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tv   Nash kosmos  NTV  April 14, 2024 3:45am-4:56am MSK

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don’t be upset, the task will be more difficult for you. after the flight of valentina terezhkova and valery bykovsky, the designers did not have a voskhod ship or flights unrelated to it in their plans. but the program included a dog flight to an altitude of 600 km, a single cosmonaut flight for 8 days, and a group flight of two spacecraft lasting up to 10 days. politics intervened again. the space race between the two superpowers was gaining momentum. the americans, taking advantage of their multiple economic and technological superiority , stepped on their heels. february 20, 1962 at the first american astronaut, john glenn, went into space. in october, fellow astronaut walter shear spent more than 9 hours in orbit. and gordon cooper, who launched in 1963 , made 22 orbits around the earth.
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here now, the assembly of four planned vostok ships is being slowed down due to departmental confusion, bureaucracy, they are already obsolete, by the time they are assembled they will only be suitable for a museum, bad, bad, we need bright events for the joy of the people . how can we wipe
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our noses again? the americans with these ships are unlikely nikita sergeevich, although, well, well, korolev’s plans were driven by a very specific logic, the first and most important consideration was that each flight should give something new to the history of astronautics, it is possible to convert a single-seater. the ship into a three-seater, you can release a man into outer space, that’s great, you just get started immediately, while i’m in this post, you can count on my full, absolute support, korolev gathered us, he said to his engineers that that's it for now... single
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there was a ship, yes, we needed pilots, young, healthy pilots, we are making a three-seater, three pilots are not needed in the ship, we need a pilot, let there be a commander, we need a flight engineer, as on a bomber, and we need a scientist, for whom, generally speaking, the flight is being done. korolev actually made a promise to include one of the designers in the crew, although he himself did not yet know whether he could fulfill it. around the flight of civilian cosmonauts on the voskhod one ship, a war broke out between korolev’s bureau and the air force commander-in-chief, nikolai kamanin, who led the preparations for the flights. komanin sought to maintain the monopoly of the military over the selection process, but the designers, as never before, were in favor with the authorities, and it was they who ultimately managed to prevail. khrushchev stood on the side of the designers; the almighty military had to give in. despite numerous obstacles on komanin’s part, he is picky about his health. based on personal
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data, a group of civilian specialists nevertheless began the first group flight in the history of soviet cosmonautics. october 12, 1964 engineer konstantin feaktistov flew on the voskhod-1 spacecraft together with cosmonauts vladimir komarov and boris egorov. while they were in orbit, the country's leadership changed. khrushchev was dismissed. the cosmonauts who returned to earth were received in moscow only 5 days later by the new leader of the country. leonid brezhnev. leonid brezhnev loved hockey, figure skating and astronauts, but at the same time he was an extremely cautious person to the point of inaction. having come to power, the first thing he did was postpone the launch of the voskhod-2 spacecraft, and although there was a pause used to refine the safety systems of the ship and a special space suit, in which it was supposed to work in outer space, it became clear: the attitude of the highest echelons of power in the space industry has changed, it has become cooler. there's no denying the handiness. in history,
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just as you know, if it had been, say, not khrushchev, but brezhnev, then perhaps the soviet union would never have launched the first artificial earth satellite, because leonid ilyich, as we know, did not have . such passionate aspirations, like nikita sergeevich khrushchev. brezhny was not interested in this, that’s the problem, khrushchov was just interested, he loved it, but all the new products, rockets, there, i don’t know, nuclear engines, there for submarines for nuclear power plants, panels for houses, polyethylene needs to be made, he everything was interesting, but brezhnev, he was a man of celebration, it would be good for him, so to speak, to take a walk, sit, hunt, then these, then... others would pester you, well, the voskhod flight alone was already a step forward in the development of cosmonautics, that’s all was the first time in history, the first group flight, the first cosmonauts flew without spacesuits, according to the official version, for convenience, in fact, due to lack of space in the cabin, i always sat in the soup on the oddel and table so that they would not see my face
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when they showed us rockets taking off, because there were always tears in our eyes and fear, kumarov and the activist figures were the first to fly without spacesuits, and we looked out the window. at the start, i was filled with tears from the generals who were crying, they were scared that at that moment they were without spacesuits, they could not be saved. a military doctor, boris, flew into space for the first time egorov. finally, konstantin feaktistov was the first civilian cosmonaut, the only non-partisan in the history of soviet cosmonautics to fly into space, and the first spacecraft designer to fly into space. for him it was a challenge to fate. during the war, an ordinary reconnaissance company of the voronesh garrison kostya feaktistov was captured by a german patrol and shot. the wound to the throat turned out to be non-fatal. after sunrise, he prepared twice more for a flight into space on the first soyuz spacecraft and for
