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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 11, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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the very center of the elite village of the urals, now it’s all venice, cottages, a sports and children’s playground and the entire local park are under water. the kitchen was destroyed, the appliances that they didn’t have time to remove, sofas, cabinets, everything new was bought, about how... the flood in orenburg broke another record, causing new flooding, mikhail chernov. our hail destroyed enemy fortified positions and equipment in the artyomovsk direction. the verkhovna rada today in its final reading will consider a bill on tightening mobilization rules. what's waiting?
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the olympic swims, due to take place in paris this summer, are in jeopardy. with all the bacteria in the hay, the french are more likely to get an upset stomach than a medal, not a good idea. what went wrong? trucks sit idle for months, and driver vacancies for years, what is the shortage of truck drivers leading to? report by pavel rybalchenko. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. in the studio of yulia bekhtereva. this morning in kabarda in balkaria, two militants who were planning terrorist attacks and sabotage were eliminated territory of the republic. the national anti-terrorism committee reported this. according to the department, the criminals were part of an international organization. they were found in one of the private houses as a thief. when asked to surrender, they opened fire and ensued. due to the special operation
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, a counter-terrorist operation regime was introduced in a number of holiday villages and parts of nalchik. there were no casualties among security forces or citizens. investigations are underway at the scene of the battle; machine guns and ammunition have been seized. the water level in the ural river in orenburg continues to increase. he exceeded the 10 m mark. this was announced by the city hall. and overnight it rose another 30 cm. however, the southern urals. there is no threat to the water intake yet; the treatment facilities are operating as normal. the urals are flooding very widely, the water has come close to apartment buildings on donkovtsa street, vzhk dubki, grand park, but there is no risk of flooding now, buildings on the embankment near the road bridge are flooded. to contain flooding, by decision of the minister of emergency situations alexander kurenkov , water-filling dams were delivered to orenburg, one of them is being deployed there are skulls on the street. in connection with the flood
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, mass vaccination against hepatitis a began in the orenburg region, the ministry of health announced this during the flood period, the risk of infection increases sharply, therefore people are urged not to refuse vaccinations, they are given free of charge. to support the victims , humanitarian aid began to be sent to the region by a special flight of the russian ministry of emergency situations. 35 tons of cargo were delivered, they were collected on the initiative of the government of the tula region, food, bottled water, personal hygiene products were brought to residents of the region, medicines, blankets and rubber boots, from the orenburg region, report by mikhail chernov. the big water came when the house was sleeping peacefully, waking up and getting ready to go to the store, diana shmykareva discovered that now she couldn’t go out into the street, even in rubber boots, the depth was more than half a meter. since the night, since yesterday. it’s their custom to help each
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other like neighbors, and this time a flooded two-story building in the village of vesenny is being evacuated by the whole world. come on, get ready, let's go, come on, how old are you? eight, eight, well done! first, we drag the land of the elder zakhar, then, in the same way, we deliver his younger brother ruslan to call his mother and grandmother from captivity in the water, the neighbors bring a rubber boat, here it is now like rubber boots, the first thing. necessary, the head of the village spends another half hour persuading the remaining residents to go to their relatives or to a temporary accommodation center, to no avail, which means for now, you understand, the water is rising, it is not decreasing, it is coming, but you will be without water, without electricity, running water and electricity turned off in many flooded villages, in some in some places, transformers were sunk under water, his house was in water up to the very windows, vladimir akhmadiev noted the housewarming party quite recently, he had a mortgage for 30 years, a debt to the bank of almost...
