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tv   Nash kosmos  NTV  April 13, 2024 2:50am-4:51am MSK

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half a century ago, the world became different, man escaped the boundaries of the earth, nothing in the 20th century brought humanity a greater sense of unity than the first flight to the stars. thus began the era of space, and we were, are, and will be pioneers in it. this is our space. unfortunately, i, vladimir vdovichenkov, like many of you, had not yet been born by that time, and had not witnessed so many grandiose events, as i learned all about them from the school curriculum and the stories of my parents, but when i read the documents for this series , i understand, that most of us don’t even know how it really happened.
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the rocket reached a given point in the far east, the search began for the fragments of the warhead, well done, well done, finally, a big hit, what’s that in your hand? i'll call the central committee, i have it in my pocket. now it is difficult to imagine our life without space, forecasts from weather forecasters, television pictures and much more; all this would have been impossible if not for the soviet breakthrough in space. today, rocket launches have already become an everyday reality, but back in the middle of the last century, flights beyond the atmosphere.
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earth seemed fantastic, and the cosmic abyss itself was considered hostilely inaccessible. october 4, 1957 divided the history of mankind into two stages: before and after space. a new space age has begun. and this merit belongs to the man whose name during his lifetime was the chief designer, sergei korolev. his name remained secret until his death.
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he’ll come, okay, yes, our dad is a pilot, he does very serious work, here he is, here he is, natravskaya, yes, daughter, i’m a pilot, a pilot, i’m a pilot. dad didn’t even have time to open his mouth and say something when the guard said: “eh, girl, it’s easy to sit here, but it’s very difficult to get out of here.” on february 28, 1956, early in the morning , several cars left the kremlin towards the moscow suburbs. the head of state nikita khrushchev, as well as the minister of defense of industry dmitry ustinov, should visit the designer.
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when these missiles enter service, the invulnerability of the american aggressor will end, amazingly, simply amazingly. "i was informed about your work, you know, when you see rockets in real life, this happens, completely different, just the state, the feeling, amazing, by the way, how are the construction work going at your new site? it was about the construction of research test site number 5, now known as the baikanor cosmodrome."
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a significant area of ​​desert was allocated for its deployment in kazakhstan, east of the aral sea, not far from the sardaria river, and next to the moscow-tashkent railway . was built by the military in conditions of increased secrecy, the deployment area itself had code name "taiga". what do you have under your present? and this is our surprise to the americans. you see, nikita sergeevich, with the help of the r7 rocket, we are able to launch an artificial one into space. satellite of the earth, when the device we created flies over isenhower’s head, he will think three times whether he should attack us? and as you know, in the late fifties, early sixties, the soviet leadership faced a very
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serious, important problem, it was necessary to establish military-strategic parity the united states, first of all, of course, in the nuclear missile field, in other words, the united states. if a series of experimental launches is carried out successfully, then why should i give a gift to my friends in washington? i think the members of the politburo will be for it, yes sergei palovich, they will give you my personal phone number, call at any
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time of the day or night if any difficulties arise or bureaucrats interfere, “contact me personally, i wish you success. thank you. sergei korolev knew how to achieve success in more difficult times, when it seemed as if nothing could be done. germany - 1945. immediately after the war , several soviet engineers, including sergei korolev, are sent to a secret wehrmacht test site. 12 years later, when america is shocked by the space successes of the soviet union, president esenhower will say: you must not forget that the russians captured all the german scientists at peenemünde. meanwhile, it was on his
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orders that immediately after the war german rocket scientists and other specialists needed by the united states were literally caught here. the americans removed 300 wagons with missile parts and classified equipment from peneminda. at the same time, special forces of the american troops destroyed the mines of underground workshops on the training grounds, filled them with water, started fires, burned documents so that the russians would not get anything. korolev’s group had to reconstruct german missiles like archaeologists, using scraps of paper and shards of iron. we did not have a single complete set, then the already infamous fa2 throughout the world. the creator of the deadly weapon that destroyed london, a german designer. u.s.a. von braun, a man with preserved samples of rockets surrendered to the americans and were transported to the territory. von braun and his colleagues, along with drawings with enormous talent and ambition, offer the new owners world domination through space exploration. but washington does not
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share the grandiose plans of the former nazi. and they use it for purely utilitarian purposes. in 1947, the first tests of the r-1, exact copies of the fa2, were carried out in the soviet union. korolev insists that the german rocket is obsolete and new solutions are needed. for the soviet union to equal the united
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states in the number of intercontinental ballistic missiles, and, accordingly , warheads, nuclear warheads for them, this, of course, required a lot of money and had nothing to do with... the peaceful exploration of space. this is exactly how the famous nuclear missile arms race began: for the soviet union, which does not have military bases near the united states, a new... long-range ballistic missile is a chance to restore parity with the americans, for sergei korolev, an opportunity, within the framework of solving purely military problems, to realize your dream of space. from germany he returns to the chief designer and already knows for sure that a powerful rocket is needed to conquer space. korolev’s longtime comrade and colleague, mikhail tikhonravov, becomes korolev’s ally. even before the war, despite the ban from the leadership, he developed the idea of ​​​​launching an artificial earth satellite. now, in 1956, korolev officially entrusts him with this work. everything goes well? you're not
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quite. equipment test preparation schedule, composition that determines academy of sciences fails time after time. all our attempts to put pressure on our fellow scientists are to no avail. and what proposals will there be? i have an idea. i propose to make a simpler satellite than previously planned, a small, simple one; if we don’t do this, the launch of a complex satellite will take many years. i just said something stupid. mikhail klaudievich, you
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said terrible words. about 10 years ago, you would have been spanked for them without an obituary. but this is the only possible way out. so, i’m setting a new challenge for everyone. urgently designing and build a simple satellite. the only thing i insist on is that there must be a radio transmitter on board so that all radio amateurs in the world can detect us. but now you can throw a stone at me and mikhail klavdievich. the launch of a satellite without scientific equipment was perceived by representatives of the academy of sciences as a provocation. academician mstislav keldysh, who headed the scientific and space program, made categorical objections.
