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tv   Tsentralnoe televidenie  NTV  April 13, 2024 7:00pm-8:21pm MSK

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live on central television. so, there is only a week between these two news. last friday. the russian news agency spread an alarm message, a siren sounds in orsk, the city is preparing for evacuation, well, this friday an alarm siren sounded in orenburg. the large water that flooded orsk also reached the regional center. in a city with a population of half a million, mass evacuation is being carried out due to an extremely dangerous flood situation. people who live in the danger zone are urged to urgently leave their homes, taking with them documents, supplies of medicines and essentials. well, what about these boundaries? danger zones
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change literally every hour. and the latest information from the emergency zone was collected by yulia bekhtereva. yes, vadim, in orenburg, the water level in the ural river has increased by another 12 cm and now stands at 11 m 83 cm. it is expected that the situation will soon stabilize, and then the water will begin to decline. in the regional center, over the past 24 hours , another 800 houses have been flooded, including new residential complexes. it was under threat of flooding. local perinatal center. patients transported to a hospital in another part of the city. at the moment , more than 10,500 city residents have been forced to leave their homes. in the orenburg region, they began to strengthen an embankment dam, which may break due to increased load. but let's return to orsk, where it all began. the water of the ural river during floods threatened the city almost from the first day of its foundation. to solve the problem once and for all. in 2010 they began construction of
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a dam, on which they spent almost a billion rubles. well, apparently, in order not to spend too much, the height of the dam was determined by the maximum level of the ural river over the last 100 years of observations, but the maximum level until this week of 9 m and 88 cm was reached during the flood of 1957, the built dam seemed to be supposed to withstand it, but... during during this flood, the water in the urals rose to almost 11 m. at the beginning of april, residents of the neighboring blocks began to notice leaks at the bottom and began writing alarming messages on social networks. well, on april 5, the dam broke through, and in two places at once. and the water gushed down the street in orsk, and a week later i reached orenburg. all this week, our reporter tatyana proskuryakova worked in the disaster zone and tried not only to answer. to the question of what it was,
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well, to understand what will happen next, is this really a rare emergency that happens once every 100 years or a catastrophe in the urals, could be the first of many floods, and the entire 21st century, as some scientists say, will be a century big water. an emergency siren roars over orenburg, echoed by urgent messages from the ministry of emergency situations, evacuate immediately. tatyana was the last to leave her street, she kept hoping that a big disaster would pass by, but the water swallowed up the first floor and moved on. we were sitting on the second floor, hoping that there wouldn’t be such a rise, well , too much, everything that she had acquired, how to say, what she was striving for, she built a house, took out a mortgage, she still had to pay, she only had documents and four dogs with her , all that's left. this is the private sector
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of orenburg, kuznechny microdistrict, all the houses here were flooded because the level of the ural river exceeded 11.5 m, and the water continues remain, this is a record flood in the entire history of observations. the dangerous level has been exceeded by 2 meters. thousands of houses have gone under water for hours, local residents are trying to bring out what is valuable that still remains, household appliances, family photos of animals. like this: someone put a dog on the roof, and this cat climbed up there himself, frozen in horror before the elements. together with vladimir we go to visit his parents; the fishing boat is threatened by boards with nails, floating refrigerators and gas cylinders. and here is the house that my parents they refuse to leave vladimir, he is the tallest in the village, he can handle it. so my son
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brings us food, groceries, that is, it’s kind of normal, there’s just one inconvenience that you can’t walk in venice. olga is even trying to find some kind of poetry in her situation, but she doesn’t know yet. the main drama is ahead, in a few hours the flow will go faster and she and her husband will still have to leave the house. vladimir sheryaev helps rescuers, he is a fisherman and came with his boat as soon as he heard about the flooding, he helps people, he himself has connections with family, water may also come to his house. we persuaded people, some don’t want to leave, mostly old people stay because they don’t want to leave their home, we persuaded them to give away their cattle, but somehow... they themselves don’t want to leave, now we’re bringing andrei, he bought a house here several times years ago, you specially built high so that the flood would happen, yes, but you see how it didn’t help, the only thing you have is better housing, the only thing, thank you, i finished the renovation recently, and now it’s scary to look at what
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’s left, it’s dangerous to swim to the house like that , not only because the water is icy and a rubber suit can pull it to the bottom, but you can also... well, there are people who simply have nowhere to go. a large family has set up their home in the corner. before going to bed, children drink tea with cookies, and in general, ready-made food and a special menu are brought here to prevent the spread of intestinal infections. we were warned that it would flood, so we were already
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packing our things, well, transporting everything, in the evening right when we were transporting the last gazelle , we seemed to be flooded. with the main one as a hydrometeorologist in orenburg, we climb to the highest point in the city, and before there was a view of the embankment. the rise now is about 3-5 cm per hour. floods have occurred in the region before, but this year there were several natural factors that led to anomalous floods. there was n’t even a lot of it in the fall, the earth went into winter, it was very wet, so its absorbency was low for half a week. the vorske dam could not withstand the first impact of the disaster; the flow broke through the earthen embankment. flooded the area the old city and neighboring snt, only a few buildings on the mountain survived, the owners of these houses sheltered many, including irina nabieva’s family, as i stand, here i have this and that, people gave me this, margarita asks the emergencies ministry employees to take her to the house,
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there are rabbits left in the attic, here you can see how intense the current is, and it is especially dangerous at intersections, where the boat can be spun by a whirlpool, everything can quickly... it gradually decreases, but from the marks on the buildings you can see that it reached the roofs , and some houses were completely destroyed, home you walk in, all the new furniture is lying there, that is , the furniture was bought just recently, everything is lying there, everything is lying around, the tvs are all sunk, all the refrigerators, the only way people can get to the mainland now is on an all-terrain vehicle