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5 million rubles. the kitchen was destroyed, the appliances that they didn’t have time to take out, sofas, cabinets, everything was bought new, everything worked a lot, that’s how it turned out, and how to restore it? i don’t even know how to live here, how to live? the outskirts of the village near the urals were flooded a few days ago, but after the water level in the river jumped sharply, the village fences disappeared under water. you can only move along lavender street by boat, all the fences are under water, which means the depth is no less than 2 cm. there is a suitcase mood on the neighboring streets, the water is rising, the critical level has been exceeded by more than a meter, another flood record has been broken, people are trying to get their things out in time by car, as long as the cars... can pass, just yesterday they were told, don’t be afraid, the elements will pass by, but people felt something was wrong and built dams, frightened by the flooding of neighboring streets. the very center of the elite village of the urals, now here is complete venice, under cottages, a sports and
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children's playground and the entire local park were flooded. the residents had built this dam the day before, but it didn’t help. new dams are being hastily built from neighboring villages, trying to divert the water away from them. those who have already been flooded are afraid that because of this their houses will go under water right up to the roof, so they bury this there so that the water doesn’t go to them, and now here it’s all flooding, over there it’s flooding, some are saving, others are drowning, in conditions when everyone is on edge, she simply bakes pies and treats them right on the street, accountant anna belkina she says this is how she relieves stress, we help as much as we can, grannies, women, we are organizing a field kitchen, everyone is involved. maybe the villages help each other. water from above, from below, and due to heavy rains the level rose even higher. microdistrict sitsovka, you can only walk along the edge of the village. further on , the water is higher than human height, as local residents say, in the last 24 hours alone, the level has risen by a meter. residents of flooded
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streets can only wait and wonder whether the peak of the flood has passed; forecasts differ, but they they hope for the best: someone helps smuggle people out, someone bakes pies. mikhail chernov and... in one of the areas, the water level in the tabol river has risen to 10 m, this is more than a meter above the dangerous mark, while water from reservoirs continues to be discharged, which goes to the kurgan region, now this massif is moving towards the capital region, rescuers together with volunteers are quickly strengthening the dam. in the zone of a special military operation in the artyomovsk direction, russian artillerymen thwarted an attempt by the ukrainian armed forces to carry out a rotation. destroyed fortified positions, equipment that transported ammunition and personnel. the fire was carried out by calculations - 20 degrees.
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air, this allowed our military to operate at a distance of more than 20 km from the target. in the southern donetsk direction , the advance of russian troops on the ground is covered by buk anti-aircraft missile systems. they intercepted cruise missiles and drones that tried to attack our positions. and from the air. the enemy positions were hit by the crews of su-34 fighters. the pilots attacked the strong point with unguided bombs. ukraine will start today consider the law on mobilization in the second final reading. the scandalous document will not be shown to ukrainians and will be made public
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after the vote. the day before, at a meeting where an important law was discussed, by the evening only 42 deputies out of 300 remained who voted in favor. armed forces of ukraine, chief of the general staff and commander of the joint forces. users considered this reckless, because knowing the location of the military, they can be easily eliminated. the number of edits in the mobilization document was brought by the people's representatives to 4,500. as ukrainian media write, in the draft law contains many norms that are actually introduced. total control over all persons liable for military service from 18 to 60 years of age. in particular, all men will be required, regardless of suitability for service and deferment rights, to carry a military identification card. his absence will result in detention. men will have their right to consular
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services limited, including the issuance of foreign passports, and those who are already abroad will need to return and register with the military registration and enlistment office. mobilization will also affect the property of conscripts. their car may be taken away. the moldovan authorities gave the head of gagauzia a lukewarm reception. the leader of the autonomy, which , unlike official chisinau, stands for... the border guards even checked the phone, but not finding any incriminating evidence, they released him to numerous comrades. they greeted gutsa with flowers, hugs, and the news she brought from russia with applause. bravo, bravo! in moscow , the head of the autonomy negotiated benefits for local exporters, discounts on gas and
