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tv   Podsudimii  NTV  April 12, 2024 2:40am-3:31am MSK

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ksenia vladimirovna. petrovich asked not to disturb him for several hours, and, of course, taking into account the newly discovered facts and circumstances, as well as the confessional testimony of altonin himself, the charge was eliminated, like any sane person, there should be no doubt that my client is not guilty. tell me, klimov, this is alton. killed your wife. altunin threatened
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that he would kill your daughter if you did not take the blame for the murder of natalya klimova. well, don’t be silent, please, you have to get out of here, andrey. i beg you, listen to me, give me do it the way i want. please don't think about me, think about masha. defendant, you understand the question. yes, so answer, the man who threatened to kill your daughter was altunin, yes, it was him.
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congratulate me, i was reinstated in the service, today is my first day, congratulations, the first day immediately to me. i came to tell you that nothing has changed, i will continue to watch you and wait for you to make a mistake, and if i don’t make a mistake, i will never, at all, live an ordinary life like everyone else, i’m essentially a good person, a good person, you say? you
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you see, i became a victim of unfortunate circumstances. i won't let you live a normal life. keep this in mind, alexey ilyech nesterov. “how restless you are, okay, okay, i understand you, hello, welcome back, hello, hello, thank you, first day today?”
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you see, nothing has changed, nothing has changed in 8 months, except perhaps our relationship, but it’s not my fault, denis, all you had to do was do your job and not lie. is it fair to tell that guy to get out of prison? i left prison to imprison nesterov, including for the murders of this guy. yes, and if it doesn’t work out, it will work out, and if it doesn’t, everyone will consider him a murderer. are you being honest? listen to me, denis. i will investigate this matter step by step. everyone involved in this will be punished. who participated, who? who
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knew, but was silent, and i really hope that this does not affect you, but what if? you dream about what you will do, life will show you, julia, that’s enough. stop blaming you, i wanted to help you and didn’t want him to die. you know, i didn’t understand before why you agreed to marry dima. let's not talk about this, let's be honest. come on, you
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had no reason to love either my father or our entire family, it was for our company that your father died, i am the last of the nesterovs, and if you are done with your revenge, i did not set such a goal for myself. i just think all the time about how we will live in the future. i know that klimov returned to the investigative committee. this shouldn't bother you. do you remember that you promised to protect me and zhora, so that nothing happens, nothing will happen.
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yes, klimov is watching you, where is he going, it’s interesting, yes, it’s interesting, it’s a shame you can’t follow him into the building, you’ll have to. wait, i hope, not 2 hours, like in the cafeteria, could i ever have thought that i was a shifter, i would be tracking down a criminal,
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he was coming at us, he was coming at us, come on, come on, what ’s going on, huh? i see him, i see, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, yelling, please, what are you doing, come on , come on, come on, come on, come on, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go faster, please, okay will be, by, by, by, slipped by, come on, come on, come on, there he is, there he is, driving parallel, come on, come on, come on, turn, turn, and let's go, let's go, let's go,
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rome, we have to leave here, somehow, we have to get out, let's go there to the checkpoint, otherwise we we drive in circles, let's go faster, get closer, let's try. what are you doing? what are you doing? please, business cards on the table, thank you.
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well, now you have become the chairman of the board of directors, mesters, lyosha, help, dmitry ilyevich, is everything all right? yes, yes, i just remembered my father, i'd probably
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rather stay in my old office, certainly. colleagues, i have a surprise for you, please, hello, guys, yasha, hello, everyone, old man, hello, i'm glad, hello, yasha, hello, andreich, oops, quiet, quiet, you'll break it all again, sorry, how's that you, well, thank god, your head is all right, think about it already.
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going with whom will he meet? where? well , we work with people, nikolai valentinovich. is information worth its weight in gold? yeah, wow, let me see. and you, are you sure that your informant can be trusted? quite, this is an employee of invest cross-capital. further, anatoly chernykh, personally tonic, is sure that it is with his hands that nesterov commits all his dirty deeds. i have a couple of questions for this guy, the last one, nicole polyanova,
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wow, she’s cute, the girl disappeared, and her relatives put her on the wanted list, but i’m afraid that the girl is already dead, here in more detail, what does she have to do with this case, she was a classmate of yulia nesterova and dmitry’s mistress, after meeting with nesterov she disappeared. okay, so what do you think you should do? is nesterov afraid of everyone who knows who he is or can find out? i'll make him nervous to make mistakes. well, guys, go ahead, work. andryusha, come to me. yes. we are working. let's begin. welcome back. yes. thank you. on tuesday the twenty-fourth. at 11:00 you have a meeting with the architect tsellikov on a new project, 13:30 mr. bezubchenko,
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new electronic technologies, 14:20, i’m tired of being tired of your schedule, endless meetings, negotiations, constantly smile at someone, ilya petrovich had same gra, i have no one to talk to. just to talk, you know, you're drinking, there's no time, well, that's us let’s correct it, i’m inviting you tonight, okay, dmitrich, that’s all, yeah.
