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tv   Legavii-2  NTV  April 14, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

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the archive of german agents was recruited by the abwehr even before the war, as i understand it, this is the main goal of those who chala, who knows what and where did he teach him from? found it by accident. now we've definitely arrived. if the mgb finds out about our puncture, we will all go together to where makar did not go, in one carriage. why shout about it? there were no boxes. and what next he probably understands that they won’t leave him alive, he will bargain, give away the boxes one by one, stall for time, and we will look for him, where? you need to think, enough, order. now you can
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you have to go because of the papers, you’re far away in moscow, but he’s mocking, and didn’t i say, it’s an inappropriate joke, but no one is joking, the papers are from a reliable person, i’ll tell you the address on the spot, listen, colored, take my swag. i'll come back and check, fuck you, you're probably in pain. okay,
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but your mother pulled out your bullet, here it is, say thank you from me, and you tell her yourself, she ’ll be here soon, she just went to the store, and then to the pharmacy, and ah, where she’s keeping it. i also couldn’t walk before, then i was cured, but you’re really a bandit, what? well if not if you want, you don’t have to talk, or maybe you ’re hungry, i’ll make a sandwich now, no, don’t, listen, that’s what, bring me some kind of stick, i have to go, mom said, you can’t go, “i really need to.” ,
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you know, try your best, so help me out, old man, you won’t get rusty with me, come on, come on!” oh, dad, have you arrived yet? i won't be long like him? yes, everything seems fine, everything, mom pulled out the bullet from him. what is this for? yes, he said that he had some important business there and couldn’t go himself. wait, i understood, i will live. baba, your thanks. well, i learned something. do you want to know who you screwed up? don’t worry, you definitely won’t get time for it. and 2 hours ago they
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took a box from chalov’s house, they killed vaska rashkov, yeah, what’s in the box? gun, where are the documents? listen, maybe they can still raise the lads, while your lads are rocking, they will bury the chalov, yes, yes, yes, yes, well, we are cousins ​​in moscow, address, i don’t know, yakut, trump card, i’ll be a bastard, i don’t know, well, i don’t know , addresses are changed like footcloths, well, no, okay, take away the koscels, wow, ah, what a person, and a lump, oh, what a position he occupies, so that i can live like this, at least one day, as he says from the podium, another faithful leninist,
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these bastards promise us a bright future, his place is in the rooster corner, and not on the podium, i see, after all, the germans were practical, lads, they didn’t disdain anything, boss abera canaris said, there is no such thing as garbage, cadres, cadres, i completely agree with him, well, from this there will be demand at a special rate, not only did he sell his homeland, but also an abomination, where does it go. yes, hello, this chala is telephoning, i’m listening to you, mishenka, my respects, victor alegorich, i want to take from you what’s new i didn’t deposit it, yes, today,
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remind me, your house number is three, that’s it, i’ll be there soon. it’s so encouraging, especially the knowledge that for this we will get, and not only will we get a big discount, but we will also severely punish the traitors of our soviet homeland, so go, think about what kind of goat we
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will drive up to them with all this, i realized that - something happened that i shouldn’t know, so i don’t mind. of course they broaden your horizons, but it significantly shortens your life. so i went. dzhigan. chal got it. no trash. he wouldn't have brought them. that's what zhigan is. there will be three people with him, so gather me five more serious guys, you have two or three hours of thoughts, tell me, uncle gov, why does a person
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live on this earth, well, no matter where the tachmai lives, we have one thing, in moscow another, and if there ... some kind of europe, america, there’s a completely different komen there, but i’m not talking about geography, i’m talking about the meaning, everyone has their own meaning, but no, i think that everyone has the same meaning, live, breathe, work, bear children , and most importantly, don’t interfere with others, live, breathe, work, give birth to children, that’s what it’s all about, and besides, you and i are kazles. let's smoke some more, korashkov has already smoked you, my torich, the zone is asking for your product, so tell him, he even went to the territory, and if they ask where, to save the camel, come up with
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something, sasha, get out of here. yakut says that he sent the documents to moscow at night. listen, so if they go there, will they take it with them? if they don’t have the papers yet, they need a living one first. why are we going to report the case? no, i don't see the point. while our leadership is thinking about finalizing the agreement, their trail will go cold. listen, what if you and i head to the capital, but for now, here’s a trace. i caught a cold, but you will be cut to pieces like vaska, not guys, i can’t send you to certain death, this is wrong, and you, vadimych , gray-haired, should be given over to the authorities, that’s right, you do what you want, and i’ll go, i’ll ask sergei gronin for help, moore will always help, ok, then go on mine, i
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had a full tank in the raikomovsky garage in the morning and back, come on, come on, that’s mine! malov’s wife called there and said he didn’t spend the night at home, and he still doesn’t, he went on a spree, lyokha, and he was warming up at some mug’s mouth and his tick doesn’t blow his mustache, but well, i’ll pull this out for him and... more something.
