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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 11, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm MSK

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you're not a river, a rocket with a siberian name launched from vostochny, what heights will the angara reach in the future and why is this the beginning? of the new era of space exploration , anton talfa observed the flight of the angara. under the control of the president, vladimir putin held an operational meeting with the heads of regions in which the risk of flooding is highest, where, besides orenburg, devastating floods are expected, report by roman sobol. water has covered 12 settlements and is moving towards kurgan, as the city prepares to withstand the elements, olga zinkova will tell you. disabled people
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must again appear for a medical examination, the possibility of demobilization is excluded even after 3 years of service, and all men from 18 to 60 years old must always wear a military id. the verkhovna rada has tightened the law on mobilization on voting and consequences nikita korzun. vladimir kubyakov found out what russian officials and deputies are being transferred to and how they react to this transfer. hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, this is the program today, its presenter is elmira efendieva and vladimir chernyshov. from the vostochny cosmodrome, today the angara a5 heavy-class carrier rocket with booster launched for the first time.
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orion block. it has already launched the small spacecraft gagarinets into low earth orbit. this is a satellite that was created by a private russian company. anton talpa watched the historic launch at the cosmodrome. once here, on vostochny, you immediately pay attention to the impressive dimensions of the rocket: height 55, diameter 9 m, weighing a mountain, that is, the launch mass is more than 700 tons, this rocket is absolutely capable of launching into orbit. for any types of russian spacecraft . the observation deck is located 3 km away, but even at this distance, the power of the angara is felt, vibration is transmitted along the ground, and the voice of the rocket is heard. at the fourth minute of the flight, the first stage separates, then the second stage separates, after the angara heads for orbit and ends up in space. successful testing of the angara means that russia will now be able to launch transport and manned missiles from its territory. angara knows how to deliver. this is a new cosmodrome, this is
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a completely new start, an automatic start. we still have a lot of work to do with this rocket to ensure its reliability, and in the twenty-eighth year it will need to launch a manned spacecraft. and with the help of this space truck they will build a new russian station, angara 1 after another will be able to deliver modules into orbit, from which, like a constructor, they will assemble a space platform. the module is preparing to be launched into orbit before 2030, the vostochny cosmodrome was not chosen by chance in this particular area, it is this location that allows it to be launched into various orbits, the entire range of spacecraft and various purposes, including an orbital station. angara is a family of modular missiles of light, medium and heavy class. so far there are three sisters in this family, but in the future roscosmos is counting on additions. now the youngest
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is angara 1.2, the middle one is marked a5, and the oldest is angara a5b. the project that resulted in the creation of the angara was launched back in september 1992. six test launches were carried out at different sites, all of which were successful. the angara is equipped with an accelerating block orion and its new engines, in particular the rd-191, are superior to all existing analogues of this class. the feeling when it really is. a child was born, took the first step, and it seems to him that he will live for a long, long time on this land, on this amur land, because today the first step was taken, then beyond the angara launch vehicle, and the fifth - this will be one of the main products that will remove heavy satellites and spaceships from this amur land. angara was supposed to fly on april 9, but was launched twice rescheduled, a couple of minutes before the start, as they say, in such cases, the automation was triggered. well, while the rocket was being set up,
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here at vostochny they followed the signs, because in astronautics they also believe in them. each number has its own calculations, its own signs, for example, all the launch days, i was in one shirt. and today the angara reached geostationary orbit, which is 3500 km above sea level. the orion upper stage delivered a test load into space, after which the spacecraft will be in storage orbit. anton talpa, anton peredelsky and pyotr orcharedny, ntv. today in the kremlin, vladimir putin held operational meetings with permanent members of the security council. topic: russia's relations with its closest ones.
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our correspondent mikhail chernov has been working in the city all these days; he will tell you what is happening there now. even apartment buildings were flooded here. the water has come close to the threshold, so people are now afraid to open the doors. the big water came while their house was sleeping peacefully. having woken up and getting ready to go to the store, diana shmykareva discovered that she was going outside even in rubber boots. now, no get out, the depth is more than half a meter. the water began to flow like a stream. at the moment, you can see for yourself how much water there is, it comes and goes. it’s their custom to help each other like neighbors, and this time a flooded two-story building in the village of vesenny is being evacuated by the whole world. let's grab it, let's go, come on, how old are you? eight, eight, well done! first, we drag the land of the senior zakhar, a couple of minutes and a first-grader and an excellent student on the land.
