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tv   Legavii  NTV  April 11, 2024 5:40am-6:30am MSK

5:40 am
i’m afraid that he won’t succeed, every time it doesn’t work out for them, something bursts inside me, something breaks, seryozha, yes, we won’t go to him anymore, we, we’ll go to him anymore let’s not go, seryozha, serene and i will go to the caucasus, uncle promised to send us to the caucasus, you know what doctors there are, wow, what doctors are there, the best in the union. no, let's go, let's go, for some reason i'm faithful to him, so let's go. malov, stop whining,
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it’s sickening without you, no arms, no legs, nothing, we still have to work all day, i bet we’ll step beyond the threshold of the department and dokukin is sure to do something, don’t go to fortune tellers, but i would now roll up a little white one and polish it off with a velvety beer, don’t say, after such hard labor the soul of the holiday asks for a holiday, my dear, maybe i’ll be on duty for you, and you for me? you trample, but you saw it, so i don’t remember you, you ask me to replace you, oh, you’re even cheating with me, you’re evil, lyokha, but no, i’m kind, very kind, i just have a good memory, well, like fighters, i liked it, yeah, chugalak , he’s our lyokha , he still can’t come to himself with delight, but let’s go, yes lyokh, yeah, comrade kozarev, you can you for a minute, yes, of course, like that?
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they actually wanted to give him a tribunal, but the kamrik got in the way, but it turns out he ended up in reconnaissance, at least the chatterbox is still alive, a godsend for the forty-fourth basement, we were returning from the raid, we ran into a german bunker, so in the first place i almost cut him in half, i i followed him, so it turns out that he took all my bullets into himself, now he’s supposed to get extra nutrition, it’s a pity, at least he had a vow, he was a dashing man, a real cossack. the air increases
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your appetite, who would say, you have good inclinations, so just practice a little and you can perform in competitions, okay, where am i supposed to go with a piggyback in a row of kalash, but the age is not the same, let them be young, let them tumble, but to be honest, i already have enough to do, but the bosses won’t approve, well, we’ll solve the issue with the bosses, let’s take care of the technology with you i’ll work, oh well, no need, thanks, sorry. if you suddenly decide, in rydel they know where to find me, all the best, we 'll see you in the next classes, goodbye fighters, goodbye instructor, here's another one, hitler rises up in the yard, raises his hands up and says, hitler is kaput, well our soldier looks, says kaput, and i tell you, i wanted to take prisoner with a burst of fire in his stomach, that you can laugh, but that’s how you need to tell jokes, you will tell them,
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although he is also one of his own, so go ahead, lie around, poison, yurok, you know how to ruin masses, who am i, but i didn’t think about it, so what about beria, but nothing, this is it, this is better, otherwise the tongue will lead to kiev, and the long tongue to... all cossacks, up to the horse, the trumpet is calling, and major dakugin is calling the trumpet here.
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you? stupid question, of course, why are you here? you do, if i tell you that i was passing by, you will believe me, i will say that you chose the wrong place to walk, this is in vain, firstly, he will hear the shot, secondly, where will you put your body, you are getting old, shingle, you succumb to emotions, take care of your nerves , why did i come, i want to ask you for help, do you want me after everything? and after what all? i have the right to present this to you in all respects, or did you and your security officer want to honestly share with me? you wanted to kill me, but why are you silent? but because that’s how it
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was. by the way, the way he sits, they cut it for 10 years, when you write a letter, convey my condolences. okay, let’s leave the lyrics aside, poet, i need your help, help me, you’ll live the rest of your life like cheese in butter, or like horseradish in mustard, it’s whatever, yes or no, but what are the guarantees, what are the guarantees that you won’t cheat on me, your hearing is bad, gonta, i’m not suggesting you get involved in the matter, i’m asking for help, and not free help. what do you need? ksiva is urgent, and so that she doesn’t fall, she doesn’t dig in. when yesterday. so, will you give me back my share? the same amount on top, only half a lemon. good, yes
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will you manage the day after tomorrow? i'll manage. where are you staying? don't break it. gonta, a photograph for ksiva is a deposit, see you, mr. gonta, you’re liking, but nothing, nothing, bitch, there will be a rhyme for you, pushkin will go away with envy.
