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tv   Svoya pravda s Romanom Babayanom  NTV  April 13, 2024 12:00am-1:56am MSK

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take it, wait, he will definitely appear, or maybe you decided to play with me, maybe he ’s already holding me at gunpoint, listen, if i wanted, he would have killed you a long time ago, so let’s sit, wait, stop chattering, you bitch you’re still jumping on me,
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it’s time to move, don’t be afraid, i was looking for my saiga while i was away, well, i was looking, and what, everything is in a safe place, together with my pieces of hardware, we’ll come and pick it up. i don’t know who it is, i’ll look now, i’ll see for myself, be here.
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lower the trunk, let's live, live, live, live, great, maureen, come here! where are they, bitch, let's haggle, tie it up, he won’t say anything, before he can tell you where they are? everyone stand, don’t twitch,
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put down your weapon, put down your weapon, i said, raise your hands so that i can see, just like that, well done, don’t miss it on monday, you’re a strange man, mule, you should get out of here without looking back, and you’re entrenched here . times change, you can get out of every situation, if it’s right, we’ll agree, take the wine yourself, blame it on, then there’s no one else, a hot spot, even though you were in prison, you shot, but you’re not a bandit, on monday at 20:00 on ntv. this
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the program is true, good evening. the west is going to hold a conference on ukraine in switzerland. we were not invited to this meeting. what is this ponopticon or stratagem? meanwhile, ukraine again began shelling the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. what can we do in this situation? how to stop these attacks? demolish the kiev regime or rely on magatha. meanwhile, germany is going to send, or rather has already sent, its soldiers to lithuania. is going to place nato headquarters on its territory, what will we do in response, that’s about this is what we will talk about in detail today. vladim vladimovich, but i’ll start with you, yes, president putin met with president lukashenko, and they also talked about our attacks on energy facilities in ukraine, so let’s listen to the president, i want to emphasize, we are even starting. for humanitarian
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reasons , no attacks were made in the winter - meaning that they did not want to leave social institutions, hospitals, and so on without energy supply, but after a series of attacks on our energy facilities they were forced to respond, but i repeat again, if all this loops into the solution of those issues that we spoke about initially, and the blows to the energy sector are also related to the solution of one of the tasks that we set for ourselves, and this is demilitarization, then... we first of all proceed from the fact that that in this way we influence the defense industry, the military-industrial complex of ukraine, and directly, but if we still move on to where i started, let’s move on to some conversations about resolving all
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issues in other ways, of course , as i have said many times, we are ready for this, here so, look, in my opinion,
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this is what we now hear more and more often in the west, and even sometimes from some ukrainian leaders, that there is a truce, a ceasefire, on these terms we will talk something there, putin has already i repeated once, well, it’s funny to think, yes, that ukraine is running out of cartridges, so we will suddenly cease fire and sit down to negotiate, this is exactly the case, we are not saying, mind you, never. putin is there again, wanting the war to end, calling for negotiations, you see, no, well, again, yes, again
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russia never said that we would not talk under any circumstances, but now you heard that when we discussed this issue with lukashenko and vladimirevich, they said, well, there in switzerland. someone is going, we weren’t invited, but what will they negotiate there and what is the point of this negotiation at all? sergei lavrov said directly, well, it all looks like a game in a thimble when they invite the countries of the global south and say: well, if you don’t i agree with everyone, especially with the point that russia should return to the border of the ninety-first year, and you choose some point from this notorious peace plan of zelensky, for example, protecting the environment, and join him.