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next, in the same way , we deliver his younger brother ruslan to summon him from water captivity, mother and grandmother, neighbors bring a rubber boat, here it is now like rubber boots, a basic necessity.
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you only need to go by boat, all the fences are under water, which means the depth is at least 2.5 m. there is a suitcase mood on the neighboring streets, the water is rising, the critical level has been exceeded by more than a meter, another flood record has been broken, people are trying to get their things out in their cars in time , while cars can still pass, after the level rose, a new area was flooded here, large water came quickly, probably 15 cm 30 minutes sharply under water, this first house went under water, everything was floating there. we ’re still kind of getting ready now, we’re saving the last thing, the very center of the elite village of the urals, now it’s all venice, cottages, a sports and children’s playground and the entire local park are under water, the residents filled this dam the day before, it didn’t help, in
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conditions when everything on nerves, she just bakes pies and treats them right on the street, accountant anna belkina says this is how she relieves stress, we help as much as we can, grannies, women. organize field kitchen, everyone is involved, whoever can, helps each other’s villages. the water is from above and below, and due to the rainfall the level has risen even higher. microdistrict setsovka, you can only walk here along the edge of the village, further on the water is higher than human height, as local residents say, in the last 24 hours the level has risen by a meter. residents of flooded streets can only wait and wonder whether the peak of the flood has passed. forecasts vary, but they are hoping for the best. some help smuggle people out, some bake pies. mikhail chernov, igor akimov, ekaterina kostyukevich, nikolai datsun, ntv. orenburg. in the orenburg region, which is currently experiencing the most intense flood situation, there are aid stations for flood victims, united
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russia has opened its volunteer headquarters in the region, volunteers are accepting applications from residents who need help. they also distribute bottled water, bedding, food, and personal hygiene products. more than 500 tons of drinking water have already been purchased for orsk alone. about 500 activists help residents in the region party and the young guard. in particular, in the regional center, orenburg, there are volunteers. they accept applications from residents for targeted assistance around the clock, help remove animals from the flood zone, and also receive and transfer them to temporary accommodation centers where evacuated humanitarian aid is located. volunteers with pedagogical education will work with children whose families were forced to leave their homes. kurgan is preparing for the arrival of big water. according to the forecast, the peak of the flood will come to the city on april 14. authorities today they called on residents of the right bank part of the city to urgently evacuate. water in the tabol river. raised the ten-meter mark, now the main task is to strengthen the embankment,
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construction equipment was sent there to lay soil, transformer substations were flooded, power engineers de-energized high-voltage lines just in case, thousands of people were evacuated from flooded areas. olga zenkova talks about how kurgan resists a natural disaster and how residents help each other in this difficult situation. drying the house will help you live on your own healthy normal good on the streets of the village
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breakthrough you can only move around by boat, residents whose houses are going under water were taken to a neighboring village, the president instructed to take care of you all, he said a huge hello to everyone, i called several times to support everyone, thank you, nothing we are not losing heart, well done, well done, the water level in this area rises by 1-2 m every day, and from here the flow goes to the mound, losing only small ones... tobol in the regional center is still only centimeters per day harmless +30, but the sad experience of orsk forces you to be on alert, a big wave in the city is expected by april 15 and is actively preparing to meet the elements. the dam, which is supposed to hold back the flood, is being built by almost the entire city; hundreds of volunteers, rescuers, factory workers, students, volunteers are collecting sandbags and laying them along the embankment. nikita saw through the window how the banks were being strengthened and also decided to help. who are you with here? alone, without mom? yes. our city needs to
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somehow hold back the water so that it doesn’t flow, flood any houses, nothing, impending the threat once again showed: there is no such thing as someone else’s misfortune, students from the college of service and technology are sewing bed linen for temporary accommodation centers, the girls have already purchased 800 meters of fabrics, which were selected with soul, the colors were chosen, of course, to somehow set the mood... sonya understands very well how important what she does is, her family also had to leave their home and move to a safe distance from the water. mom wouldn’t have gone, but since i have a younger brother, we went for our brother, took my grandmother with us, because that she lives on the first floor, they went to stay with relatives, the rescuer has already evacuated 5 people, not only private houses, but also high-rise buildings may be in the flood zone. second floor, but i almost risked staying, i left, the roof was changed, and they were afraid of the old house,
