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tv   Goryachaya tochka  NTV  April 11, 2024 8:00pm-11:36pm MSK

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strict regime, kostya never spoke about you, it’s not surprising that he didn’t, it was as if i didn’t exist, my father abandoned me, and then konstantin, he was dirty in the army since childhood, with such a brother nothing would happen to him. so i didn’t return home, there was a zone monastery nearby, i succumbed there, then i entered the seminary, then i received a parish in those parts, now i’m father gabriel, but is it possible for someone on trial, god forgives everything, people don’t know how to do this yet, the average is more haven't seen each other.
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we stopped, rented a room, you probably want to ask why i’m here? no i do not want to, if you want, you can say it yourself, but no, no, the parishioners asked, they weren’t related, they were also battering rams.
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take this away, i came to atone for sins, i am also to blame for what happened to him, this is unnecessary, we are here atoning for our own sins from the outside. don’t understand, i may not understand, but he will definitely understand, god bless you, well, in general, for the fact that i loaded you, i won’t apologize, me, and you have one
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more article, one less, well, you what’s wrong with them now, well, what’s worse about them, they’re not like others, but i definitely won’t tolerate it anymore, uh-huh, that is, what do you think i endured, you know better, but you’re on the run, and they’re bankrolling, well, today it’s like this, tomorrow it’s different, but this tomorrow won’t come, jacques, you leave, i won’t tell anyone, that marinka saw you, just don’t touch me, well, that’s how it will turn out, well , you understand, i won’t stay in the country, well, that means i’ll see you again, that cop of yours is getting sick of it, i’ll take it now.
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it will lay, no, i don’t think so, well then let’s measure further, no, marin, i’m not going anywhere, i’m listening, who, that is, how is it rising? what are you jumping about? sit down, it looks like you’re wounded, i have a slight concussion , a couple of scratches, hello, elena nikolaevna , my name is rebrova, i’ll be raking here for you, sit down, i say, close the door on the other side, so this is with me, investigator ostashka serafima vladimirovna, you don’t have to love. hello, hello,
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why didn’t you warn us, elena nikolaevna, we would have organized a meeting, you don’t come to us every day. a guest arrives from the prosecutor general’s office, but i’m not visiting, it’s like i ’ve arrived home, prepare khasanov’s office for me, there it’s not blowing, stop, and you were blown up at the house of the exhausted one, what were you doing there, you see, elena nikolaevna, but... cases of deliberate arson have become more frequent here, so we are carrying out preventive measures among the population, oh, you’re a dreamer, okay, the truth you’ll tell me later, all
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the cases are on my desk, what are all the cases, from the day when murin returned from the zone, and pickpocketing too, what a fool? you rush, in krasnodar they told me that you are smart, don’t disappoint me, all the cases that you have assigned to murino, let’s call the duty officer, tell him that we are waiting at the office, let's go, old corga. are you sleeping, no, you’re not sleeping, i need to run errands, if there are hot potatoes, uh-huh, you’re it,
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i’m sorry that i was so busy yesterday, i remember everything about my son, well, he came and came, stop apologizing, you can should i stop by for my mother? why persuade her to leave and you can’t stay here, what about this? it’s just that if someone finds out that i’m alive, they’ll start putting pressure on her. wait, you said that one of these yesterday is your ex's friend? well, anything can happen, so what are you up to? it’s okay, don’t tell me fairy tales, i haven’t played enough of a war game. katya, you can just go to your mother and... tell him what happened yesterday, let him take a ticket to st. petersburg for the set, just if she doesn’t leave, i won’t go anywhere either, okay, i’ll come, by the way, you can until the morning stay, i only need to pick up the pea in the evening, it’s a real
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pleasure to feel the taste of coffee, jardine colombia medellin, from selected arabica beans that reveal the aroma in... mask, fifth anniversary season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. mikhail shufutinsky. secret of
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a million on saturday at 20:20 on ntv. alpha friday, supercake every week from alfabank. this friday, april 12, get 50% cashback. get an additional 15% discount for fashionable transformations, choose clothes, shoes, accessories on ozone, use the promotional code spring, it will be added to the existing discounts, everything for your looks at even more attractive prices with the promotional code spring. the national lottery throughout april is won by every second person who didn’t win the games, second chance only on the website , register your ticket for a super prize of 100 million , one of my friends didn’t have enough gigabytes , the internet has run out, you’re not on the megaphone yet look at the megaphone, they give you unlimited access to social networks
8:10 pm
, you’re my jelly bean, and you’ll also have unlimited video on a regular basis, connect megapowers, there will be jaga only in the megaphone, do you have a uniform? yes, for baking, for squatting, try it, like this, so, i liked the trial lesson, but i have a vtb savings account for the subscription. replenish regularly and you’ll save up 16% faster, why aren’t you in shape yet? we’re working on debt, we’re saving quickly, open a vtb savings account with a rate of 16%. vtb, together everything will work out. mask, new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. hello, great why are you so happy? oh, yes, i spent the whole night again today, how i got to the hall,
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i don’t remember, i thought i didn’t get out of bed at all, listen, i don’t understand how you do it, i’ve already started to forget how it happens, maybe i should also buy that there, as they call it, prostatrikun, remember, remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times that you think it works, what, i don’t think so, i know, you’re dark, of course, i am now. you know your wife, how and what is there, how to take it, call, everything is simple there, when you order, they will explain everything to you in detail, just a second, wife, yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying, that’s it, i drove off, keep it, try it, then you’ll say thank you again, okay, i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too, what can i think, call me to order, and remember, it’s better to try once, than think 100 times. meet
8:12 pm
the new golden prostatricum. prostatricum gold. prostatricum gold is a modern complex based on natural ingredients that are available on the market. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to experience prostatricum gold. nobody should be disappointed. when ordering by phone on the screen. you are guaranteed to be protected from counterfeiting and overpayments. call the manufacturer's toll-free line to order and receive a special offer. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to experience prostatricum gold. the stars aligned on sunday immediately after musk’s show on ntv. mikhail shufutinsky is 76 years old . obro, how he gave the country another holiday, we are still being tortured, what did we have?
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you on september 3, why, having lived with his beloved for almost 10 years, he is in no hurry to put a stamp in his passport, and you are jealous, yes, very much, like mikhail shufutinsky lost 30 kilos, when he is still a young wife, you must match when he becomes a great-grandfather, if you don’t fall off the chair, we will have a baby, is the king of chanson ready to give up the stage to the young, will you return it? far away to look at a car with electronics, something
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is wrong with the electronics, i’ll fix everything else, i can do everything else myself, good luck, come on! what is this, open it, look, i’ve already looked, was definitely behind my back. it was impossible somehow as a human being, i didn’t want to include you, sit down, say so,
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i heard about your chief of police, well, in general, we screwed up our order for him, now we need to finish it, it’s fucking news. recently you’ve been making a living out of this, my mother has gone crazy, my wife is sitting without work and has two back-biters in her hands, what should i sell for my organs, not everyone is so lucky who has a wife. listen, who else did i give for this, i'm sorry, brother, i didn't mean to hurt someone so it came out of my mouth, okay, let's go, in short, i grew up, we i can’t do without you, will you help, no, i’m far away,
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yes, i’m not suggesting that you pull the trigger, well, well, you try, just where is it better to take this cop off the run, well, we’re strangers to... they’ll immediately copy it, no, no, i, you said it yourself, the cops shot zhenya murin, and what, you’re going to raise a glass to him, but you’re going to meet these guys on the street, say hello, or what? where did he go, turned off the pipe, told the little guy to look for you, but here i am, what’s the rush, come on, he’s waiting for you, he didn’t get dusty, he overslept, but he
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forgot to charge his mobile phone, and what happened yesterday? many things it was, what are you talking about, vitali says murina saw, yes, of course, so much drinking is not so imaginary, uh, what are you driving, that’s who did this, well, he was at marinka’s, some kind of hahel, i don’t know him , broke into this, he was off his hooves, and what are you doing, well, i told him. he was aching, marinka began to squeal, call the cops, this one doesn’t lie in the chimney, but i picked him up in the car out of sin, it’s clear that he’s the one driving, and i answer you, i’ll sit,
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come on, whatever you say, there’s a floss there - it would be, like, like, how many times have i told you, don’t drink at work, now you’re driving the issue, wait, busyga, shut your mouth, i am a busyga to whom, to whom pyotr semyonovich, did you hear me?
