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tv   Za granyu  NTV  April 11, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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the ultimate country on which the sun never sets, the mesmerizing nature of russia is now in your hands, on the new tenkov black maps. hurry up to get a tinkov black debit card with a limited design before april 14 and get free service forever. tinkov, all methods are good, when you want to be special barbecue beacon, sbishiks, instant cheese, bacon and sauces with smoke and barbecue, what are you ready for? there will be no money to be made, but with a card, there will be money, now you can easily get up to 300,000 rubles for any goals to spend it anywhere, with an amazon card the money will always be beyond the limit, her neighbor. the stairwell has created
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a garbage everest in the apartment, along which a dozen hungry cats are running. in the studio of svetlana fedorova. hello, svetlana, you live next to the pomoika apartment. hello. yes, i live on the same floor, behind the wall. how many years have you been putting up with this kind of neighborhood? well, i've lived there for over 25 years. has this been happening all this time? no, this is the last 5 years. the smell began to appear. but he has cats there, we thought it was bad to take care of cats, what about the cat smell? yes, at first there was a cat smell, and cockroaches crawled in when they realized that they weren’t doing it in cats? in december of that year, she called the police because someone came into her apartment and she couldn’t kick her out. the policeman came to her and after that knocked on our door and asked: do you know what’s going on in this apartment? we say no, and he showed us photographs of what he photographed, i was shocked. there are mountains
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of garbage up to the ceiling, and have you been to this apartment yourself? i visited, the smell, of course, stinks terrible, just like nausea, i’m almost sick and really, let’s see what the apartment you’re talking about looks like, wow, what a nightmare, i didn’t even immediately realize that this was an apartment at all, svetlana, but it gets into your apartment this unpleasant smell, well, naturally comes in, but when you leave your apartment right away. you can feel whether she came out today or not, how many cats there are, i didn’t dare count, we counted six or eight, i don’t remember, but i think there are more. olga, can you imagine how much i don’t even want to imagine this smell, and to be honest, no one would probably want to be a tenant of this apartment, much less with neighbors, i think this is some kind of terrifying situation. dmitry, there are no words. you know, i just imagined myself as a neighbor. and
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this is unthinkable, everything sticks out of the walls there, these wires, incomprehensible wiring, these are all some objects from landfills, from trash cans, but this is really disgusting, there is clearly no compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards, or fire standards, or environmental norms, but here there is a clear violation of just everything, svetlana, fires have already happened at my neighbor’s place, there haven’t been any fires yet, but the fact is that she carries some kind of canisters with an unknown liquid, and the wiring is hanging. there are wires, the sockets are all blocked, there is a short circuit, it will all break out, i think that a fire is possible, but she has gas in her apartment, the gas is turned off, according to her, the gas workers came and said that the hose was leaking, we need a hose, it they dismantled this hose, but she doesn’t have money for a new hose, so she’s without gas, with so much garbage, the only thing she can get from her neighbor is cockroaches are running or bedbugs, for example, then... well
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, there are no bedbugs yet, but we are afraid of the summer, when it all starts to rot, it’s already rotting, the linoleum is rotting under these heaps, cats, as i understand it, also defecate on these heaps, maggots are there quite possibly, horror, but how often do you have to poison insects in your apartment? once a week i definitely spray everything, we don’t see it for a couple of days, then they go again, gleb, first of all you need to eliminate the source of infection, yes, the primary task is this. .. disassemble and dispose of all garbage, because directly, in addition to pests bedbugs, cockroaches, mice and so on, there is also a hotbed of viral bacterial infections. during the molting period, cockroaches can gather in a chitinous cover, and thereby all this is mixed with dust, people inhale it, thereby can cause allergic reactions in the future at the chronic stage and remove allergies, so the primary thing is to get rid of the source, because they didn’t do pest control, no matter how they poisoned someone... and she took
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a statement to the management company, they came to her several times, she didn’t open the door, although with her we agreed that she never opens the door for anyone, she sees us from one of the neighbors, for example, we are walking towards each other, she turns around and quickens her pace. by the way, how old is your neighbor, she is 62 years old, you know, your neighbor came to us today to answer all your questions to understand why she was disgraced throughout the city. our guest is galina smirnova. hello. hello. your neighbor told us that literally your entire entrance wants to talk to you. but it can’t,
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because for some reason you avoid talking to neighbors. you really do that, you hide from them. i don’t rush in, i’m always at their service. svetlana, please explain to galina what is bothering you? we are worried, firstly, the stench is terrible, secondly, cats, thirdly, cockroaches, fourthly, we are afraid of a fire that may be in your apartment, my gas is turned off because the hose is removed, i have no gas , i only have yes, the thing is that i only have lighting in the hallway, that’s what a fire is, and your wiring is exposed, what are you carrying canisters with, canisters, what are you, with some kind of liquids?