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during all the persuasion of subcontractors, keldysh always insisted that they were co-authors of an absolutely innovative work, that the satellite will be the first in the world. and now it turned out that he was a keldysh who had deceived everyone, that he was a tripach, a frivolous person. the situation was further complicated by the fact that among those who opposed the idea of ​​a simple satellite were korolev’s closest associates. there was talk that the main one was rushing about, he didn’t really know what he wanted, entrusted to me by the authorities, i was making a decision to develop the launch of a simple satellite, on personal responsibility, the future will judge, was i right? at this time in america, president esenhaur... is already publicly announcing that the states are actually ready to launch the first satellite, journalists call it
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esenhower’s moon, but unlike the soviet union, where all work is concentrated in the hands of one person, all branches of the armed forces are involved in the creation of the american project. at the final stage, the choice is between the navy research laboratory project and the redstone arsenal project, which is being prepared by wernher von braun. despite the fact that von braun promises, if there are sufficient... place it on the table when the queen is brought
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the first drawings of an artificial satellite, he was extremely surprised by its shape and immediately asked: thank you, thank you, why is the satellite not round, then they told him why it should be round, like sergei pavlovich said that it’s like a celestial body, a celestial body, it of course it seems. was not supposed to be oriented in flight, that is, it could somersault in flight, take an arbitrary position, it was necessary to make sure that, regardless of the position, so that this position did not affect braking, but with such an object, that there can only be a ball. on january 5, 1957 , korolev sent a memo to the kremlin in which he spoke about the preparation of two
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satellites, a simple one and a heavy one. it is proposed to launch the devices immediately after the first tests. r-7, but the rocket is not ready yet, and korolev does not even imagine what surprises the seven are preparing for him. meanwhile, the first secretary of the central committee literally desperately needed a long-range ballistic missile. in anticipation of success, khrushchev gives the chief designer a unique gift. yes, nikita sergeevich, you promised me. rocket, how are you, i was informed that the first test launch has been postponed, yes nikit sergeevich, the tests have been postponed for a month, but now, to make your work more fun, a small gift, of course, i will inform you
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officially, but i want to be the first. today the decision has been made about your complete rehabilitation. what do you think? oddly enough, humanity's breakthrough into space was made by only two people. the reputation of both, to put it mildly, was not impeccable. in the usa, war criminal werner von braun, in the ussr - a former political prisoner of stalin's camps, number 14.42. from his early youth, korolev
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was driven by the dream of flying. forward upward, this was the basic principle of his life. a former glider pilot, he is interested in rocket planes, designs the first cruise ballistic missiles for the red army, and participates in the creation of a group for the study of jet propulsion. his patron in the thirties was the red marshal, mikhail tukhachevsky. later, cooperation with tukhachevsky turned into disaster. june 27, 1938. queen arrested, at the beginning, as sergei pavlovich said, he said, i’m walking along a long corridor, wide doors open, i look, three people are sitting, i’m guilty, there’s a full voice here, i’m not guilty of anything, the answer is, you’re all
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not guilty of anything blame you bastards, 10 years. during interrogations in the butyrka prison, korolev was subjected to severe torture and beatings, the result was a broken jaw and a concussion, korolev, and at the same time, such a name should be discarded. which? after all, these scientists are a frail people. after the verdict the queen is convoyed to the maldyak camp in kolyma. that is, when he was walking from one barracks to another, suddenly he saw a loaf of bread lying on the path, it was hot. as an old man,
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i looked around, what a joke, but for 2 days nothing. i was eating, in the morning i ask the guys who gave me the bread, he says, they found fools, who will give you this bread here, it’s like mysticism, he kept remembering that someone threw this loaf of bread from above him, and i can’t say that he was a believer, but he said that all my life i had been meeting him halfway the sun, that’s how i left the camp, the sun towards me, the road, the sun, i turn around, black shadows, standing behind the barbed wire, my friends are holding on, with whom i am eating, eating, turning here, tears, the sun, and so it was the sun all the time, korolev he didn’t like
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to remember his time in the camps, until the end of his life his favorite saying was spanked without an obituary, but once he was free he was never afraid of anyone, he spoke to high authorities in a tone that was impatient of objections, if he needed something, he just picked up the phone and called the central committee as a minister and... and even khrushchev, it seemed, nothing could stop the queen, but the first tests of the r-7 were unsuccessful. that is, the seven, which is now considered the most reliable rocket in the world, it didn’t
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launch, then it took off, caught fire, then it took off, a block fell off, it flew, fell apart and fell, and it was like atomic explosions. as a customer, i am not interested in who is to blame for what, you figure it out for yourself, the army needs one thing for the missile to fly and meet the tactical and technical characteristics defined for it, it does not flies and does not meet any requirements, so i propose
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to remove the rocket from testing, send all products that arrived at the test site back to the bureau to sergei pavlovich, and let him finish the rocket on his test benches, that's when... his support meant a lot to korolev, if nedelin expressed dissatisfaction, this meant that not only the launch of the satellite was in question, but korolev’s entire career as a whole. mitrofan ivanovich, you can entrust the development of a rocket to anyone, but everyone will have it. the same thing, at the development stage products, accidents and explosions will occur, well, you can’t learn to walk without getting
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bumps, i assure you, everything is going according to plan, in the near future the rocket will be put into operation, all members of the main council were on the side of the korolev. when engine developer glushko took the floor, everyone was sure that now they would wait a week, but suddenly glushko took the position of a week. he stated that the tests were completely unnecessary, that there was no point in continuing them, that 40 well-functioning engines had already been destroyed, which he, however, would not mind if they were beaten for the sake of affairs. he shouted that he didn’t want to suffer because of other people’s shortcomings. valentin petrovich, what are you saying? these are not other people's shortcomings, these are our common shortcomings. well, we'll wait and see.
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the queen was still given one last chance. the rocket tests, on the results of which the fate of the first satellite depended, were scheduled for august, but the conflict with the engine designer could not be resolved.
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they never parted again, she was 27, he was 40, my mother told me: you no longer have a father, i said how he died, my first thought was, no, he is alive, but he no longer lives with us it won’t, he has another woman, i couldn’t understand how he could exchange my mother, who was my ideal woman and person, so beautiful, so smart, so cheerful, so charming... for any other person, to any other woman. ksenia vensantina, former classmate and first love of the queen. she didn’t just wait for her husband’s return from the gulag, she made titanic efforts to free him. if not for her asceticism, korolev might have perished in the camp walls. daughter natalya perceived her father’s departure as
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traitor. august 21, 1957, decisive test of the r7 rocket. the missile reached a given point
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in the far east, and the search began.