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seryozha, why, take it to him, let him eat, okay, mom, what? it happens that as if you did everything right, your soul is like a cat’s, but does that really happen if you did everything right, the devil knows, but if your soul is disgusting, it means it happens as if you sold everyone for 3 kopecks, although on the other hand on the other hand, your dad is right, while your brother gets ready, he will swing, what are you talking about? yes, it’s like that, just
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eat, i don’t want to, you shouldn’t do that, mom cooks very tasty, and you need strength, i’ll eat, i’ll eat later, but i don’t know how to play cards, why do you need it? everything can be useful in life, that’s for sure. well, okay, let me try, so, first look, listen, and most importantly, remember which cards left the game, and why remember them if they came out, so that you know which ones remain, well, of course, if this is a game honestly, and if not honestly... “we ’ll sort this out later, but for now, look here,
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i saw an acquaintance, something like that, but according to my estimates, he’s still in jail for another five years.” i can throw away your bedroom, by the way, about this, explain to me who needs this amnesty, if crime already wants to risk you, it’s scary to go out into the street, but i’ll tell you, because your rulers don’t give a damn about the people who are robbed and killed, as you worry about the people, but i give birth for the people, for my land and i fight for a few full of myself and i will fight. until it becomes free from the bolshevik evil spirits, and with such
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slogans you go straight to the podium, it’s all bullshit, they’ll soon hand you over like kittens, and you know it, that means others will come to take my place, it’s still a long way to go, i need to find a phone to call , why, you agreed on everything, and you have the address, the address, i know, but the meeting will be in another place, where, where? no one will interfere with us, i will be sure that we will separate by mutual consent, healthy and alive, why do you need zyama, he accidentally got very serious papers, yurok, nothing accidentally gets to zyama, what kind of papers? an archive of german agents recruited by aber before the war, wow, as i understand it, that’s not all. someone else wants to get the archive, who doesn’t know, but it’s like a boulevard here, and you want it to be safe
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i gave all the papers, it is advisable that this happen before his tens go, others, especially since they will give birth to a very good one, let’s go, only i’m in charge, everything will be faster, yes, yes, yuri, not with you miss you, what is this address? if you want to beat off the old opera, i know. zhigan, what did i ask for with sugar, i don’t have the strength to drink this drink without sugar, it’s better to steam the chafer, this drink is real brazilian coffee, the drink of kings and presidents, and you have it with sugar, you caveman, our mustachioed one
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also used it, more according to tchaikovsky, in in recent years they have switched to chinese, theirs is their meudzedun in front of the dacha, the words, cheferiel, which means, and i heard that in his youth he was a noble shniffer, it’s true, it’s true, and the gopstop of the teflis bank in 907 is still studying the garbage of the whole world in their academies , but it’s not customary for us to talk about this out loud, is comrade stalin himself one of the thieves? and he squeezed the lads like he was, it turns out he was a bitch, i listen, yes, misha, i’m ready to meet, drive up, in an hour to the mother-in-law, yeah.
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you know the way, of course i know, no tricks, for now, drive straight.
