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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  April 12, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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the emotions on her face speak for themselves, these tears are not so much from relief that the trial of the man who brutally beat her was over, trying to deal with her, the bravest, firstly, the strongest to recover from such a hospital, thank you, but from the difficult memories of that bloody day, during the meeting, the participants over and over again reviewed the monstrous recording of the surveillance camera, early august morning, cafe kitchen, sofya musina, bartender, dmitry rezanov in the frame. a chef colleague who came to work drunk, but a valid remark women go home to sleep, rezanov suddenly loses his human appearance, what is an animal, what don’t you like, what don’t you like, that with hands and feet on the recording it’s not just a beating, the enraged cook ryazanov actually killed sophia, what pain, what pain, in minutes sofina, without... the knowledge to hide from
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rezanov, tried to hide, she could no longer bear the monstrous blows, two men came running at the noise, but they somehow too gently tried to calm down the drunken ryazanov, one looked from the side, the second stood in front of the aggressive cook, who felt blood on knees, and then simply walked away, clutching his heart from the picture he saw, please, who are you with, shut up, well, after that dmitry did not run for long, and after the arrest it turned out that dmitry rezanov was originally from the krasnodar territory, came to... kamchatka to earn extra money, and he also, as it turned out, has a rich criminal biography, he was convicted twice for the same beatings, he was released several months before the beating of sofia musina, but in freedom he retained the signature of his past attacks. having planned a murder, aryazanov took three knives from the kitchen, which he hid in his clothes, after which he returned to the service area and continued to voice his complaints to the employee. after waiting for her to enter the kitchen, the man struck numerous blows with his hands and feet to the head and body of the victims. surprisingly,
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rezanov never admitted his guilt; he called the surveillance camera video a production, and called the conflict with his colleague barman an educational process. sofya musina received severe fractures of her facial bones, she was in the hospital for a month, rehabilitation continued all this time, now 7 months later verdict, rezanov will be sent to a maximum security colony for 8 years. i wanted it to be closed, because if he had been given a year or two there, or probation.
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ural airlines from sochi to moscow, in order for the plane to take off, they first had to calm down the conductor on board, who was grappling with an elderly man, the turmoil on board the aircraft began due to a flight delay of an hour and a half, before departure a malfunction was discovered on the plane, people asked to stay in their seats, but a new problem arose, refused air conditioning, the plane was quickly turning into a bathhouse, the passengers began to get nervous, some were getting worse, to the elderly man’s insistent request for water... the stewort reacted too aggressively, give me water, give me water, say, uh, don’t touch the man, you in general, they went nuts, man, what are you doing , what are you an idiot, took on the old man, swooped in, moron, after a portion of insults, a strong flight attendant who probably forgot about professional ethics and rules...
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behavior at work grabbed his opponent by the neck, threw water at him face, struck and received change. they had to call the police; the airline said they had launched an internal investigation. heated debates are being waged by residents of one snt in saratov; it seems that only they are running out of time to resolve the problem. for some reason, those who could help them do not understand the dangerous situation, but there is something to worry about. there is an arsonist in the gardening community. to the list. possessions minus six houses, they burned to the ground, and the examination confirmed that all this was the work of a person, the same person or a group, is there someone specific behind this, what is the goal committing crimes? there are too many questions, our correspondent stanislav kostikov went to the scene and found out how the investigation is being conducted and whether there are intermediate results, who is playing with fire? residents of sadovo became participants in the deadly game of fire roulette. partnership on the outskirts
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of saratov. due to mysterious circumstances, their houses are burning like matches one after another, due to a series of fires, in just a month, four families have lost their homes. vova bataeva opens the door of the burnt-out building for the first time after the fire house, which was only recently rebuilt, she moved all her things here, she had already set a housewarming date, a long-term dream to finally move from a rented apartment to her own cozy house, it burned down before her eyes, i felt the same emptiness for several months after after losing my mother, there’s just emptiness, i don’t know what to do next, how to somehow live, but i don’t know how, in an accident with... they don’t believe here, if after the first fires people attributed what was happening to a wiring fault, then when the fire began to destroy even houses not connected to electricity realized that someone was setting fires on purpose, while the police were looking for the pyraman, local residents recognized the situation as critical and organized foot patrols. the first suspicion fell on
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the rowdy neighbor, but the man denied everything , swore that he had done nothing of the kind, meanwhile the fire... and often with a dilapidated fence, waited for the moment when the owners were not at home, climbed over the fence and started a fire. residents began installing video surveillance systems in their areas, this bore fruit, soon the alleged arsonist revealed himself while examining the footage, the neighbors were shocked, the pyromaniac who terrified the summer residents turned out to be a child, in these footage the moment of the next arson, the schoolboy climbed over the fence several times. two attempts were unsuccessful and only on the third try the house caught fire. when the neighbors poured out into the street, it was too late to put out the fire; in a matter of minutes, another country house ceased to exist. the area around the ashes is strewn with fragments of slate, which
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scattered tens of meters during the fire. the flame could spread to the neighboring house, where the high temperature cracked the windows and melted the lining. the owners call it a miracle that the building did not burn down. so, around the house where he lives. a nine-year-old boy had formed a real ring of burnt areas, and recently a schoolboy in a joyful mood was noticed immediately after another fire. lyoshin, this is sasha, sasha, what is it? oh, there’s a crackling noise, so he says the apple trees are already burning, that’s all, and he started smiling, laughing and running. the neighbors' fears were confirmed by classmates who said that the guy’s favorite holiday is maslenitsa, but not because of pancakes. according to friends, what pleased the boy most was the brightly burning scarecrow. this...