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a flight to the salyut 6 station. but both times he refused due to health reasons. voskhod's flight took place alone. you shot back from the capsule and descended on your own, then the crews of the voskhods, and after them the crews of the unions, landed right in the descent module, so new risks appeared. the creators of voskhod 2, aware of these risks, suggested that the cosmonauts themselves decide when to end the flight? in march
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, spring comes into its own in baikanur, but on the morning of the launch, cosmonaut pavel bilyaev and alexey leonov saw that everything around was covered in snow. the cosmic day began with earthly adventures. they say that when leonov went forward, korolev detained belyaev for several minutes. the fact of this conversation later gave rise to many rumors.
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the chief designer allegedly gave the ship's commander special instructions about leonov, namely to eliminate his comrade if he could not return to the ship or lost his mind. so what really happened, it didn’t happen, i’m 100% sure that pasha would never have returned to earth without me, he would have shot himself, according to my information, after all, such an emergency situation was foreseen if he couldn’t return leonov, then he shoots off the airlock and returns alone to the ground, of course, he would never do this in his life... no matter how much the object cost and no matter how much they told him this, did not order him, of course, he would never in his life done, the diamond understood you 5 minutes before the start, the tape recorder is on automatic,
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the volume is all the way up, the volume is set to external, you feel good, you are ready for the start. key to start, ship at 10:00 moscow time. belyaev monitored his condition under the sensor, the airlock opened, his head came out, then they went out
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shoulders and he froze, because imagine, he stuck his head out into this darkness, into the hull, maybe the solar wind or some other cosmic wind would have torn his head off, in general he froze for a while, then it means holding on to the edges of the airlock. he cried out, i personally always remembered with horror that leonov didn’t have any anchors, he didn’t get up anywhere, but leonov didn’t have this vice that he was behind, that is, it was always scary. i'm great, i'm here caucasus caucasus, attention, man went into space space. a man went into outer space,
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below me i see the lamentation of the sea and the caucasian shrimp, just now passed, the first swimmer in the ocean of the universe, a living companion. earth, we began to learn about what happened next to the cosmonauts decades later, and although communication sessions with the earth were recorded on paper, and negotiations between belyaev and leonov were recorded on an on-board tape recorder, these materials are still not all declassified. while working, suddenly - alexey, how can you hear? i'm some kind of acquaintance. voice when i hear it’s good, here we are all we have gathered, we are watching you
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tumble there, please come back quickly, we are waiting for you on the ground, then i realized that it was leonid ilyich, brezhnev, having gone into outer space, alexey leonov removed the cap from the s-97 portable film camera installed on a special bracket on the edge of the hatch, and you... the only thing leonov did not have time to do was photograph
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voskhod-2 soaring in space. ajax-12. the most popular and beloved soviet spy camera among the intelligence services. in the cis countries, as operatives say, it is still used. these all friends and partners of the ussr received cameras. even today, ajax at new york and london auctions goes for 150-200 dollars. this camera was given to the astronauts with the personal permission of the kgb chairman. then suddenly i notice, here he is moving something like this with his hand, moving it to the side, how the soles appeared, he swam, that means his voice at the station is going around for the second time, that means the halyard is spinning behind him, he means the second time he made a circle, again he did something with his hand like that, or in his pocket, he scratched his leg like that. well through you can’t scratch the spacesuit, yet it’s so annoying, what was that? of course, he
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didn’t read anything, he had a camera drive there, he needed to film the ship from the side, the ajax was controlled remotely using a pneumatic bulb attached to the hip area. when passing through the hatch, the pear came off, but leonov could not see this, and specialists on the ground watched on the television screen as he tried to grope for it. and he can’t, what did leonov’s spacesuit look like? the astronaut was connected to the ship by a safety halyard, he simultaneously served for negotiations with the commander and transfer of medical personnel on board. according to testimony, there was a spacesuit control panel on the chest, the letters and numbers are written here in reverse: the cosmonaut looked at the control panel through a mirror on the sleeve of the spacesuit and read the inscriptions in the correct form. to better reflect the hot rays of the sun, the suit changed from orange to white. a light filter was added to the helmet to protect against bright light, and a back pack with
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life support system units, weighing about 40 kg, was added. in zero gravity, the suit did not create any special problems. much more. interference created increased oxygen pressure, the inflated suit hindered movement, forcing one to exert enormous effort when performing any work; in order to squeeze a hand in a glove, an effort of about 25 kg was required, approach the flux, good, good. before entering the airlock, alexey leonov took out a movie camera.