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“listen, well, this is a war crime, an attack on civilian infrastructure is a war crime, and i emphasize that we committed it in response, we did it, i told him today, when he posted this interview with cnn on twitter, i reminded him of his words, his words , remember, yes, thank you to the united states of america for undermining the northern flows, for some reason he did not enter into a discussion with me, right away me, immediately brought me into the black." yes, yes, and sergei bavich, look, but really, yes, stoltenberg, the same, our favorite character, yes, what does he say, he says, no- no, no, ukraine has the right to hit all these oil refineries there , no problem, but these people say, this is
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a war crime, how to deal with these people, he said this in the morning or evening, understandable, understandable, the question is removed, okay, version .meeting of two presidents, and look at the headlines, show me headlines, here you go, means associated press, putin ridiculed the planned round of negotiations with ukraine in switzerland, warning that moscow will not accept any forced agreements that ignore its interests, well, yes, indeed so, and putin and lukashenko agreed that the best starting point for any settlement in ukraine , there were negotiations in turkey in 2022, and bloomberg putin said that moscow is ready for dialogue on ukraine, but will not... impose any positions on it, so i have this question, again, again this istanbul,
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again everyone started talking about this istanbul, sergey varvich, but from the moment when this istanbul was, a lot has changed, but why we are also talking about this istanbul, there is an explanation, firstly, negotiations are absolutely inevitable, secondly, they are already underway, they are just already underway, they are already underway, including with the participation of russia, the fact is that in crisis diplomacy.
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this is clear to everyone, those documents that were then ready for signing, now just take them out of the box and put them on the table again, they didn’t sign then, let’s sign now, but this is impossible.
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well, not always, the point is that sweden, sweden, like finland, had agreements on special relations with nato, joint exercises with nato, and common structures, okay, this goes beyond the scope of effective well, then the question is, well, ukraine will give an honest pioneer that they will be effective, neutral, an effectively neutral country, who will actually monitor this, naturally there should be.
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this is this, this is this, this is the time now to carry out precisely the initially stated objectives of the special operation of denocification and demilitarization completely to kiev, so this also explains why trump’s plan, which we will talk about today, is absolutely futile, because he proposes a peace plan now of about 20%
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of the return to russia, why, why 20%, when you can have 100 %. refused, the world, and even agreed to a 5% bonus, but putin , you see, no, you see, yes, we offered , now you see how aggressive he is, you can’t trust him, because tomorrow he will devour ukraine, and the day after tomorrow poland, after
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the day after tomorrow germany, and further along the map let's go, this is not a torque, but territory, this is a very naive, this is a very naive view.
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when there are two sides in a conflict and you don’t even invite one of them, but really some kind of panopticon, although maybe it’s not a panopticon, maybe it’s really some kind of cunning plan, they’re trying to lure whoever they can there - against the climate. some for the climate, some for oxygen, some for carbon dioxide, they will drag you there to this switzerland, so what next? well, firstly, russian president vladimir putin is still a supporter of allowing any... a conflict not military, not by force, but by diplomatic political means, examples of this are minsk, the agreement, istanbul, and one can list, if the west viewed minsk
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as an attempt to deceive russia, yes, arm it, and then solve the problems of donbass by force, then russia took a serious approach to the implementation of this project, constantly reminded us, held meetings and so on, just like in istanbul, and simply the military path is the only one.
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the prostate. falase, a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. hot spot, new season, from tuesday at 20:00 on ntv. this program is true, we continue with our guests about the situation around ukraine. we are listening to you, vladimir nikolovich. so, not everyone is normal. yes, and, at the same time, at this meeting, vladimir putin said that the west had painted itself into a corner, deciding to win the battle on the field. this conflict and so on , instead of reaching an agreement, now imagine if all the goals that russia has set are achieved during the peace negotiations, this is generally a grandiose victory, you know, the most grandiose, for them a defeat, so not today the same cameron said , that guys, here in ukraine the failure for the west will be worse than vietnam, and then he went on to say that the flight of americans from afghanistan is nothing
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compared to ukraine. he understands that further changes in governments will follow, then a bill will be presented to all those who convinced that we are helping, we have achieved victory, and now what kind of negotiations are we talking about? i think that we are talking about negotiations of a completely different nature, to quote vasily nebendyu, very soon, the only topic for any international meetings on ukraine will be the unconditional surrender of the kiev regime. you all should prepare for this in advance, he read this, he is an experienced diplomat, well, listen, the president lukashenko, who said that there will be military men who will negotiate, because he said at the meeting, because after the adoption of this law on mobilization, discontent is simply off the charts, that civil society, where they essentially proposed sending children to war, is taking everything into account from 18 to
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60. but the military today are simply outraged because there is no demobilization. vladimir nikolaevich, this, this is a theory, no, well , look, i also saw all these publications, even some measurements, yes, zelensky’s rating is falling there, today he has 25% support, here is zaluzhny, who left for england somewhere, he already has 47, tomorrow there will be even more, that’s all, yes, i see, i’m the same personnel as you, how they catch it.