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but he knows that i’m alexey, what do you think they could do with nicole’s body, bury, drown, i don’t know, but he... knows for sure, yes, he knows for sure, of course, that’s not it will lead us to nicola's body; the case of the missing person has finally moved forward. unknown nicole palenova. 3 months ago she arrived in st. petersburg , literally on the second day she disappeared, late in the evening, leaving her hotel. the search began only 2 days later at the request of the parents, with with whom the girl did not contact after arrival. the press service of the investigative committee reported that they finally managed to find the body of the unfortunate girl. where exactly
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the crime occurred is not reported in the interests of the investigation. tonic, uh, fussed. yeah, the fish bit, so that’s it, finish it, that’s it, well, as they say, the thief’s cap is on fire, what makes you think that he ’ll go straight to her, like deduction, like experience, that he’s completely sick, well, now you can go , how long have you been with me?
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"i invited you to finally arrange all the i's are dotted. listen, i know that you told your father a lot about me, yes, relax, you were his man, dmitrich, i want, excuse me, as i understand it, you did your job and did it conscientiously, i would like to leave you, but on absolute conditions. my trust in you, of course, dmitrich, thank you, i wonder where he’s going, now we’ll find out, finn decided to rush off, at this rate he ’ll be at the border in 40 minutes, he’s not going to repin to nesterov’s country house, so he’ll arrive soon , come on.
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yes, you are a truth teller, and a true bripin. yes, it’s impossible to find it here, it’s some kind of setup, well, black people, show me where you buried it, tell the truth, i’ll issue a guilty plea, yeah, well, hello, that’s what it means, yes, you hear, drop the knife.
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that's it, that's it, forty, that's it, forty, that's it, yes, that's it, that's it, that's it, you'll kill it, thank you, are you home now, no, i'll stop by the office, well, i think we had a good time, great, thank you, thank you , ladnik, all the best, i have one question for you: you want
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to know why i do this, of course, i can explain everything. yes, i'd like to know. how many how many years have you been working for the nesterovs? a lot, but it doesn't matter. i didn't take the oath. it's just a job. why now? not earlier, not later. understand, i have to understand why you are helping me. too many deaths lately. i don't want to be next. he went to the office,
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what the hell, nicole, she was unlucky, she knew dmitry too well. and you killed her. klimov, you’re just burning up at work. it's night outside, why aren't you sleeping? we found nicole's body, black or whatever you call it, tonic, told me where to look for her. you need to rest it’s necessary, otherwise you’ll start talking again. and you ’re nervous, you don’t show it, but you’re nervous, which means you’ll soon start making mistakes. and in big ways, in small ways. not expected? what are you
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up to? i told you, i won’t let you live in peace, as if nothing happened. i’ll have a dna test in the morning, i’ve changed security in the laboratory, there are experts working in the house, i have the tonic, so what do you mean? will you do it alexey ilvich, i’ll be waiting at the investigative committee in the morning.
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well good luck, goodbye! fly, great, and i found out or have already become arrogant, macaw, what are you, ah, great, great, arthur movsesovich, and artur mavsesovich, well , of course, you have changed so much in 2 months, and why are we... we’ll change you too, we’ll make a man out of you, let’s get in the car, let’s go, it’s yours, mine, mine, get in, come on, wow artesovich,
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what is she saying, hello, what, what is she saying, yes, i’m listening, we have a problem. seriously, klima took my man, the executor, in short, if he speaks, the situation will get out of control, like the name of the detainee, that’s the problem, that no one officially detained him, look for klimov.