5:48 am
great dude, great, great, hold the key, so what was it, great, samba, hello, well, 5 minutes of rebellion, self-defense without weapons. and scuffle in one word according to science, so how are the successes? ok, wow, ok, i’ll say what’s wrong, good health for the girls, personally , i almost gave my soul to god, honestly, can you poperoz, smoke, smoke, my mothers, why such torment, but i still have to drag myself on duty, nothing, nothing, it’s good for you, look at the fat, how much shaking, no, lech, seriously, you ’ve actually lost weight, what’s the use of losing weight , after 10 minutes? he’d fill his guts with everything himself, right? yes, go do you know where gennady? oh my little knives, can we buy more here? it will be soon, he said, so as not to disperse, but maybe we’ll have time for lunch, after
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this samba is a passion like hunting to eat, eating is a pig’s business, yes, but it’s too late, boss goes. cool eagles, how successful, i look at the view , it’s better to have a drink, trample while you’re here in combat, that’s right, let’s eat something, records were broken, crime raised its head, so, roshkov, i, your address, state farm seven, it looks like there was a theft, serious damage, well, they took the laundry off the line in the yard, a couple of sheets, two bras, underwear trousers, uncle vova, right? there's that shoemaker of yours, what's his name, well, i know, i know, klachkov, yes, he 's on a rampage again, you should have gone yourself and dealt with him, belyashina go with you take it, uncle vov, give me the motorcycle, smart guy, and i’m wondering what i’ll ride on, and you can
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take the wilis, otherwise our strawberry has been sitting too long for something, but can i drive, come on, hold it, why did you come? behind you? it is not true? well,
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let's just say it's a half-truth. and then, thank you. do you need a number? what, free? yes, as always, almost everything. we are at the factory with you. no, i don't need a number here. this is from my apartment, the address is street, i know you are a smart and good girl.
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listen, man, do you know who you saw in the city just now, was it kingura, the lucky one, that’s who, maybe you got it wrong? or just similar? i
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’ll give birth to this because of a million with my eyes closed, i’ll find out. well, we all still have the same faces, and if you ’re not mistaken, then this is interesting, very interesting, otherwise he has a debt hanging on him, he then shod boborov, and he completely unfastened his share, damn alys unbuckled it, well, that means he’s closed it, we’ll show it to him, but don’t poke the little ones, right? think, what do you think? chaly, what should we think? take the bastard and press him until he returns the favor, and you don’t need to take the good off, he’s not in the law, shut up, i said, well, call the brat, i didn’t understand, don’t touch his. let him walk, what are you doing, what are you saying, this
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bastard has thrown us away like suckers, and what are we supposed to devour and digest, yes, yes, i myself, personally with my own hands, all cut, sit down, i said, well, you say that he us cheated, what makes you think that he cheated on us? he and the grandmothers then managed, managed, and what was the agreement, we divide the swag between him, brother howl, now remember, why did he have to unfasten us? because we are covering for him while he is tearing apart beavers, and we covered for him? listen, don’t, don’t, you remember that we were then the security officers almost tied us up, you would have been there yourself, these are our problems, yakuts. the fort doesn’t give a damn, the fact that he got out of it himself, honor
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and praise to him, but the fact that we didn’t fulfill the agreement, he can also show you what you’re talking about, roaches, since when can a fraer throw it to thieves, chi, and now remember, yakut, i made inquiries then, and semyon told me that he was an unusual fraer, and a trump card, authoritative people were holding mazu behind him. benya and vatsik, it seems to me that it is not as simple as it seems, that there is someone behind him or something, are you with it?