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look, but this is not and will not happen, but third countries are watching, which, you know, look at the situation from afar, saying, why should russia refuse negotiations, no, we don’t refuse, so we propose this way, but it will most likely be the path of surrender, today the only plan is not plan a, not plan b, plan k, surrender, good, and the sooner, all that remains is to persuade ukraine about capitulation, that ’s the problem, why, why, no, usually that ’s just it. they, who then sign the surrender, are not persuaded, it somehow comes by itself, germany was strongly persuaded in the forties, yes, this is how the stars align, a coincidence of circumstances, so there is no need to persuade them, felix, tell me , what do you
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expect, this is how this meeting in switzerland should end, well, it’s obvious to me why russia is not invited, because frays his plans on how to deliver help? ukraine for many years to come, we also have a theme that the eu itself must, that is, europe itself must be responsible for this war, ensure it and bring it to its logical conclusion, and you correctly noted that russia can very confidently demand negotiations and to be ready, knowing that the other side will not be ready for a long time, yes. but imagine what, what a fright, if tomorrow europe really stood near the fence, waved flags and said that we are all ready for negotiations, then there was this, too, confusion, because why and why fear of whom what, because
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then the work begun would not have been completed, yes, which are those plans that are not fully disclosed, but are not disclosed, like... russia needs to be crushed economically, russia needs to be defeated on the battlefield, there are too many territories, this is unfair, well, a lot of the west thinks that it itself will fall apart, look, you say, if it’s not completed, yes, then this is all bad, but you this has happened many times in history when yours...
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ramolenik, because he didn’t know what to
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say, what kind of surrender. this means that hitler carried out a coup d’etat in 1935, proclaiming himself führer chancellor. there were no more elections for aristagius. this means that there was a dictatorship in the country, the constitution was violated. who signed the surrender? the flensburg government appointed by this dictator before his death. it is completely illegitimate. nobody elected him. keitel, whom the dictator at one time appointed, to commander-in-chief verma. what capitulation, there was no capitulation germany, it was signed by illegitimate people, so if necessary, zelensky will be legitimate, you need to go to the constitutional court not after, but before, but if he is illegitimate, then now you need to go to the constitutional court and get its opinion, zelensky is illegitimate, this is the only body in the whole world that can declare that zelensky is illegitimate, the constitutional court of ukraine, that is, then his internal legitimacy will only be wasted, in all other cases he is legitimate for ukraine. we can't admit, we can admit, this is our business,
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we can negotiate with him, we can kill him altogether, this is our business, that means, but for ukraine he will be legitimate, that means, so we have the option of also holding negotiations including agreeing on something, but again, for this we need to be forced to accept this option, because we are offering the option of negotiations, yeah, that means we are offering the option of negotiations at the end of this option, in fact , it is clear that ukraine retains formal independence in within.
