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tv   Agentstvo skritikh kamer  NTV  April 12, 2024 4:20am-4:51am MSK

4:20 am
"let's pour it, oh, here you are, oh, dear, hello, didn't wait, come on, come on, come in, uncle, yeah, great, kapyan, great, sit down, let's drink so that we meet often"? yeah, they just went home to spend the night, otherwise we all know how snoring is for him, and slander, that’s not about that now, let’s drink to the fact that we meet in a restaurant, but not in a cell, and if you need a lawyer, then you you know my phone number, but i don’t know, i’ll tell you the same later, come on, that’s right, excuse me, yes, this is verified information, okay, i’m leaving, andrey ivanovich, excuse me, my friends,
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they say the service is for us, drink, drink, come on, i ran away, i’m restless, i love armenian cuisine. yes, comrade colonel, klimov, don’t do anything, can you hear me, very bad connection, comrade colonel, can’t hear anything, please call back, yes, we’re turning off all the phones, great, now we’re working, who are you, investigative committee, investigator for special matters, climate.
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watch tomorrow. now it is difficult to imagine our life without space. october 4, 1957 divided human history into two stage: before and after space. a new space age has begun. then the satellite's effect will be more powerful than a bomb explosion. there must be a radio transmitter on board so that all radio amateurs in the world can detect us. 1/2 second before the emergency shutdown command, the engine came into operation and the rocket launched. well done. no, it can not be. again, no.
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ask, a hidden camera agency, is engaged in professional detective work, using all modern technical capabilities, head of the agency, retired lieutenant colonel, pavel, technical specialist, was involved in a number of cases solved by troshen during his service, egor pavlovich savisky, senior police lieutenant, freelance agency employee. ask, hidden camera agency. another piece. very
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filling, but i can’t understand what kind of filling it is, mackerel with pineapples, i don’t like it, no, why, poor mikhail ilyich, but compared to the kiwi, stuffed squid that you brought yesterday, it’s really nothing , that’s how you can be so gastronomically unadvanced, ol, do we know?
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now it’s clear, listen, maybe you should should i take part in a barbecue competition? by the way, fish is a source of phosphorus, which is very good for the brain, i feel that i will soon begin to glow, and the detective should be invisible. that's it, that's it, we've had lunch, let's get to work, a new client is approaching, here he is, yuri maltsev, 24 years old, marketer, a very punctual young man, i meet you, yuri, hello, hello, hello, hello. sit down, i’m mikhail, we talked on the phone, well, tell us what brought you to us, with my colleague and tanya voronkova, something terrible happened, they brought this to her office yesterday, what a horror, ugh, in general, she
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threw it away yesterday, i picked it up, today she didn’t come to work, it seems to me that something was behind her - the crazy woman is hunting, what if he has already done something to her. a serious, responsible person, and then i immediately called her, she didn’t answer the phone, i went to her house, she didn’t come to the door either, i knocked, called, the neighbors didn’t see her, can i have a drink, i don’t know any water, yes, yes, of course, thank you, thank you,
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come on, oh, maybe you still want to eat, yes, yes, thank you, i didn’t have breakfast today, i went to the police, that’s in vain, they’re for... yes, thank you very much for the treat, by the way, i really like it too , blue cheese, well, i went then, and i’ll leave you fingerprints there or what, that’s it, see you in touch, yes, goodbye, what do you say, there was no
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cheese there, and you’re talking about tanya, well? the conversation took place yesterday at 19:30 with anton ponomarev, this is her boss, she was probably taking a day off or just asking for time off from work, judging by the mobile signal, she is now at home, i wonder why she didn’t answer yuri then, her phone was wiretapped, and i
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need recordings from the cameras near her entrance from last night, you won’t believe it, but i already found them, though i haven’t had time to look yet, but still such efficiency. look what i found, it was at 19:20, moms, yeah, this doesn’t look like a bad joke anymore, wow, and this recording was made half an hour later, i would have run away too, you
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have someone to rely on , however, i have no doubt. oh, egor has already sent the file, promptly, as always at the wrong time, the maniac gave it to his victims were given torn plush toys. maybe he is now hunting for tanya? it’s impossible, he was imprisoned, he still has to sit and sit. of course, a copycat could be acting, although i am considering the case behind closed doors. yes, it’s not surprising that tanya ran away from this whole nightmare, forgetting her phone at home. or she left it at home on purpose to avoid the possibility of surveillance. by the way, they are now calling her on her mobile phone. i'll turn it on for auto-response. so we can listen to it, if of course someone used it, turn it on, pick up
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the phone, immediately, otherwise it will be worse, you you think i don’t know anything about your tricks, pick up the phone, i said, i ’ll find you anyway, you understand, that’s it, pavlik, can you tell me who it was? yes, vera panomariova, the owner of the company where tanya works and the wife of her immediate boss anton, the rest of the information was published in the dossier any minute. the girl was unlucky with her boss, unlike me. pavlik, can you track panomareva’s location? i don’t know about her, her phone number is now from tatyana’s house, well, we’re already here, so grab the dossier on vera. chief, is that her? i see, come on her. yes. maybe stop rambling, not
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an apartment, but a passage yard, but i’m curious, what’s the matter? nothing, it’s just that men usually come here, girl, wait, you didn’t happen to see this one, well, yes, maybe there was one, i think there was one, we saw him yesterday, but what should i do, keep watch over everyone here? pavlik, make me a dossier on anton panomariov, put him on a wiretap, we are drawing a line of adultery here, we need to work it out, i’m building everything in the best possible way, however, as always, work, balabol, by the way, where do we have the data on tatyana’s internet activity, i feel that soon we will not be discussing bonuses, but a fine, boss, or maybe it was faith who set it all up?
