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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 11, 2024 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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come on, goodbye, the launch vehicle engine has started, the engines have reached the flank mode, the ascent has proceeded, and the angara heavy launch vehicle launched from the vostochny cosmodrome for the first time. the flood reached kusbas, all the fences were pulled down, the cattle were also drowning to free up the water, ice jams were exploding on the rivers, the russian military stopped the attack on the tender spit, the goal was to capture the lighthouse, the captured saboteur said that the operation was being prepared under the leadership of british instructor, extreme escalation of the situation on...
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he was sent to the british museum of natural history for study. since then, the fate of the don lizard is unknown. recently , documents confirming the discovery and the business trip of russian scientists to england were found in the archives of the rostov region. but what happened next? they tried to find out in london. hello, you are watching the news on ntv, in the egor kalyvanov studio. so, a significant event for the russian cosmonautics. the angara-a5 heavy-class launch vehicle launched for the first time from the vostochny cosmodrome. previously similar launches were carried out only from the plesetsk cosmodrome. what challenges does angara face as it replaces proton? anton talpa watched the start. once here on vostochny,
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you immediately pay attention to the impressive dimensions of the rocket: height 55, diameter 9 m. the weight of the hangar, that is, the launch weight is more than 700 tons. this rocket is capable of launching absolutely any type of russian spacecraft into orbit. the observation deck is 3 km away, but even at this distance you can feel the power of the angara. vibrations are transmitted through the earth, a voice is heard rockets. at the fourth minute of flight , separation occurs. the first stage, then the second will separate, after the angara it will take a course into orbit and end up in space. the successful test of the angara means that russia will now be able to launch transport and manned missiles from its territory. the angara can deliver about 24 tons of payload into orbit. today the first step was taken, further beyond the rocket of the inhabitant of the hangar, and the fifth - this will be one of the main products that will launch heavy satellites, space.
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ships from this amur land. angara is a family of modular missiles of light, medium and heavy class. so far there are three sisters in this family, but in the future roscosmos is counting on additions. now the youngest is angara 1.2, the middle one is marked a5, and the older one is angara a5b, capable of delivering 37 tons of cargo, incredible by today’s standards, into space. to date, we have completed the development of an artificial project regarding the angara a5b, this is a hydrogen theme.
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oreon upper stage and new engines, the sites were all successful, the angara is equipped in particular, the rd-191 is superior to all existing analogues of this class, it runs on a mixture of kerosene and oxygen, this fuel is much more environmentally friendly, for some reason everyone believes that the heavy-class launch vehicle is the proton, which is where captel is used, that is, they believed and still believe that it is environmentally friendly harmful machine, angara launch vehicle... as a result, angara reached geostationary orbit, this is 3500 km above sea level, the orion upper stage delivered a test load into space, after which the spacecraft will be in orbit storage anton talpa, anton peredelsky and pyotr orchedny, ntv.
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a government commission has been created to eliminate the consequences of the flood. the main task is to ensure the safety of the population, as well as to establish energy supply and transport plus. and this is orsk, orenburg region, some houses can still be reached only by boats, but the water is gradually receding;
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at this substation at the peak of the flood, the water level reached almost 2.5 m. the water has not completely left the substation yet, some of the cables . cannot be replaced, can no longer be restored it turns out that in orenburg itself, according to forecasts , the water rise will stop on friday, but in the meantime, the ural river is capturing more and more new territories. from 8 am to 2 pm there is another plus of about a quarter meter to the water level. a new record - 10 m 82 cm. an engineering detachment of the strategic missile forces arrived in the disaster zone . the military has prepared hundreds of sandbags for...
