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tv   Pervaya peredacha  NTV  April 14, 2024 10:20am-11:01am MSK

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apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you want. the boy's word: blood on the asphalt is the most anticipated premiere of the year. tomorrow at 23:00. stagnation of lymph can cause swelling. lymphotransit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the company evalar. spring is a time of cleansing. take lymphatic transit. lymphatic transit. cleansing the body and removing toxins, as well as reducing swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the valar company, your spring renewal. and now about the weather for tomorrow, european territory of russia cold air plans. it will be launched by a new scandinavian cyclone tomorrow. the cold front will reach tatarstan, the lower volga and don as a result in the volga region and rain, in some places thunderstorms with thunderstorms and wind gusts of up to 20 m/s. it’s also raining in the rostov and volgograd regions. dense wind, but there will be no thunderstorms,
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northern and western rains already today, the main cold snap is tomorrow, tomorrow it will be extremely windy in the northwest, in the center, in the black earth region, in some places it will rain, this is how it will drop atmospheric pressure, this is below the normal value of units by 10, for the attention of weather-dependent people, in the ozovo region, in the crimea, in the kuban, in the stavropol region in the caucasus, the pressure is growing, the likelihood of precipitation is low, as a feature, a strong southwest wind will slightly lower the temperature on the coast in crimea. in the krasnodar region and the capital. in st. petersburg on monday with rain and a maximum of +6-8. in moscow at night, a cold front may even cause a storm. and during the day it’s only +10 and it’s very windy.
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good morning, since before historical times people have tried to find out what awaits them in the future, the unknown is disturbing, inspiring fear, in a state of uncertainty. the atmosphere seems suffocating, the food is tasteless, the world around is losing color. in such a situation, any result is perceived with relief, even the most negative scenario provides at least some certainty. and it’s a completely different matter when bad news hits you like a blow to the head, out of the blue, for no reason, for no reason, like a tub of cold water, you left the place. an accident,
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it’s just, of course, more profitable to make me guilty. stepanych, half a century behind the wheel, in your old age, they accused me of an accident. here is pensioner prokopenko driving away from the store in his gazelle. i looked at this one in the mirror, there were still no pairs, i calmly left and drove on. and 3 days later, he received a call from gai. so and so. yeah, it's your fault. i say, what am i guilty of, like what? you just cut him off, his passing cherry, ravil faizulin is driving, when you are driving calmly, not expecting any obstacles on the road or anything, you are driving in a relaxed state, and suddenly from the secondary line - a gazelle drives out. frightened ravil is in a panic meeting dmitry in lock on the way, i have everything like this, it’s instant. it’s a fraction of a second,
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i see the car just in front of me, it was just all instant, the cars were covered in plasticine, both drivers, dmitry and ravil, fortunately unharmed, they blamed pensioner prokapenka for the accident, i was naturally, i was stunned, did it really hurt and not noticed, let's inspect the car, there's not a scratch on the gazelle, nothing, in the end they admitted that there was no contact, no contact... but he was guilty of the accident, allegedly the pensioner pushed the cherry into the oncoming lane, so written, pushed out. well, maybe, as i say, maybe i have the power of kashpirovsky, i can push him out with the power of thought. i stopped believing in santa claus back in first grade. but kashpirovsky, the chumak, and these figures of mass culture, hypnotized the whole country from blue screens, if you remember. pensioner prokapenko will probably also...