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there is no klimov, he himself is still andrei viktorovich, and where he? i don’t know, i’m calling, he’s not answering, well , call him wherever you want him, detective, don’t come to me... “i wish you good health, general, something happened, happened, klimov, you know very well what happened, you, who allowed to grab people without a warrant, i’m guilty, i don’t understand what we’re talking about, where are you going, klimov, i told you, don’t swim behind the buoys, what are you allowing yourself to do, where are the blacks?” i do everything that i allow myself, only as part of the investigation into the altunin case, there is no investigation, no, it was a suicide, that’s it, sorry, but
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i have my own point of view on this. shove it you know where, remember it, klimov, the case is closed, altyn killed himself. tell me, comrade general, before his suicide, altunin also turned off the video surveillance cameras, and sent the officer on duty for a walk, who? altunin, what are you getting at? i’m not getting anywhere, i’m just saying that i’ll find out absolutely everything, who is to blame for the death? in the cell, who helped, who covered up, but if it’s suicide, i think we have nothing to worry about, really, let me go, go, i don’t know about you, but i like this game.
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but we can stop it, as soon as you say who killed my boss felix, everyone thinks that it was me, but it’s not me who killed natalya klimova, but nicole, patalaganatama, sanka altyna, and the battery died. well, it’s okay, maybe golf, you love golf, but you love racing, but i love it, i don’t know how, really, but i love it.
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hello, andrey ivanovich, we are looking. fine. you have informants in half the city on
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your payroll, dmitrievich, we are looking for them. i'm afraid that krimov outplayed him, tonic fell into a trap. search, raise everyone. yes, dmitrievich, another trouble. they are searching your country house. verisov, why am i paying you money? tell me how you could let the cops into my house. what could i do? i don't know anything, you could have burned it. burn it? dmitry ilyevich, maybe i don’t know something. do we have something to hide? idiots. lord, there are only idiots working around. what will happen now? you won't allow the climate, will you? i 'll sort everything out, you can forget this last name. daddy, when are we going to the water park? since i promised, let's go on the weekend, will that suit you? of course great. i can? something
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help, but thanks for the offer, so, let's wrap it up, at home, there are things to do, andrey ivanovich, andrey ivanovich, we found it, but. who washed you thoroughly, but missed something, look, here, here and here there are traces of blood, well done, thank you, let's go, all the best, yes, dmitry ilyevich, the matter is rubbish, the experts found
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blood in the house, what something... can i do it? sorry, dmitry ledich, i won’t go there. is it that bad? yes, let's go quickly, you go and tear it down for me now, so you say everything will stop, fuck you, you idiot, well, let's go, so that means, let's go, let's go, let's go, forty, forty, what are you doing, i'm playing golf, why? i hung him up so that he wouldn’t run away, let’s take it off, i’m sure, of course, i’m sure, take it off, come on,
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well, let’s talk, what do you mean you’re here with us? kind policeman, right? look, five premeditated murders, not counting attempted murder, this is enough for five life sentences, but it’s not nesterov who will go to prison for this, you will go to prison for this, although you were simply following his orders, and now the main thing is, what do you think, well, will you take these crimes will leave himself, the mesters you are alive, i need to think, think, this is your life, but just keep in mind. court, i want to go with nester, not you. i don't need you. yes, yasha. what? thank you. what an interesting
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coincidence. which? nesterov is now going to the investigative committee. he said that he wanted to cooperate with the investigation. everything will be fine,
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i think you know who it is? nikolya polenova disappeared after meeting you, and recently we discovered her body, not far from your country house, i assume it was you. alexey ilyich killed her and subsequently hid her body. as you know, dmitry ilyich was in prison at that time. i agree, but his accomplice, anatoly chernykh, was at large. he could have helped alexei ilyech hide the evidence, namely hide the body. this is your guess, not just that. i have details of telephone conversations, where it is clear that chernykh and nesterov called each other, including on the day of the girl’s disappearance, and most importantly , nikola polenova’s blood was found in the house, this
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is confirmed by dna testing. please take a look. nikolya georgievna polenova was a friend of dmitry ilch’s family, she often visited them in the house. andrey, just a second, chernykh admitted to the murder of nicole polenova, as he admitted, like this. it’s clear, the interrogation is over for today, we will contact you, yasha, thank you, why did you
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do this, and why admit to something you didn’t do, i killed her, no, you ’re shielding the mesters. if you killed, where is the murder weapon? i got rid of him, got rid of him? we ’ll go to this house now and you’ll show me where you hid it, you’ll show you the end, understand? okay, andrey, let's go. you did everything right, i'll get you out of here, thanks, i need to know where the weapon is murders. under the clonboy, we jumped next to you,
