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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 12, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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pogroms in houses, schools, kindergartens, destroyed tram tracks, a failed power plant, about the consequences of the flood in orvsk, alexander tankikh. the most difficult task is how... about space and people for whom it is just a stone's throw nikita korzun. they did it, despite problems with the weather and other obstacles, russian paratroopers still set a world record by jumping with parachutes and... maximum going underground,
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about the safety measures taken in the legendary august tank battalion, report by alexey ivliev. do not cross the threshold of prison again, how the new approbation law works and what the convicts themselves say about it with details vera danilide. hello, welcome to the information service of telekompanonent tv. this is the program today, its host is elmira effendieva, vladimir chernyshov. in orski, orenburg region, which was the first to stand in the way of a record flood.
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years of work were washed away in one night, it took almost 3 years to build, i thought about putting a roof on this year, i didn’t start putting everything on, the blocks were all broken, they put in matkapital, we took out a loan that still has to be repaid, now everything needs to start again, the main thing is that we ourselves are alive, that we are young, maybe we’ll line up, or maybe we’ll earn money for an apartment, the bathhouse floated away, the tiles flew off the walls, in alexander’s house...
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wavy rails, fallen supports, this is what the tram tracks look like now, some kindergartens and schools got it, this building is still locked, but already on the territory, you can see the consequences, a broken children's playground and a pile of rubbish at the entrance, this is what many areas look like. and streets the old town district in orsk was demolished by a stream of furniture, building materials, personal belongings - all this is now floating in the water. the military will help residents of orsk remove garbage after the water has completely subsided. the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, came to the city again, checked how the consequences were being eliminated and talked with local residents. here's the fan, here's everyone, people, dogs, everyone was saved, that's all, well done in general, god bless them all. stated that in orsk
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they will carry out sanitary treatment in all flooded houses, now we will be like water leave, let's start processing, there's enough water, there's enough water, it's destroyed. part of the dam has been restored; now the streams from the ural river no longer flow into residential areas; water is pumped out from the city streets. alexander tankikh, sergey skvortsov, vladimir khazov, ntv, orsk, orenburg region. in orenburg, the water level in the ural river has been steadily rising throughout the day ; a new absolute record of 11 m at 54 cm has been recorded. the regional authorities reported that, according to forecasts, the flood will go down in 2 days. evacuation of people from dangerous areas continues districts, employees. also pets, here is a report by mikhail chernov about saving four-legged drowning people. to get to the nezhenka sanatorium you have to swim for a very long time, 2 km, first over a flooded road, then over a forest path, carefully using oars. perhaps this is the first time in their life
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they are doing this. here, finally, is what we came for, or rather that camel dasha, a local celebrity. let's go, let's go. been here before. wait, zoo dasha has been living here for many years, now the sanatorium is surrounded by water, the animals have been climbing into the building for several years now she refuses for days, she has been standing in a pen all her life, that is, she has never seen such water, and even more so she has never walked on stairs, this is the only island we have left, she is not at all easy to climb, weighs more than 800 kg, transfer dasha to dry land while there is no way to lure the pet even onto the porch, the sanatorium staff even put up stuffed deer. we tried everything, even brought mine like this and installed it, but nothing. dasha, like rabinzonzon, lives surrounded by water, in company with lutik, another island inhabitant. other inhabitants of the sanatorium zoo turned out to be a treasure trove, for the management of the sanatorium, like grandfather mozai, he personally collected
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animals from the water, the rabbits now have their own separate room, the goats walk all over the floor. then we sail again, a few more kilometers, stop on the island, find something to feed the runaway. there were no horses, but we saw forests, this is the only island that has survived in the area, animals are being rescued , trying to climb higher, for example, sitting on a forest tree, the end point is the flooded farm of a local cossack society, like atlantis, dogs greet us joyfully from afar, no one rejoices at guests as much as motya, the dog is very affectionate, they built this kind of fruit here especially for dogs, they come here and feed them regularly, underwater storage of fodder and hay, barns where there was cattle, all the animals were collected in... the most difficult task is to deliver to the shore two bulls, the bully zamorysh, the calm kuzya, 300 and 500 kg of net weight, respectively, another three dozen
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cows have already been transported, the orenburg cossacks, the people are desperate, they inject the animals with sleeping pills they hold it tightly by the tail so that the runt and the cousin don’t fall into the water, half asleep, everything, everything, let them lie down now, well, let them. when loading, the main thing is not to turn the boat over once or twice, that’s all, then you have to hurry, the sleeping pills take half an hour to take effect, on the way you’ll try to get up, another injection saves the situation. transporting bc is a nervous time, the animals are trying to wake up, and each time you have to inject a new dose of sleeping pills. there is a strong current along the short road, you can easily capsize, so we take a detour.
