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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 10, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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the critical level has been passed regarding the rapid rise of water and new flooded areas in orenburg. mikhail chernov. the water is receding. how are things going? exactly 80 years ago, soviet troops liberated odessa from the fascist invaders. how it was, reviewing newsreels and archival documents. after talking with historians,
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evgeniy golovanov studied it. in russia, uraza bayram is celebrated, which marks the end of the month of ramadan. holiday prayers were held throughout the country, debtors were forgiven in chechnya, namaz was performed in a new juma mosque. nakhit babaev about the traditions of gifts. hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, this is a program today in the studio of elmira ifendeev. the orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions are three russian regions where the most tense situation with the spring flood has developed. all relevant services and departments are resisting the natural phenomenon by regional and federal authorities.
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the scale of the largest flood in almost a century is indicated by the footage we received from neighboring kazakhstan, where roads were washed away, including the federal highway. livestock wanders through the streets in chest-deep water. the authorities involved the armed forces in eliminating the consequences of the flood. many settlements are without power. in some provinces , interruptions in mobile communications began as base stations failed. a state of emergency was introduced in 10 of the 17 regions of the republic. by this moment
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, about 100,000 people had already been evacuated from the flood zone. the day before, the situation with the flood in the border areas of russia and kazakhstan was discussed in detail by phone with the presidents of the two countries, vladimir putin and kasym zhamar takaev agreed to intensify the work of relevant departments, which jointly monitor the situation and develop common response measures. in orenburg today , the water level in the ural river exceeded 10 m, which is considered critical. who has at least some kind of swimming equipment, because in some areas it is simply impossible to move around except by boat. mikhail chernov, about the arrival of big water in orenburg.
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now a dam is being built here to protect the cottage community, we must hurry, the water arrives quickly, there is a new microdistrict nearby, which is also under the threat of flooding, the fields next to the new buildings are no longer there, during the night everything was swallowed up by water and the level is constantly being measured, they say a little more, and the waters of the urals will flow along the asphalt, there is a dam, it is already starting to overflow, we need more land, now we are filling up the dam, but there is not enough land. we buy land for money
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ourselves; the day before , warning sirens were turned on several times throughout orenburg; evacuation from dangerous areas was reported on television. water level in the ural river exceeded the critical level, which means that new areas of the city were flooded, mainly villages and dacha communities located along the urals itself and its tributary, the sakhmara river. the kuznechno microdistrict is also called the old center of orenburg; now several streets here have gone under water, the name is a mockery, the first lake street. while sergei was shopping for groceries and his wife was waiting at the second floor window, water came to their home, literally from the underground. just now, just minutes. half an hour, maybe the water is rising before our eyes, well, an hour, yes, their neighbors, the new pensioners also hoped until the very end that the water wouldn’t come in, it comes quickly, it’s instantaneous, it’s not clear from here or there, the water floods more and more territories, entering houses where
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yesterday it was dry, as the residents of this street say, in just 24 hours, the water rose by more than 20 cm, dacha areas on the outskirts of the city now found themselves... even deeper in the water, talk like a neighbor, you used to be able to talk at the store, now you’re sitting in boats, and you’re like a film, where in shop? no, vitali will go to the store, instead of roads there are waterways arteries, the best transport is the one that can take a neighbor in tow, they approached the assault on a water barrier tactically, this is the copral’s call sign, a colleague in the northern military district, while he is fighting, it is necessary to save the property in his house, the operation is supported by air. atlas-corporal, pass eight houses, look, if the fence is not in the way, turn right, i ’m flying off to recharge now, saving the laptop and furniture ended in victory, when the truce of the combined elements will come, it’s unclear, no one here doubts, after raising the level
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water will easily capture new territories. mikhail chernov, igor akimov, ekaterina kostyukevich, nikolai datsun, ntv. orenburg. a special plane from the ministry of emergency situations delivered prefabricated ones to orenburg today. blankets, they will be sent to temporary accommodation centers. residents of the orenburg region who find themselves in the disaster zone are being helped by military personnel from the ministry of defense. the fighters of the missile formation delivered. tyumen region, together with the regional governor , inspected how local hydraulic structures are being prepared for the arrival of high water, the minister demanded that monitoring of the condition of protective dams and the operation
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of reservoirs be carried out constantly; this is critically important. but in the second largest city of orenburg, orsk, the flood, on the contrary , has subsided, the water level is gradually decreasing. and people begin to return to normal normal life. on behalf of the president, the head of the ministry of construction arrived in orsks to personally deal with the restoration of damaged houses, in addition, the head of the central bank ilvera nabeulina said today that residents will be helped with payments bank loans, they will be able to apply for credit holidays. about the situation in orbsk, report by alexandra tankekh. where there are usually roadways and tram tracks, the river has overflowed, but the water has already emptied several buildings.