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i'm not bothering you!
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i couldn’t just throw it away, just hide it, but katya believed her. only she can know, there is no one else left, who can know,
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the noise, what are you talking about, i told danilov everything, he went to the hospital to find out how it was, what you told him, well, that’s it, ruslan is his own man, he’s on... . will help, okay, why, pray to god that he doesn’t bring the cops, what are you talking about, dan, he went to the hospital, i asked him to find out about the security, ugh, okay, in short, you’ll clear it out, what are you doing, well... we’re with him, i can’t, then i’ll kill both of them, take your pick, this, i don’t know,
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hello, hello, excuse me, can i ask, do you have it here? hello, hello, hello, forgive me, i told my husband about you, how you dealt with these hooligans, you need a job, look, i just have one, here’s a business card, so you call him, who and my husband, and what kind of work, he will tell you everything, the main thing is to call, okay, okay, okay, all the best, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye goodbye,
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lord, who, katerina, we need to talk. where is he? come out, marinka
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told me everything this morning, why didn’t he leave? he won’t go anywhere without you, he asked me to tell you, i won’t go anywhere, what he says about lyonka, he will be silent, he doesn’t know. she said before, it seemed like we were friends, but now, in general, you need to leave, otherwise you will ruin yourself and him, if i leave, they will immediately look for us, they will immediately understand that this is dirty business, they will look for both of us, both the police and these , and if i stay, i ’ll fool their brains, but i can do that, believe me, not i doubt it, i’m the same myself, persuade him to leave, you’ll succeed, well, in general, you’re wrong to think so, it’s on your mind, if you? in short, he will remain with me until the morning, what should i convey? i won't go anywhere. great, hi,
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did the boys hit anything on vedernikov? yes, they didn’t break through anything, but another topic emerged. what is the topic? the cops say vyadernikov was blown up by an army mine. you still have to be able to manage such a guy, so you have to give up a former hoyak, but that’s not the point, yesterday it seems like they saw murin, it seems like he’s alive, it seems like he’s alive, or he says that he saw him, the second he says that he misspoke, this is a former district police officer, the second one, one of the larger taranovskys, but you saw him here. what do you need, there is a conversation, there is nothing for you and me to talk about. so, come on, sit down, so that you
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become completely bold, if taranov were alive, here he would be for you, taranov is in your coffin, and i’m here, you will do what i tell you, clearly, from you, say what you wanted, it’s better this way, sell this land to me, fuck you, i won’t sell anything to anyone, clearly, if you sell it, i ’ll give you a good price, and if not, i’ll pawn the property, and paradise will think about you. what a bitch you are, this is the time.
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what happened here? yes, your friend came, what kind of friend, you better explain it to me, hey, get away, hook, narcotech, why the hell did you forget here, but now you’re out. i went to
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the common fund to talk, he owes me a run , maybe he owes it to the guys too, but you see him here, go to the hill, the eighth precinct, the third alley, ask if you finish shouting, and what do you have to do with me, but maybe not, maybe and it has nothing to do with it, just ask more, you ’re left alone, that’s what the boys decided. so i not the last one, at least you decide what to do with me, and it’s been a long time since you became so brave, hook, i remember, in the topics you stood more and more on guard, and sat in the steering wheel, where your character came from, and from there, cat, from there, veins, spromka from the shipment , figure eight is not a break, you can’t stand on one leg, well, sit still, think, until you learn to talk, uh, what are you
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doing, so what are we going to do? i have no idea, let him sit for now, is it a kopchak or not, listen more, if you have it, they won’t just leave it, and what do you suggest, bury it and run away together with you, well, let’s wet him if you can, no, i don’t suggest that. “i have nothing, i swear to my son, someone washed the common fund when the bek was fired, and now the arrows are switched to me, when my legs get tired, hurt, swell, we take drops from kuzan, izkuzan for five symptoms of varicose veins, the effectiveness is comparable to compression we'll put it on, tempted,
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good price": oh, old friend, what a foiro, she urged the soldiers, call murin evgeniy, this murin again, he's a damn guy, he was in the war, he trampled the zone, arseny robok is coming back, the sugar guy in the city takes up arms again, something like that, i expected from you, to restore justice, the hero plays alone, i know people like him. hot spot, new season, soldier, i'm calling it quits, i'll tell you everything, i ask again, who is your ambassador, from tuesday at 20:00 on ntv, the boy's word, blood on the asphalt, the most anticipated premiere of the year from monday at 23:00, there will be no money to be made, there will be money, sazon cards, now you
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faster and more convenient. thank you for teaching me. this is who else taught whom. vtb. everything will work out together. you are my basketball. favorite chicken for 199 rubles. in restaurants. that it was better to try the durian before buying. it’s good that in tinkof investments you can first try investing only then invest your money. open an account with tenki investments and receive a starting 50,000 rubles from the bank. you take the income from this amount for yourself, and if there is no income, then you do not need to compensate for losses. with tenek investments you quickly get the hang of it. tinkov. welder of the sixth. charge georgy petrovich was distinguished by iron discipline, respect for petrovich grew, polyps grew, for 30 years he was never late for a shift, i was late for the first time because intestinal cancer had spread to the birdman. guys, get a medical examination, free of charge,
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health is important here now. spring has come, we rejoice in the sun and the ringing of the stove, we play country houses, cars, laptops. spring flows of money await you. he said, catch your bird of luck, because they are winning against us, every sunday at 8:20 on ntv, please come in, colin, nikolai, hello, elena nikolaevna, have a seat. this is how life has turned, and now i had to sit at this table, yes, i agree with you, i feel sorry for edward, don’t say it, and
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i feel sorry for his mother, unhappy woman, well, tell me, here you are yourself... do you think he could have killed murin khasanova, i don’t know, there are not so many corpses on the moor, so let’s agree now that... you won’t hide behind other corpses, i’m asking you specifically, he could have killed khasanov specifically, he’s not in his right mind, but what’s wrong with his mind, he didn’t complain to his family, well , his mother was also normal, but what was wrong with her, well, she’s vederzhnikov’s i took him hostage with a grenade because of my son. then they took her to a psychiatric hospital. why don't i
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know this? yes, they didn’t want to bear the waste. elena nikolaevna, let's do it this way. i didn't tell you anything. sit down and post it. i looked at the car, yes, i looked, it’s fine, that’s it, we’ll figure it out, i took some beer, let’s go, let’s get better, i’ll go take a breath of air, i’ll be there soon, listen, i was in the hospital, no, come on,
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i’ll help, fruits, okay, don’t be late, they discharged with a scandal, the noise told me everything, the noise, fly in, came to pievas. in short, i was in the hospital, vetnikov was discharged, i told den, swoop in, what are you, run, what happened? you got into a fight, or what?
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get out of here, quickly, he wants to clean you up, noise, what a moron you are, you were a moron, you’ll die a moron, do what i said. come on, the owner ordered, shut up, well, sorry, rus, it’s good to pull the tires.
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what is the post office efimych, it’s me who opens it, a registered letter for you, oh, what kind of letter, from the pension fund with a notification, let’s sign, right here, maybe you can read it? you see, i broke my glasses, i can’t, i’m in a hurry, forgive me, okay, i’ll ask for a tenant, he won’t refuse, where did you get a tenant from, not just a jerk, but a whole priest, father gabriel, now he won’t forgive sins at home, it’s a pity to sin not with who, is he at home, no, he went to the ruined one, he will restore the temple, that’s how it is, well, the temple is a good thing. okay, i’ll run, i’ll go, yeah,
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let’s go out, listen, i found out for you. i even succumbed to the armada, when i went to the bek, sit down, only the boys said that the cops killed you, and you’re alive and well. how do you know under katya’s skirt? did you come up with the idea yourself or someone suggested it? do you know yura the locomotive? no, i don’t know who it is, well, naturally, how do you know him, were you a brat when the locomotive had already left for the kitsch, and they were here with the bek, oh things were raised, well, never mind, he’ll be free soon,
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meet him, but do you really think that katya has the money? well, look at how she lives, it’s unlikely to shock you with your money, maybe she’s so thoughtful, she’s quieted down, listen to me, katya has no money, i answer, and tell my people, who are you to answer, you know, a lawyer, a soldier with him , ask, are you a soldier? uh, what are you thinking, uh , calm down, uh, okay, sit still, let’s go ballin’ here, i heard i’m a soldier for you, here’s the deal.