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tests, korolev brilliantly took advantage of them. on the wave of success, he received permission to use these two rockets for experiments with launching a satellite. on september 17, 1957, korolev makes a presentation in the columned hall at a ceremonial meeting dedicated to the centenary of tsiolkovsky. in the near future, he says, the first test launches of artificial earth satellites will be carried out in the ussr and the usa for scientific purposes. the report did not cause the slightest resonance among politicians or representatives of the scientific community, only sergei korolev realized then that the effect of the satellite would be more powerful than a bomb explosion.
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korolev’s most important driving motive was competition with the americans. every day in the design bureau they announced over the loudspeaker that there were so many days left before the launch of the american satellite. but... 1 minute readiness, i repeat, 1 minute readiness, the story of great achievements only then seems triumphant. in the case of the first satellite of the earth there were several critical moments when the launch could well have ended
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in complete failure, the first purge, there is a pressurization of the side blocks, there is a pressurization of the central block, there is. full boost, there is a start, the engine of one of the blocks reached the mode with a delay, another second of delay, the automation should turn off all the engines, for the queen this would mean that the rocket would have to be dismantled again and prepared for launch, how long is unknown, the main thing, however, is everything it worked out, the rise took 1/2 of a second... after the shutdown command, the engine returned to normal mode and the rocket launched. this happened on october 4 at 22 hours, 28 minutes and 34 seconds. sixteen seconds into the flight
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, the fuel supply system failed. as a result, due to a lack of kerosene, the second stage engine was turned off by an emergency signal a second earlier than expected. if the stage had not separated, the rocket would not have reached the speed required to enter orbit. the flight is going well. the pressure in the chambers is normal, there is separation, the product moves steadily, the object has separated. it’s forbidden to smoke in the bunker, oh well, mitrofan ivanovich, the shooter is allowed, he did his job cleanly, okay, smoke, a successful
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launch did not mean success, no one knew how the satellite would behave in space, the range’s telemeterers confirmed, no radio waves, i i mean artificially created on earth by the hands and brain of man. the polygon's receiving radio station was installed in a van. it was there that those who wanted to personally hear the first signal from space in history rushed.
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nikita sergeevich, i was with him in kyiv, this secretary came and said: you can set up... a radiogram, there was such a big radiogram, but naturally it was necessary to have a tube radio from the minsk plant, so they turned on this radiogram, it beeped and... they went their separate ways, the first in the world to detect a soviet satellite was an american radio amateur charles teeters rev. charles wood of new jersey. after that the world went crazy. headlines of western newspapers: the greatest sensation of the century, the cherished dream of mankind brought to life. the soviets opened a window to the universe. this great victory is turning point in the history of civilization. we didn't expect the soviet satellite and that's why it brought isenhower to america.
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do you admire russia's achievements? of course
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not, we should have been the first to take this step. we fear that most people are unaware of their true intentions. it seems that we are far behind life. indeed, the effect was amazing, those who believed that the soviet union was a semi-feudal country, well, you know, something like a huge savage with a club. radically change their opinion, they realized that the soviet the union not only launched a spacecraft into outer space, but also created a very effective system for managing scientific research. the leadership of the soviet union considered the launch of sputnik important, but not extraordinary. taz's message in the newspaper
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pravda for the fifth of october was placed on the front page next to the material about the visit to yugoslavia of the disgraced marshal zhukov. only on october 6, under the impression of international resonance, the entire front page was given to sputnik. and then, of course, the screaming began, so to speak. realized that indeed, our ps messed up the whole world like that, only after this wide information came out in the media, of course, how people admired that flying star, which really was a flying star, it immediately attracted attention, because people were falling, they saw shooting stars, but they flashed and disappeared, flashed and disappeared, the satellite was not visible, we were deceiving, i talked about it, they saw one walking next to him, at first with him, then
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slightly behind him, but practically the last block flying in the same orbit is the central block of the launch vehicle. at a meeting in the kremlin, khrushchev said: now we don’t need a thermonuclear bomb, he set the task of launching a new satellite in a month, by the anniversary of october. in america. tasted, from the feverish arms race and
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preparations for world war, the superpowers have moved on to a much safer and more productive competition in space, cedar, how are you feeling, cedar, answer, cedar connection, i'm the twentieth, i'm the twentieth, give me another microphone, i.. i'm twentieth, i'm twentieth, cedar connection! for many years we were sure that the first manned flight into space, which became a triumph of soviet science and technology, took place without any emergency situations, strictly according to the planned plan, now we know that everything was not so simple, it turns out that it is difficult to fly
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into space , it’s not just gagarin who said, let’s go and sit down and fly away, this is a feat. the country was preparing, the genius korolev was preparing it, we do not yet understand what space is, we do not understand what it gives to our country, to our planet as a whole. in the early years of the space age the soviet union is a confident leader in space. the luna-3 apparatus has already photographed the invisible side of the moon. the first living beings flew into orbit and returned safe and sound. dogs, squirrel arrow. now everyone is worried about another question: who will be the first person to win this stage of the space race. in 1957 , a science fiction film directed by pavel klushantsev, the road to the stars, was released on cinema screens. in a popular science film, 4 years before yuri
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gagarin's flight, the first space expedition and man's entry into open outer space. it seems that the stars are now within reach. human flight into space is the near future, the world is frozen in anticipation. after the launch of a series of satellites, chief designer sergei korolev moved closely to the issue of launching a person into space. the candidate’s height should not exceed 170 cm, weight no more than 70 kg, age no older than 30 years, only with such dimensions could he fit in the cramped cabin of the first vostok spacecraft, and of course, this candidate must be the
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healthiest person on earth. searching for future aviation doctors attended to the astronauts. in 1959, a secret selection of candidates from among fighter pilots began throughout the country. we need to select healthy people. but then it turned out that they know very well what a sick person is. there his heart hurts, he has a heart condition, there his eyes hurt, which means he, he has sore eyes. what is a healthy person? it’s not clear, they have to select, and the military decided in a military way, they wrote a number of parameters, and with order 010 they said, if these are the parameters
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of a person, he is healthy, if these are it’s a little bit like, practically, all the rest were sick and... so they began to select, out of 500 combat pilots, 206 were selected and invited to moscow, here, after a thorough medical examination , the first six cosmonauts were to be formed from them. well, let's get acquainted. senior lieutenant. german titov. titov was distinguished by directness and willpower; he never spoke unnecessary words. psychologists noted one drawback: excessive emotionality. when angry , he becomes almost uncontrollable. captain pavel popovich, pavel, like no one else, possessed
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the ability to turn any difficulty into a joke. he sang ukrainian songs tirelessly. whether it’s a military dormitory, whether it’s a pressure chamber, why don’t i fly, why don’t i, well, captain popovich, we’re ready for heroic deeds, we can deploy. if only there would be vodka with lard, i don’t promise vodka, but there will be lard.
