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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 14, 2024 8:00am-8:21am MSK

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hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, in the yulia studio. iran has attacked israel with drones and ballistic missiles. the media reported at least three waves of strikes from the islamic republic, as well as lebanon, iraq, yemen and syria. air raid sirens sounded over almost the entire territory of israel. tehran said it had successfully destroyed important military targets on the territory of the jewish state. the united states believes that a total of up to 500 drones and missiles were fired at israel. some of them were shot down by military forces
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the united states and great britain, israeli journalists report this with reference to the ministry of defense. sakhalin stated that the air defense intercepted 99% of all shells. benjamin netanyahu addressed the nation with words of readiness for an attack and promised to respond to the attack. this caused concern in the white house, the head of the pentagon asked israel to notify in advance of a possible reaction. damascus, which occurred on april 1. the peak of the flood has arrived in orenburg, regional authorities announced this. the water level in the ural river has approached 12 m, which is 2.5 m higher critical. marks,
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the indicators have not changed for the last 10 hours, many areas in the city are already flooded, the water has reached apartment buildings, and the basements of some have flooded. rescuers continue to evacuate people from dangerous areas, and specialists are building embankments. about the situation in the city, mikhail chernov. this is the case when there is a line to board the paddy wagon, and the police car is very quickly filled to capacity. this paddy wagon is like a regular bus, it picks people up to get things and then takes them out. so, all day. berek route, the island is on the coast, most are traveling on a regular basis, many are just getting documents. last night i was at a friend’s, i thought we’d go by car today, and that’s it. previously, they lived 2 km from the urals, now the urals have come to their doorsteps, the dubke microdistrict itself has turned into an island, but such a beautiful view is not at all welcome here. the new microdistrict of dubki was flooded the day before, at first the water was very close.
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i would have stayed at home, because it’s dry here, there’s nothing anywhere, we have food, we bought everything, and now if they turn off the refrigerator, everything will be lost, i either got there, the elevator was turned off, on foot from the eighth floor, now i don’t know how i ’ll get up on a high car, in their apartments people now climb on foot even to the upper floors for safety reasons, if someone gets stuck, the emergency services simply won’t be able to get here, the electricity is also...
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turned off , but not everywhere, but where there is a threat of an accident in four flooded high-rise buildings, their residents now go to the store to charge their phones, i came here, but i have a couple of banks, but for now i’m saving it, she had a sleepless night, alone in a de-energized apartment , here, even in the morning, dark personalities showed up, i heard as if the doorbell was ringing, i went up, looked through the peephole, there was a man with a flashlight on his forehead, i was silent, stood outside the door, and then they started using the key... kozhen, i got scared, i ran on the balcony, call 112, having heard the noise, the night guests ran away, now their own area, local residents are going to patrol every night, families with children have mostly left the island, no electricity, no heating, no water, what to do there, firstly , now it’s only a swim to school, secondly, everything is there equally forced holidays, the school year ended early here, the school is at least on a hill, the water does not reach there, but...
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for safety reasons, classes were stopped in the evening, the number of flights to the island increased significantly, oil workers brought their own transport in addition to a particularly desperate orbinzon transporting things from neighbors in private cars to the depths...
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and today in russia they celebrate the day of the air defense forces, their professional holiday, specialists who control the skies over the country around the clock spend their time in positions, including nwo zone. there, our fighters repel nationalist attacks every day. on the next mission, together with... in a matter of seconds, the fighters destroy more than 10 air targets flying directly at the division's position, a massive enemy strike was successfully repulsed in
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the donetsk region. all combat processes from target detection to their capture and launch of warheads are fully automated here. among the last enemy air targets hit... the batteries are mostly western- made cruise missiles, the main difficulty in working on the same scalps or stormshadows have a large number of accompanying false targets. there is an art to distinguishing dummies from real rockets, but this anti-aircraft gunner is not short of experience. the battery commander with the call sign sweater managed to work in the kherson region, now he covers the sky over the donbass, he says, it is not only his trained hand that plays into the result, but the constant updating of the complex’s equipment. this is no longer the same s-400. who started the special operation, now we can carry out a larger volume of tasks, fire at a larger number of targets and also carry out ground strikes, horizons are expanding, for example, work, before we could only work on our own, now we can work from third-party means, that is, from an airplane, our reconnaissance aircraft, besides, the guys are constantly receiving
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new missiles with active homing heads, among their capabilities is autonomous searching for targets and working at a distance of almost 400 km, preparation time. he was the first to hit the famous american atak missile in the air defense zone with a very difficult target due to its ballistic flight path. flies at a very high altitude, with very high speed, very high speed, more than 1.00 m/s. our missiles shoot down everything; everything that flies above us should not fly. the guys find time for soldier humor; they made a field art object out of the complex’s radar station. the black pearl, because we are sailing on it across the fields, like on a caravel, like in a movie. the barge is so floating, and it doesn’t bring anything good to the enemy, yes, yes, the whole division is in the compartment, it doesn’t bring anything good to the enemy, so we will continue to do so. on combat duty calculations of armor complexes c1, this one is deployed in the lugansk people's republic.