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are you sleeping soundly, danilov? i don't sleep, i clean. hello, good deal. malyukov said that you moved here. yes sir. let's go in, i have a conversation. please.
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where is the family? it looks like you have a small son. and i started renovating the house, and sent them stealthily. i did the repairs. well, malyukov has already interrogated me, and now i ’m asking you, actually, why was i at the post office at that time, sending money to my wife, i have a receipt, and i saw malyukov, i can show you, no need to show, since i saw malyukov, i i trust him, that’s all, but
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that’s not enough for you, or maybe you have something for me tell? well, for example, about your friend murin, could he have killed edik? who cares now? it makes a difference if i ask you, could or could not? could not! you did what right? i sent my wife and son, things are restless here again, it’s okay, we’ll sort it out, goodbye, goodbye,
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noise, they left, i thought we’d get burned now, let’s wet our throats, thank you, you’re lucky, a bullet at point-blank range, and then tangent, lucky, but not very, now if vidernikov doesn’t get screwed, because of him denis will ask why you gave in to this topic in the first place, one thing it's a war, but what difference does it make? what kind of money is there, only here for pennies, here for rubles, if you are interested, i didn’t do normal people, only those for whom there is nowhere to put tests. okay, rest for now, i’m going to the pharmacy, i need to roll in an antibiotic so that
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there is no infection, we’ll bury that later, come on, watch the zenit spartak, fonbet russian football cup match on april 17. why did you come to our office? 3 rubles, but if you don’t bring it, it will be like this every day, but i’m tired of being a jerk, i want to go with the boys, you brought him, you get up with him, boy, now with us, by the horn to pay, that’s our road,
8:48 pm
your boys will save you when you’re drowning, you’re a kid now, you’re off the street now, there are enemies all around, a boy’s word, blood on the asphalt, the most anticipated television premiere of the year, from monday at 23:00 on ntv . pain can be different, no matter what caused the pain, if any. a universal remedy against different types of pain, pentalgin, let’s do without pain, smiled, it means you recognized it, smiled,
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is it a good car for you? mileage, condition, comfort, everyone has their own good car, find it on the author, you have a uniform, for baking, for squatting, try it, just like that, so, i liked the trial lesson, but save up for a subscription and a vtb savings account , replenish regularly and you will accumulate 16% faster, but why? out of shape, we’re in debt, we’re saving up quickly, open a vtb savings account with an interest rate of 16%, vtb, together everything will work out, why did you let him go, and what should have been done with him, let him go,
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so what else did he say? his locomotive is behind the common man sent it, you bastard, i told him that you have nothing, and now there’s no point in getting the locomotive unhooked, well, you didn’t take the money, it doesn’t seem like i’ve already explained everything to you, or you don’t see it yourself, that’s it, that means there won’t be any problems , something, you don’t know the locomotive, running is just an angel in comparison with him, the locomotive is a lawless man, he always stupidly liked that everyone was afraid of him, do you understand? that’s plus 9 years in prison, i really doubt that he’s changed, well, we’ll figure it out as we go, don’t get involved in this, these are my problems, well, i haven’t changed my mind yet, but i don’t have any more money,
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they took everything, well, how do you know, right? businessman, not me, turn it on, no, the locomotive, who is there, the hook is calling, wait, he was at the helm, yes he was, he barely carried his legs away, he had a new guy from the young ones, he drove the soldier, yes, i heard for him, he’s like the cops they put it down, but... nothing, there’s a soldier running around, he’s harnessed to the roller, she says, she’s empty, but i don’t give a fuck who harnessed it, did you find the money or didn’t you look for it, but you looked for it, i looked for it, you’re a bastard her, listen here, clown, you won’t find the money, i ’ll hit you first, first you, and then
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katka and her were screwed, but wait a minute... well, well , what have i got to do with it, you ask sava about this soldier, they seem to be friends, and katka, well katka, maybe you really didn’t take it in common, hello, hello , hello, locomotive, yes fir-trees, who, it’s me, raya efimych, open up. and hello, is there another letter or something, or did you miss me, you stayed at your house, that’s why it’s not me, that means, uh-huh, come on over there,
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hello, reis evgenievna, hello, oh, how, are you acquaintances, or what? familiar? yes, efimovich, let us talk, please. agree on your health. there you left it. i i didn’t touch anything, you can count it. i left it on purpose. i didn't know how to approach. reisa evgenievna, i know how much you had to go through because of konstantin, how you ransomed your son from the bandits, i also know, this is the least i can do for you, i ask you, accept this from your heart, you have come to atone for your sins, so beg, and
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don’t pay off. katya, what are you talking about, i was thinking, maybe you should leave too, i already told you, don’t interfere, i ’ll figure it out myself, yes, well, hello, zolotse, i found out. i found out you shouldn’t have brought your people here you send me, i have nothing, i have gold, it’s you who can hang the hook on my ass, it won’t work with me, okay, listen,
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here, it’s good to pull the balls of the pelvis, give me your little brat, so don’t get him involved, he’s here nothing to do with it, give me the phone, give me the phone, “hello, it’s me, great, soldier, how are you, katya? of course, she’s not the first fresh, but she can do a lot of things, believe me, i think i explained it clearly to your people, fuck it, don’t touch it, it’s not up to you to decide, bullshit thrower, you’re nobody, let the money cook, i’m leaving soon, and you better buy some vaseline, we'll talk to you number two, woodpecker, what are you doing?" "i'll go to voronezh, you can't bring the cat here, i'll be back tomorrow, no, let's stay there,
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listen, let's not interfere, what are you you don’t understand the first time, then i’ll go with you, i have business there too, why vidernikov was ordered, you know, i know. in krasnodar , a woman and a child were killed, in the examination they drew that she was crossing the road drunk, vedernikov was the head of the rvd, who would touch him, well, her man realized that according to the law, everything is deaf, i came to our elder, in short, if this man leaves alive, i’m screwed, you saved me today, i can... i can, malyukov, good
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morning, elena nikolaevna, where are you running, and there’s a lot of turnover, hello, hello, tim, go, we need to whisper behind the bag of my jokes, okay, maybe we can do something, great, and this is you, well-nigh, alive, but not everyone knows about it, but i brought you a debt here , stuffed, that’s also good, but what’s so generous, i don’t need too much,
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something’s wrong, boss, chelyaev, you need to travel with us, turn it off engine, get out of the car, they went, let's get out in a good way, hands on the roof, here's the clown. we pass the car,
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we delivered it, yes, it kicked, no, not much, well, give it here, we start it, that’s it, freely. well, hello, chelyaev, i’ve been wanting to see you for a long time, so you go. take a walk, i ’ll be right here, you go, go, i didn’t touch him, go, i said, there’s nothing to guard here, go, go, oh, they drove me away, but it’s funny to me, but
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there’s no other way. sorry, captain. hey, opera, why are you frozen there? go, we'll bring chikun back. i also looked out the window for the first month, i dreamed that i would get out, we are only needed as cannon fodder, and the matter will concern waste material, it’s true chenusha, you hatched the zenki, probably stole cars, you’ll pay off, and for a couple of punches from our bare asses we’ll go to the stage, look here, listen, leave him at peace.
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here each of us has our own problems, chulyaev, on the way out, come to you, hello, where is my lawyer? i won’t talk without him, but maybe i’m a lawyer? new from the fund for the protection of police officers, you have 20 years of operational work written on your face, and there is no fund for the protection of cops and there never will be, because no one needs them, maybe you’ll still sit down, my name is ostashko vladimir yafimovich, i’m in charge of the ministry.