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that i was afraid that i would suddenly take it down, and then i would float with it downstream. local residents, representatives of organizations also bring help to temporary accommodation centers, cots, bed linen, warm blankets ; 160 people from flood zones, and people are constantly arriving, so these supplies will definitely come in handy. in the classrooms on the first floor there are now bedrooms, on the second there are lessons, for those for whom school is now not only... the situation with floods in the regions today was, as all previous days, the focus
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of the president's attention. vladimir putin held a video meeting, which was attended by the heads of the ministry of emergency situations, the ministry of construction, as well as the governors of three regions: orenburg, kurgan and tyumen. the president listened to detailed reports from the floor and emphasized that the first priority for all authorities at all levels should be to help people affected by floods. the damage in the orenburg region alone, the figure announced by its governor, already amounts to dozens. roman sobol, more about how to resist the flood and how to eliminate the consequences of the arrival of high water. orenburg, kurgan and tyumen are in touch, the president of the very first one.
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in orenburg, where the water level in the ural river reached a record maximum in the entire history of observation, 10 m 87 cm, in the forty-second year it was 942, now 10.87 is still water, to unfortunately, it arrives, in orsk the situation has stabilized, the water level. fell by another 14 cm today. according to rough estimates, in the coming days the flood may cover over 3,000 residential buildings. the situation on the ural river is of particular concern. its banks are being strengthened, drainage systems are being drained, and additional dams are being built. as for orsk, the epidemiological situation in the city is still normal. specialists are
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sanitizing areas where the water has receded. it is necessary to clean the dirt from dead animals. emergency utility services they are restoring the supply of water and electricity where possible; compensation for lost property has already been paid to 300 families. local businesses are expected to be completely exempt from paying taxes for a while so that business can recover as quickly as possible. meanwhile, large amounts of water are coming to the kurgan region; due to the flood, reservoirs in neighboring kazakhstan are releasing water, and the volume of such discharges is 20. work is underway to additionally protect the water supply system in order to ensure that citizens are also given recommendations in order not to leave the city without drinking water, supply drinking water to the monthly standard. by this night the dams are expected to be raised to a level of 9 m, but this may not be enough. on the border with kazakhstan,
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floods above the ten-meter mark are now recorded in places. there is a risk of flooding in the area. in the tyumen region, the situation is still within normal limits, but the authorities are still strengthening the banks everywhere and even added + 2 m to the height of the embankments being built, according to the forecasts of hydrologists. 51 settlements, 1847 residential areas fall into the zone of probable flooding houses and 700, respectively 7,291 people who have about 2.0 farm and domestic animals. residents from the risk zone warned about the possible... heating helps them evacuate themselves and remove valuable property, for which warehouses are equipped under the protection of the ministry of internal affairs. a reasonable solution so that later there would be less red tape with compensation payments. there is the example of orsk, where many until the last hoped that their trouble would pass them by, and lost almost everything. people, of course, have a number of questions about how they will
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be compensated, which means, well, those who drowned cars, that means some kind of movable property, that means.
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the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, which kiev has been attacked by drones for several days in a row, was visited today by the heads of rostekhnadzor. they inspected the condition of the station, assessed its capacity, and also checked the power units. work is currently underway to prepare for extending the service life of power plants and certify personnel according to words.
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saboteurs on the tendra spit in the kherson region, the plan was developed by the special services in the uk, and a special forces group of the ukrainian armed forces was assigned to implement it. how reported to the fsb, our intelligence learned in advance about the preparation of sabotage, several boats with landing forces were hit on the way, including by grenades from drones, only one serviceman of the special operations forces of the ukrainian armed forces managed to survive, he surrendered and spoke in detail about the preparations for the operation in the territory.
