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tv   Svoya igra  NTV  April 14, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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what we mean is that they won’t be worth their weight in gold, it will be massive, it will be like gold, everything changes, because my children and grandchildren ask alice a question, she answers them, well guys, are you really in the eighties ? year to say the phrase, i’ll be in the forest, call me, i’m going to pick mushrooms, call me, why, everything changes to this...
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then i began to work so that they would love me, which artist do you think is worthy of will we cover your songs in the future? any artist who takes on my song, anyone singer, i will be grateful to him, because this is in any way a memory of me, this is in any way an appeal to me, the message is, yes, to the past to me, great minds turn to you and say: irina vitalievna, we are sending. a large space expedition to another galaxy, we will give you a certain amount of space on this ship, where we will place one of your songs, so that other civilizations can listen to you and somehow understand what happened on earth, how we lived, and so on further, what kind of song will it be, what kind of song, what prayer, which i sang in sopot, i i can’t say that i started with her, it wasn’t with her that my great success began, but much earlier, but she... and it’s very significant for me,
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perhaps, that let her be, call me love, call me to the ends of the earth, i will follow you with love, what kind of people, such stories, i am sergei mayorov. see you on ntv, happily, there was a business from scratch, it became as we dreamed of, every third business is developing with an ecosystem circuit, based on the real one. developments,
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hello, good afternoon, this is our own game, we continue our anniversary tournament.
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my birthday is on the sixteenth, myself god told me to try, suddenly there will be a gift, no, it’s not a pity, such an amazing story happened then at my game. kirill, tell me, is this story with the key? was it one try or many? it was one, and in my opinion the filming was already ending there, and it would seem, what is anyone doing here? in general, without any options, yes, well, it’s clear that the entire podium is open. well, let's hope that fortune hasn't turned its back on you. second gaming table: igor viktorovich mokin, translator, synchronized interpreter from moscow. igor, you are the strongest player of the year. let me present you with this cup. here. he's yours. igor, you are perhaps the
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brightest debutant in the last 5 years. and your statistics are impressive: 14 games, of which. 12 won, tell me, which of the giants and mastadons of your game have you ever played against? i had the opportunity to play against yuri khashimov, against alexander liber, against evgeniy kolyukov, so perhaps i would call evgeniy the most difficult opponent. and finally, the third gaming table, which played great in 2005, alexander almaspaevich uspanov, it specialist from dolgoprudny.
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first round of topics: birds, finds, what to call you now, water towers, two
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poets and current in dots. igor, the choice is yours, please, birds for 300. auction right away. igor, a question for you, we play for par. at a northeastern university in the united states, these birds were trained to use a video calling system and communicate with each other over the internet. i'm guessing varon. wrong, we are talking about parrots. igor, play. current for 300. in valentin kotaev’s fairy tale it is he. had to fly through the west to the east, fly, fly petal, exactly, current 400. the second part of the name of this device for heating at high pressure is translated as constipation, valve. autoclave, autoclave, that's right. current 200.
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this is a field of medicine that studies toxic substances and their mechanisms of action. toxicology. the kusbas state philharmonic society bears the name of this legendary bass; he was born on the territory of what is now the kemerovo region. this is boris shtokolov. you're right? it’s over 100. it officially became the capital only in 1634.