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we forwarded their questions to the local police department, where they assured that they would do everything possible to put an end to the series of arson attacks. three criminal cases have been opened, they are now being investigated, and regarding the fact that our citizens are concerned and complaining, and about the actions of police officers, the head of the main department of vodorossiya for the saratov region a decision was made to begin an internal investigation into this fact. now the police are studying the student’s phone number, talking with his parents and friends, and also working on the rest. in this case, the employees themselves, who were negligent in the investigation and essentially gave the pyromaniac a free hand, may be punished. stanislav kostikov, anton kuzmin, alexander kopikov and anton lukyanov, ntv television company. they never cease to amaze and
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shock with new invented schemes for influencing financially literate people. this is the key to this story of telephone scammers. now they are focusing on young, fairly wealthy people. who until recently were not at risk. muscovite olga savina fell for the legend about the operation of the security forces with the involvement of the civilian population, who was sure that she was helping the special services find criminals and saving, if not the world, then gullible people from scammers, well, olga was brought to her senses, surprisingly, by her mother, a pensioner. the story of multi-million dollar deception by aleksin marchenko. galina ivanovna, grated kolach, before receiving a call from a stranger numbers. she’ll think 10 times and then give it up, she raised her daughter in the same way, trust, but check, but you never know where trouble lurks, she didn’t notice, the pensioner laments how olga fell into the clutches of scammers, in 3 days she transferred them 12 million borrowed on credit was already lucky to sell her
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car, she tried to pawn it, i initially told her that olya was a scammer, because we had already learned to stop everything, but she didn’t believe you right away, yes, when you started, she doubted, was afraid , what if if she doesn’t make this deal, the last one, then the scammers will take out loans from her. to olga savin, one of the great curators introduced himself as lieutenant colonel oleg kuznetsov, the second as an employee of victoria. they began to convince the central bank over the phone that some swindlers had issued a loan in the name of the woman, we must act decisively proactively, otherwise the villains will receive money for her at the cash register, for this, in the form of strict secrecy, go to request a loan from five different banks, the amount each time grew when the woman exhausted the limit, but needed was able to get another 1,200, the muscovite came up with the idea to sell the foreign car, until the last bank olga was just a little bit against it. some 200 m, she parked the car, suddenly she received a call from her mother, she blocked the rest of her relatives at
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the request of the scammers, so galina ivanovna began to persuade her, lieutenant colonel kuznetsov is not in that department, we checked, and the central bank is not at all involved in catching crooks and in general doesn’t work with visas, go back and go to the police, after an hour and a half of persuasion, the exact end gave up. 12 million, the woman transferred the borrowed money immediately in small tranches to the floor. rubles to the indicated accounts of the scammers, why? everything is elementary. olga thought these were details of a special operation, the purpose of which was to identify criminals who were operating on the internet, hacking personal data, and she was promised to automatically write off the issued loans, but she was working for the good of the country. i called this kuznetsov, he started yelling at me again, that supposedly you had an order at the branch not to contact bank employees, they told you that an operation was underway, like you don’t understand. or something like that further, i tell him: listen, i’m saying, it’s not agent 007 here, as if i’m very worried,
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i’m saying, and you’re still yelling at me here, while olga savina, a responsible, competent person, works in a state corporation , recalls that it was like under hypnosis, barely slept, didn’t eat, even took a vacation at her own expense to transfer money. the kuzminsk interagency prosecutor's office is monitoring the identification of persons involved in committing fraudulent actions against a resident of the capital. we broke through this...