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connection to the russian payment infrastructure. from may 1, residents of gagauzia will be able to receive bonuses to pensions and salaries on russian bank cards. well , while gotsu was in russia, maia sandu came to the autonomy. this visit provoked a scandal; the president of moldova was greeted with protests, shouts of shame, and questions about how to live on a pension. 1700 lei, that’s about 900 rubles. mar to such a president, she is wandering around europe, where you come out to us, but the residents were not able to ask these uncomfortable questions. an army of security forces, whom the moldovan president brought with him, formed a cordon between the protesters at the entrance to the university. sandu entered the building from the back entrance and behind the closed ones. iran's strikes on military and
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government targets in israel are inevitable, bloomberg writes , citing us intelligence agencies. according to the publication's sources, tehran will begin attacking targets on the territory of the jewish state with high-precision missiles in the coming days. at the same time, civilian objects will not be touched. according to bloomberg. the idf is preparing for a possible shelling; against this background, foreign depsies began to develop plans for evacuation from the country. our mitt recommended to the russians refuse to travel to the middle east, especially to israel, lebanon and the palestinian territories. the iranian army also began military exercises. some airlines have begun canceling flights to the country. tehran announced a possible closure of the strait of armus if idf forces strike targets in the country. they transport there approximately. 20% of all oil, it is expected that if iran takes this step, prices per barrel will exceed
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$150. in addition, restrictions will affect the supply of liquefied natural gas. amid rising tensions in the middle east, iran's foreign minister held telephone conversations with colleagues from iraq, the united arab emirates, qatar and saudi arabia. the situation worsened after an israeli air raid on the iranian consulate general in syrian damascus last week, as... yes, seven officers were killed there. and this morning the situation became even more tense. according to media reports, the israeli air force carried out a series of strikes on rafah in anticipation of the expected ground operation, although the international community has repeatedly warned the authorities of the jewish state against such measures. previously, due to the worsening situation, turkey was the first country to impose a trade embargo against israel. well, tokyo will continue. carry out strict sanctions against moscow and resolutely support kiev,
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japanese prime minister fumio kishida said at a joint press conference with joe biden at the white house. according to the prime minister, japan views the conflict in ukraine as its own problem and maintains close partnerships with like-minded countries to confront russia. the topic of china was also touched upon at the meeting. the us is essentially forcing japan is preparing for a conflict with china, so that if necessary. the main competitor in the asia-pacific region had someone to fight with. alexey vasilovsky will continue. with state honors, a parade of honor, anthems and a red carpet, the biden administration has so far welcomed just five visitors, and four of them, including now japanese prime minister fumio kishida, are from asia-pacific countries australia, south korea and india. the white house does not hide that its strategy in asia is to create a sustainable and one. the rake to china is one of the foundations of washington’s current foreign policy. just
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two generations ago, our countries were embroiled in a devastating conflict. it would be much easier to say that we remained adversaries. instead, we made better choices. we became the closest of friends. the countries are going to strengthen their friendship primarily by developing military ties. all the details are not disclosed, but the vector is obvious: to make japan the strongest american military ally in the pacific. interestingly, 3 years ago. leaders of the then-created alliance the quad, the four of the usa, australia, india and the same japan, talked mainly about strengthening economic cooperation. now, apparently, the priority is exclusively defense. we are modernizing our command and control structures and expanding the interoperability of our military's planning so that they can work together effectively and seamlessly. this is not all the plans of washington and tokyo. according to biden, the aucus bloc, a military alliance of australia, great britain, and the united states, also considers japan as a partner and intends to explore opportunities in the near future mutual cooperation. the japanese leader made
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it clear that the conflict in ukraine largely influenced japan's decision to build up its military potential. “japan is determined to strengthen its army and military budget, and president biden confirmed his support for us. as for the conflict in ukraine, what is happening in ukraine today could happen tomorrow in east asia. the leaders remembered ukraine again at the very end of the final press conference. biden was asked when he thinks the conflict will end. the war in ukraine will end when the leader of the house of representatives will allow a vote, there is overwhelming support for ukraine."