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charge the water, but we will conduct a more visual experiment. with a piercing gaze, stepanych will now push the car for safety reasons, at least this one. from the protocol on the psychic stepanych did not give way, which became cause of accidents with other vehicles. is it really that simple? of course, it's not that simple. yes, the driver of the gazelle made an unsafe maneuver, drove into the lane, interfering with the suv, but there was no contact between the vehicles, so a cross-sectional examination is needed to find out for what reason... exactly the driver of the suv drove into the oncoming lane, whether he could have stayed in his lane , albeit having made a passing collision with a gazelle, but having avoided a head-on accident without answers to these questions, the accusation of pensioner prokapenka looks like let’s just say, it’s unconvincing , is there an examination on this matter, well, probably there is no
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examination, it wasn’t done, yes, most likely not, most likely it definitely wasn’t done, it definitely wasn’t done, then the question arises, how did you understand without an examination? it’s the gaseri’s fault that the car drove into oncoming traffic, how did you understand that? the boss is hiding behind a closet, apparently the connection is better there, it’s a video camera, the same driver, ravil fayzulin, by the way, explained why he drove towards him, tried to explain, well, how could he, you know in the car there are such functions that it’s easy to drive away, that is, from a collision. i had a car like this. it took off, i drove here, he drove here, i drove here, he drove here, who is he, somewhere, here, left one accident, came to another, or what? of course, it is impossible, while avoiding one accident, to commit another, and it will be more serious in the oncoming lane, especially since
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the driver of the suv independently turned the steering wheel to the left, not as a result of a collision. i think we can talk about his wrong decision in an extreme situation, but i repeat, without expertise. year, well, faizulin is demanding compensation for damage, his expert estimates that the damage is 1,200, which means i allegedly caused him, i had to take out a loan to get a new car, let him take my 13,000 pension, nothing, maybe
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he will get rich, stepanych is going to write a cassation a complaint, perhaps a novel , a set of fiction, no need to invent characters, boss guy, hello. impressionable fayzulin, why did your car end up in the oncoming lane? i can't answer these? he got scared and jumped out the oncoming traffic, what he was afraid of, i don’t know, but the fact that he jumped into the oncoming traffic, that he committed an accident, did not come into contact with me, it’s my fault, an amazing story, in every report we try to convey something instructive, that’s what the story of the pensioner prokopenko has something so edifying, what do you think?
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and who is it? it’s the girl’s fault, of course, for literally sending me into this accident, and she should be deprived of her license, for the fact that i turned out to be so impressionable, i’ll ask a provocative question, is it possible to get out of here? oncoming traffic, the answer is obvious, of course, yes, for example, the same overtaking, the maneuver is always associated with driving into... and how old are the traffic rules, the debate continues on how to overtake correctly. this story began with a trip through the caucasus: a winding road, a continuous dividing line, and a passenger
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car was slowly dragging in front of us, dragging at a speed of less than 60 km/h. he has the right, 60, still not 30. i patiently drove for.
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overtake, also go out oncoming after the daredevils who dared to overtake slow-moving vehicle, or wait until the column of backbones returns to its lane, then make sure that none of the passing ones is maneuvering, only then turn the steering wheel to the left. be that as it may, i still want to figure out what paragraph 11:2 of the traffic rules actually prescribes, namely, what the driver is prohibited from doing. overtaking, if the vehicle moving ahead
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overtakes or goes around an obstacle. a lawyer, a recognized authority among car lawyers, sergei radko, will help with this. sergey, greetings. good afternoon. explain, overtake is it possible or not to have a train? can. such a maneuver is not prohibited. the supreme court put an end to this issue 5 years ago. then why for this? deprived of rights, where is the confusion? in the traffic rules there is paragraph 11:2, which prohibits overtaking if the vehicle moving ahead is overtaking. here you are, alexey, how do you understand this? well, that is, you cannot overtake someone who is overtaking. the vast majority of drivers, i’m sure, think exactly the same way, but the traffic police understand this point in their own way, otherwise, you can’t overtake those in front, follows the trail, a column of several cars. on country roads, where there is one lane in each direction, this
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happens all the time, yes, when large sections of roads are separated by a solid marking line, a tail often lines up behind some slow-moving vehicle, and as soon as an interruption appears, everyone rushes to overtake, because the markings allows, but the inspectors consider such overtaking committed in violation of the rules, referring to their interpretation of this clause, you cannot overtake if the person in front is already overtaking, and therefore in 2019, captivity at the top... of the court it is not allowed to overtake vehicles moving ahead that are overtaking, then he issued a resolution in which he explained that it is prohibited to overtake an overtaking person, the so-called double overtaking, but overtaking a train is not prohibited, which means it is possible, but it still deprives him of his rights, how so? as they say, law enforcement practice or the force of habit, the traffic police interprets this clause of the rules as it interprets: you cannot overtake a train, unfortunately, the courts on... often make decisions consonant with this position the traffic police, that is, the opinion of the supreme court, is
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an empty phrase. some traffic police inspectors believe this: there are traffic rules, this is the law, and we are not obliged to know what the supreme court plenum decided, unfortunately, lower courts also do not always delve into the details, but the higher the court, the more likely it is guided by the opinion of the supreme court, because if the dispute reaches the supreme court, then it will consider the case, most likely taking it into account. the position of the plenum, and the decision of the courts to deprive the driver of the train will be canceled, and the judges really don’t like it, when their decisions are overturned because it is a negative for their career. here is one of the recent decisions of the supreme court. just on the dispute about the deprivation of rights for overtaking trains, the judge writes that it is prohibited to overtake vehicles that are moving in front and are overtaking another vehicle and cancels the decision on deprivation of rights for overtaking a train, that is , if you find yourself in such a situation, you need go all the way to the supreme court. the law, in a sense, is like a car, until you start it, you won’t
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drive it, your rights, including driver's licenses must be defended, and if necessary, yes, go all the way to the supreme court. sergey, thanks for the clear explanation. rules are rules, but any maneuver must first of all be safe. and i believe that the notorious overtaking by a train is still associated with some risk. imagine, you are driving in the opposite direction, there is another car in front of you, or even a verenitsa. you don't see who is moving towards you at what speed. and then the car in front suddenly moves to the right into its lane. and you find yourself face to face with someone you meet, well, further ellipsis, i repeat, every maneuver must be safe, and if you are not sure, refrain from sudden movements, even if the traffic rules do not prohibit you from turning the steering wheel.