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we go home because we run and run to buses to the dacha, we lived for 4 years, well, that is , you cannot have cockroaches, because there is no reason for this, but the fact is that if there is no food and waste from food, where do cockroaches come from, well, look, if tracking cockroaches is still a difficult undertaking, then there is an unpleasant smell, the neighbors think that it definitely comes from your apartment, an unpleasant smell, the fact is that we have cats, we ... without change eight, but the point is that they are sterilized, but understand, i, for example, i go out, for example, onto the street or into a store, but if they do their job, it must be cleaned up right away, but i ’m not always where they are doing their business, trays, there is a pallet, a large pallet, in general, well , well,
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you know, if one code does its job, it’s still a smell, galin, but if everything is so good with you, i’m listening to you, it’s true that it’s just an ordinary apartment, then why is there a bad reputation about you? i’m being told because i’m alone, but why? we saw that you have a lot of things in your apartment, where are they from? somebody i gave something away, but we don’t have a car to take, for example, take something to the dacha, for example, i’ll come, i ’ll throw away everything unnecessary, i’ll do all this, we saw when my husband was here, he he swore at her very much, they heard, he threw things out of the window. with golina from the window, well, when did it happen and what exactly did he throw out, and then she went around, picked up these things and took them back home, that is, my husband didn’t like it either, svetlana, where do you think all these things came from, from a garbage dump, we often see it at garbage dumps,
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it’s not true, it’s not true, people just give it to me, from we have cardboard boxes in which, if renovations begin, we still have to put everything and move furniture away from the walls. you have to cover everything, it’s absolutely amazing, i ’m listening to you right now, in my head i’m picturing an apartment that needs renovation, the wallpaper needs to be changed, the boxes contain the necessary things, here ’s a picture, and you invited us to your place, let’s do it right now let's all look at the plot together: clothes, bags, boxes and even a plaster sculpture, no, this is not a blash market, just the hallway in the apartment of sixty-two-year-old galina smirnova from city ​​of koryazhma. arkhangelsk region, this bottle was torn off by our cat, here is the statue, by the way, we had four, the woman shows her kitchen, which is impossible to turn around, but she assures that she manages to cook here, i cook food on the stove, on the electric stove,
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i clean the stove so that later my guns don’t put her out of action, in the darkness galina makes her way deep into the cluttered kingdom. there are only two rooms here, it is impossible to get into one of them, the doorway is barricaded, in the second the owner is climbing over the rubble, here she speaks woman, there is a tv, two armchairs and... a sofa on which she sleeps, but from under the garbage you can’t even see them, i sleep on this sofa, i put a pillow, a blanket, i have a blanket, they’re sitting on the tops of the garbage mountains galina’s favorite cats, here she pours food for them, you see what’s happening, they eat everything with us, so wait, come on, we need a lot of bowls, according to the woman, her pets relieve themselves strictly in the trays that she uses. ..
