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tv   ChP  NTV  April 13, 2024 4:20pm-5:01pm MSK

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center, but the most noticeable precipitation will occur in the northwest in karili, murmansk and arkhangelsk regions, the wind will increase powerfully, but temperature changes are still insignificant, significant on monday, in the center the temperature level will increase on monday, and the rains will begin tomorrow afternoon, at the same time, in koluga it will be +15, in orel tula +16, but the rains will reach the volga on monday. in the summer, rains mainly in the republics of the north caucasus, wet snow in the highlands, light rains are not excluded in the lower reaches of the volga and don, and the temperature generally remains the same. summer destinations, here in armovir on tuesday it is planned to be +28 and the capital. in st. petersburg, tomorrow with rain and the maximum air temperature is +11:13, in moscow up to 16, rain in the evening, on monday it will be very windy and not higher than +10.
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a los angeles pub is undergoing a cultural upheaval. the owner of the establishment decided to hit the jackpot from the russian-speaking public, so the program, mainly repertoire from the nineties tamata in the bar, included the wanted russian theater and film actor, alexey panin. holiday fun, i guarantee you, asya, come on! here they are, freedom, success, which state prize laureate panin trumpeted on every corner abroad. sign up, register and come, we have a wonderful restaurant where you can eat well and then go, good luck to everyone, this is in russia, fans asked him for autographs, and fees flowed like a cornucopia, well, a day of filming cost me 2 -3 dollars a day, a performance - 100 dollars a day, i work 25 days a month, just estimate how much i earned per month, if only alexey panin, who lives in a new barn, who drives an x5. like a squirrel in a wheel, the
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more customers in the pub, the greater the chance of feeding himself and his sixteen-year-old daughter, with whom the artist recently moved from spain to the united states; he hadn’t even had time to unpack his suitcase yet, but he already loved america with every fiber of his soul and called it his new home. .
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almost every day he calls his compatriots nothing less than zombies and calls for the division of russian territory with violence and even murder. i sincerely regret that i was the same as many russians, zombied, zombied, i don’t know how to say this correctly, well, yes, if a person is susceptible to being zombied, what is the guarantee that he is not now zombied, only by the other side, all his antics are beyond morality.
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a drunken, impoverished, completely degraded actor in a foreign country does not clutch at any straw. he can’t live without alcohol, well, he’s actually drunk, but what kind of actor is this? that is , in my opinion, russian cinema not only did not lose, it won, the jackpot was hit, while the fugitive actor does not call himself otherwise, as a person of the world, he swaggers around, creates an appearance of vigorous activity and does not regret his actions at all, i am not ashamed to look people in the eyes, i am glad that i...
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entities can carry such things, the career of alexei panin was lightning fast, type the guy on his board allowed the actor to play many roles, he has over 100 works in his treasury, but it seems that this was not... just a long time ago, in some other life, because all the last years the artist has been doing nothing but dropping everything below, breaking through the next bottom, now it my favorite genre is shock content, and the harsher and nastier the picture, the more this feeling, it gives panin strength, all this is believed by experts, pointing to serious mental problems, but it is precisely such unbalanced figures who escaped from russia that the west can only benefit from now, after all, for money they are ready to commit any meanness against their homeland. aleksey panin realized from russian projects that shots of nature are breaking all records for views, and he now needs subscribers so badly, so having collected the last of his money, he imagined himself the last hero, the outrageous actor went
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to hawaii. we are in the middle of the pacific ocean, on the hawaiian islands, look how awesome, what a waterfall. at this point, in fact, the artist’s decent content was exhausted; then panin again took up his old ways, threatening to take off his panties in search of zen. at this time, the actor’s agent was trying to solve an impossible task: to find a job for the russian brawler somewhere; in the west , no one yet needs an artist with such a baggage of obscene antics, although panin himself , of course, assures that he is still in high demand even in hollywood and can afford to skip screen tests. on me.