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andriin was, as they say, quiet, a lover of listening, he did everything well, thought a lot, wrote down, and this is what you have, a notebook, you write down, yes, mariah paper, senior lieutenant grigory nelyubov, grigory was liked by many for his quickness of mind and temperamental, joker, lover of noisy feasts. however, many noted his egocentrism, which prevented him from correlating personal interests with public ones. senior
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lieutenant yuri gagarin. i thought military pilots knew how to tie their shoelaces. fix it, yes. these laces will be remembered by the whole world, you will have to make a revolution around the earth, you will not be afraid, so, you have already received some information about the design of the ship on which you will fly, it’s time to get acquainted with this device, well, who wants to sit. in the ship, allow me,
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of course, yuri, he was the first to take off his shoes and climb up onto this stand. carefully, carefully, into the hatch, a meter-long hatch with a diameter, on his hands, he pulled himself up there, tucked his legs in, sank into this chair, there was yura gagarin, he sat there silently, saying absolutely nothing, and a little embarrassed, in general, concentrated, maybe maybe he got out, they helped him get out, he came back out, the return scheme... is something like this: with the help of a braking propulsion system, the ship slows down, then
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there is a ballistic descent down a steep trajectory, approximately at an altitude of 7 km, you shoot back using a catapult and you, the emitted device, fall to the ground using a parachute. i explained it clearly, of course you are interested in whether this is dangerous? there is a risk, even when you fly on a corn farm, you wouldn’t know, but we will minimize this risk, we will send the dogs twice or three more before you, god loves three. the chief kept silent about the fact that the only launch at that time was unsuccessful; if there had been an astronaut on the ship, he would inevitably have died. october 24
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, 1960 at the baikanur cosmodrome right on the r-16 military rocket, designed by mikhail yangel, exploded at the launch. about 100 people died and even more were injured. marshal nedelen burned alive. yangel himself literally a minute before the explosion. why didn't you die? i'm waiting for an answer. because of this emergency at baikon, the launch of a man into space
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was postponed by six months. on january 18 , 1961, 3 months before the flight, based on the results of the exam at the cosmonaut training center , a historic decision was made, out of six candidates, three were selected, in principle there were three people who were listed there, so i know simply because the spacesuit was made for three people, the spacesuit was made for gagarin. on april 20, 1961,
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the americans will send their man into space. the time has come to make a decisive choice. please sit down, why does the candidate have such a strange name, german, is he not russian, or maybe he is russian, it’s just that his mother loved cheikovsky’s music and named her son after the hero of the queen of spades, we must explain all this
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to our foreign correspondents. no, that’s not the point, here’s nelyubov, nelyubov, what kind of strange surname is this, nelyubov, that’s what i was born with, the first cosmonaut should be loved by the whole world, in general it is felt that he... with a fee, so gagarin, and his last name, and his face, and his biography is impeccable, russian, from a peasant family, a former worker. and smile,
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smile, where did the guy get such a bison, americans just die. out of envy, by the decision of the state commission , it is proposed to appoint gagarin, yuri alekseevich, as the main pilot of the first vostok spacecraft, and german stepanovich titov as a reserve cosmonaut. yuri, just imagine. you fly
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first and they will greet you as they greeted you chelesken pilots, will you forget us , your friends, what are you doing? the text of the statement of the first soviet cosmonaut, which we are accustomed to hearing performed by yuri gagarin, was recorded by his understudies, and if, due to circumstances, he flew into space. gagarin, then the entire soviet people, and after them the whole world, would have heard a different voice. allow me, comrades, to assure our soviet government, our communist party and the entire soviet people that i will honorably justify
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what was entrusted to me. task, it seemed to us, the first it must be titov, probably someone told him about this, so he had a hard time when he was selected second. bow-legged, but a good warrior, from this point of view, probably, titov was better. if for some reason neither gagarin nor tetov could go on flight, then
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this text would have been read out to the whole country by the first soviet cosmonaut grigory nelyubov. allow me, comrades, to assure our soviet government, our communist party and the entire soviet people that i will acquit with honor. grigory nelyubov, who most wanted to be the first and could very well have become one, never flew. several times he prepared for a flight, when he was close to fulfilling his cherished desire, he got burned in the hussarship. during his leave, he and two other cosmonaut candidates were detained by a patrol. all three were slightly drunk. the issue could have been resolved peacefully if nelyubov had apologized to the patrol officer, but grigory became proud and refused to apologize. all three were pointedly excluded from the cosmonaut corps. you could forget about space.
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the unloved one was transferred to the far east, but the punishments did not stop there. in group photographs of astronauts in almost all chronicle frames, his face was blacked out. grigory jealously followed the flights of his friends. when vladimir komarov, who was not in the top six, flew into space. nelyubov broke down, grigory began to drink, trying to drown out the mental pain, it all ended on february 18, 1966, cosmonaut number three, crossed out from all documents, grigory nelyubov, according to one version he was caught, and according to another he threw himself under the wheels of a train on ippolitovka station. without any information about how weightlessness affects, can affect a person, long-term weightlessness, well, a short
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there is literally a fraction of minutes of weightlessness, there are tens of seconds, weightlessness on airplanes, this is acceptable, perhaps they did this, again the pilot accelerates the plane along a parabolic curve again... you need to learn to drink water, but it loses its normal state and scatters into balls, and the cameraman learns how to film, they didn’t know how a person would behave mentally and they were very big suspicions that a reasonable person there could do unreasonable things, so it was necessary to take measures to ensure that if indeed, god forbid, the first cosmonaut felt bad in this regard, it was impossible
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to allow him to ruin himself by making the wrong decision , it was possible that the astronaut might panic during the flight and in a deranged state press the shutter button, then the designers suggested covering this button with a special lid and placing it on... on the way to the cosmodrome, gagarin wanted to toilet, the bus stopped in the steppe,
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make a stop, it’s very necessary, thank you, gagarina. opened the valve and urinated directly on the wheel, and although today before the launch all cosmonauts undergo dehydration procedures, and... they always stop the bus on the road to perform the ritual, both men and women, yura, and a quick meeting in kuibyshev, thank you nikolai petrovich, i now i’m doing my job. but
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i can’t do otherwise, the access code for manual control is 1 2 5, repeat, 1 2 5, excellent, yura, remember these numbers, 1, 2, 5, code access to manual controls. yes, how did you guess? and the last time i did it.