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but it’s a lair, though he’s
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a cautious bastard, he changes addresses all the time. how do you find out where he moved? well, he lives among people, and people have eyes and tongues too, maybe there is no one, but no, yuri, even if he leaves, he leaves a parrot on the phone, what is needed, great, zhigan, we need to talk, i have the wrong address, boss, yes, and he has no reason to talk about the garbage, and you’re a bastard, since when do you decide for him, run, i said, you should walk out of here on good terms, but you ’ll be carried out feet first in the blink of an hour, the conversation didn’t work out, what we’ll do it, yes, the little boy got excited,
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are you in trouble with your hearing, have you been lying down, your memory is lousy, do you want me to... tell you who raped the young vostanka last year, but he’s not there, you’re lying, he’s not here, he left half an hour ago , where, say, bastard, mother-in-law’s corner, he has a grater there, with whom, with the roan, the stink further, mold, we’ll try to make it in time, hello, i’m on the announcement about the room, here’s the deal, soldier, who’s for... soldier , a former military man, he was working on iron, he was planning to move sacks until he retired, so what, he was planning to live until he retired, his life. like a battlefield, no damn turn, serious people were preparing drift, but he must win this fight, we need a rifle with
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night optics, what have you gotten yourself into again, either he us, or we him, that’s it, there’s no turning back, hot spot , new season, normal action. from tuesday at 20:00 on ntv. the boy's word: blood on the asphalt, the most anticipated premiere of the year. tomorrow at 23:00. let's check your memory. remember in detail what you did 3 days ago. if the question seems difficult, it can help with memory problems innovative drug naapt. it helps improve cerebral blood circulation, restore memory and attention. the choice must be balanced, time-tested. on again. to keep your head working, closing a loan is like a holiday, it’s customary to give gifts on a holiday, and tinkov gives you a great gift, money, apply for a loan with tinkof before the end of april, make all payments on
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couldn’t stay there. how can you still be free? ok, all this suits you very well, thank you, i know, i brought you a little gift, here you go, how lovely, did you rob someone, no, you earned it a long time ago, i told you, money is not the most important thing in life, and what’s most important is their quantity, i’ve earned a little, i’ll earn a lot, i’ll earn more, so what did you think?
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you can check, i’ll check, and then i’m a guy, talented, however, but you know that a game without interest is like food without salt, i agree, i agree, oh, i agree, what do you insert, well, i don’t have anything, you can clicked. right away, well, i also agree, but keep in mind, freerock, i won’t feel sorry for you, well then i won’t feel sorry for you either, i respect you, because pity is harmful in the game, seryozha, and you’ll get stung, no, mom, thank you, i don’t want to, move it, but...
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who are you, where is the roan? like me, he ’ll tell you himself if he wants, but that he didn’t come out on his own, but you understand everything, i need papers, in return i’m giving you your friend, you don’t need him, you need him, you need him, i would like him first look, now look. okay,
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come on over, pick up your documents, just calmly, and the guys don’t like sudden movements, just turn off everything under the steering wheel if luck is saved, i understand.
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let's go on foot, otherwise they'll spot us on the way, let's do it, yur, we'll wait until he finishes, then we'll decide, let's go. “i wanted to escape, but i shot him, killed him, i don’t know yet, find him and check, okay , well, commander, let’s go, he’s a bitch, he’s glad, just
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quickly, and there’s money, and if he’s gone, let him live, i’m selfish.” ? well, bandyuga, you're going to pray,
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i won't give you more than a minute, but let's go, it looks like i made it on time, denisha, thank you, i'm sorry it's like this happened. yeah, they completely screwed up, who were they, the forest brothers, who were the lithuanian rebel army, they came for the archives, and then it’s clear that the mgb can’t cope with them, but we wanted to take them on as a blackamoor, well, let’s go, or do you want to come back , yes, there is no desire, so i’m talking about the same thing, with the judases.