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as a lifeline, he only has an irish dad in los angeles, in fact, he was taken there with a large advance, the star of the film blind man's buff is more here for the entourage, the jester toastmaster, the host of various holidays, and together with his daughter he is ready to hold a party in the style of the nineties, our event today is a mafia in the style of the nineties, in the style of zhburok, it all started with a game of mafia, although panin turned his back on his homeland, he did not stop being an artist, so he quickly got into the role. became to entertain visitors, then, as they say, the owner of the bar took the already forgotten russian star into circulation in order to stir up the interest of the public, panin even remembered a romantic tv game. vlad, ashron, anton,
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do you think there could be an ideal couple here? he began inviting guests to the bar by posting banal videos online. did you want a party? nate, we are all waiting! on march 8, i leave links, all appearances, passwords, i love everyone, alexey panin - this is for you. in a formal suit, panin urges visitors to observe the dress code, as well as himself with pleasure he is ready to put on something for which in a normal society he would be condemned. wedding dress, stockings, makeup, so to speak, you can’t escape old habits. weekend laziness has fallen on the world. and this trick was also a kind of lure for visitors to a bar in los angeles. true, who would fall for this, we can only guess, no, i like stockings in life, like this, but these are all elements of this, guys, but not more, this is who i am, i don’t like it, don’t look, i don’t force anyone, however, in america panin is on board
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he doesn’t just go to work, for example, he showed up in full dress to someone’s birthday, happy birthday, sanya. they really do say that america is a land of opportunity; the artist’s blue dream has finally come true. but he was always flamboyant, he was always bright, he always wanted to express himself somehow, to show himself, and here it all found such, well, a kind of disgust, i would still like panin to decide who he is now. states, if there is an opportunity to earn extra money somewhere, get some hype, somehow be in the media
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have some weight, he does it. master classes are held, by the way, all in the same bar, it seems that the spanish owner of the establishment really squeezes out all the juices, for 30 dollars the russian one. the state prize winner promises to reveal the mass of professional receivers that he was taught in hated russia. i was lucky to work on the same set, on the same stage, not just with the good ones, but simply with the great ones. actors, it was a gift of fate. but with the gift of fate, panin acted like a pig, betrayed everyone who believed in him, with whom he stood side by side worked, who watched his films and went to all the theater productions. the artist has come to the point that he is ready to say goodbye even to the award he received from the hands of the russian president. fortunately, i sold the property, but i can return the state bonus, who will hand it over? it is clear that panin will not return to russia again, of his own free will, of course . a criminal case was opened against him for calls for terrorism, and the capital's district court has already chosen a measure of restraint for the artist in absentia in the form of
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arrest. the international wanted list contains: if he has a warrant, he will either be detained on the territory of the state where he is currently located, if again interpol takes up his case, he will be extradited to the russian federation if he is detained, or he will independently arrive on the territory of the russian federation. alexey volkov is not personally acquainted with panin and has never communicated; he is a lawyer appointed by the state, but it was he who tried to appeal the court’s decision and filed a cassation appeal, appealing that panin was supposedly about the father, and with many children. the artist still remains in russia two minor children. the defense attorney had to try hard to collect a so-called positive reference for the person involved in the criminal case. well, you know, as a defense attorney, i am obliged with honesty and integrity.
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“france, italy, let’s divide it, in each region these people will live happily.
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” this statement caused a shock among many, after which even the most loyal fans and colleagues turned away from panen, who still hoped for the actor’s repentance and subsequent possible forgiveness. speaks out because for some reason they took upon themselves the mission of some prophets, although they are of that name, due to their mental abilities and..." other things, because we are too favored, undeservedly, too fed and perverted by many things, but western curators are only such freaks are needed, because panin and others like him are now helping to create the image of a bloodthirsty, crazy russia abroad, they are inventing nasty things, one worse than the other, while working off their stay outside their homeland, they are spinning vile conclusions and speculations, after...