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the problems began when returning to the ship, when entering the lock chamber. the calculated distance between the edge of the airlock hatch and the shoulders of the astronaut in the spacesuit was 20 mm on the right and left. but in real conditions the weightlessness of the spacesuit swelled more than usual. lenov tried to tighten all the belts, but his fingers came out of his gloves, and his feet came out of his boots. broken like a ball, leona was physically unable to crawl into the narrow hatch of the airlock. the bad thing was that he had oxygen reserves...
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no, everything was gone, he switched the pressure to reduced, this was provided for in the spacesuit, but at this pressure, doing strong work, he could simply lose consciousness, the spacesuit went a little limp, and he could already squeeze through, then he still has a shoulder girdle, his arms are very strong, he is still moreover, against the instructions, he turned his head over... he pulled himself forward into the ship. the astronaut found himself in another trap, the fact is that he could only enter the cabin of the ship with his feet, because of the features of the airlock chamber, which opens inward, it was so difficult to turn around, my heart was pounding, i think, well, that’s all i am now, i give all my strength,
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i turned around, and it was an inhuman load, when leaving... from the ship leonov’s pulse was 96 beats per second when the norm is 60-70, and when turning around inside the airlock according to him, it reached 185-190 beats. belyaev, who was a meter away from his comrade and could not help in any way, seemed quite calm, but the instruments reported that the commander’s heart was failing. they opened the hatch, put my feet on these, pasha. looks at me and says: well, lyokha, you give me, that was a greeting, the sweat was eating away at my eyes, so i didn’t see anything, i didn’t even close the transfer hatch, i opened the helmet, i couldn’t stand it, i violated, i violated, well then, in general, everything returned to
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normal. alexey leonov was born in the village of lestvyanka, kemerovo region and was the ninth of twelve children in the family. in the hungry year of 1937, the leonov family almost died of hunger, subsisting on quinoa and potatoes. the cosmonaut's father, arkhip leonov, was imprisoned as an enemy of the people. throughout soviet times, this biographical fact was a secret. it remains a mystery how the vigilant coders allowed the son of the enemy of the people into space. after the war, the leonovs moved to kaliningrad, where alexey graduated from high school. we are making noise about something, i tell them something, i walk with my back to them, turning to the traffic, suddenly i bump into someone, i turn around, this
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the girl i saw 2 years ago, a schoolgirl, i apologized, apologized, we went to the officers’ house, there was some kind of event, i saw that this girl was there in the officers’ house, i dared. spend the next day in a beautiful flight uniform, leonov found the girl, she invited him to come into the house, i came to their house and saw on the table there was a book that i had been looking for for a long time, the hermitage, it came out a year ago, i was collecting books , i couldn’t find it anywhere, when i saw this book, i had this thought, if i get married, then the book will be mine, there was definitely no thought, it will be mine,
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leonov did not make it into the first six cosmonauts, but as he joked, he became the first person to receive greetings from space. during gagarin's flight, leonov commanded the regional control group in kamchatka, and hearing his voice in the background, gagarin immediately said to the operator: say hello to the blond, he called the blond in... time passed, his comrades flew into space, and it was leonov's turn never came, most of all he was afraid that his health would fail him too they'll reject it, that's a triumph. it seemed that all the worries were behind us, some on the ground began to celebrate the completion of the flight, and then another emergency situation occurred. their automatic orientation system has failed, that is , the engine needs to work against
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the movement, brake, then at a reduced speed they will go to the ground, and if the orientation is incorrect, then this engine can accelerate the ship and leave it with the crew in orbit, team? diamonds, manual release allowed. sarya, i understand you, let's go for a manual descent. for the crew, for the first time the spacewalker now had to land manually for the first time in the history of russian cosmonautics. the ship left the next round and left the radio communication zone. after some time