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yur, hello, hello, how are you, as taught, well , good, good, you understand who’s talking to you, i understand, we remade the song with the guys, we’ll sing tonight, we’ll sing, we’re doing great, how are you feeling, you i understand, everything is going well for me too, i feel good. so now they will close
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the hatch cover, the kp-3 contact is not lit, and since it was necessary to report in a loud commander’s voice, i shout to almost the entire control room that launch readiness is not being achieved on the ship, because this contact kp-3 does not light up. outwardly harmless words about kp-3 meant that the flight was in danger of being disrupted, the whole... modrom froze in anticipation, what does kp-3 mean? this means that yuri alekseevich gagarin’s seat was ejectable, that is , in order to eject him, the hatch was fired, which was signaled by this contact kp-3, that the hatch was open, which means that for the emergency rescue system, the hatch was closed with 30 bolts. was open, that is, if
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something had suddenly happened at the start, the chair would have been thrown out by this cannon with acceleration of 10g, would be thrown into a closed hatch, soldier, come to me, in this critical situation, korolev makes a decision to open the hatch of the descent module and reinstall the lid, so here are two: the vantageurs who were nearby managed to open, correct this contact, close the hatch, tighten these 30 bolts, glue a special suction cup, connect the vacuum pump, check it for leaks, this hatch is closed, the thermal protection is closed , all this in literally a matter of seconds. there is a contact kp-3, there is a contact
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kp-3. if you look at the footage of korolev during the gagarin cannon, you will see that he did not find a place for himself, that is, he was convinced that everything would go fine, but he was so worried that apparently he understood that the risk there is also a decent enough one, to lose the first astronaut, it would be complete. for fulfilment, minute readiness, let it,
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let it be here. go. at 9:9 the first stage separated. gagarin should have heard how she separated and felt that the vibrations had sharply decreased. the acceleration also increases as well as overload. at the command post they are eagerly awaiting gagarin's report. but there is silence in the speakers. kedr, how are you feeling? ked, answer, cedar, connection, i'm the twentieth, give me another microphone, cedar, i'm the twentieth, i'm the twentieth, cedar connection, in my head
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... at that moment all possible and impossible versions of yura's silence probably flashed through, sudden degrammatization, fainting from growing loads, suddenly suddenly there was a sound in the speakers, the head fairing was dumped, i see the earth, it’s beautiful, what a beauty! at this moment many they realized that there was a man in space, everyone was overwhelmed with joy, fun, as it turned out later, there was a failure in the communication line for just a few seconds, but these seconds cost the queen
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her gray hair. i felt like some kind of irresistible force was pressing me more and more into the chair, i knew that this state would not last long until the ship, picking up speed, went into orbit, the overloads were increasing, but the body was gradually getting used to them, i even thought , what had to be transferred in a centrifuge and not so much.
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i feel great, the flight is going well normal, there was, however, one fact that they later tried to forget about: the ship entered an off-design orbit, which was as much as 100 km higher than planned. this meant that due to aerodynamic braking, the ship would reduce its speed and leave orbit in 15-20 days, meanwhile, the oxygen reserves in the loon. remained at 6:8, which meant that in the event of a failure of the manual or automatic braking system, a painful death awaits the astronaut in orbit, the machine works
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perfectly, through the window i can see the earth, the sky, the horizon, gagarin speaks continuously, like korolev ordered him, the main thing was that he was afraid. and along the edge of the horizon there is such a beautiful blue areola, which darkens as it moves away from the ground. a very beautiful sight, the flight continues in the shadow of the earth. right porthole now i’m watching the stars, i can’t hear the earth, i’m in
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the shadows, it seems it’s time to have breakfast, i put space food - inside the so-called buffet, gogarinsky, shche velyevy, cheese, moscow cheese in tubes, uh, freeze-dried bread, various small canned food small portions, juices, rubbish, blackcurrant juice, well... what came to mind is very tasty, these are truly natural products, made using high technologies for those times, the mood is cheerful, i continue the flight, i am over america, the time is 9:57, moscow says, we are sending a message to tas, about the world's first human flight. space. tas spread the message
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around the world. however, the americans learned about the flight of the soviet cosmonaut earlier. the ship's radio signals were jammed by a radar station on the liudian islands. the panic began. what to do? give information to the game in secrecy? the encryption goes to the pentagon. having accepted it, they also called president kennedy's chief scientific adviser, dr. jerem weisner. 23 minutes have passed since the launch of the vostok spacecraft. wesner understands that he needs to interrupt the president’s sleep by telling him the most unpleasant news. the russians are ahead of the americans. the editorial offices of all newspapers in the world began to run around. news of the century should become the highlight of today's press. the soviet union, which first launched an artificial satellite in 1957, has just sent a man to the stars. so. handed over french, the issue has not yet come out, but already
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an emergency bulletin at the entrance of the editorial office told parisians about the great victory of the soviet people: the door to the unknown was wide open, hats off to the russians, this is how people responded abroad to the first news about the conquest of space. everything that had recently turned out to be important and significant receded before this stunning news from moscow. at 10:25 moscow time , the engine braking system was activated. the ship with the astronaut began its descent. and then an emergency situation occurs: from the descent vehicle the instrument compartment does not disconnect. parachute deployment and soft landing are impossible. the ship must inevitably crash. one, two, 7 minutes. there was no division. a little more and it will be a disaster. the ship entered the atmosphere. the horror
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of the situation was that at this stage the earth could do nothing to help gagarin. until the very moment of landing, gagarin had only one thing left. look at the flames of burning thermal insulation behind the window glass and wait. tension grew among those in the bunker. many years later, valentina gagarina found her husband in the papers a note that he wrote 2 days before the launch, it sounds like too much of a mournful letter, but i don’t believe it myself, i hope that you will never see this letter, and i will be ashamed of myself for this fleeting weakness, you don’t forget my parents, if there is an opportunity, in any way, give them my best regards, and let them forgive me. at the tenth
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minute, the instrument compartment belts burned out, the ship jerked sharply, and the dome of the braking parachute opened. a banner lit up before gagarin's eyes. get ready catapult. gagarin got close and the next moment the cosmonaut was thrown out of the descent module capsule. information was received from rescuers, the ship landed, the ship landed, the rescue team went to the landing site, urgently to gather everyone.