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the idea is being promoted to carry out some conference in switzerland, they don’t invite us there, moreover, they think that we have nothing to do there, but at the same time they say that nothing can be decided without us, and since
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we are not going there, this is actually some kind of ponopticon saying, that we refuse negotiations, they don’t invite us, they say that we refuse, but it would be funny if it weren’t. sad, our position is that they can only agree there on how to increase the escalation of this conflict, without russia, how can there be peace?
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another statement on the same topic was made by today at the un security council, our permanent representative vasily nebenzia. quote: if ukraine really wanted peace, it would have achieved it long ago. the meeting at the un headquarters in new york was created at the request of russia and was dedicated to the supply of western weapons to the kiev regime. nibenzi described how the west methodically convinced the authorities in kiev that foreign support was possible with the help of weapons. so why can’t ukraine do this, while ceasing to discriminate against the russian language and russian speakers in strict accordance
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with european values. the answer to this question is very simple. because washington, london and brussels do not need a ukraine that is friends with russia, and that is not why they have been investing in it for 10 years. the russian ministry of defense today revealed details of massive attacks on targets in ukraine. they were applied throughout . last week in response to attacks from kiev. and so, according to an official representative of the military department, all designated targets were hit. from april 6 to april 12, the armed forces of the russian federation in in response to the kiev regime’s attempts to damage russian oil and gas industry facilities, one massive and 47 group strikes were carried out with high-precision air and sea-based ground-based weapons, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles. on objects of fuel and energy and military-industrial complexes of ukraine.
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in addition, logistics bases and temporary deployment points for special operations forces of the ukrainian armed forces of foreign mercenaries were hit. on vdievsky direction, our attack drone operators destroyed another enemy tank, a nationalist combat vehicle fired at russian positions from the forest belt. intelligence transmitted the coordinates of the targets, and our military released them. the shot works effectively, yes, in all directions, as if everyone praises it. the most
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scarce and in-demand specialty in the legendary august tank battalion are hunters. many of them came from home to combat work with personal smoothbore weapons, this guy with the call sign zenith pump-action weapons, domestically produced, from which, almost every day, a fighter at an air surveillance post fires at enemy reconnaissance drones, which are circling in flocks over the positions of tankers. it only seems that the tankers jumped into a combat vehicle and set off to destroy the enemy. in fact, almost every raid on enemy positions is preceded by the work of a reconnaissance detachment.