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it says here that you are sitting here because you personally come from a person on the federal wanted list, and it also says that this person was my informant for many years, and the case for which he was put on the wanted list arose thanks to him. our valiant investigation, in addition to initiating a criminal case and announcing it wanted, leaked all the information to the bandit, and that i should have allowed him to be killed? do you want to go out? depends, what in return? khasanov, the former head of administration from the voronezh province, is sitting in the cell with you, he will soon be released, the owl himself is personally working for him, you know that?
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born so what? i want you to be friends when khasanov comes out, because you will follow him, and through khasanovo there is a direct path to the owl, and i want you to trample it for me, unless of course you don’t like the weather in nizhny tagil, you really, i've been here for a month now i can’t contact vladimir efemovich, but in the hospital, he... just started talking to him on the street a week ago, he immediately called me to his place, one after another, okay, shed tears for you, the doctors say he’s going to struggle, so tell me, what's going on here, okay, how many batteries in total, six for each tape recorder, in three hours you can start me up, okay? lucky you for the speed,
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additional payment, money, give me as much as you want, for a third, throw it on, but i like that so much, go to another store, okay, okay, here you go, you will remove the weapons from the army, from the armies, from the very different armies, as long as people kill each other with pleasure, this stream will never dry up. i still have things to do, come on, i’ll be there in 3 hours, no, let’s do it later, i have a meeting, there’s an anxious fighter there, let’s not strain him. khasanov, who killed? nisychovsky, with him the lawyer was spanked, and the sychy was treasured,
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i think it’s goryunov and zhikharev, but they won’t tell us anything about it, how is it with you with the owl, but no way, he seems to be fine with me, but maybe he’s thinking, that i... boris kimych’s man, or while the busyga is here, he doesn’t particularly need me, well, put the busyga away, in the persian sense, not in the gangster sense, move it to the side, and i’ll help you, in general, we’ll keep in touch through my assistant sima, she’s a pretty girl, you ’ll hit her up in the city, well, if your friends notice anything there, well, you’ll lie that you’re building bridges, there aren’t any assistants, vladimirovich knows you.
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these guys are beaten by life, not tenacious and you can’t just bury them in a grave, we need to find him, otherwise we will have another problem, what kind of war, hey, blow the pipe, what? how much for a mower, where is the phone number from? my money is very needed, let me check, kat, hi, zhenya, can you hear me fine, zhek, hi, where are you
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from, yes, i’m checking the phone here, but i can hear it normally, okay, come on, bye, great pipe, i told you so. here you go, thank you, stop with drugs, hello, greetings, there is news, what kind of news, i just came from the mintovka, the rebrov court, from the prosecutor general's office, you know her, she's still alive, she's still alive, she's been pissing me off for 2 hours, but what did she want ? , yes, she came according to vedernikov, i got... hit, i could barely escape, i think they will start pulling the others too, well, let them pull, we not in business, you’re not messing around there yet, it’s still a bulldog, you can’t get a hold of it, you’ve got everything, that’s it, for now.
9:11 pm
let's sing, no, i'm eating, i haven't found another place, guys, i'm a girl, right, and you know that grandma, by the way, forgive me, and then we'll eat candy, tanya. just don’t be scared, quickly listen to me, menti posuto,
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gone, okay, let’s go, yes. your favorite and long-awaited show "stars" duel. and i decided to be beautiful. i have the right to cognac. against dmitry malikov. i apologize in advance for this mess. poe finally picked up the key to victory. dmitriy, you know that i am under yours. i am the housewife, not a speck of dust, not a speck, everything is in the pawnshop, i wake up in the morning, oprah is in my soul, i also
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wake up in the morning, immediately turn on the drill, kill me, kill me too, kill me, you and a migratory bird, into the sky my soul is flying, it was i who didn’t give my grandmother the medicine, the apartment is now mine, the stars, today marina fedunkev and dmitry malikov will fight to reach the finals. on saturday at 22:00 on ntv. the general partner of the show is vtb bank. everything will work out. hot spot, new season. from tuesday at 20:00 on ntv. there's so much to do, we can handle it. just one tablet a day to support health, performance and well-being.
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to remain full, our body needs the key to launching internal resources to get rid of pain. salvisar maz is a key for activating the body's internal resources and helping to eliminate the source of pain and inflammation. solvisar in green packaging is the key to a fulfilling life. among thousands of models with a guarantee of authenticity, look for those same sneakers. you won't be able to reduce money with a sozonkarta , you will have money, now you can easily get up to 3000 rubles for any purpose, spend it anywhere, with an amazon card there will always be money, the boy’s word, blood on the asphalt, the most anticipated premiere of the year from monday at 23:00, hello, i’m a bank employee, do you confirm the transfer? “you usually call, oh, i can’t reach you now, of course,
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you have the safest operator, we’ll warn you about unwanted or blocked calls, enable call protection in the service my security in the app for free, who, you can handle this without me, beline - the safest operator - natural remedy for the health of female breasts, up to 50% more profitable than the analogue, indol forte evalar, quality guarantee": it’s better for the situation to be dead than alive,
9:18 pm
why did you come, but well, it’s on business, and that’s not what it’s about, so... why came? well , to look at you? look? tanya, forgive me, i really didn’t want it to be like that, but to do it the way you wanted it? explain to me at least once, so that it’s the way you wanted it, everything is burning next to you, i lost my father, i almost died with my mother and child, all because you showed up, and at the same time, when you needed...
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if you love us, do one thing for us, like you did, let’s call it a day for us, but i can’t do this anymore, but i can’t wait, hope, fear, i can’t, where you are there’s always war , it's your fault. according to you, it doesn’t matter, she’s probably eaten into you, i don’t know, i don’t want to, i’m sorry, katyusha, wow, god, hello, hello,
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where were you, i’m calling you in the morning, i’m calling, but i was with my daughter-in-law. .. she was called to work, and where have you disappeared to, something is completely wrapped up, yes, well, come in, take off your clothes, tell me everything, i can’t tell you, i’m literally on just a minute to pick up your suitcase, why and what , you can’t even drink tea, well, the whole mother, well, he’s also not showing his nose, his sister is called, and i still have to go back to chernodolye, there’s your suitcase, listen, i was cleaning here, moving it, so i thought i’d give my soul to god, what do you have there, bricks or what? books, books, for which they are for themselves, but not mine, you need to give them, but as soon as you drag them, i would ask some guy, or something, how i brought them, i’m dragging one,
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another circle, your head is not covered, no, come on! and what should be done? when can you come over? oh great, then i’ll come in the morning, yeah, for a date, thank you, who are you with?
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have you been offered a job? what is the work? well, it's a security guard there. somehow, i’ll go tomorrow, now i’ll ask, yeah, what does it pay? i don’t know, i’m telling you, i’ll go tomorrow, i’ll find out everything, if you want, i didn’t come here to eat, i have work to do, get your hand in order, otherwise they’ll do it to you, that’s true, but they won’t put me on sick leave, what’s your plan? , at work now without? fulfill it, you have a home address, you’ll go tomorrow, look at the approach, okay, just don’t stick your head out of the house, in there are more cops in the city than normal people,
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starting tomorrow you will drink coffee in a cafe. corner and eat cakes, we’ll keep in touch with chelyaev, i can’t stand sweets, that’s okay, eat salty, you’re in charge... keep him at a distance longer, but for the sake of credibility, by the way, he can be herded, you too, okay, it will be good when it’s good, from now on we don’t trust anyone, in the office we only talk about the weather and about my sores, i realized, how’s your leg, wow, a rally... grabbed, eh, my father’s daughter, this fine,
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super. temple, you have a big balloon, oh my, no, don’t!
