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tv   Legavii-2  NTV  April 13, 2024 5:35am-6:21am MSK

5:35 am
yes, damn it!
5:36 am
well, what have you got, show me, it’s nonsense, a scratch, yeah, now, i saw, my arm can’t rise, suddenly there’s gangrene, yes, serious treatment is needed, at least a week on sick leave, fools are lucky, that’s why it had to be a story, good, otherwise i ’ll hold you , i wanted to escape, you’re naughty, brother, you won’t run away from me. finally the stars have arrived.
5:37 am
5:38 am
the girls are dancing for no reason.
5:39 am
šloveė lietuv slava lietve.
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5:41 am
yes, yes, i see everything, but how did you miss it? so i told you, there was not enough time to prepare, they noticed us, we had to pursue them, did they at least identify the one who left? yes, they identified mansur, he was a child, but what’s the point, 10 people will confirm his aliba, and the one who was taken alive, starshinov ivan sergeevich, born in the thirtieth year, nickname is erased, is silent for now, but we will work, however, he did not shoot at us; him without a weapon, but i want to try to take him on... a hook and let him go, an extra informer next to chal won’t hurt us, and if chala splits him, well, chala is not a fool either, he understands perfectly well what to present to us with this stire nothing, but especially since we won’t let him go right away, for starters will serve 15 days for being a hooligan, well, an attempt is not torture, go ahead, it is.
5:42 am
because they are waiting for us with open arms, if we come empty-handed, of course, our chances will be low, but we won’t come empty-handed, so
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let’s see, here’s the jury, this is the interrogation report of the german colonel, whom my boys.
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5:45 am
pessism, pessimism, this is a negative outlook on life, where are you with such clever words for him to pick up, alexander, but i ’m studying law, in absentia, it’s true, and soon we will be... so alexandrovich is a major, i’ll become talk to the boss and i ’ll blow away specks of dust from you, what a fool, a good boss doesn’t blow away the dust from his subordinates, but pulls them in the head, and for their own benefit, i understand, why are you sitting here, who will meet the evening passerby at the station , really, vadimich, can you appoint someone else? they stood up like dogs, and who, the uncles, who, rozhkov and kostin were on a mission, kozyrev remained, comrade mayor, but can i go with
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kozyrev, i’m with him anywhere, well, okay, lyokha will sit in the duty room instead of you, he does n’t care where take a nap, then most of my everything, or in on duty or at the station, now kozyrev will come out, scratch with god, i’m here, oh, easy reminder, let’s act with the guys, what, what happened, what, what, you see, we’re resting, yes, we’ll still have time for dinner, who’s having dinner? before soon it’s already a whole hour before him, maybe he was fooling around in battle, help, yes.
5:47 am
when you go out to olya, what will you do? to distribute debts, quite a few of my debtors follow this will.
5:48 am
fuck you khmus vertukhaisky, and tomorrow a new batch of prisoners will be released, it’s fun to go to battle now, whatever you want.
5:49 am
and it's too much, you got it, weight, why do the calculations you will, well, we’ll get to moscow, there we will reckon with the first 12%, there is no market, the drink is bald, there is a maza of stalin’s discharge, i support it, if i hadn’t hidden it from you, there is something to trample and trample, hear, you are talking about a comrade. i scratched my tongue less, after all, the people have grief, but we have joy, freedom, so shut it, graze, uncle, i understand, now you will have both a holiday and freedom, you will be satisfied, lieutenant shalavin, documents, everything is normal, boss, we’re going home, we’re celebrating freedom, we’re all muscovites, krels, geroks, why the break? you can’t eat, well, if a bullet hits you in the stomach, then you ate before that, blood poisoning
5:50 am
is guaranteed, so vasily tekin tvordovsky was right, he’s a front-line soldier, he knows what he’s writing about, opalingradsky, what kind of muscovites they are, you’re a lieutenant in their faces, look, are they even here? it’s bad to express yourself about comrade stalin, but well, it dried up before reaching it, when people are bazaar, things are to be inspected, what a smo, boss, you have a bravo, who did i tell the evening to be inspected, and so that he can see your hands? yes , that's it, that's it, that's it, a normal boss, a bust, so it’s a bust, just let’s handle it ourselves, let’s stop gran bald, water,
5:51 am
someone’s probably drunk, the stop valve has been ripped off, come on, come on, stop shooting. stand hands, i took it, stand, garbage, otherwise i will certainly end this, let me go. why is he bullshitting me, that he’s sleeping with a woman and mine, you’ll finish him off, i’ll say thank you, well, you’ll finish him off yourself or help him, bullshit boss, you’re trying to show off, but what a show-off, sorry, sanyak, otherwise it ’s not enough, i understand.
