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tv   Zakhar Prilepin  NTV  April 14, 2024 1:15am-1:46am MSK

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it happened that to be less sad from the earthly brush to think more about the eternal, we will remember . but we have a different interest, to remember, as now, this is what: on february 28, 1690 , alexey petrovich romanov was born, the son of peter the great and his first wife - maiden name lupukhina . alexey petrovich was baptized on march 5, named in honor of his grandfather, alexey mikhailovich keshaishev romanov. patriarch joachim became the godfather of peter's son alexei petrovich. well, alas, neither the godfather nor the heavenly patron, the monk alexei, the man of god, whom we commemorate on march 30, will save the prince from a terrible fate. his father peter was at that time. 18 years old, and mother
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evdokia’s maiden name lupukhina is 20 years old. this is how it all began. the future emperor peter married at the insistence of his mother and saw his bride for the first time at the altar. after living with his wife for a month, peter , driven by his great energy, left to build a fleet. from then on, he would see his wife intermittently, intermittently, and... never stay with her for long. in 1691, eudakia gave birth to his second son, named alexander, but this son soon died. father, the young russian tsar peter did not show up for the funeral service. in 1693, eudakia had a third pregnancy, but the boy pavel died immediately after birth. peter left for arkhangelsk that same winter, deciding to travel by sea to the slovak monastery on the yacht st. peter. they then found themselves in a terrible storm, death seemed inevitable to everyone. archbishop
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athanasius, who was on that voyage, seeing that death was very close, invited peter to partake of the holy mysteries. peter agreed, since the yacht was piloted by an experienced pilot, pomeranian peasant antipa. peter poked his head in came to him with advice on how to cope with the elements, but he was sent in direct text and , note, he was not offended. antipas managed to get to the shore. on the shore, peter himself embossed a cross, which in the north is called a votive cross. he promised to venerate the relics of his saint in rome in gratitude for his salvation, but peter made the inscription on the cross in something in dutch, which already said something about him. peter then spent any free time in the german sloboda, where he had wonderful foreign friends, from whom he learned and good and different, and where, between the birth of his second and third sons from his wife evdokia , his mistress, anna, appeared. monts. peter
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was increasingly drawn to european morals and habits, and he was increasingly irritated by russian traditions, which seemed to him unsuitable, old-fashioned, and wild. all this, of course, was not liked by many people in russia. in 1698, when peter was abroad in moscow , the streltsy bund began. the sagittarius allegedly wanted to place peter's older sister, sophia, on the throne, and overthrow peter. never getting to rome, in order to fulfill his vow, which we talked about, peter hurried home. and although the rebellion was suppressed by the time of his return and 56 people had already been executed, peter ordered the beard of voivode shein, who defeated the rebel streltsy, to be cut off for excessive softness. accompanied by the wildest torture of suspects. patriarch adrian, having learned about the bloody indecencies committed by the tsar, came to... with an icon of the mother of god. in response to this, peter
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shouted: “what is this icon for? is it your business to come here? get out and put the icon in its place. i honor god and his most pure mother more than you. and by executing villains, i am doing a godly deed.” so, in the fall of 1698, more than a thousand archers were executed, peter personally cut off five heads, which, of course, had never been done before by any great prince. the king did not. moreover, he thrust axes into the hands of his closest associates, romandovsky, galitsin, menshikov. they also had to be cut off on the head, thus passing the test of loyalty. imagine how the russian people looked at all this, having never seen their kings and boyars at such work, thank god. peter wanted to execute his sister then, although her guilt was never proven, but he was barely dissuaded. eventually.
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sophia was tonsured under the name of susanna, and since then she has lived in poverty in the novodeyevich monastery , guarded by hundreds of soldiers. he accused his other sister martha of organizing the connection between sophia. themselves, although this was not proven, and martha was tonsured under the name of margarita and sent to alexandrova sloboda, where there was also a convent. together with the sisters it was the turn of the long-disgusted wife. peter conducted negotiations with her himself. peter, forcing the mother of his children to agree to lifelong imprisonment in a monastery, threatened her that he would involve her in the cause of the streltsy rebellion, and then she could be executed. her husband, evdoka.
