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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 12, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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non-transparent accounting, power engineers were detained in dagestan, working according to the principle “a thief stole from a thief.” oh, it's not easy, it's work. in the orenburg region , animals are saved from floods by maximum going underground about the safety measures that are being taken in the legendary august tank battalion, report by alexey ivliev. we continue the work started by our predecessors. today we are actively exploring near space, but soon we will have to go. further.
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today in russia they celebrate cosmonautics day. hello, on ntv news in the egor studio kalyvanov. so, in dagestan , power engineers were detained who stole almost 3 billion rubles allocated from the federal budget for the creation of an automated electricity metering system on the territory of the republic. it was planned to install dak-energy meters to subscribers, which remotely transmit information about consumed electricity. this innovation was supposed to prevent theft and ensure transparency of payments to subscribers, but the experiment ended before it began at the stage of theft of funds allocated by the state. an organized criminal group of former and current employees of the paura network north caucasus, its branch dagenergo and contracting organizations, was exposed by fsb officers, by decision of the makhachkala court, nine suspects were taken into custody, they were placed in the pyatigorsk sezo.
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about 700 people were taken out of the settlements of the kurgan region, where the water flows, the tobol is causing trouble, the river level in the south of the region is several meters higher than in the center, this is just the very south, the village is subversive, breakthrough, the river reaches the horizon, the level drop creates water powerful waves that roll downstream , including towards kurgan. this plane delivered water-filling dams to the kurgan region; they were kept in state reserves just for such cases. there are 20 pieces in the boxes, about 100 m each, when assembled they look like sleeves; they are stretched, blocking the path to the water. one of the reasons for river floods is ice jams; they cannot be blown up everywhere; there is a risk of damaging hydraulic structures. in such cases , piranha 6 is called to help. this boat slides along the tabola, making the ice looser. peak flood in
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kurgan is expected on the weekend or early next week, in orenburg today. in the next 24 hours, as regional authorities say, the ural river will flood more than 800 houses. according to the forecast, after the peak, the water will remain at approximately the same level for several days, and then begin to recede. well, now the mark is 11 m 43 cm, this is above the critical value, by more than 2 m. here are the consequences. washed away along the plank, stuck, the current is so strong in places that it overturns rubber boats, there have already been several emergency situations, fortunately, without casualties, in as a result, rescuers yesterday restricted the use of such boats in some areas. in these conditions, many people have no time to save animals. volunteers are trying to help, but there are too many abandoned pets. death also threatened the inhabitants of a mini-zoo in one of the sanatoriums in the orenburg region. but their story turned out to have a happy ending. details from mikhail. to get to the sanatorium nezhenka
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you have to swim 2 km for a very long time, first over a flooded road, then over a forest path, carefully using oars. this is finally what we came for, or rather that camel dasha, a local celebrity. previously , there was a zoo here, dasha has lived here for many years, now the sanatorium is surrounded by water, animals have been climbing into the building for several years now. she has been standing in a pen all her life, that is , she has never seen such water, much less she has never walked on ladders, this is the only island we have left, she is not at all easy to lift, weighs more than 800 kg, it is not possible to transfer dasha to land yet, in order to lure their pet, at least onto the porch, the sanatorium staff even put out stuffed deer, they tried everything, even munyu they brought this one, installed it, well, nothing, dasha , like a robinson, lives surrounded by water in
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the company of lutik, another island resident. the other inhabitants of the sanatorium zoo turned out to be quite convenient, for the management of the sanatorium , like grandfather mozai, he personally collected the animals from... from the swim, a few more kilometers, a stop , they walk along the entire floor, then we are again on the island, now we have our own separate room to feed the runaway rabbits , the goats and horses didn’t come out, but we saw a forest, this is the only island that survived in the area, saving animals try to climb higher, for example, a fox is sitting on a tree, the end point is the flooded farm of the local cossack society, like atlantis, dogs from afar greet us with a joyful bark, no one rejoices at guests more than motya the dog. very affectionate, they built this kind of fruit here especially for dogs, they come here and feed them regularly, there is a storage area for fodder and hay, sheds where there were livestock, all the animals were gathered in the back of a truck, as if on an ark, there are poults and chickens here, the cats themselves the guards live in a booth. the most difficult task
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is to deliver two bulls to the shore, the bully zamorusz and the calm cousin, 300 and 500 kg of net weight, respectively. another three dozen cows have already been transported. orenburg cossacks are desperate people, they inject the animals with sleeping pills and hold them tightly by the tail so that the runt and cousin don’t fall into the water, half asleep, let everything fall now, let it go, let it start when loading, the main thing is not to turn the boat over, then you have to hurry, the sleeping pill works for half an hour, on the way the runt trying to get up, situation another injection and transportation saves. along the short road there is a strong current, you can easily capsize, we take a detour through a sand quarry, past abandoned equipment, finally, the shore is nearby, you can breathe easy, after
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unloading onto the shore, the little one and the cousin are woken up and loaded onto the usual land transport, the danger is behind , this is the case when no animals were harmed during the filming, four ukrainian drones were destroyed over the rostov region, one over the belgorod region, in addition, russian crews and supercam drones revealed the rotation of the armed forces of ukraine and delivery of ammunition to firing points in the area bordering the belgorod region. the coordinates were passed on to the artillerymen, who destroyed the targets. the crew is in the zone in the kupinsky direction.