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it turned out that tatyana communicated on internet forums of people who experienced the death of loved ones, and there, under the pseudonym mouse, she told the story of her mother’s death, well , that’s something, let’s find out the ip addresses and identities of users who sympathized with her, maybe someone... then he harasses the poor girl out of them. pavlik, can you give me a picture from the office panorama, it’s easy, i’ve been ready to connect to the laptop and faith for a long time, and i see you seriously about... getting a bonus, ready for anything, this is all great, but i’m still waiting for
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a picture from the office, this moment, you thought that i wouldn’t find out anything, the whole office is already whispering that you’re after this harrow, damn, come on, are you going to believe every gossip, well, i gave her a ride to the subway a couple of times, she doesn’t even know about me, but why do i need her when i have... such a beautiful wife, don’t talk with your teeth, you don’t care i'm tired of listening to gossip and then provoking scandals, if you don't need me, just say so, or maybe you yourself have someone, and you want to get rid of me, he ’s gotten prettier and thinner lately, as if someone has appeared, and that means i’ll take care, but i won’t give you up to anyone. look, anton, the shot
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sparrow, how skillfully he avoided the scandal. so, mikhailevich, anton is calling someone, i’m dialing the number, and for now you listen. hello, it’s me, well , my mood is so-so, but i hear that the voice is sad, i need to do something about it. by the way, open the refrigerator there, i bought you ice cream, your favorite, thank you, if if you want something else, just tell me, i ’ll bring everything, you better come as soon as possible, how long do you have to wait? well, in the evening, but i’ll try to get out early somehow, okay, come on, don’t get bored there, that’s it, contact me, here’s chara, i wonder who he was talking to, i can’t establish his identity yet, but the amban uses a corporate sim card from piermonton , this person is extorting a bonus from me, you have a special
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voice recognition program, go to the company’s website, take a sample of voronkova’s voice there, she made a presentation there, we need to understand, tatiana. talked to him or someone else, there is a boss, yes, anton talked to tatyana, but you can establish tatyana’s location using a signal from a mobile phone with this corporate sim card, i do it, it turns out she has a second phone for secret communication with panariov, tatyana on street aircraft engine. house 10, so the camera is on a mobile device, video from the apartments, do you want it, what do you think, yeah, i found a good option for my personal life, i feel sorry for the client, poor thing, he’s clearly not just worried about her for nothing, you think she ’s given up everything, to become a secret lover
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anton, why did she run away after receiving the wreath, why the mobile phone? left home, no, the girl is clearly hiding, here comes yuri, ol, call him, you need to tell him the news, pavlik, you identified the identities of tatyana’s online interlocutors, who could be aware of her personal tragedy, procession, you speed up this process , go ahead, thank you. “hello, hello, take a seat, olga said that you found out something, yes, look, my god, she’s alive, great, why didn’t she answer the calls then, how did you find her, through your boss, at tatiana’s there is a second phone, special for contacting
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the priest, what do you want to say that they are having an affair, we cannot say anything, recently tanya is hiding from someone, she ran away from home when they sent her a funeral wreath. is a wreath in addition to a torn bear? wait, well, it turns out that she didn’t just run away, because someone is really threatening her. i think you're right, but don't worry, we 're continuing our investigation. is that how you see it? yes, great, put the second one. yeah, that's it, someone is coming here, i can't, why are you here? you do, and i’m talking about the report, like this, that ’s later, wait, we have problems, our competitors, they prepared a press release, check it out , blah blah blah, the company it grand plus released a program to the market, this is our product , it will only appear one of these days, that’s it, and now there is no point in it, since there is an analogue, we
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wasted so much money in vain, well, how can it be, but it’s very simple, some freak just leaked all the information to competitors. most likely this is one of the developers, as tanya’s dossier states that she attended the institute practice at the company it plus, and when she joined ponovarev she kept silent about it, you think she’s a spy, i’ll find out who did it, he can’t live, at least in peace, but i did it with my own hands, so that means, tell everyone , whoever recognizes the bastard will receive a promotion, let's act. okay, we need to check the contacts of the employees, tighten up the it people, uh-huh, let them make detailed calls from all the company’s numbers, maybe someone called competitors, i’ll do this myself, after everything that happened, i can’t trust anyone anymore. pavlenty, i respond to any nickname, even the most offensive one, in anticipation of the prize. so, my little mercantile friend, you have a new
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task, you need to track calls from the top managers of the company it grand plus, employees of the company where he works. doesn’t prove anything, but our client will have a dilemma, either hand it over with all the fucking, or listen to our arguments, pasha, ready for hard work, track the front.