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dwarf ivan and dwarf agafi. so she moved to that same suzdol intercession monastery. however, during that fateful conversation with peter, evdacea still managed to demand from him that she not be tonsured as a nun, but only sent to a monastery to live as a laywoman. after thinking for some time, peter refused the word given to his ex-wife and sent his man to the monastery to persuade her to voluntarily take monastic vows. forced tonsure of the orthodox church was not recognized, but as we remember, since the time of vasily ii, trusted people had their own methods of persuasion, evdokia was also persuaded by this messenger, despite the fact that the new russian patriarch adrian refused to tonsure evdokia lupukhina as a nun, but
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patriarch petru there was no decree. tsarevich alexei, son of peter ievdokia, meanwhile grew up, his mother loved, remembered his father well. in 1712, peter finally married her , and in relation to peter she turned out to be in a spiritual relationship, a granddaughter, tsar alexei grew up and treated his father more and more strictly, worse and worse. peter was determined to send him to study in europe out of his sight. the former archpriest, confessor of tsarevich alexei
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petrovich and jacob ignatievich ignatiev, essentially replaced his father. one day, jacob ignatiev arranged for tsarevich alexei a long-awaited meeting with his mother. and at the same time with aunt marfa alekseevna, now elder margarita, which, as you remember, peter also imprisoned in a monastery. upon learning that these two meetings had taken place, peter flew into a frenzy. he saw a conspiracy everywhere, especially since there really were conspiracies, but not this time, but his son had already fallen under the most serious suspicions. and the son himself knew about this, and dreamed of hiding from his father anywhere, even abroad. there was one more in this story. the clergyman, bishop dasifey, by origin from the lapukhin courtyard people, he knew the future queen and future nun evdokia lupukhina from his youth. for throughout his life, bishop dasifius was on friendly terms with jacob ignatiev, the confessor of tsarevich alexei petrovich.
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the bitter fate of alexei petrovich also ruined the fate of these two clergy. alexei petrovich, as planned, went abroad, but then returned, but ended up under even more serious conditions. suspicion was detained, he was tortured, his father himself, emperor peter, was present at the torture. on july 5, 1718, tsarevich alexei was condemned to death as a traitor, although his guilt as a traitor to the fatherland was proven it never was. on july 7, 1718, according to the official version, alexei petrovich died from a blow, but in fact he was tortured to death. during the terrible interrogations, alexey managed to tell that in confession somehow... to his confessor, that he wished death for his father, well, come here, jacob ignatiev, confessor, and we will interrogate you. during interrogation, ignatiev confirmed these words, but noticed that the tsarevich said this in response to his question: do you wish your father to die? the prince replied: “yes, i wish.” to which the confessor said:
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“god will forgive you, we all wish him death for the fact that there are many burdens among the people." for this insolence of his, jacob ignatiev also paid with his head. he was stripped and beheaded in st. petersburg on troitskaya square. bishop dosifiy was also arrested, he was accused of conspiring in favor of the former tsarina evdokia lopukhina. he fought for him from the council of bishops and the deprivation of the episcopal rank and demotion from the clergy. dosifei said at the council about the mood in russian society. look what is in everyone’s hearts. let your ears go to the people. they say? in the sense that if you find out what the people are talking about, you will be horrified. evidence of his guilt, as a warrior, was obtained through torture. in particular, they found out that bishop dasifey visited princess evdokia. he told her about his visions and prophecies, among other things, he said that tsar peter would soon die. dositheus could not stand
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the torture and confessed that he wanted peter dead and prophesied repeatedly, quote. in order for tsarevich alexei petrovich to be in the kingdom, it would be easier for the people, and the structure of st. petersburg would diminish and become more appropriate. peter was furious, he publicly shouted: “o bearded men, all evil is the root, the elders, and the priests.” dosefey was wheeled, that is , first his arm and leg were cut off, then he was beheaded, then his body was burned, and his head was stuck on a stake. meanwhile, it was discovered that evdokia lupukhina, after many years of imprisonment in the monastery , had a lover, major stepan bogdanovich glebov, and for some time, and although glebov had not visited lupukhina for many years, he was also caught, accused of conspiring against peter, and they also could not prove anything , however, they inflicted 34 hit with a whip, hot coals were applied with a tap, then the meat was torn with tongs. from his hands, then peter personally ordered him to be tied to a board with nails for 3 days. on march 15, 1818
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, major semyon glebov was impaled on red square. that day it was thirty degrees below zero and they dressed him in a sheepskin coat and a hat so that he would suffer properly and not die from the cold ahead of time. he died 14 hours later without making a sound or asking for mercy. in the same conspiracy case, several priests were executed, and the kiev metropolitan and... sasav managed died during the investigation, thanks to which he escaped execution, but peter continued to treat the so-called bearded men with distrust. in january 1721, the petrine regulations or charter of the spiritual collegium appeared, according to which the management of the all-russian church passed to this very spiritual college. so peter abolished the patriarchate in russia. the church has since been governed by a civil administration. they tell. the first discussion of this document took place in a meeting with bishops. the bishops, of