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porridge, pasta, potatoes, here the tankers who returned to duty before him can rest in complete safety, despite their young age, a soldier with a call sign of just a little 24 years old, in the zone of a special military operation from the first days, he says that now the most dangerous weapon for tanks is drones, in our country people are no longer afraid of the whistling of shells, like liquid from the sky, they suddenly fly in and hunt, as soon as there is a danger of attack kamika drone. mined, we rise from the dungeon and move to combat positions, camouflage is at the highest level here. after our scouts have detected the target, the tanks from the cache go into a firing position and destroy the enemy. but it always works here drone identifier. at the last moment, the deputy battalion commander decides to strike without moving to
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the front line, directly from the front. work more actively against the enemy, we do not let their reserves in, we do not allow them to evacuate their already battered manpower, well, the enemy uses fp drones, artillery, and covers us with cluster weapons, he is not shy about this, and we have to hide both personnel and equipment underground . according to objective control data, at least two shots from the tank destroyed it. five ukrainian nationalists. alexey ivliev, valery kozhin, anna ivanova, dmitry pisarev, ntv television company, seversk direction, lpr. our next report is about a special operation hero who was seriously wounded, but did not despair and returned to his normal life. ilya kazakov is from yalta, he volunteered for the northern military district. during one of the missions, he
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stepped on a mine, survived, but lost his legs. now he’s recovering, getting used to new things... taking the stairs, getting into a car, or walking somewhere, but this is a different level of stress, a different level of, i don’t know, responsibility to oneself, or what? in in the trunk he carries another stroller, a baby stroller; the one-year-old varvara is now the main support for his father. after the terrorist attack in the ssu on the crimean bridge in october twenty-two, ilya decided to go to
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the front, served in the kherson region, there he lost both legs, stepping on a witch, this is one of the most powerful anti-personnel mines. survived by miracle, 8 days in coma, a tour of hospitals, sevastopol, moscow region, consciousness came already in the capital, i remember, i lifted the sheet and looked, my stump was bandaged, i was not particularly surprised that i had no legs, that is, somehow i accepted it normally, and i remember when my parents and wife came, i also tried to show them, i couldn’t speak, i had a torchiostomy in my throat, i tried to show them that i had no legs, and i remember their surprised eyes , they themselves were afraid to tell me about it, 2 years ago in a day he could run... hundreds of kilometers along the trails of the southern coast of crimea, traveled to the caucasus to climb even higher - the conqueror brus still dreams. you walk 3 km, and for me it will be about 300 m, that is, many times harder. now ilya is just learning to live in a new way, but already ahead of schedule. he gave up kostoley a couple of months earlier than planned; he uses canes; with them it is more difficult to take a step and maintain balance, but
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the prostheses help, they adjust the movement of mechanical components to the owner’s walking style, thanks to a microprocessor in the knee joint. ilya shares his successes on his blog. there are few subscribers, 400 people, many of them also with disabilities. by my example, i want to show them that life does not end, it simply transforms and becomes. a little different, perhaps even more interesting, that is, my life, i can now say for sure that it has become brighter, more eventful, more interesting. his blog is called the story of the iron man, and now ilya is writing a book under the same name. he combined the front-line diary with rehabilitation chronicles. everything is character and real. he, his wife, their daughter, friends, colleagues, doctors, those who helped him return to life. i look at ipet every morning and understand that i can still get up, sooner or later, i can’t be stopped. we were joking with you. then apparently will you start walking without crutches together with your daughter and, judging by everything, according to your plans , you and your daughter will already go on thursday? well, most likely it will be like this, she’s just 7 months old now, she’s already learned to learn
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to stand up, to stand up, and i think in about four months she’ll walk, maybe we’ll take the first steps together. rastislav skidan, alexander solovenko, dmitry mezentsev and olek shalya, ntv television company. we wish all our compatriots and colleagues in the industry good health and
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prosperity, new successes and achievements. with happy holiday, friends, happy cosmonautics day. and today the roscosmos delegation laid flowers at the kremlin wall memorial on red square. the founder of russian cosmonautics, sergei korolev, the first cosmonaut, is buried there. planet yuri gagarin and other prominent figures in the rocket and space industry of our country. the event was attended by the head of the state corporation yuri borisov, cosmonaut anna kikina and industry veterans. today, on cosmonautics day, at a ten-kilometer altitude above the north pole, it’s even hard for me to imagine, three people, these are russians who decided to set a world record; no one before them had jumped with a parachute from the stratosphere to the sky. throughout the entire jump, the temperature was below -50°; the ntv reporter was the only one who managed to see the preparation for the record and film the jump itself. unique footage in the material
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of alexander kanevich. historical footage of three russian paratroopers taking a step towards the record. no one had ever jumped from such a height to the north pole before. most likely for you the cross of the coordinates support group his. they will be located somewhere closer to the helicopters so that if you land outside the river or somewhere far away, so as not to run far, you will immediately jump on the helicopter and fly away. at the planning meeting before departure, the stratonauts discuss in detail the details of the landing, if it happens in an unplanned place, a search and rescue group on helicopters is on duty in borneo, as is the case with astronauts, when crews return from the iss to the ground, and in general , much in this record-breaking jump is similar to flight into orbit, says his chief initiator cosmonaut mikhail kornienko, what do you feel, about the same as before going into outer space, responsibility,
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but we have been preparing for a long time, there are many people behind our preparation, wow, yes, that we need to do everything without mistakes, to do it for russia another record, good luck, thank you for your service. jump, future stratonauts conduct another control training, during which they practice absolutely all actions , literally every step they take.