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i really like them, when i go to visit somewhere or somewhere, i spray them. galina, this is really necessary things, something needs to be thrown out, because either the cats broke, well, something that is already outdated, or something that they broke, galina, you really don’t realize that in the center of your apartment there are mountains, garbage, you this do not understand? i understand, then why don’t you get rid of all this, i’ll get rid of it, i’ll get rid of it, i’m glad to get rid of it, galina. but it’s impossible to live in such conditions, you understand, if it stinks, if these products
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rot, if you don’t use these things, why do you need them, you can’t even get on your bed, you’re an elderly person, excuse me, you look good, i mean , come on, come and lie down, you have nowhere to lie down, well, how can you live in these conditions, well, have pity on your rotting cats, listen, why do you think that i have a lot of rotting food, if i live alone now, why would i buy food for myself in large quantities, i buy what i can eat, irin, what impression did you get, well, this is certainly a problem, but really beyond the bounds, thanks to your program that this question . rises because there is such a state of mind loneliness or some kind of mental suffering,
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especially such a love for cats, i am a cat lover myself, i understand that it is a slight weakness to love animals like that, i sympathize with galina, she cannot live without them, she feels sorry for them and thinks that she he does good to them, because they are really warm, they are fed, they are caressed, she, apparently, cannot get rid of them from loneliness, they are her children, but help is needed here, just galina, believe that you need someone to... then... i helped you, started unloading, i would have taken two, if only i lived close, i would have come to you, she would take two bags of garbage, take it out, come back, take out two more, the condition is painful, there is such a term, it’s even called hording, from the english word accumulation, we call it plyushkin syndrome, that is, it’s quite possible galina really doesn’t realize until the end of the criticality of the situation, or maybe she realizes, but she no longer has enough strength, when these are such mountains of garbage, then depression begins, what is it from? goes away, maybe there was stress, maybe there was a loss, maybe there was a rift with loved ones, this is difficult
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condition, and if we all come now and are in a pack, and galilina will cling to us, most likely, and lie across the door, it will be very difficult, because i think she understands the situation, but she cannot cope with it, because she i've been in this state for too, well, a long time. galina, you said that you now live alone, you really suffer from loneliness. i lived with my husband for 43 years, that’s half a century. and now he’s been gone for 9 months, but where is he? he is with me after the operation, he had an operation here in moscow, he has oncology, i sympathize with you, the operation passed successfully, i think so - said lekocha, well , that is, galin, cats help you cope with separation from your husband, can you imagine, you don’t even have anyone to talk to, my children all work, live separately, they’re all adults now, we have, how many do you have children, two daughters, we have five grandchildren, they will notice that you have a large family, but where did you get so many cats? we
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had one persian cat, but she died of old age, and i was so worried, i said, let’s take another one, and we also bought one persian from a cat breeder, but since we lived in the country, we didn’t sterilize her, she apparently she had some fun, brought a kitten, but they were so beautiful, but the thing is that they multiplied, as if my friend had a cat lady, in general... well, as if by acquaintance, as a veterinarian, she and says: we need to sterilize all cats, we did that, sterilized them, that is, now your cats will no longer reproduce, no, eh? do you think that your cats are comfortable in such conditions, that at the dacha, that there are no ticks in the ears, no fleas, generally healthy cats, ana, you agree, looking at the video, listening to the story that these are healthy cats, or is this what animal cruelty looks like? legal relations between owners and pets, they are reflected in the federal law on the treatment of animals,
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our legislator obliges, i emphasize, obliges, this is not a right, it is... an obligation to annually vaccinate three categories of animals, these are dogs, cats and ferrets, and as for cats, there is not even one vaccination, it is mandatory for rabies, you are obliged to do it, but as i understand it, they don’t monitor it, unfortunately, but i see it, galin, you are vaccinated you do it to animals, in general, we did it to the first two persian cats, well, that is, most of your cats are not vaccinated with anything, no. well, you know, if they told me at the veterinary clinic that i urgently needed to do it, for god’s sake, but i’ve never even heard of it, but what danger do unvaccinated cats pose? the most important danger, what was discussed today, is rabies. unfortunately, cats are active carriers of rabies; when there are too many of them, they
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communicate with each other in their own way. environment, the incidence of diseases in cats increases sharply. if we talk about the most... rabid, who would like to remind you that people become infected with rabies, it is a fatal disease, not only cat bites cause rabies, rabies is caused by cat saliva, cat feces and other biological things, the so -called fluids that are scattered throughout home, perhaps even if there is wind, then dried excrement can be carried, well , to neighbors and cause diseases there, and finally, cat hair, when swallowed or in the breath of cat hair, they also cause rabies. there is a special vaccine against rabies, it must be started no later than 10 days after being scratched, bitten, inhaled, or exposed to biological fluids; if this does not happen, signs such as fever, weakness, loss of appetite, and an unpleasant sensation from light appear, then most often