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of the ministry of emergency situations. we make a stop to pick up volunteers who are rescuing animals in another part of the village. these people arrived 2 days ago. our veterinarian came with us, she will treat and examine them, the water level in the urals is approaching 12 m, the sirens are increasing the alarm, but suddenly on one of the streets in the village of vesenniy, a different melody began to sound, we had a little water, a little, as it were, but we decided to sink like on the titanic, the saxophonist, who decided to cheer up his neighbors, quickly became an internet star, people began to help each other. and then at a certain moment we already realized that we could, so we did it, and i told him that wait, now i’ll bring the saxophone, we’ll play something, and because of this, we got this story, we had water like this well, now we already have water like that, stepan razin
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explains, music became his salvation estrangement, if it is unrealistic to resist the elements, then you can try to find inspiration in it. tatyana proskoryakova, alexander karlov, anastasia lunkova, vladimir sharykin, central television. following developments in the disaster area. we will definitely follow the disaster, well, now there are other news from saturday, which yulia bekhtereva is following as always. yes, vadim, let's start a message from the lpr, the ukrainian military attacked the lugansk machine-building plant, they planned to start production there in the near future, the head of the region announced this leonid pasochnik. seven workers and two residents of nearby houses were injured. and in the zaporozhye region, the number of deaths as a result of the shelling of the city of takmag is growing, as the governor reported. iran from attacks on
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israel. joe biden, answering a question from reporters about his message to tehran amid concerns about a possible strike by the islamic republic on washington’s main ally in the middle east, said. quote: don't do this. meanwhile, the iranian revolutionary guards captured varmus strait ship, which belongs to an israeli business. now the cargo ship is heading to the territorial waters of iran. well , the day before, more than forty rockets were fired at israel from lebanon. some of them were shot down by the israeli air defense system, the rest fell in open areas. in response, the israeli air force launched a series of strikes against lebanese hezbollah targets. and at least six people were killed in an attack in a sydney suburb. an unknown person with a knife attacked visitors to the shopping center. the victims were five women and one man. even bloodier the massacre was prevented by a policeman who was able to
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shoot the attacker. the deadliest in eight years, the violence has stunned australia, with mass killings rare in the country. according to a police spokesman, the attacker acted alone. the motives for this attack are still unknown. well, today we remember the turbulent events of the spring of 2014 in... donetsk throughout the donbass. on april 13, 2014, that is, exactly 10 years ago, alexander turchinov, who was acting at that moment president of ukraine, said that the national security and defense council of ukraine, quote: decided to launch a large-scale anti-terrorist operation involving the armed forces of ukraine in the east of the country. kiev demanded from the protesting people of donbass within 24 hours, that is, until 14.
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the ukrainian flag is being removed from the roof of the mariupol city administration building to replace it with the dpr flag. one of the ukrainian policemen wearing a st. george ribbon on his brush. barricades in the crowd, russian and red flags, so in the city will begin open opposition to these personnel exactly 10 years ago, on april 13, 2014. and pavel guborev, at that time one of the leaders of the dpr, remembers the mood of the people then. if we talk. mood of people at that moment, then this is, perhaps, well, i would say that this is
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the awakening of national self-awareness. 10 years ago, none of those who came to the square knew that ahead would be the withdrawal of the militia from mariupol, the return of ukraine, and then the battles of the twenty-second, a time when the name of the city did not leave the front pages of the world press, here are the shots of that time. military systems services say that there are soldiers entrenched further down the street. now it’s almost like the houses behind me, these are the arrivals , the active phase of the battles for. and it seems that this is exactly how many in the west still imagine the city lying in ruins. reporter armin körper, having seen it, tells something that is not what he expected to hear, which seems to surprise even the leading studio. streets, schools, residential buildings and entire neighborhoods are being restored, and this is happening very quickly. mariupol is not a ghost town. no, of course, it was in the beginning
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the story of the battles for the city, which fits well into the western canon, is shown, but the reporter’s direct speech surprised many germans. and angered the ukrainians. i got the impression that those who remained, most of them, are pro-russian. well, how could this be liked in kiev, where even the girl from whom ukrainian propaganda tried to make a symbol of russian aggression, so she flashed on the frames of a german tv channel, has long been considered an enemy for what remained for telling her own story, not ukrainian version of what happened in the mariupol maternity hospital. well, how does a city that has gone through so much really live? vladimir bespalov, one of the many builders who came from all over russia to restore mariupol. everything you see from this side was exactly like this, all the houses were like this. but why? because there were raids on these houses, there were also fires, all this was restored, the facades were restored,
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the roofs were restored. the houses that have already been renovated and those in which... and not through the prism of the western media, look unprofitable for them look so contrasting show what is happening right now and how life is revitalizing in these cities. the exposition of a small museum restores the life of a wealthy greek family of the 19th century; further in the hall a meeting with the greek community of the city takes place. we talked to people, especially
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the greek community, who are there. live and hear from their lips in greek and convey to our people and the greek people and the cypriot people the truth that is there on the spot, nikolai pelchuk, his blog, talks about mariupol in english in his blogs sketches from the life of the city, walks, conversations with passers-by, well, i was born in donetsk, but i lived my entire adulthood in mariupol. and i spend a lot of time on the internet in english, on english sites, communicating with foreigners, most of them think that mariupol was simply destroyed, that it is a ukrainian city, it is occupied, like, and i want as many people as possible to know. mariupol is russia, this week the city is already noisy as usual, these are not the rallies
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of ten years ago and the battles that did not die down almost 2 years ago, this is the noise of construction technology. mikhail bogdanov, alexander karlov. ksenia politaeva, central television. we will continue the story about the events of saturday of this week immediately after a very very short pause. and this is what will happen next, don’t switch. stay with us. zelensky adopts a new law on mobilization and lowers the conscription age. is it really possible that ukraine is ready to exterminate an entire generation in order to find soldiers for the front? the eminence grise of the european union and the most influential woman in world politics, ursula vonderleen.