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9:26 pm
valentin ivanovich, hello, this is katya, i brought everything, can you come over today? no, tomorrow in the second half. oh, i just wanted to leave today, i can’t help, see you tomorrow. i wonder what they were looking for here, money, what else, why do you think so, there’s nothing else,
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we broke in here five times and nothing, not some cartridges lying around, the guy was crazy, this ensign, it’s done, well, sergeant, give the duty room, let him outfit. complete the task, now what? something to do, the distant woman just scares you, but i would like to pawn zhenya by now, i would have pawned him a long time ago, and if it doesn’t scare you, well, then you know what to do, that lenya got confused with the busyga, right? well, well, the next time he comes to you, you tell him straight out that you will tell the busyga that he , bypassing his own people, wants to buy the land from you. and if it doesn’t help, let it help, cowardly lenya, i know him, listen, where are we? in
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kolledino, why the hell are we here, we were supposed to go to marinka to strain about the land, we’ll have time, we need to collect the debt, and what are you doing right away? didn’t say that we were going to the jerk, are you asleep, are you going? no, i'll sit here. the jerk is here,
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wow! and i was tired of waiting, i said in a week , you owe me, well, if you owe me, then i’ll pay you back, you come in and call me, i need to bring the money, there’s another one waiting on the street, well, it’s calmer together, that’s right, hello, money take it. he arrived, yeah, you have to wait a little while until the money comes, well, you can’t tell me what your name is, cool.
9:30 pm
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9:36 pm
hello, who is this? yes, mom, hi, zhenya, who do you have there? marina, how are you? i'm fine. listen, i need to be here for a few days of communication, so don’t worry. that's it, i 'll call you. come on, i hung up. okay, okay, friend, what are you doing, alive and well, thank you god, come on. let's get this out of the way, okay, i 'll tell you one more piece of news, what? kostin, brother has arrived, what kind of brother is kostin? kostya
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taranova, brother. oh! who did it bring? mihaloch, open yours, great, hedgehog, soldier, what came? listen, i would like to have a chat with the boss, come in. and your friend where alive heard about the ensign, and what happened to him, they killed him, say that i, but this is not so, when i arrived, he was already dead, of course,
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come into the kitchen, who is fima? first , tell me why you went to the ensign? yes, i asked him to get something, to fight again got ready, he met with this fima in front of me, i heard him on the phone saying, who knows, but everyone here knows him, a drug addict, lawless, on the run like you, and why do you need it, the ensign wasn’t your friend, to throw an answer, yes, i gave him money. i would like to pick up either them or the iron, where to find it, do you know? i saw him about a week ago at the central market, he was kind of weird, he usually hangs around there. there and ask, let’s change it, eat something,
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here he is, where is he? i brought it, you’re so faint here, you pulled out the psychiatric hospital, but give me the money, i’m off, you shouldn’t be doing this, man, that now, come on, let’s put the barrel down and don’t twitch, but i don’t care about him, grandmas, let’s run away, dry, they
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’ll shoot me, don’t, don’t, please, but i’ll give it all away, come on, i’m waiting, you sit down, don’t rush, otherwise you’ll lie down, dispose of this, they’re on a wheelbarrow, burn the wheelbarrow, and if you want, keep it for yourself, i don’t care, hold it, you’re crazy, i’ll come by in a week.
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you've gone completely crazy, you've dumped the smoked stuff, smoked, baked, what's the difference, it's not you who dumped it, grandma, come on, take it, your share. if you want, you can pick it up today let's try to spin it slowly, see what kind of audience it is, i'll catch up, hello, good morning, why can't i? tell me, how long have you been working here? yes, it’s been three years already, but is there something
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wrong with us? how many administrators do you have in total? two, me and my replacement. yes. larisa. tell me, do you remember this man? yes, of course, i told him... but i already told the police everything and i don’t know anything else, okay, maybe we’ll call you and talk, maybe they missed something, goodbye.
9:43 pm
i'm coming, i'm coming, it's good to call, keep your head down, cops, why are we making noise, servicemen, good morning, mikhalovich, have you seen this passenger? what did you see? no? no, what happened? do you know oleg kolotilov, a retiree? i guess not. who is this? one-legged ensign. right away, i would say that ensign, what happened to him? can i come in? uh, that means it’s like this, citizens, bosses, the bazaar is a bazaar, into the house only with a piece of paper with... here, clearly, that’s why
9:44 pm
i love you, mikhaloch, because you ’ve always been literate with me, okay, we won’t bother you rest, let's go, with the ensign, what happened, huh? they beat him, broke his head, the opera came whatever they wanted, they have your portrait, we urgently need to look for the woman, i’m sorry, i told you everything, otherwise i’m not an assistant, your busybody, i’m already walking on the edge without offense. come on, what are you offended by, you already helped, greenfield club, where good taste is always rewarded, the more tea, the more gifts, greenfield club, you are invited, he wanted
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to take my sneakers, i’m sneakers, well take it off, and i’ll go out in something, let’s figure it out, they live according to the laws of the streets, they’d pay for a horn like that...
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look for those same sneakers at a sports shop. mikhail shufutinsky is 76 years old. how did he give the country another holiday? we are still being tortured. what happened to you on september 3? why , having lived with his beloved for almost 10 years, is he in no hurry to stamp his passport? and you are jealous. yes very. how did mikhail shufutinsky lose 30 kilos? when you have a young wife, you have to live up to it. when will he become a great-grandfather? don't fall into your chairs. we will have a baby. is the king of chanson ready to give up the stage to the young? if you return to your village, now everyone will forget about you, but all i have is it went uphill. if you want my advice, as an already grown boy, i simply ignore it. and why, having children and grandchildren, does he feel lonely? i don't get enough of their attention. well, then i think that this is probably too selfish. mikhail shufutinsky on his birthday in the million-dollar secret studio. on
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saturday at 20:20 on ntv. hello, i'm ruslan danilov, i called about this. before work, thank you, dad, dad, dad, dad, we saw my uncle, he was fighting with other uncles, girls, don’t bother me, good afternoon, hello, we’ll go for a walk for an hour, let's go to.
9:52 pm
the dogs are standing stooped, let’s go and get them out, the door is trashy. you go out through two entrances, they won’t see you, come on, thank you, come on, good luck to you, why did you decide that he has a guest, novikov, do you know how to use your eyes? you looked at the hanger, well, you looked, and under the hanger, you saw the sneakers, obviously not his size,
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you know that he has a guest, so i offered to come in, mikhalycha, he’s a useful person, you can’t offend him, maybe they’ll be drinking there until the night they will, we’ll just hang around here, what did you think? we'll sit and wait, you still can't calm down, here's the money, here all without deception. what else is this? two copies,
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everything is like for adults, did you write all night? sign, what do you think the bead will do to you, if i show him all this, you won’t go to the bead, i wasn’t joking about the bead, as soon as i go, and then i’ll ask taranov to come to you. .. i buried my face, every day then i’ll come and spit on your grave, you’ve completely fooled me, what a ram, such a ram, get out of here! okay, sorry.
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why lariska called from the hotel, the young investigator was going to interrogate her, yes, for your health, tell the girl to tell everything as it is, everything is fine with you, yes , it’s not easy for me to bring them, i’m listening. yes, of course, to croak, the old hag calls to her, well, that’s not bad, but i have nothing to do with it, she’s calling you, so go, i’m going, go.
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at home, bitch, there's her car, let's go, while you come up with a normal reason, you're offending, who? gorgaz, there is a leak in your house,
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open the door. what a leak, i'm fine, open the door, i need to check, show me your id, i left it in the car, what kind of gurgas, damn, what should i should i tell her, gorgaz? so what are we going to do? let's help now!
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hello, valentin ivanovich, we have everything in place, i ’m ready to come, valentin ivanovich, excuse me, please, it won’t work out today, i need to leave urgently, we can reschedule until tomorrow, okay, but that’s not how things are done.
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korinov, you went after khasanov, that ’s for sure, but tell me how... it so happened that murin picked khasanov from fifty meters away, and then shot this moscow lawyer almost point-blank, but what a fool she was, why
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was i a fool? i know, well, you’re an experienced opera operator, well, you yourself just think, a man is being killed next to her, and what if she runs away without looking back, yes, she stands and waits for this killer to stand in front of her. but look, here it is written in russian: the shot was fired from a distance of no more than 4-5 m, but how can that be, how do i know, i wasn’t there, okay, go ahead, for sure. what exactly, as if you weren’t there, you know that i don’t understand such jokes, our comrade died, by the way, that’s true, okay,
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go! i was looking for someone you fima, what do i need, i would like to grind with him, grind, you have it now such words that he took something of mine, and i want to return it, oh, well, let's go, if you are brave. hello, how's life? hello, citizen pavlyuk, thank you, life is in full swing with your prayers, i have never
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seen this character anywhere, no, i have not met. when was the last time you saw fima? so he speaks in warm regions, but i heard he showed up here. article 316 concealment, but you need it, but not in kind, well, what should he do here, he ’s on the wanted list, he hasn’t seen him, he hasn’t seen him, so okay, relax, thank you, great! where had you been? i told you yesterday i'm going to go to work, you've been traveling for a long time, what's going on with work? why do you need a gun in the house?
