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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 12, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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maksimov, i’m glad to see you, i know vladimir putin had a meeting with alexander lukashenko, he says that we refuse negotiations, we are not invited, they say that we refuse.
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our military destroyed fortified strongholds in the ssu and armored vehicles of the enemy in russia celebrating cosmonautics day. we thank you for your work and sincerely congratulate everyone on their professional holiday who made our flight into space and the flights of our colleagues possible. hello, welcome to the information service of the television company. vladimir putin called nonsense speculation by foreign politicians about the alleged preparation of russian troops for an attack on the west. the statement was made yesterday at a meeting with the leader of belarus alexander lukashenko in the kremlin. the russian leader noted that moscow remains open to negotiations on the ukrainian issue, but on the condition that no position will be imposed on us. the parties also discussed western plans to hold a summer conference in switzerland. which will
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concern the resolution of the situation in ukraine, russia, without which the conflict cannot be resolved, i never received an invitation to this summit. the leaders of russia and belarus met on the eve of cosmonautics day, so joint projects between moscow and minsk in the space sector became a separate topic of negotiations. edmund zhelbunov will continue. the meeting between vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko took place a few hours before the start of cosmonautics day. dear alexander grigorievich, thank you for... coming to cosmonautics day, especially since we have a significant event, our cosmonauts returned to earth, the first woman cosmonaut from belarus, today is also a good event for us, our new rocket flew from the new cosmodrome, it’s heavy, this is another stage in the development of the space industry in russia. after discussing the space topic, the presidents returned to earthly affairs, or rather border affairs, the issue of security is relevant for...
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talking about peace in ukraine, but the lord is with them, this, as i already said, our position is that they can only agree there , how to intensify the escalation of this conflict, without russia, what kind of peace process can there be, there can be no peace process, well, maybe they and they are right that they don’t invite us there, because why talk to them, the topic of the ukrainian conflict is traditionally one of the main ones during negotiations,
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it hit sensitive points in russia, and so the answer is appropriate. vladimir putin noted that, having refused negotiations, the opposite side simply painted itself into a corner, hoping to inflict a strategic defeat on russia on the battlefield , constantly maintaining hotbeds of tension along the russian and belarusian border, especially
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the lithuanians conducting exercises in may, they are still are planning to carry out. we are standing on the border, the americans were transferred, the germans, which is surprising
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given the terrorist attack in one of the moscow synagogues, it was planned to be carried out by a native of another country, during the arrest the man resisted, the security forces eliminated him with return fire, an explosive device was found at the suspect’s home and components for its manufacture, as it became known, the foreigner
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had previously conducted reconnaissance in the area near the synagogue. previously, in his homeland, he served a sentence under a criminal article, during this period communicated with those convicted of terrorism and began to share the ideology. international terrorist organization banned in our country. another terrorist attack was prevented in donetsk. the fsb showed operational footage . in an apartment where six citizens of one of the central asian states lived , two homemade bombs and hand grenades were found. security forces established that the activities of the criminal cell were coordinated.
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while there is no way to lure the pet even onto the porch, the sanatorium staff even put up a stuffed animal. we tried everything, even this they brought such a muni, installed it, well, no dasha. how robinson lives surrounded by water in the company of lontik, another island resident. other inhabitants of the sanatorium zoo turned out to be much more valuable, for the management of the sanatorium, like grandfather mozai, he personally collected animals from the water, the rabbits now have their own separate room, the goats walk all over the floor. then we sailed again, a few more kilometers, a stop on an island, we couldn’t find anything to feed the runaway horses, but we saw a forest. this is the only island that has survived in the area, they save animals. they are trying to climb higher, for example, he is sitting on a tree in the forest, the end point is the flooded farm of the local cossack
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society, like atlantis, dogs from afar greet us with joyful barking, no one is more happy with guests than motya, the dog is very affectionate, especially for dogs here they built a fruit like this, they come here and feed them regularly, under the water there is a storage area for fodder and hay, sheds where there were livestock, all the animals were gathered in the back of a truck, as if on an ark, there are calves and chickens here, the cats live on their own in a shed. the most difficult the task is to deliver two bulls to the shore - the hooligan zamorush and the calm kuzya, 300 and 500 kg of net weight, respectively, another three dozen cows have already been transported, the orenburg cossacks, the people are desperate, they inject the animals with sleeping pills and hold them tightly by the tail so that they don’t freeze and kuzya is half asleep fell into the water. that's it, now let it lie down, now let it go, let it go, when loading the main thing is not to turn the boat over, one two, three!
