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tv   Agentstvo skritikh kamer  NTV  April 11, 2024 4:20am-4:51am MSK

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grandma, grandma, it’s me, masha, masha, grandma, lord, mashik, mashi! my dear, i really missed you, mashenka, mashenka, my girl, dad, mashenka, daddy,
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“i missed you so much, i’m a baby, i miss you too, so masha is free, and what are you talking about the knife?” "dmitry lich, do you even understand what will happen to us now, hello, ignatiev, ignatiev, run after me, please. please tell me. i can’t say anything,
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are you ready? why did you decide to give up? where was your daughter all this time? i want everyone to see, my daughter is alive, i give up so that prove your innocence that thank you, how do you plan to prove your innocence? who can comment on your wife's murder?
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ask, a hidden camera agency, is engaged in professional detective work, using all modern technical capabilities. the head of the agency , retired lieutenant colonel mikhail ilyich troshin, served in the operational search department of the fsb. he was transferred to the reserve after being wounded. sirov olga yuryevna, operational officer of the ask, daughter of major sirov, troshin’s deceased partner. pavel, a technical specialist, passed through a number of cases solved by troshin during his service. sovitsky egor pavlovich, senior police lieutenant, freelance agency employee. ask, agency. hidden cameras, good morning, hello, hello, sorry for the delay, there was a line, thank you, olga, my assistant, hello, again, hello, would you like a cappuccino, i didn’t have time to take a sip, no, thank you, i just had breakfast, let’s get down to business . olya,
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come in, so larisa, you suspect that your ex-husband kidnapped your son, i don’t have proof, well, yes, i think that it is he, nikita is 12 years old, he never left home without informing me, why do you think that he was kidnapped, maybe he is with one of his friends, they are sitting, playing computer games, you know, how does it happen, why is the father, my ex-husband, kirill, he loves his son very much, you can’t deny him this, moments of our divorce, he never stops persuading nikita to come live with him, although according to the court he has the right to meet with the child only once a week. i understand that you do not want the father to communicate with the son, explain to me why? well, let's just say that kirill is not the best example of male behavior. if i had a choice, if not for my son and not for the court decision, i would prefer not to see my ex-husband anymore. but kirill will not leave us behind. i know he won’t stop until
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he takes the child away from me, and he knows that the child is missing, of course, as soon as nikita didn’t come to spend the night, the first thing i did... was go to kirill, they arrived, why not just call , because it was already late, i wanted to make sure for myself that nikita was not there, he really wasn’t there, but this doesn’t prove anything, kirill could have taken him away, promised him from the tribox, intimidated him in the end, i wouldn’t be surprised if i find out that this was the case, but how he perceived the message about his son’s disappearance, he first did i was surprised and nervous. he said he would contact the police, but why didn’t you contact the police? i just applied, as soon as i left kirill, i went to the police station, left a statement there, but i want my child to return home as soon as possible, don’t you trust the police? i
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i don’t trust kirill, and i believe that the police will not suspect him, and while they are looking for nikita in some other place, time will be lost, you see, so i am turning to you, okay. got it, tell me, does your son have a tablet or laptop? yes, he has a small laptop, he always carries it with him, that is, he’s not at home now, no, of course, and also, let’s install a hidden camera in your apartment, why , in case your absence is a boy will come home, i don’t know, there for some of his own things, okay, okay, do whatever you think is necessary, the main thing is that it helps nikita get back sooner. “i have to go, if anything happens, you call, call at any time of the day, i ’m in touch, okay, you too, okay, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, hmm, how long ago
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did the boy run away, the day before yesterday, two nights, one day , pash, are you connected, dasha? as a worthy example of male behavior, pasha, well, we didn’t doubt you, what’s with the teenager’s phone, you’re tracking it, there’s no change on the western front, if it appears online, i i’ll let you know, okay, but for now, check his father’s contacts for the last time, mail, internet, well , in general, you know everything, it will be done, boss, do you seriously think that this is a person who is trying to get through the court legally.