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the vertical speed of fall will be higher than under normal conditions, parachutists, about 65 m/s to a height of 5.00 m, from a height of 5.00 m, about 50 m/s. the temperature outside is 50° and you are also blown at by 65 m/s, then if you do the calculations, you are affected by the total temperature gradient, well, about 100°, so this is the main difficulty. however, neither this nor other difficult features of the jump stopped our record holders; their jump will help the development of science in the field of exploration of the north pole, where russia has always been a pioneer. parachutists, thanks to satellite communications, are already they reported that everything was fine with them, but unfortunately, the technical capabilities simply do not
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allow for prompt transfer.
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russia and belarus, the day when we celebrate the achievements of the soviet union, it means our common, common achievement of all the republics of the former soviet union, then together we did a lot... a lot, now we, together with belarus, continue this joint work, and the fact that the first belarusian cosmonaut flew into space; this is only an external manifestation of our joint activities. marina vasilevskaya, who the day before belarus was awarded the title of hero of the country; vladimir putin today awarded the order of gagarin, as well as the crew commander. the russian-belarusian mission became
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the fourth flight in the decree for the hero of russia. marina vasilevskaya was ready to subscribe to every word of the president of russia, because during 13 days and 18:41 minutes of flight, the debutante, under the guidance of an experienced commander, of course, conducted a series of experiments, prepared a drug that increases the immunity of astronauts on long expeditions, in belarusian, which is noteworthy, raw materials from microorganisms v unique conditions of weightlessness, and with the help of native equipment developed at the institute of physics of belarus, collected data on the state of the environmental situation in the regions
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of the country. vladimir putin, however, focused on the achievements of russian cosmonautics, the launch of the angara, a new heavy launch vehicle from the new vostochny cosmodrome, with the help of this launch vehicle we will later launch everything that is necessary to create a russian orbital station. i hope that this cooperation will continue, aleksandromevich and i just this has been discussed, i’m sure it will be so. alexander lukashenko, taking the floor in a kind of brotherly way, suggested that for putin, space flights are commonplace.