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while the harmless +30 is arriving centimeters per day, but the sad experience of orsk forces you to be on alert. the city is expecting a big wave by april 15 and is actively preparing to meet the elements. a dam, which should contain the flood, is being built by almost the entire city. hundreds of volunteers, rescuers, factory workers, students, volunteers, collect sandbags and lay them along the embankment. nikita saw through the window how the banks were being strengthened and also decided to help. who are you with here? one. without mom, without dad? he ’s not far from there, he just came to help, yes, the impending threat has once again shown that there is no such thing as someone else’s misfortune, students from the college of service and technology are sewing bed linen for temporary centers placement, the girls had already purchased 8.00 m of fabrics, which were selected with soul,
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the colors were chosen, of course, some may be cheerful, some may be calm, and the children’s assortment included both abstraction and flowers, that is, that’s all there is of course we have to sew. in order to somehow support, to somehow support, of course, sonya understands very well how important what she does is, her family also had to leave their home and move to a safe distance from the water. mom wouldn’t go, but since i have a younger brother, we went for my younger brother. rescuer 5,000 people have already been evacuated. not only private houses, but also high-rise buildings may be in the flood zone. second floor, but i almost risked staying and left. they changed the roof, but they were afraid of the old house, that i was afraid that he would suddenly tear it down. i’ll go with the flow then, local residents, representatives of organizations also bring help to temporary accommodation centers, cots, bed linen, warm blankets ; 160 people from the flood zone have already flown to this school, and people are constantly arriving, so these supplies will definitely come in handy , kurgan authorities have already announced the first
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payments; those who had to leave their homes will receive 10 thousand rubles, this is for now only for priority needs. olga zenkova, artemy epifanov, valeria proskurikova, ntv television company. in the kherson region, the landing of the ukrainian armed forces on the tendra spit, planned by the british special services, was stopped, the fsb reports. during the battle with the russian military, a sabotage group. the enemy was destroyed, and one ukrainian special forces soldier was captured. he said that the instructors of the british royal navy, in charge of the 73rd marine special operations forces center in the ssu, the task was set to capture the lighthouse on the spit, destroy or capture the russian military stationed there, and bring civilian personnel to the ukrainian side. according to prisoner of war yevgeny gorin, the ukrainians underwent sabotage training for military purposes.
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today searches took place at the house of another blogger and business coach dmitry portnyagin, nicknamed “transformer”, business news denis talolaev, denis, i haven’t heard this before, i’ll be honest, what’s the matter, probably again in...
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by the title of the book he wrote about how to create a business, about the fact that anyone can be successful and about the path of a leader. today it became known that in the morning security forces conducted searches at the blogger’s home, office, and at the dacha in the saibiria baths that he owns. his wife, ekaterina portnyagina, was detained. also, as the newspaper kommersant notes, searches took place in the 500 business club. its website states that this is a closed premium business club, where an ecosystem, including a quote, awaits entrepreneurs. excursions to corporations, meeting with mentor, investment club, joint
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travel. dmitry portnyagin calls the searches for the detention of his wife strange, because, according to him, he paid off the main body of the debt in august of twenty-two. all that remained were fines and penalties, which the portnyagin spouses did not agree with and tried to challenge. mentioning that his foundation, together with the popular front (quote): have already traveled to the northern military district zone eight times. humanitarian aid, end quote. dmitry portnyagin said that today, without waiting for a court decision, he will pay 64 million rubles. penalties and fines. rosstat reported that inflation in russia in march was lower than in february, but weekly inflation accelerated noticeably. true, the day before, the head of the central belverno biulina said that the peak of inflation in russia had passed; based on all these statement figures, analysts assess the inflation data as a neutral signal. russian market. in the morning i tried to continue growing, but by lunchtime investors had already decided that it was time to move on to taking profits. the ruble
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has now returned to the levels from which it started today. the dollar costs 93.42, euro 100 rub. 48 kopecks the landing of a ural airlines plane in a wheat field, which some russian media called a miracle and heroism, met with a completely different attitude from the federal air transport agency. the department proposed. was to fire two top managers of the airline who are responsible for flight safety. this, as the newspaper learned, is stated in the new report of the federal air transport agency. she completed a re- investigation of this air incident, which happened in september last year near novosibirsk. the airbus a320 aircraft was performing flight sochi-omsk. but before landing , an alarm sounded indicating a malfunction in one of the hydraulic systems. the crew decided to go to an alternate airfield in novosibirs, but then decided that there was not enough fuel and landed the plane in a field. no harm done. the federal air transport commission indicated that this forced landing in a field occurred due to multiple violations