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the combined armament of twelve anti-aircraft guided missiles and two rapid-firing thirty-millimeter cannons makes it possible to shoot down enemy targets even at extremely low altitudes close to the ground. and this is the main flight area. you can capture an object similar in size even to a bird, before the transfer to the lnpr the crew covered the sky over the border of the belgorod region, that six months ago, that today the enemy is especially active there in the air, well, everyone is working there day, starting from, well, not even speaking there in the evening, not in the evening, there may even be drones there during the day. they are always strike, that is, they specifically fly towards a specific target, or are looking for a target to hit. the fighters no longer keep count of the number of times they shot down a drone; they also practiced missile attacks, the last targets from the highmars missile system. it was detected at 8 thousand, that is, the time from the moment of detection to
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launch was literally 2 seconds. in the special operation zone, our air defense forces have already shot down all types of western missile weapons, which kyiv has it. three children, who were found in a basement on the outskirts of st. petersburg, were transferred from an infectious diseases hospital to an orphanage. a scandal surrounding a large family erupted this week; it turned out that for the last six months the boys had been living with their father in unsanitary conditions. local residents noticed one of the brothers on the street without clothes and complained to the police. at that time, the mother was in another region, as soon as the story received an eye, she returned to st. petersburg and...
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to the preservation of cultural heritage sites. during technology lessons, they make elements to decorate facades. novice craftsmen cut out the necessary parts themselves and then process them. vlada kopylovskaya before the restoration of historical heritage. this is not the last fitting before the wooden new things take their place on the chipped façade of the building. the house is from the late 19th century, but little is known about it. ancient slavic symbols in the decor, and also these lyres. the owner was clearly a creative person. in the 21st century, all this beauty could well sink into oblivion.
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local historian yulia zheleznova decided to compete and involve schoolchildren in this. we chose this particular one not because it has any interesting history, precisely because it has amazing details on the facade. i can’t say that they are downright rare. there are several houses with lyres in irkutsk, but they are not very common. seventh graders are sawing out lyres for technology lessons, and the polishing stage is underway. the most responsible.
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attention is a delusion, but then, naturally, when we got into it, everything went, as they say, scientifically. people often continue to live in old wooden houses; these buildings lie on it of their owners, but only if it is a monument, you can’t change the architecture yourself, nothing is allowed here, and in dilapidated houses people, as a rule, are not at all interested in the beauty of the facade, there are plenty of other problems. irkutsk architects were able to discern in the local historian’s bold undertaking not children’s crafts, but prospects for preserving wooden architecture. they gave the go-ahead to work with cultural heritage sites and got involved themselves, removed templates from the decor
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and made drawings to make it one to one. the presence of such projects in our city can significantly change the situation, because we already see two cultural heritage sites transformed precisely thanks to this project. as planned, such technology lessons for the benefit of the city will appear in other schools; teachers believe that these are useful for children who learn about the history of irkutsk and actually participate in its preservation. now. 12 liras, half are ready; in the summer they will be fixed and then painted by volunteers. lada koplovskaya, victor melnik, svetlana zakharova, evgeny matveev, ntv television company, irkutsk. and by this time that's it, stay on ntv. cheese. oh, they forgot the cheese. it's good that we have each other. what will they show us on tv? together we build happiness. tell me what did you catch? we are catching luck by
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8:20 am
good morning, the main lottery show is here countries, we are winning, my name is vyacheslav makarov and my beautiful ones are next to me! co-host inna voronina, victoria panina. this week the whole country celebrated cosmonautics day. april 12, 1961 our compatriot. yuri gagarin went into low-earth orbit and spent 108 minutes there. this event opened a new milestone in the history
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of mankind; for 63 years now people have been conquering space, a dream.


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