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now i’ll shoot him, get out of here, he’s not my lover, listen, or maybe it’s just that... we’ll run away on good terms, and i’ll think, come on, get up, get up, oh, come on, stop pawing me, oh. i said it myself, i don't tell you mistress, ugh, so what, do we need to call ours? what are we just going to say? what to say? well, bandits shot at each other, does it happen? yes, what should i do with the papers? we should
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look at them first, lest they sidestep us , right, yurkh, or maybe we’ll divide everything up and scatter in an amicable way, huh? honestly, yes, and what to do with all this, i think we have to wait, what, like what, don’t you see how the power is at the top now? a little more, they will start tearing each other's throats, you know that many of these are still in high positions, and here we are with these papers, hello, and if they fall into the wrong hands, or vice versa, into the wrong hands, and you
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will be ground into powder as unwanted witnesses in any case, that’s also true, well then let it rest, and then we’ll see, just not with me, understand correctly, well, where do i have them then too... that’s okay, listen, what if you give the chronicles to the god? exactly what kind of idiot and traitor - this is his diocese, so... let him sort it out, rom, hi, grunin, didn’t wake you up, okay, okay, don’t grumble, better quickly jump into your pants and come to me, business there is, and more than one, no, no, details later, give us a hand, we’re waiting, he lives nearby, so i think he’ll be there soon, you have a drink , there’s one, come on, something’s shaking.
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cool guys, i came to get used to it, i'm tired of being a fool, fuck you, stronger than an oath, the boy is now with us, we are the streets, we are alone in this city, people, do you think your boys will save you when you drown, stronger than fear, who is older, i? are you immortal or what? it’s scary when your son is in more pain, but what are we going to do when the batch starts? here you are like this, stronger than tears, you drove your mother crazy, i’m sorry, the boys don’t apologize. what the hell are you doing? they all have a lot of ground,
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lyubezh sang quite often, they get used to popularity, often not representing anything, the stars aligned today, right after show mask on ntv.
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you work, oh, how many times have i told him, good, leave this police, but no, come on, i say, let’s live like ordinary people, so, uncle wolf, just please, don’t tell anyone, i ask god, he’s yelling, yelling, i told you, as soon as i heard it, my soul is in my heel, wow, suddenly these varyugas got in there, and alyoshka, you caught them and... they killed him, lord, you stupid zinoid, now they seem to be drinking, here there’s a basement, there’s a lot of trash there, of course.
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i’ll eat crushed stone, you know, and they’ll blow you out, quietly, and here are the nets, quieter, push, don’t touch, don’t touch, they’re birds for now, hush, be quiet, i’ll hurt you, just don’t bother me quietly, baby, okay, here, here they are all with
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me, hey, did you show them to anyone else? no one, but a couple of people from my department know. so, tell them to forget all this like a terrible thing. and you too, this is for your own benefit, of course, consider that i’ve already forgotten, after all, where did all this take a long time to tell, i
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’m not in a hurry, to be honest, i’m in a hurry, my wife is worried at home, kozurev, she knew for whom came out, come on, come on, tell me, okay, but rum, just not for the record, well, of course, not for the record, come on. then i’ll kill both of them, we’ll have a full settlement, shak is struggling, who will find out, he has
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a bloodline near the area, no one will think of me, my cop, and the woman, can he, the hungry cumi has only one thing on his mind, let’s go. well, gamblers? yes, we 've been playing a bit here, i see, at least i won, otherwise i'm off to the store quickly to get some milk, finally. well, bitch, don’t be afraid, i buried you, walking around, tell the creature where my treasury is, or
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i’ll cut it into pieces, i have no money, leave, i’ll leave when i'll finish both of you, salovar, what's up, there are ligavs here, oh, take a walk, where are you from, moron, this is not... the boy, bitch, shut him up, salovar, let
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the kid out of here before it's too late, i understand, don't interfere, nikut, this is my business, i told lolly, malina, seryozha, here’s a cop, i’ll finish him and leave him, well, garbage, here we are, let the guy go, and you... come on, then i’ll let him go, where’s my money, no i have your money, it’s not good, but drop the gun, otherwise the puppy is finished, seryozha, seryozha, where is seryozha, let the child go, i promise i won’t catch up, that’s all, left, goodbye, polya, polya, olenka, polya!


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