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russia retains the territories it controls, and ukraine, the new remaining one, joins nato. they say: no, wait, calm down, russians, are you crazy, why are you reacting so nervously to this, on the contrary, it’s good for you, it’s practically jackpot luck, why? because this same ukraine, which is the new remaining one, will join nato, it can no longer and will not be able to make independent
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decisions, so this is the scenario that you are talking about, it will become impossible, because it will not be made in kiev a decision, and this is a decision. russia, which means that bringing it into a state of incapacity and so on, which we can negotiate with brussels, means that it is then more profitable for us to negotiate with ukraine, let it control brussels, in the end
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pay reparations and be destroyed - these are two different things, you see, true, this means that we have absolutely nothing to negotiate with brussels now; we need them to change their position. they can now arrange some kind of provocation in another direction in order to, well, make our life easier somewhere else, and why am i talking about this, because you noticed how often the topic of moldova comes up again lately, then transnistria, we record this every time, we record that again
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, look, we are actively talking about transnistria, then some drones flew, then something else, then moldova, now you and i... and moldova and gagauz, that is , a whole tangle of this whole story, i have a feeling that they are preparing for us some unexpected surprise, hence the question, i wonder if they will go for it, as much as possible in principle, and what we will do in this situation, you understand, yes, that after the break i’m going straight to you, yes ivan miroch, great, we’re taking a break now, returning to the studio in let's continue the conversation with our guests for a few minutes. download the application get a luck bonus from the betting league five deuces, go to green, these are really three different people, three different, but equally crazy people, how did you
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the money will be with a sazon card, now you can easily get up to 300,000 rubles for any purpose , spend it anywhere, there will always be money with a sazon card, this is the program’s truth, we continue to talk with our guests about the situation around ukraine. well, look, ivan mironovich, you said that in romania, yes, here i am, i have a draft, in romania a law is being prepared for sending troops into the territory of moldova, but do you think this is a separate story altogether, or but this is, after all, a kind of continuation of this whole ukrainian theme, it turns out, global, look, in order to appreciate what is happening around moldova today, you need to look a little into a short history. so a short history of only 30 years since the collapse of the soviet union, so if
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you look at this short history, you will see that for 30 years the west, including romania, essentially permanently gave us a poisoned apple in different areas, what did the west do? the west fed the media, which was engaged in propaganda, yeah for... passports to citizens of moldova, more than 700 thousand passports were issued to citizens of the republic of moldova, of course, our citizens
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took it with pleasure, because it made it possible to travel abroad without a visa. yes. the west, in fact, constantly, let’s say, limiting us in various opportunities, siphoned off more than one and a half million of the country’s population from us. fourth, the west is permanent. the pro-western regime led by sandu was restored to power. all indicators over the 4 years of government
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have gone down, economic indicators, that is, they are just today. the people of moldova are on the verge of total disaster, that is, people literally have nothing to eat, while the language is written in the constitution, we have the republic of moldova, our language is called moldavian, in the constitution it is stated that changing the constitution can be either two-thirds of the deputies, or a constitutional referendum, a simple majority, which the pro-western government in moldova has today was changed. now the language is in romanian, the simple majority adopts anti-national, i’m not afraid of this word, laws that worsen people’s lives every day, but most importantly, essentially move away from the neutrality that is spelled out in our constitution, on the other hand, any opposition politicians who do not agree with this opposition are immediately characterized as russian threat, precisely russian, precisely
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russian threat, right away.
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there are examples in the world, of course, but there are very few of them, uh, but that didn’t stop you in gogaluz, no, we’re going to the end, and it won’t stop, yes, uh, for example, there’s a city called balti in moldova, it’s the second largest a city in the north, the candidate from my party scored 49.8% in the first round. in the second round, 3 hours before the election, 3 hours, by a court decision, my candidate was removed from the race,
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and you know why? because we didn’t declare the buns we fed our activists, and i’m not laughing now, this is true, this is written in the court decision, which means now the question is, before i listed all the democratic attempts of the west, but to none of them there was a reaction from either the european union, or the united states of america, or to romania, they are not interested in this, today moldova is used by the west.
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conversation in order to scare people, they said when i first came to power that the next day there will be a uniform, this is a democratic state, in this state the decision is up to the people, only the people can decide if we should be a part part of the european union, only the people can decide other things, everything else is
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just talk... let’s go back again instead of discussing what we should do so that people in gguz know their language, so that the gogu language does not disappear, did not disappear that...
