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tv   Legavii-2  NTV  April 13, 2024 4:50am-5:36am MSK

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after completing a space flight , tereshkova graduated with honors from the air force engineering academy, became a candidate of technical sciences, a professor, and the author of more than 50 scientific papers. the first woman astronaut had to represent the country before the whole world, and therefore her personal life could not be divorced from her intended mission. after the flight , tereshkova, unexpectedly for many, married an astronaut.
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then again, just like with gagarin, miki serge said we’ll arrange a wedding for them in the reception house like this to say everyone will come, well, they arranged a wedding, so to speak, the whole government came there, the young people felt very embarrassed, so to speak , somehow huddled when it was all over, they said star city, in my opinion they were very happy; in 1964, their daughter elena was born. a turtle, he gave a turtle, but it’s good, you said thank you, the marriage was unsuccessful, it actually broke up soon, but only 18 years later, thanks to brezhnev’s personal permission, terezhkova still managed to formalize the divorce.
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in the spring of 1953 after the death of joseph stalin various political groups in the soviet union are engaged in a struggle for power. one of the most serious players lavrente beria, trying to increase his popularity among the people, performs. with the initiative of a broad amnesty, under
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which more than a million criminals are being released, as a result , a wave of criminal lawlessness is literally sweeping into the country. that even i can’t know who you are, paper major , little to blame? comrade major, prisoner
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pav livker has been delivered, with your permission. well, hello igor, hello kolya, sit down, i’ve been sitting like this for five years, i’m tired, it ’s your own fault, you played too much, which is why you got it, the main thing is to draw conclusions from the mistakes you’ve made, i did. i received your letter, but i didn’t understand what you wanted from me, but you understood everything, since i want you to get me out of here, not just get me out, restore my rights and rank, what are you allowing yourself, who are you yelling at? , i am an mgb general,
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and who are you, general, everything is relative, general, today you are a general, and tomorrow you are already a military commander, and you, and you came here because you know perfectly well that i can do this to you, you are you threatening me? oh, just don’t distort, okay, i’m asking for help, mind you, not disinterestedly, so let’s be honest, come on, come on, you get me out of here, restore my rights and ranks, and i’ll give you the piece of paper that caused you can sit on the bunk at any moment, kolya, at any time, what kind of nonsense, what kind of piece of paper, what kind of piece of paper, and you remember, you remember your tone of beria, model 1942, and in the fall of forty-two, huh? remind you who you understood your tail to be, but he, oh, how high he sits, is now after the death of the owner will soar even higher, imagine what he will do to you if
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this paper ends up on his desk, why didn’t you let this piece of paper in earlier? so a talisman for a rainy day, you see, it came in handy, so an amnesty for lavrin palchi is not going to happen to me, so come on, come on, come on, kolya, come on, free us, free us both, help, what guarantees, guarantees, your word, against mine , only inappropriate and better. nicolas, if something happens to me, the document will still go to the address, well, i need to think, think, if you think a month is enough, a month,
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i’ll try, yeah, you already try, i’ll be slow, yes, i can. what's this? these are my thoughts, how will it be easier for you to get me out of here? you see, i care about you, i think so that you don’t break your brains from long thoughts, after all, we can’t work with you again together, well, that’s it, be it.
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oh, almost my heart is pulling the pacifier, which part of the sitting is best, vasily’s heart is not the best adviser in our work,
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he is moving his brains, from us by train to moscow on straightaways who are slowing down here, i talked once or twice. all the trash from the nearby camps is being rolled through us to moscow. so what did you think, that they will come out to us? logic, they’re driving empty, there’s nothing to do in moscow without cash, why sit again tomorrow? let's see that there seems to be contact there, those two gavriks, they look like obvious lessons, look, they're conferring about what we'll graze, but what to graze them, they won't go further than the nearest manufactured goods store, they'll take them for slaves, through an hour by train from moscow to a candle, but the nearest store is five minutes away, by the way, it’s been there twice in the last month they robbed me, both times during the day, marinka was a salesperson there , she used to work in a commercial store, so go there, i run, she’s not afraid, so you can deal with her at your ease. leave me, while i see these off so that they get off the route,
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your change, thank you, please, thank you, goodbye, goodbye. hey, handsome man, well, show me the ash here, the square, yes, yes, yes, i really liked it, please, thank you, but it seems to me that it will be a little big for you, okay, well, i told you, but the style is the color and the cap over there, yeah, with visor, yeah, well done, cormorant, at least you have money, cormorant, predjavika, our shoveler, don’t be a jerk, sit quietly, don’t tronic,
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hide in the corner and sit like a mouse, i understand, it’s good to bazaar, go there, under the hill look what’s there, you have to leave, lady, this is for ice cream, and if you call the garbage collector in less than an hour, we’ll find it and finish it, but why call it, we’re already here, raise your hands, stand, that’s the same. what to figure out you, it’s obvious a mile away, okay, shut up, you’ll come with us, but what to pay, amnesty, because of what?