5:52 am
hands, mom, i didn’t have time. that there is a lot of work so late, and a paper tick, and why does it smell like gunpowder, but what would be better if they'll smell like women's perfume on me if
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anything happens to you, i didn't embroider. so polka, what is it, what’s in the mood, okay, go my hands, i’ll feed you. be careful, it's loaded, it's on safety, at school they say someone shot at the station at night, it's you, i confess, at whom,
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rabid dogs, what? there's been a proliferation of them lately, i didn't know that dogs can shoot, why, i didn't notice, i need to tell my mom to sew her up, i don't need to tell my mom, she won't believe in mad dogs anyway, she'll be upset, i did exercises, that's already the case lunch, i didn’t do it at night, well then get up and take it lying down. let's start push-ups, that's enough, we're practicing hand-to-hand combat techniques, remember how you taught us, hit, block, hit, block, hit leave, oops, again, oops, past, now hit, punch, more, more, look at your eyes, you should always see
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the eyes of the enemy, but if there are several of them... lord! when will this end? so you continue to claim that you were not familiar with the murdered people? i’ve already said 100 times: i’m walking,
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i’m walking, i’m not bothering anyone, suddenly there’s gunfire, i’m on my feet and walking, there’s a comrade policeman, why are you putting pressure on me, boss, i ’ll complain, to whom first, i’m already afraid, to the prosecutor, okay, uncle vov, wait, and you leave your fairy tales for the court! it won’t be long before you believe what i ’ll write here, and i’ll write here that you offered armed resistance during arrest, so you’re already guaranteed 5 years, what you’re doing is outrageous, boss, you’re giving a sentence for no reason, but what should i give you? coupon for enhanced nutrition, diang wof, hold it for him, let him go, let him go, oh, well, you already have a deadline, but it’s quick, but from this trunk was denka shot? is it true? well, exactly. well, sorry, stira. a policeman was shot with this pistol, so you can’t get away with five men here. this is already a dozen,
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sure enough. and that’s if the judge doesn’t stand up. fashty? uncle, come out for a minute. i hope you don't quarrel. we will try. now listen to me carefully. “i don’t have time to play tricks with you, so either you knock nachalova, or you get 10 years, but i assure you, the roan will not know anything about your heroic silence, on the contrary, i’ll spread the word that you are our meeting place with those turned me over to the dead, so this is what happens, i have to walk around like a bitch anyway, it turns out like this, well , mind you, in the wild you will be a living bitch, and no one will know about it, but where is the guarantee that you won’t turn me in, the guarantee?” will confirm, well done, sir,
5:58 am
don’t believe the words, uchalova with prosion , sit closer, take a pen, write, i, starshinov, fyvan sergeevich, undertake to voluntarily cooperate with the internal affairs bodies, and report in a timely manner, don’t drive me, i don’t clerk, voluntarily cooperate with the internal affairs bodies, well, they ran into cops, i bet you guys, they brought morafet, a fighting marmot, they dumped me, what happened to the laundry, i don’t know, okay, we’ll sort it out later, then, i went underground, we didn’t have time to make an exchange, the goods were in the trash remained, that's what yagami, a trump card with his own, i was walking through the dungeon and then i came across it,
5:59 am
but where from? from there i got lost, i came across a damn thing, there’s a room, there’s a box in it, in one paper, in a second box, in a third... this is at least two pounds, you remember the road, you put markers, but everything seems to be mined there, they follow the magician quickly, he understands these matters, quickly, quickly, very interestingly, very.
6:00 am
i’m with manzhura, the rest tomorrow and other minibuses, we’ll meet at the place, and what a place, 100 kilometers from moscow, a quiet and calm place, bless you, god bless you . well, well, we’re almost done, okay.
