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tv   Podsudimii  NTV  April 12, 2024 3:30am-4:21am MSK

3:30 am
and what was he doing there, what did he tell you? he roared like a cow, cried and apologized that he had not come for a long time, probably because he missed you, of course, i miss you too, do you think, he didn’t forget that when i grow up, i will marry him, i think baby, he didn't forget. that's it, come on, close your eyes, it's time to sleep, senior investigator for especially important cases, denis yurievich ignatiev. well done
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, dad, please, oh, what a beauty, how it smells. it's probably delicious, well, fyodor, are you a cook by profession? no, but i had a couple of experiences i worked in the kitchen for months when i was in where, where in tyumen, and i was in tyumen on a geological expedition, of course, yes, a geologist from god, yes, but... bon appetit,
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thank you, mutually, here's a fork, i'm sorry, i'll cut you, good morning, dmitry ilyevich, i'm there, waiting. vadik, listen, i’m not feeling well today, you go alone, and i’ll stay at home, if you need any medicine, i’m not, i don’t need anything, everything is there, yes, uh-huh, yes, thank you, we’re all ready for the big one travel, maybe it’s better to go to a water park. zhorik, old man, i'll tell you
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i promise, where we're going is the biggest water park in the world, okay, come on, grab your mom, hello, hello, hello!
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do you remember how we met? you were wearing a white dress with red polka dots, and i, a crooked idiot, spilled fruit juice on you. probably, if we had not met then, we could have been happy. you and i will go far. to where no one will find us, and we will be happy, you, zhorik and i, together! so you wait for me!
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have a nice flight, thank you, yulia,
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yulia, yulia! citizen nesterov, stop. what does it mean? what's the matter? now everything will be explained to you. alexey ilyich nesterov. alexey is dead. you have been detained on suspicion of murdering your brother, dmitry. i am. dmitry ilyich nesterov, the murder of nikola polenova, as well as the murder of natalia klimova. please take a look. take away.
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i'm happy, your job is lousy, klimov, but you took a criminal. “i would probably like to break it up, like any normal guy, but you can’t, you don’t understand, but you explain, i ’ll try, you kill people, and i catch the killers and bring them to justice, natasha wouldn’t wanted me to be like you, but what, noble investigator, did you tell my wife about
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me out of excessive nobility?" them, okay, now, freely,
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don’t want to admit anything, no. i can’t imagine what you’re talking about, i ask you not to forget who you’re talking to, mr. nesterov is a famous businessman and philanthropist, the head of a major company, i know perfectly well who alexey ilyecha, dmitry, dmitry ilyich are, i advise you to be careful with your expressions and keep groundless accusations to yourself, which means all the cases with which you are connected. mr. nesterov will be sent for further investigation, we will prove that alexey ilyevich committed three murders, and is also the organizer of two more. won't you overstrain yourself? no,
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we won't overstrain ourselves. let's start with the suicide case. please read and read very carefully. that's all later, yulyuyushchi, okay. thank you for calling.
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alem, he wants to fly away tomorrow. why did you decide to help us? for your son's sake? i thought. what did you say then, how will the son remember his father? dima was a very good father for zhora, and lyosha is a very good father. “find me this general golubev, so much money has been invested in him, but no matter how much you give them,
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it won’t be enough, when it comes, i don’t think you should count on him, find me ignatiev, now, yes now, verisov, now, here no matter how late it is, it’s good!” we are all in the same boat, let’s do it together. yes, yuri vitalievich, dmitrivich asked me to tell you that he is waiting for you, i understand,
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yes, yes, that’s understandable, everything is clear, but what is this this, and this is from moscow today. we're working, what's the matter? general golubev, you have been detained on suspicion of complicity and aiding in the murder of alexander altunin, and are also accused of illegally receiving large amounts of money from structures affiliated with the invest cross capital company. please take a look. kalimov. i’ve completely lost my sense of smell, do you even know where you’re going, well, quickly
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took off my handcuffs, puppy, i’ll crush you, you’re nobody, but i don’t care about klimov, he’s nobody, crush him, or i ’ll crush you, if that’s what it’s all about fuck it, you're nobody too i understand, well, if it makes it easier for you, citizen golubev, then consider that no one arrested you. take me out, i will destroy you, ignatiev, get me out of here, let me leave the country, i will pay you whatever you say, this is impossible, don’t you understand that this is your chance? you will have everything, find a way.