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a person dies, if the person is not treated, the mortality rate is one hundred percent. anna, for the fact that golin keeps animals in such conditions? could she face any liability? we have administrative responsibility, moreover, in this case, there is still a danger to others - these are the neighbors, if the neighbor’s cat causes harm of any severity, even if the degree of harm is not established, then administrative liability will still arise and there will be a fine, galina must pay, and also , of course, i return to the federal law on the treatment of animals, which clearly states: how animals should be treated, how they should be kept in what premises, since eight cats already looks like a shelter, and the shelter is regulated by a separate law, and a separate administrative responsibility arises, here municipal services, i think, should be involved in this situation, this is where neighbors also need
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to write an appeal not only to the management company. galina, you just remembered your family with such warmth, you have a big one... grandchildren and daughters, why can’t they help you put things in order in your apartment? well, one daughter lives in volokolamsk near moscow, so as they say, all this is far away from her, one lives nearby, so she has four children, she is a mother of many children, that is, she has no time for you at all, it’s not at all up to me, why galina’s husband doesn’t come home, why the daughters still haven’t saved their mother from captivity in the garbage, answers to all questions right after the advertisement, here... and so it’s not necessary, it’s necessary like this, like that, like that , of course, i understand, that’s how children’s adidas sneakers are at a discount of up to 20% at the megamarket. as long as we can remember, we are always together, magnet, 30 years next to you, your favorite and long-awaited show, stars in a duel, marina fedunki, and i decided to be beautiful, i have
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are confidential. mikhail shufutinsky, million-dollar secret on saturday at 20:20 on ntv. i propose to kill him now. on the spot, we’ll throw you into the cars alive behind the wheel. drop the kalash, i'll shoot you. everything will be fine, just don’t take out the knife, who are you, in 2 hours at the old cemetery, i’ll explain everything there, you’re sure you can handle it alone, there’s a plan, there’s a hot spot, what are you doing, well, i told you everything will be fine , today 20:00 on ntv, for borderline, beyond the borderline, the residents of the five-story building are already. for 5 years they have been suffering from hordes of cockroaches with a stinking smell, the fault of the neighbor’s apartment is the garbage garbage. svetlana fedorova lives across the wall from the same neighbor who
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turned her home into a dump. i have eight cats in my house, when you open the doors, the smell goes straight into the apartment, our windows are always open, there’s a stench of some kind of space, i don’t know, rot, cats, that’s when they poop, they pee, it’s all mixed up with rot, the neighbors are exaggerating , says the owner herself, sixty-two-year-old galina smirny, she always watches over her cats, and cockroaches do not run from her. they go into the tray, it’s on a pallet, but if someone pushes someone out, it will happen, but we have insects all over the house, and throughout the city, so i don’t know, it’s not all my fault, not for the whole city i can answer, you know, galina, your eldest daughter told us that she really wants to help you with the cleaning, but she doesn’t do it only because you don’t let her on the doorstep, elvira
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smirnova is our guest. hello elvira, hello, how long have you not lived with your mother? 25 years. when you were little, was your mother already hoarding? didn't wear this, but she bought a lot of large quantities of the same thing. for example, for a bath, here are plugs of all colors. when did the serious problems start? well, probably 15 years ago, since my dad’s illness. someone gives something, she takes it. well, and then... somewhere she’ll find something, oh, good one, she’s taking it home, and somewhere she’ll find it somewhere on the street, on the street, on the street, she went to take something out, for example, to the trash , i saw, oh, some kind of jacket hanging on the trash heap, oh, good, and carries it, and you told mom that you don’t need to do this, of course, she said, she thinks she’s right, she, if then the daughters had paid mom more attention, yes, this process could have been stopped at the root, well, not 100%, after all , the point here is galina, galina, well, she could have simply
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prevented this, even... elvira would have started to really throw things away and clean them, she might have encountered resistance. elvira, when your mother first developed the urge to hoard, did your father live with her? yes, him were you happy with this arrangement of things? no, of course, it didn’t suit him, he resisted, they were constantly arguing about this, that she was bringing it, cluttering up the apartment, he, by the way, even tried to throw it out, she was in a panic, so... she forced him to go to dumpster and bring it back, but he used to ask, why do you need this, i told her, i’ll take it to the dacha, he also collected this firewood, handed over the metals so that there would be some kind of penny, a small nuance, but they didn’t take it, because no, i drove it, but we have cars no, he only has a bicycle, and i took him by bus, and the fact is that when he was still working at the pulp and paper mill, we could still afford
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cargo transportation, we took him. there’s furniture, some dishes, cans for canning, that’s it, but the thing is that my neighbors took half of it, then they don’t have cans for canning, neighbors at the dacha, yes, elvira, your mother told us that your dad has not lived with her for the last 9 months, he does not return home only because he is undergoing treatment, or for some other reason, after the operation, he lived in the country, he could not even come home to wash. there you just open the front door, and it all falls out of the apartment on you, he couldn’t even get there, and the youngest daughter is against him coming back, the sister in general, she categorically does not accept my mother, she already said: i don’t want to hear anything about her, i don’t even want to listen to her garbage about this, but i don’t understand this position, i see that galina, if she had the opportunity to communicate...