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87 today the current value, where, therefore, the repair procedure, payments will occur, which means you, that is, the resident makes the decision himself, whether he will do it himself or decide to work with the municipality, but it is still difficult to assess the damage, they remain under water
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entire neighborhoods, it has become noticeably smaller here boats, there are no more volunteers, they are no longer on duty, because people were evacuated, there are no more requests, the water is receding yesterday without high boots... it was impossible to get through here, but the ministry of emergency situations employees are still on duty and all-terrain vehicles are running, people are cut off humanitarian aid was being transported from the land, when the siren screamed and water and animals came in a strong stream...
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more than 6,000 houses remained. alexander tanki, sergey skvartsov, vladimir khazov, ntv, orsk, orenburg region. alarming messages came today from the special military zone operations, journalists came under fire from militants. the vesti lugansk film crew came under attack in the kremensk direction while preparing a report. the nationalists opened fire on the reporters with barrel artillery. in total , three shells were fired at the journalists and, as reported in the lugansk branch of the all-russian state television and radio broadcasting company, operator denis.
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direct approval of criminal actions moreover, here and there we hear even the kiev regime, including those committed against nuclear facilities. they say the kiev regime is generally allowed everything, with exceptions here there can’t be any, that’s what they think in the west. we will make every effort to ensure that such complicity in the crime of the kiev regime does not go unnoticed.
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into which nuclear fuel is loaded, this is a very complex mechanism with a large number of auxiliary production subsystems, a disruption in the operation of which can lead to irreparable consequences. militants have been attacking zas for the last few days. on april 5, drones struck the area near a cargo port and a nitrogen-oxygen station; on april 7, drones damaged a truck, which brought the product to the canteen, three people were injured. one of the drones hit the roof. the sixth power unit, on april 8, another device was shot down over the sixth power unit, and
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on the eve of the attack, the building containing the world’s only full-scale training facility, the reactor hall simulator, was attacked. in the artyomovsky direction in the chasovo yar area, our tankers eliminated ukrainian artillery crews, strengthened the area and the ammunition depot. this allowed the assault formations to easily capture the positions of the ukrainian armed forces and control the destruction. tankers receive coordinates and immediately open fire from both closed and open positions. infantry is our main, so to speak, our main striking force, which comes in, clears, storms, but without infantry we won’t do anything, that is, in any case, we need to somehow
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support, encourage, when our tanks invigorate it - with such a large caliber, they... awaken an even more fighting spirit; they move forward with even more confidence and occupy more and more new positions. the objective control footage shows that ukrainian the militants were forced to throw out the white flag to surrender, here is another stronghold, our assault troops occupied in the avdeevsky direction. motor riflemen from the center group used a drone to detect enemy fortifications and requested artillery support. the fighters used mortars and sleds to strike the strong point, followed by several assault groups. in the 10th kherson region, scouts from the dnieper army group disrupted the rotation of the ukrainian armed forces on the right bank of the river. operators of the fagot anti-tank systems detected enemy movement in the trenches on the front
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line, when minibuses with ukrainian nationalists appeared on the horizon, they struck with guided missiles. so -called heavy snipers are actively working in the south donetsk direction; they are armed with large-caliber rifles that can hit even a moving target at a distance of 2 km. these fighters support infantry advances, track enemy movements, and destroy targets such as machine gun and mortar nests. from an editorial report by sergei pikulin. accepted, ready to work, when ready, work, work. such work, this couple prepared a position for almost a day, waited for the target, a second shot and retreat, when your shelter, the only ruins in an open field, after shooting they will identify you very quickly, they don’t spare shells on us, so everything works and it’s hard work, often in general, you have to work in the field,
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video from cameras installed on body armor, these snipers are just a kilometer from the dugout against... several times i came out of such troubles unscathed that my colleagues joke, maybe the secret really is in the chest in which the hare, duck and so on along the chain until the needle itself. according to kashchei, a modern sniper weapon ... is universal, can hit targets or aim at them, calculate and find the enemy, not only as well as the living forces of the enemy there are infantry, but also adjust artillery, observe, basically we also work as an observation post, just with the adjustment of artillery there, it doesn’t matter whether it’s large-caliber artillery or it can be the same