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, the observation vessel ilichovsk recorded that the ship had left orbit, somewhere in the center of russia. but where exactly he went down is unknown. on earth they didn’t know what. before the descent, the crew encountered another problem: what is manual mode on the voskhod-2 ship? if the ship has an alliance in the east, the porthole is in front, here you are sitting and driving, everything is clear, it’s two at sunrise, you’re sitting like this, and the window is like this, at 90, this means that i have to drive the car. like this, go here, look to the side, by the way, sergei pavlovich didn’t know this, the guys, who had no other way,
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apparently decided not to report this to him, everything will go away automatically. the descent vehicle was equipped with a radio beacon, but it was the first to be detected in a capitalist boom, and the same was reported to the relevant soviet services, given that it was 1965. the capitalists did not they believed, the soviet leadership was nervous, the message about the successful flight had already officially passed, but the cosmonauts still had not been found, the mission control center demanded to find the cosmonauts at any cost, geologists discovered the diamonds, a ministry of internal affairs helicopter joined them, when the helicopters flew over them, they threw food there, clothes there, horses, everything was broken. these clothes were all hanging on these trees, that is, they basically didn’t get anything there, they didn’t get enough, skiers went to them, but they couldn’t help much, but...
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just like in these volochaev days, the actor sverdlin sits in such a cauldron, a japanese colonel, and says: “the adym of the fatherland is sweet and pleasant for us.” this is how the flight ended. i remember when they already... arrived -
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that means they were called, they were called and they came to us at the start, then leonov was wearing some kind of helmet, someone gave it to him, belyaev was wearing some kind of alien earflaps, of course we then, when we met the cosmonauts, we bowed to them, we rejoiced, we took an autograph, we admired their feat, choosing diamond, the name of the durable precious stone, they showed the world unprecedented strength, the strength of the soul and heart of soviet man.
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and in general - an amazing personality, and of course, i regret that i did not receive such a classical education as an artist, i am self-taught, as my daughter says, pa, little one, you are a great cosmonaut, and an artist, so-so, well...
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probably these are the children, they say, why so-so, and why don’t you ever draw a portrait of your mother? i say why? well, mom said that she would never allow me to draw her portrait, and you draw her when she sleeping january 1, 1966 on the new year 's blue light. and during the performance of the number, it was leonov who invited her to dance. in the finale, the singer suggested that the next meeting with the cosmonauts should be held not under the moon, but on the moon. at that time, few people doubted that the landing of a soviet cosmonaut on the lunar surface was very close. after 10 years, leonov
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found himself in space again. on july 17, 1975 , the apollo soyuz spacecraft docked. on behalf of the soviet crew, the americans were welcomed on board by the commander of the soyuz ship, alexey leonov. and so. when tom stafforth he gave me his hand, i grabbed it by the hand and pulled him into the ship, he wanted to say something else, i don’t know, he had to make some kind of speech, without waiting i dragged him into the ship. this was the most important thing. the meeting took place when the ship was flying over the elbe, exactly 30 years after the famous meeting on earth in april '45. leonov and
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stafford after that. became friends. alexei leonov's entry into space was the highest achievement of soviet cosmonautics in the sixties. meanwhile, the country is slow and steady. slid into stagnation, i open lucas, start the exit, i got it, i turned on the camera, i’m going through the barrier, i got it, i’m for us, leonov was in outer space for 23 minutes and 41 seconds, outside the airlock for 12 minutes 8 seconds. you know, i can’t be offended by god, he was always with me, where i was, no one was there, where i came from, no one came out either, a person has time, it’s one thing, you have to spend it where you are you can
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prove yourself, bring maximum benefit, well, no matter how much you hit yourself, more... i didn’t beat anything out of myself, well, i would have written even more if only, let’s say, there would be five more interesting paintings, well, that’s it, there’s only one wife, two children, two grandchildren, a lot of friends, i’ve gone through everything i could, a man in the interplanetary...