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in order to talk about the upcoming anti-russian event, they foamed at the mouth to prove to their former fellow countrymen that they were very happy away from their homeland, we didn’t die of hunger, we didn’t get sick, you hear, everything is fine with us, panin at that moment only smiled, but after a few hours, apparently, having had a couple of drinks during the meeting, not far from the border, he put on a dirty show, we are in estonia, i can see russia right now, i don’t know, show his ass or something, take off his pants, in fact,
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that’s what he did, fortunately, not in front of the russians border guards at half-mast pants, panin appeared in the center of tallinn on pune street. panya has long lost his human form, he is some kind of degenerate creature who has absorbed all the moral activities that simply exist on this planet; panin has been trying to prove that he can live well without russia since 2020. it was then that the scandalous actor moved to spain for permanent residence. i feel sorry for russia, i feel sorry for a country that could have developed along a normal democratic path, some kind of civilized one. first, mixed with... his depraved videos, the russian an emigrant posted a video with the azure sea, i was reset, i got all the dirt out of myself this year, i defiantly ate oyster, i don’t know what to say, we’re just sitting and talking together and pretending to buy a ferrari, listen, zhek, well, if now it’s a bmw , well, i think bmw is
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more expensive, you still have it, yes, so we ’ll just take a ferrari, right? yes, cool, oh well, dad and i are such cool emigrants. when the svo began, like many of his colleagues who fled across the hill, he began to throw mud at the country that had given him everything. that's my opinion in my perception, ukrainians and i are one people, but unfortunately, most of the russians, my so-called compatriots, are not one people for me, and i don’t want to have anything in common with this, with the majority of this people. however, he is clearly an artist. he is disingenuous, he is still ready to conduct a dialogue with his compatriots, but with only one condition: to do it for money, he himself told our program about this in a telephone conversation: we would like to arrange an interview with you, i do not live in moscow, we we can chat with you on skype, how much for money, just for money, yes, i communicate with pleasure with ukrainian journalists for free, and well
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, i have never communicated with our russian channels for free, finances are basically for ladies. have long become a sore subject, what was earned in russia, he has already skipped, and the new fees are barely enough to make ends meet, 100% of the ladies have planned, neither the games will save him there, nor the mafia, nor any theaters for hillock, i don’t know who even goes there, it seems to me that sponsors help, judge for yourself, even in interview with ksenia sobchak, he was sitting like a bass, it was clear that his toenails were painted white, that is, what kind of signal was he giving, that is, i... somehow chewed up sponsors, pretending that he had everything in chocolate , glory to ukraine, viva israel, no to war, wake up russia, panin constantly asks for money from his subscribers, for example, with a rumpled face, probably after a successful evening he is clearly producing a new project. we are managing on our own for now, but in america everything is expensive, so if anyone wants to participate, we
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we made a payment link where you can send donations, i have a link in my profile header.
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a traitor who, as a sign for his service , received this red piece of paper from the american state. however, as soon as panin realized that such a confession threatened him with a new article of treason, he immediately, as they say, turned on the back one. i just arrived in the usa, i can’t get citizenship so quickly. i took a photo with someone else's passport, as a sign that it symbolized that this was my dream, an american passport, everything. according to the article high treason is 12 to 20 years of freedom decisions. naturally, when he realized that things were going wrong, he decided to change his shoes, basically all his actions, as soon as he fled to the territory of first ukraine, then to europe, then the united states, he first does it, then apologizes or stays around. in his position, panin is really fickle; before the start of his story, the actor was not an ardent russophobe, rather, on the contrary, guys, this is
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the crimean bridge, you can’t imagine, this is the same crimean bridge. widely known this video was also received, in which the actor with the russian tricolor, one might say, congratulates the residents of the peninsula on their return home. to russian crimea, to russian sevastopol, to russian yalta, don’t relax, then we will go to odessa. after this, panin was blacklisted in square, but a few years later the fugitive artist made a request to the ukrainian special services. i want to contact the manager. the sbu of ukraine would have turned to volodya zelensky, vladimir sanovich zelensky, but unfortunately we do not know him, i sincerely regret that i... was the same, like many russians, zombified, now still in ukraine, i am on the list of people who are
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a threat to ukraine, i am sure that this is a mistake, in words, verbally, he says that he -he regrets, he regrets something, about some of his actions, eh, but with facial expressions, yes, uh, he also continues to smile somewhere, this says that it is not worth, most likely, not worth perceiving it in its pure form. clinical psychologist, realotherapist yana rumyantseva, as they say, reads people by facial expressions, behavior and gestures, panin calls the actor a person with obvious mental changes, however, he himself admitted that he had been in a mental hospital more than once. i remember the carpet, the next madhouse, but i was lying in a separate room in a vip room. but apparently it didn’t help, that’s why.
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one extreme to the other extreme, he lacks some kind of color palette, between good and bad, everyone is no one, they don’t see any intermediate options. immediately after the advertisement, what do his neighbors in his moscow apartment think about the antics of the flamboyant artist? deprive the actor of russian citizenship and how alexey panin involves his minor daughter in his activities. don't miss central television - the first information show about the events and people of the week. big water, the most important thing, i heard, it ’s rising, rising, gone, the russian city suffered from a flood, the likes of which has never happened in modern history, i didn’t manage to get anything
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out, everything was left there, why the disaster in the urals could be the first of many floods, and the entire 21st century, as scientists say, will be the century of great water, this is just a small fraction of possible threats, which cities are at risk and where a dam needs to be built now, because tomorrow may be too... late, this will be your central television, today at 19:00 on ntv. try investing with tinkof and continue if you like it. open an account with tinkov investments and receive a starting 50,000 rubles from the bank. you take the income from this amount for yourself, and if there is no income, then you do not need to compensate for losses. tinkov investment is simple. i demand that the banquet be continued ryaba - fabulously tasty. get an extra
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drugs. after another manipulation , he told me that they gave me water, i didn’t attach any importance to this, who was the executioner in a white coat selling expensive medicine to? the longer the medical history, the more earnings go, how his subordinates became accomplices in the crime, forced him to drip without solution under threat of dismissal, why the nizhny novgorod aesculapian still does not consider himself guilty, he imagined himself to be a god and put himself above medicine. doctor of last hope in the author's project of andrey kunitsin, a man in right. tomorrow 16:20 on ntv. in the meantime , panin is rushing into the abyss of shame, still along the same treacherous path, actively proving his loyalty to the kiev regime and making videos about humanitarian aid for the nazis. we arrived at such a center, where humanitarian aid, medicines for ...