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with an american political publication; in tone and content, it was very different from all other reports and editorial notes on the topic of the ukrainian crisis that are now filling the leading western media. and here, it seems, is the time to ask what it is precisely this that instills in zelensky such confidence in the ukrainian victory. especially at a time when everyone else in the west is covered in a wave of panic, because it seems that political, and military , and even armchair experts have agreed that without american military assistance , ukraine will not last long on the battlefield, but it seems that kiev is now hoping for help entente. yes, this name of the military-political alliance during the first world war is again on everyone’s lips, after a joint statement made by the heads of foreign affairs of britain and france. i'll quote:
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ukraine must win this war, if it loses, we all lose. the cost of failing to support ukraine will be much higher than the cost of fighting back against putin. end of quote. that's it, vadim. yes, well, let me remind you that the name of this union comes from the french expression entente cardeali, that is, cordial agreement. it, the first, real entente, was an alliance of france, britain, and, very importantly, russia, but now, instead of russia, in this cordial agreement, according to the plan of london and paris, ukraine should apparently take the place. but here it is more important another thing: attempts to replay history, as a rule, cost the players themselves dearly; the revival of alliances with which tragic pages of the past are connected is not a good sign. in other words, whatever you call the boat, that’s how it will float. the first entente sailed to the first world war, and, apparently,
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for a reason for many, like ours. now it seems that the world is heading towards another catastrophe in full sail. perhaps not the most representative of the three seas themselves, which vilnius hosted this week, became a real holiday for the owner of bankova attention, which kiev has not been receiving from its allies lately. however, even from the general photo it was noticeable that ukraine was no longer in the center, as before, but somewhere in the outskirts, and even in their wording, the leaders clearly hinted to zelensky that there was war. i believe, vladimir, that next year you will be able to arrive here in a suit, like the president of a country that is no longer in a state of hostilities. zelensky seemed to lament that this game of dress-up is actually run by the west, and the world may never see him again in a business suit, if not urgently board his new air defense systems. we don't have any software. we do not have air defense, there is simply no such air defense of our own production, like patriot. we don't need systems.
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in the united states, this money goes to the restoration of the american embassy in kiev, to help, to strengthen the american troops located in eastern europe, plus long-term contracts. in ukraine, every month they eat up $3.4 billion of their gold and foreign exchange reserves, that is, by the end of the year they will have zero. for now washington
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offers ukraine guns in exchange for money, although the events of recent months show that any weapons and assistance from the west, kiev, one way or another turns against kiev, the latest example is what ukraine’s strategy has resulted in, to carry out drone strikes on russian oil refineries, it’s just the whole power plant burn, on the night of thursday , the largest in ukraine trypilska tes near kiev came under the main blow of the russian aerospace forces, based on humanitarian considerations in the winter. did not strike any blows, meaning that they did not want to stand without energy supplies, social institutions, hospitals and so on, but after a series of attacks on our energy facilities we were forced to respond, while alexander lukashenko was flying to this meeting with vladimir putin, the british foreign office suddenly issued a recommendation for its citizens to refrain from traveling to belarus, allegedly from -for threats to transfer
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hostilities to the territory of the republic. well, then, really about the cis, the meeting of the council of ministers of foreign affairs of the cis countries is being chaired by sergei lavrov, who has just returned from china and whose visit is now being discussed, without exaggeration, by the entire world media. the leaders of the commonwealth foreign ministries, it would seem, had a lot to talk about without this, but it is possible that just at these moments lavrov and his colleagues are discussing whether the chinese
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peace will work? to the extent that it seems to you that in the current conditions it is possible to implement the chinese peace plan, we now know that a battle is taking place. the idea is to first deal with systemic security problems in our common space, and i don’t see how it’s possible
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to put a tremulous doe in one team while riding, but perhaps lavrov responded this way also because, in addition to the chinese and swiss initiatives, there is also an istanbul peace plan, it’s curious that he still hasn’t sent any exit documents from an organization, as... at one time, for example, georgia did it, dery ukraine still remains a member country of the cis, well , that is, purely theoretically, its representatives could be present here, and if, say, with belarus and russia kiev intensely cuts off all ties, then with other members of the commonwealth, which was initially created as a platform for negotiations to coordinate a position, ukraine does not close such a window of opportunity for itself. however, with his statements in the western media this week , zelensky contradicted himself; on the one hand, he walks around the world. they ask for at least something, on the other hand, they announce a new and almost even larger-scale counter-offensive, i assume that zelensky is talking about new offensives partly in order to support public sentiment to encourage men