6:01 am
tell the magician to mine it later, as it was, understand, do you hear, yes, mine everything, as it was, let's do it now, come on , come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, hurry up, well, move, move, move. tomorrow you’re leaving, wow, i didn’t know anything about this, i know, i saw your name on the list, so tomorrow at the morning verification they will announce, by lunchtime you’ll be free, well, you still have to get there, i’d like to- somehow get to moscow, you know, you can’t make tea in siberia, it’s just a stone’s throw from moscow, so by tomorrow evening you’ll be there, take it, what is it, this... you’ll take it
6:02 am
where i tell you, but don’t worry, it’s just bread, there won’t be any mess at the exit, but just in case, swallow it anyway and make sure you don’t overcook it, okay, i’ll try, so be it kind, okay, come here, remember the address, hello to the eternal duty officers. “great, great, why are you so gloomy, why should i have fun, little guy, i’m in this duty room, i’ll quickly die, i’ll quit, he’s the head of security at the mailbox getting ready to retire, let’s go there, and i don’t care where you are wipe your pants, what's here, what's there,
6:03 am
the result is the same, hemorrhoids, don't tell me, by the way, there's more salary, bonus for secrecy, extra rations, two years of service, two weeks' vacation, also its own clinic, how do you think he will give me a description, he’ll give, of course, he’ll catch up, he’ll give, don’t quit, quit, i’m already tired of being on duty at night.
6:04 am
“will soon leave our valiant ranks, he decided to head the security at the mailbox, oh, what if i’m a major on this duty duty until i die, but what is this idea, in general, sergei vadimovich, either fire me, or i don’t know, give me the real thing , it’s a living matter, a living thing, yes, okay, it will be a matter for you, trump card, they reported to me that my mother returned from the camps.” mamai, who was imprisoned for robbery even before the war, yes, he is the one, so take the little one and find out from some profits, a man who served 12 years in prison, the third day he is not dry drinking his buddies, i realized, well, kozurik, that we are standing, that we are waiting, let's go , the cider has arrived, we sign, no, hurry up,
6:05 am
quickly, that's it, free , free, next, you’re in trouble, the mountain is in, cider on the table, let’s sign, are you so wet all over, or were you scared of something, but he’s out of joy. citizen, boss, go to kotso, soon there will be freedom, well, close your mouth, now i’ll issue a refund in an instant, get elected, speak there, i obey citizen, man, freedom, the next one, the prisoners are walking around, cider is on the table, we sign, i say...
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6:07 am
then hit him, but it’s better to be alive, but get a pistol, lyokha, leaving you alone, it’s all the same to send subtons with logs, okay, let’s get me, if you cover something from behind,
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6:09 am
mamal, quietly, who are you, don’t twitch, calmly, police,
6:10 am
nikolaevich, freed, arrived, which means he’s been in the city for a week already, didn’t show up for registration, and i’m not a saint for you to show up, you don’t be rude, if you were talking normally so far, it’s fine, it’s normal for you to be trash, logs for the kettle, before they even asked for documents, why did you get into a fight, they told you, the police, i’m hungover, i’ve been walking for three days, i wonder, for some? and shishi, or in our camps now they give severance allowance, and now you’ll wait for you, the sidekick was treated to, yes, okay, sidekick, nicknames, last name, address, i don’t remember, okay, well, you, and i’m here for no
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reason at all side, i just went to get some salt, i went straight to the drinking place, but why is this right away? first we drank to meet each other, as expected, okay, good, go ahead, mamai, swag from the store, where? boss? okay, let's look, grooming, then don't forget to grab your carder, otherwise it seems to me that you don't have it, which means you'll get 15 bags for resistance, that's welcome.
