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tv   Podsudimii  NTV  April 12, 2024 1:50am-2:41am MSK

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a number of benefits and guarantees, but there is also something that has no price. to be shoulder to shoulder with comrades, to defend your family and homeland, to fight for a just cause, to gain new knowledge and skills, to become stronger. join yours! serve under contract! there is a science program on air and we are
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a program about how science will change our lives in the next 10 years. so, alexander vladimirovich, let's start with you, do you have a forecast of how likely it is that science will defeat atherosclerosis in 10 years? in this case, i think that in 10 years only 10 percent. statins are the most criticized drugs, in my opinion, in the history of medicine, in principle, people are so afraid of them, they work, they have been proven in all studies beyond doubt. doctors don’t, but patients have colossal doubts, they are afraid of them, when we talk about lifestyle modifications, they seem so simple, well , you walk a whole stop from the metro to work or back, but the weather is different, but we have clothes, please take a walk every day, don’t buy sweets in this abundance, stop smoking even with with the help of doctors, it’s easy, especially soda, yes, no, people don’t want to do this because they think that it’s not...
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for them, when they already come to the doctor with an extreme degree of atherosclerosis, when surgical correction is required, when a multidisciplinary approach is required, when neurologists are already working with dementia, when the brain no longer works functionally, we forget everything, and teeth fall out, the heart does not work, we are no longer used to physical activity, and we are already overweight, here we have only such tactics what let's stay on place, and here we are already talking about preventing thrombosis, saving life. can't lengthen it, so i only give 10%. you believe in science, but not in us, in people, in people, people believe 10%, 10%, thank you very much, well, science must defeat atherosclerosis, because new technologies have appeared, if people are already growing artificial vessels, making valves, maybe in 10 years they will learn, although here are the latest studies. twenty-third
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year in the netherlands they grew a vessel from stem cells using collagen, it took root so far in animals, well, in 10-15 years, maybe people will help us, so we believe in science, with what probability, 40-50 percent, let's 50, let's 50%, thank you very much, 10 years, the period is very short, this very little, even for a new drug or new technology to appear, come out, enter into widespread use. there is another fly in the ointment: of course, an increase in life expectancy is very good, but an increase in life expectancy may turn out to have a downside to the coin, the more, the more people there are elderly and senile age, the greater the likelihood, well, it’s like... a possible scenario
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of people with cognitive disorders, with cancer, the emergence of a large population of people with cognitive disorders, with cancer, this can give rise to problems of a medical, social and other nature, which it is not yet very clear to us, that is, you will have a person who is quite well preserved from the point of view of the cardiovascular system, but in whom...
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prevent, that is, defeat atherosclerosis in each individual patient, not generally globally, when there are still only risk factors, there is no disease, but doctors have risk factors.
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healthy lifestyle there are surgeons who , and moreover, science can already grow new vessels, but no, a person stubbornly clogs these vessels again with his plaques from some kind of soda, here, here, with this, you understand, not eat this, this is me, this is what i brought for you, this is what i brought for myself, this is what, oh, how cunning you are, well, listen, it’s actually true, let’s put it all aside, science of course it helps us, but it’s enough just not to eat this, walk 10,000 steps, engage in, well, let’s not do sports, just physical education, do physical education, undergo a medical examination, that’s all, plus 10-15 years to life, it was a program, science, science and we are a program about how science will change
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our lives, including yours, in the next 10 years, please don’t get sick, take care of your health, let’s all go through medical examination together, see you in a week, and i ’m off to count the steps, bye ...
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don't fall asleep, i'm afraid, what if you come again disappear, no, baby, i won’t disappear anywhere else, i promise you, and mom, i miss you, is she really, yes, mashenka, i’m very sorry, but... “we won’t see our mom again, don’t cry, you don’t did this, no, i didn’t, i missed you very much, and i missed you too, i also
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missed you very much. we can start, start, last name, first name, patronymic, andrey ivanovich klimov. andrey ivanovich, why did you give up? i’m accused of murder my family. today everyone saw that i... killed my daughter, now i intend to prove that i also did not kill my wife, you could prove this in court, but they didn’t file a complaint, why? at that moment i found out that my daughter was alive, why did you confess to two murders?