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, maybe some kind of anti-aircraft gun, heavy snipers work at a distance of 1.5-2 km to the target from... if we’re talking when it comes to fighting in a populated area, a cover detachment is often brought in, these are usually attack aircraft, who, if snipers are detected, can either repel them or evacuate the wounded, when there is dense construction around, the distance is reduced to a minimum of 200-300 m, the third house. range 820, you see, i’m watching, you can work, without such guys it’s not easy to advance with an assault squad, especially if the enemy machine gunner is at a point with good visibility and control of his square, you can’t do without a couple of snipers. sergey pikulin and aleibzhanov, ntv,
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yuzhnodonetsk direction of the special operation. today in russia they remember a memorable date, exactly 80 years ago, the red army liberated odessa from the nazis. for more than 2 and a half years the city was under occupation. this operation was an important part of the so-called third stalinist strike, the liquidation of the crimean coastal wehrmacht groups. it was commanded by general malinovsky, fierce street battles lasted 2 days, already at noon on april 10 a red flag was raised over the opera house. immediately after the announcement of the liberation of the city moscow saluted the troops who took part in the operation. velika domestic chronicle in the state film fund storage there are trophies with little-known footage filmed by romanian cameramen during the years of occupation of odessa. hitler's plans to take odessa in
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'41 were assigned to the allies, promising to give them part of the ukrainian lands. romanian troops used heavy guns to shoot at the defensive structures on the approaches, the city itself, turning it into ruins, the pore through which supplies and evacuation took place.
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trolleybus depot, cars, agricultural equipment, soldiers were literally engaged in looting household utensils. the archives contain documentary evidence of nazi atrocities in odessa and the region. during the year of occupation, they shot, hanged and burned alive 2,000 civilians, mostly jews. the found diary of one of the romanian executioners describes in detail mass executions. on october 24 , women, girls and children were rounded up.
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11 thousand prisoners. partisans made a huge contribution to the liberation of odessa. hiding in the catacombs and doing daring attacks, they terrified the invaders. the punishers ambushed them, blew up adits, and pumped gas into the dungeon. but the worst thing for the underground fighters was hunger and thirst. however, despite this, they inflicted significant damage on the enemy and saved the most important city facilities from destruction. and when our troops approached odessa, the germans replaced the port. and in order for the port to remain intact, because we need it. of course, the red army, the black sea fleet, they suddenly appeared in the port, the odessa port, there was panic, at that moment our shock the group had also already approached the port; it remained
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mostly intact. the battle of odessa became the most important stage of the entire dnieper-karat operation, after which the red army managed to cut off the supply of german troops in crimea, their fate was sealed. on april 10 , 1944, the whole country finally heard levitan’s voice with the long-awaited news: he said that april had captured an important economic and political center of the country, a regional city of ukraine and a first-class port on the black sea, odessa. on the same day , a victorious salute of 320 was given in moscow. guns, later odessa will be awarded the title of city. the day of the liberation of the city from the fascist invaders, along with victory day , was always celebrated on a large scale in odessa, but after the coup in ukraine, this holiday, along with the symbols and attributes of victory
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, became a thing. practically banned, ukrainian nationalists threaten reprisals against participants in commemorative events, and the new kiev authorities, indulging them, prefer to honor nazi henchmen rather than hero-liberators. in the west, today, 80 years later, calls are heard again send a military contingent to odessa, ignoring the lessons of history. evgeny golovanov, sergey koreshkov, georgy ugarov, alexander viktorov and elena alferova. ntv. and today , delegations from the kherson and lugansk regions came to stella, the hero city of odessa in the alexander garden. these are veterans of the great patriotic war, political figures, participants in patriotic and volunteer organizations. they laid flowers at the memorial to honor the memory of the heroes who liberated the city from the nazis. minutes of silence. now the short advertisement is about this we'll tell you after it. in russia notes
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evalar, quality guaranteed by gmp standard. results of the week on sunday at 19:00 on ntv. this is the program today, we continue our release. vladimir putin today held a working meeting in the kremlin with the minister of labor and social protection anton katyakov. he told the president about the development of the social treasury system, including the proactive calculation of payments and the provision of services to citizens of the country; katyakov separately reported on the work of the ministry in the donbass.