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don't you trust me? come on brother, it’s just calmer this way, although the cops come by almost every day, so what kind of work do you have? yes, to protect the car from this, so that nothing is planted, is it someone? what, you blew up vedernikov’s car near his house, you’re driving away, okay, maybe they won’t take it yet, you promised to call back when the owner decides, this is a turn. well, did you find it? local who?
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ruslan danilov is murin's best friend. the cops suspect him first of the explosion vedernikova. you check? and that he is clean? this means that danilov has nothing to do with it. kozryva, and i am about to kill murin, and i don’t have to fear him, right? danilov, a former demolitionist, and demolitionists need to be kept in sight with a good salary, can always come in handy. okay, okay, go. eh, i should have taken murin right away. watch the matches of
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metallurg-avtomobilist, khl championship fonbet, gagarin cup playoffs. hello, i'm looking for an ad for a room. here's the thing, soldier, who is a soldier, a former military man, sat behind the iron, packed bags before retirement toss and turn are you planning to live until retirement? his. like a battlefield, no damn turn, serious people were preparing drift, but he must win this fight, we need a rifle with night optics, what have you gotten yourself into again, either he us, or we him, that’s it, there’s no turning back, hot spot , new season, normal action. from tuesday at 20:00 on ntv.
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10:12 pm
well, what does he want, he says, you took something from her, the cop is on his way, don’t worry, i’m not a cop, you took my money from the ensign, a weapon, be kind, return it, but the greyhound, i see for myself that it’s a greyhound, why you decided that i failed the ensign, come on, just return what’s mine and we’ll go our separate ways, fruits, come in and we’ll discuss, there’s nothing to discuss, i’m i said everything, get in or shoot? well, there are a lot of people at the market, will you sleep? thank you for the warning. finish off? no, we’ll take it with us
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, why the hell with us, but he’s not a cop, the ensign spoke about him, because of his kalash in our car, we’ll throw him on the spot so that they can hang all the garbage on him, huh? follow me for the rope, yeah, hello, hello, if you're not kidding, who is she, just like a dancer, they took me straight from the restaurant, along with my husband, my name is katya, i wonder why, yes, there... him things have raked me into a heap for three for a day, but the lawyer says, it looks like you should be out soon, maybe it will be like that, maybe you’ll get out if you have something to walk around with, what are you driving away, bitch, what kind of wife are you, you’re an ordinary scum,
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people like you in prison are let through in a formation and kept under a bunk, quickly tell me what you know about your fucker, don’t make me angry, okay, okay, please. hey, doctors, call me, a woman fell out of bed.
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yes, mom, hi, how long will you arrive?, i don’t know yet, i have things to do. what else are you doing? you asked to take goshka, i took it, asked that i still have it aged okay, i agreed again. but you can come, he misses you, do you have someone? mom, mommy, please don't start, i'll come as soon as i can, bye. hook, i know it’s you, get out of here, i’ll call the police now, let’s call it. hello, police, be quiet, now
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the doors are breaking down on me, come quickly, it seems like someone is calling us there, well, it’s good to raise dust, that she’s a fool or something, such a loot to show off in front of the cops, let’s hurry up, i’m very scared, you hear, we’ll take it to our own. , we won't touch you, open up in a good way, well, now the police are coming, it’s good to drive bullshit, you’re no one, you didn’t call anyone, open up! i say, ah, well, i’ll kick you off for such young people, for which you must, i hear the jokers, but it seems like there’s no one, let’s go to the car.
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showed up, they say they saw him today, who is he, he’s a crazy drug addict, he’s been on the run for
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several months, and why are we looking for him? people say he was looking for iron, he asked a random ensign, and where to look for it, he seemed to be rubbing himself at the market lately, i know his friend well, she’s here at the market and it works, you will need to place it. listen, she’s definitely a friend of fima’s, not yours, as a consequence, but don’t be jealous, everything, everything, in short, i checked in with her, came with my friends, cat, so this boiler told about his...
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where he’ll take it, what you’re offering now to start it, well, turn on the boiler again, don’t think of trash as idiots, if we did, we’ll throw him in the car alive, was he driving at the depot? catching up, catching up, catching up, let's go,
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hello, handsome, are you interested in anything, how is it, your friend is... wondering, what kind of friend is this? i gave you a brooch with a butterfly, by the way, he stole it on the cauldron, or something, he’s not my friend, where is he and where am i, she just happened to live in the same house, listen, they definitely won’t think twice, but why, she doesn’t know nothing, or did you tell her, oh well, are you kidding me or what? well, you're all up to something, if she doesn't know anything, how... fastened, well, yes, they're definitely arriving at the same time, yes, like, yes, like, like, you said at the same time, shooed away, say, shooed away, yes at one point, at the bottom, i didn’t put it that way, that you were freaking out, but that you were annoying, i’m joking.
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here they are, no good, let’s take them for once, put them away.
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on the top floor there is the forty-third, no, probably the forty-fifth, the door is at the end, okay, thank you, wait, have you seen this passenger anywhere by chance, no, definitely not, who is it, but we ourselves don’t know, maybe a friend of his boiler, or maybe just some kind of visiting person. that’s it, they’ll come out now, they’ll drive,
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they’ll shoot. go around on that side, i understand.
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well, where are you little?
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damn it, police, leave the kalash, leave the kalash, i’ll shoot you. quiet, quiet, quiet, calm, i took it. let me see, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, come on, come on, everything will be fine, just don’t
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take out the knife, it doesn’t matter who you are anyway.
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i hear, this one is alive, it will live soon, knife, knife, don’t touch, pavlyuk is alive, there are no survivors, there was another one with them, he left, lie down, lie down, calmly, now the ambulance will arrive.
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10:30 pm
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apologize in advance for this mess. ay, i finally found the key to victory. dmitry, you know that i listen to your songs, i just love listening to the shaman. not chaliapin, the prohar smiles when we meet, but i want to do something so that dzhigurda would be ashamed of me, such a mistress, not a speck of dust, not a speck, everything is in the pawnshop. i wake up in the morning, it’s in my soul, i’m also with morning.
10:32 pm
mikhail shufutinsky's million-dollar secret on saturday at 20:20 on ntv. one for all, all for one. there are classics that i like more and more every time. classic grand burgers and new ones. grand piquant with a spicy tomato sauce that you really want to repeat. the classics are already waiting. delicious period. sergey and marina realized that it was better to try durian before buying. it’s good that you can first try investing in tinkof investments and only then invest your money. open an account in tenki investments and receive from the bank starting 50,000 rub. you take the income from this amount for yourself, and if there is no income, then you do not need to compensate for losses. with tenkov investments you quickly get the hang of it. chenkov:
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our happiness turned into tragedy: my husband and i turned out to be carriers of a defective gene and this gene was passed on to yasenie. i constantly feel a sense of guilt, because now our daughter may die. due to a breakdown in the gene , yasenie’s entire body suffers, the baby’s organs are destroyed one after another, and the child eventually loses his mental abilities. disabled stroller and painful death. only an immediate bone marrow transplant can save the baby from death. dear benefactors, please help me raise funds for the operation. yesenia will not be able to cope without the help of good people. send an sms to 9112 right now or make a donation on the website. save autumn
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life. you’re from here, i say, of course, from here, grandpa, but you like fishing or tinkering more, getting your pension from the post office bank, of course, because there’s a lot of profit there, translate pension to the postal bank and receive 2.0 rubles. and a chance to win a car every month, and this is for you, receive a profitable pension, postal banks, a magnet - the price is what you need, sausages fagot 1399, every second ticket wins the charity easter draw of the russian lotto and from each ticket sold, 10 rubles will be transferred to charity causes . buy tickets in branded stores on the stoloto website. alpha friday. supercake every week from alfabank. this friday, april 12 , receive 50% cashback on our card when ordering a taxi in jandex. and if there is no card, order a free alpha card and receive a supercake on alpha fridays. not just profitable. alpha is profitable. be brave about
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your expenses. сyuta. your money will not fly away, we return rubles for the remaining minutes and gigs, every month, you can iota, this is it, spring chicken marathon in rostix, every week super discounts on your favorite hits only in the rostix app, from dreams to home, one domclick, hot spot , new season, i’m planning to live until i retire from tuesday at 20:00 on ntv, i don’t have to do it like this, i have to do it like this, like that, like that, i understand, i understand, buy with a discount of up to 99% for bonuses, thank you, what kind of wind, the cops, took me to the house?