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their criminal colleagues will not stop will continue to come up with new schemes to deceive people, to know about everyone, try to protect yourself, follow the news in our telegram channel chpntv, to subscribe, type chpntv in the search bar or go to the channel right now using... using the qr code that you you see on the screen. by the way, there is feedback in our telegram channel, tell us news, share interesting videos, incidents or tell us about your problem, we will try to help. next, family values, lonely muscovite trying to return an escaped cat who is now in a shelter. why did the director say that it would not be a matter of principle to return the animal, and is there any reason for this? we'll figure it out after the ad. on sunday at 6:00 pm on ntv. a big gathering of real
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boys. the authority of sofu, who has five hodos and 16 years in the zone. he scored a shot at the main boys in the country. guys, you are worthless. for the first time , junior adidas will be in charge of the market. you're a boy now. coat, either you or you. turbo, brother. they were very afraid of dogs, now they were afraid of people. day checked out, the series premiered only in
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the okko online cinema. an endless country on which the sun never sets. the fascinating nature of russia is now in your hands. on the new maps of tenkov black. hurry up to get a tenkov black debit card with a limited design before april 14 and get free service forever. tinkov. one for all, all, all for one, there is a classic that i like more and more every time, the classic. burgers grant and new, grand picant with spicy tomato sauce, which you really want to repeat, the classics are already waiting, deliciously and to the point, on the fourteenth, every month, 20% discount on cosmetics and household chemicals, what is a good car for you, mileage, condition, comfort, for everyone there is a good car, find it
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intelligence, why the body fails, is it possible to stop these harmful changes, it is possible. our body has a main computer - the brain. it is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood and sleep, and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. the brain is an electrical system, it consists of nerve cells and processes between them, through which electrical signals constantly flow. as we age , changes occur in the brain; brain cells age and are damaged by the environment and stress. scientists from kyoto university.
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800 100 exactly 1985 the brain is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. however, with age, we all experience a deterioration in memory and intelligence, disturbances in the functioning of our organs. this year the russian distributor purchased a batch japanese brain therapy product, it contains all the phospholipids that promote brain restoration. brain therapy. the aging of the brain can be reversed and it will serve you faithfully again. prolong the youth of your brain. 8800 100 exactly 1985 800 100 exactly 1985. find out more about the japanese product brainterapy. dmitry malikov vs. marine fedunkev.
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stars tomorrow at 22:00 on ntv. another emergency incident is live, we continue the broadcast: muscovite tatyana letner wants to restore her family, she has it a small, lonely woman lived with her cat, but she went for a walk on her own and ended up in bad company, as her owner was now convinced, the animal ended up in a shelter and the director stated that she would not return the pet as a matter of principle, does she have the right to do so ? , tamara simonova was looking into a cabin trailer at one of the construction sites. moscow, tatyana letner lives here, works in the same closed area, as the head of the central warehouse, her beloved cat snezhanna used to help her in this, she caught mice, which now spoil her work uniform. now the only thing tatyana has left in memory of her companion is their common photographs. for more than six months, her cat has not been living with her, in a shelter, where she ended up after
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she accidentally ran out of a trailer, was caught by strangers and taken to other animals. tatyana arrived at the shelter. yes, i didn’t take my cat, i can’t take it. a construction change house is now the only housing that tatyana can afford, after the death of her father, the apartment that was supposed to be inherited was meanly re-signed by her brother, so she had to arrange life in the trailer, she doesn’t complain about the conditions, but she says it wasn’t so lonely before... that there’s this toilet in front of her nose, she’s huddled in this cage, the sixth month, tatyana and i went to that same one moscow shelter, where similar situations with
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pets have already happened more than once, they ended up in cages, but they are no longer able to return to their owners, at the entrance the director alena kanaeva met us, she already knows tatyana, so almost from the threshold she declared that the cat was not will give, reasons for the refusals included the absence of a chip on the animal, or uninstalled nets on... in a room without windows, which is called an infectious diseases hospital. snezhani was diagnosed with immunodeficiency at the shelter. if this is true, it means that the chances of an animal being taken by a stranger are almost
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zero. you just don’t want to give the cat away on principle right now. doesn't understand what responsible animal handling is. why did you draw such conclusions? i don't have to justify myself to you. excuse me, let's leave the infectious diseases hospital. according to lawyers, no it is worth remembering that a pet is still property, as it were. it didn’t sound like that, many simply consider pets to be members of the family, ownership can be proven with documents and photographs, while microchipping in moscow, unlike in the regions, is not mandatory; they make up a story that she lives in some then trailers or maybe the conditions there for a pet’s life or something else, no, what they have indicated there, in any case on the website, these are exclusively the internal requirements of the shelter itself, but for now november has its own profile on the official website. where there are currently 600 animals, the organizers ask for help for each by transferring money for food or medicine.