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in order to start prompt payment pensions, social support measures, then a labor inspection, medical and social examination, employment service were created, already starting from january 1 , 2030 in zaporozhye, lugansk, donetsk republic in kherson, the russian minimum wage was adopted, from january 1 , 2024 for 19,242 rubles, it was quite possible for us to simultaneously generate the entire package of documents for the appointment of support measures. we, starting from the beginning of the twenty-third year, have already assigned a russian pension to 1.4000 of our citizens, that is, this required the processing of documents, all this was done manually, the facts of confirmation of experience and so on, kotyakov also said that the transition to the electronic
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format of documents made it possible to significantly reduce the time for conducting a medical examination to receive payments, now it does not exceed 10 days, so for example, for svo participants it was reduced. ramadan, during which believers adhere to especially strict fasting. the head of state in his congratulations noted that muslims of russia carefully preserve the richest historical, cultural, religious traditions of their ancestors, including giving priority to education.
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worship in islam does not last long, about 15 minutes; the sermon given by the mufti is important. chairman of the spiritual administration of muslims of russia ravil gainuddin noted that this year ramadan was difficult both because of the events in gaza and because of the terrorist attacks in kroku sitikhol. the mufti condemned the criminals who killed innocent people. we continue to pray for peace, for victory. about the blessing of the almighty, about giving peace to the whole world. once again i want greet with the words “assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu.” peace be upon you,
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the mercy of allah almighty and his blessings. eid al-fitr is one of the main muslim holidays; it has been celebrated since the time of the prophet muhammad, since 624. the holiday marks the end of lent. it is strict, lasts 30 days, during which you cannot eat or drink during the day. a month has passed unnoticed, as usual, you are waiting for it, it flies by very quickly, and many are afraid, i want to tell you. truly, the month of ramadan is the month in
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which every act of a believer multiplies 700 times. therefore, every believer is in a hurry to do a good deed, so that allah almighty will forgive him his sins and grant him, his family, and his relatives mercy. it's not just about eating delicious food and having plenty of conversation. an important part of the holiday is al-fitr, that is, almsgiving. usually this can be done right in the mosques after prayer. special boxes for donations are installed there; zakat does not have to be given in money; in chechnya, throughout the holy month of ramadan , bread was distributed free of charge; about 350 thousand people received food packages, and after ramzan kadyrov’s call to write off the debts of the poor, a large-scale charity campaign began in the stores of the republic, because they don’t have enough money, they don’t have enough, some of them don’t have pensions, children’s pensions.
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several regions of russia have declared eid al-fitr a holiday, and somewhere, say in chechnya, the holiday will last for a couple of days, so you will definitely have time to visit all your loved ones. nahid babaev, fatima dadaeva, ruslan nagoev and ilya khristinin, ntv. now a short advertisement, later in our issue. when business science support, dozens of russian universities
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have joined the project, advanced engineering schools, about the most striking developments of students and graduate students - svetlana gordeeva. oh, the loan bonus has arrived, what’s that like? do you make all your payments on time, including these? we return rubles for the remaining minutes and gigs,
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every month, you can iota, buddy, hello, as promised, today we are preparing pilaf, hey, hey, the butter is not in the first place, oh, you need to transfer the money home, by the way, it’s better to transfer from vtb online, so faster and more convenient, thanks for teaching me, this is someone else who taught whom, vtb, together everything will work out, i have a question, it’s about the environment. this is a contribution to the health of our children, this is clean air, they talk about switching transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it’s not only that. methane is cheaper, savings per kilometer, the engine runs great on methane. installation of equipment within the framework of the national fuel project. i also converted my car to run on methane gas without any investment. being practical is good for nature and good for you. choose ecogas, refuel at gazprom stations. we take out a loan. easy to apply, we are at softcombank, we take out loans,
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approved quickly, we at sofcombank up to 5 million, loans that everyone knows, copies are not your style, your uniqueness deserves more, choose avita premium, original items from famous brands at attractive prices are waiting for you in the avito application, 100% originals. hunting is your thirst for the main trophy from 20 million, your chance to take yours in 15 minutes, for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win, you know, but i’m really not a taxi driver, you know, but i’m really not a comedian, i’m a real businessman, but how much for you pay the bill, psb account service, cash withdrawals and transfers up to 10 million rubles for free, one of my friends decided
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to relax where there is no connection, where can i go from this connection, hello, nowhere, lucy, nowhere, because... he even picks up a megaphone here - the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage and speed. dream jobs in the office or at home, career opportunities and a secure future. your place is already waiting for you among thousands of vacancies. join the team of one of the best employers in russia, tenki. this. we continue our programs today our release. the development of domestic science in the context of national development was discussed today by head of government mikhail mishustin and president of the russian academy of sciences gennady krasnikov. the prime minister in the early fifties emphasized that the country was faced with the task of strengthening technological and economic sovereignty and the role of wounds in
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realizing these goals was very great. gennady krasnikov, in turn, noted that domestic scientists understand well that their research must first of all bring practical results.