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to join the armed forces, and to gain greater support in europe and the united states. let's be honest, there are no prospects for a new ground offensive in the near future. another contradiction with zelensky’s public statement. there is endless horror, there is endless horror, because it is impossible to defeat russia, this is already clear, that is, there must be a proposal from russia to which zelensky will agree, but he cannot agree, he warmed up the public, he is a hostage, he is a slave
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war, but maybe washington is pushing ukraine towards the scenario that was recently voiced in kiev by republican lintsy grem, giving kiev weapons in exchange for ukrainian mineral deposits. well, that is, if you don’t win the war, then at least earn as much as possible from it. alexey petrushko, dalya midyukova, denis anikin, central television. yes, well, someone else was clearly pushing kiev to adopt a new law on mobilization and to lower the age of conscripts, which could literally meaning lead to the extermination of an entire generation. and let’s take a closer look right now at those who are pushing zelensky to decisions that may be fatal for kiev. we can say that we know one of the so-called friends of ukraine, boris johnson, as if he was flaking, it is unknown what he is doing now, finding himself in the political shadow, maybe he is writing memoirs, where he is trying to highlight from a more advantageous side for himself that memorable visit to kiev,
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which, let me remind you , disrupted the peace agreements in istanbul. but today let's let's look at another eminence grise of european politics, and this is, perhaps, the first female eminence grise in history. the sixty-five-year-old head of the european commission, ursulova fonderen, is named by forbes magazine as the most powerful woman in the world, and, i must say, she deserves it. how and how she achieved such power is another matter, because mrs. vonderijn’s political career began quite simply. in 2003 she was minister for family affairs in lower saxony, but under angela merkel she became a political small fry. just already in 2013 , she became the first woman in german history to head the ministry of defense, but being minister of war, she didn’t really like posing in front of tanks, by the way, this is one of the rare
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photographs, but in politics to the heights of her career she moved like a tank, knew how to avoid all the political mines on her way, at least two are associated with her name... experts reviewed fondelien’s doctoral dissertation and found that 43.5% of the pages contained plagiarism, while 23 times she used quotes that were called far-fetched. after this, several famous german scientists publicly accused fondelein of cheating and deception. an even louder scandal happened in the eighteenth year. then the audit service discovered a violation. in the contracts of the ministry of defense,
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millions of euros were spent on its needs for a moment. during the investigation, two phones were confiscated from fondelen, but by the time these devices fell into the hands of experts, all data from them had been carefully deleted, and although both the scandal was heatedly discussed by the entire european press with mrs. vonberlein, as they say, like water off a duck's back. yes, well, the third, perhaps the most serious, scandal is breaking out right before our eyes. european prosecutors are now examining correspondence between ursula fonderland and the head of feizer. the head of the european commission is suspected of just a little bit of vaccine fraud. during the pandemic, with the help of fondeir, the european union concluded the deal of the century and agreed to buy almost 2 billion doses of the vaccine from the pharmaceutical company. this quantity of the drug can by the way, it was necessary to vaccinate every european three times. you. as a result, a huge part of the ampoules had to be simply destroyed by
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literally burying 4 billion euros in the ground. well, now the investigators have many uncomfortable questions for the gray eminence of the european union, but our reporter, anton chichulinsky, tried to figure out whether she will answer them. beethoven's purring oduk of joy, which is also the anthem of the european union. ursula fondern washes her hands of it. today this video, shot during a pandemic, in which she teaches europeans hygiene rules takes on new meanings. firstly, the head of the european commission is trying to convince that it is still clean, and secondly, the hand washes itself. i wrote an article entitled "several states accused ursulla fondelaien of corruption in the sms-gate case." ursla gate, fizergate, and we call it differently. this is the well-known french vaccine scandal in the eu, which has been
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the main topic in its magazine for several years now. today, the agreement with fizer is 44 billion, this is a deal for the largest amount in history, and with a real advantage in favor of the manufacturer. this is essentially a subscription to a vaccine, for which you have to constantly pay and which is not needed in such quantities. it's early 2021, the pandemic is in full swing.