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judge, but in general, a couple of days before the boys disappeared, kiril was studying the train schedule from his laptop. what directions? only one, yaroslavl. do you still think that he stole his son and decided to take him to some remote place? well, in my opinion, the conclusion suggests itself. still logical olenka. well, maybe, but i still don’t understand why all this, because everything will be revealed, sooner or later. or maybe during this time kirill hopes to finally convince his son and move in with him? maybe this makes sense, because if he sues his ex-wife for his son, then nikita is still obliged to ask his opinion, because he is more than 10 years old, what am i talking about, why are you blabbering about so much, you’re not letting me think properly, that’s exactly what we’re thinking, yeah, yeah, you
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’d better get busy, check to see if kiril has any real estate in yaroslavsky direction, one moment, i enter the base. olya, ready, always, come on. no, boss, kirill ilyin doesn’t have any real estate, no real estate at all, or what? well , no, not at all, you asked for the yaroslavl direction, but he has an apartment in moscow, in which he lives after the divorce. olya, what do you have there, nothing unusual yet,
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we wander around the center, we don’t even go into any shops, it’s nothing unusual, in my opinion, usually this is when a person just enters the shops. pashka, will you make an agreement today? what now, pasha? i...maybe am i entertaining you on purpose so that you don’t fall asleep in my shopping center? that’s how you think about me, you think, i ’m not doing a damn thing here, let’s switch ourselves, if not for long, and you’ll be here running kilometers on your own two feet... and i’ll sit somewhere in an office practicing my witty, hey, ol, you have connections, what do you have there? damn, sorry, boss, i'm fine, i just broke my heel, can you go further? on one heel? no, of course, that’s out of the question, i need to change my shoes. got it, come back. pavlik, there must be a lot of cameras in the center, come on get busy. “boss, i can sit further,
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i just need to change my shoes, oh, well, these heels were given to me, olya, what are you talking about, heels are beautiful, enough about kirill’s kavaluki already found, otherwise i , like caesar, can do two things at the same time, in the store a very worthy father, an unworthy husband does not mean an unworthy father, any woman will tell you that, these are completely different things.” so will i see the picture today or not? guilty, boss? kiril has already left the store, a smart guy, however, i see him, walking towards the exit, a radio-controlled helicopter for his son, it means larisa was right and he still knows for nikita, curious. so olya, let ’s split up, change your shoes to visit the client,
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it’s not far, install the camera, and i’ll continue to follow kirill, come on, well, in a couple more minutes everything is ready, there we need to somehow turn on this camera. or something else? no, don't worry, everything works itself, we're keeping an eye on it. olga, can i ask? yes, did you find out anything? do you have any clue yet? well, we can't draw exact conclusions yet, but there is something that struck us as strange. the fact is that we followed your ex-husband and still, yes, nikita, still with kiril, wait, it’s just, firstly, the strange thing is that he... bought a radio-controlled helicopter, possibly for his son, and secondly ,
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for some reason he studied the schedule of the yaroslavl train, maybe you know yaroslavsky, and my uncle viktor alekseevich has a house in balaguer, right on the yaroslavl road, with your uncle, but they maintain a relationship, oddly enough , yes, after our divorce they remained on excellent terms, just somehow right away they became friends and sang together. went fishing together, did uncle seeing kirill at the same time, do you think that they somehow conspired together, how can this be? larisa , please calm down, until we check everything, you can’t say anything, you know, how can i calm down, tell me how my child disappeared, can you even imagine how i feel now, i don’t know where sutosh is, where he, olya, calm the client down, now. otherwise it will take a long time, i ’m trying, you’re trying badly, let larisa
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call her uncle, probe the waters, pavlik, you put off the call, got it, boss, larisa, let's try to do something, you 'll call your uncle, right now, yes, okay, nothing? i can’t do it right away, hello, uncle, you see, my son has disappeared here, larisa, let’s just start with questions, how are you, where is he now, maybe he’s in balaker, then depending on the situation, okay? hello, uncle vitya, hello, it's me, larisa. you haven’t called for a long time, are you okay? yes, who's supposed to be watching now?