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let's go, what did you want? can't you guess? no, they called me. so that she and i can give you some kind of agreement, an agreement, an agreement could have been if i were there, today there is an agreement with these people, and tomorrow behind bars, and sailed for 10 years, well , yes, you love your own, but i don’t have my own, i’m on my own, you think what you want, but my opinion is, the cops are stirring up something, when the land issue is over, they’ll clean us up.
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so think for yourself, klintana, why did i tell you all this, and then so that you don’t go and kill me when something happens, but it’s logical. paradise, wait, what do you need, where is taranov, in the grave, i ’m talking about his brother, how do you know about him, but your friend scared you, you listen to her more,
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wait, taranov once drunkenly told me where he is? that means he didn’t tell me, he took it all out to you, you know, don’t touch him, he’s no match for you, but don’t be afraid, i won’t touch him, for me. i just need to talk to him, or have you found him as a replacement, but yes, quiet, did you hear? cats, probably, it stinks here, the sewer broke into this stink, listen, this smell is making me
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sick, let's get out of here, let's go. good afternoon. how are you? shafts and goodness, what do you have there? did you figure out who blew up the cops? in the process, listen, you’re not in your own corner, answer the question, i’m afraid you won’t like the answer, donate it already, most likely it was done by a busyga, what? you’ve completely lost your brains, why the hell is he doing this, he and vidernik didn’t have a very good relationship, and initially busyga was against it alliance with the cops, and even if that’s the case, the busyga won’t dare fart without me, he
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knows the rules, we’ve been together for more than 10 years, so maybe that’s the whole point, i mean, well, you’ve been together for more than 10 years, only you are spending millions in moscow, and butsig is in charge of the punks in the black shop or the car service center? i’m not saying that, of course, but the cops here also have their own beef with each other, it seems to me that someone has started their own game and wants to attach a bead to the locomotives, you have evidence, so far it’s just an empty market, so i don’t i affirm, this is just an opinion, give me one day to check something, okay, i ’m flying to komsomolsk on the sea in the evening, it’s your or sovik’s anniversary. all day on planes, call in the morning, okay,
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hello, good health, flight evenyevna, so i decided to start with this, negorzhik. is this temple in this condition? yes, this is a good thing. father said, i need to tell you something, of course. i listen to you, you better leave, why? don’t ask, just leave and you’ll thank me later. rais evgenevna, we are adults, let's to be honest, why should i go? for purity , so for purity.
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and what the hell are you, great guys, you saw better, our lyoshka is here, i understand, yes i understand, i understand, if there are money, “you can be with us, there’s enough space, what the cops wanted, i don’t know, who the hell knows, they've been looking for you for an hour, no, not me, yes, they've gone home a long time ago, so what's wrong with your money, take it, that's it, thank you, hey, where are you going, give it here."
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god help you, good health, i’ll do it or whatever, on business, what are your plans, well, plans, temple,
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then remember what i tell you, long time for you here they won’t let you become a saint, you will be asked for all the rams from you as from the ram, it’s better to make an agreement with me on the shore so that you don’t bite your elbows later, tikhomirov, my last name, drove the sea, you’ll find it if you want.
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to the bus station, get in. hello, yes, hello, you called, zhen, you ’re still here, you haven’t left yet, no, there were so many problems, in vain you let go of the hook, today he and his friends broke into my apartment here, and now he’s on duty under the windows , i can’t even go out, tell me the address, i’m sorry, i didn’t
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want to get you involved, i understood that, address, tell me, i’ll come right away, red october 160, come on, let’s go on the street of red october, as you say, but it won’t work out quickly, the cops blocked the whole city, damn it, what happened, they say they ruined the bank, a whole gang with machine guns, a bunch of people they crumbled it, of course, it happens, you see, they’re standing there. it's a real pleasure to taste coffee. jardin colombia medellin, from selected arabica beans, which have revealed their aroma in the author's roasting, filled with colombian passion. pleasure to feel, genuine. jarddin colombia medelin. why didn’t you
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start wandering earlier? yes, i had this music. ruzil minikaev. although there will be war soon. i see leon kemstach in the area, i’ll bury you, nikita kologrivy, don’t you understand that they will now catch us all one by one, anna will overpower, anton vasiliev, we now have the power behind us, i’ll hand over all of you in 2 weeks, sergey burunov, for what have i become? ivan yankovsky, no one likes that we ourselves are... without force, the boy’s word, blood on the asphalt, the boy’s word is only for boys, this is just the beginning, the most expected television premiere of the year from monday at 23:00 on ntv, dmitry malikov against marina fedunkev, stars on saturday at 22:00 on ntv.
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closer to you, yandex maps, board the plane plus, service for apartment solutions from transaction to finishing.
10:51 pm
sunday at 20:20 on ntv. yes, i myself did not think that i would become a driver. a friend called me. the schedule is free, there are orders. and it works out for the money. it turns out that if
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i hadn’t tried it then, i wouldn’t have understood what it was mine, just like that, dad, the journey of a taxi driver begins with yandex pro. a credit card is beneficial in any situation, the interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications. free forever, which is why the credit card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you want. allergy, i wanted to sneeze on it. i am a zodok, i help adults and children up to 24 hours. available on yandex market. mikhail shufutinsky, million-dollar secret on saturday at 20:20 on ntv.
10:53 pm
football on april 17.
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10:55 pm
what is this?
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usyga, you are alive! maybe you, rats, thank you, listen, i figured it out, you can’t take everything from her, why is that? you're exhausted from running away from the locomotive, it'll crush you, you take it first, and i'll decide.
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i found suckers, and if she has a common fund, she will share everything with you, hello, so i’m going with you, i said, sit here, why is he so businesslike? hi, hi, so what did they
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tell you, did i see through the window? katya, what's in the suitcase? that's it. books? i'm serious? don't you believe me? but i believed you when i picked it up. well, show them. now. a what else should i show them? who are they? in general, if the run were alive, they wouldn’t come close here, yes, but there is no bek, and what’s wrong with you, now i have to lie down in front of everyone, okay, then i can look, well, since there are just books there, i said that there are books there, but she didn’t say that it’s just, i mean, go look for yourself, in a large room in a closet, code 352,
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personally right. well, i found gold and diamonds, where did they come from, i left it for a century, i want to sell it all with...
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the one who took it, of course i’m showing off, but to be honest, i’m very scared, don’t give up me please. in short, there’s nothing interesting for you there, why should i be scared to believe you, you asked sava for me, well, let’s say, well, i answer, let’s leave here, so
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now what about throwing them both out? katya, give me something for half a minute, why, lie here with me, no, i’m fine there. i’ll go to bed, everything’s fine, i mean, are you disdainful? katya, katya, listen, i, i’m not disdainful, i just
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can’t. what's the matter? because maybe i’m sleeping, how? well, it happened, i was injected. and i don’t know if there was a needle on it at the same time or no, i mean, you don’t know, well, it was in a fight, then i tried to find this guy, but i couldn’t find it, you know, you’re a unique person, i mean, you looked and didn’t find it, but you heard, there are such people, doctors they call you, you come, take a test, they tell you whether you are sick or not, and where can you get it?