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on thursday in washington, kishida and biden will also meet with philippine president ferdinand marcos, they plan to discuss everything , too, countering china. alexey veselovsky, natalya markevich and vladimir vepritsky, ntv, usa. before the olympics less than 100 days remain in paris, however, judging by media reports, the capital of the summer games is not sufficiently prepared for the competitions. this time the problem is with the seine river, where the olympic swims are to take place. experts reported that billions of dollars of investment in cleaning the waterway did not justify itself. all 14 water samples taken from the sena showed that swimming
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there was not safe. the head of the organizing committee of the olympic games in paris has already admitted that he may come to the water part of the triathlon. then one year ago, but now the authorities believe that it is time to lift the embargo, despite the fact that the state of the water in the main artery of paris raises questions: in 100 ml of water, experts found about 20,000 e. coli bacteria, but the french president believes that this is not a competition a hindrance, macron assured journalists that the water is so clean that he is ready to take a dip himself. well, of course, yes, i would
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swim. i won't tell you the date, otherwise you'll know. the french, in anticipation of macron's swim, took up memes, they imagine the president, along with him and the mayor of paris, in the water, and they did not forget about the invasion of french rats, which they also could not cope with a few months before the olympics. transport companies have complained about a shortage of truckers, with job vacancies now exceeding 60 thousand. carriers are constantly updating. so i no longer have to work with old machines, but the salary is approaching the 2000 mark, where did pavel rybalchenko figure out the shortage of personnel, sausage, cheese, even homemade cutlets were left, my beloved wife prepared it for me, a refrigerator, a microwave, an electric stove and even a turk for cooking coffee, truck cab, truck driver
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mark dmitriev looks more like a small apartment, it’s interesting that truck drivers are almost not... constant movement, truck drivers earn really well, their monthly income now averages 180,000 rubles. this is more than what, for example, milling machine operators receive. paradox. but the most profitable working profession in russia today is the most scarce. according to labor growth data, the country lacks more than 60,000 truck drivers, all because future drivers are not ready to wait,
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because first they need to spend a year to gain experience in the c category - truck driving, and then another six months to study for the ce category, driving a truck with a trailer . this has long been an outdated practice, because technology has changed, now there is a lot of automation in technology, the technology itself. quite another. today, the driver basically does nothing with his own hands except drive the car, press buttons and be present during loading and unloading operations. all employers take care of the rest of the complexity of his profession, from car washing, from tire repair to some serious repair work, and so on. you can learn to pass the ce category license, for example, in the voluntary society for the assistance of the army, aviation and navy, today dsaf trains and produces almost a fifth of all truck drivers. speaking about the fight against the shortage of truck drivers, all experts agree on one thing: the country needs
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training centers for those wishing to become truck drivers, but this will solve only one of the problems in the industry; according to members of the national automobile union, there are many more of them. we are confident that the state needs to reduce the tax burden on the cargo transportation industry, it needs to reduce the cost of diesel fuel, it needs to attract.
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medical board of directors 7 months ago airbas an a320 flying from sochi to omsk decided to land at an alternate airfield in novosibirsk before landing due to a malfunction.
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as a result, due to increased fuel consumption , the pilots landed the plane in a field, no one was injured. the russian stock market is trying to continue yesterday's growth. rosstat reported that inflation in march was lower than in february, but weekly inflation accelerated noticeably. overall, analysts rate this as a neutral signal. the ruble is getting cheaper, the dollar is 93.83, the euro is 1.77. the ministry of finance again proposes to raise minimum prices for strong alcohol. the ministry has published a draft order according to which, from june 1, half a liter of vodka will cost at least 299 rubles instead of the current 281. cognac will rise in price to 556 rubles instead of 517, and brendible 375 will cost at least 403 rubles. also for half a liter. and for the first time, the ministry of finance proposes to set minimum prices for rum, also 403 rubles, like brandy. they plan to raise prices for leash, cognac and brand by 6.5-7.5%.
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the ministry of finance proposed carrying out exactly the same increase on january 1 of this year, but then the authorities abandoned the idea, for an unknown reason. manifesting persistence, the ministry of finance now gives exactly the same arguments as last year: they say prices need to be raised because excise taxes have increased, because the exchange rate. increased by 24% over the year, because inflation last year was approximately 7.5%, and also influenced by sanctions, increased prices for imported equipment, components and consumables. minimum retail prices for alcohol were first introduced in russia in 2009. the authorities explained their need for the fight against counterfeit goods; they launched the system in russia for exactly the same purpose. egis. that's all i have. thank you, this was marina pimenova with an economic overview. we. now we will take a break for a short advertisement, and in a couple of minutes we will talk about the search for a unique exhibit that was found on the territory of our country. didn't switch.