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half an hour, on the way the runt is trying to get up, then we have to hurry; the sleeping pills act on the situation; another injection saves it. freight qc moment nervous, the animal tries to wake up, each time it comes to inject a new dose of sleeping pills. along the short road there is a strong current, you can easily capsize, we take a detour, through a sand pit, past abandoned equipment. finally, the shore is nearby, you can breathe easy. after unloading onto the shore , zamorysha and kuzya will be loaded onto the usual land transport, the danger is over, this is the case when not a single animal was harmed during the filming. mikhail chernov, igor akimov, ekaterina kostyukevich, nikolai datsun, mtv orenburg. meanwhile, in orsk, which also suffered from floods in the orenburg region, the situation is stabilizing. about 200 residential buildings have been freed from water, which will begin soon, according to the governor.
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rub. but in the kurgan region the water continues to exist. according to the ministry of emergency situations, the peak will occur only on sundays. the water level in the tabol river is expected to exceed 11 m. the regional capital is also under threat of flooding. this morning, a special board of the ministry of emergency situations delivered 20 water dumps to the kurgan region. such kits have been successfully used during flood in the amur region. in the kopinsky direction of the northern military district of the crew of heavy flamethrowers. peck destroyed the fortified strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces and armored vehicles. and this is footage of the destruction of towers
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for ukrainian fpv drones in the hourly yar. they were blown up by kostroma paratroopers with a shot from an anti-tank missile system. the target was eliminated from a distance of about 80 km. this is a new record for destruction range. let's go higher, higher, higher. higher, higher, higher, higher, zaporozhye region, fighters of the dnepr group destroyed three observation posts of the ukrainian armed forces. coordinated actions were demonstrated by the operators of attack drones, crews of novmets and cannon artillery. and in the donetsk direction, the pilots of the strike air group liquidated strongholds of the nationalists. the crews of the k-52, mi-35m and mi-8 helicopters set out for the mission. the attack on enemy positions was carried out without control.
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with nothing and no one to replenish the shortage of personnel, zelensky is trying with the law on mass mobilization, which was adopted the day before, and places the responsibility of providing soldiers with weapons on the west. meanwhile, sponsors they are in no hurry to share, because to do this they will have to take away equipment from their own army. in response to zelensky’s next request to provide patriot systems, lithuania and poland simply shrugged their shoulders. there are no patriot systems in lithuania. we are ready to hand over everything we have. we do this all the time, but frankly, it's getting harder and harder because
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we're running out of funds. there is not enough air defense ammunition. the gardaí called the law controversial and the decision-making process itself controversial. they emphasized that the provision on demobilization, which allowed would have left the troops after 36 months of service, was canceled due to the requirements of the command. british journalists say that now the nationalists need as many new soldiers as possible. the political publication
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noted that the law was approved despite criticism from the exhausted military. legislators left you the opportunity to evade conscription only for law enforcement officers , as well as officials. iran may strike israel in the next two days, the wall street journal writes about this, citing a source close to leadership of the islamic republic. according to him , tehran has not yet made a final decision on this issue, but continues to discuss the attack strategy. the publication notes that iran's plans were confirmed by us intelligence. for the islamic republic was the airstrike on the consulate general in damascus on april 1. the evil xianist regime made another mistake , they attacked the iranian consulate, which means an attack on the territory of the country, and this is a violation of international norms, they made a mistake, now the regime must be punished and will be punished. previously, iranian media stated
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that the military would begin the operation after eid al-fitr, its celebration. should end today. in a telephone conversation with the israeli defense minister, pentagon chief loy tostin assured that the idf can count on full us support. in turn, joaf gallan said that the forces of the jewish state - the actions of the islamic republic will not leave without a response. now the military has canceled all vacations in order to deploy additional forces. and let's return to an important holiday for our country. 63 years ago. yuri gagarin opened the space age for humanity. at 9:07 moscow time, the vostok rocket launched from baikanur. the flight lasted 1 hour 48 minutes. since then , our country has been a leader in the industry. just the day before , the angara a5 launch vehicle was successfully launched from the vostochny cosmodrome for the first time. in honor of cosmonautics day, ceremonial
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events are held in russia. in dozens of cities , special light shows were dedicated to this event. in moscow at rest.