6:12 am
wow, get up, let's go. there’s still a solid box, the poor fellow is tormented by the pot, why are you a monster, and you’re blabbering, and your animal is swelling from hunger, listen, it’s not good, by god, lyokha, listen, well, there are simply no words, well, mom, this is also a sidekick they rushed up, i’ve combed the appearance of the spomina, but it’s too bad for confessing, so purely from the heart, for the sake of lyokha’s initiative, i think i’ll do it, lyokha, go for the witnesses, yes, why the hell did we come here,
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we should have taken a taxi from the station, the station taxi from the police is probably on feeding, the place is rich, and you saw how many redfins there are, or here today, they have an amnesty for... criminals, that’s it the cops had dishes at the station, so that they would take the moska brick by brick from her for joy, there would be no worries, i bought myself a pig, there’s a taxi, we’ll take it, and we’ll take it, uh, uh, guys, where are you going, i’m not on my way, i’m in the park is generally on the way, dear, on the way, take it wherever you please, petrova, you know, that’s it, wait, that’s a lot of kilometers, no, no, i won’t go, but just wait, you’ll go,
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you’ll get there quickly, you’ll get the same amount, let’s go, let’s go, whatever the money is, german, ours huh? just throw away the old one, even though you don’t, leave it, it will come in handy, you never know what’s old, it sticks on us, you sit and feel like a bourgeois, so, stick the red one in the middle of nowhere, i don’t tell anyone, but now these pieces of paper are very interesting to me, and what is it, oh brother, this thing will be stronger than... who forgets, well, something like
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a nepotistic card index, where it is written who, when, where, where for how much, sold himself to the germans, it seems to me that all these gavriks lived in the capital of our homeland, verdorinha, it’s a pity i don’t speak german very well, and you, yes, i’m even worse, hendeh, hitler kaput, and i also know dan kishon, this is in their language, thank you, yes you're just a polyglot, yes, who, listen, here... yes, they're worse than a bitch, let's hand them over to garbage and better deal with it ourselves, but why push, hello, zyama, enjoy yourself for an hour, there's a very interesting topic, not on the phone no way, you have to see it, guys, let’s build trust, so that we can hold on to each other like this, come on, come on, i’m okay it’s also dishonest, well, you said that
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it’s dishonest to wait, you’ll wait, a year won’t pass, but why did i bring beer, this goblet, lard, um otezh, i recommend, where did you put so much, there would be enough here anyway, nothing , nothing will come of him, if i had been so comfortable with mamai himself getting a hot drink, i would have given the whole department water for a week, lech, if it weren’t for you, he would definitely have strangled me, but guys, i bought some logs and he’s already on duty , well, pour what you want, come on, lyokha, for yours. i hope not the last, or after all, maybe to a mailbox, there these salaries are more than a clinic, and a toilet with porcelain toilets, but oh well, guys, where am i now from you, here... the real work has begun, the blood began to flow faster in my veins, i’m younger, years 10, with such work you look, you will remain forever young, remember the language, vasily, okay, let’s shudder, but i want to say this, let’s drink to good luck without giving wings, sharpening, good toast, poet, come on, good toast, oh, uncle ola,
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i told you... kozyrev, well, i published you, yes today alexey malov took mama, but for what place, and for the most part that he didn’t run into him personally red-handed. rashkov, wait, kozyrif, i asked a question, no, that’s right, today they took mamai with molov right on the brownie, promoted him for two episodes to the shops, stolen from the warehouse of the eternal documents, uh, on the table, and what’s good to go to waste will still go rotten , and then he won’t refuse, but let him refuse, with us everything is as it should be, a search protocol. children, this sincere confession of his, understood by everyone, doesn’t even look like mamai, is he even he didn’t resist, we were with him, he behaved decently, well, move the new guy, it looks like he’s doing well, take him, so that in 10 minutes
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in the department it will be like at midnight in the graveyard, or you can find a job, let’s go, girl. yes, guys, well, you brought me, what did you forget here in this wilderness? yes, we’ll be restoring your plant, we’ll see. something like an engineer, well, then maybe we can pay, comrade engineers, pay, let's go, bro, why, he wouldn't have said anything anyway, i really hate that word,
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comrade, damned communist, they'd all be under root, but the car will still come in handy. to him little by little, i have a feeling that you are a hero, you are a scout, you are a frisian, far away, i haven’t quite reached the norm, today , in my opinion, you have already gone too far, well, just tell me, you are disdainful, you are disdainful, of course, i understand, you well, no bigots of nonsense, well, i just promised my son a day off tomorrow to go fishing in the morning, and if you and i go on a spree, maybe
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we won’t wake up until lunchtime, that’s for sure, i love you so much, you know, i was completely sour in my duty room , and you to me today. i will breathe life, it was you who breathed new life into me, if not for you, mamai would have eaten me without salt, so all the more so for this, well, i can’t, well, i’m telling you, i promised my son, children are bad, of course, children are sacred, come on, come on, that’s it, bye, hello to my wife, i’ll go and add, like this.


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