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course, did not want spiritual colleagues, but wanted elect a patriarch, as was customary in holy russia. “you are asking for a patriarch,” peter asked beshina. here is your spiritual patriarch, the spiritual board that i established, and in opposition to everything, the damask patriarch.” with these words, peter took out a dagger with the most powerful force. good people and imagine what would have happened to the church then if, as after the october revolution of 1917 , it had taken and anathematized peter, as the bolshevik church anathematized, it’s even scary to imagine how it would have ended, then knowing the character of peter, this the state is russian power is huge... uncontrollable, terrible, great russia, here tongues are chopped off along with heads for jokes, here
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the eyes that saw those dreams are gouged out for dreams. peter, let’s continue, ordered that in official documents in addresses one should be called without a patronymic, as previously only the clergy of saints were called. he accepted the title of father of the fatherland, which was worn by the pagan emperors of rome. he took the title of emperor. note that before peter was emperor in russia. defying all canonical norms, the emperor began to exalt himself as the head of the church. end
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quotes. among other things , the ceremony of crowning the kingdom also underwent changes, which manifested itself during the coronation of the wife of peter the second, catherine, the same marta skovronskaya, aka cruz. the main innovation of the new rite was that from now on the monarch began to play a key ceremonial role. if earlier the patriarch placed the wedding dress on the head of the crowned person, now this function has passed to the king, to peter. manomakh’s hat itself was completely excluded from the action, and peter kicked it out for the first time. crowned, or rather, crowned imperial crown, as was customary in the west. peter laid the imperial mantle on the new empress, placed the orb in her hands , and himself led the empress to the royal doors for sacred confirmation. all this was unprecedented in russia. the only time something like this happened was again in 1606,
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when dmitry’s wife marina mnishek was crowned. it was she who became. the first empress in russia, but she was also crowned not by the false dmitry, but by the patriarch, here peter himself completely managed, he probably knew that he was the first emperor declared false dmitry, and the first empress was marina mnishek, but these associations clearly did not bother peter, not only a non-russian, but also a non-orthodox woman by birth became the autocrat of russia for the second time, the same historian alexander... bakhanov claims that this innovation damaged the national perception of the royal throne as the god of the overshadowed place, but peter thought differently. foreigners who watched the russian court with attention noted the tsar’s enormous affection for his wife. second. a contemporary wrote, he loved to see her everywhere. there was no military
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review, ship launch, ceremony or holiday at which she did not appear. confident in the heart of her husband, she laughed at his frequent love adventures, writes a foreigner, but he, too, when telling her about them, about these adventures, always ended with the words: nothing can compare with you. however, in the fall of 1724, peter ii suspected the empress of adultery with her chamberlain, monz, the brother of peter’s former mistress, if you remember that one. and this monza was executed. the head of the executed king brought it to catherine on a tray. admire it, darling. the lord of russia had such a holy character. at the same time, we consider it important to note this. peter perceived orthodoxy rationally. he could punish people of clergy, could get into the church treasury and
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take as much as he needed for the war for other sovereign affairs. together with... he punished blasphemy with death and, as they say, knew huge fragments of holy scripture by heart, which, however, did not prevent him from continuing to hold the most humorous parade meetings, for which he was punished more and more often was called the antichrist, but he was not the antichrist, he was a great reformer and russian autocrat, who turned the steering wheel so abruptly that russia almost collapsed from overexertion, another of his reforms, which they try not to remember too much, was the statute on the inheritance of the throne, appeared on february 5, 1722. contrary to the centuries-old russian tradition of inheriting rights according to the law of the family, peter proclaimed the principle of the free will of the ruler. quote: whoever he wants will determine the inheritance. after the incident with monz, peter stopped talking to
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by his wife catherine, access to him was forbidden to her, although the monastery did not send her. peter reconciled with her only at death ; the rights to the throne were held when he was dying, and catherine herself, his wife, the former kruse, and the son of tsarevich alexei, tortured by his father, peter, and the emperor’s daughters from catherine’s second wife, anna and elizabeth, but to some extent , evdokia in her maiden name lupakhina, imprisoned in a monastery, could also lay claim to the throne, and in what way, strictly speaking, is the first wife worse than the second, even though peter died. at the second wife in her arms, he never said who would rule russia after him, and russia began to be ruled by empress catherine i, aka marta kruse, the daughter of a latvian peasant. holy russia say, yes, of course, we are not arguing, the main thing is that you are aware of what you are saying, when you say it,
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i found out that this year you are 25 years old, we learned two chords and such, yes this the song, oh, it works, let's go? you were such wild alternativeists, why were you, lel, lel, ntv apartment at margulis today at 1:45.
