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tv   Podsudimii  NTV  April 11, 2024 2:40am-3:31am MSK

2:40 am
come on, come on, well, let's go, let's go, thank you.
2:41 am
what, uncle, lights out? could, what are you talking about? we didn't wake up.
2:42 am
tell me what happened, it’s locked, he didn’t lock it before, but how come, so why go back? eh, where,
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but not back, so, wait for me here. okapyan, why are you in prison? for what? i thought you would say that.
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let's leave. we'll all go down there, consider ourselves free, he 'll be gone for a couple of minutes, i hope so.
2:45 am
and what's in there? seems to have left. andryukh, you still haven’t said how we’ll get over the gate ? you'll see soon, we'll find out everything soon, article 313, escape from prison, is punishable by imprisonment for a term of five. years old, you tell me, and who is akapyan, that you will climb first, and what is this, and who is it, if it can withstand you, it means it can withstand us, that he is so angry, and my mother beat, and beat, beat, come on, ready.
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hush, further, further, further freedom.
2:47 am
the infection struck him in the middle of the night, again some kind of check is planned, maybe a check, or maybe just insomnia, yeah, he has insomnia, and then a check so that the rest had insomnia, let's go back. what, klimov, article 313, and karkalsorok, to the left, facing the wall,
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yarygin, what are you digging there, beaver at the site, now he’s installing such a piston, but it looks like it’s frozen. i can’t open the door, it’s your arms that are so broken, hurry up, come on, right now i’m doing this only for masha’s sake, find her. yuri, i understand that run, get up, let's go,
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what the hell, sergeenko, shoot, shoot! if the grants go to us, are you stupid, stop, shoot, the guards are your mother, what’s going on,
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get ready for an inspection, get ready for an inspection, everyone wake up, get ready for inspection, the rise will be prepared for inspection, i told everyone to rise. ninth victory, attention, alarm, escape is possible, entrances and exits, you didn’t see anything, report your receipt, i’m here on the aisles, i ’m waiting for you now, i’m telling you everything, they ’re blocked, everything’s fine, let’s go. went. now listen carefully. you will make noise and
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you and i will be staged as an accomplice. you 're a week away from retirement, do you want to take a risk? you didn't shoot, did you? you didn't give it to me, who will believe you? drunk, you're making noise all over the yard, and you're in the service. you are a dry gardener! let's! klimov, where are we going, to the station, to the train, no, we can’t go there, they could have escaped from anywhere, we have nothing to do with it, he’s the sheets, they ’re here, they were coming down, so deal with them, hide them, and keep your mouth shut, urgently to the central post, far away. we couldn’t leave, we were blocking the approaches to the bridge, the railway to the plant, we were working quietly, not a word about escaping,
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we were in training, that’s it, we were working, working. come on, come on, there’s no time to rest, we need to keep running, let’s rest, but i agree, i’m buried, okay, let’s split up, i i’ll try to take them away, and you run to an abandoned factory, we’ll meet there in 20 minutes, it’s right through the forest, find things there, change clothes, good luck, guys! come on, come on, come on!
2:53 am
who could have taken off all this? the head of the security service and i are checking everyone , excluding everyone, the computer and correspondence, there is nothing, but the cops have everything, you find this creature for me, i’ll tear it... with my hands, are we looking, are i, petrovich, looking, your suggestions, i have to admit my mistakes and assign someone to blame, you promised to think about it, i remember i haven’t decided yet, time is running out, they need a show trial, the switchman will not suit them, and they need a figure, who? dmitry ilyevich, do you have children? yes, two guys. yes. and who wouldn’t you mind sending to nara? that's it. free.
2:54 am
that's the price for you to become dmitry. let's. where are the things? i don’t know, try to find it here, let’s look, let’s look, you’re there, yeah, i’m there. hey saroka, where did you find it?
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there, two behind me, it’s quiet.
2:56 am
so you go there, and you go there, well, stand there, raise your hands, raise your hands so that i can see. turn your face to me, like this, come on, zachara, the sirens are howling for you, he stood up on his knees and put his hands behind his head, on his knees, i said, hands behind his head, i hear, i will do it, just don’t shoot, please,
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i ask you, where are you going, can’t you hear me, i will shoot, come closer, i will shoot, i need to shoot, please. so quickly everyone got to the cars, running, it seems they brought it! it’s more likely to go there without a clemo, well, i heard it myself, they shot at him, you think, who else, uh, man, what are you doing, are you alive,
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what are you doing, hey, what are you doing, me? shot, seryoga, wait, wait, seryoga, what was that, the prisoner escaped, well, wow, how are you doing, seems fine, let's get up. who shot? i shot, i ran away, you bastard, stay where you are, don’t do anything, we have a drill, it’s clear, it’s clear, i said, well, yes, a real prisoner would have dropped his earring and taken the gun, after me.
2:59 am
we can’t wait any longer, let’s wait a little longer, we’re not without klimov, there’s no point in escaping at all, just a little longer, we just can’t get out of here, the cops have probably already been involved, they’re setting up a cordon, i don’t know about you, i’m leaving, hold on! and kapian, wait, wait.