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a bold, important step has been taken on the way to the moon, and the soviet people were the first to do it. alley of cosmonauts. busts of those who first paved the way into space are installed here. yuri gagarin, valentina tereshkova, alexei leonov, and vladimir komarov, the first to fly into space twice and the first to die in... the engine ran for 146 seconds, normal everything is going well, everything is going fine, how
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are you feeling, feeling great, everything is fine, here our comrades recommend breathing deeper, we are waiting for landing. rubin, i am dawn, calling for communication, how can you hear me, rubin, we can’t hear you, we can’t hear you, rubin, calling for communication, calling for communication, the first vostok spaceships and sunrise. were intended for a short-term stay of a person in orbit within a week, but from the beginning of the sixties, a lunar race began between the ussr and america. the russians' intentions are absolutely clear; they seek to control
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the space around the earth in the same way that the great sea powers ruled the seas from the 16th to the 15th centuries. required to fly to the moon. a new ship that could maneuver and dock with another ship. it was also necessary to conduct a number of experiments, including the transition of astronauts from ship to ship through outer space. a fundamentally new means for conquering the lunar space was now being developed at the korolev akb and was given the name soyuz. it is more cost effective to solve certain tasks, that is, if we are talking about delivering a crew of three people and a small amount of cargo into orbit, then of course.
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apparatuses, finally on... in january 1966, the soviet cosmonautics suffered a great loss; during a simple operation , sergei korolev dies right on the operating table. when yura calls me on the 14th,
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lyosha, sergei pavlovich has died, what am i, sergei pavlovich, we also had a friend sergei pavlovich pavlov, the first secretary of the komsomol central committee, no, sergei pavlych sp, that’s that, that was scary, after all, now, figuring out how a person was ruined, they were simply ruined. this is an operation that is being done today for 2-3 minutes, 2-3 minutes, suddenly, at the age of 59 , what kind of person will be ruined by this, fate, not fate, some kind of sloppiness, his death was a heavy loss for astronautics, but now that his name was declassified, the whole world learned about the queen. after the death of sergei korolev
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, the soviet cosmonautics were in a fever of strife. the queen's deputy, vasily mishin , clearly did not have the qualities of a leader. and the soviet union begins to lag behind in the lunar race. however, on january 27, 1967 , the apollo spacecraft caught fire on the launch pad during testing at cape canaver. three astronauts die, the soviet leadership decides to respond to the failure of the americans with success, by launching a new soyuz spacecraft, just in the year of the fiftieth anniversary of october. the first to test
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the new ship in action fell to vladimir komarov; he had already flown into space in 1964 as part of the crew of the voskhod spacecraft, together with engineer konstantin feaktistov and doctor boris egorov. then for the first time in history the crew flew without spacesuits, and a soft landing system was used for the first time. during the flight, a record altitude was reached - 409 km, but the sunrise alone was the most difficult at that time... now on april 23-24, 1967 , a triumphant flight for the soviet union of two ships of the new soyuz series was to take place, followed by docking in orbit. fate decreed otherwise. the flights of the first soviet cosmonauts were a secret of national importance. they learned from news reports that their husbands had flown into space, that’s all
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the rest of the time they lived in a state of anticipation and uncertainty, let’s sing our song, tenderness, volodya loves it so much, come on, come on, come on, it’s empty without you, like me a little. “two children are growing up, they don’t
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leave their father’s side at all, how could it be without him, god, it’s time to settle down, volodya, you know, when he was getting ready, he, he had never done this before, showed me where all the documents were, wrote a bunch of letters, even to schoolchildren from blagoveshchensk, i said goodbye to the children for a long time, i still couldn’t leave, so korolev looks into my window and looks at me. right at me, and then, well , he disappears in the fog, he woke up, couldn’t fall back to sleep,
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come on, this isn’t the first time you’ve flown, yur! the whole rocket is enveloped in this orange flame, it seemed to me every time that only the roar of the engines makes it break away from this launch pad, it rises, and in the same way, at first it hangs a little, and then it begins to move away faster and faster.