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ignatiev, where are you going? let's go, are you? why am i not being arrested? you are taking away everyone who is involved in the case of nesterov, golubev, blacks, nesterov himself, why don’t they take me? do you have privilege? which? you can tell me the truth yourself. try,
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denis. maybe it will get easier. that night i came to you from the airport to congratulate masha, the call that you heard in your sleep, it was me, but i’m only there for 5 minutes, well, whatever you want. “here, congratulations , thank you, tell masha, with greetings from uncle denis, denis, wait, thank you very much for the gift for being such a good friend,
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in the morning i found out about the murder and that they were accusing you and i was scared, andrey: “i was scared, i was in your apartment a few minutes before the murder, when, when i deleted the video from the surveillance cameras, i couldn’t stop, you see, everything was at stake, everything, position, everything, i was thinking only about one thing, how to erase my trace, even after masha’s call, after masha’s call, i did nothing, you could have found her earlier." why did you are you silent? this is your cross, denis. you have to carry it. i know. i will testify,
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it will help in court, i’m sorry. “alexey ilyich nesterov, do you plead guilty to the murder of natalya klimova? excuse me, as far as i remember, in court you yourself admitted that a certain altunin killed her, the knife with which i killed his wife, mine remained on it blood. klimov hid the knife, tried
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to blackmail me, and then lost his memory, your blood is on the knife, and he cut his finger. this is such stupidity. this is ridiculous. i'm waiting for confessions. you have 10 minutes. dmitry. it will be very difficult to help you, you have a proposal, look for a way out, yuri vitalievich called, yes, come in, you will handle the case of dmitry ilvich, you are a specialist in criminal cases, it’s a complete crime here, and you,
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i’m leaving. only between us, you can put an end to cross-capital, the father is alive, with sons, that’s how it happened, the interests of the company require my presence in cyprus, this is a business trip, just take care of a new case, hold on, based on the available evidence, as well as the testimony of witnesses , citizen nesterov has been charged with three murders, as well as with organizing two murders, known names of two victims, natalya klimova. and nicole polinova, who is the third victim? the third victim is dmitry nesterov. is this some kind of mistake, you said, dmitry nesterov? but he was arrested. please explain how this is possible.
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why do they tell some horror stories on tv? vera aleksandrovna, they are all lying, dima and lyosha, they are fishing in norway, ilya petrovich is with them, they are catching fish, well , thank god, it’s good. and i’m wondering where everyone has gone, and it turns out they
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’re fishing with their father, that’s nice, let my little men rest, and we’ll have sunday pie with salmon, sunday pie. this is necessary because it is good for good afternoon, dmitrievich, now i will handle your business. what else is bad? today you are to be transported to a pre-trial detention center. so let's interfere. eat
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one way: you need to fake a mental disorder. listen to me carefully and try to understand. your mother, i will tell it like it is. hopelessly ill. that's a plus. think what you say? of course, this is a minus, but for you in this situation it is undeniable. plus. we can refer to bad heredity. in addition, your medical record indicates that you are seeing a psychiatrist. and the diagnosis is correct. dissociative disorder. continue. simply put: turn on the fool, then we simulate an aggravation. i am seeking a transfer to clinic for compulsory treatment. after this, the fuss will subside, a year or two will pass, and i will take you abroad for treatment. do you think it will work? i’m sure we don’t judge crazy people, but treat them, of course, it will need
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to be decided with an expert examination, you will need money, well , money is not a problem, pay who you need, how much you need, a few words for the press, tell us which countries you were going to , what are your plans, they want to try my brother, good afternoon, hello, you don’t remember me, no, we met at
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felix’s wake, then you gave us a ride with klimov, and what do you want, please tell klimov that fedor sorokin has come to surrender, great, great, great! please, is it your office? yes, it’s not rich, but where is all this, a fireplace, an armchair, a whip, oh, i ’ll change my mind about becoming a detective story. okay, yash, go ahead and register this pinkerton. eat. who, the detective is so famous. well then fine. listen, how long will i sit there? well, you’ll sit for a week, and when it turns out in court who killed your boss, they’ll let you go, right in the courtroom. i promise, we lived with grandma for three years.