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under the full control of the supervision of members of the british special services, who were in civilian clothes, as we later learned in a conversation with the commanders, these were employees of the sbc, the special boat service of the royal british navy. ukrainian prisoner too. said that british instructors during briefings showed them photographs of drone aircraft, which showed the movements of the russian military and their locations. however,
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already during the sabotage, it became clear that this data was out of date, and as a result , ukrainian militants were ambushed. it is noteworthy that the task set by the british curators for the ukrainian special forces, the capture of the sailor, was largely propaganda character, and even in the case of it... implementation would not have affected the situation on the line of combat contact, and also would not have justified the funds spent on the fsu forces. first, the svo, the fsb of russia, regularly receives operational information about the participation of representatives of western intelligence services, primarily british, in the training of ukrainian special forces. we have established the supervisory role of british special forces (ss, sbs), the vast majority of sabotage and terrorist units.
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list of representatives of government agencies-sector and legal services market in relation to which personal sanctions are introduced. according to our diplomats, microfocus employees represented and provided cyber defense software and services to ukrainian militants. these technologies were used to collect data on attacks on russian troops and infrastructure. in response to the attempts of the kiev regime to cause damage to the oil and gas industry and energy facilities in russia, tonight the russian military launched a massive strike with precision weapons using drones on the facilities of the fuel and energy complex ukraine. according to the ministry of defense , the target of the strike was achieved and all objects were hit. and today, the russian ministry of defense. showed footage of the destruction of another american bradley infantry fighting vehicle in a special operation zone. in the avdeevka direction, the russian military, drone operators, discovered
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an infantry fighting vehicle with ukrainian militants, after which they aimed a drone at the target, which destroyed the american armored vehicle with a precise strike. but in ukraine today a scandalous bill on tightening mobilization was adopted in its final reading. voted against only one deputy of the verkhovna rada. the document essentially turns ukrainian. men into powerless slaves, whose task, in the absence of weapons and ammunition, is to cover the holes at the front with their breasts, even disability of the second or third group will not save them from the military commissars. at the same time, discussions on the possible mobilization of women will continue. nikita korzun about how in kiev, for the sake of western interests, they decided to put the future of the people of their country at stake. footage of the capture of potential defenders of the homeland, which is carried out by employees of territorial centers.
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in march, when he directly linked the allocation of the next tranche of financial assistance with the tightening of the law on mobilization, calling on ukraine to lower the conscription age, and he was heard, they began to take people to the front from twenty -five, the category of limited years was abolished, and today in the second final reading the verdict, well there is a law, adopted by the verkhovna rada. friends, batkivshchyna gave two votes. and so they took away demobilization from the military, we will now know everyone by their nicknames, two key voices, 227 votes, ay-ay-ay-ay-ay! deputy goncharenko from the european faction solidarity laments the fact that the leader of the batkivshchyna, yulia tymoshenko, did not keep her promise, quote “to defend your people with your breasts.” two votes from her party became decisive for the very concept of dembel to disappear from the text of the bill. demobilization will be carried out by
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special presidential decree. that is , no mandatory rotation is expected in the foreseeable future. these provisions were lobbied by the army command, given the desperate situation at the front. among other innovations, everyone is liable for military service, even disabled people are required to undergo a medical examination again to determine their fitness for service; if they do not make it in 60 days, the fine will be up to 22,500 hryvnia, which is about 600 dollars. men from 18 to 60 are required to carry a military id; its absence is grounds for detention. another innovation is that military registration and enlistment offices will be able to confi'.
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it doesn’t matter that you die, he really doesn’t care, and you feel it, how much he doesn’t care, it’s like he hates us, of course, the new document exempts employees of the national police, the prosecutor’s office, all law enforcement agencies from mobilization, of course, penal systems and even assistants to deputies, two for each legislator, however, vasily nebendze dotted all the points on the situation in ukraine and its legislative activities today, informing the whole world that behind zelensky’s ideas to lower the conscription age and tighten mobilization.