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continue. employees of the azov museum of the reserve are trying to obtain data from colleagues from london about a unique exhibit of a sea lizard. it was brought to england at the beginning of the 20th century. local experts were supposed to study the find, but it disappeared. and recently our scientists learned that the fossils are still in the london natural history museum. stories. our correspondents, svyatoslav gordin and elizaveta gerson, looked into the case materials. the skeleton of an ancient sea lizard is found by cossacks from the village. izbyanskaya is now the volgograd region, in the spring of 1912 - these are the lands of the all-great don army, its capital, the novocherkassk lizard, is first brought here for study, here scientists from the don museum and the novocherkass polytechnic institute enter into a debate about what to do with the unprecedented find, its teeth stood at such an angle that came out, as we see it. occupant of the ancient ocean of tethys, in the last century it was called lizard swans, and this is how
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the lakhness miracle was depicted. legend, but one day andrei boyko found in history, forgotten or rather it became like an archive, documents confirming the discovery, the trip of russian scientists abroad at the expense of the treasury, scientific articles by pavel pravoslavlev, introducing the don lizard to world paleontology. from the articles it followed that the bones of the plisiosaurus remained in london. i think that even with the help of those publications that were made before the revolution. you are a meeting of the british the zoological museum will be quite easy to detect, because they have the corresponding codes and marks. the azov museum reserve has many rare paleontological finds. here he does not demand that his british colleagues return the don lizard. perhaps
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there was simply no legally formalized agreement on the return of the bones, but at least find out whether such an exhibit exists in london or not. and then we wrote to the london museum, we wrote a letter asking generally, well , to find out, but... unfortunately, we just got no answer have not received. azov paleontologists could create a copy of the don lizard and present it in the museum if british scientists met them halfway. the don lizard would be the oldest and largest exhibit of the azov museum, if it were still here, nothing was heard about it for more than 100 years, if it is still in london, maybe my colleague lisa gerson will be able to find out something. we managed to find out that the british did not want us to find out anything. previously they said there was no extradition from sdon, but now from london there is no extradition. looks like local museum the leaders are so intimidated by the constant demands from the former colonies to return what was stolen during colonial times that even
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a harmless question from the country, completely independent of them, triggers a silent grasping reflex. the online catalog of the archeology department also does not give an answer, it is incredible that... the museum took and lost in its storerooms an exhibit from a professor of the russian empire, which clearly indicates the number of bones, when the remains were discovered, by whom and where. having all this information in hand, along with a document stating that the remains of the reptiles were sent to the natural history museum in london; the azov museum sent such a request to its english colleagues. we would be very grateful if our colleagues from the natural history museum find an opportunity. are these bones of fossil reptiles of the zazoian era in the collection of your museum? there was no response to the first letter for a year and a half, followed by a second. another 2 months after light pressure from our television company from london, a short
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and unconstructive answer was received. in your letter you mention a certain number of fossils from russia. i will discuss this with the curators responsible for the collection and consult our records. so one can only suspect that the london museum will not want to. answer, fearing a request for the repatriation of the plesiosaur to russia. this is not the first time they have received such requests. the number of complaints against british museums from around the world is almost as long as their museum catalogues. during the era of colonialism, the british looted outstanding art monuments around the world. but by refusing to return the porthenon sculptures to greece today, the british are making excuses because more tourists will see them in the british museum than in athens. however, the don plesiosaur is not exhibited or even mentioned in the collection. there is no educational benefit from his stay there for the public or scientists, he simply disappeared in the museum dungeons as if in the depths of an ancient ocean, finding him in the center of london is now more difficult than in the village of pyatizbyanskaya near the liski river, 100 years ago.
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maxim smagin, elizaveta gerson, boris halfin and andrey zubkevich, ntv television company. azov, novocherkask, london. and that's all by this time. stay on mtv. stagnation of lymph can cause swelling. lymphotransit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the company evalar. spring is a time of cleansing. take lymphatic transit. lymphatic transit helps cleanse the body and remove toxins, as well as reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the company evalar. your spring update. good morning, i’ll tell you about the weather for tomorrow. after a surprisingly warm start, april is starting to slow down, not the month of may, but still the most difficult situation in in the urals, the weather is rainy in the sverdlovsk, chelyabinsk and kurgan regions, and wet snow to the north. on european territory.


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