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demand that would exceed supply. so much of the fizer vaccine was purchased that and yet the eu was never able to create enough for every eu citizen at the well four times. let's turn on the babies. it's no surprise that hundreds of millions of unused doses are now heading towards it. the main creator, such uncalculated unprofitable deals, or maybe on the contrary, very even profitable. at the same time, what the countries purchased on their own accumulated in the eu. 4 billion doses, this is how
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the surplus will be disposed of later. we have to show a picture from nigeria, because, unlike it, the european union is destroying its vaccine secretly, just as negotiations on supplies were conducted between ursula fonder and this person. i have no words. thank you ursula, i almost cried. this is the head of pfizer, albert bourla. everything related to the fateful deal for the eu is lost on him.
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will announce the cause of death, heart attack, despite the fact that she never complained of heart problems, the fact that at some point the deputy died led some to think that her death was not spontaneous, but back to the vaccine, this weather forecast was prepared for us by feizer, today's episode of cnn is brought to you by
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fizer, around the same time that ursula fondern was texting albert bourla, albert bourla was apparently texting donald trump. our country has achieved a medical miracle, we have created a safe and effective vaccine in just 9 months. here that robert kennedy jr. is already talking about their deal. trump asked me to join the vaccine safety commission, but then faizer gave him a million dollars for the election campaign, appointed two lobbyists to the health department, they dissolved the commission. therefore, information that the fizer vaccine, for example. can cause infertility appeared only when all contracts, including with the eu, had already been signed. was the vaccine properly tested before it went on the market? no, we should have moved forward with at maximum speed, in order to truly understand what was happening in the market, we had to do everything at the risk of our lives. for
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ursula fondelein, the risks came with the advent of the amikron strain, when many began to experience covid as just a mild form of the flu. amikron. it is spreading very quickly in many eu countries, so let's protect ourselves. someone has questions about her qualifications. ursula vonderleen, md, taught in the department of epidemiology. however, most people are more interested in something else: how much she could get from fizer and through whom? through dr. haik fondelaien, her husband, he suddenly woke up as a member of the board of directors of the american company organis with income that is many times greater than...
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even just in mistakes, now that everything that could be laundered has been laundered, ahead the fight for a second term, her election strategy looks like this, and here they are, anton chichulinsky, yaroslav felatov, yuri ribokon, central television. right now, according to tradition, we must pause briefly to say something immediately after the pause, not hiding about the events that everyone is discussing, about the people that everyone is talking about, they are talking, there is still a lot of interesting things ahead, so stay with us, don’t switch. trump wins the battle for the sun over biden, how did the current owner of the white house and the former president promote themselves against the background of a solar eclipse, whose ratings were covered by the shadow of the moon as a result, and what actually came of it?
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we'll tell you how to turn dull garden beds with a rickety chicken coop into a real miracle of technology. the boy's word on ntv, what you definitely need to know before watch the series, as well as special guest central. and buses transport more than 10 billion people, as a result of an increase in demand and the need to update both the transport itself and the infrastructure. thanks to
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the national project , new modern public transport is being delivered to the regions of the country for safe and high-quality roads. large-scale work to update the transport fleet makes it possible to increase the comfort of transportation, reduce traffic intervals on existing routes and open new ones, thereby increasing accessibility of individual microdistricts. and entire settlements. for the first time, modern and environmentally friendly electric buses were used on routes in ten regions of the country. we are talking about the volgograd, lipetsk, yaroslavl, nizhny novgorod, kursk, saratov, rostov regions, as well as the krasnodar, krasnoyarsk and perm territories. in 2024, this work will continue, almost 7,500 buses, trolleybuses, electric buses and trams will be delivered. in his address to the federal assembly , vladimir putin noted that until 2030 the regions will receive about 40,000 more units
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of modern rolling stock. well, right now we’ll take a break for just a couple of minutes, we’ll be back on air soon, just wait. watch the zenit spartak russian football cup match on april 17. your beloved and long-awaited. and i decided to be beautiful, i have the right to do so, cognac against dmitry malikov, i apologize in advance for this mess, ah, i finally found the key to victory. dmitry, you know that i just love listening to the shaman while listening to your song. chaliapin prokhor smiles at me when i meet, and i want to do something so that... dzhegurda felt ashamed of me, such a mistress, not a speck of dust, not a speck, everything is in the pawnshop, i
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wake up in the morning, my soul is swollen, i also wake up in the morning, immediately turn on the wood, kill me, kill me, atosha, kill me, you are with a migratory bird, your soul is flying into the sky, it was i who didn’t give grandma the medicine, the apartment is now. stars. today marina fedunkev and dmitry malikov will fight to reach the finals. today at 22:00 on ntv. one for all, all, all for one. there are classics. which i like more and more every time, classic grand burgers and a new one, grand picant with spicy tomato sauce,
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triocca mikhail shufutinsky is 76 years old, since he gave the country another holiday, we are they are still torturing you, what happened to you on september 3, why, having lived with his beloved for almost 10 years, he is in no hurry to put a stamp in his passport, and you are jealous, yes, very much, like mikhail shufutinsky lost 30 kilos, when you have a young wife, you must correspond
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when he becomes a great-grandfather, not under the chair. we will have a baby, is the king of chanson ready to give up the stage to the young? if you return to your village, now everyone will forget about you, but everything just went wrong for me, if you want my advice, as an already grown boy, i simply ignore why, having children and grandchildren, he i feel lonely, their attention is not enough for me, but then i think that this is probably too selfish, mikhail shufutinsky, on his birthday in the million dollar secret studio, today at 20:20, ntv. live on central television. and we continue. on monday , america, torn apart by political divisions, briefly united. and biden’s supporters, trump’s fans, and those whom these two militant political pensioners are already sick of, and such people among american
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voters, it must be said, are overwhelming majority. so here are all these. all americans put aside their political preferences and even ordinary daily activities to look up and see with their own eyes the unique natural phenomenon of a total solar eclipse. and it must be said that america, divided by the upcoming presidential elections, was unanimous in their assessments that the eclipse turned out to be amazing. and it would probably even be strange if the main candidates missed such a chance to promote their modest figures against the grandiose background of the sun obscured by the moon. but of course, vadim joe biden, for example, urged residents of the country not to be stupid and not try to watch the solar eclipse without glasses. this is exactly how the current president poked fun at donald trump. that 7 years ago, while still an american leader , ignored the warnings of nasa for some reason and tried to look at the sun without protective glasses. and, of course, trump himself,
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biden’s main rival in the upcoming elections, could not, as they say, bypass. events aside, he posted a video on social networks in which his profile is eclipsed by the sun, and the son of the ex-president supplemented the footage with an explanation, this the only solar eclipse that we want to see, vadim, yes, but now neither the moon, nor even trump, the sun is no longer obscured, and judging by the fact that the aurora this year can be seen not only beyond the arctic circle, but even in moscow , a star named sun is struggling.