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yes they are not going anywhere, i hope i heard you not to get well, which is something a person with big money connections cannot do in this country, to be born again, you are mistaken, even this
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is possible. examination of my client. give it to the secretary. your honor, mesterov was recently appointed chairman of the board of directors of the largest russian company. no one is forcing you to believe or not believe, we are not playing daisy, but deciding the fate of a sick person, your honor, i urge you to respect the results of the state forensic psychiatric examination, urgently, the objection is rejected, the court will take into account the results of the examination, i need to go home, i need to go home, my mother is waiting for me, you see,
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she wanted to bake... she has no flour at all, i promised to bring her flour, she, she needed flour, she wanted to bake a pie, and she wanted to please me with a pie, salmon, you know? nesterov told me that his blood remained on the knife with which he killed natalya klimova, he asked me to find this knife and destroy it as the main evidence, the conversation about this was recorded on a tape recorder and given to me investigator klimuv, i'm talking about... the court listen to the recording. i strongly object. considering my client’s diagnosis, it is impossible to be sure that at the time of recording he was sane. agree. continue. among other things, i ask the court to pay attention to the fact that klimov and ignatiev have been friends since school. i protest your honor. i bring to the attention of the court that ignatiev has been suspended and is under investigation on charges of
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concealing evidence in this case. moreover, the investigation was initiated by investigator klimov, so i consider all the talk about their collusion inappropriate. rather, ignatiev had to protect nesterov, and himself at the same time. witness, do you have anything to object to? no, your honor, but you understand that you are facing not just punishment, but a real prison sentence. yes, your honor. “i fully admit my guilt and am ready to be punished, your position is clear, you can go to your place for now, let’s call the next one, your honor, the prosecution would like to ask a few questions, to the accomplice in the crime, citizen chernykh, please ask.
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tell me, blacks who ordered you to kill alexandra altunina? alexey ilyich nesterov, you can’t, you can’t say that, it’s very bad, my brother is dead, calm down, stop it immediately, say that, dmitrievich, calm down, why are they saying that, i ask you, calm down, why are they saying that.
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“alexey ilyich nesterov. that night i put klimov and his daughter to sleep with a special gas. then i held natalia klimova’s hands. alexey nesterov took a knife in the kitchen and hit her twice in the stomach with his left hand. you don’t see what’s happening, they’re just provoking him. i request that the meeting be adjourned or adjourned to tomorrow, he’ll drag me to mine.”
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everything is fine, it’s all over, it’s impossible , they don’t have the right, they don’t have the right, they don’t have it, they can’t, it’s impossible, it doesn’t have, no one has the right, it’s impossible, you couldn’t leave us, i need to talk to the client, it’s impossible, it’s impossible. what do you think? after chernykh spoke, madness is our only chance. tonic orot. let’s stick to our
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line dmitry ilvich. moreover, as a judge, i found a common language. quiet, quiet. under the influence of potent psychotropic drugs drugs, this may distort the real picture of his condition. in addition, we have already provided the court with the conclusion of the state authorized body. please take this into account.
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your honor, i ask you to invite a witness for the prosecution, nesterova, yulia leonidovna, please, witness, come in, this is his wife, not his, she is dmitry, please introduce yourself, mesterovaya. please continue on the very day that alexei is believed to have committed
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suicide. he came to our house, he was wearing dmitry’s glasses, and his watch, wedding ring, but i immediately realized that it was alexey. months were silent as if nothing happened happened, why? i felt sorry for him, sorry, this man killed your husband, his own brother, did you feel sorry for him? i loved him, alexey was not always like this. he is a very good and vulnerable person, but his father humiliated lyosha, in the end he closed himself off when ilya petrovich
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arranged our wedding with dima, apparently this was the last straw, lyosha seemed to be replaced, it still doesn’t explain why you were silent all this time. maybe nesterov threatened you? no never. what happened to lyosha is my fault. "i don't could have betrayed him a second time, why did you decide to tell everything now, because of your son, if alexey had been tried like dmitry, it’s even difficult for me to imagine what would have happened to the boy." “i want dmitry to remain in memory as
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a talented a businessman and a good person, my son, georgy dmitrievich, in fact, the son of alexei." zhora is the son of dmitry, my brother dmitry, whom i killed.