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is that kiev is ready to fight to the last ukrainian, as planned in the west. nikita korzun, valeria sokolova and konstantin torop,
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ntv. now a short advertisement. next in our issue. under tension, blogger dmitry portnyagin, known as the transformer , promised to give tens of millions of rubles to the state after his wife was detained. denis talalaev talks about this. vladimir kubyakov found out what russian officials and deputies are being transferred to and how they react to this transfer. alpha friday, supercake every week from alfabank. this friday, april 12 , receive 50% cashback on our card when ordering a taxi in yandex gol. and if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha card and receive a superkick on alpha fridays. not just profitable, alpha profitable. for products we grow, collect and deliver fresh vegetables, mushrooms and herbs.
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sunday at 19:00 on ntv. this.
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today, searches took place at the home of another blogger and business coach, dmitry portnyagin, nicknamed transformer. yes. denis talolaev joins us now. denis, let me guess, too, problems with taxes? well, how did you do it, how did you guess? we have few options now. the blogger is involved in cases of either fraud or tax evasion. here the second option is non-payment of taxes. at least for now. on vtb pensions , the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings
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account is up to 18% per annum. vtb together everything will work out. today , another one has been added to the list of high-profile cases against russian bloggers that has appeared over the past year: agency sources in tas and rionovosti reported that a criminal case for tax evasion has been opened against dmitry portnyagin, also known as transformer. this is the name of the book he wrote about how to create a business, about the fact that anyone can be successful and about putin. leader , this morning security forces reportedly conducted searches at the blogger’s home, office, dacha and saibiria bathhouses belonging to him, and also detained his wife, ekaterina portnyagina. also, as the kommersant newspaper notes, searches took place in the 500 business club. the website states: that this is a closed premium business club, where an ecosystem awaits entrepreneurs, including networking, business education, excursions to corporations, a meeting with a mentor , an investment club.
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but after today’s events, dmitry portnyagin obviously no longer has the desire to argue with government agencies. having mentioned that his foundation together with the popular front, quote: we have already gone to the zone eight times. with humanitarian aid, end of quote, he announced that today, without waiting for any court decisions, they would pay the state 64 million rubles in penalties and fines. the largest wine producer in russia has become state property. a record that the kuban wine company is now 100% owned by the russian federation has appeared in the unified register of legal entities. rbc was the first to draw attention to this. along with kuban wine, other assets also became state property. ariant group of companies. this group
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was created back in the nineties by businessmen alexander aristov and yuri antipov. the name ariant is based on the first letters of their last names. at the same time, they gained control of the chelyabinsk electrometallurgical plant. proma discounts on a significant part
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of the range of food for cats and dogs, the front also said that mars nastle occupy 73% of the russian market of food for cats and dogs, and if there is an unreasonable increase in prices, the service promised to accept the world. that's all i wanted to say. denis talalaev with an economic review. now a short advertisement.
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hamburger for 39 rubles. and other offers at a very competitive price. this is the program today, we continue our release. they want to transfer emergency doctors to domestic cars. in the coming years, the fleet of medical organizations should only be replenished machines from our manufacturers. these are the provisions contained in the draft government resolution on changes to the state health care development program; the day before, the document was supported by deputies at a meeting of the state duma committee on health protection. well, here it is. it should be noted that the people’s representatives themselves should also travel in the russian automobile industry, so to speak, set examples and support the domestic manufacturer. vladimir kobikov joins us now. volodya, how are the deputies doing? well, it's already about it’s been six months since the first document came out, what can russian
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officials and deputies now be transferred to? and so we checked the mood in the parking lot near the state duma. look, there are such different shades of mood there. we’ll come back later, but for now we’ll see what russians choose in general in the new realities, well , look, now you’ll see the ranking of car sales in 2024, lada granta is in first place - this is 12% of the entire new