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and crew errors. and this, as noted, was led to by shortcomings in ensuring flight safety and organizing professional training for crews at the airline. that’s why the federal air transport agency proposes dismiss the quality director of ural airlines alexey fomin. he has been working for the airline for 24 years, and flight director sergei gloskov was also fired along with him. he has been in the company for 30 years. ural airlines responded to all this that the decision will be made by the directors. egor, everything about the economy. yes, thank you, denis talalaev with business news. a baby was born in novosibirsk, who became the 100,000th child born in a network of clinics, mother and child, it has existed for 18 years and has been making its contribution to solving the island’s demographic problem for the country, the anniversary newborn's name is roman, he weighs a little more than 3 kg for his parents, alisa and
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alexandra, the boy became the first-born, i'm just in some kind of fairy tale. i had been imagining this meeting with him for so long for months, but this meeting turned out to be much better than i imagined, so my expectations they happened, so that your baby alice would tell you that she was expecting a boy, they would give it to the new mom and dad, among other things genealogical book, with the help of which they can chronicle their family, the birth of the baby was celebrated by the whole iran clinic. closes the country's airspace to civilian aircraft, this may indicate a readiness to strike israel, and the high possibility of such a development of events is evidenced by other indirect signs that the intelligence services of different countries warn about. according to sky news arabia sources, two
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islamic revolutionary guard corps ships were spotted today in the red sea and the persian gulf, from which it is possible to launch cruise missiles. western intelligence services recommended it the day before. employees of the diplomatic mission their countries to leave israel. in iran itself , army units were transferred to barracks status and were canceled from launching. iran's foreign minister held talks with his counterparts from qatar, saudi arabia, iraq and the united arab emirates. the reason for the unprecedented escalation of the situation was the israeli attack on the iranian consulate in damascus on april 1. tehran immediately stated that this attack would not go unanswered . according to the source. according to the cia, the longer iran delays retaliatory actions, the greater the likelihood of a direct strike on israel. moscow today called on all parties to the conflict to show restraint. we call on all countries in the region to show restraint. we condemned the attacks on the iranian consulate; this is a violation of all principles of international law. now it is very important for everyone to maintain restraint
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so as not to lead to complete destabilization of the situation in the region. blocked an israeli strike on a refugee camp in the northeast of the gaza strip, in which three sons and grandchildren of the hamas leader were killed. iranian president ibrahim raisi has already expressed condolences to him. in the hamas leadership reported that by such actions israel excludes any possibility of resolving the palestinian-israeli conflict through diplomatic means. netanyahu is doing everything to block or undermine any chance of reaching a termination agreement. the attack in which the relatives of the hamas leader were killed was carried out the day before on one of the main muslim holidays, and just on the eve of the day when representatives of the radical movement were supposed to give an answer to the us-proposed deal to free the hostages and ceasefire in the gaza strip. for ntv viewers
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in the capital, the next episode will be broadcast today in moscow, and we will continue broadcasting for other regions. in central russia. the staff of the azov museum of the reserve are trying to find the skeleton of the so-called don lizard in the london museum. in 1912 , the remains of a plesiosaur, unique for the southern russian latitudes , were discovered on the bank of the don by local cossacks. the find was handed over to the world's best pleontologists for research. to london, after a while, well, because of the well-known events of the first half of the 20th century, about skeletal fragments we just forgot where our correspondents tried to find out where the don lizard was now: elizaveta gerson in london, and svyatoslav gordin visited a museum in the rostov region. the skeleton of an ancient sea lizard is found by the cossacks
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and the village of pyati-izbyanskaya, now the volgograd region, in the spring of 1912 this is the land. the all-great don army and its capital, the novocherkasssky lizard, are first brought here for study, here scientists from the don museum and the novocherkass polytechnic university enter into a debate about what to do with the unprecedented find? the villagers did not know then that when during the construction of the mill, they came across a plisiosaur, but the military ottoman ordered all cossacks to preserve the extremely large animal bones; they were put in a barn. 54 vertebrae, an almost complete skeleton, albeit without a skull, with a total length of 7 m 20 cm,
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are quite easy to detect, because they have the corresponding codes and marks. the plesiosaur discovered by the cossacks turned out to be unique for our latitudes. they are usually found closer to north america. the azov museum reserve has many rare paleontological finds. not required here from their british colleagues to return the don lizard, but at least find out whether such an exhibit exists in london or not. and we wrote a letter to the london museum asking to find out at all, but unfortunately, we simply did not receive an answer. azov paleontologists could create a copy of the don lizard and present it in the museum if british scientists met them halfway. the don lizard would be the oldest and