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words, no, that’s all, but you can’t stop me from dealing with him myself, it’s for god’s sake, just remember, ikut, in front of you, it’s the same as against a tank, and we ’ll see about that later, against a tank, come on, come on . sailors, forest fires are a dangerous and formidable element: to stop the fire, the calling of the strong, pilots, observers, paratroopers, firefighters, paratroopers, fire fighters of the rosleskhoz aviation forest protection service, a reliable shield of the russian forest, i propose now, well, let
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’s leave him behind the wheel alive in a wheelbarrow, kallash give it up, i'll shoot you. but everything will be fine, just don’t take out the knife, who are you anyway, in 2 hours at the old cemetery, we’ll explain everything there, and you’re sure that you can handle it alone, there’s a plan, there’s a hot spot, what are you doing, well, i told you that’s it it will be good, today is 20:00 on ntv, next time the parsing of the sentence. in addition, this excerpt from turginev, from here to now, you’ll learn it in no time, uh-huh, arkady evgenievich, tell me, there is a god, that’s the question, why are you asking, well, i just want to know
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the truth is, i'm afraid no one will help you here, creature. every schoolchild should be a pioneer, in general, we’ll talk about this next time, but for now that’s all for today, goodbye, goodbye, arkadi evgenich, the bitch, i told you, i’ll teach you how
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we’ll talk to you, here seems like a normal guy, huh? he sharpens boots better than mastelprome, and when he gets drunk, he tells his wife that she sleeps with neighbors, he has a strange fantasy, and what’s strange is that she sleeps with neighbors, petrov knows everything, it’s strange that he remembers this, only when he gets drunk, come on, come on, he’ll kill me.
6:00 am
how for what? didn't he just almost kill you? so my husband, it’s family matters, family matters, but nothing, just sit until tomorrow, but your husband should have been on his bunk a long time ago, otherwise he’ll kill you somehow, and hello, so that tomorrow they bring my husband here, it’s clear, you see, they brought it, he’ll come himself if he can, but what do i need, right?
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why are you taking time off from work? how can i slack off? i have a legitimate lunch, and you
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sacrificed lunch for a short meeting with me? well, why is it short? i have one for you there is a matter, i want to tell you something, or rather show you, let's go, but with me, let's go, let's go, let's go, look, we are operatives, this is how we do it, when the investigative work begins, we have to hide so that no one will see us i didn’t see, now no one sees us, look, and that’s what, hey, what are you doing there, well, stand , stand, stand,
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the man maneuvers around the banya, where the shinmochi are stuck in lightly, he wants to tie them, but less . no, so that they don’t accidentally expose him, no, that’s how urkagan life is, no homeland, no flag, everything for a friend, nothing for himself , azhin is also for a friend, have you gone crazy, kid, the idiot walks wherever he wants with whoever he wants, women are only for the body and no snot, that’s what the thieves’ law says, but for the real the criminal's law, what is the bible for dad, but what about the family, children? for the stupid, i’ll say it again, urka can’t have a family or children, he doesn’t even have his own home, his home is a zone, then
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this doesn’t suit me, i’ll be a boxer, but they can have a family, but not everyone can be an academician , wipers are needed too, come on guys, i won’t be a janitor, i’ll be a boxer, i understand, you will, you will, you will, of course, only you have the spirit, and this is the spirit, it needs to be tempered, how do you put it, like parchay, who is in authority? oh, well, something like that, even when he completely lost his sight, he didn’t lose his spirit, na ashkorish, it’s not a sin to drink to someone like that, come on guys, let’s raise up for the real buddies, we’ll see that they die and don’t hand over their friends to trash, you are you hacking from a new factory? come here, there is a market, but i don’t have anything to do with the cops, i don’t
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care about the cops, what did i say, sit everyone down, come here, are you being lawless, boss, you’ve been pushing your last name and middle name, quickly, igor andreevich kulkov, shouts the idiot, the walker. i 'm a little girl, i just said that you're getting involved, we're having a cultural rest, we're not bothering anyone, in short, listen here, you're blowing your own, shut up, i'll see again that you're putting thieves' noodles in the boys' ears, i fell for you to dig there , where even in the summer it’s cold in a coat, i understood, yes i understood, i understood, but once i understood, swim, stuffed, bitch, what a bastard, there is no life from them, again the whole mood
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was knocked down.