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a completely different reaction among the fighters from august, when a kamikaze drone is discovered, everyone who is not involved in shooting at the bird goes into an extensive network of underground dugouts of shelters, there is a dining room, a kitchen, a warehouse with food, the cook with the call sign balu chooses
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what he will cook for lunch today. our first courses are pea soup, pickle soup, borscht, rusk, and... for the main course, usually porridge, pasta, potatoes. here the tankers who returned to duty before him can rest in complete safety. despite his young age, the fighter with the call sign malaya. only 24 years in the special military operation zone , from the first days, he says that now the most dangerous weapon for tanks is drones, our people are no longer afraid of the whistling of shells, like burning from the sky, they suddenly arrive, and i ’m hunting, barely the danger of the kamikat drone attack has passed, we rise from the dungeon and we move to combat positions, camouflage is at the highest level here, after our scouts have detected the target, tanks from the cache go out to the firing position and destroy the enemy, but here
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the drone detector is constantly triggered. at the last moment , the zambata decides to strike without moving to the front line, directly from the chron. we began to work more actively against the enemy, we do not allow their reserves to come in, we do not allow them to evacuate their already battered manpower. well, the enemy is using qpv drones, artillery on us, he covers them with cassettes, he’s not shy about it, and he has to hide the personnel and equipment and bury them underground. according to objective control data, at least five ukrainian nationalists were killed with two shots from the tank. alexey ivlev, valery kozhin, anna ivanova, dmitry pisarev, ntv television company, seversk direction.
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at least 25 people were killed as a result of shelling of a residential building in gaza city, al-jazeera tv channel reported. total number of civilian casualties since the start of the conflict has already exceeded 33,500. the cities where people are gradually returning after the departure of the idf troops are completely uninhabitable, and the supply of international humanitarian aid to the gas sector is carried out irregularly, sometimes at the risk of life. so on the eve of suspicion. we obediently waited, like many civilians, at that moment the checkpoint was hit, people fled in panic, my colleagues and i were miraculously not injured, and similar incidents, when objects that should not be hit are shelled, happen in gas all the time , well, the un security council today he demanded an investigation. to investigate another similar case - the death of seven employees of the charity world central
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kitchen as a result of an israeli strike. against the backdrop of incessant tdf attacks, the threat of imminent famine looms over the gaza strip. blogger and business coach dmitry portyagin paid off a debt of 64 million rubles to the state. this happened on the same day it became known that a criminal case had been opened against him and his wife for tax evasion and money laundering. business news denis talalaev. denis, there is an explanation why he suddenly settled accounts with the state so quickly? yes, igor, before this dmitry portnyagin tried to challenge the amount of the debt in court, but just after the searches and the detention of his wife, he decided to give the money. another russian blogger accused of tax evasion and money laundering, as formulated by the investigative committee, promptly compensated for the damage. business coach. the urgency of this
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payment is given by the fact that it happened on the same day, as it became known that security forces conducted searches at dmitry portnyagin’s house, in the office at the dacha, in the bathhouses belonging to him saibiria, in the business club he founded, club 500, and also detained his wife, ekaterina portnyagi, dmitry portnyagin himself called all this strange, because according to him...