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but clearly, no, no, i just wouldn’t like it either it’s difficult, yeah, i understand, well, all the best, you call, if anything happens, yes, goodbye, so what? now on a business trip, somewhere in the far east, but with him. some friends of kirill live, whom he seemed to ask his uncle about a week ago. it’s strange that he didn’t tell me anything about this, it’s just that my uncle leaves from time to time for work and i’m usually aware. i keep an eye on his house and so on, the boss is here, did you hear? yes, pasha is already tracking the call, pavlik, you checked the address, kirill lives here, yes, this is his house, and our uncle is our client
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now they really are in the far east, blagovechnsk, so i think he is out of business. but the uncle may not be involved in business, but this suspicion does not remove from kirill, maybe he is going to visit later, olya, we have to get ahead of him, get ready with the client and we will go to balakerevo, why do we need larisa, she could just be the address say, you never know, it knows the neighbors, hurry up, i’ll come by now. your balakerevo is not that far, you got there in less than 2 hours, it’s not clear, however, why kirill needed train schedule, it’s easier by car, maybe easier, but more noticeable, the car rushes into the gas, there’s someone there, god, it’s like he has a gun, larisa, move away a little, i
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myself, what other gun, olya, quickly go back , boss, i have everything under control. olya, i told someone, come back immediately, don’t twitch, there is someone else in the house, no, no one, the men left to fish, what other men, where is my son, larisa, do you know this man, no, who are you, me fyodor, we are friends with the owner of the house, well, as with his relative, girl, you are already his released, first you answer my questions. what are you doing in this house? i explain, we agreed with the owner that we would come fishing and hunting for a week. the guys left, i was also going to shoot ducks, but i fell asleep and was a little tired after drinking beer. wow, olga, yes, i even got cold feet. what do you think, chief, is the gun loaded? yes, even if it’s not loaded,
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it’s completely out of hand. the woman climbs on her own, dragging the client along with her. tell me please. did you happen to see this boy here, you saw him, we arrived, he’s right here was there, he said that a local was looking after the house while the owner was away, which means he was here after all, tell me, did you see anyone else in the house besides the boy? no, no one, he was alone, we told him that we had agreed with the owner, we’d live here for a while, he left, just as he left, how could you... what will happen now, boss, give her everything you need, so as not to i took more guns from harsh men, yes, of course, but not in front of the client, good morning, boss, olya, yesterday you
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crossed all boundaries? i hope you understand, i had everything under control, you have nothing it was under control, it wasn’t, there could still be armed people in the house, you are alone in an unfamiliar area, virtually without support, and even with a client, what were you thinking at all, i didn’t think, so i say that i didn’t think, i i didn’t think, because i didn’t have time to think, the boy could be in danger, i could help him, i’m sure that if you were me, you wouldn’t think either, boss, if you already figured it out, who thought and who didn’t , allow me... what do you have there? our client has a guest, her ex-husband, and she said that he only comes to see her son, display the picture, we are not finished with you yet, then we will continue. what did you do yesterday in balaguerova? do you really think i'm hiding my son there? you’re sick, you
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understand that you’re sick, if my friend hadn’t called me, i would never have known. kirill, i simply have no other choice. yes, nikita, a child, he’s 12 years old, i’ll just grab any options. what kind of woman was with you? detective? what other detective? from an agency? my friends recommended it to me. do you have your own head on your shoulders or not? the police means we don't trust them. we need to go to zharvaltan be sure to apply. i will not report to you what i am doing, why and how, because the only thing i care about is where is the child? do you even understand that while you and i are arguing here, anything can happen to him, why are you making me look like a monster, i love him and worry about him too. how could you think that i could kidnap him? i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i understand, i'm just, i'm already in despair, i don't know
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what to think, what to do, where to run, i don't know where else i can turn, can i do anything? help, i really don’t know how else i can help here, well, ask these detectives of yours, is this their job after all? well, do you want me to talk to them? yes i want to. yes, larisa, i’m listening to you. mikhail, i have kirill here. do you think he can help us with anything? will you talk to him? yes, sure. hello, i really don’t know how... i can help you, nikita’s phone doesn’t answer, he wasn’t on social networks, lev, i haven’t seen him either, this is his best friend,
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i really haven’t been to the point, but lyova told me that if he finds out something, he will definitely tell me, what's the point, this is a playground where they gather with friends, do you know where that is? yes, i know, i was there once, picking up my son, let’s go there. we don’t know anything, no one has seen nikita for a long time, i asked the guys around, how could it be, you’re friends, or you don’t care that nikita disappeared, but what can we do, maybe he went to his relatives or somewhere else , leh, do you really think i wouldn’t know if he went to a relative, who’s to blame that he doesn’t tell you anything, he’s not everything to us either he says that everyone has their own problems, but oh well. since you don’t know anything, we’ll go, she’s so cute, i just don’t understand, this is a beauty from the police or a private detective,