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hi, hi, are you home, are you so early, i had to plow everything, that’s right, i had to study, learning is light, not teaching.
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year, for what purpose are you interested? yes, i’m doing a crossford, crossford, yeah, how many letters? uh, 20, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7, second and last to, bismarck, and where is bismarck for everyone, it suits, there was a bone of some kind of fruit with laundry, yeah, listen to how the vessel was called, say it again, bizmark, and bismarck, bismarck, great! great, great, and what kind of villain do you have here? yes, they caught him red-handed, now we are filing a confession. what kind of turnout if they caught you red-handed? tell the fool? no, i, we promoted him for other things. so, zakhar, we’ll add three more episodes to your feat with underwear. a printing kiosk at the station, a bookstore, look what an educated thief he is, before everything was mostly in warehouses and grocery stores
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, but now it means i’ll turn to literature. come on, okay, maybe it’s not a bookstore, let’s have a vegetable warehouse on engels for a change, it’s good, it’s good, but where can i sign there, so, uh, what are you, what are you, what, don’t spoil the documents, let’s put a facsimile, why? ? write it in, come on, and this you can, it looks like you have to work, three episodes out of the blue, well, you give him another splash and he ’ll take it upon himself to kill kirov, and then he’ll admit to the heap that the black cat worked under him, the main thing was that they didn’t take it, right? zahar, why not admit it, boss, it’s not a pity for a good person, go ahead, i’ll sign everything, go ahead. at the trial
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you will start whining, disgraceful rubbish, they beat confessions out of me with sticks, but zahar, well , that’s how it is, now i’m kind, so write, boss, write, write, write, write, boss, sisters’ paper, what are you bastard, that's it they transferred the goods to you, but at least you won’t deny the underwear, we caught you red-handed, well, no, of course, it’s my fault, well... thanks for that, get up, get up, on the path, i i’ll give it to you on the path right now, let’s go, go, go, what are you doing, salted moonshine, yes, yes, and why waste goodness in vain, okay, that’s enough for today, how much is on your natikala, 18:03, at that's it, it's time to get going, before kukin returns from the department, drop him off, let's go, now. here’s
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another human organ, three letters, you don’t know, well... ear, that's right, ear, ear, or maybe a nose, listen, uncle, do you happen to know this igor andreevich khuhkov, duh, or something, yeah, how can you not know, well, for about a month , like got free, but what, did he do that , no, not yet, but i’m afraid he’ll do it soon, there’s a bunch of boys around him, he powders their brains for criminal romance, but what can you do about it, well... you know, let the parents take care of these boys they're worried, they'll do something, so we'll be, that's right, okay, it's time to leave, otherwise the unit will appear, okay, come on, see you tomorrow, come on, see you tomorrow, his words, to god's ears, uh, uh, stand, and
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i, come on, come on, jump, they forgot about me, come on, let's go, large-scale projects, modern technologies, new horizons, russia of the present and future, touch everyone achievements at the main exhibition site of the country, 131. exposition: business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events. everything that russia admires. immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere
6:13 am
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6:16 am
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an ozone card and pay anywhere. stagnation of lymph can cause swelling. lymphotransit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the company evalar. spring is a time of cleansing. take lymphatic transit. lymphatic transit helps cleanse the body. toxins, as well as reducing swelling due to accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the company evalar is your spring update. and now about the weather for today, good morning. in the far east there is snow, blizzards, colder temperatures in chukotka in the north of kamchatka, in the south of the peninsula it will also become cooler, but at least it’s sunny here. in the south of the region there is only light rain in places already up to +17. vladivostok, where it is only +7, a sharp wind and possible frost, knocks vladivostok out of the general spring picture. in siberia. the northern cold goes south, in irkutsk it’s still +10, in krasnoyarsk and novosibirsk it’s not higher
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+4, almost zero on friday, precipitation with steamy wind. in the urals there will be more rain tomorrow, while there is more sun and more warmth. in yekaterinburg it’s +10, tomorrow it’s 12, in orenburg it’ll soon be 20, and there’s still 2 more days without precipitation. in the european part, unstable weather in the north, northwest and center will become cooler, but temperatures will still be much higher than normal. in the south there is only not enough heat. in sochi it’s +16, in the whole district it’s +20-25, sunny, but the wind doesn’t subside. there is light rain in st. petersburg today, but windy and +10, in moscow +19 without precipitation.