3:00 am
let's quickly sit forward.
3:01 am
this is nikolaev, the dogs didn’t pick up the trail, apparently we they missed him, on sunday, 6 pm, on ntv, a large gathering of real boys, the authority of sofu, who has five.
3:02 am
the air temperature will drop to -5°, lera ushakova was with you, i say goodbye to you, don’t change what they say, nothing, but run away, not a word, strange, no, nothing strange, bobrov for three escaped deprived of his position, it’s advantageous for him to keep quiet now , for the time being, yes. but every hour is good for us, it’s good for you, okay, i’m on the metro, where are you going, what kind of metro,
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make faces in front of the cameras, you’re not a tourist i came to st. petersburg, but can i ask for a phone number, yes, of course, and could you lend me some money, i don’t even have access to the metro. hello, maryam, it’s me, don’t shout, no one should know that i called you, well, it’s a long story, in short, collect all my documents, well, everything you find, and come to the primorskoye metro station, yes, okay, i’m waiting, metro primorskoye, that's it, who is maryam, sister, mercy, why is my sister kinda, kapyan, are you even a fool or something, why don't you understand that they will first of all look for us from our relatives, no, no, she won't give up
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to me, but it’s not about her, her phone can be tapped, okay, if anything, i didn’t see you, i ran around alone, uh-huh, thanks, that’s it, good luck, guys, why, i’m with you, let’s go, these are the personal affairs of the biglets, and this one ran the hell away, he has 10 days left to sit, so maybe they took him hostage, like, well , like a little calf, for canning, klimov, you’re a complete idiot, smoke, that means, dress up
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the employees in civilian clothes and place them all over addresses, mothers, grandmothers, lovers, so that people stand everywhere, i obey, you will find and return, we have a day, maximum two. and so that no cops, free, dmitrich, hello. economic security administration, you'll have to come with us. do you still have questions for me? remained. well then, send an official request, the legal department
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will formulate an official one. yes, dmitry. let's not make a chapeto, it's already a chapeto, mahler. okay, off the record, can i ask a question? well, aren’t you afraid of anything at all? dmitry ilyevich, get into the car. do you have a resolution? if i come with a resolution, we will talk to you otherwise. ok then. after you, after you, hold on, get up, get up, get up, get up,
3:07 am
come here. uncle sash, what are you doing? let's play a game with you, now there will be a very important mission, yeah, what? imagine that our land was attacked by men in black. are they bad? very. the main thing is not to catch their eye. are we playing? let's play. all. jump 1 2 3 run.
3:08 am
they're somewhere nearby, search the area, uh-huh, quiet, quiet, quiet, wait, lower, lower, come on, yeah, looks like they ran away, lights out, let's go back to the cars, no one is chasing us, but no one. uncle sasha, you came up with it
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such a cool game, let's play some more, come on, hurray, they are no longer here, they are in a sanatorium, the doctor gave me the address. i explained everything, about three minutes drive, great, well, that means we’re going there, wait, wait, these are nesterov’s people, where are they from here, this can’t be a coincidence, and what should we do now, so soroka, go to this address, be there , okay, we’ll follow them, do you
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think they need masha? i don’t think, i’m sure, let’s go, maryam, arturchik, my dear, okay, did you bring the documents, of course, let me at least see, quietly, quietly, what are you doing here? full of cameras, no attention. i don’t care, come here, did you run away or what? he’s walking around, he’s making me nervous, let’s get out of here, the main thing for us is to have time to fill out the documents, but it doesn’t matter, let them catch him, he really ran away, why, can you explain to me, the price of the issue is 2 million dollars, you’ll soon find out, no, why are you confusing me, what am i now an accomplice or something, an accomplice is when they steal, but you and i don’t steal anything from anyone, well, you say 2
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million dollars, quietly? and here, well, quietly, you won the lottery, of course, you entered the lottery, 2 million dollars, what are you yelling at? and not there, artchik! klimov, well, well, they were definitely here, and quite recently, where did you get the idea, things are scattered around, so i think that they are
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somewhere nearby, clearly, magpies, sit there and don’t stick your head out anywhere, i understand, but wait for us, whatever you say, are you kidding me, i... have been answering the same questions for 2 hours already, no, i didn’t know, i didn’t participate, i wasn’t a member and i didn’t sign, i don’t see the point in relying on this, i received this information for invest skros capital, i wonder who you received it from? tell me, why did you decide to give this to me? i i heard that you are seeing an investigation into invest cross-capital, and i also heard that you are an honest investigator, just use this information for its intended purpose, verisov, or
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maybe ilya petrovich, okay, let's continue. forest fires are a dangerous and formidable element; it is the calling of the strong to stop and defeat the fire. pilots, observers, parachutists, firefighters, paratroopers-firefighters of the rosleskhoz aviation forest protection service, a reliable shield of the russian forest.