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april is a double celebration of astronautics and the creation of his own family. this year , together with his wife zoya grumovna, they are celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of their union. vladimir putin received an invitation to join the celebration. loves you very much. the president today, as you know, is busy with the cosmonauts; he might be able to come in person another time, but even such a telephone conversation is expensive costs. can you hear us? i hear, i hear, who is it? all your friends from the kremlin are with you, your friends from the kremlin. good good. vladimir putin introduced his guests to ypyak: alexander lukashenko, oleg novitsky and marina vasilevskaya, then it turned out that the call was not
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accidental, everything is very connected, like everything in our sublunary world. i know that one of your grandchildren wants to watch the launch of a spaceship, we will definitely organize it. the belarusian leader also confirmed the trip. will inevitably take place in baikanur, the hero of russia oleg novitsky wished chita pyak good luck health happiness. the first female cosmonaut of belarus focused on the beauty of her native land rather than on the space industry, joining the conversation with yamal. and they invited our native beautiful belarus. the conversation about health is relevant not only for astronauts and people who celebrate their golden wedding; here the president remembered that piag comes from an unusual family. your father was also a hereditary reindeer herder and lived more than 100 years. and of course, the most important thing in all your successes is your family, the basis of everything that happens in life in every forward movement, this is space, the reindeer herder’s grandchildren can say about such a sudden telephone
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conversation, however, no fiction, this is our life, space is really just a stone’s throw away. nikita korzun, ntv. the holiday is celebrated today on a grand scale at the russia exhibition. on the main street stage of vdnkh there is a concert among artists who take part in it, including the most cosmic musical group of our country, earthlings, and before the concert there was a solemn costume procession, the participants of which were dressed in astronaut spacesuits, many held national flags in their hands, a brass band of the ministry of defense marched ahead, and a car parade was also planned. now a short advertisement.
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russia is preparing to implement a state program that will help prisoners quickly integrate into society after their release. speech we are talking about the procedure within the framework of the approbation law, which came into force this year. it is envisaged that convicts will be able to take advantage of individual programs of assistance in employment, medical services, restoration of documents, well, in general, in everything without which it is difficult to return to normal life after long years of imprisonment. will tell you how it will work, here after work we get ready for bed and sleep alone, relax, kirill logutov is 45 years old, almost 15 of them, he lives according to the strict schedule of a correctional colony, this is already his fourth the man’s sentence, this time serving a sentence for drunk driving, before that he spent 11 years in prison, used and distributed drugs, i’m afraid of the years and years lost. they were simply admitted, well, they passed in mediocrely, after release
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the difficulties, according to the prisoners, do not end, rather, on the contrary, they are just beginning. after his release, kirill could not get a job for a long time, now he needs to start everything from scratch again, his wife and two children are waiting for him in freedom, i punished not only myself, i punished them, i worry more about them, how for myself, i need to change everything, as if to prove to them that i can still do it. here in orenburg, in correctional colony number eight , thirty-year-old denis korolev served his sentence. now the man is already free. this was his second sentence, both for theft. again in front. i crossed the threshold of the colony at the age of 25, problems with finding employment before release, denis was not afraid, questions were raised only by his psychological state, psychological relief is required upon release from this institution, the first time will be difficult, without precisely without psychological support, because as if
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there are family problems, the list of concerns after release is almost endless, everyone has. i have my own thoughts on this matter, so that this sheet contains as few points as possible, in russia they proposed a comprehensive solution at the legislative level; at the beginning of this year, the federal approbation law came into force. the new approbation law provides for the creation of an entire institute for the social adaptation of former prisoners. this is specific and targeted assistance that should help people return to normal life. measures these supports are being introduced in stages, first of all, this is assistance with documents.
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such an instrument is electronic and the federal penitentiary service is actively working here together with the ministry of digital development with the participation of the ministry of justice, that is, it will be a tool that will allow, so to speak, to implement the law in full. life behind bars, according to the prisoners themselves, at some point becomes even more familiar to the will of life. psychologists explain that in science there is even a corresponding term: learned without help.