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the rocket rose at the expected time, april 23 at 3:35, good flight. the rocket was moving steadily, komarov cheerfully reported on the progress flight. all three stages of the rocket worked perfectly and 540 seconds after launch the soyuz-1 spacecraft was launched into orbit. everyone was very pleased with the start of the flight and congratulated each other. the flight was monitored. in baikanur and evpatoria. today this center is located in korolev, moscow region. it was created specifically for the first soviet-american flight in the mid -seventies, and until the year sixty-seven, all communications were conducted from baikanur. for union flights , a second center was deployed in yevpatoria, the ground station nip-15, the future
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center for deep space communications. both were informally called tsupami. all information about the flight of the first union went to evpatoria. immediately after the start. solar battery, i see the earth, the horizon, the solar battery is directed with its back side towards the sun. komarov realized that it would not be possible to complete the flight program. the spring mechanism that folds back the solar wings of the ship, the design is quite simple, it worked flawlessly on the ground in the barrage chamber under various loads and artificial interference, suddenly became capricious. the troubles started right at the opening. solar batteries, one solar battery did not
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open, that is, it could not provide what was necessary for normal functioning. amount of electricity. komarov does everything possible to bring the solar battery into the desired position, but he fails. the ship remains blind and quickly loses power. meanwhile, on the ground , the crew of the second soyuz ship, consisting of three people, is conducting intensive training. they are ready to go at any time. into space, some experts on earth are calling for the cancellation start until the situation with solar panels at the first union is resolved, but it is very important for chief designer vasily mishin, sergei korolev’s replacement, that this first flight under his leadership goes through the full program, and mishin is ready for anything.
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specialists on the ground are looking for a way out of the situation; it is already clear that this is not just a disruption of the flight program, the life of the astronaut is at risk. tas announces the launch of union one. moscow speaks. the conference participant in karlovy
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vary was greeted with stormy and prolonged applause. dmitry ustinov accepts congratulations. the flight is his merit. komarov desperately fights for survival and tries to control the ship. meanwhile, the news broadcasts broadcast his cheerful appeals to the peoples of the countries over which his ship flies. tas conveys that. the cosmonauts are maintained in stable radio communication; from the side of the ship, komarov conveys warm greetings to the vietnamese people and best wishes to the people of australia. april 24, evpatoria, the second sleepless day is underway, all the flight directors are present. at about half past one in the morning, tsup receives an emergency message from moscow: everyone should be in touch, the speakerphone is on, everyone is listening to the broadcast. comrade kamarov. sigin says: how do you hear me? i hear you well. we are closely monitoring your flight and are aware
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that you are encountering difficulties and are taking all measures. what can we do for you? take care of my family. after yet another clarification of relations with the state commission, evpatoria receives a categorical instruction to land on the seventeenth orbit; specialists are preparing new instructions for an astronaut, but the spacecraft cannot be landed. small engines were unable to hold it in a given position and the automation forbade issuing a braking impulse; the already unhappy situation became critical until the energy reserves were completely depleted - no other options except for a speedy landing. the cosmonaut is asked to orientate the spacecraft manually by eye, did everything that
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was required of him, although no such training was carried out on earth, on the eighteenth orbit the spacecraft left orbit, an accident occurred separation of the compartments, the emitted apparatus rushed to the ground, mosquitoes accomplished the impossible, they probably really say that superpowers appear in a person when... and besides, there was not just fear for one’s life, that’s what’s most interesting, that here they are they didn’t have their own life, it wasn’t in the first place, i ’m telling you this for sure, we talked to many people, this whole flight, it was a series of failures, but somehow the cosmonaut himself and the control center on the ground managed to get out of these crisis situations in the end even ensure the spacecraft deorbits.