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nikita sergeevich, i’m reporting, hey! korolev answered: i don’t know, so to speak, the flight was over, so to speak, the device descended, now it is looking for the cosmonaut, through this device, which provided government communications at the cosmodrome, korolev informed the first secretary... of the cpsu about the success launch. the head of state at that time was working in crimea on a report, was nervous and was constantly interested in how gagarin’s flight was going. landed. yes, he's alive.
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niki sergeevich said: connect me, he talked to kagarin, congratulated him, called malinovsky, he said, we must, we must figure out something, how to do this, we need to give him, so to speak, the next rank , who is he, he says, senior the lieutenant says, let's give him a captain, he says, why are you so greedy, at least give him a major. khrushchev's political instinct helped him understand, the first flight of man into space, an event of enormous propaganda significance, meet at the vnukov airfield, with all possible pomp, radio, television, then a short rally, i follow...
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to moscow, to the kremlin, there will be a reception there, you can organize a demonstration on the red square, this is a shameful event, no one understood, by the way, what would happen, i remember when he called and said, i’m flying out, and he was tired, everyone said, well, what are you going to fly out, well, well, they launched a man, well, sort of dog - well, he said yes, that you don’t understand anything, he arrived, this plane, the red carpet, his elastic band came unfastened, he hugged him, a loon, i remember that, he put the car in this zil, he said, but i won’t get in, but gagarin pulls him by the hand, says, no, what about nikita sergeevich, we are without you, well, i understand that if he didn’t want to, he wouldn’t have sat down, but he says, oh well, it’s
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your holiday, so let’s go to kremlin flooded from all countries of the world, with bated breath, listened to the news from moscow. the world has never known such a sensation. on khrushchev's initiative a resolution was adopted establishing the title of pilot cosmonaut of the ussr. another document. this order of the council of ministers was declassified quite recently. it talks about gifts to yuri gagarin. they were going to give the first cosmonaut of the ussr a volga car. the ministry of defense was supposed to provide major gagarin with a four-room apartment at his place of service, as well as gifts: furniture for the bedroom, dining room and children's room, office, kitchen, tv, ruby, luxury radio, washing machine, refrigerator, vacuum cleaner, carpet runners, piano, etc. further, not all of the above
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was received by gagarin, but in fact, the first... land to all those who flew to the stars after him, it was completely unimportant, just as it was unimportant to those who met them on earth. seagulls, what’s the matter, why don’t you get in touch, why didn’t you conduct training on manually lowering the ship? i tried, nothing worked, the ship doesn’t obey, give it to me. have a lot of rest, tomorrow morning i’ll do everything, okay, go to bed, only tomorrow morning, everything will have to be done, the ship does not obey, gloating was not characteristic of the queen, but everyone knew that the chief, being a superstitious man, could not stand
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women at the cosmodrome, and if it had been his will, he would never have given consent to a women’s flight, but a big one intervened in the matter. the ussr continues its space confrontation with the usa. the first women's squad of 13 people in america was formed even before gagarin's flight.
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sergei korolev was very skeptical about this company, but realizing that it was useless to argue with the party line, he made a constructive proposal: instead of training women as understudies, it is necessary to create a separate unit, as alexey leonov, ob, will later jokingly call it , a special battalion of women. perhaps korolev hoped that over time the idea of ​​women's flights would be abandoned, and the battalion could be liquidated. however, khrushchev was delighted with this idea and immediately signed a decree on the creation of a special secret detachment of female pilots. under conditions of utmost
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secrecy, the selection of candidates for the women's space squad begins in all flying clubs in the country. the first woman astronaut had to write her entire biography demonstrate the advantage of the soviet way of life. in addition, it was planned to conduct a study on the effect that space has on the female body. from now on, the soul and body of the first female cosmonaut should belong to science, space, and, of course, the soviet system. she is a hostage of space. the selection was, i think, tough. the first head of the training center, karpov, evgeniy anatolyevich, subsequently called this selection overselection, because. the examination by specialists was very comprehensive and simply, well, deep, of course, deep, in february 1962
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, 53 female candidates were brought to moscow from different regions of the country; as a result of the final selection , only five were enrolled in the detachment. zhanna yorkina - rural teacher, athlete, 150 parachute jumps. irina solovyova, engineer, master of sports of the ussr in parachute. sports 700 parachute jumps, valentina panomaryova - rocket engineer, pilot with 320 flight hours, tatyana kuznetsova, senior laboratory assistant, champion of moscow and the ussr in parachuting, valentina tereshkova, a weaver from a working-class family, komsomol activist, first category in parachuting . at first, the girls had a very weak idea of ​​what mission they were being trained for, only before being sent to the star city they were explained that we were talking about preparing for space flight.
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the profession of cosmonaut appeared immediately after the flight of yuri gagarin and was surrounded in the early sixties by the halo of romance, given the powerful one. propaganda potential, she immediately became the nomenklatura, for the first person, for the first person of the soviet country, which rose into space and descended where he was ordered, at that time ordinary life flowed outside the window, with its queues, crushes, gagarin visited us in the evenings in we walked all the time in tracksuits, and
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dispensaries, we lived in dispensaries, visited , he came, we were going to have some conversations there, conversations, somehow he said, why are you all, as he said, come in without clothes, that is, in suits in these six-pieces. with white, blue, with white stripes, all the same, let me take you to the gum. and by the way, to say, we were very, not all rich, and gogogorit asked, well, if anyone doesn’t have money, i’ll give loans. dear muscovites and guests of the capital, the state department store, in a few minutes.