3:14 am
girl, be careful, you don’t have to feel sorry for the guy, go ahead! uncle sasha, when we eat, can we go to petting zoo, there are also notics and raccoons there, yes, hurray, let's go, we found a toy three geese, we ask you to urgently return the tincture of information, i repeat. if you find the three geese toy, please go to the information desk immediately. sorry, could you make
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the announcement again? yes ok. i repeat, we ask the person who found the trigoose toy to urgently come to the information desk. if you find the three geese toy, please go to the information desk immediately. thank you. please listen, i 'll go look for them, if masha and altyn come here, take them and wait for me in the car, okay, ok, i’ll be on the second floor, we’ll find out everything, dad, you’re in the way. masha, masha, masha, masha,
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i want more, no, no, no, dear, i ’m going for a walk now, let’s run, let’s run.
3:17 am
everything is fine, everything is fine, they were men in black, yes, but you’re safe already, that’s it, let’s go, i saw them, but i missed them, they left in a taxi, we need to find them before nesterov finds them, we have to somehow let altyn know that i escaped from prison. call you, he has your number, but somehow we
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can’t call him, so we’ll think of something, let’s go, what will you do if he’s really here? he’ll come to his ex-mother-in-law for help, he won’t come, don’t evade, you’ll help him again, you’ll have to, don’t count on me. one time is enough, that i don’t understand you, guardienko, he killed your sister, niece, and why did you fit in, for the sake of your mother and niece, it’s clear, dear, of course i understand everything, but now we’re driving around the city, the final address is i i don’t know yet,
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colonel, what did you hear on the radio, i read how the journalists can know, on the radio they said klimov himself, he called and said that he ran away, is he a complete moron, i don’t i understand what he is doing, well, what should we do, wait for guests, now everyone who is not too lazy will come, again the main news of the last minutes, two escaped from the pre-trial detention center.
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3:21 am
dmitry ilvich, why? we have absolutely legal methods of protection, but they don’t work very well, your legal methods. verisov, i know what i'm doing.
3:22 am
i can touch money with these hands, i’m a millionaire, not you, but us, we are millionaires, i, my sweetie, i’m a millionaire, rich, not married to freedom, i started talking interestingly, but what about me, where would you be without me - what you're without me, okay, don’t make a scandal, you’re also a millionaire, yeah, a little, a little, but we have a lot of money, give me... what’s the pin code, i haven’t forgotten, lord, i thank you, what else what a person needs for happiness is a wife, a good wife, you need it, my dear, but you’re so unlucky, i’m now an enviable groom, enviably handsome, rich, let’s go, no, not
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in the right place. hello, hello, i'm listening, let me, hello, hello, hello, sasha, andrey, altunin, it's you, this is andrey klimov, sasha, can you hear me, yes, yes, yes, hello, i heard on the news, i understand everything, thank you, that he called how is masha, yes, she is fine, tired, sleeping, don’t worry, everything is fine, thank you, sasha, she asks about you all the time, are you coming, yes, yes, of course, dictate the address. your klimov artest, gives the full program, now there’s still escape, i ’m just a general, i’ve known klimov for a long time, and he just doesn’t do anything, well, of course, how can you just kill your wife and daughter, people like
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him disgrace the honor of the uniform, comrade general, i ask you, shut up, why do you keep talking to him all the time... there is, the next question: so, yuri vitalievich, calm down, please, sit somewhere, you're in the way, yes, sorry, so let's continue, did you
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falsify accounting documents? no, okay, i’ll put the question differently, did you order it? finish accounting documents? no, the next question is: did you give an order to open a company in an offshore zone and conduct business through a company in the bahamas? no, i didn’t do that either. next question? listen, maybe that’s enough, i think i’ve answered all your questions, stop raising your voice. dmitry ilyich, yes, i’m listening to you, i demand you stop this farce, my client answered all your questions, remove the sensors, okay, remove
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the sensors. thank you, gentlemen, goodbye, goodbye, what was that, he is not dmitry ilyich, how is this possible, the machine could not have made a mistake, no. you’re proposing to kill him now, but if we did, we’ll leave him in the car alive behind the wheel. throw the kalash, i’ll shoot you, everything will be fine, just don’t take out the knife, who are you anyway,
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in 2 hours at the old cemetery, we’ll explain everything there, and you’re sure you can handle it alone, there’s a plan, there’s a hot spot, what are you doing, well i told you that everything will be fine, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. the departure is postponed, unfortunately, yes, you have a restless friend, it won’t be easy to find him, but i’ll try, you know why he ran away, i guess he’s looking for his daughter, that’s right, only i’ll find her first, what are you going to do with her, oh , just don’t make a bloodthirsty child out of me, it all depends on klimov. i, in turn, am ready to exchange her life for a knife. knife? klimov has a knife that interests me.
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my blood is on it. i cut myself. i want this knife get rid of. how? it's very easy with your help. yes, but i have absolutely no idea. think. think well. promise that nothing will happen to the girl. find it for me. knife. ignatiev.
3:29 am
sasha, andrey, sanya, what happened? sorry, they took the car, i couldn't protect it. who cares who? i say that a person is bleeding, what’s not clear?
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girl, please move the car, now, now, it’s just that my backside never works, if you drove away a little, and you just back up, and we’ll just drive by, you'd think it's so easy to do, that it's so fast, look. the police, they called the car.


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