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how are you feeling? i feel great, everything is fine, here my comrades recommend breathing deeper, we are waiting for landing, thank you, tell everyone what happened rubin, i am calling the connection at dawn, can you hear me? rubin, we can't hear you. “we can’t hear you, rubin, i’m calling the connection, the connection is lost, the connection
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is lost, the compartments were separated, the ship entered the dense layers of the atmosphere, and i realized that the situation was already alarming, which means there were calls, alarms, or the komanin was flying urgently from gilpatroy here, everything was clear, something was wrong, about two hours later, phrases began to appear from various rooms, from various phones, that he had died, crashed, or maybe by parachute, jumped out, gone somewhere into the steppe, but it was clear, that the ship was found wrecked, it burned down, at 6:00... in the morning the entire search and rescue service was put on alert number one. the commander of one of the search aircraft reported that he saw
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soyuz-1 in the air. i entered the communications center in yevpatoria. report: the search service discovered a parachute descent module south of orsk. moscow speaking, all radio stations of the soviet union are working. when the main canopy of the parachute opens at an altitude of 7 km. according to preliminary data, as a result of the twisting of the parachute lines, the soyuz-1 spacecraft descended at high speed,
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which caused the death of vladimir mikhailovich. no more details, perhaps this gave rise to many myths, legends, speculations, they said that even during the flight... komarov said goodbye to his wife and the leaders of the state, there was a rumor that during landing komarov cursed both the government and central committee of the cpsu and personally leonid ilyach.
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paratroopers were dropped from search planes to the site of the fall of the union. the ship was badly damaged and was on fire. they extinguished the fire with their own jackets and threw out the flames. earth and until the last hoped for a miracle of salvation, but hope disappeared when rescuers found human remains among the wreckage, there was almost nothing left of the body of vladimir komarov, a study of the remains of the ship confirmed that until the last minute the cosmonaut tried to cope with the apparatus, well, i don’t want to remember this because back then, at the shabrka... we had
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the opportunity to broadcast live ; relatives had already been invited, so it ’s better not to remember it, there were tragic moments, without this it would probably be impossible to explore space, especially when we were exploring . aviation, airplanes, how many victims there were, and space in general, the causes of the disaster of the union were investigated by a commission headed by dmitry ustinov, the official version, a confluence of a number of factors that were random in nature, the cosmonauts of the first detachment were told about the reasons for their death comrade at a special meeting showing documentary footage of the tragedy, they should
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have been prepared for anything, but what about me? someone said, they say: it’s good that you’ve never seen how - this parachute, a reserve parachute, is stowed, there is a listed device, they hammer it in there, it’s not just that they took it, put it there, inserted everything, it’s compacted with terrible by force, hammered with a sledgehammer, what happened there, so to speak , why the parachute system didn’t work, well... in my opinion, they didn’t get to the bottom of it, the main parachute is not allowed open at high speed, it will break, which means it’s small, reduces the speed, then the main one should open, this exhaust one couldn’t pull out the main dome, this huge one, and the ship continued to fall very quickly, why did this happen, because
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firstly, it means the pressure that acts from the inside on... the parachute container after opening the hatch is higher than in the parachute container and some compression of the container occurred and thus the friction seemed to be increased due to this effect. and it would seem, well, it’s okay, it’s provided accident, a spare one comes out, but the ship didn’t just land, it was still spinning, when the spare one comes out, in the process of rotation it wraps around the exhaust one and doesn’t open either, both parachutes didn’t open, hit the ground, explosion,
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academician keldesh, president of the academy of sciences, saved the second crew, because he was supposed to, you know, launch on soyuz 2, but then, when keldush saw what was happening with soyuz 1, he canceled the launch, ultimately saving three people, because the same defects that led to the death of komarov , they were on an alliance 2, then not one person died, but four; the culprits were recognized as the designers of the ship's parachute compartment and the creators of the parachute system itself, the chief designer and the head of the institute.