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after all, he played really well, but the artist crossed out all his merits with a vile betrayal, which the residents of the house took very close to their hearts, to some extent they even rejoiced, that the path to russia is now closed to him, there are such monsters there, in my opinion, he loves it, well, let him create something there, so to speak, but i don’t think that it will make any impression on the world typographic community, if...
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from the point of view of the state, i think such people are here are not needed, because just as easily as he repented in one direction, he will just as easily repent in the other. alexander pochuev has personal scores with panin; the honorary lawyer of russia represented the interests of his ex-wife, with whom the artist shared a daughter for a long time. panin is such a leader of the dissident movement, well, a face, i would say, well, everything it’s clear, everyone can look at this face
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and understand what a dissident movement is.
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says psychologist yana rumyantseva, but she is in dire need of psychological support, in interviews she always talks about how much she loves and is even proud of her unlucky father, i am proud of him, i mean that he is honest and
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that i am very happy, then , that i have a dad who, how to explain this correctly now, here he is as he is, and he shows that people are different and everyone has their own desires and... treatment, opinion, but from the point of view of psychology, says the specialist, the teenager seems to be persuading herself to say exactly that, she tells herself this first of all, i think she repeats this to herself day after day, uh, it’s probably not very easy for her to be in all this situation, i think that most likely it is impossible to do without personal therapy, in the final part of the program, what else is panin going to surprise the american public with? who helps the scandalous actor? conquer hollywood 1991, sykty vkar, then no one knew, a clever crime happened, it committed one of the strangest murders in the history of the ussr. the police were off their feet, looking for the criminal, but he did not leave
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any evidence. there was complete order everywhere, no traces of strangers, like a maniac betrayed by his old sins. soviet folk drinking establishments were not distinguished by the chic of large elections. and what role did the most famous soviet clown play in this story? the profession of a clown is one of the most difficult; an artist can master the techniques of many genres. the investigation was conducted with leonid konevsky, today at 17:00 on ntv. dmitry malikov vs marina fedunkev. stars today at 22:00 on ntv. at bikfest you definitely choose, hamburger for 39 rubles. and other offers at a very competitive price. and even more profitable with 50% cashback.
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for active joints. repair for the summer season on ozone. everything in the house is on sale. hurry up! smart speaker vk for 2.699. mini washing machine denzel for 6,299. set of appetite pans for 1.199. sometimes you expect one thing, but get something completely different. you dream about something beautiful, but what you get is not what you get. and it happens that you’re just waiting for a convenient office, but you get the best one. alfabank is the best bank in every office. but panin now clearly has no time for his daughter, as generally speaking, he always has a plan to conquer hollywood with other such relaxants. fugitive comedian alexander nezlobin is trying to push his show into the states. and a long- forgotten rock musician. and agent maxim pokrovsky. lyosha, the guy is calling. max,
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hello dear, how are you? i'm nothing like you . quietly. when do you come? listen, i'm already getting ready. and it seems that not only to perform, but also just to talk with your audience. so much has happened lately. actually, here is footage of that very conversation with the audience. there are 15 people maximum in the hall. with beer in plastic cups they dance to pokrovsky's only famous hit. alexei panin's long and anti-russian antics over the course of 2 years completely erased all his
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merits and successes as an actor, but his homeland, if you think about it, gave him a chance to stop and come to his senses. for example, investigators did not immediately initiate a criminal case against the artist; he was charged only when panin he has finally crossed all permissible boundaries, and, by the way, he has still not been recognized as a foreign agent, although social activists have been insisting on this since last year, however, the russophobe actor did not even think about stopping his vile crap against russia. true, now this is not particularly important, no one is waiting for his repentance anymore, now there will only be punishment to the fullest extent of the law, most likely this is why the artist kuzhalina grabs every opportunity to prove herself outside her hated homeland, ready for any meanness, just to he was not expelled back to russia. right now it’s a chilling story, well... everything, right from the heart, to


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