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the man who killed my wife kidnapped my daughter, masha, he threatened that he would kill her if i did not take the blame, i did so. first he falsified the evidence, and then surrendered, this was the only way to save masha’s life, but these are all words, we need evidence, there is evidence, the knife with which she was killed. you are my wife, we have the knife, this is the main evidence against you, your fingerprints are on it, you don’t have that knife, which means not the same, the knife that you have is evidence that i myself forged, in fact the killer used a different knife, that is, if i understand you correctly, klimov, you have data that the investigation does not have, yes, there is. in that case, perhaps you know who the killer is. investigator
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ignatiev. knows who the killer is. ignatiev. andrey, i know everything. do you know who killed natasha? it was dmitry, or more precisely, alexey mesterov. did you know all this time? well, where are you looking, andrey viktorich? your subordinates are making us look like idiots. ignashevich, or what? are you there? ignatiev. ignatiev, comrade general. ignatiev. klima said that you know everything. come on, tell us. “i don’t understand why he said that, and why should he
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lie, he himself gave up, he only proved that his daughter is alive, and you think that’s not enough, well , get your act together, this is a resonant matter, people should see that we stand behind the truth we are fighting evil, keep in mind that everyone is yours." step by step i will follow personally and draw conclusions, keep working, eat, ignatiev, stay, are you swimming like a green kid, the first thing is yours, you know, no, i didn’t do anything i know, i don’t want to know, who knows what he’s carrying there? klimov, so as
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not to sit down for life, he will compose such fairy tales, the shaherizades will envy, what if these are not fairy tales, but shut up, don’t even think about saying it out loud, you didn’t say it, i didn’t hear it, you now have only one choice, stand your ground, know i don’t know anything, i had no idea, the whole conversation. you know that klimov will not give up, but i didn’t give a damn about klimov, he’s a nobody, crush him, or i’ll crush you, for that matter, you’re also a nobody, i understand, i understand, so i’m glad that you i finally understood, and god forbid you buck, i’ll try, that’s it... okay, try, pull yourself together, pull yourself together, ignatiev,
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pull yourself together, nothing’s finished yet, go to work, please, some details , something but, finally. i surrender to prove my innocence.
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aida klimov, ah, yes, well done, he found the girl, and he has a knife, and if it doesn’t work out, it’s interesting to prove it after he’s given up. dmitry lich, are you ready? why are you looking at me like that all the time? i'm sorry, it's time for us to go to the pre-trial detention center. committee. i'll come down now. okay, dmitry ilyevich. what should i tell them? the truth? what truth? there is evidence against you and your sincere confession, what is the truth?
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you know, i thought a lot about the events of that night at natasha's. there was no chance to escape, but you have denis, he is still there, the interrogation is over, let’s put him in the cell, remember, denis, you were the closest friend of our family, masha asked about you. she's bored, tell me, are you 100% sure that kleimov is a killer, tell me, looking into his eyes, are you sure, sure, kapralov is
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himself, yes, denis yurievich, in his office. we need to talk, it looks like you have a problem. well i don't think so. am i the only one with problems? i mean the problem of moral choice. still a moral choice, the fact that the girl was found does not change anything, but for me it changes, for me it changes a lot, cool down, denis yurich, re-examining the case will not give anything, well, okay, the girl was found, she is alive, but the wife he won’t resurrect the dead, i ’ve had enough, denis yuryevich, in what sense, i
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found klimov’s daughter, and you have your part of the agreement? still not completed, i’m working on it, it looks like i’m working better than you, we’re all in the same boat, sinking so much together, what ’s required of me, a knife, i need a knife, then everything will return to normal, title, bonus, position.
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congratulations, now let’s smear dad, and we’ll smear you, don’t turn away. andrey, yes, you hope for a retrial, of course, masha is waiting, she can’t wait until it’s all over, i’m afraid she won’t wait, repeat how you’re going to win the case, but not without your help for sure,
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i’ll be on the other side of the barricades, denis , what that means, huh? this means that i will testify against you again. denis, me, good afternoon, hello, how are you, masha? everything is fine, i’m not here today. yeah. dad, hello, i'm fine. uncle yura and grandma are with me all the time, i miss you very much, i love you, daddy, come back soon!