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largest exhibit of the azov museum. if he were still here, nothing was heard about him for more than 100 years. if he's still in london, maybe my colleague lisa gerson will be able to find out something. we managed to find out that the british did not want us to find out anything. if earlier they said there was no issue for sdon, now from... london, no issue, in the natural history museum in london, where professor pravoslav delivered the bones of the don lizard, fossilized plesiosaurs, waterfowl creatures crawled along the walls like lizards, our compatriot in the hall no. the online catalog of the archeology department also does not provide an answer. it's incredible that the museum took lost in its storerooms there is a museum exhibit from a professor of the russian empire, a huge mesozoic reptile. after light pressure from our company from london , the answer was short and unconstructive. in your letter you mention a certain number of fossils from russia. i will discuss this with the curators responsible for the collection and consult our
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records. there was plenty of time to check the records; one can only suspect that the london museum does not want to respond, fearing a request for the repatriation of the plesiosaur to russia. looks like local museum leaders so intimidated by the constant demands from their exes. offer innovative products, for example, ready-made semi-finished fish products, sometimes in the most exotic sauces, what is replacing crab sticks, why we continue
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to import trout fish, when russians will feel the results of creating new so -called cold logistics chains, the head of the federal fisheries agency ilya spoke about this in an exclusive interview shestakov told my colleague kiril poznyakov. if we talk. somewhere around 4.4 million tons, and of course processed fish products, then somewhere right now these highly processed products make up 25, about 25%, 25-30%, and fillets, these are already canned products, that is, these are already products that are immediately ready for consumption, we are breaking records for catches, yes , this is fish, but for consumption so far it’s somehow not very good. we are catching up, in the 21st century we came up with something new, but we already had a lot of different promotions, there are fish waiting, specialized stores are opening, well,
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this year we are launching an autonomous non-profit association, this association will just have to develop a marketing policy for russian fish in general, and we will either start from the end of this year or from the beginning of next year. this year, these are ships, these are fish processing plants, this year these are also refrigerator ships that deliver fish from the fishery to the shore and shore.
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infrastructure for receiving this fish, a total of four such complexes should now be built in the far east and two in the northern basin, well, in fact we encourage the creation of a cold chain so that fish products of truly high quality are delivered from the catch directly to the store doors. watch the full interview on our channel. after midnight or right now on the website the first female cosmonaut in the history of belarus, marina vasilevskaya, was awarded the title of hero of the republic. she returned home from russia, where she was undergoing rehabilitation after a two-week expedition to the iss. but this evening she again fly away. where does sergei savin know? everyone prepares for a long time, handing out flags and drawings, but then the plane rolls up the red carpet, and then
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everything doesn’t go according to plan. flowers and more flowers, what marina says, you can’t hear the three engines, but the emotions are clear anyway. the operators are on top of each other, the belarusian cosmonaut immediately goes to meet the president, vasilevsk’s flight is not only an expensive image project, but also practical science. the recipe for dry sour milk was developed in orbit; it is planned to produce conventional space kefir the train is right at the station, you'll be pumped with usefulness and...
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the flight is now with a male astronaut. minsk officially formulates such requests, but alexander lukashenko will get involved in the issue, as they say, directly directly. sergey saven tikrantovyan, dmitry davidenko and konstantin morozov, ntv, minsk, belarus. this is the program today, which is what we will talk about next. make way for the gray toad. ilya fedosov took part in an operation to rescue amphibians in the sestraretskoye boloto reserve. and why did triathletes swim on the seine river? olympic games in paris may be canceled about this and the weather forecast after the advertisement. an endless country on which the sun never sets. the fascinating nature of russia is now in your hands. there is a shadow on the new maps.
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of black hurry up to get a think of black debit card with a limited design before april 14 get free service forever tinkov we take loans. it’s easy to apply, we’re at sovcombank, we take out loans, but we got it quickly? up to 5 million, loans that everyone knows, apply for free gas supply to the border of your plot, details by phone 8800 101004, free call, catching a hot pyro is not easy but. anyone can get an interest rate on a deposit at gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum. open a deposit on magnet. pasta makfa 499. magnet - the price
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is what you need. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business. nobody will pay for this. this is bullshit. but you didn’t listen, because you do everything. so, go ahead, connect an overdraft with a guaranteed limit of up to 30 million rubles. to your free account for business. alfabank is the best bank for business. you have a form, for baking, for squatting. try it like this. so, a trial lesson for...