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"lyosha, you are a very good dad, i hope that zhora will never find out the truth, but i i will always tell him that dad loved him very much, i’m sorry.” your honor, defendant nesterov, alexey ilyich killed his brother, lived under his name, trying to hide traces of the crime, and committed a number of equally serious crimes, including murders. the prosecution is convinced that the defendant does not repent of anything and until
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the last moment tried to mislead the court. taking into account all the circumstances, the prosecution demands that the defendant be permanently isolated from society. according to article 105, part two of the criminal code of the russian federation, we ask the court to impose the maximum penalty on nesterov and alexey ilyevich punishments. welcome back dmitrivich or the correct alekseevich, that’s it, that’s it. what, this, you don’t have the right, listen, i can’t, i
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need to go to the hospital, no, i, ah, listen, i can’t be here, this is some kind of mistake, i need to go to the hospital, i, mr. nesterov , if you knew how long i’ve been waiting for you, “we ’ll meet often now, i, but for now , rest if you can, you know, i can’t be here, it’s some kind of mistake, i, i need to go to the hospital, i i can’t, you are here, please listen,
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but lyosha, no, help, no, let me go, no, help, no, let me go, let me go, let me go, let me go, let me go, and hello, my dear, i really miss
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you, mommy, this is for you so that you don’t get bored alone. i’m so sad without my mom, i miss her so much, me too, baby, me too, but mom is watching in heaven now. we have a smile from there, sleep well, dear,
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just like that. it’s your day off, aunt paul, i’ve collected the documents, i’ll insist on reviewing dad’s case, i don’t believe and never believed that dad is to blame for mom’s death, i don’t believe it either, really, really. you figure it out, they'll acquit you, and i'll achieve this, and i i have no doubt at all, because you are my
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best, most talented and smartest lawyer, you really think so, of course, and not only me, aunt paul, i love you, thank you, i love you too, very, very, very, i love you very much, let's go. you look fine, i’m coping, tell
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masha hello from you. andrey, i know, denis, i know. forest to the wall.
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mesterov, and i knew that you would come, you won. aren't you happy? i did what i had to do and you got what you deserved. yes, yes, but this will not return your wife to you, what a stubborn person you are, she will exchange
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wife on some principles. how are you going to live with this for the rest of your life? i came here for the first time last time, and that was because julia asked me to tell you something. he and zhora are leaving abroad. she doesn’t want to know you anymore and... you will never see her again, now
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live with it, goodbye, wait, wait, klimov, klimov, wait, open this door, klimov, come back, someone open this door , klimov, wait, it’s you. you're lying, you bastard, someone open this door, please come back, klimov, klimov, wait, come back, open, someone in this verna, let me out of here, tell them, climate, climate, please, wait, come on, maybe let's start normally, and hello. my family, hello, i’m very glad, glad to see you, come in, how do you like it, it’s impressive,
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well, how delicious it will be, just lay your fingers on it when the duduk starts singing, have you ever heard the duduk sing, duduk, what is that - the singer, probably, yes, you yourself are a singer, this is an apricot pipe, well, when he starts singing, you will simply fall to your knees in front of the most beautiful one. woman, come in, sit down, come in, thank you, andryukh, glad to see you, glad to see you, nose, oh, ah, this is all yours, uncle lova, great, this is mine, and you will often come here, because you are not just guests, you are my friends, so, let's , yes, listen, if you change the plumbing, call me, i still have some garters left. you just got married to the last plumber, i wasn’t sitting for the plumbing, i sold the armored personnel carrier to the wrong person, let’s pour it out, oh, here
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you are, oh, you’ve arrived, hello, we weren’t waiting, come on, come on, come in, uncle, yeah, great ! kapyan, great, sit down, let's go let's drink to the fact that we meet often, yeah, just to go home for the night, otherwise we all know how to snore, but it's slander, that's not what we're talking about now, let's drink to the fact that we meet in a restaurant, but not in a cell, and if you need a lawyer, then you know my phone number, but i don’t know, i’ll tell him the same later, come on, right, sorry, right? is this verified information? okay, i'm leaving. andrey ivanovich, excuse me, my friends.


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