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previously, the temperature in the workshop was like outside, in winter they were freezing, they ran to the stove to warm up, now it’s comfortable and people don’t get sick and productivity has improved, but now these are where they are, as souvenirs for gifts. hundreds of languages , cultures, millions of people, we are in our own country, we have no barriers, the world of bcs investments is limitless, there are those who boldly open
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it, relying on the support of experts, strive further to get... bcs - the world of investments. listen, a riddle, a man returned, he had not been in the city for 10 years, he came to his mother’s grave, in its place the owner of the meat processing plant was buried, with a monument. the question is, who got the money? what kind of justice is this? zhenya murian, your mother will not forgive you. do you really think that i didn’t take precautions? i don't like these dances on graves. they killed him with my etira. i pressed you to him, he wants you to fight on his side, you are his circle, i told you the truth, then you can do what you want, arseny timid, hot spot, new season, from tuesday at 20:00 on ntv, you get a code in a bag, 30 years of your game, today at 15:00, in any situation, open the application, watch vk
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, trends, zen every day follow what is trending in the fashion world, zen every day and stay in the know the latest sports events, zen every day and discover the world in a new way on the main page, where all the content... is collected for you, stay in the know, be zen, today at 6 pm, on ntv, a large gathering of real boys, the authority of sofu, who has five moves and 16 years in the zone, scored the arrow of the main boys of the country, boys, you have no price, for the first time the youngest will answer for the market. bidas, you 're a boy now, coat, it's either you or you, turbo, brother, dear, from another mother, winter, let's make
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ourselves a beautiful swan, yes, we have experience, experience against youth, okay, okay, let's go, authority against the boys, whoever is not with us is against us, whoever doesn’t come is not a boy, the arrow is closed at exactly 6:00 pm on ntb, can you perform in single skating? on football play with the team, you can be a blogger, but you are ready to score goals, because you have real football, a real cup, funvet, russian football cup, bears were riding a bicycle, wolves on a mare, lions in a car, i can offer a wonderful illustration to the lines from cockroach, a lion in a car. after 300 m, turn left.