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thank you, come to the duty room immediately, that’s right, i understood you. quiet, it's me, what should i do? tell me that i committed a crime on nesterov’s orders, and what do you want? this will help, nesterov’s lawyers will get him off anyway. your testimony is
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a powerful argument. first of all, i'm interested in nicola's murder. he won't say anything. he's not a fool. yes, he's not a fool. but i think that in a certain situation he will say. and we will try to create such a situation. here you go. this will come in handy. here. record, you're everything i did the right thing, i'll get you out of here, thank you, i need to know where the murder weapon is under the club, next to the swing, yes, thank you, that's what i need, now it's mine, i... i understand what you're waiting for, i don't understand ,
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you, you’ve been chasing him for so long, yes, that’s true, but it’s too early to take him, we have a witness, there’s a recording on the dictaphone, yes, everything is so that prevents us from arresting him if we take him now, then he will be tried like dmitry, but i want him to be tried like alexei, and for everything in full, including the murder of his brother. he destroyed everything direct evidence, even fingerprints. but indirect ones, i think, will not be enough. wait, andrey, is there something you’re not telling me? there is a person who can prove and confirm that he is alexey. bon appetit, thank you, dad, do you remember
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about sunday, of course, we’re going to the water park, thank you, why don’t you eat, i don’t want to, something is bothering you, dad, you’re brave, what a guy, from the highest slide with you can easily go with me. mom, will you go with us down the highest hill? i'm a coward, son. mom, there is no need to be afraid of anything. while i'm near you, don't be afraid of anything. for a branded clothing store, i would recommend you an expensive, decent place, but what type of focus is the store planned for? male, i need it to be solid.
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isn’t going to sell it, that means he wasn’t offered a decent price, let’s go and talk to the owner, but were you planning to open a store?
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“i love you, and you, where did you go, can i go for a walk, forgive me, i had a lot of work, and i missed you, i called, by the way, but you didn’t call back and didn’t come, but i’m fine today, but you will come to us at guests. hello, denis, she said that with me, well, why are you missing, you came as before, you’ll come, forgive me, grandma, is he
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crying, yes, no, he’s just cold, let’s go. it’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other, dmitry ilyevich, during our last meeting you complained of memory loss, you had stress caused by the loss of your brother, how you feel now varies, it happens. i behave like alexey, i call myself alexey, it scares people, those who are not aware of the situation, this is a rare disease, dissociative disorder, a person’s personality is divided,
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two different personalities appear in the body of one person, and at a certain moment switching occurs. and one personality replaces another, yes, it doesn’t sound very good, well, what to do, get treatment, you can’t expect quick results, but if you don’t mind, i ’m ready to take on your treatment, okay, yes, that would be wonderful, lyosha, help. dmitry ilyevich, and 2 months ago my father died, and i was left completely alone,
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except for my mother, who also has a mental illness, and a doctor. yes, no, nothing, nothing, sorry, thank you, goodbye.
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i think you know very well that this is not dmitry ilyevich, but alexey. i don't understand what you're talking about, i'm telling you about the man who killed your husband, killed your friend, nicole, killed mine. natalya, about a man who has done a lot of terrible things, i could detain him right now, but then he will be judged like dmitry. and i would like him to be tried as alexei, and i need someone who will confirm who he really is, don’t you think your
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request is inappropriate and stupid, no, it doesn’t seem think about your son, that he will remember his father, that his father was a murderer. i think you care, klimov, klimov, that means you want, that means you want to judge me like alexei. i won’t distract you, will you have a drink
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with me, how was your day? tired! “i called you today, you didn’t answer, but i met a friend, let’s fly away, we wanted 6 years ago, remember, to run away from everyone, eh.” what about the company, but screw her, her whole life is in shambles, to damn it, tomorrow morning we’ll get us
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tickets for the roasters, where it doesn’t matter, i love you. the king and queens, having listened to the sorceress's story, fell in love with the princess even more and immediately married her to their son. dad, you know, today. i saw uncle denis, where? he came to the school, and what did he
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do there, what did he tell you? he roared, cow, cried and apologized that he had not come for a long time, probably because he missed you. of course, i missed him too. do you think he didn't forget that when i grew up? i will marry him, i think, baby, he hasn’t forgotten, that’s it, come on, close your eyes, it’s time to sleep, senior investigator for special... ignatiev denis yurievich.


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