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of our country, which means that in a year it was done by the regime, the pro-western regime of sandu, first, the head of gagauzia, according to the constitution of the republic of moldova, is a member of the government, sandu publicly refused to include her in the government because she said that it does not include those people whom it considers to be associated with criminal gangs, to be clear, the criminal group names my party because it does not agree with its position. the second moment, when the west, what happened in moldova about gas, the west told its subordinate to quarrel with russia, she was already, well, used to working there with
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their money and their salary, she quickly took it and had a qualitative quarrel with russia, but for all this the banquet was paid by pensioners of the republic of moldova, that is, the price of gas, so that there would be understandably, the attention has increased 10 times, and the price of electricity has tripled, with a pension in... an important fact before yes, i’ll just give this information now, she met, well , came to russia, based on the results of this meeting, it means it’s allowed import of agricultural products from gagauzia to the territory of russia, and how is it physically, every resident
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of gagauzia will be able to open a promsvyaz bank account remotely, from may 1 , 2,000 lei will be transferred to this same account, and this is approximately 10,500 rubles for pensioners of state employees, that is, these, like if they were their citizens. they did the maximum so that these people, who, as they say, yes, are barely making ends meet, yes, so that they find themselves in a catastrophic situation, we are trying to support these people when she returned, returned, just people, people she was greeted there with shouts, thank you there, but there is a picture, yes, give me a picture, yes, give me a picture, here you go, here she comes back, and you see how they greet her,
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we found an opportunity, bought gas, paid for it, but moldova the day before the import of this gas, it revoked the license from company that was supposed to import and sell it, that is, they did absolutely everything to ensure that we could not bring cheap gas to the population, moreover, i’ll say now, it means that there was my election promise that we would finance assistance to the population in the situation , when the state does not care about the gagau population, literally... 2 months after the elections, the accounts of the ggu autonomy are a state institution, a donation came from a person with a declaration, let’s say, with the confirmed origin of the money, it was
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the first amount, about a million and something euros, in order to start paying some subsidies and assistance, the next day official chisinau froze these funds, officially froze, that is, so that god forbid. the region has not gotten better, just god forbid, because for them this is a big problem, what are they saying, they say: guys, with us maybe, how to say, we will reach communism, but on the road it will not be easy, that’s when we will we'll get to him. no one tells us this, but for now we it’s very bad on the road, because the people, well , really, that is, i say again, moldova from a rich, beautiful agricultural country that has potential, has opportunities, has turned into a country where there are no people, money, opportunities and no tomorrow, from the word at all, but what do you think, just like that, we just need to take a short break, yes, what do you think, can they really use it now, use sanda, well, use all,
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as they say, the power of chisinau in order to blow up the situation, well how -so i don't i know, to provoke russia, or something, so that it intervenes, because if they start doing something there in the gogo direction, yes, but there was a statement that they would turn to russia for help there and to all other countries, in fact , including to europe, but as far as i understand, the europeans, as they say, are of no use, or there is a transnistrian direction, because we are talking about joining the european union, and we need to somehow solve those.
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near this village , a new military base was built and deployed in literally 6 months on the banks of the dniester. i'm wildly sorry, but the question is: on the territory of our country, which has no money for anything, where did the money for the deployment of a combat base come from, even
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with the help of the west. here the question is different, what will we do today, and we have a very clear plan for what we will do. i i want to express my gratitude to the russian federation. thank you for the warm welcome of the bashkan of gogauzia, who came, this gives confidence and hope to people who do not agree with what is happening today in moldova, that this is very important, because if today, and i want to say, this is not only for moldova, those countries in which today the same thing is happening as ours, such foundations as soros, adenauer, which were simply designed to be created in order to, let’s say, seduce, spoil, because for...
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in the european union and 11 % - this will be the end independence of transnistria. 67 - we will help. there is a statement from the head of gogovuzia himself. let's listen to it too.