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spoke, he promised to raise the question so that they gave us at least a couple of staff positions, or maybe set up a permanent post at the station, but why would that be? well, just turn all the suspicious people back, it’s not every day that we have to sit there, that’s also true, okay, i’ll talk to management, is everything okay with you? no, comrade may, i wanted to ask for leave, here’s the application, it’s been 2 years, but you agreed, or something, efimov to retire, you’re on leave, but who will work, you saw what’s going on, the shopito will end with the amnesty, then you’ll rest, which means it won’t be soon, tap on your tongue, you came up with a good idea with the station, so you can probably improve your performance a lot, you're free. yes,
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well, i reported, yes, something like that, but they didn’t let me retire, but i was on vacation, but i wanted to take my family to the sea. so the river is right next door, but the doctors say that it would be good for the earring to be disturbed by the sea air, and polina and i would lie around in the sun for company, apparently it’s not fate, well, yes, it won’t be long until everything calms down, and you know, the camp punks will come , hungry darvans, you won’t be bored , but kukin says we should add two staff positions, well, yes, they will add it if fools won’t find it, then they’ll go for that salary. i’ll go, you should put in a good word for me, well , i’m tired of turning nuts in the garage, but calm down
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, albert, how many times have you been told that they don’t take us to us with a criminal record, but why then did they take you to the war, where they took you to a penal battalion, in our almshouse there is no such service, it’s still unfair, but if a person wants to fight crime, but they don’t give it to him, what is it called, what is it called, sabotage ? better tell me when you're done, it's done, the wire is clogged, i cleaned it businesswoman, why are you silent? okay, uncle, i went, come on, come on, but it’s still unfair, i would have put things in order here,
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but take it easy here and the walker swung, quietly, quietly, quietly, don’t touch him, you want to light it yourself, well, shall we continue?
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give it up, move it, it’s too fucking much, and it’s not good for you to go wild, sorry, oh, what did you bring, what did you bring? pervach, normal, the highest soron and hawka, the stench in the village was driven up, well, it was like a can, the market was pulling, they were celebrating, well, tell me, why are these nits given an amnesty, then it was
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necessary, then this is what it is. our party line, you, tula, against our party, or what? well, lads, let's drink to our soviet government, which wrote off our sins for us, god willing , it will write off more than once, beautifully said, okay, nedreev, captain, soon everything will be fine with us, it’s theirs, everything will be... this ok, and you and i are going to rot here, alive, can i look at this, let’s go let a couple out, well, let’s go, you hear, go for a walk, and you want to write off the debt today?
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seryoga, are you going home? no, dad, i 'll play a little more. okay, comrade, come on, well, why are you doing this? what you are doing? why a wife are you substituting mine? who's your wife? marina, saleswoman. and listen, well, so what, i should have stood behind the counter myself, and if they killed her, okay, they killed her, who should kill her, paid scammer, i wouldn’t set her up seriously, what’s your name, victor, and you i'm sorry, victor, it won't happen again, where do you work, yes
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, you like it at the mailbox, electricians, no, there is no other job, i served in the army, the senior officer was demobilized, well... come to us, the salary, of course, is not so hot, but there’s a special ration, a premium one, you’ll get a bite out of it, travel is free, vouchers are also free, i 'll think about it, you'll think about it, come, take it, oh, good, good, good, let's move, move, move, great, well done! slowly calmly working and 1 2 3 let's go 1 2 3 excellent again 1 2 3 more 1 2 3 faster 1
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2 3 good 1 2 3 clearly 1 2 3 well done with the throw well now it’s not bad just less anger, you have to love the enemy, but anger distracts, prevents you from concentrating, psychology of combat, japanese wrestling, nothing, another year, you look like a great fighter, tip your tongue, i’m not going to hang around here for that long, yeah where does such optimism come from, in knowledge, strength, or in knowledge, oh well, why don’t you frown, don’t frown, i explained it to you, well... well, i won’t tell you, i won’t tell you just yet, you’re out there you don’t tell me how you know this, what the hell, jutsu, i’m not hiding it, when i served in the far east,
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our instructor was comrade zotov, so he taught him, he had lived in sakhalin for 10 years before that, yakushek, they took him juice, okay, let's go, so what did they take it for? but they took that he lived with the japanese. okay, you go, i'll be right there. the congris are walking us around, they were talking about you, nothing, but before that we went on a spree, i lost a lot at cards. it’s clear, i hear you seem to be going free soon, there i’ll give you one piece and you’ll take the news, now you’re scratching
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from here, wait, you don’t have to warm your ears anymore, i need you alive, that’s it, go! polka, what is it, what happened, what the hell is it, at least i’m not buying at all, why didn’t i ask for an earring? seryoga, let the child run around, but if you want, i ’ll get you special glasses, only sharpeners who sharpen knives and... a welding mask, you’re kidding me, bring a gas mask right away, that’s what they gave you on vacation someday they will give it to you, just not now,
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now there is an amnesty, many thanks to comrade beria, what an amnesty, haven’t you heard, what day they are already talking on the radio, today they wrote in the newspapers, after the death of comrade stalin, an amnesty was declared. among the people he is the only one who whispers about it. yes, yes, i heard something. well, thank god, finally everyone who was imprisoned innocently will be released. but they just don’t have the chance. this amnesty is not for enemies, but for friends of the people. for which friends? in our camp, the authorities called the criminals that way, friends of the people. now they are being released en masse. it's kind of stupid. the people are in such grief. the leader is dead, all the bandits and thieves are freed, so this is the line of our party, wait, as you said, everyone will be released, not
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all of them with a knife. what, your stomach is twisting something, i’ll go.