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the show of the spring-summer collection of the new season begins. after the fashion show, you can purchase your favorite models. so, well, everything is assembled, and now to the office. for fitting, please, what wonderful birches we have, and
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birches for me. we now have the call sign chaika, so valepanova suggested, when i was flying in the parade, the women’s group at the parade in tushino, all the years had the call sign chaiko, the women’s the groups had silver airplanes, we had these blue suits made, light, such, well , festive onesies, there was a seagull under me, when they started... thinking about what the call sign was, but we have a floral name, after all, for i suggested seagull, now it’s your turn,
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in august 1962... a pair flight of the vostok-3 and vostok-4 spacecraft took place with cosmonauts andriyan nikolaev and pavel popovich on board. wonderful, grandiose, amazing, great, so wrote the newspaper pravda. a great event has happened. in the chronicle of space exploration another glorious page has been written. ordinary soviet people, communists andrian nikolaevich and pavel popovich accomplished another unprecedented feat in the name of peace, progress, and the happiness of all.
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therefore - by sending a woman into space , an important technical problem was solved, that is, in fact, a new filling of the spaceship was created , an assanitation device, everyone understands about the male, because all the objects were male, now a female one has come, of a completely different type, these men are watching, well of course they are all young people there, mostly, watching these men cannot understand how tereshkova will do this in flight, one modestly approaches me... rit says to me, excuse me, please, of course, you are a woman, but maybe, after all, don’t be shy, maybe you tell us, we can’t understand, i look, well, this is all a plate, well, i say, imagine, here’s one butt, and here there are two, that’s all you don’t understand, in january 1963, the women’s group was given the task of preparing for a group flight on two ships, but after 3 months the presidium of the cpsu central committee decided:
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not to conduct a separate women’s flight, but to conduct it together with men’s long flights. only on april 13 was the pair flight program finally adopted. a man flies on the first ship for eight days. on the second woman for 2-3 days. during the expedition it was supposed to solve both scientific and political problems. a woman will fly into space for the first time, and a man will set a world record for the longest stay in space. from a political point of view, well, just like there was competition in everything, in all aspects the flight of the first woman, after all, man and woman are the population of the earth. in fact , the distribution was 50/50, but it was important that not only men, but also representatives of the verbal sex conquered the universe. for scientists, sending a woman into space was not a pursuit of sensation, as for politicians, it was a scientific experiment. and if
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everything was more or less clear with the stronger sex, then the flight of a woman required additional scientific research, as doctors put it, due to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the female body. how they were sarcastic then people from the space industry began to hear the age-old question with new urgency: is a woman a human being? doctors found little evidence of the survivability of female dogs and squirrel arrows; they recruited monkeys for testing. by the way, observations of female monkeys took place not only in the ussr, but in america. soviet and american scientists tested the effect of overload on the pelvic organs in various phases of the menstrual cycle. the most damaging effect was detected during the period of ovulation, from which it followed that the launch of the spacecraft descent during this period is undesirable for women. thus, a female astronaut could not be launched on any random day.
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for such a flight, it was necessary to calculate the launch window, as for spacecraft launching to the planets of the solar system. only in one case the problem was astronomical, in the other - physiological. the loads were the same as for men, but unlike the stronger sex, girls had practically no time to rest. close medical supervision, parachute jumps, centrifuges, thermal chambers sound chambers, as well as testing breathing apparatus from... we must remember that in those years the entire world cosmonautics was in its infancy, and many problems were solved by what is called the scientific poking method. the studies were specifically carried out with
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a large supply of loads according to the principle “hard in training, easy in combat.” in flight fur jackets, trousers, helmets, fur-lined boots, girls in a thermal chamber. withstood temperatures up to 80°c. all physical parameters of the body were recorded. if body temperature reached 37.5° or the pressure dropped sharply, the candidates were urgently pulled out. another test, which was later removed from the program. cosmonaut training, a closed-circuit cell, days and nights in solitary confinement. until recently, there were psychologists in the world who claimed that the deaf chamber was categorically contraindicated for a woman, that she would not be able to endure the oppressive loneliness
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and debilitating silence. but look, valya refutes this theory with all her appearance. her active, strong-willed nature requires action and work. and this is already her twelfth morning. doctors observed how the candidate endures loneliness and how he behaves in an isolated space. for many of those preparing for the flight, space became a drama. and this affected not only those candidates who were eliminated at the selection stage. those who were already in the first squad also had to make difficult decisions. terezhkova was faced with a choice: space or love, to decide what was more important to her, demanded robert sillin, the ussr champion in parachute jumping. valentina showed character and chose space. judging by robert's interview, he
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later regretted his stubbornness, but also the separation was not easy for valentina. the ceremonial meeting of the state commission takes place on june 4, 1963, at which the crews ready to fly are presented and the program for the future flight is announced. the women's ship must take off on the second day after the start of the men's ship. the names of the ship commanders valery bykovsky vostok-5 and valentina tereshkova vostok 6 are officially announced . due to the characteristics of the female. that after this female flight there will be another, more interesting one. that he would give us a ship, and i
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definitely believed that this was really it’s possible that there will be a flight, but this thought was quite fitting in the moment. meanwhile, during preparation for the flight, specialists from the institute of aviation medicine put tereshkova only in fifth and last place. despite the fact that korolev and kamanin were on her side, academician keldesh actively advocated for panomareva. in order for the scales to tip in one direction or another, another, decisive vote was needed. in the end, the dispute was decided by khrushchev himself. photographs of three female candidates, terezhkova, panomareva and solovyova. nikita sergeevich liked tereshkova the most. was closer to him than the muscovite engineers, everything is ready for launch,
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bykovsky is preparing for the flight, but then an urgent message comes from academician keldysh, it is impossible to fly, solar activity has increased , flares have been recorded, the flight program is on the verge of failure and the chief designer is beside himself with rage, yet is more worried, it will take place at the appointed time, all her efforts may be in vain, due to the characteristics of the female body, another one will fly into space, grueling training, the hard-won right to be first, all in vain, with difficulty they managed to persuade academician kildish not to cancel the flight, and valery bykovsky goes to the launch pad. 2 hours before the launch, bykovsky climbs into the ship in order to take his place and report dawn. readiness for flight, but that was not the case,
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first the vhf transmitters failed, then a defect in the ejection seat was discovered. 5 minutes before launch the hydraulic horizon of the third stage failed. in order not to cancel the launch, it was decided to replace the device directly with a fueled rocket with an astronaut already sitting in the cabin. so, june 14, 1963 into space. valery bykovsky set off, on the eve of the flight valentina and her backup were, according to tradition, to be introduced to the starting squad; the girls arrived in military uniform: shirts with shoulder straps, ties, skirts, berets, ladies' army shoes. and at first they all arrived in military uniform, the joint venture saw, he said, what’s this, they decided there at the academy, which means military men, they also change into military uniform for all of them, then they change clothes. came out pretty, pretty girls like that,
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although there were some nerves here, the hairdresser brought to the cosmodrome dyed panomareva’s hair golden and terezhkova’s hair dark, but immediately after that it turned out that in the official photographs tereshkova was fair-haired, once again everything had to be replayed, after the traditional rally , the hairdresser was brought again to lighten the woman astronaut, number... one, when there was a rally, tereshkova was allowed in, she had two doubles, tereshkova, panmareva and solovyova and ponomarev, the boys say, solovyova has the best legs, she should fly, men should look at her with pleasure, that means, when she then does this, the word should fly. on the morning of june 16, the bus delivered terezhkova to the start, i stood next to you, my colorful dress appeared.