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good afternoon, hello, how are you, andrei, everything is fine, nikolai valentinovich, this is the knife that was used to kill natasha, there are traces of the blood of the real killer on the handle, i want him to stay with you, only you can i trust, when i find masha, i will surrender and this knife will become my main proof that everything is fine with me too. i like your attitude. good luck to all of us. thank you, nikolai valentinovich. good afternoon. hello.
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defense side. you stated that you have evidence of your client’s innocence. yes, your honor, i want to add evidence to the case, the knife that actually killed natalya klimova, on the handle of which the murderer’s blood remained. send the evidence for examination and find out when the results will be ready, court hearing
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a break is announced, i ask everyone to stand up, yes, yes, allow it, and it’s you, nikolai valentinovich, yes, of course, yes no, thank you. i ’m listening to you, artyom vadievich, yes, well, you know that klimov is my best employee, given that the knife is a key piece of evidence, i would like to accompany your man, if of course you don’t mind. actually, of course, why not, thank you. thanks to artyom vatimovich.
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it has begun, who would doubt it? is kamaz chasing us? yes, it looks like it. and we are not alone, it’s easier, who wins, and you, as
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i see, don’t like racing, well, to be honest, i love chess more, i can’t disagree with you. must leave, strength. gulda. to the right, come on, now, uh-huh, just like
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that, yeah, i told you that we’ll leave, swing, knife. no, they interfered with me, i missed them, they were covered by dmitry ilyevich, i ’ll rip your guts out, i think it’s all over now, i’m afraid it’s all just beginning.
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the process is not fast, we may not make it by the end of the day, i think there is no point in waiting for you, nothing. it’s okay, i’ll wait, well, as you know, then i ’ll go, go ahead, thank you, good luck.
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this is the end and there's nothing i can do we can take prints from you, dmitrievich. again, did you get the results? yes, the prints belong to dmitry nesler, which means the deceased is alexey. i hope you are satisfied now. as a rule, small troubles turn into big problems. be careful. so it is.
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ilya petrovich at home? yes, he was there, but he asked not to disturb him for about 15 minutes. great, thank you. i asked you not to disturb me. yes, but it can't wait. what happened, dad, i need your help, i’m finished, dmitry, you know very well, i’m lyosha, what are you talking about, dima, i know that it was you who changed the fingerprints, then when dima died, there was no one else for you, shut up immediately, idiot!
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me one more time, i will take everything from myself, financial fraud and companies, i will do everything as you say, you are in your mom, on the knife that killed klimov’s wife, my blood, as soon as the results of the examination are ready for me, the end, i know you don’t care about me, but think about the reputation of the company, get out, alexey, yes. i'm alexey, but you'll have to help me one more time, but thanks, dad!
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sorry it took so long? it's okay, time doesn’t matter, the result is more important to me now, that’s all, and we guarantee you the result, yes, i know, thank you for your work, here is a copy, the original. we're sending you to court, yes, i'm aware, well, thank you again, all the best,
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dank's analysis is ready, well, i hope it's all over? “ there will be no re-examination of the case, which means there won’t be, traces of dna were found on the knife, natalya klimova is yours, there are no other traces. what did you do with the knife? what did you do with it? i
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didn’t do anything. kapralov sat all the time at the door of the experts , during analysis in laboratory, no one entered, then where is nesterov’s blood, where did it go, huh? where is the blood that was on the knife? she couldn't search on her own? didn’t do anything, didn’t do anything, not a single word of yours, where to draw blood, you’re a traitor, you did it, you bastard, masha, natasha, they loved you, they believed you, and you betrayed them, traitor, i hate you , assure your hands.
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nikolai valentinovich, how can it be, but that’s all. andrey, forgive me, okay, i have to go, thank you, why, thank you, for
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taking the most important evidence from under my nose they took me away, but i’ll never forgive myself for this, you arrogant fool, you were the only one who believed in me all this time. thank you for this, give it up, it’s not over yet, don’t give up, i won’t give up, i will fight for masha, well done! good afternoon, dmitrich. i think you made
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a wise decision. invest cross-capital will only benefit from this. it will be necessary. to put your signature on several documents, i think it won’t take us much time, i of course understand that signing such a pile of papers is not a fun task, but it will have to be done. on each page, here is the signature, transcript and date. dmitry ilch, is something wrong? all wrong. i was told that you are ready to sign a confession. i wonder who told you this? it seemed to me that we agreed on everything. let him sign,
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ilyusha, well, when will dima come, alyoshenka sometimes comes, but dima doesn’t at all, i didn’t offend him in any way. “yes, he completely backed off, i should have listened to you then, everything would have been different, what are you talking about, alyusha, yes. well, tell me how this works out,
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if he’s ready to give up on me, so, then my hands are also untied, or do you think that a son should not do this, should not betray his father, yes, blabla, but you must admit, father, and you too, you have always considered me. freaks, why be surprised now, it’s their own fault, bribes from me are smooth, presented.