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moreover, all citizens, including those who live on the territory of transnistria and those who live in gagauzia. by the way, the gogauz are turks, orthodox christians, who, as part of the russian empire , moved to bessarabia centuries ago, and the russian empire allocated these lands there, where rare gypsies mowed, they cultivated this land, cultivated it for centuries, raised it, yes, it is unique, in fact actually history, yes, corina is not will let you collect everything, usually the turks.
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then ggauzia has every right to hold a referendum and self-determination, this is written in
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the relevant law, and i think that gaguzia may well take advantage of this right in a critical situation, this is the kind of pressure that is now really being put on the socially unprotected part, because the ggauzia pay taxes, they have the right to demand from their state appropriate public services, in particular the payment of pensions and social benefits. you have democracy yes i would like to convert attention to three things that ilan said, i
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want to take the opportunity that it is a rare occasion when he is visiting, three things, that when it was said that our future is in europe, i am sure that the majority of moldovans think so, and this will be reflected in the referendum, on the basis of which, are you sure of this, michael, i just want to understand, when poland talked about this, poland knew why it was talking about it, firstly, it was a very long time ago, this is the time, and secondly, sergei borivich will now remind you how much poland received from the european union, sergei borievich? oh, eight? does the european union have any money now? the european union then, michael, and
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the european union now, these are two big differences, on the basis of which we can say that... look at serbia, serbia also wants whatever it wants in the european union, this is that it is possible at the same time, i assure you that it is not only moldova believes that our future is their future, all the countries of eastern europe, this is ukraine, we have already said, they think the same thing, and you will be surprised, these are even
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the residents of belarus, they want to join the european union, but only lukashenko... russia and belarus voted overwhelmingly, mind you, the state duma of russia and the parliament of belarus accepted this proposal, but someone allowed the parliament of yugoslavia to implement this decision, that’s what you say, everyone wants to go to europe now,
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i’m sorry, i want to say about gagauzia an important point, in 2014 there was a referendum under '. i am sure that the referendum will fail for the current regime, because moldova has been ruled by the european union for 4 years, in 4 years our life has become 100 times worse than we lived before, when we did not have european union power,
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the problem is that people, that's what you say, when they want, why, because to people. they tell propaganda that if you guys join the european union tomorrow, you will get roads like in germany, a pension of 5.00 euros, factories and a salary of 10,000 euros, everything, but this is a lie, this has not happened and will never happen, using the example of moldova you can see this, our potholes have become larger, here i don’t agree, i remember, i remember, and before merkel’s visit, what year was she there, and the roads were repaired, yes, yes, from the airport, but... how done, from the airport to they built a road in chisinau so that it could travel normally and put up a billboard every 250 m, where it was written that the road was repaired with money from the european union, we will now take a break, return to this studio, in just a few minutes, we will continue the conversation with our guests, the boy’s word: blood on the asphalt, the most anticipated premiere
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tinkov, i’ve been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, it’s finally come, spring , warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition, this is the program of its own, we continue to talk with our guests about the situation at ukraine. listen, sergei borisovich, have you noticed that they are hitting the zaporozhye station again? several drones fell there, they began to hit, at first they hit the station, then they stopped hitting, then the beloved,
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beloved leader of magathe, beloved by sergei borisovich, he came to the station, sergei borisevich said that this is a very respected person, don’t touch rafael grossi, he he’s simply wonderful and so on, he’s a professional, he arrived, you see, the mission has been launched.