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more often with her daughters, with her grandchildren, then she would become a different person, it’s just that now she closed in on her things, this is hers for her, i i don’t know, well-being, some kind of material condition, that is, she believes that everything that surrounds her is her wealth, here, in my opinion, what is definitely missing is just a man’s hand, recently i helped a friend of mine , who called me, said: snack... i need physical help for a few hours, while his mother was at work, in 2 hours we took out these old soviet walls, sections, half-broken crystal, i asked why ? because, he says, it all lay there for many years, they don’t used it, but it was impossible to throw it away, it reached a certain limit, we took it out, threw it away, the woman was stressed for only one day, now she’s fine, but by the way, your friend’s mother didn’t have such a thing that she started how to compensate for what was lost?
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buy something new, clutter, you know, she didn’t have it, because a person can’t always see another life, he just needs to be given hemp, yes, it can be painful, it can be psychologically painful. a little bit is needed in relation to galina so that she doesn’t exist home and to take it all out, take it apart. elvira, aren’t you ashamed of your mother? no, it happens to me, in terms of the fact that the smell comes from her, she is dirty, but i always suggest that she, i say, change clothes there, wash, well, but this one in terms of the fact that... it’s a shame, well, it’s a shame when she comes to me at work looking like this, and you often come to visit my mother, when i’m on the weekend, she comes to my house, we talk, i ’ll put some food for her there, i’ll collect something for the cats, here's her for us, and you don't go to her house, i
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i've been trying lately, but i can't get in, they won't let me in, no, she and i had an argument once, she started throwing it away, and i bought it for my friend back home, well, like elver, if you still communicate with your mother, why couldn’t you convince her to clean the apartment? are you really so out of touch with each other that you had to go to the federal channel studio to get some. help, i always tell her when we meet, i say, are you cleaning up? yes, i go and clean up, but i go and clean up when everything is the neighbors are sleeping, i’m ashamed in front of them, but when she tells you this, you don’t believe it, so i know that it’s not she who doesn’t endure anything, on the contrary , she brings it, drags it in, but you
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can’t do anything about it, i can’t, i’m in i take them out in bags, i take them out in boxes, but i try to make sure that everyone is asleep at this time, because some grandmothers always register by the window. for god's sake, forgive me, but after what i saw of your apartment, i don’t believe you, you’re bringing it into the apartment, i’m sure you ’re wearing it, i really doubt it, tell me why you live, i don’t have a pension yet, i don’t have enough experience, that is, you have no income at all, and your husband and daughters help you with money, my husband sends me, but 5,000 a month, sometimes he’ll send 2,000, because they deduct from him for communal 50% of pension. do you know how much work experience you currently have? in general, i contacted the prosecutor’s office and they told me that if i officially get this experience now, i’m officially missing 3 months. where did you work before, what was your last job? i'm a hotel administrator.