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it turned out that the lion cub in this touching video also offended the villain. who dared? let me remind you of chikovsky, a small cockroach trolled toothy predators. no zebra for you not an antelope, but even if you could sharpen a kid, you’ll die of hunger here, so, come on, breadwinner, i’m hungry, i’m about to kick someone in the ass, and you bit the folder, wow, cuteness, now the folder is no longer happy, as if he was biting his finger, it’s darkening something. documents for this animal you don’t have on you correctly there are none where they were taken from where you can find out emil ponakhov zoo lover or
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zoo smuggler, lions, leopards, cheetahs, his profile, predatory props ponakhov rented out, to whom to take a selfie, to whom a girl for fun, the topic seems to be profitable, there are a lot of cute videos on social networks. the livestock breeder didn’t seem to care about the health of the toothy kittens, look at the rickets on their paws, for cruel treatment of the cub, ponakhov was fined 4,000, i wonder where the grown animals disappeared to? zeus, as this lion cub was named, was clearly lucky. so, the police seized the african kitty, the lion cub zeus is safe, we convey to you. in a rehab near moscow, zeus matured, grew stronger, and even called himself a girlfriend; he had not yet gotten rid of rickets. well, here's to the face
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apparently, zeus was lucky, i had my own zeus a few years ago, in volodikavkaz, i picked up a thunderstorm on the side of the road, i was getting out, we then traveled a lot around the caucasus, we took the cat with us, well... he got used to the car, here are my family cats don’t like to ride in cars at all, well, that’s it, i’m all packed up, ready to go, yeah, you just need to load the cats in the carrier, put the cats in the cat carriers - it’s not so bad, lay out the diaper, load the animal, close the door, the fun begins, just close it front door,
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this is good ventilation and size, there should be room . it is better to transport a cat in a carrier, the main thing is to grab it, even if the animal stretches to its full height, like all passengers. striped is entitled to his own luggage, a bag with everything necessary for an emergency, 100%, we take with us, and with a reserve, wet wipes, absorbent diapers, disposable garbage bags, if your trip will last longer than 6 hours, then i would recommend taking a bottle with water, a bowl, some food and a harness with a leash, and don’t forget about the first aid kit, antiseptics,
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wound healing. horns, bandages, sterile gauze wipes, a spare collar for fleas, ticks or any other remedy for parasites, antihistamines, medicines for helminths, be sure to take scissors, tweezers, and if your cat is very nervous, a sedative, the easiest option is valerian, literally a couple of drops on the diaper and the animal will become much calmer, the main thing is not more, because otherwise you can achieve the opposite effect, but in general...
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yes, drugs that definitely work are already medicinal preparations, but they should always be discussed with your veterinarian before the dacha. also, before the trip you need to be vaccinated, you need to take a medical passport with a vaccination mark with you, a mandatory complex, it is the same for all cats, that is, it is a set of viral infections, this is feline distemper, ponlekopinia, this is remetrochit, this is ring virus, and vaccination against rabies is mandatory , an unvaccinated animal does not have rabies. they’re not particularly scary for cats, but it won’t hurt to treat them for ticks before traveling. you're in the car must see and definitely hear your cat. you can place the carrier on the front seat and be sure to secure it. look, the safety time and those same
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eyelets are very convenient, since i have two. i’ll leave the second one in the back row, and you have an important task, to keep an eye on the little car, yeah, you can put it on the floor, only then with the door facing the central tunnel, but under no circumstances put it in the trunk. cats spend most of their lives sleeping, this is the norm for them. turn down the music and avoid sudden maneuvers so as not to disturb the cat. walks along the way are not necessary, this is not a dog, but if you still want to warm up, choose a quiet secluded place, put a harness on the cat, take a leash and show your pet this wonderful world. tinkov is car loans on the same day, fast registration of kaskag, cashback when purchasing fuel from the service, a platform for purchasing new cars. tinkov, you don’t need it like that, you need it like this, like that, like that, it’s clear.
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that’s how the stetells bike is at the megamarket for only 13,900 rubles. do you think porcelain is something from museums or grandma’s sideboards, untouchable and completely impractical. fine work. what are the benefits of modern porcelain tableware? this material is waiting for a rebirth and a new life. homemade dental fillings. interesting, it hardens like jelly. let's see how reliable this thing is. and also in the section miracle of the profession, in which we will talk about people working with something not quite familiar, a crane operator, i don’t see in the blind spot, only the slinger’s team and computer data, a miracle of technology today at 11:00 on ntv. hot period, new season, from tuesday at 20:00 on ntv. look for a profitable subscription from...
