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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 11, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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the launch vehicle engine has started, the engines have reached the main thrust mode, and contact has occurred. the heavy launch vehicle angara a5 was launched for the first time at the vostochny cosmodrome. the flood reached kuzbass, all the fences, everything was down. cattle also drown, by the way. to allow water to drain away, ice jams are blown up on rivers. suitcase mood about how the flood in orenburg broke another record, causing new flooding mikhail chernov.
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the extreme aggravation of the situation in the middle east, iran has closed the country's airspace, does this mean that the islamic is the republic ready to strike at israel? and the ministry of finance again proposes to raise the minimum prices for strong alcohol, what is the reason and how much it will now cost. hello, you are watching news on ntv, in the egor kalyvanov studio. a landmark event for russian cosmonautics , a heavy-duty launch vehicle launched for the first time from the vostochny cosmodrome.
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started on the third attempt, the previous two launches, on tuesday on wednesday the automation canceled a few seconds before takeoff, this time everything went smoothly, 12 and a half minutes after launch the upper stage with payload successfully separated from the third stage of the rocket. angara a5 is the second russian serial heavy-class launch vehicle in its entire history, which in the future will have to completely replace its predecessor, the proton rocket. the podangara at the vostochny cosmodrome was specially built on...
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well, to the main topic of the last days, the flood has reached kuzbass, the water level in the tom river has risen to 5 m, to the point after which water will flow into populated areas, a little more than a meter remains, the tributaries of the river are also flooding tom, here is one of them called marsu, everything is sinking, all the fences, everything is down. cattle
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also drown, the causes of flooding are melting snow, rain, as well as ice jams on rivers that prevent water from leaving, these jams explode. the kurgan region is under water in more than ten settlements; it was initially assumed that the level of the tabol river would rise to 11 m, but apparently, the reality could be much worse. according to forecasts, tobol crosses the entire kurgan region almost in the center; all residents of villages in the poima are called upon to evacuate. the situation in kurgan itself is getting worse. local authorities are talking about further releases in kazakhstan's reservoirs upstream. they took the same step at the chelyabinsk potoki reservoir, from there they are running into one of the tabola tributaries. water discharges are a necessary measure, otherwise the platinum may not withstand it.
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accessible only by boats, but the water gradually recedes. in areas where the flood has receded, damage assessment commissions begin to work. the head of the ministry of construction, erig faizolin, visited the city destroyed by water. here we have a kind of dam on the soviet side district. there are still a lot of questions about this dam. 10 km was put into operation in 2014 at a cost of almost a billion rubles, but it failed to cope with the task. many townspeople claim that... the city authorities warned about the leaks that had begun; one of the local residents even tried for several hours to fill up such a leak near his house with the help of a tractor. the version about the thunderstorms, which allegedly made a hole in the dam, causing the beginning of leaks, causes bewilderment among people. the head of the ministry of construction said,
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that his department, together with the ministry of natural resources, will check this unlikely version and, in general, how the expensive dam was built, the minister said at the time. trips to flooded regions to restore the affected areas, the president’s instructions are clear, which means, first of all, as the water loss decreases, organize work to restore housing, roads, parks, public gardens, which means playgrounds, of course all this will be organized for restoration, but for now water, colleagues, will not work, of course, it’s difficult, which means assessing all the consequences, why... came, in orenburg it is far from the water leaving, the city continues to flood, the situation is called a critical detail by michael chernov. big water came when the house was sleeping peacefully, waking up and getting ready to go to the store, diana shmykareva discovered that she could not go out into the street, even in rubber boots,
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the depth was more than half a meter. since the night, since yesterday evening, one might say, the water has slowly started to trickle down. it’s their custom to help each other like neighbors, but this time there were two flooded. the car in the village of vesenny is being evacuated by the whole world. come on, zakhar, let's go, come on, how old are you? uh, eight, eight. well done! first, we drag the land of the elder zakhar, then in the same way we deliver his younger brother ruslan to call his mother and grandmother from captivity in the water, the neighbors bring a rubber boat. here it is now, like rubber boots, a basic necessity. the head of the village spends another half hour persuading the remaining residents to go to their relatives or to a temporary accommodation center, to no avail. what means? as long as you understand, the water rises, it does not decrease, it arrives, but you will be without water, without lights, water supply and electricity were turned off in many flooded villages, in some places transformers were sunk under water, his house was in water up to the very windows, vladimir akhmadiev noted his housewarming party quite recently, he had