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at what year? when i left with my youngest daughter on maternity leave, eighty-eighth, eighty- eighth? yes, and then we came here, wait , wait, that is, since 1988 you haven’t worked at all, we came here on an exchange to... this winter there was a lot of snow, i just couldn’t stand it, she didn’t want to work, why would dad i supported her, now my dad is trying to support her, when i give her money, when i have, for example, extra, i will give her too. maria, galina really can’t
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receive a pension now, and where can she get that missing experience that she’s talking about? well here, in fact, either it can be finalized, after all, i believe that there is someone who can find a job, officially negotiate a job. as if i’ll send her to the hospital for treatment, galina, why didn’t you let elvira take you to the doctors, we start going to the doctors and more widely, then the joints open up,
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this pressure, that’s all, why do i need this? dmitry, please explain to galina what health problems this lifestyle can lead to, the fact that she lives among trash, cats, unsanitary conditions and so on, of course, this is... a violation of sanitary standards conditions, the anti-epidemiological regime, but the first thing is, of course, injuries, imagine that you have to climb through these mountains of garbage, judging by the color of galina’s skin, the condition of her joints... this is stress, because there is such a blockage, this is stress, by the way, not only from galina, from the neighbors, because the neighbors who come out, there is a constant stench, a constant understanding that insects are running around, a constant understanding that the neighbors may also have health problems, so here, against the background of stress, of course, she will have all existing diseases will worsen. in including pressure surges, but
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so far no one has separated stress and pressure in different directions, this is all a link in one chain. galina, because of the dirt in your apartment, your neighbors have to take medicine. vitaly borozdin in our studio. hello everyone. hello, vitaly. because of your neighbor, you started having health problems. yes, first of all, my wife has health problems, her sleep has become worse, and she often has headaches. and there’s some kind of allergic reaction, it’s happening because i’m starting to get some kind of rash, spots, i wish i had less, because i feel like i’m fresh i go fishing more often in the air, she already drinks a lot, probably three types of anti-allergens like these, sometimes they help, it goes away again, because she’ll go to the dacha, get some fresh air somewhere, even at work, even though ours is harmful the workshop is even better than being at home, but at home allergies appear, yes, alina, what causes a person? could this be a reaction? in such a neighborhood a person must have remarkable
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health in order to withstand all this calmly, for some people 5 minutes in order to get an exacerbation of some diseases, five minutes of being not just in the apartment, but next to the apartment, judging by the short description, this, of course, could be an exacerbation of contact dermatitis, an exacerbation of atopic dermatitis, what these medications do not help is they do not will help until the trigger is eliminated. if a cause-and-effect relationship is proven between galina’s apartment and the health of her neighbors, galina must compensate for the damage. in this case, we turn to the administrative code the criminal code, causing harm to health, if it is light, yes, then, of course, you can prosecute the person if guilt is proven, but in this case it is easier to bring him to administrative responsibility, and i would just recommend applying.
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for causing harm to health, firstly, they are really now experiencing moral harm, this is moral suffering, and the spouse’s spouse, and secondly, they are spending money on medicines, it is quite possible that they will have to spend this for some time, but she is fully obliged to compensate for this, why do galina’s neighbors in the dacha are also unhappy, we’ll find out together in a couple of minutes, he wanted to take my sneakers, i’m sneakers, well, take them off, and i’ll go out in what, we’ll figure it out? they don’t live according to the laws of the streets, they should pay for a horn, so our
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with any alfabank card, and if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha card. beyond the limits, this is beyond the limits, a woman set up a dump in her apartment and put eight cats there, the neighbors are tired of the eternal stench of insects, but they cannot find a solution to the owner of the garbage dump. sixty-two-year-old galina smirnova assures that all the things that she has in her apartment can be useful to her in the household, which is why she keeps them. there are a lot of cardboard boxes, some clothes that i, for example, would take to the dacha, some dishes, but only dishes.