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for the past few weeks, 15 states of america have lived with the slogan and look up. the united states is lucky in a way that few others are lucky. as a rule, in one place, an eclipse occurs once every 300 years, but the states already observed it in 2017. less than ten years later years since the sky itself gave americans the chance to see this spectacle again. and so, with your heads raised, you squint through the sun. glasses, it seems that america wants to discern some kind of omen and its near future in this eclipse. i hope that people will unite, just like now, everyone wants to see the eclipse together, and this is probably
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the beginning of some changes, although maybe we need to prepare for the worst. an astronomical duel, in which one celestial body blocks the light from another, is observed on the political horizon of the united states, there are also two such... bodies, it is clear what kind of shadow obscures the oval office of the white house from young promising candidates, but why should americans once again choose between those whom they absolutely do not want to choose, between biden and trump. i'm ready, only god knows what's next, not me! on this day on the brooklyn bridge, it seems that the entire electoral cross-section of the upcoming elections, of all ages, social layers of light skin. biden, biden or trump? who is for you? good joke, i don't know, biden or trump? no answer, trump or biden, neither of them but which of the two candidates will this eclipse
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cover more, perhaps the one who has been trying to get out of the political shadow for the last three years, the upcoming, possible presidency of donald trump, as if this eclipse could happen. overshadowed by the latest court hearings or criminal prosecutions, which have cast a shadow over the entire electoral system of the united states for many years. trump would not be trump if he had not even tried to make a show out of a natural phenomenon. even on the eve of the eclipse , trump published this video, it’s ready we intend to outshine everyone."
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it was difficult to build a real estate business here, and trump, who was almost 30 years old at that time, was able to create trump tower, a project that has been very successful over all these decades, the city authorities should be proud of it. ahead of his next trial next monday, trump has already posted bail at $175 million. trump is accused of fraudulent schemes in manhattan that allegedly brought him an additional $2 billion. that's why. the voter does not fully trust candidate donald. this entire criminal saga sends a message to every american, including me, that new york is a dangerous place for those who want to build a business in the private sector. you will be persecuted, bullied,
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humiliated. the principle of the rule of law does not apply here. but what if the dark times this monday really came for biden. who knows if the current president tried to see trump's shadow while standing. on the balcony of a white house. eighty-one-year-old biden, as if telling his voter, needs to thank and appreciate this life for every day you live. enjoy the eclipse. perhaps, standing there on the balcony, biden was trying to see a sign from above, what was written there in the natal chart of scorpios for 2025. but do it wisely. teased the previous one, then in 2017 donald trump on the same balcony was already watching the moon cover the sun. contrary to nas's doctors' warnings, he took off his glasses and squinted at
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the sun. who knows, maybe this was the reason for his political myopia. our president dummy stands in front of every day teleprompter and can’t even read the text from it. let's now talk about what's happening now, namely america's chance to die in michigan, even if you feel in the election, you still scream, america's death, i don't understand what's happening. biden is trying to grab any political vote, the attempt to put pressure on israel or to gain votes from pro-palestinian voters seems to be backfireing on him. on the last day of ramadan, muslim protesters in michigan came out with slogans like these. death to america! death
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israel! there are many thought leaders and professors with anti-semitic views in prominent academic circles such as harvard, so i believe there are people among liberals who want to punish israel by seeing it suffer. there is definitely a layer of people in both parties who don't like netanyahu. the united states is interfering in the internal affairs of yet another country, when we should respect them. 64 minutes and 28 seconds, the sun has finally appeared, the political eclipse seems to continue, looking up, americans are again recalling the classic phrase: after darkness will come a shining of light, you believe in it and be unshakable. klim sanatkin, natalya usenko, denis gerasimov and mark zlenko, central television. well, another sign of spring in the schedule of moscow stations.