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an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever, which is why the loan... from izderta is the best in the country. apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you want. dna today at 17:50 on ntv. allergy, i wanted to ignore it. i am a zodok, i help adults and children up to 24 hours. available on yandex market. enter airplane plus. apartment service decisions from transaction to finishing. get an additional 15% discount for fashionable transformations, choose clothes, shoes, accessories on ozone, use the promotional code spring, it will be added to the existing discounts, everything
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is the most anticipated premiere of the year from monday at 23:00. we're back on the air, let's continue. triathlon competition at the paris olympics, which... start at the end of july, may be postponed or excluded from them swimming stage due to the quality of water in the hay, too many pathogenic bacteria were found in it, for example, in february, the concentration of e. coli in samples taken at the alma bridge, where swimmers should start , was seven times higher than the norm. the head of the organizing committee for the paris olympic games said they are working hard to resolve the problem. nevertheless, this whole situation, especially in light of what has been allocated for the hay cleaning program. with all the bacteria in the canopy, the french are more likely to get an upset stomach than medal, so-so idea, in any case, this is not swimming, but a race with obstacles, for example,
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you swim and maneuver between a tire or a rental bicycle, the corpse of a mafia, and you crawl out of our hay in such a state that you can, in principle, participate in paralympics, hay bathing was banned more than a century ago, and last summer it was because of... the quality of river water that the world cup swimming stage was canceled, but the authorities insist that everything will be fine by summer. the president of france, in order to defuse the situation, even said that he was personally ready to take a bath in the hay. you will you swim in the seine yourself? well, of course, yes, i would swim. i won't tell you the date, otherwise you will definitely end up there. numerous memes have already appeared on the internet on the topic of what this swim might look like in troubled waters , including the mayor of paris along with the president. she also stated that before the olympics she would definitely swim in the hay, in the hay, they remembered these rats, they have been unsuccessfully fighting them in the french capital for many years. sanctuaries sestroretskoye swamp in
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st. petersburg these days you can see at first glance a strange picture: through the forest people are walking with buckets in their hands, and there are toads in the buckets. this is what an amphibian rescue operation looks like. their mating season has begun, and in order to lay eggs, they need to move from the swamp to deep water, on the way there is a road with cars, bicycles and other dangers. ntv correspondent ilya fedos also dared to help the toads reach their destination safely. the gray toad is a friend of man, lives quietly in the swamp, eats mosquitoes and other pests, and practically does not require attention, but during the short migration season it cannot do without us, instinct forces amphibians from the swamp to move into the lake to lay eggs, but people build roads along the shore and the desire to have offspring for gray toads turns into a race for survival, so volunteers are collected in the sesterets swamp reserves every year, which...
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transport services for people along with frogs
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also readily use toads, although it is believed that they are more agile and therefore their population suffers less on the roads, it is easy to distinguish frogs from toads, toads sneak, frogs jump, males climb females and ride on them on horseback, saving energy, at the same time , volunteers spare no effort in rescuing amphibians, during the entire migration they are on duty in shifts at their sites from 10 am to 9:00 pm, volunteers are here just right...
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well, the heat has receded. after hot records, a gradual cooling awaits us. i'll tell you after the break whether there will be rain. stagnation of lymph can cause swelling. lymphatic transit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the company evalar. spring is a time of cleansing. take lymphatic transit. lymphatic transit helps cleanse the body and removing toxins, as well as reducing swelling due to. burning lymph movement. lymphatic transit from the company evalar. your
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spring update. so, the heat in european territory, which caused the trees to turn green ahead of schedule, is gradually slowing down. it is replaced by cool air. the weather is controlled by frontal sections that move from west to east along with short rains. in the northwest, the cold weather is accompanied by sharp winds. storm warning due to wind will be in effect tomorrow in the center windy the temperature drops, but not so critically. will not be 10 degrees above normal, only five. in tula it will remain balanced around the fifteen-degree mark, it will become sharply cold here on monday and more rain and sharp winds will come. it's hot in the summer in the south. along the lower reaches of the don, in some places the sun is already up to +30, at sea resorts it is milder, in sevastopol 21, also sunny, in sochi only 17 cloudy, in st. petersburg tomorrow the rain will drop to +8, in moscow about 15° cloudy and windy, be extremely careful , we'll try, that's all, thank you,
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