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well, so i’m here, not without his efforts, so we have one godfather, and you and i are kind of like godbrothers, but listen, it’s true that he lives with your woman, he lived, i was still in the forty- ninth lads i prayed threw him off and put him on pen, but i heard that he was alive and well, you’re lying, honestly, pioneer, but i ’ll get him again, this creature. it will also pour out, a century of will is not in sight, but this is how to deal with you, i seem to have until tomorrow evening to see you, okay, lock your larynx, but i will respect you, get out , who are you, trash, and the lads are bypassing you, godfather , doesn't bother you, does it? do
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you really want to know this? yes, i understand that the guys are hungry for skichego. i’m talking, but i can’t allow lawlessness, they ’ll do a lot of business while passing through, and then they’ll clean it up for me, but no, while everything is quiet, the transit punks play pranks on little things, the serious lads they’re holding me back, but i think they’ll start letting me go soon, yes, if someone smart, send me to me, we’ll accept you cordially, well, that ’s it, lights out, whatever, i called the pit, i took it from him with the new arrivals, it’s starting, and i... you know
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what in the capital , they put up a cordon of garbage in all the railway stations, they don’t even let the lads come ashore, they immediately turn them away, well, that’s right, let him rustle the province, moscow is nonsense, you know, put our two at the station too, let them turn away all the strangers, under what sauce, well, they say the cops brutalized you with everything, come up with it, okay, i understand well, yes, so as not to be too indignant, everyone poured hundreds, what are you doing? so we’ll spend the entire common fund, what are you saying? hiccups, don’t be petty, peace is more valuable, and if someone doesn’t listen, bring them to me, i’ll justify everything that you’re hesitating, but mansur is waiting there, what’s he waiting for, let’s lock him in, i ’m not a politburo to marinate adopted people , it’s great that you have, i’m just stambova, one and a half ivan is sending news, he’s
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got a marathon going on there. offers us, so i’m against it, because people go crazy with morafet worse than with vodka, in general it makes their brains dry, in general they say that it’s because of morafet the shortest way to the grave, well, let the fools die, the air will be cleaner, we’ll take it when, and whatever they say, they’ll give us a ride, yakut, yakut, prepare as much as you need, something else, but no, that’s all, that’s all, consumption . and what can i try? i came up with it myself, but no, it’s kozyrev, yesterday he took two gavriks straight from the train on a hot train, head, yes, it’s better than chasing this trash all over the city, you can’t imagine a spastovo for everyone, although in moscow on there have been cordons at the train stations for the second week now, so who is this plagiarist of yours, kozyrev? well, a plagiarist, a person who
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uses other people’s ideas, okay, well done anyway, but we’ll motivate it as crime prevention, and why else? well, our constitution guarantees freedom of movement, but what? do you think the kids will complain or run away? so, today you post a post there on your behalf, and in the meantime i ’ll notify the heads of the departments, we’ll draw up a duty schedule, and we’ll give your kozyrev a bonus for a reasonable proposal, everything is fine with you, decide to go, yes, free, yes, duty officer, zone speaks. gather me the heads of operational services departments, urgently, business, well, we'll be hanging around here all day, fuck, thanks here, only when someone passing stops, we only have
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five of them here for the whole day, three during the day, one at night, one in the evening, that they stick around at night, lyokha, you ’re afraid to overwork everything, well, find yourself a warm place, sleep peacefully, but here... shut it, marisha, i realized that somewhere nearby will only be in 10 minutes, then how will we recognize them, and well, when you see the dud with hungry eyes, yes with wolf tents, this is our passenger , it’s clear, but what we won’t talk about talk, listen, let’s do this, i’m kind of kind, and you’re evil, i don’t remember reading, well , if there was such a technique, you leave it for your wife, we’ll work like this, i’m evil, and you’re not mine, understand?