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it’s terrible, now it’s become less, because we buy different products, we use them all over the world, very strong poisons, so we spray suspended ceilings, remove light bulbs there so that there are no accumulations, so naturally we breathe this grass, that’s another thing plus harm to health, plus these chemicals are also not cheap, they are also cash deposits, and how much do you spend a month on chemicals, two thousand, and the neighbors’ cats are annoying, naturally they are annoying, because there is a garbage dump, naturally they shit on this pile, that’s it. .. all this will come, i don’t know what will happen in the summer, if the situation doesn’t improve, there will be a pipe there, in the summer the cats will be at the dacha, all summer, but somehow she ’s talking, she’ll be whining, i’ll remove it all, no worry, don't worry. i don't want to offend you or anything there, but you are a very person cunning, resourceful, i’m telling you this honestly, to your face, very cunning, resourceful, i ’ve known you for a long time, you’re the first to hear me say that i’m
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very cunning, they’ll read it, vitaly, what do you see as a way out of this situation, to be honest with me, it’s here only eviction, eviction, you are ready to take such measures, of course, and other neighbors agree with you, others agree absolutely, well , they will clean her apartment, i’m not sure that it will be clean and orderly, in a year. galina smirnova. a woman complains that she is tired of systematic floods in the bathroom. here from here the ventilation got better. and in such thin streams, longer, smaller. and she has already developed an allergy from insect repellents, says maria. however, there is no other way to get rid of hordes of cockroaches. i take this gel and apply it with these strokes, a bay leaf. the
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upstairs neighbors, valentin and galina sukhnyov, were tired of enduring the toxic odors from galina’s cats. the smell is incredible, the windows are constantly open, be it cold, be it warm, be it snow, everything is open, because you can’t breathe. cats are not clutch-accustomed. that means they are running all over the room, shitting where they got it. elvira, what do you think, we should just decide to clean everything, two other friends agreed to help me, but these friends have been helping you for 3 months already, you still don’t let anyone in, everyone needs to do this at once, in order to take everything out, everyone at once needs to get rid of the cats, initially , in the summer everyone has a dacha, everyone has no time, one will say, today i have some other things to do, tomorrow someone else has other things to do, and you will get together and alone. we'll take it all out at once, instead of you take this trash away, you bring it back, how many times have i come, i tell you, mom, how many times have i come, found you, i knock on the door,
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you’re not there, you’re coming with some kind of thing, you’re coming with a bucket, no, i’m walking with a bucket , there was something else, i poured it out, he can’t take anything out, she brings it, maria, and if one neighbor interferes with everyone else, he can be evicted, yes, he can be deprived of it, even if he is the owner, yes, these are extreme cases, but such there are cases. by the way, most often such claims are filed by local governments, after all, because the property passes into the use of the municipality, but before these claims, first there are claims to bring the residential premises into the required condition, elimination of all violations according to the sanitary regulations, but if a person fulfills these requirements according to the decision here, then that’s where it all ends, if not, then a lawsuit follows, this is already the case, the second is after the elimination of violations. but he has great success. galina, aren’t you afraid of being left without an apartment? afraid. if i fix all this now, then everything will be fine.
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this won't happen again for me. have you already received any warnings? they sent me some letters, i don’t even remember, it was a long time ago. let us remind you what kind of letters you receive. dear galina aleksandrovna, the administration of the urban district of the arkhangelsk region, the city of koryazhmo warns you as the copyright holder of 1/3 of the common share. ownership of the apartment, about the need to take measures aimed at eliminating violations of the rules of mismanagement of housing. based on received requests citizens, it was established that the owner and members of his family of the residential premises at the above address violate the rights and legitimate interests of neighbors, which is expressed in the cluttering of the residential premises, an unpleasant odor and a large number of insects. please note that if the owner continues to violate the rules and interests of neighbors and is disrespectful. reasons does not restore proper order in the apartment, the city administration has the right to file a claim in court for the sale
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of such residential premises at public auction with payment to the owner of the proceeds from the sale for minus the costs of executing the court decision. we remind you of the need , before march 29, 2024, to take measures aimed at eliminating mismanagement of housing, carry out sanitary cleaning of residential premises, and carry out. what will happen next, the apartment will be sold at auction , there will be a lawsuit, then it will be a lawsuit, yes, the apartment will subsequently be sold at auction, that ’s right, and galina
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will receive some money for this, at least, yes, it depends, firstly , depending on how much it will cost... disabled childhood, we still have a youngest daughter registered, and how much debt do you have? well, as for the utilities, they deduct from my husband if for all these 30,000, maria, despite the fact that there are still owners, in this condition the apartment will still go up to auction, and if two people are disabled, they are not adults 25, but 25 , no, there will be no problems, that is, the apartment will be sold, and the money will be divided accordingly , galina, this is