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prevent further shelling of zaporozhye nuclear power plant, because, and then he can tell all this in general, he said approximately all of this, he just didn’t say it, didn’t specifically address the kiev leadership, whoever is standing, stop, well, that’s right, i think, i think that these the strikes , fortunately, have not yet created a direct threat; there is another excellent one, the minister of defense of the european union, the most important one. a gardener on
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the european continent who makes even more remarkable statements, well , let's see, yes, here he is, here he is, and the reckless drone strikes on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant increase the risk of a nuclear incident, such attacks must stop, full support magath would put an end to this, yeah, but serious people, yes, well, serious people, adults, absolutely, well, put a full stop here, but no, but no. like grossi, whoever was behind these blows, so this gardener, russia must withdraw its troops, you have a dog, there is a dog at home, i have two dogs, you are walking, she passes by a pillar, she must raise her leg, one of them yes, one of them, so it's a reflex raising your leg, this is the ending, you know, yes, well, that’s it, you need to take it calmly,
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from the point of view of the european union and jofare, you must understand that you are to blame, yes, because, as it were, the cause of the consequences, they came to this nuclear power plant , now they’re hitting you, it means you’re to blame, that’s my grandfather’s logic, but it won’t eradicate it, but if you ask around the street even in germany who ’s to blame, i think more than 60% will say
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that... it’s to blame because they are a target, yes, if they remove themselves from this target, no matter where we are in any era, i think that this is really so, felix is ​​not making it up, but what had to be done with people so that they would reason in exactly this way, and you read it differently, that he said: if russia withdraws troops from the nuclear power plant, then ukraine will stop attacking the power plant, well, of course.
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that’s it, i understand, that’s it, now i understand, now he’s blackmailing europe because he knows the money will only be given then, yes, can i add two more words to this yes, now now you say, just remember kuleba, kuleba, who is kuleba, michael, the minister of foreign affairs, and remember, okay, kuleba, who made a statement, this statement was also so interesting, yes, we asked in a good way, you didn’t understand , he said uh huh. now we will ask differently, more harshly, that is, in a bad way, this is this, this is this, yeah, now it’s clear, yes, we’re listening to you, i wanted to start, the conversation began with a conversation between our president and the president of belarus, please note,
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our president emphasized at the meeting in switzerland, our president just doesn’t do anything, what are we waiting for in switzerland, they are gathering 100 people there, apparently they will bring joe biden there, for what? this is switzerland, this is to raise his rating and win in november, this is what this switzerland is for, why did our president dot the nada, we were not invited, because what will joe biden do there if we are there, no, this media picture for the whole world, the united states, white, fluffy, they organized this project, but now they have nothing to do with it. what relations, because they are exclusively engaged in peacekeeping, this will all be peacekeeping, they want to sign an agreement, but russia, the aggressor, did not come and
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is not signing, this is only to score points, this is for internal consumption, as russia did not come, and that they invited us so that we arrived, they didn’t invite us, but they won’t say anything about it,
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gradually attack each of the states, pay attention, what a project, a project that will involve europe, first, macron said, we will give troops, this is the first element, stoltenberg told us, cover
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the entire tax for ukraine is 100 billion, this is the second, sikorsky in poland says, and now we will create a mission, nato will not fight, this is a bridge. they will go there, and the fourth element is that the situation around transnistria will be blown up, and it doesn’t matter, there will be a war there, they will turn to us, we will do the splits, they will now tell, well, now you are convinced who will fight quickly, they didn’t want to give money, fight against russia, and also, it means that pistorius sent 20 german soldiers to lithuania and said a solemn ceremony. what? and again, and again, again, another point of tension
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for a second, and in general , this point of tension determines whether this whole meeting will take place in switzerland and whether it will take place at all in principle, and whether we will live, as they say, to a bright future, i mean the relations between iran and israel, we will still see, as they say, what will happen, corina aleksanna will tell us in just a few minutes, we will return to the studio in a few minutes and continue the conversation with our guests, hot then... new season from tuesday at 20:00 on ntv. what can negatively affect the liver? constant stress, unhealthy diet, ecology. this can lead to inflammation and destruction of liver cells. the two components of phosphoglyph help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph. now there are 96 capsules in an economical package. closing a loan is like a holiday; it is customary to give gifts on holidays. and tinkof gives you a great one. gift, money. apply for a loan in tenkov before the end of april, make all payments on