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let's return to the beginning of our story, as it is not surprising, but peter's first wife, evdokia in her maiden name lupakhina, survived all this, imprisonment, the death of her son and the execution of the clergy who communicated with her, and terrible suspicions. in treason and execution of a lover. peter's second wife, catherine, who came to the throne in 1825, moved lupukhina to shliselburg, a bastille at the source of the niva, a fortress in oreshek. a former latvian peasant woman, elevated by fate to great heights, and now empress catherine, who knows about the rights to the throne of both evdakia and evdakia’s grandson, little petra, kept her rival in strictly secret custody in shliselburg. as a state criminal, but catherine ruled for only 2 years, fell ill and died in may 1727. so the throne passed to peter i, the grandson
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of peter the great and eudakia, his wife nee lopukhina. with the accession of her grandson peter i, lepukhina was honorably transported to moscow and settled in the novodevichy convent in the lepukhin chambers. the supreme privy council issued a decree restoring the honor and hon. she was offered to move to the moscow kremlin, but she refused, the price she understood the bustle of earth long ago, it would seem that this is happiness and reward for all the troubles she has endured, her name and family are no longer desecrated, her grandson peter ii loves his grandmother and rules the empire, but the grandmother had to outlive her grandson, peter ii caught a cold at a military review and died meticulously. at the age of 15, after the death of peter ii in 1730 , the question arose again about who would become his heir, and evdokia, whose maiden name was lopukhina,
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was mentioned among the candidates for the throne. no, just imagine the fate of this woman, living for years, decades under fear of execution, losing all loved ones and almost becoming an empress in the end. there is evidence that evdokia feodorovna renounced the throne. proposed to her by members of the supreme privy council. stepan vasilyevich lapukhin, cousin of evdokia , recalls: when emperor peter ii died, then prince dimitri galitson and the field marshal, prince dolgoruky, called me and had a discussion about who to choose for the throne, at first they talked about tsarina evdokia feodorovna, but she was already old, then they decided to choose empress anna john. this, however, is another story: evodokia died as a girl lupukhin in 1731 . before her death, her last words were:
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god made me know the price of the greatness of earthly happiness, in the sense that it has a small price. and now another short story. in 2005, i went abroad for the first time to paris. i don’t know if you can imagine what it’s like for me to be a soviet boy, born and raised in the soviet union. meant to light up, it was a huge, incomprehensible alien world, where i, yesterday’s squad leader amon, suddenly ended up, because i wrote my first book, and it was translated into french, and my publishers invited me to visit paris. i got off the plane and was greeted in the arrival hall by a pretty girl who spoke russian with a noticeable accent. she worked at the publishing house that published my book. we were riding in a taxi, i looked with all my eyes at the outskirts of paris, at the unknown. the world never ceased to wonder where life had taken me, a village boy from a ryazan village. i asked my kind escort how she knew russian . “i’m russian,” she said calmly, i
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granddaughter of civil war immigrants. i soon learned that she was from the russian aristocracy. who is in your family? i asked. in 2005, i had never seen russian aristocrats, but only if in soviet films, where these aristocrats were portrayed by soviet artists, most often, for some reason, of jewish origin. my escort named several surnames, whose sound i knew from childhood from history books, and on another line we are lupukhins,” she said. evdokia lupukhina was the wife of peter the great, she is our ancestor. peter imprisoned her in monastery, my interlocutor told me. how huge, how scary, how beautiful russian history is and how close everything is there. then a few years later, when we became friends with my escort and her wonderful family, with her brothers, with her husband, with their... thrones
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of the kind that he endured in 1698, when evdokia was sent to a monastery, in 1718, when executed her son alexei petrovich in 1917, when their descendants were forced to leave russia, and yet, we are all here, we prolong the past, turning it into the future and there is no hatred in our hearts, they themselves told me, lupukhins, there is no evil memory and hatred in...
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trust no one, verbal twists of affairs, things will soon go smoothly on the nose, arrows are not laid down, they are put away when wet, hands hide the lessons of sex and battles.
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good evening, genre, i was surprised to learn that this year you are turning 25 years old, or if you take everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, this is the time that we have been doing jainer, then yes, we we've been playing since ninety-eight. but the point is that yes, thank you, thank you for appreciating that we are so old, but in fact, the gok and i, i was trying to analyze what was going on there, everyone learned to play first, then they gathered in some teams, that is, they had time to play some carpets and so on, the gok and i didn’t do anything we played, that is , we immediately, we learned two chords, like, yes, this is a song.


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