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tatyana letner herself is ready to monitor the health of her pet. of course, if the cat is given to her, the woman is not going to give up, so if the situation does not change, she is ready to contact the prosecutor’s office, the main thing is that no one else finds herself in a similar situation. tamara simonova, nadezhda zybkina, sergey samonov and dmitry salnikov, tv company. moscow. path to american the fugitive traitor alexei panin, who was arrested in absentia in russia, passed his passport through the bar, now the former actor entertains russian emigrants in los angeles as a toastmaster, vulgar competitions, mafia games and small-town apartment houses are now the main way of earning money for a half-forgotten movie star. the payment is apparently piecework, so panin advertises all events personally. neither the mafia nor some theaters over the hill will save him, i don’t know who even goes there, it seems to me that sponsors help, judge for yourself, even in an interview with ksenia sobchak sat he was barefoot, it was clear that his toenails
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were painted white, that is, what kind of signal he was giving, that is, he was clearly somehow healing sponsors, what role was destined for panina in hollywood from the very beginning, with what funds did he buy a ferrari why does he keep begging? subscribers, watch the new episode of the emergency investigation program this saturday at 16:20 on ntv. we have more to come, see below. adventures of an italian in russia. how carlos armazin benefited from his experience of living in venice in the nizhny novgorod outback why, if he moved to russia for love, does he not see dolcevita every day? we'll tell you after the commercial. “hello, i’m looking for an advertisement about a room, here’s the deal, soldier, who’s
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a soldier, a former military man, was in prison for life, was going to move sacks until retirement, well, are you planning to live until retirement, his life is like a battlefield, there’s no way in hell.” ? serious people were preparing drift, but he must win this fight, you need a rifle with night optics, what have you gotten yourself into again, either he us, or we him, that’s it, there’s no turning back, hot spot, new season, normal action, from tuesday at 20:00 on ntv. retiring is beneficial with a savings bank for pensioners.
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the race of russia is now in your hands, on the new tingkov black cards. hurry up to get a tingkov black debit card with a limited design before april 14 and get free service forever. zinkov. there is another emergency on nt live . we are continuing production. and finally, it’s you. after the start of the sweet life in a foreign land of the italian carlos ramazin, he moved to the russian outback for love and no, not for nature, his heart was won by our compatriot tatyana, but he misses the native venetian landscape is not. in the spring, carlos always feels at home; the flood comes and with it his native places come to life in his memory. only if for venice centuries-old canals are a calling card, then for the nizhny novgorod region it is a test of survival. how our hero goes through it,
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report by denar usmanov. what the venetians can cope with, the nizhny novgorod residents will also be able to cope with the light italian hand of their neighbor carlos ramazin; the flood in the bor region is now called nothing more than aquaalta, which in russian means:
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they are standing there, they would not have been flooded if the slabs had been there, they say that at one time everything was ordered for these support slabs, it’s just that the factory did not have time to finish it, but having estimated the budget for the repair of supports for the construction of a capital bridge, together with representatives of the district administration , we realized that this it will be too expensive, and not really necessary. in order to build a new high bridge now, about 130-150 million. the flood lasts for 2 weeks by may.
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hunting for a patriot. ukraine has run out of shells for western missile systems. how long will their air defense last? there are hundreds of patriot systems in europe, and ukraine asks for protection 7. yura, we will fix everything. russia celebrates cosmonautics day with the successful launch of the angara. is it possible to become the first in space again? go. watch it now. hello, this is the meeting place at ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. i'm andrey norkin.


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