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this program is its own truth, we continue with our guests about the situation around ukraine. in general, in one word they are trying to shake things up everywhere where possible, as far as i understand, there are continuous actual directions there. yes, plus china. china, of course, they have a problem, they tried to send the americans there to send deputy blinkin. there is a statement, let's take a look. russia's actions in the conflict zone are supported by china and... that everything is in order,
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it would seem, what a connection, and russia has some territorial successes on the territory of ukraine, but this is a threat to american interests, they will not sit idly by, the chinese have reacted , let's go right away chinese. china is neither the culprit of the ukrainian crisis nor a party to it; we have played and will continue to play a constructive role in promoting a political settlement of the problem. china calls on the united states to reflect on its behavior, stop fanning the flames, stop slandering and attacking the normal relations between china and russia, and stop shifting the blame to china. the dprk didn’t say anything, yes, the republic is silent, but, but, they, of course, didn’t say anything,
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but the british, for example, sergech, that too amazing, they have a whole plan, which means what an exchange of nuclear strikes will look like. that is, they seem to be playing with toys, you know, there’s a feeling that if you pit everyone against everyone else and then everyone plays with these toys and dolls, everything will be fine, look, they’ve outlined the declassified documents for a second, they show what this nuclear one will look like disaster, declassified documents, michael, that means 4:00 in the morning and 3 minutes, for some reason 4:03, the monster intercontinental ballistic missile is launched from hkinyan towards the united states. 16 minutes america in response, launches missiles, a full-scale nuclear war begins, american missiles are flying, you understand, yes, michael, yes, in 32 minutes american missiles must fly over russia, and in order to reach north korea, russia must be warned, in 43 minutes the russian president is furious ,
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no one contacted him, he believes that russia is targeting a nuclear strike on america and 57 minutes russian nuclear warheads.
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these are fairy tales, yes, japan, yes japan will do everything that the americans say, that’s why they do it, obediently do it and will further on, tell me what awaits us, what
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awaits us now in the iranian-israeli direction, here these guys are not calming down either, and apparently. and israel is not calming down, but iran is not one of those that can remain silent and do nothing at all, or what? can i quote one, one of my favorite works, an adventure in vesledgejack. about peace, having remade this latin proverb, now what to expect, i answer your question, it means who raised the stakes, the netanyahu regime,
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even i call it that, because already in in israel they call him that, he raised the stakes, the man doesn’t want to leave, he will leave, everything will end in court together with his wife, this is known, his opposition is already going to washington and separately negotiating with him... and so on, absolutely clearly, it means that iran has 20 missiles, and iran is one of the ten most technologically developed countries in the world, it has
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a fairly serious line of weapons and missile weapons, effective, it has proven this, it has an army and the islamic revolutionary guard corps, combat experience in the middle eastern theater of operations, so i have experience you just already understand that this is a rubbed callus that needs to be said.
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they adhere to the un resolution, but no one believes, only here are the experts, i’m certainly not the best expert on iran, but nevertheless , the iranians are legitimists, you need to understand this, they don’t give their word to us, they sign it and then don’t take it back, because they there, it’s with mommy’s milk, so when they say that they adhere to the resolution of the year sixty-seven on the creation of two jewish states. and palestinian, which means they stand on this, it benefits them the existence of a jewish state, but this is not the topic of our conversation today, however,
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that means exactly that, and if there is an attack on the country, they will respond, they have something to answer, they don’t have any special problems, an aircraft carrier, an iznhower, which is there is going on, and the united states will not save the situation, so... we have now discussed the escalation of hostilities, raising the stakes, and imagine how these stakes are all moving to the nuclear industry, the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, yes, here we are already talking about the exchange of nuclear... now about iran's capabilities in this regard, just in case, so that you don't ask the question, it means that a professor, a nuclear scientist, an iranian, one of those who was not killed, an authoritative one, recently spoke, he said, there is a fatwa, the ayataly khominys, which prohibits iranian nuclear engineers produce
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nuclear weapons. things, that is, they can do this right away, there is simply no need for this, their weapons are quite effective, they showed this and with high precision, by the way, the iranians in the city of shiraz, just in case, produce eight-nanometer nanochips in on an industrial scale, here’s the country’s level, fourth place in nanotechnology, that’s all.


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