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listen, andrey, the repeated examination yielded nothing, no traces, this should have been expected, but that’s not why i came to you, altunin gave up, why? i don't know, i came. statement that he is ready to write a confession, what he wants to confess to, has not yet
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i know, pushkov just took him to the interrogation room, i need to talk to him, so you claim that you slandered klimov, saying that it was he who stabbed you, yes, what i said then is not true, because klimov actually saved me, it was he who called the ambulance, why didn’t you tell me right away? there were reasons for that, why on earth should i believe you this time? because i’m telling the truth, but we will definitely figure it out when you told the truth, then or now, well, you know very well that the task of false testimony, i’m not, i understand everything perfectly, yeah, did i understand you correctly? you said that you were at klimov’s apartment on the night of the murder? yes,
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that's right. and i officially declare it. klimov did not kill his wife. and who killed her? and kidnapped their child? i kidnapped their daughter. and in the apartment with me was dmitry nesterov and tonic. this man is a bitch, so i will ask you to write down on paper everything that was told to me. “i have to talk to him, alena, stop the recording, okay, nikolai valentinovich, let’s go, pushkov,
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go, let’s have some tea, i obey, andrey!” you have a minute, andrey, why, why are you doing this? are you doing? listen, tonic has great ones, i heard that they will pin everything on me, i want you to be released, no, that won’t happen, prove that nesterov is a killer, you can only be free, there must be another option, you must get out from here, andrey, i ask you, listen to me, don’t think about me, think about masha, please, andrey, that’s it, andrey, it’s time, let’s go. let's go, let's go, let's go, come on andry, denis khyurivich, altunin has evidence that nesterov was the killer of natalya klimova, it’s
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interesting, why was he silent before, i think he was afraid with a slingshot on... an aircraft carrier, not everyone will dare, but now he has become bolder, his conscience has soaked him, the man knows that klimov did not kill, but he lost his wife, they gave him a life sentence, and they will never see their daughter again, if everything this is to know how you can live with it, and you know, you’re probably right, yes, i’m listening to you. altonin testified and said he has proof that you are the killer. okay, i understand, i'll think about it. think. it's just too late to think.
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we need to act. you didn't kill them, you don't know that, let's go there, you need to leave, go away, i say. without threatening me, i understood you so accurately.
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second, what happened there, suicide right in the cell, the detainee hanged himself, hey, hey, hey,
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what happened, sasha, altunin, sasha, answer me, sasha, hey! what's wrong? go sleep. let's go. yes, i handed over the documents. oh, you're a friend! and she passed on information to the police, i know, you know, i know, don’t shout, yulia, go out, wait
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for me outside the door, bring her back, i didn’t finish the conversation with her, she’s killing the company, it’s you who are killing with your machinations company, and there is no need to wave your hands, i am no longer the same lyosha whom you beat, whom you mocked, are you not the same? maybe you 'll tell everyone who you are? don't have enough courage, or do you need help? and i won’t think, and you will remain silent. here is all your black accounting. you will be in prison for a long time, for you it will mean forever. vyrdok. “i shouldn’t have helped you, i forgave you dima’s death, you shouldn’t
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have helped you with the prints, with the knife, but you always didn’t give a damn about me, you did n’t save me, you saved the reputation of the investment cross-capital, everything i did in this life, i did for you, my sons, you don’t need sons, you need one heir. so that there is someone to leave the business, i hate you , i hate your business, lyosha, lyosha, the ambulance! “lyosha, soon,
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dad, dad, you saved me so many times, save me one more time, the last one, it will be better for everyone, and for the company, for the company too, for the company too, and lyosha, help, help!
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tell me, klimov , this is altoony.


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