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today it became known that the european union court decided to lift sanctions from businessmen mikhail fridman and pyotr avin. both of them were under european sanctions for more than 2 years. denis talolaev joins us now. denis, why did they suddenly change their minds after 2 years? it’s not that they changed their minds, because even despite
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this court decision, mikhail fridman and pyotr avin still remain under european sanctions. and we with gifts, where does it all come from? in retirement and in vtb retirement the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% per annum vtb together everything will work out. today , the european union court ruled to lift sanctions against the founders of alpha group, mikhail fridman and peter avin. the court concluded that none of the reasons why the businessmen were included in the sanctions lists in february 2022 were sufficiently justified. the court found no evidence that mikhail fridman and pyotr avin demonstrated support for a policy that, quote: explodes, threatens the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of ukraine. also, the court did not find confirmation that mikhail fridman and pyotr the rabbis provided financial assistance to those responsible, another quote: for the destabilization of ukraine. but the problem is that the european authorities not only imposed sanctions against
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fridman and aven in february twenty-two , but also extended them in march twenty- third, albeit with different wording. and if included in the lists. representative of the eu court, that process is still at an early stage and may take a month. it turns out that although the current victory of fridman and aven in the european court is certainly a rare success for russian businessmen, they for now they will still remain under european sanctions. in march twenty -two, a month after being blacklisted by the eu. it is known that michael fridman and pyotr avin left the board of directors of alfa bank, the largest private bank in russia. last august, latvian media reported that peter avin quoted peter aven, who said that he had been living in latvia for more than a year.
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and lvira nabiulina again reported today that the benefits from massive preferential mortgage programs are being eaten up by rising prices, and
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these programs do not lead to any increase in housing affordability. according to her, if salaries and incomes of the population have increased one and a half times over the past 4 years, then apartments in new buildings have doubled in price. the russian stock market, today at the end of the day rusal shares rose in positive territory by 5.5%, is inspiring. the rise in world prices for aluminum, and elvira nabeulina said today that the peak of inflation in russia has passed, which means that the moment is approaching when the central bank will finally begin to lower the key rate. inflation statistics in the usa in march turned out to be worse than forecasts, this reduces the chances that the american federal reserve will soon begin to lower the key rate, which is why the dollar today began to tremble sharply against the euro. and on the russian foreign exchange market, all this turned into the fact that at the end of the day the dollar rose in price against the ruble by 43 kopecks. the euro began to become cheaper and dropped below 101 at the end of trading. today, yandex announced that
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it has launched a new version of the alice voice assistant, which now works based on the yandex gpt neural network. the company explains that now alice can explain complex things in simple terms in language, for example, he can explain how a steam humidifier differs from an ultrasonic one. new alice radically.
