly unbalanced and how to protect the rights of the child if a dna test confirms that the grandmother is indeed a grandmother, then , of course, you won’t need to take this test, and if for some reason marina is denied guardianship, does yulia have a chance to take custody of her nephew? of course, of course, yulia has every chance of getting custody, but on a general basis. the point is that for close relatives, such as grandmothers, brothers, sisters, stepmothers, stepfathers, and for them there are a number of relaxations, that is, they would not need to go through this school, but training, i studied, well, that’s right, if you could confirm if you are a grandmother, you would not have to go through this training, in addition, the requirements for living space and income requirements are also not
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as strict as for persons who are not, that is, receiving in person. tell me, does sergei have any property? i 'll be honest, it seems to me that there is no property they don’t have, the fact that there is a three-room apartment on liza, on seryozha, it is all broken, everything is destroyed, everything is cut off there, it is there, but these are children, this is not mine, this is for the children. so that’s why i asked such a question, yeah,
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this is the situation now with my relatives, i’ll say it again. they have been raising him for 2 years, yeah, and there the question of inheritance arose, now not even a month has passed, an aunt from st. petersburg has appeared who wants to take possession of this inheritance, so no, well , i don’t need anything, i don’t have rude words, these are thoughts, i promised sasha when i when he was still sick, i think, sasha, everything is fine, you will get better, we will take the child, don’t worry, we promised sasha, and we want this. i can’t hold back, your son, yulia, is ready to become a great big brother for seryozha, what’s up in the studio, hello, cool, hello, when did you find out that you might have a younger cousin? 2 years ago, i asked my uncle, uncle sasha, if he had a son or
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daughter, he answered me, yes, he has a son and a daughter. i asked, can you tell me about them? he began to tell him that he also has a son, seryozhka, and a daughter, liza. introduced you? yes, i introduced you. how often do you communicate? we try to communicate every day, but due to his poor academic performance, his phone was taken away, now we can’t communicate. that is , even when seryozha ended up in an orphanage, do you keep in touch? yes, but what does he even say about life there? he talks about how he misses his parents and wants to be taken away from the orphanage as soon as possible. who does he want to live with, he says? with grandma, with dad i didn’t tell him about the line with grandma tamara, but if seryozha lives with you, if your mother, yulia, picks him up at your house, i ’ll try to help him with his studies, are you waiting for his brother, yes, i’m waiting, of course, what do you think? , and seryozha will be lucky with your grandmother, i think yes, he will be lucky that the most beloved thing that your grandmother does for you is almost everything, marina, let’s
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see where you plan to meet seryozha as the most loving grandmother. attention to the screen. marina buyeglishvili’s daughter, yulia kakaeva, bought this house in kaluga six months ago to live together with his mother and thirteen-year-old son ikhlas. they also want to take seryozha here. in general, we are planning to buy a two-story , bunk bed, for this we have already looked, but as soon as i have a child, we will immediately take it, we also want to start building an extension in the spring, so we will just add two rooms to the house now it’s quite comfortable, marina shows, there is all the necessary furniture, dishes and household appliances, she and yulia recently tidied up... so the hallway, wallpaper was glued, the ceiling was glued, nailed, here’s a mirror, to make it convenient, they struggled, folded,
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assembled this furniture, besides, marina continues, she has a lot of free time, so she will find something to keep seryozha busy and is ready to stand at the stove from morning to evening, trying to surprise him with new recipes. i love to bake and please. with this, what they want, i can have sweet and not sweet, i hope that they will give me my grandson, and we will all be together, i don’t even really know what he likes, but of course, i will learn everything from him, marina , well, tell me honestly, you’re afraid to hear zero the result of the dna test, i’m afraid, i’m very afraid, i want to hope that this is my grandson and... if it’s zero, we’ll still take him. natalya, after listening to this whole story today, do you think marina is seryozha’s mother or grandmother? i would really like marina
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to be seryozha’s own grandmother. because, uh, i see love. lily, in your opinion, will they take away their loved one, or just a boy whom they love very much? from what we just heard. and lisa is not her father’s daughter, that is a very big question. tamara, do you think, is, of course, his own grandson? marina, are you ready to find out if your grandson is your own? is he now awaiting a custody decision? yes, i'm ready. i'm very ready. i hope so, that he will be mine by blood. i invite sergei kiselyov, professor, doctor of biological sciences, to the studio. will marina today become the grandmother of an eleven-year-old orphanage pupil
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? we will know the result of the dna test in a couple of minutes. watch today at 19:00. but. in orsk the flood has subsided, in orenburg the situation continues to worsen. the water level in the ural river is approaching critical levels. from the flooded areas there is active evacuation of people. what other regions are preparing for peak floods? exactly 80 years ago, the red army liberated odessa from the nazis, which had been under occupation for more than 2 and a half years. little-known military newsreels and archival documents of those years in a large material by our correspondent. watch tonight at 19:00, on the website in the application now, the boy’s word: blood on the asphalt, the most anticipated premiere of the year from monday at 23:00. alpha friday, supercake every week
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malikov vs. marine fitunkev. stars on saturday at 22:00 on ntv. edik. what have you done? khasanov was killed, and so was the moscow lawyer. murin worked and left. they will tell you that it is me, believe it or not, it is up to you to decide. but i'll find someone who did. where's the second one? and... in any case, we need to close the issue before the evening, murin, i know that you are there, edik khasanov, you killed, you, murin, are killing everyone, murin, stand, hot spot, today 20:00 on ntv , this is a dna program, right now we will find out if the orphan from... home has a grandmother
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to his father, who dreams of taking him home. sergey lvovich, the floor is yours. the future life of marina buiglishvili depends on the result of this dna test. for 11 years now, the woman has considered herself a grandmother. she hopes that her son, who, unfortunately, is no longer alive, will become seryozha’s dad. but the man was not married to the boy’s mother. that's why. catfish is not recorded, after the death of seryozha’s mother , he and his sister ended up in an orphanage. marina underwent a genetic examination to prove that seryozha is her blood grandson and take him for herself. marina, are you ready to find out do you have a grandson from your deceased son? ready. attention, i am opening the envelope. on the one hand
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, the alleged paternal grandmother, marina buiglishvili, on the other, her alleged biological grandson, seryozha gerosimenko. the probability that seryozha is the biological child of your deceased son, and therefore your blood grandson, is. 99.9%. thank you. tamara, thank you, save yourself, mom, i’m glad, just, simply glad. what do you thank tamara for? well, her daughter gave me a grandson. i am
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very glad that such a program exists, very glad. thank you very much. tamara, maybe maybe it’s really worth leaving all quarrels in the past. and as the grandmothers of one grandson , try to still support each other, but we didn’t quarrel, if she takes it, i because she’s younger than me, my daughter’s health allows it, i said right away that since i’m a daughter, i ’ve heard a good opinion about my daughter, but i say, that means they bought a house, that means her life is going well, marina, if tamara decides to take part in seryozha’s life, will you mind? "i don't mind if you need genetic testing, contact us and we will let's help, tomorrow on mtv, new car, donka,
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the critical level has been passed regarding the rapid rise of water and new flooded areas in orenburg. mikhail chernov. the water is receding. how alexander tankikh will tell you how things are in flooded orsk on the sixth day of the flood. heavy snipers work remotely, 1.5-2 km to the target, but if we are talking about urban areas. minimum distances about the work of snipers of the pacific fleet in the southern donetsk direction. report by sergei pekul. exactly 80 years ago, soviet troops liberated odessa from the fascist invaders. how was it, reviewing newsreel footage, archival documents, etc.?


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