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a unique offer for everyone: subscription mix, where you can choose content, video service, wink, music, online shopping and more, and if you need to go for groceries, they have just mixed the offer. from a popular retail network, now mix subscribers receive cashback from 5 to 50% in pyaterochka and perekrestok, updated mix subscription from tele 2, we take out loans, easy to apply for, we take out loans, approved quickly, we at sovcombank up to 5 million , loans that everyone knows, i have a question. the ecology of the city, this is a contribution to the health of our children, this is clean air, they talk about switching transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it’s not only that, methane is cheaper, savings on every kilometer, the throwing engine works perfectly, installation of equipment in as part of
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the national fuel project, i converted my car to methane without investment, being practical is beneficial for nature and for you, choose eco-gas, refuel at gazprom stations, it’s time to be zen and stay informed fresh events, trends, keep up with what is current in the fashion world every day, stay up to date with the latest sports events every day, stay up to date with the latest sports events every day and discover the world in a new way on the main page, where all the content is collected for you, stay up to date, be in zen, catching a bird's fire is not... ru the legend returns, the same one that was brewed from one hundred percent malt, the same taste that the whole
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country fell in love with. baltika 3 is non-alcoholic, try the revived taste. don’t go crazy with tariffs, get benefits of up to 60% with the family digital service package from rostelecom rostelecom - technology opportunities on the 14th every month. 20% discount on cosmetics and household chemicals, well , debts on credit cards are hanging up, interest is accruing, you need help, take out credit cards, transfer debts to money, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay, make purchases or get rid of
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debts on a credit card, it’s easy with help, i i’m standing here for this street, boy’s word, blood on the asphalt, tomorrow at 23:00 on ntv. tires icon tires. new brand of car tires. icon tires continues the tradition of the highest quality of the famous finnish manufacturer. these tires have traveled on the roads of all continents. without exaggeration, this is a million. in total , russian drivers have been trusting the products of this plant for almost 20 years. icontires is the new name for legendary tires. practicality, reliability and safety remain the priority characteristics of our products. equipment, technology, raw materials,
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recipes, a team of professionals, everything is the same as during the production of tires under the finnish brand. icon autograph - a new family of premium summer tires icon thai. line presented three models: autograph ultra 2, autograph eco. 3 autograph ava-3, previously they were called black 2, blue 3 and green 3. icon autograph, safety and clarity of control already in early spring and until late autumn, for example, autograph ava-3, the representative promises excellent grip of these tires on the road and comfort in different climatic conditions. according to my feelings, the autograph is ak3. not noisy at all, even on uneven surfaces, effectively prevent aquaplaning, when accelerating and braking on wet asphalt, the wheels also hold the road tenaciously, icon autograph is yours author's calculations on the road, your new level
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of driving, let me say goodbye at this point, the first program will be aired again next sunday at... on the ntv channel, bye-bye! porcelain dishes are beautiful, but dangerous; does it really emit harmful metals? only porcelain has this sound. what are the thinnest cups and saucers afraid of? some can now be put in the dishwasher, a miracle profession: crane operator,
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it’s up to you how you give me commands? how do they make themselves comfortable at altitude and what threatens them? in the category miracle goods: temporary fillings that you can put on your teeth yourself in a few minutes. oh, i wonder how it freezes like a vest? miracle or not miracle? and also found treasure in old electronics? a revolutionary method for treating acne has been created, the earth might once have been flat, this and something else, in the hot five of amazing discoveries and inventions from around the world. there is a miracle of technology on air, a program in which i, sergey malozyomov and my team test everything on ourselves.
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do you think porcelain? this is something from a museum or grandma's sideboard, beautiful, fragile, inviolable and completely impractical, i thought so too, until i came across an advertisement for one of the modern manufacturers. who began to produce collections for everyday use, such porcelain is not afraid of microwaves, dishwashers, almost anything, i wonder, i thought, is this material awaiting a rebirth and a new life? tea drinking in this house may seem quite ordinary, but if you look closely, from what members of the romanov family from st. petersburg allow themselves, some... especially grandmothers, may have a heart attack attack, because they drink and eat here only from
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porcelain. mom elena does not allow the sets to gather dust in the closet, which is full of dishes. my passion for collecting began with my mother’s memories of one of my grandmother’s sets. while we were looking, naturally, in all sorts of stores and market places, it turned out that i really liked a certain shape. in the end, 160 copies of cups were collected, of course i found the service in the end, but i acquired a whole wealth along with this service. the hostess even puts some of the items in the microwave, and after the feast, washes it in the car. such procedures would be fatal for old porcelain, but for some types of modern porcelain they are not dangerous due to the peculiarities of paint application. based on st. petersburg production. even by empress elizabeth, they explained everything to us,
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if you can’t feel the even paint on the glaze, you run your hand and stroke it, you can’t feel the paint, it means the paint is inside the glaze, these products can be washed in the dishwasher in the microwave, but these must be burnt-in paints, that’s if the design is gold , it is usually applied last, the shiny decor lies on top of the glaze, it should not be exposed to microwaves at high temperatures and chemicals in the dishwasher. such decorations are often found on premium sets, for example, in the store of a factory that made porcelain for emperors; such a set is sold for 1,700,000 rubles. and this is not the end. at the same production facility, we met an artist who painted a vase that cost the equivalent of a small apartment. irina mironova spent 3 months creating a copy of fyodor alekseev’s painting in the form kazan cathedral in st. petersburg. currently finishing work on zolo


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