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according to these rules, the summer season in russia is now clearly defined; it officially begins on april 1 and ends on october 1. these dates were even enshrined in regulations; in the same documents, a distinction was made between the concepts of a private house and a dacha. so, residence in private houses is permitted on a permanent basis, as they are equipped with all amenities and communications. owners of such houses have the right to demand from suppliers. services, regular supply of water and
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electricity without delays, now there are special rules for country houses. according to the new law, in winter, that is, when dachas are usually empty, connection to communications may be limited. owners, of course, can visit their plots outside the main season, for example, to clear them of snow, but full use during this period will be limited due to the impossibility of connecting to communications. here's the news. in general, for the owners of rickety chicken coops that look more like some kind of abandoned barn, and not a full-fledged dacha, this is another reason to think about whether you need it, and no, this, of course, is not a call to get rid of the six hundred acres cherished by many townspeople, rather, on the contrary, our reporter alexey semakhin advises turning a country house into a modern miracle of technology and generally forgetting about external communications and dependence on public utilities. if you don’t believe that this is possible, i didn’t believe it either when i heard the word.
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assembled in st. petersburg works for at least three. krasnodar region. here, unlike central russia , these steel heroes have already entered the fields for full-fledged work. and now we will find out from the tractor driver at what pace. pre- passive cultivation is underway, oh, there’s no one to ask, well, how do you like this, elon musk, this tractor is controlled by a robot, if a tractor driver is needed here, it’s only to control the operation of the systems, on behalf of the autopilot, he greets you tractor driver alexey, i don’t plow a furrow all the time, i don’t look at the furrow to make sure there is overlap, i pay more attention to the implement.
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the robot, unlike the tractor driver, is as accurate as a clock, it does not get tired, it can work around the clock, it does not drink or waste fuel, if the farm is a syaktar, then it is 2.5 million, if it is a large large farm, then we are already talking about hundreds of millions and billions rubles in savings for one season after the unmanned tractor of the second generation is completely russian development, 80% of the components are domestic, they are produced in the first russian workers in tomsk, and now let's see how this system works. autopilot, at the end of the field it turns itself around and, in fact, processes it further. the advantage of the russian smart tractor over foreign competitors is that the robot does not use a gps signal for navigation; it sees everything with its own eyes. these two cameras are the eyes of a smart machine. yes, the signal from these cameras
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goes to the brain of this smart machine, that is, to the computer monitor, yes. in this case it is a tablet. yes. the cost of the system pays off. 1 million rub. now we are developing a mini-tractor, which in the future can be used by any summer resident, but how much will this unmanned technology cost? well, it will cost several times less when it is in production, actually three times, three times 1,300 rubles. yes, now it’s a deadly number, especially impressionable ones, please get away from the screen, now we’ll check whether the tractor recognizes obstacles. me, but for now, be patient, very soon we will find out whether artificial intelligence can cope with this task, in the name of artificial intelligence, i order, tractor, stop, or there will be only one wet spot left of me, we’ll also find out how an unmanned tractor for summer residents will be similar
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to its large steel brother, but for now let’s move to veliky novgorod, now processing will be carried out from the copter crops of winter wheat, this is a russian... unmanned drone for small farms and summer residents with a laser system that activates the process of photosynthesis in plants. the main processing takes place at night, because during the day the plant loves ultraviolet light, and at night it responds well to red light. this is how impressive the drone’s operation looks at night, the main thing is to set the required power so as not to burn the plants. look how a laser can even melt metal. how do you like this? elon musk! at night, drones are processed using a laser... from a height of 10-20 m, using waves of different lengths. at different phases of ripening, laser irradiation can increase yield by 35%. i'm at my friend's dacha, we irradiated her, we went in the evening, planting, and then my mother asked me not to come, because she
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had grown much more than she could process. and the drone is equipped with a multispectral visualization system, it collects information about the growth of agricultural crops in order to quickly take measures to preserve and... the amount of carbohydrates increases for carrots and beets, which directly affects the taste, that is, it becomes sweeter, and so do potatoes basically the same thing, and we noticed that during storage the amount of rot in the potatoes decreases there by 5-7%, until the installation goes into mass production, it can be rented for 10,000 rubles per hectare. soulless machines, it seems, very soon, can exclude humans during harvesting, this is great britain, here in greenhouses there are strawberries instead of people. assembled by robots. last year in the uk we lost around £35 million because we couldn't find enough assembly workers . for me personally this is a disaster and automated robots can be an incredible help. this robot can recognize ripe berries and fruits. it
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is guided by color. highly sensitive cameras evaluate each berry to determine ripeness, variety, weight and even defects, after which the fruits are collected using manipulators. this is where you see me. slightly raised and a small green berry on a branch is attached to it, well, then it goes into the robot’s viewing chamber, where the good berries are sorted out and the bad ones are thrown out. the developers estimate the project at $15,000, which is quite cheap for such an automatic system. harvest, but first the strawberries still need to be grown; as it turns out, not only houses, but greenhouses are smart. in appearance , a smart greenhouse is no different from an ordinary guy, but managing the greenhouse. you can use the machine using a mobile phone, that is , remotely, being thousands of kilometers from your site. there are people who live in moscow, and she has a greenhouse in her dacha, if you don’t open the progs in time, the harvest will fall, when you have this thing, then you need to be from home, there from