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hey, have fun for an hour, lads, i'm mansur, and these are styrs, which one of you is older, i call snipe, and this is a museum, so, lads, you need to get out of here, we have cops here, golems are creating chaos, they have zinc on top i came, and they are sweeping everyone indiscriminately.
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and others are whole, learn little sissy, what to learn, if only you would take me to work, i would study then, so it will be of concern to you, but what is the topic? on one of these days stambov’s gang will bring the goods with morafet, i need to accept and pay, i realized what’s my business, they’ll bring their own people, who to be afraid of, sometimes they’ll set up their own strangers, let’s go the next evening, citizens, just a minute. so a certificate, a certificate of release, they were released, so it’s an amnesty boss, well, for what reason we need
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to bring our relatives and get fat, otherwise we’ve become thin on rations, what kind of relatives are they, address, what’s the matter , boss, according to the constitution , we go wherever we want, wherever we want. just not here, in general , it’s a suburban one in an hour, you’ll wait for station, so that i don’t see you in the city, borozi, i’m the boss, get out, don’t illuminate while i’m good, you don’t have the right, boss, give up your strength, you know, don’t like it in a good way, what do you have here, but here’s a yurok, they don’t want to be good, the constitutions are scary, they don’t want to be good, we understand everything, boss, let’s fuck off, let go, great, now from...
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there’s not enough, but i have enough, you believe, but you believe, i believe, you have enough will remain, right, but fundamentally wrong, tell me, do you, do you seriously think that if they end me here in the camp, then the end of the water, yes, and no one will ever no one will know about your art in 1942 in the occupied territories, and no one will know about the common fund, which supposedly went to the germans, these disappointments will find out, right away, they’ll know right away, got ready, come on, come on,
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you’ve got such a warm welcome there it will be, i ’m answering you, you know who’s organizing it, roan, and now go away, wait, boss, i got excited, maybe we’ll forget, i think i’ll forget, the main thing is that you... the little guy remembers that you’re right here with me, here with all my rotten veler, and that you won’t give me up, but i need you i’m congruous, oh, how i need you, do you think they were going to send you parcels, yes, to me, to me your parcels are like an umbrella for fish, i need you on the spot like a roan, how is it, the time will come, you’ll find out? now, just sit back,
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don’t go far from the capital, i realized that you were about to be released, it seems like they didn’t promise an amnesty, i gave myself an amnesty, in short, here you write down an address, and then look around there, the main thing is to find out how our common chaly's friend is doing well, there are no problems for, well, in general , pay a salary here and there, you understand? take a look and i'll let it go, let it go, take a walk, don’t touch, and also look at me, some tea, matches, smoke, you ’ll smoke yours in freedom, that’s it, you’re free, bye, bitch, mentovskaya, we received information that
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two mazurks are coming to us from tambov with a large batch of marafet. guess who they are? chalamu, quick-witted, chalov’s people will meet them, they will make calculations. where does the information come from? what do you mean, kozyrev, do you really think that the local informers are only drumming for you? sorry, i was just thinking. no need to think. you better think about how we can handle this matter, take them on the spot or wait until? after the calculation, hide the marafet away, but
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there’s no need to go far, soon the gref will go to the central, we’ll send it off, guys, take it, but why are we using steamed washing, it’s been asking for a long time, but who should we be afraid of, if we know who to show what’s there? at the station, normally, they turned away two from voronezh, well , as was said, aristant caught up with them, let the ride seem to be clogged, here are two more. from the same composition and garbage for fungi, for what? i don’t know, okay, here you go, good luck, well, maybe i’ll make some chaff, but just leave it alone i beg you not from ceylon, i got him from my countryman through great connections, and you are in a chefir, this is a pure language tone, which in the language of cultured people means for... dlo: listen, i
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asked you how many times, you’re a bazaar -russian, otherwise your culture makes me sick, yes, the days go by, my friends are already growing mustaches, that the venerable ones leaf through the houses, try to make jokes, make sarcastic remarks and argue for a long time in an important tone, about this very thing, about newton, but somehow unchanged. yeah. come on, get wet, get crazy!
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don’t shoot, they’ll hit your wheels, but wherever they go, they’ll meet a tupinga.
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behind me.
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the bastard started drinking from inside, where can he give it away? yes, anywhere, there are these passages like in the catacombs, which means it’s gone, like ours blew up in the forty-first during the retreat behind the plant, no one climbs here, they say they have still been replaced, and this, by the way, is mansur, one of the little men, yes i, in my opinion, saw marafet, for sure, but it’s kind of like opium. they also call him little blacks, how do you know, i’m kidding, we had a whole course of lectures on narcotic substances,
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damn it.


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