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your only housing, there is some other real estate, no, no, maria, this is... galina,
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i’ve known her for a long time, our children studied together at school, your site is located next to the site, and i consider their site to be in the middle. on this right side is my plot, and there is another plot behind it, so we were all tormented with these cats, 2 years ago, probably 40 of them there, just imagine, 40 of them would run through my plot, all these cats lived with galina, yes, all these cats lived with galina, and what does her area look like in general, they have garbage there, she used to put everything in... everything in the basement, there are boards, there are bricks, there are boxes, there are pots, there are even pallets and doors and whatnot it’s just not there, it’s all stored on her property, on the plot, in the garage, the whole garage there is full, like in an apartment, boards are needed, bricks are needed, it’s all needed anyway, but
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what is it needed for, boards for firewood, bricks our stove also collapsed. so we moved out of there, we need a fire-hazardous brick stove, but why do you need 40 cats in the country? we’ve never had 40 cats, it’s just tanya, and you take off, you take off all these cats, how many girls did you have, how much skin do you have? they are all sterilized, i have, yes, i have you sterilized them, the neighbor agreed, she also felt sorry for these cats, she sterilized these. there seem to be fewer cats this year, but i still don’t know, or maybe she left one cat there on purpose to spite me; this year they were born twice. it’s clear, elvira, you were aware that your mother not only cluttered her apartment, but also her dacha, country house, summer cottage, i’m aware, but why don’t you put things in order, she cleans it up there, they come on
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weekends , he’ll come and sort it out there. loans, there may be loans to individuals, and which contributes to the approach to the bankruptcy procedure, but within the framework of, for example, bankruptcy, property that is not the only dwelling can be sold, in this case we are talking about a plot of land and a country house, which will be assessed by the court, the market value of the property will be assessed, for this value will
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be exactly what it will be sold, the dacha has not been privatized, yes... yes, we have these plots, i don’t even know how to say, they have not been privatized, people are already privatizing it themselves, participation can be taken away, then even more so, yes, of course, yes, how, just based on a complaint? neighbors, there is a chairman, there are other tenants whose rights are violated, and these tenants appeal to the chairman collectively, and since they don’t even have a right as such, it is not formalized, of course the contract will simply be terminated, the chairman has the right to terminate the contract with him . will galina allow her to tidy up her apartment or will the eviction warning be an empty phrase for her? we’ll find out how the neighbors’ struggle with the dump will end in a matter of minutes. v in adolescence, the brother and sister learned that their father had a legitimate eldest daughter, but he was not at all interested in her fate. she was born on sakhalin, his last name is the same as ours. they tried to find
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blood on the asphalt, the most anticipated premiere of the year, from monday at 23:00, well, now it's running again, arseny robok is back, you said, i'll decide, so i'll decide, to restore justice, there is no turning back, hot spot, new season, from tuesday at 20:00 on ntv, beyond, this is beyond, neighbor. 5 years they cannot find justice for a woman who has filled her apartment to the ceiling with rubbish. even her own daughter, forty-two-year-old elvira smirnova, cannot reason with sixty-two-year-old galina smirnova. she tried more than once to help her mother throw out everything unnecessary from the apartment, the woman says, but she grabbed her trash with a death grip. yes, i constantly convinced you that you need to clean the apartment and not clutter it. yes, she kind of agrees, but in the end it’s all the same. i
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'm ashamed of myself. natalya, what is the way out of this whole situation? first of all you need to do this what the administration was warned about, the apartment needs to be put in order, this really needs to be done urgently, it needs to be done radically, the apartment needs to be completely put in order, here are the cats, they need to be housed. natalya, can you help find homes for the animals? of course, of course, there are shelters that... then they can also be added further. galina, you would like to resolve the conflict with your neighbors, improve relationships, with your daughter, even with the one who is not communicating with you now, you would like to connect with with your husband, who could come to you under normal conditions, do you want all this? of course i would like to. do you understand what needs to be done for this? i understand, i’ll put things in order in the apartment. “if we help you with cleaning
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the apartment, you will accept this help, we will accept it, you will be able to part with your things that are lying on your floor, wherever possible, you are ready to do this, and let me clean up your daughter’s summer cottage, if she does this, for god’s sake, just help your daughter, elvira, and we’ll get ourselves an apartment, and you, yes, that’s the division, we agreed, the most important thing is to make sure that galina doesn’t trash the dacha or the apartment again, will you? necessarily. anna, will you give elvira practical advice on how to prevent a relapse of this horror that is already happening, how to improve relations with her mother, how to become a normal family without any problems? it’s very good that you’re talking specifically about elvira, yes, because i also thought that she needs help in many ways, she is a fundamental factor in helping galina, of course.


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