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what kind of icon is this? list of the miraculous icon of the most holy theotokos uzali my sorrows. miraculous? does this mean she works miracles? she saved many people from very severe jellyfish. so-so. why is it here and not hanging on the wall? “she’s here because it ’s necessary, don’t pester me, i’m sorry, nothing, nothing, just like that, and if i read a prayer, it will be better, of course, even if you just pray to the lord to grant you health, and that’s good, but if you want, i’ll teach you a real old prayer, write it down for you, i’ll remember, it’s true, he has a wonderful memory, remember, bury my
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more, much sighing soul. you've been here for a long time, you just arrived. “it’s still not good, this hasn’t happened to me before, i’m losing my skill, you just feel like there’s nothing in danger for you here, that’s why you didn’t wake up, you want to eat, first you beat him to it,
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that’s it, now he needs to sleep a little”? and that he will wake up and what are you saying, this is not magic, but i hope that in five or six sessions there will be significant changes for the better, and then it’s all god’s will, but while you and i drink tea, and he sleeps, i should warn my husband, you have a phone, you did, but it’s obvious. the bosses think that the priest has no need for a telephone connection, they requisitioned it a year ago, and he will sleep for a long time, my husband is probably just worried, well, he needs at least an hour of sleep, yes, maybe i’ll run home for now, and in an hour my husband and i will come for him , you can do
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that, then i’ll take you with you.
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no, he's got his life somewhere nearby he shuffled so as not to shine, he’s not a fool, okay, we didn’t do it as a valing either, so we’ll take a detour slowly, just turn off the headlights, and i’ll follow him on foot. stop, uncle, there is a cigarette, but smoking is harmful, young man, i’m sorry, you’re reproaching me, you made a mistake, it happens, get off the path.
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if you want a job, it will be a job for you, and then we’ll see who has the thicker gut, let’s go, well, get up, or just take revenge with a broom, masters, but as for the matter, the pants got wet, let’s go.
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polina, seryozhka, are you there? where are you from? from a camel? you are alone? alone for now. sheena and her son are somewhere. listen, how much time? it's almost midnight. i have urgent business with you. just this, give me something to drink, otherwise my throat is completely dry. sit down, i'll put the pot on now.
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well, what about the deer, and what about the executive committee warehouse? this is where the local authorities are stocking their goods, look what’s there, yeah, i’ve got pub underpants here, they don’t look like ours, something isn’t written in our language, it’s a normal product, what do you have, some kind of canned food, bumps drawn, aha, haha, also not our way, pineapple, this is a fruit that grows in africa, there is stew, there is, take one box for a snack, yeah, geez, i have a pillow. bullshit, here are the cuts, the borogs will tear them off from us with our hands, hold
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two braids of them apiece, listen, bullshit, why isn’t anyone guarding the warehouse, why isn’t anyone guarding it, guarding it, i’ve been putting in this warehouse for 2 weeks, there ’s only one grandfather on duty here today , he’s 100 years old at lunchtime, right at this time he leaves for half an hour to eat, probably, so hands up, you ’re a chantropastri, but i’m for it. i’ll pay off my whole life’s worth of junk, well, put it all back, now i’ll call the police, what are you doing, you killed me, what the hell are the bastards standing up for, come on quickly grab your swag and run out the door, well!
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we wish you the best morning, next in the program, we listen to the chronicle of the emergency, we are looking for a place in the yard parking lots with first gear, for this program there is an emergency in... owners of expensive foreign cars from nizhny novgorod are almost lining up at the police department, everyone same problem, they left the car to the mechanic to repair it, but when they returned to get the car, they found a shortage, they agreed to somehow fix the overseas horse iron arman with roshad, as well as khayal, fail and ismagil, and blows are now falling on ivan the master. and force cannot solve anything here.


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