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we took the brozetan satani. the site says that she spent it in saratov. a month ago, during a business trip. and stayed there for 2 weeks. and at this time , someone was actively using a corporate sim card in moscow. okay, just a second. anton calls tanya. i turn it on. hello. tanya, pack your things. and what happened? great, wait, what about you, weren’t you planning on going too, listen, i’m definitely coming to see you in 5 hours, you’re flying out to sochi, when i arrive, but a little later, i bought you a ticket,
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sent a copy to your email, antozh, thank you big, i’ll pick you up in an hour and a half, don’t forget your swimsuit, this is a turn, anton is calling his wife, yes, i’m listening, “print out the agency agreement for me, haven’t you confused me with the secretary? come on, don’t be mischievous, it’s in my work mailbox, and where are you now anyway, oh, i went to the bank, but i don’t know how much it’s there i’ll stay, okay, come on, it’s interesting, the bank where the company is serviced is located on the other side, in fact, like tanya’s rented apartment, where is he going?” what a creature, now let's see what she could see there, pash, who's calling her? from their company's security service.
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vera sergeevna, we have established that tatyana voronkova completed an internship at the it company. and recently i have been actively calling back with the management of this company. so, of course, that means it’s varankova. find her immediately. we have installed.
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i’m trying not to get borscht on my face, if that’s what you’re talking about, comedian, boss, not even a year has passed, and i’ve already determined the identities of tanya’s internet interlocutors. you already have the list, so what did you need to prove? chief? yes, olya, i’m listening to you. we have a problem. anton went to the banquet hall, i can’t go there, he’ll draw. maybe pasha will try to catch on to something. we need sound. pavlik, you can do it connect to anton's smartphone? i can do anything. please note. but only where there is a coverage area for mobile communications. and unfortunately, now, anton, but not. spoke. olya, you heard everything, do what you want, but we need to find out what anton will talk about and with whom. chief, what exactly should we do? improvise. olya, as you can, and the sooner the better.
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girl, can i? a cup of american coffee and i’m not a waitress, i’m coming to you, to me, but do we know each other? not yet, but i saw you in the admissions committee, you see, i have a dream to enter theatrical, even as a child i played in a theater club, first little red riding hood, and then chipalina and the girl, excuse me, but you are confusing me with someone, i understand, of course, yes, they probably don’t give you passes, but for me this is very important, i’ll just show you, and you’ll tell me what needs to be corrected, sorry, but i have a very important meeting, but it’s only... it’ll take one minute now.
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how wonderful, what an unexpected surprise, are you charming? thank you, do you think i’ll get into college? of course, of course, you don’t even have to doubt it. you know, i’m really very busy right now, but we could meet in the evening and discuss everything in detail. in a calmer and more inviting environment, how do you like this offer? oh, well , i’m with you, anywhere, of course, okay, then leave me your phone number and i ’ll call you back, yeah, i’ll definitely, definitely call you, goodbye, 5 minutes of shame and it’s done, pasha can connect, not to you should go, no, stay there for now, let's see how events develop. vera sergeevna, you
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are rubbish, i don’t understand why you do this to me you're talking, you're going to present yourself decently in front of others, i understand, you're a slut, my husband is sending you to hell, to rest, you got together with my money, i don't understand, you misunderstood everything, i'll explain everything to you, of course, you explain that the police understood me, i don’t understand, not only are you sleeping with my husband, but you also robbed me, what for what?
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why did you bring us here? and were they driving at such a speed? i wanted to be in time for anton’s meeting with one very interesting person, look, you recognize the interlocutor your spouse? yes, this is matvey koryagin, the owner of a competitor company. listen, aren’t you afraid that your wife will be burned? why ? and she's not up to 'i threw all the arrows at one fool, so by the time my little wife understands what's what, i'll already be very far away from your grandmothers, so it turns out that anton leaked all the information, apparently he wanted a free and rich life , at my expense, he’s a poor man, i opened this company with my father’s money, as far as i know, you have a marriage contract, in the event of a divorce on his own initiative, anton will be left without a penny.
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i think that selling company secrets is the only way for him to get rich at your expense, and then blame everything on me, that is, you immediately took advantage of her, but of course, i always look at what sites employees go to from their work computers, well, here we are tanyusha is settling in, i see she hangs out on a forum for survivors of loved ones, so you decided to play on her fears, to gain her trust? handsome, i know, in general, i registered on this forum, came up with a heartbreaking story, like everyone died, what a bastard, because i believed him, we first became friends on the site, and then it turned out that we were working together, i think by that time he was already sending you gifts from the maniac with all his might, and i gave him
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the money. when he offered to help with the move, i agreed, he gave the sim card that he was negotiating with competitors to you to cover his tracks, then it was me, what a fool i was, i thought he was a friend, but he was just using me, and so cruel. the main thing is that it’s all over, although for anton, i think, it’s still just beginning, you think that you can get away with this, i won’t just put you in prison, i will bury you, you understand that the light has just been born, boss, can i leave here already, or do i have to witness a murder, of course i shouldn’t, don’t save yourself yet pono.


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