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a 30-year mortgage, a debt to the bank of almost 5 million rubles. the kitchen was destroyed by appliances that they didn’t have time to remove, sofas, cabinets, everything was bought new. i worked a lot, everything turned out like this and i don’t even know how to restore it, how to live here, the outskirts of the village in the urals were flooded a few days ago, but after the water level in the river jumped sharply, the village fences disappeared under water, you can only move along lavender street by boat, all the fences are under water, which means the depth is at least 2 and a half, but the neighboring streets are in a suitcase mood, the water is rising, the critical level has been exceeded by more than a meter, another... flood record has been broken, people are trying to get things out in their cars while the cars can still pass. just yesterday they were told, don’t be afraid, the elements will pass by, but people felt something was wrong and they built dams, afraid of the flooding of neighboring streets. the very center
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of the elite village of the urals, now it’s all venice, cottages, a sports and children’s playground and the entire local park are under water. the residents had built this dam the day before, but it didn’t help. neighboring villages are hastily building new dams, trying to divert the water away from them, those who have already been flooded are afraid that because of this their houses will go under water, right up to the roof, so they bury this there so that the water does not flow to them, and now here it’s all flooding, over there it’s flooding, alone they save, others drown, in conditions when everyone is on edge, she simply bakes pies and treats them right on the street, accountant anna belkina says this is how she relieves stress, we help as much as we can, grannies, women. sitsovka, you can only walk here along the edge of the village, further on the water is higher than human height, as
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local residents say, in the last 24 hours the level has risen by a meter. residents of flooded streets can only wait and wonder whether the peak of the flood has passed. forecasts vary, but they are hoping for the best. someone helps take it out people, someone is baking pies. mikhail chernov, igor yakimov, ekaterina kostyukevich, nikolai dasun, ntv. orenburg. iran is closing you down. the country's airspace for civil aircraft, this may indicate a readiness to strike israel; western intelligence warned about the high possibility of such a development even the day before. the reason was an israeli strike on a refugee camp in the northeast of the gaza strip, which killed three sons and several grandchildren of the hamas leader. already expressed my condolences to him iranian president ibrahim roisi. according to bloomberg, military and government facilities will most likely be targeted. units of the iranian army and the islamic revolutionary guard corps have already been transferred to
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barracks status and canceled from launch. officers are called to duty. an attack on israel could also come from lebanon, where the forces of the pro-iranian group hezbollah are concentrated. however, according to american intelligence, the longer tehran delays a response, the greater the likelihood that there will be a direct blow to israel. the iranian foreign minister has already held talks with his colleagues. put an end to israel's actions, iranian media reported. well, american news portals write that the head of the central command of the us armed forces will fly to israel today to coordinate actions in the event of a possible attack. the federal air transport agency has proposed dismissing top managers of ural airlines. this is an echo of the emergency landing on the field last september. business news and denis talalaev. denis, right there
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i remember they found errors in the actions of the pilots. yes, igor, but the federal air transport agency decided to take an even broader view and believes that the actions of management could have led to these mistakes by the pilots. a ural airlines plane was landing in a wheat field, from... omsk, but before landing , an alarm about a malfunction of one of the... systems went off, the crew decided to go to an alternate airfield in novosibirsk, but then decided that there was not enough fuel and landed the plane in field.
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no one on board was injured. the federal air transport commission indicated that this forced the landing in the field occurred due to multiple violations due to crew errors, and this was led, as noted, to shortcomings in ensuring flight safety and organizing professional training of crews at ural airlines. therefore, the federal air transport agency proposes to fire the airline’s quality director. alexey fomen, he has been working at ural airlines for 24 years, together with flight director sergei gloskov, who has been with the company for 31 years. ural airlines responded to all this that personnel decisions would be made by the board of directors. rosstat reported that inflation in march was lower than in february, but weekly inflation, again according to rosstat, on the contrary, accelerated. but yesterday the head of the central bank of russia said that the peak of inflation in russia has nevertheless passed. and based on the results of all these statements, analysts conclude that the inflation signal is now neutral.