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way of life to the decisions that he had already made before, and to the crimes that he had committed. it turns out to be a vicious circle, which not everyone can break, but , according to psychologists, there is definitely a way out. ekaterina nikandrova is also preparing to be released. the woman is serving her sentence in a women's medical correctional institution in tsivilsk, chuvashia. still the same article 228. here only drug and alcohol addicts. for treatment there is a rehabilitation center on site, many hours are allocated to work with a psychologist, with specialists, women create dolls like these, buy yourself, well , it’s a little damaged now, it’s cracked a little in the face, and the nose is a little damaged, there are parallels with real life, while in the institution katya learned about
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a terrible tragedy, a woman lost her son, he i drowned, but my son, he will always remain next to me. no matter what, what i have, i don’t want to do more, it’s probably going to hurt anyone, don’t repeat my previous mistakes, now katya is 33 years old, she’s been here for more than 6 years, she’s planning to get out soon, and no matter what , dreams life to start again, life is not as bad as we think, if you look at it from... on the other hand, it is beautiful, while we are alive, while we are here, then we must live. the new law of approbation is voluntary, declarative in nature, that is, in order to receive help. you must first apply for it, and here everything depends on the desire of the person himself, you get complete freedom of choice. vera
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danilidi, alexander belyaev, alexey zuev and susanna prutchikova, ntv television company. this is the program today. we'll continue after a short commercial. reduce there will be no money, the money will be with a sazon card, now you can easily get up to 300,000 rubles for any purpose, spend it anywhere, and also withdraw cash, the first payment is only in a month, the money will always be up to 300,000 rubles for any purpose, get it on ozon- card and pay anywhere, every second ticket wins the russian lotto charity easter draw, 10 rubles from each ticket sold. will be donated to charitable causes, buy tickets in branded stores on the stoloto website. i consider one of
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the most significant and responsible projects of gazprom, an expanded program of social gasification, and now it is extended not only to residential buildings, but to socially significant facilities, educational and medical institutions. falmykelin, miniquelin, miniquelin. faznotse.
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in 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win. hello buddy. as promised, today we are preparing flax. hey hey butter don't start. oh, i need to take the money home. by the way, i translated. it’s faster and more convenient, thank you for teaching, it’s someone else who taught whom, vtb, together everything will work out, this is the program today, we continue our release, today the forum we are together sports started in gostiny dvor, in the center of moscow the participants will discuss the issue of developing mass and professional sports, for two days the forum will host lectures, master classes, and visitors can also work out on new simulators, learn the basics
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of knife throwing, archery or rifle shooting, and as the minister of sports of russia, oleg matytsin, emphasized, it is important to pay attention not only to new projects, such as figital sport, but to traditional sports. separately, he noted the upcoming brix games, which will be held in kazan in the summer. if we talk about the number of participants, this is about order. 500 participants, we consider this project as another opportunity for russia to contribute to the development and community of brix, because this is not the first time that sports competitions have been organized within the framework of brix, but on that scale in that format they really will be unique. according to matytsin, more than fifty countries have already expressed their desire to participate in the brix games. the resort tax, which is now being collected experimentally in a number of regions, can be replaced with a tourist tax. further business news with
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us denis talolaev. denis, what exactly is the difference? well, firstly, in the name, because taking a resort tax somewhere in the krasnoyarsk territory or the magadan region is exotic even for russia, the tourist tax, as they say, is doubtful, but okay, and we are with gifts, where does it all come from, you're on pensions, on vtb pensions the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% , together everything will work out, instead of a resort fee in four regions in russia it may appear. tourist tax in all regions, sources of the vedomosti newspaper speak about such government plans; according to them, they want to introduce a bill to the duma this spring. one of the main questions is what is considered the tax base. you can calculate the tourist tax, for example, from the number of rooms in a hotel, or from the price of the room. how the interlocutors of the statements clarify that during the discussion the figure is 3% of the amount
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that a tourist pays for accommodation. now the maximum resort tax rate. 100 rub. per person per day. there is an important clarification: the regions, they write, will be given the right to refuse to introduce a tourist tax. the experiment of collecting a resort fee has been going on in russia for 6 years; it exists in the altai, krasnodar, stavropol territories, and since april 1 of this year, in st. petersburg. crimea also has the right to introduce a tax. but he's just under for various reasons, he renounces this right for all 6 years. the money from the collection should be used for improvement. tourism infrastructure, but industry representatives said that firstly, tourists can easily evade the fee by renting apartments and rooms. secondly, 100 rubles per person will not solve all the problems of the industry. blogger and business coach dmitry portnyagin was detained in the rostov region and will soon be taken to the moscow region for questioning by the investigative committee. this was reported today by a tas source in
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law enforcement agencies. he clarifies that all this is connected with a criminal case. the fact that dmitry portnyagin and his wife became involved in a case of laundering and tax evasion became known the day before. yesterday, security forces conducted searches at dmitry portnyagin's house, his office at the dacha, the saibiria bathhouses that he owned, the pisot club business club he founded, and also detained his wife, ekaterina portnyagina. dmitry portnyagin himself, clarifying that the connection is being made, the quote is not far from the line of military contact. yesterday i reported that the main debt for he paid off taxes back in...