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and no 007, it’s good that you’re laughing, it’s fun, yes, come on, we’re like good, yeah, i see, you don’t give a damn, the fact that someone has problems, the fact that someone is sick of living, are you really interested, nikita was with us, good, no, his is even better, lefty , and what can we do, the police are looking for nikitos, the parents, the detective, which means they will find it anyway, they will find it, they won’t find him, it’s okay, he’s already decided everything, but what’s so, his ancestors are already fed up with their showdowns, they don’t even notice him, they even just squabble among themselves, nikita’s nerves are gone, and how do you know that you’re his i saw a lion, but then i didn’t say where he was, kiril. no longer needed, otherwise i let him go, no need, quietly, i don’t know where he was hiding, i just know that nikita is tired of all this, and he wants to close this topic once and for all, these are
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somehow different ways to close the topic once and for all, you heard it, and if nikita decided because of a quarrel with his parents to commit suicide, you understand, calm down, maybe it just meant that he wants to leave the house, just leave... the house, as if it were normal, pasha, check nikita and this lev on social networks, it seems to me that they must have been in close contact lately, you won’t believe it, they weren’t joking, boss, everything is very serious with them, a bug has left you from the shooting point, so what? olya was not mistaken in her assumptions, i found a whole community of potential suicides here, it’s called the last step, and the chat is they exist, where they discuss all this, and that nikita... in the community both nikita and leva, and they weren’t just chatting in the chat, they actually discussed suicide among themselves in private, we look like your monitor, watch for yourself to be sure the floor should
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be no lower than the ninth, this is a flight, it’s immediately dark, there are no options, and it’s better to do it together, so there’s a better chance that you won’t drift away at the last moment... i took the chock, we can go, what do you have? paul, urgent reports, correspondence between nikita and lyova, everything is very serious there. what happened? so, we’ve agreed, there’s nothing keeping us here anymore. maybe your natasha will regret it at least then, but my parents won’t even notice. is this what i was thinking? pasha, quickly look for the address where they planned to do this. and there should be time further in the correspondence. quickly, pash, quickly! okay, okay. i also signaled lyova’s phone, i’m following, what, the two of them decided, it seems that nikita is because of her parents, and lyova has an unhappy love, god, i can’t believe it, even somehow... how did they
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decide to do this, where at least anything it’s known that they are going to throw themselves off a high-rise, pasha, why is it taking so long, where is this leva anyway, there is an address, i’m copying your navigator, but we’ll have to hurry, we have very little time, less than an hour, ol urgently larisa, what’s larisa, don’t you answer, no, but we have more important things to do now, mikhailovich, we are only a couple of minutes late, but we are late, could you go faster? olya, i’m doing everything i can,
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yes, larisa! yes, mikhail, what did you want, do you have new information? there’s no time to explain, we found nikita, come urgently, where is he, what’s wrong with him, everything’s okay with him ok, no, not ok, we need you here, lema, nikita, please move away from the edge, god, thank god, you’re alive, ugh, it looks like we made it, we made it.
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“well, you don’t need it, you really, really need it, you know how they are looking for you, maybe it seemed simple to you, but yes, of course, i myself heard my father tell my mother that he would get married soon, my mother said in that case he won’t see me again, then my father threatened to sue him, that he will sue him and tell him that his mother does not have an official job, then they will give me to him, but you yourself, who are you with? do you want to live, with both of them, or at least communicate?" "with my mother, with my father, when i want, not when they decide for me, but they just don’t care about me, this is absolutely not true, you know, in general not so, and what you wanted to do is very, very scary, did you really have no one to consult with, talk to, i wanted to consult, my mother has an uncle, viktor alekseevich, balaker lives, he’s cool, but he’s not at home
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it happened, i took the keys from under the threshold. well, i thought i’d wait for him, then some guys came to see me, they said, they made an agreement, and then where have you been? at first i sat in the neighbors' sheds, well, i thought about what to do next, then i decided to take the train to moscow, took the subway, there was wi-fi, well, i contacted lyova, we decided together everything, you have your whole life ahead of you. why don’t you need it, such is life, but you couldn’t jump, it turned out to be very scary, someday you will be very glad that you couldn’t, didn’t dare, so, have you calmed down at least a little, a little? calmed down, although i don’t
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understand how anyone can calm down at all, i almost went crazy until my parents came for them we’ve arrived, it would be interesting to see you crazy, what does it look like? pavlik, the humorous mood has returned, but what can’t be done, it’s all good, but that’s the point, pash, what’s not good, do you at least understand that these teenagers, children, in fact, who have their whole lives ahead of them, were going to to seriously commit suicide, they chose a place, a time, just like that. i understand even when there is some kind of unhappy love, if i jumped from the roof for every unhappy love, pasha, stop it, i just don’t understand how these parents could have their child like this to finish, this time everything worked out, somehow okay, well, they made at least some conclusions, in my opinion they have already done so, i give you a picture, son, we promise, now everything will be different,
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how different? you won’t get back together, i understand, and life is all...


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