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the russian stock market tried to continue growing in the morning, but by lunchtime investors had already started taking profits. the ruble is depreciating, the dollar at these minutes costs 93.74, the euro 100 rubles. 68 kopecks. the ministry of finance again proposes to raise minimum prices for strong alcohol. the ministry has published a draft order according to which, from june 1, half a liter of vodka will be available. costs at least 299 rubles. instead of the current 281, cognac will rise in price to 556 rubles. now 517, brand was 375, minimum 403 rubles will remain. also for half a liter. and for the first time, the ministry of finance proposes to set minimum prices for rum. also 403 rub. like brandy. it is planned to raise prices for vodka, cognac and brandy by 6.5-7.5%. the ministry of finance proposed to carry out exactly the same increase. since january 1 of this year, but then the authorities from this ideas were rejected for an unknown reason, but
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showing persistence, the ministry of finance is now making exactly the same arguments as last year: they say prices need to be raised because excise taxes have increased, because the dollar has increased by 24% over the year, because inflation last year was approximately 7.5%, and also influenced by sanctions, increased prices for imported equipment, components and consumables . for the first time, minimum retail prices for... thank you, denis. the ministry of defense reported that this night kiev tried to attack six regions at once russia, belgorod, bryansk, lipetsk, kursk, tambo regions and the republic of mordovia. 12 aircraft-type drones were launched from enemy territory, but all of them were intercepted and destroyed by air defense systems. and in the northern military district zone in the artyomovsk direction, the armed forces of ukraine tried to create
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camouflaged fortified positions, where they brought personnel for rotation and ammunition. but the russian crews of the haupitz d-20 and rszzo grad destroyed the enemy’s support forces and manpower. in the kupinsky direction, the crew of the t-90a tanks of the west group of troops was defeated camouflaged fortifications, dugouts and enemy personnel. in avdeevka, where the fighting subsided just 2 months ago, restoration work has begun. the local residents, despite everything, who remain in the city, are helped by humanitarian organizations. report by amar magomedov. at the request of the pensioner, we do not show her face and do not say her name. the ukrainian side monitors russian media news and carries out repression against relatives of the so-called wrong refugees. the woman’s youngest son now lives in the territory under her control. the ukrainian armed forces, for whom this interview could result in charges of espionage and a prison sentence. did you withstand, as you know, such an attempt to go somewhere, where, where?
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they didn’t want to go to ukraine any further, so they sat there. what we didn’t want, our views don’t coincide, no matter where we lived, an elderly couple got out of avdeevka only 2 weeks ago, they had neither the strength nor the opportunity to do this before, volunteers helped get to the temporary accommodation point, about 80 people found shelter here , at that time they are fully provided with everything, this includes food, this includes accommodation, well, in fact , we completely cover all the household needs that exist here on the territory, and also most of them...
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there are cereals, cookies, candies, noodles, we transfer about 5 tons of food, instant food, purees, canned cereals, in general everything the most necessary things, from bags, only two bags, but you have them, right? well, these, this big one, more and more nothing, they didn’t take anything else. yulia shows some simple belongings, a suitcase, several sports bags with extra things and a cat carrier, this is all that the young man managed to carry away to a family from a dilapidated house in avdievka, they left the city only on the third attempt, we need to move on with our lives, we survived, the most important thing is that
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we will restore it, make a living, you still have someone left in avdievka, my mother stayed there until...
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1:23 pm
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buryakov, a suspect in the shooting of police officers in the moscow region, was detained and was hiding in the forest in the tver region, these are the first images from the scene of arrest, a special operation was carried out by employees of the criminal investigation department and the national guard, buryakov , has already admitted guilt, let me remind you that senior warrant officer sergei efemenko died in the line of duty. together with a colleague, they sat in ambush and waited for the drug courier to catch him red-handed, on buryakov appeared on the spot, he opened fire on the police, the operative was wounded in the head, died instantly, they managed to save the second officer, he remains in the hospital, he was hiding somewhere in the forest, you admit your wine, i admit it, probably, where is the motorcycle, the wheel, come on , as a result of operational search activities, employees of the russian ministry of internal affairs detained a suspect in an attack on police officers, the detainee will soon be delivered to the investigative authorities for further investigation, where the person fled the scene
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of the crime. the merchant was presented in absentia accusation and a preventive measure chosen.


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