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the central bank will move to lower the key rate before the american federal reserve does, as a result, the dollar rose in price to the ruble by 16 kopecks today, but the euro lost 39 kopecks at the end of the auction. one of the largest russian retail chains, lenta, entered into a confrontation with suppliers of goods so that they lower prices. today lenta announced that it has already refused to work with some manufacturers of confectionery, pet food, and cosmetics. from the mars company, and these are the brands viiscos, pedigree, chap and royal conin. the russian division of mars responded that they have not increased the price of karma for a year and a half, despite the fact that raw materials and logistics are becoming more expensive. a month ago it became known that
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the mondeles company refused to supply goods to the tape at the purchase prices offered to it, and these are milka and 'chocolate bars. theft by supply chains over prices is always difficult, but they rarely end in interruption of supplies. but some of the businessman’s sources believe that in this way lenta still wants to show regulators that it strives to keep prices down. in at the beginning of april, the federal antimonopoly service announced that it would check egg prices in retail chains. and among the networks where there will be checks, fas named the tape too. and
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everything about the economy. thank you, denis. thank you. denis talalaev with an economic review, well, now it’s time for the weather forecast in our weather studio irina polyakova. irin, what are we waiting for? from the weather over the weekend, well, there shouldn’t be any special surprises, yesterday in the central regions was maximally loaded with warm records, from bryansk to ryazan, tula, voronezh, tambov it reached +28 and for vladimir the record turned out to be above twenty. now all this is beginning to evaporate, and after such gigantic almost ten-degree excesses of the calendar norm, now it will be much more modest, and will remain warmer than expected, but just a little. and cooling rains are small and short in the volga region and the volgovyat region. and the main drop in temperature there tomorrow, well, the north is still frosty, at least at night, but the real freezer is still not there, in the center of the krasnoyarsk territory -thirty. now in the warm south, although there is a decrease
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in the background temperature, it is not fatal, and as for precipitation, the northern air flow provokes it in the mountainous and foothill areas. about capitals after a break. tomorrow the weather will change, reliability, responsibility and an individual approach to each client of urals bank will cease. unchangeable. prompt resolution of issues and favorable offers. when opening an account for a business, free service for 3 months and a gift. spring is a time of cleansing. take lymphatic transit. lymphatic transit helps cleanse the body by introducing toxins, as well as reducing swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the valar company is your spring update. stagnation of lymph can cause swelling. lymphatic transit. helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph lymphotransit from the company evalar in st. petersburg tomorrow it will be +13, it will get colder on monday, in moscow tomorrow the maximum will be +14, on
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sunday it may even be 16, but the wind will increase, it will be especially cruel on monday, orange weather level danger, in such a wind, these +10 will feel like +5, or even lower, but then everything will calm down again and will be a little warmer than expected in general. good prospects, i think, very good, thank you, irin, irina palyakova with the weather forecast, well, this is the main news for this hour, once again happy cosmonautics day to everyone, and myra fendeeva and vladimir chernyshov, we say goodbye to you, see you, see you dates. joy in full carriages, golden carriages blowing from the south, young pets, tearing apart the clouds in a shred, did not forget to send you far from home, mother
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and not the last one, but running across the sky, you see someone’s footprints, it could be you, it could be me. and maybe they are waiting for us, maybe they are singing to us, a scythe has found a stone, there is a war going on for the memory of years, our lakasa is at war on the hamen.


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