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work you can regulate and look. the devices, according to the given data, will light, ventilate, water and create the desired air temperature. soil in a greenhouse, and this is our additional lighting system inside the greenhouse, this is a special phytolighting, red-blue leds, which provide exactly the range of light that plants need, it is used in the spring, especially when young seedlings need a lot of lighting, and there are many more sensors that monitor the amount of water in the barrel, the temperature of the air and even the soil, information received from the sensors is transmitted here, to this... mini-computer installed on the wall of the greenhouse, this is the antenna through which this box connects to the internet, here we see the readings of the sensors inside the greenhouse with, accordingly, the ability to control the greenhouse through simple switching, this the interface is
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a classic interface, understandable to any user of any messenger and yes social network, but let’s return to the krasnodar region, where we are conducting a test drive of a drone tractor, named after the artificial intelligence, i order the tractor, stop, now he sees a man, oh, it seems, including next week we will be back, well, right now there is saturday news, which
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is being followed by yulia bekhtereva. vadim, more than 200,000 applications have already been received from residents of the orenburg region for compensation for property that was damaged as a result of the flood. in orsk, the water has already ceased to exist and, moreover, its level has dropped by 60 cm. almost 800 houses have been freed from water. as it retreats , street cleaning and sanitary work will be carried out. treatment. breaking news coming from the middle east at this moment: clashes have broken out on the west bank of the jordan river over the death of an israeli teenager. in response , armed israeli settlers stormed a palestinian village near ramalah and set fire to several buildings. one palestinian was killed and dozens were injured. israel sent additional forces to the west bank. it just became known that us president joe biden is interrupting his day off. returns to bely home for consultation due to the situation in the middle east. well, that’s how
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this saturday evening turned out, but now one big news on ntv is the boy’s word. even before airing, the series broke all popularity records, gained an entire army of fans and went on the internet with numerous memes and movie quotes. well, on april 15, that is, this monday , the most long-awaited television premiere of the year will happen. dram already.
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the main roles in the film were played by ivan yankovsky, sergei borunov, nikita kilagrivy, ruzil minikaev, leon kemstach and anna peresil, let's boys, let's give our word, the boy's word, the boy's word, and of course, the music of the song plays an important role in the series, a hit of the eighties, the song of the new hero is often heard in the series during chases and fights, but ours is today. guests first performed it back in 1988. svetlana
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razina, in the central television studio. good evening, sveta. thank you, thank you, vadim. hi hi. well, svet, you not only performed this song, a new hero, you also wrote it, right, the words? well, let's be precise so as not to offend anyone. yes, i wrote the words, but i performed it in the series margarta sukhankina. i sing it. i only sang at concerts, the question is different: how did it happen that the song written by you, and which became one of the most popular songs of the eighties and nineties, and now sounds in the series, is now officially not your song, this is of course such nonsense that happened , the point is that and how our men do, the point is that the conflict in the mirage is, in general, the story of such conflict of interests between the composer and the lyricist, that is, the poet, and it so happened that my ex-husband, who... once came to see me, well, as usual they talk to ex-wives, listen, well, let's switch,
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you want to sing my songs, yes, of course, well , let's exchange rights, we exchanged these rights, only... i didn't take into account that in the contract that was assigned to him, there are exclusive rights, that is, he has complete control for the rest of his life, which was the worst thing for me then discover to understand, that is, to the end, for the whole copyright protection period, and i just have the right to sing them at concerts, that is, as long as my legs carry me, i can use it, i understand, well, that is, the chaos that was really going on back then in the eighties and nineties, at that time they could whether you will introduce. that the songs will live and survive a huge amount of time and will be heard in cult tv series. you know, vadim, for some reason i was sure of this, i had such a secret confidence inside me, such calmness, and it was not without reason that i chose this particular team when i there were several offers from mostconcert to participate in some ensemble somewhere , to perform in a folk group somewhere, but i chose this particular group with some
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sixth or seventh feeling, realizing that this would be the future and.. at one of the concerts, a certain star at that time, we won’t name names behind the scenes, just said, called us one-dayers and said that this girl was pointing her finger at me, that this is all, well, temporary success, it won’t last long for me. conveyed what she was talking about she told me, i was just thinking, here we ’ll see, the point is that this singer is not performing now, and i’m still working, understandable, but have you watched the series yourself, light? you see, i am very afraid of aggressive films, this is not an aggressive film, this is, in fact, a very, very necessary series to watch, so i urge you to sit down in front of the tv screen from monday, be sure to watch it, especially feel the atmosphere absolutely accurate, the music will help you with this, here by the way, after the series there were thoughts that maybe
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be to revive the mirage, although i understand that this is unrealistic, because here we literally have less than... against all logic, you see, i believe that all those who were involved in this creativity should somehow still fulfill it, maybe not in full, but in part. light, if not in a mirage, where can we see you in the near future? and in the near future, we will try to unite again, with a new line-up, that is, well, as if it’s new, for me, with a new
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line-up from the nineties, or that is...


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