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notes that even before the problems with the components , payment for the finished product had not been processed since december products. reports of problems with payments through chinese banks have become widespread. since the end of last year, the main reason has been cited as pressure from the united states, and specifically the threat of secondary sanctions. according to the businessman’s interlocutors, manufacturers are now working on alternative payment options, but... still, the production of domestic electronics may drag on for about six months, because there will be no shipments from china in the coming months. the russian stock market is in positive territory on friday; gold mining shares are rising in price more than others. gold again updated its historical maximum, and in general, since the beginning of march, its prices have already increased by 15%. the dollar is now rising in price against the euro because
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investors suspect that the european central bank will move to lower the key rate before it does so. american federal reserve, as a result to the ruble the dollar now the price goes up by 6 kopecks, but the euro loses 47 kopecks. the ministry of transport has ordered to strengthen the protection of russian airports from drones, rbc writes about this, citing a source. we are talking about airports that are classified in the first and second categories of transport infrastructure facilities. there are more than 50 of these in russia, including sheremetyevo, domodedovo and vnukovo airports. the ministry of transport confirms that recommendations on protective measures. from drones are compiled, but they do not say what exactly is recommended by the airport. back in the spring of last year, the izvestia newspaper wrote, that airport operators have a problem with buying and installing protection against drones, and there are no specific requirements or regulations, that is, airports simply do not know what to do and what means to use. as rbc points out, in the government decree on certification
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of transport security means, the last changes were made back in the twenty-first. thanks denis. today is international human space flight day. 63 years ago, soviet cosmonaut yuri gagarin made a revolution on the vostok spacecraft. around the planet, spending 108 minutes in near-earth space. this epochal event gave rise to space exploration for the benefit of all mankind. in a short time since gagarin's flight, man visited the moon, automatic vehicles visited many planets of the solar system. in russia. which still holds a leading position in the space industry, april 12 is celebrated as cosmonautics day, honoring designers, scientists, engineers, pilots, cosmonauts, and everyone who works in the industry. congratulations addressed to colleagues from the iss. the name of the planet's first cosmonaut is forever inscribed in world history. and we are proud that by developing the domestic cosmonautics, we are continuing
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the work begun by our predecessors. being here, hundreds of kilometers from the earth, we thank you for your work and sincerely congratulate you on your profession.
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image of yuri gagarin and his famous, let's go, you can even see it from our studio, well , then watch the emergency program, valeria gavrilovskaya is with us, valeria, over to you, egor, today on air games with fire, which someone leads in one snt saratov, the number of houses there is decreasing, already minus six, fire destroyed two houses last year, four more this season, residents almost immediately realized that it was not a problem with the wiring and so on, their suspicions were confirmed. .. the examination showed that the arsonist was operating. now the main question is who the criminal is and why he destroys other people's property. according to preliminary data, the arson is started by a nine-year-old schoolboy to have fun or he is fulfilling someone’s order, these are the versions that the residents themselves are considering, they voiced them exactly to our correspondent, who went to the scene. for a report
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from saratov, see the issue. egor. thank you, lera chp. next, well, the next news broadcast on ntv at 16:00. see you, a credit card is beneficial in any situation, an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever, that’s why the credit card is the best in the country, if you apply for a credit card , everything will be the way you want. many entrepreneurs. have already received money from the fund considerable business. now it’s your turn, alfabank will give away 100 million rubles. entrepreneurs across the country. the best stories will get the money. tell us about your business at alfabank. .ru. the endless country over which the sun never sets, the fascinating nature of russia, is now in your hands. on the new maps of tenkov black.
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withdraw cash, the first payment is only in a month, the money will always be up to 300,000 rubles for any purpose, get an ozone card and pay anywhere. on ntv there is a program about an emergency in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya, we are live. hello. in kamchatka, the court put an end to the high-profile case of the brutal beating of a cafe employee, sofia’s severe injuries, she worked as a barman, were inflicted by her colleague. cook dmitry rezanov was not shy about either the surveillance cameras or the reactions of other personnel, and then during interrogations and court hearings stated that the victim asked for it herself, which is why this actually happened. conflict, was the woman able to come to her senses after being between life and death and what sentence did the aggressor receive? learn more about everything pavel kuznetsov. the emotions on her face speak
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for themselves, these tears are not so much from relief, the trial of the man who brutally beat her was over, tried to deal with it, the bravest, firstly, the strongest to recover from this, thank you, but from the difficult memories of that bloody day during. meeting participants over and over again we reviewed the monstrous recording of the surveillance camera: early august morning, cafe kitchen, sofya musina, bartender, dmitry ryazanov in the frame, her colleague, a cook who came to work drunk, but the woman’s sharp remark will go home to sleep, ryazanov’s friend, loses his humanity appearance, what an animal is, what you don’t like, what with hands, feet, on the recording it’s not just beating.


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