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research and engineering teams that work on the ground. what scientists create in interests of the development of domestic and world cosmonautics, svetlana gordieva saw. they control a spaceship, roam the moon, in general, roam the expanses of the universe without leaving.
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reads a person’s weight and deweights him to 1/6, that is, this is the most lunar gravity. the crew is being observed by scientists and psychologists to understand how a group of people survives and works in forced isolation. the results of the first research have already influenced not only the life of astronauts, but also ours; for example, many were able to endure quarantine during a pandemic, knowing that sport and any movement in general helps to overcome depression in isolation. one of the problems on the iss is waste disposal and dental issues. wet wipes, and the same cans, all this needs to be put somewhere, simply putting it in bins will not work, bacteria will begin to multiply in the waste, and this is dangerous in a confined
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space, first this waste must be sterilized, which is quite difficult in such conditions, this is where the development of the russian university of medicine comes in handy, they are working on a new sterilizer, now such equipment is necessary for modern medicine, in particular dentistry and surgery, where many instruments are made of polymer materials. does this mean that high temperatures are detrimental to them? here the operating mode ranges from 20 to 70°, but the main one, which we are studying, researching, and we can demonstrate it on this device, is up to 50°. there is only one effective medical analogue, it is in the united states of america and this device is sold there. an industrial design has already been assembled and there are orders. medical institutions, but the creators are confident that their invention will be useful for iss, it just needs to be improved. garbage can be stored on the iss and not thrown into space, so that nothing falls on the heads
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of alien earthlings. their possible existence is announced by scientists from samara, where, as part of the national project science and universities, they created a space factory for the bricks of life. one such installation is located in the usa, in the state of hawaii, and another stop is in china, for accelerators. hefei, in the hafei laboratory, accordingly, our installation is the third of its kind in the world. ivan antonov worked in the usa for many years, received doctorate, but decided to return to russia and continue his research here. at the installation, he studies interstellar ice to find out how life arose on earth. scientists suggest that from these biomolecules that arrived from space, life on our planet arose billions of years ago, so it turns out that we ourselves are not local? the answer, scientists say, will be given by these mysterious metal structures. svetlana gordeeva, alexander tankikh, alena antonova, maria popova, valentina abramenkogo, ntv. and today
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, on cosmonautics day, the russian cosmonaut mikhail kornienko, instructor pilot alexander lynnik and engineer denis efremov will make the world's first jump from the stratosphere to the north pole. a few minutes ago, the plane with them took off from murmansk, the parachutists are expected to jump from a height of more than 1000 m. this happened on the same day, as it became known that a criminal case was opened against him and his wife for tax evasion and money laundering, further business news with us marinava, here are some explanations why he suddenly settled accounts with by the state? well, perhaps, because they arrested the wife and then detained the wife, i apologize, and after the searches in the office. another
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russian blogger, accused of tax evasion and money laundering, as formulated by the investigative committee, promptly compensated for the damage. business coach dmitry portnyagin said that he urgently paid all the fines without waiting for a court decision. previously, he named the amount as 64 million rubles. the urgency of this payment is given by the fact that it happened on the same day, as it became known that the security forces they searched dmitry portnyagin's home, office, dacha, the cyberia bathhouses he owns, and his main business club, club 500, and also detained his wife, ekaterina portnyagina. dmitry portnyagin himself called all this strange, because, according to him , he repaid the main body of the debt back in august of twenty-two. all that remained were the fines of singing with which the spouses. the portnyagins did not agree and tried to challenge them, but after the searches and the arrest of ekaterina portnyagina, they no longer tried. the day before, late in the evening, after the payment made was 64 million. portnyagin
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reported that his wife was released from the investigative committee after 15 hours. the russian one starts friday with growth; shares of gold miners are rising in price more actively than others. gold again reached a new all-time high. since the beginning of march, prices have increased by 15%. the ruble is getting cheaper, the dollar is 93.69, the euro is 100 and 15. one of the largest russian retail chains, lenta , entered into a confrontation with suppliers of goods to force them to reduce prices. as the kommersant newspaper writes, citing sources, the tape can even stop product purchases unilever, ericson clean line brands, nesl, nescafe purina and friskies, as well as colgate polmalife. the day before, the feed had already announced that it had suspended the purchase of animal feed from the mars company, these are the brands whiskey, spedigry, chappy, royal conin. the network explains that it did not agree with the manufacturers on prices. at the same time , the russian division of mars says that there will be no increase for a year and a half.