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50 universities have already joined schools, and by 2030 their number may double. their main task is to ensure the technological sovereignty of the country and attract young scientists. according to the leaders of the methodological center themselves, it is now necessary to give novice inventors the opportunity not to get lost in the crowd and achieve their goals. already, program participants have presented unique developments in construction and medicine. and so svetlana gordeeva got acquainted with promising samples. she almost lost her leg due to a medical error, it all started with a sports injury, during an unsuccessful jump alena broke her leg, i was
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misdiagnosed, and that is, i was treated for several months for... and biomaterial from it on a 3d printer , in fact, you can print any organ, cartilage, gum mucosa, bone, and even the cornea. to date, more than 180 types of alagene materials leoplast have been developed, used both in dentistry, in maxillofacial surgery, in ent surgery, in ophthalmology, for reconstructive plastic surgery, since the twenty-second year we began
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to use large blocks that can be used. solder, it consists of proteins, carbon nanoparticles and water, and after we use the laser, this solder is transformed from a liquid to a solid state, a porous material is formed that holds the two edges of the wound together. experiments on laboratory rats showed scarring from
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such sutures, unlike conventional ones there are almost no surgical ones left. the use of automated selection of characteristics reduces the likelihood of medical error, that is, sutures, the strength of the sutures directly depends on the skills of the surgeon and all surgeons apply sutures differently, and laser soldering due to automation means that the process is as computerized as possible, it is as if the sutures are the same always, according to the developers' forecasts.
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for about two weeks you can wash with it, play sports, live and not think at all about the fact that there is some kind of thing on you sensor. the sensor connects to the phone via bluetooth, monitors glucose levels and signals if the readings are critical. it may take about 5 years to finalize the invention, however, if domestic electronics components appear, the time frame will be reduced, and this is quite possible within the framework of the writing project, its activities have been extended until 2030. and dozens of universities are already ready to join and train highly qualified specialists in their walls. svetlana gordeeva, alexandra tankikh, alena antonova, mikhail rostovtsev, maxim darochkin, valentina abramenkova, ntv. and now it’s time for the weather forecast in our weather studio. this spring, the weather has broken the temperature record over and over again, and today we are also in the capital
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with summer warmth. what can we expect tomorrow? now? i’ll tell you everything, unfortunately, on european territory the temperature is falling, and therefore in tver tomorrow we will only have +15, there are still a lot of records, especially in the cities of the black earth region, historical maxims have been updated by voronezh, and orel, and kursk, and bryansk, the list can go on increase. moscow fell slightly short of the record when on april 10 in 2018 it was +21.1. the temperature will not be extreme. high, but simply above the norm in the volga region. tomorrow in the center it will be +20, in the northwest it will be +15 and there will be a little rain. there are more of them on the volga and warming there is still ongoing. in the south we have +20-25 sunny. the only thing that hinders the summer mood is the strong wind; in the sochi area it is also cold, so it’s only +16 here. and a few words about the north. this is where a cyclone passes, causing precipitation in places, first increasing and
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then decreasing the temperature. in mormonsk tomorrow +4 in a day. at when opening an account for a business, uralsip bank gives free service for 3 months. spring is a time of cleansing, take lymphotransit. lymphatic transit helps cleanse the body and remove toxins, as well as reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the valar company. your spring updates. stagnation of lymph can cause swelling. lymphotransit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit. from the company evalar. in st. petersburg tomorrow there will be light rain, but the wind will be strong during the day +10. in moscow +19 without precipitation. friday and the weekend will be rainy, with temperatures
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around 15° during the day. agree, this can hardly be called a real cold snap. i agree, great weather. thank you, zhen, evgenia ronskaya with the weather forecast. and that's all the news up to this hour. i'm elmira efendieva. i say goodbye to you, see you later. tanya and the child will come with us, i’m not going anywhere, i quickly took the boy and got into the car, i said, we’ll send you a new person instead of the captor, you’ll work with him, he’s an experienced, efficient person. in short, you will like it, we need to agree if we we want to earn money, this is our only one. murin committed the murder of policemen, pokuzanesy. and
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all we can do is prevent murin from being caught alive. om dubrava, sending a substance of mass destruction. mom, run! where is the baby? but no, pride in full carriages, golden shoulder straps blowing from the south, young people tearing apart the clouds in a shred, don’t forget i’m sending you far from home, mom and... not the last one, but they’re running across the sky, you see someone’s footprints, it could it could be you, it could be me, it could be
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they are waiting for us, it could be our people singing to us, the scythe found on the stone, there is a war going on for the memory of years. our war is on the rocks. sava is calling, talk to you. there is a soldier.


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