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car market, lada vesta is in second place, the chinese brand broke into the top three, havale jolion, well people often say. then another chinese, jeep manjara, in fifth place are ours again, niva, another chinese cherry tiga 7 is slightly behind niva. as a result, look, there are three chinese in the top sales of three avtovaz models, but now let’s return - to the state duma , what some deputies there are now switching to, let’s see, he went down in the history of the state duma, the first deputy who was given an official domestic fret. how do you like it? great, i didn’t expect the car to have so many options. oleg leonov during first historic trip back in december , he took on the role of autoblogger-reviewer. and here i am , the first passenger. on the new boat in the west, there is even some kind of multimedia thing, there is a port for usb and even now there is
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something to add, the number of buttons on the steering wheel, in my opinion, is more than the chinese, so oleg yuryevich, how do the deputy’s legs feel , yes, excellent, legroom, well, more than necessary, but he understands that the lada vesta is not the right size for all deputies. well, for example, nikolai valuev, he can’t fit in here, yes, he it doesn’t fit here, just due to its dimensions, but in an uaz, for example, a patriot should fit quite well, avtovas told you in winter, he’s sending 100 lada vestas to the state duma, you’re a deputy, the most central one in russia, and your district is from the kremlin to the garden ring , these are far from the most needy voters, so to speak, compared to the whole of russia, when you come by boat to talk to your voters, is that great? action: more trust, that is, on the patriarchal ponds they don’t look at you when you try to do something there, at me they don’t look anywhere, now alekleonov
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is waiting with interest to see what other cars will appear in the state duma parking lots, the state duma also has its own hierarchy, but you’re like an ordinary deputy, lada vesta, there’s a lada aura, which at most will cost 3 million there , she is appointed by the chairman of the committees, then the heads of factions and vice-speakers, as if the next, the next level of the hierarchy, yes. they are entitled to auruses for 35 million, the difference is 10 times, this is how you approach it, it seems to me that with a large series the aurus should become cheaper, because this price is due to the fact that the series is small, when it goes into mass production, that is, you hope that aurus can fall in price and become more or less affordable for some strata, well, by the way, civil servants can as company cars this is not about cars that already exist in garages, but about those that will now only be bought, of the top six russian
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sales for officials , cherry and geely are prohibited there, these model brands are not on the lists of the ministry of industry and trade, naturally there is a line of permitted ones avtovaz, yes, by the way, several models of chinese haweil, but with the condition that they were assembled at a plant in the tula region, that there are also well... oat models, of course, there is also moskvich, well, of course aurus, this is what the first autumn list of the ministry of industry and trade of recommended ones looked like government procurement of cars for officials, then recently they added chinese models, which are now assembled there in kaliningrad, there are several different brands of them, they also added a chinese model pickup, which is assembled in vladivostok, was included in the only one allowed for officials the european brand is citran and...
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we even discussed this on podcasts, if we
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re-clamp all these officials, bosses at hbo, all these administrations, our navel will open up, but i don’t think that officials should drive bad cars, between aurus and vesta, if we are talking about our traditional cars, it’s a hole, there is nothing there, if in his region, in the province , things are going great, but what’s bad if he drives an aurus, when a person will to see the governor who is going to... well, let's let’s once again return to the parking lot at the state duma, i’ll emphasize once again that the state duma in the fall took upon itself increased obligations to use not just cars authorized by the ministry of industry and trade, but now to purchase only purely domestic models. state duma deputy. yaroslav nilov is just getting ready to switch to the domestic auto industry, when officials, deputies are transferred, now a light bulb went out at the wrong time or a burnt out
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light bulb or something else. this will all be under the closest attention, that is, you will be indignant at all stamping your feet, well, of course, miracles don’t happen, of course, avtovas won’t make you a better car than there - rolls-royce now, this is deputy kalashnikov, responding to deputy nilov from the neighboring parking lot of the state duma, nilov and kalashnikov are chairmen of committees, and, as was reported at the beginning of the year, according to their status in the future , the lada aura is assigned, not to be confused with the saurus, the interior of the lada aura has already been assessed by valentina matvienko and german gref during testing. i really couldn’t start it the first time, this is a prototype, wait, am i doing something wrong, something is wrong, the engineers explained, the protection had worked, the car was at speed, so the minister of finance sat in the back and looked under the hood , it started right away, the first of the officials to switch to the lada aura was the governor of the samara region, the lada aura was specially developed