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the price of feed, despite the fact that raw materials and logistics are becoming more expensive, and a month ago it became known that delivering goods to the feeder at mondelis refused the purchase prices offered to it, these are milca and alpin gold chocolates, as well as oreo cookies. julia, that's all for me. yes, marin, thank you, it was marina pimenova with an economic review, now we will break for a short advertisement, that’s what we’ll talk about next. don't switch. following chinese electric vehicles , solar panels have come under attack. and vitryaki sergei kholoshevsky about how the eu protects its market in completely non-market ways, hey, guy, are you sure you chose this hairstyle yourself, or the master said so it’s fashionable now, at bigfest you definitely choose
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and outright illegal competition. the eu plans to introduce strict restrictions against the skanr company. which ones exactly, sergeshevsky found out. about their own benefit, european officials immediately forget about the principles of a market economy, this time the european commission declared war on cheap chinese wind turbines and solar panels, and this after the import of chinese electric vehicles to europe was recently effectively banned. taking a slight break from playing the war in ukraine, european officials we were surprised to discover that almost all wind turbines and solar panels were brought to europe from china. as it turns out, it is produced in europe. less than 3% of solar panels installed by the eu. china has flooded the world market with its cheap panels; last year, their production in china generally exceeded global demand, so the europeans, with all their love for green energy, are trailing behind, complaining that they have fallen into a new
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dependence. in other words, trouble came when they expected it, but before that, european officials took such a painfully long time they refused russian energy resources, turned a blind eye to the explosion of gas pipelines, shouted at every corner that expensive american...liquid gas was better, there was such an ambush with wind turbines and panels, in general, now china urgently needed to create an image of a new enemy. china is for us at the same time a partner, an economic competitor and a strategic rival, and the last two aspects are becoming increasingly acute. considering that the european union promises to increase the share of renewable energy to 42% by 1930. invasion cheap wind turbines and cheap panels can really cost the is.
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beat them to the punch, claiming leadership in all areas of clean energy. it is really difficult to compete, since china is the undisputed leader in this field, controlling more than 80% of solar energy supplies. having cast aside all prejudices, eu officials declare that they are ready to do anything in the fight against the chinese, choke them with fines, suspend tenders, block deals, in general, all this talk about fair competition in free market. fairy tales for the most naive, because the european garden of eden with magical green energy is not a place for everyone. sergei khaloshevsky, valeria polukhina, boris filchikov, european bureau, ntv. and that's all by this time. stay on ntv.
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stagnation of lymph can cause swelling. lymphatic transit helps reduce swelling by accelerating movement. lymph lymphotransit from the company evalar. spring is a time of cleansing. take lymphatic transit. lymphotransit helps cleanse the body and remove toxins, as well as reduce edema due to acceleration of lymph movement. lymphatic transit from the company evalar. your spring update. good morning, i, evgenia neronskaya, will tell you about the weather for tomorrow. the european territory of russia is getting fresher every day. the temperature gradually decreases to the climatic norm. and rain is responsible for air purity. the frontal sections run through the northwest and central regions of the east. precipitation will be short-lived. in the north-west in the pskov and novgorod regions there will be no precipitation, and during the day the air warms up to 15°.


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