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you know better, maybe he? hello, hi, it's me, alesh, where are you, it's him, why didn't you tell me anything, give it to me, well, you're handsome, of course, you snuck in, but i almost got caught here, and what are you doing at natasha's, i'm looking for you ? you he’s really bad, i told you, they don’t need you alive, it seems like no one needs me anymore, he’s also hiding, he’s not answering the phone, he doesn’t care what’s
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breaking us here, well, get out of there while you’re still alive, he won’t leave until they wash themselves with blood. gone, you are my smart girl, you did everything clearly, you almost died from fear, tomorrow i will have another request for you, winline represents batrace. unique betting races where you compete with other players, choose tournaments that you like, place more bets, beat your opponents,
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take the maximum from the prize pool, races bets, only on vinline, vinline makes the difference, vinline gives freebet 3,000 without conditions to all new players, and what is this? beautiful, yes, meet me, this is zhenya, for his people he’s just a soldier, something younger, i imagined you differently, kuat decided to take over the entire business in the cemetery, and yours too, come on, like in the good old days, no, old times are over, ivan makhovikov, have we landed somewhere in the wrong place? nikolai kozak, are you going to fight, vladislav kotlyarsky, i’ll kill you, you bastard, arseny robok, give me one day, i’ll decide everything, hot period, new season, from tuesday at 20:00 on
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hello, hello, make a note, konstantin 014 irina konstantin, call. yeah, i got it. hello, police, there are two people with weapons, they got into the car, you are 2112, number k-014, we drove towards the bus station, but i wrote it down, citizen, or maybe it seemed to you that they definitely had weapons, it didn’t seem that they were with weapons, okay , your first name, last name, hello, wait, what happened? yes
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, some woman called and said that she saw two men with weapons in a car, so what? yesterday they called us, they said they heard shooting at a car service station, i called the owner, he says, nothing like that, but how will he tell you the beads, if he has something, or were you waiting for him to write you an application, you’re tired of working in the basket, so do you need the number or not, come on?
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don't move, hands, hands on the steering wheel. 12, yes , great, good, i’ll wait, see you, who are you with, the buyer, well, more precisely, the intermediary, he can take it all abroad, first you need to evaluate it, i don’t think that selling books
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is a good idea. why? well, because at least people were killed because of them. and that means you’re a neat guy, right? it's okay that you are you going to make a bunch of people out of these trunks? well, he’s a bandit and i’m not doing this for the money. that is, it means that you are our soldier, and i am a bandit’s litter, right? okay, don’t interfere, i’ll figure it out myself. who is there, good afternoon, this is valentin ivanovich,
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there, wait, bye, hello, we agreed, if you will, of course. the guys are working, standing facing the wall, working with a chop, don’t twitch, facing the wall, well, a search warrant, hello, how did you get there, it sucks, they didn’t let you get enough sleep, say, well, i don’t even know.
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in half an hour, download the application, get a luck bonus from the betting league, five deuces, go to green, i gave you instructions to keep the connection through the girl, while i get to the girl, while the girl gets to you, this is all a long time, you need to quickly, you’ve already done it quickly , vedernikova with...
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listen, the little one has arrived, there’s a kid in the third class, matavila. they took his name for slaughter, can you transfer him to me so that he’s close by? i’ll do it, throw kisses into the investigative bags, organize it, what are you making noise, comrade captain, there’s a checkpoint there visitors brought, well, bring here, yes,
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your sidekick has arrived, okay, let's go to the dogs, yes, go, i'll have to chat with him, shall we? backwater, brotella, tramp, great, great, okay, i'll heal it on my own, yeah? that's what i think. eight out of twelve , in any case, you will have to serve, so for now you
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are in charge here, in general, as for you, in my mother’s house i have a cache under the floor of the pantry, there are dollars there. do you remember the gold and stone from rostov? so for now you put it all down in the common fund, let them spin around, it’s not good for them to lie idle, between us, i’m for no one but you i don’t trust anyone, bro, listen, i won’t let you down, you and i are like two fists, i know, bro, i know, when i get out, we’re like that. we’ll keep going, everyone will puke with envy, the main thing is to hold out,
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who’s there? come in openly, well, great, hello, what happened to the lather, that you didn’t go to court, what’s the point of walking around there to show off your face once again, three times i submitted this stinking thing, so they signed it for you, that they signed it, well, what? did you sign at all?
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search, before starting i suggest voluntarily . now with us in this apartment will be carried out hand over drugs and weapons. and the items were taken out of circulation, in the chest of drawers, bottom drawer, oleg, oh, unexpectedly, this is all mine, she has nothing to do with it, let’s take it, heavy, it looks like what we
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are looking for, the key is on the shelf, code 352, this is also mine, why are you interfering again, well, your hero, apparently, is not aware that all your telephone conversations were recorded, we know whose books these are, yes, this is it, yes, we basically know everything about you. so, now you take the girl, go with her to the kitchen so that they don’t conspire, well, call the witnesses there, let’s go, come on, come on, wait, what to do with this, what to do with this, but now i’ll call the department, let my colleagues come, fill out the documents, call the... from the weapons department, that
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they checked this property, hello, it’s me, well, yes, we found everything, now we’ll formalize it, yeah, listen, you can push kolya from the armory there to come, well, to the address, yeah, that’s it, let’s get in touch, bye. so, well, let's go for mushrooms, for nuts, i 'll take care of everything, seriously, just don't touch her, and you're our hero.
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where did you go, weirdo, it’s me, damn it, and i i met you from the train, i thought you wouldn’t come, from the train, and what do you think i’m supposed to do, to ride trains, but no, what are you, well, i’m a sucker, hear you, loser, they poked you with a trunk, so you shit yourself, i won’t poke you, i’ll immediately unhook the lead. don’t kill, well, i ’ll do whatever you say, balabol, take this one away, the way, will he show where the way is going?
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katya, zhenya, zhenya, are you okay? yes, i'm fine. you are alone? yes, they left, zhen, they handcuffed me, can you free me? now we'll come up with something.
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zhenki, please forgive me, i have to i could immediately guess who they were, it’s not your fault, give me your hand, they beat you, it’s nonsense, they endured everything, right? books, weapons and even money, and you know that, who they called, we only talked on the phone, where did the phone come from? i found the notebook, katyunya,
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open it, stop hiding, i miss you. who is this locomotive, katya, who are you whispering with, isn’t this a little guy you have there, like his soldier or something, don’t open it, so yura, go away, i have nothing, katyuny, what if i go to your mother? , with your backbreaker for i’m interpreting, but how do you like this arrangement?
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yes, okay, let's go talk, download the app, get a good luck bonus from the betting league, five thumbs up, go to green, great guys, i came to get used to it, i'm tired of being a dude, the kid is now with us, who's older? i’m the boy’s word: there’s blood on the asphalt, you’re a kid now, you’re off the street now, there are enemies all around, from monday at 23:00 on ntv. hot spot, new season, from tuesday at 20:00 on ntv. anxiety can be treated. new - afobazol retard. gradual release of the active substance, just one tablet per
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to drink, how about some water for you? yeah, yeah, i'll give you some water now. have you confused the rams, armored guy? and i ’ll roll you into concrete, i told you to jump on us, and answer, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, well, they just started, that’s right, what are you chasing, who started what, yesterday i was fired upon, tell me, is it something that hurts your head, or something, you actually shot a video camera, and what should i see, i collected a gin , episode 54, yours, holy shit. a forensic expert has been found, look at him, there’s nothing to hide, yes, i told you right away,
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you can’t be trusted, you ’re going to devour everything into one mug, so your textbook won’t help you, we won’t have a conversation with you , boss, and we'll see about that later. call on time, call back later, oh well, tell me, i’ll sleep off later, i’m slowly moving in with the booster business, almost everything is ready on the ground, there are a couple of stubborn people left, well, decide quickly, but we hear everything about this idiot, about the busyga, he’s sitting in solitary confinement, there’s no connection, okay,
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okay, find him a lawyer,
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dad said that you look at me like that, but how i look, as if i’m guilty of something, and you’re not guilty, no, tell me, is misha zhikharev deceased? why did she catch you, but she caught you, since you started knocking on him, from whom do you know, well, the technology is nice, you can’t fool the technology now, zhikharev is on his phone there are more calls from you than from your own wife, well, this is personal for us.


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