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after 10-15 minutes, tereshkova established radio contact with the command post and reported on the progress of the equipment check. sitting in the ship, valentina was very worried, but she endured the overloads during the active phase of the rocket’s flight the best. she was chattering madly, which everyone was very surprised by, for 2 days now television
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had been continuously reporting about the flight of valery bykovsky, then tas messages about the flight were transmitted, then... immediately after this they began transmitting tas messages that the vostok-6 spacecraft had been launched in the ussr , for the first time in the world piloted by a woman, a citizen of the soviet union, cosmonaut terezhkova.
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just call you valya, valentina, dear nikita sergeevich, i am excited and deeply touched by your attention, thank you very, very much, i once again greet you and wish you good health and complete the flight according to the program well and land safely, i will do everything in my power to fully complete the flight. see you soon on our native soviet soil. valery bykovsky's ship is in the same orbit with terezhkova's ship. chaika, congratulations on
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entering orbit. valera, valera, i hear you, i hear you well. as if you were nearby, of course nearby, so we met, valera, congratulations on your two days, shouldn’t we now start a couple’s breakfast, you haven’t been flying over america for an hour, i’m already i was having breakfast, let me sing to you better, this is a surprise, you looked at me, the keys are louder, you were looking for me everywhere, i’m leaving all your ska, dawn, i hear the seagull singing, i hear the seagull singing, i hear the seagull’s song, i hear the song seagulls!
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thunderstorms were observed over south america. cities are easily identified. the moonlight illumination of the earth and the clouds are very beautiful. on the second day , the flight directors noticed that tereshkova was evasive in answering questions. they became wary. valentina's cheerful reports on good health.
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i didn’t complete the experiments, i couldn’t get the objects, the tasimeters were at zero. the napkins are not hygienically well moistened, they are very small, you need to have something to clean your teeth. before the flight, nikolai kamanin said that for reasons of secrecy, important information about the progress of the flight should be presented in conditional phrases. the words that i felt excellent and that the ship’s equipment was working perfectly meant that the flight could continue. the word well implied the cosmonaut’s doubt about the possibility of fully completing the task, the word to satisfy.
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cheyka, take one tablet from the first aid kit. this will calm you down, doctor, don’t worry, i ’ll complete the task. due to the unsatisfactory health of the astronaut, i am stopping flights. that's it, we're starting to bring the ship down to earth. sergey pavlovich, i would like to remind you that termination of a flight for medical reasons is the prerogative of the head of the medical program. the state commission to continue the flight at 22:07 local time
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, vostok-6 was supposed to fly over the cosmonauts’ house and be in sight for about a minute. whoever sees it first gets a bonus. yes where will you find a spaceship in such a star? in the ocean, you won’t find valya, i see, i see, but no, it can’t be there, well, i see, valya, valya, valya!
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seagull, what’s the matter, why don’t you get in touch, seagull, what’s the matter, twentieth, twentieth, i fell asleep, i was very tired, i fell asleep, why didn’t... we conducted training on manually lowering the ship, i tried, nothing worked, the ship didn’t he obeys, give me a little rest, i’ll do everything tomorrow morning, okay, go to bed, only tomorrow morning, i’ll have to do everything, the ship doesn’t obey,
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they took away the women with pleasure, of course they didn’t immediately let them do this work again, although if you look at why this is a woman’s job, well, what about men with great flight results, who endured the flights how, who? i’ve already made mistakes, well, i’ll tell you that, of course, men also had some mistakes in their work, there were probably defects in their work, if it were a woman in their place, then of course they would have immediately said: a woman flies, that it’s not a woman’s business, but the men continued on, making a second flight. on the last day of the flight everything is at time they forgot about the woman in space. the message from cosmonaut bykovsky was horrifying, he reported about space... knocking, when the ship left the radio communication zone, experts rushed to look for the cause: where is the knocking, the nature of the knocking, what is its frequency, who or
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what can knock in space, how large is the mass of the stranger object. sergei pavlovich is nervous, he keeps everyone there, well, the ship approaches the communications zone again, the very next orbit, they contact him. well, first of all, report what kind of cosmic knock, what where, what did it ring, what key, what? no, he says, no knock, i would have.
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the landing went as planned,
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the people who came running helped terezhkova take off her spacesuit, fed her potatoes with... how milk gives her, that she couldn’t take anything in her mouth at all, then she took out these tubes to distribute to everyone, to distribute to everyone, why did she get it in the first place? , of course, they touched her great, we need to turn on the equipment, helicopters are flying, but they see that the ball is sitting, that there are some people crowding here, they don’t see that she is alive and healthy there or that there is something wrong with her, she
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instead of pulling out the bearing bearing...
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it was necessary for a woman to fly, that was valentina’s task, she flew off and returned safe and sound, the main task of the flight was completed, it’s just like gagarin’s flight was. experimental, they didn’t expect much from him, but in terms of conducting some kind of experiments, so here is tereshkova’s flight, if you remove the program that she did not complete, in general...
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