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dangling from the drogue parachute as if on a rope, and the main parachute
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never came out of the container, although it should have come out with an effort of no more than one and a half tons. the commission that investigated the circumstances of the disaster did not get to the bottom of such nuances, and this version remained unofficial. at that time, the ussr had not yet... given up the idea, hopes of defeating the united states in the race, so of course there was a certain rush ; the soyuz spacecraft was sent into orbit quite raw, this was later recognized by the designers of this ship, and personally by vasily pavlovich mishin, who said that in general the death of komarov was on his conscience, there are people , who made the decision on the possibility of launching, there are people in the country's leadership.
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we will teach the union to fly, in this i see our duty, the duty of our friends to the memory of volodya, this is an excellent, smart ship, it will fly, we we will sit in the cockpits of new ships and enter new orbits. however, gagarin did not have the opportunity to
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witness the flight of the new cosmonaut on the soyuz. in march 1968, he died, practically repeating the fate of his friend; he crashed, falling to the ground along with the fighter. since this was a new thing, we were used to exaggerating, oh so, how so, from mistakes , in fact, aviation learned from its own, all the instructions, the flight were written in the blood of the dead pilots, you know, if this had not happened, they would have fought maybe still, also here at the dawn of astronautics, a shake-up, which our entire space industry received after the death of komarov.
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that there is everyday life there, that there are dangerous things there, it reminds me of the poems when they asked a soldier how many times he went on the attack, and he said, this happened sometimes, that is , they thought what that meant there...
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khrunov and the eliseevs crossed through outer space from one alliance to another, they accomplished what they had to do together with...
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the americans recognized this ship as the most reliable spacecraft in the history of astronautics. in plans, the union should still fly at least until 2014. conceived as a ship for lunar flights, it became the main means of exploring near-earth space. well, first of all, we will keep an eye on him, on this union, this is our breadwinner, so to speak, so no.
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let us remember everyone who, at the cost of their own lives , paved the way to space. valentin bandarenko, the first group of cosmonauts, burned to death during training in the barakamer. edward white, gus grisam, roger chaffee, burned during training in the cockpit of apollo 1, vladimir komarov, died on landing soyuz-1 ship, georgy dobrovolsky, vladislav volkov, viktor patsayev died during landing as a result of depressurization of the soyuz-11 ship. francis dig skobe, ronald mcneer, michael smith, alison nizuka, gregory jarvis, judith resnick, christa mccaulay.
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burned with the ship reusable challenger.
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as i understand it, one of yours, yes, zyama, yes, oh you! great, i’ve been wanting to have a heartfelt chat with him for a long time, but there was no approach, it’s a pity i can’t speak german, i really want to know how much the germans bought him for, nothing, for we’ll find such a thing, interpreter, ah-ay, wow, i would never have thought that i was also an acquaintance, yes, but what are the facts of the sale of the homeland wholesale to retail, and where are you from in germany? in '39, misha, enemies of the people from the commentary were brought into our camp, my lads and i took lessons to make it easier to develop new lands in the liberated ones in europe, by the way, some of these handsome men are still
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sitting in good chairs, what are their germans on? they caught something, money, women, other things, weakness. each of them would give half their life for this daddy cash transfer, the topic is good, first you need to think it over very carefully, it’s not a joke, i can take it, yes, of course, take it, come on, come on, come on, alexey, go already. again your zinky will fly at me, it just scared me, klavan, well, if i need a clava for balance, what kind of balance do you need, you can barely stand on your feet, go to the restaurant at the station, now i need low beams at the station, well,
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i’ll protect you after that from the rampant crime fuck, klavi, you're soulless, everything we need, always, where now, back, and then you'll go to the station and meet ours guys, okay, let's go, dad, checkmate, here you go...


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