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for, i don’t know, i don’t have a lada aura, i have... but you, as the chairman of the committee, are entitled to it, well, as if with a complete transplant, i have a car that is 10 years old, that's when bmw, but on business trips deputies are paid for travel now only on domestic brands, in nenensky autonomous okrug sobol car, this is the gorky automobile plant, we must support our manufacturer in every possible way, everyone knows that they are switching to the patronymic, they are going by brands now, and something there is mercedes, bmw, hyundai, so yes, something is not changing much , what, what, what is different? i’m not sure that these are all cars that belong to deputies, these are cars that may belong to staff members, assistants to deputies, the answer is my car is not here, i treat my car with care, bmw, bmw, i treat it with care, when the time comes for a planned replacement, it means he will replace it with the car that was assigned, and then deputy nilov goes into a light counterattack, and i think that this trend should also be supported by journalists,
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you can start with a progressive and... interesting, creative company ntv, that’s why we invite you, and the guys actually came here in logan, yes , the french version, but not the most expensive, so i propose to start this trend among journalists too, el volodya, here’s a tip from the deputies, are you ready to change seats? for domestic brands, from ellie, i know such a japanese, and from vladimir, and vladimir ginnadivich is now suffering with a european, are you ready? well, i’m a conservative person, i’ll still suffer while he’s driving, well, i’ll be guided by deputy nilov, he’s also suffering with the european, yes, when he changes seats, i’ll also think about it, because he’s still getting old, including cars , we need to change them too at some point, but as soon as vladimir changes seats, so will i, by that time my japanese will already grow old, and we will grow old, and we are growing old, oh, life, what
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do, volodya, thank you. and by the way, you noticed that volodya knows everything about us, what cars we drive, all our correspondence, you generally have to be on guard with him, dangerous, dangerous, dangerous, thank you, thank you, vladimir kabyakov, about the prospects for russian transplants officials, and not only for domestic cars, well, now is the time for weather forecasts, in our weather studio evgenia neronskaya, zhen, spring is gaining strength, should we expect any surprises, just a slight cold snap. the atlantic literally provided airing after the hot records. in the north-west, the temperature drops to the climatic norm, but rain and sharp gusty winds are responsible for the cleanliness of the air here. a gale warning is in effect today for windy weather. it is also windy in the center, but the temperature does not drop so sharply. now it will not be 10 degrees above normal, just five. and it gets
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colder at night. it won't reach frosts yet, but already on saturday night in tuli and koluga it will only be +2, but tomorrow in the afternoon it will be +12-15 and short rains. on the middle volga it will fly stronger in kazan +13. well, it's a hot summer in the south. in the lower reaches of the don , in some places the sun is already up to +30°. it's much softer at seaside resorts. in sevastopol 21 is also sunny. but in sochi it’s only 17 and cloudy. about the weather in the capitals after a break. spring is a time of cleansing. take lymphatic transit. lymphatic transit promotes cleansing. the body and the removal of toxins, as well as reducing swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the company evalar. your spring updates. stagnation of lymph can cause swelling. lymphatic transit helps reduce swelling due to acceleration of lymph movement. lymphatic transit from the company evalar. in st. petersburg tomorrow the rain will drop to +8. in moscow at night it’s +6, and during the day
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on april 12 on cosmonautics day it’s +15. cloudy and windy. on saturday the wind will subside and there will be breaks in the clouds. great day for a walk. sunday will be warmer, but with rain and gusty winds. well, thank you. thank you, well, these are the main news for this hour and we, elmira fendeeva and vladimir chernyshov, say goodbye to you, see you, goodbye, pride in full carriages, golden carriages, they are happy, young, peter, tearing up the clouds in a shred, they haven’t forgotten, they are sending from far away from home, mother and not the last one, but they are running across the sky, you see
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someone’s traces, it could be you, it could be me, it could be waiting for us, they can sing to us. ours, our lakash on the stone is at war for the memory of years, our lakash on the stone is at war, in the name of the russian soviet federative socialist republic on the basis of article: 102 ukrainian sfsr alexey nikolaevich taranov, born in 1953 , found guilty, sentenced to 8 years imprisonment with serving punishments in a maximum security colony. kostya,
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i never talked about you, no wonder i didn’t. be that as it may, my father abandoned me, and then the army dreamed of konstantin from childhood, with such a brother nothing was possible for him, so i did not return home, there was a zone monastery nearby, i succumbed there, then i entered the seminary, then i received a parish in those parts, now i’m father gabriel, but is it possible for someone on trial to, well... god forgives everything, people don’t know how to do that yet, they haven’t seen the middle one again.


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