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you will not lose anything, uralsip bank notes thirty-fifth anniversary and represents a profit card with a high percentage on the balance with cashback of up to 3% on purchases. order a profit card online and it will be delivered to you free of charge the next day. here’s a question: not seven dozen and a half, an old friend would have given it to you, can i give you, forgive me, from two to about five? wrote samuel marshak, congratulating him on his anniversary. i think it's chukovsky's carnea. absolutely true. igor, choose. finds for 400. in 2021, behind the iconostasis of a temple in the kursk region, an official letter was found,
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where this emperor announced the death of grand duchess elizaveta mikhailovna, daughter of mikhail pavlovich and granddaughter of paul i. this is nicholas i, that is, she was nicholas’s niece, apparently, the letter was hidden after the revolution, two poets 400. one day on a walk he argued with anatoly naiman about the loneliness of the creator, the argument escalated into a fight in one of the leningrad courtyards. brodsky. absolutely true. two poets 200. the victorian poet edward fitz gerald, who studied persian literature at cambridge, introduced europe to this great fellow peru. no, this is not ferdowsi with omar khayyam, that’s right, he translated the rubaiyat of amar
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khayyam, birds for 500, please, for their relatively large size and disgusting taste of meat, this bird is also called the great grebe, plague, that’s right, 400 birds, these white cranes in yakutia they are considered sacred, for my type it is... cranes, no, siberian cranes, absolutely right, these are siberian cranes, birds 100, according to popular belief, if the birds began to build nests in a sunny country, the summer will be just like that, cold, you are right, for pressure tower 300, in 1996 in the brazilian city of varginha. supposedly they saw exactly them, so they built a water tower of the appropriate
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type. aliens, are you right? water tower 400. in 1996 , a brutalist water tower was built in the suburbs of south africa's largest city. johannesburg. bravo! water tower 200. water tower. clayland, florida, decorated with a huge steel cake, they are unforgotten. there are 10 of them on the cake. candles? absolutely right, kirill, they were installed in honor of the tenth anniversary of the confectionery factory, which served by the tower. water tower 100. this is what is installed at the top of the former water tower in lüneburg, germany, to the delight of tourists. observation deck. you to the right tower 500 you get the auction
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minus 100 from alexander 3.00 from kiril 1.100 from you igor bid laban. kirill, what do you think? i'll tell you. we play with igor. the first successful project of the dane jor on udzana was the svaneke water tower on the island. but it was this building on the other side of the globe that made him famous, this building of the sydney opera house, magnificent, two poets 500, please, what kind of geniuses, what kind of sacred fire, that i, in comparison with him, admired pushkin when they met in 1826, later the paths of the poets diverged, but after the death of the gun. he published a heartfelt obituary abroad. adam mickiewicz. bravo. finds 300.
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3 years ago, swedish cartographer thomas carlson, while exploring one of the local forests, accidentally found a treasure right on the surface of the earth, 2,500 years old, dating back to this era of human development. iron age? no. let bronze, right, alexander, two poets 100. regretting this circumstance, petrarch wrote: homer is as mute to me as i am deaf to him. he didn't know ancient greek. you're right? what should we call you now? 400?
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the church that levitan wrote has not survived. finds 200. in 2022, biologists from the university of california at... berkeley found on the island of moorea, near tahiti, about 200 new species of these representatives of wildlife, insects, no, butterflies, no, i won’t risk it, mushrooms, finds 100. the year before last, in this european
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country, about 500 megaliths were found in the province of huelva. the find is several years old thousands of years has already been dubbed the new stonehenge, in spain, right, what to call you now 300. in september 2023, at the g20 summit , dinner invitations only mentioned bharat, and not this much more famous name of the country. india, you are right, bharad is the self-name of india. in hindi, what should we call you now 500, this is the first part of the name of the sons of elon musk and the singer grimes, according to his mother, it simply means a mathematical variable, nothing more, x, absolutely right, full name x sh a 12, finds for 500, please, you gets the cat
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in the bag, alexander? focus on the screen, the portrait of a man created by jan vaneyk in 1433 is considered by many art critics to be a self-portrait, but what decorated the head of the hero of the picture? i believe this is number four hat. let's check. this is a turban. what should we call you now 200? the heroine of the musical, based on the songs of this group, received the names alice, christina, arina. abba? no.
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secret. secret, absolutely true. and what should we call you now for 100? no, gagarin himself chose, this was the last question of the first round, and i’m summing it up, what’s the score? alexandra, 2.300 for igor, 3.700 for kiril, the second round is ahead. ural simp is a bank for business, and we work. according to the principle of all or nothing, everything for entrepreneurs and nothing extra, we give free service for 3 months when opening an account for a business, ural sip bank, nothing extra. enterrasgel in a new convenient package, in nature, at work, in a restaurant, on an airplane,
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is always at hand now, enterl’s faithful friend in case of poisoning. on ntv. the boy's word: blood on the asphalt is the most anticipated premiere of the year. tomorrow at 23:00. my back gets tired on my feet all day. because of my work, i lead a sedentary lifestyle. sports on a daily basis, but how to protect your joints? thanks to its special triple helix collagen, artneo helps support joint health. artneo - just
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one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine. for 37 years, dasherak has been cooking. the two components of phosphagliv help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph. now there are 96 capsules in an economical package. the boy's word. blood on the asphalt. the most anticipated premiere of the year. tomorrow at 23:00. to be healthy and strong, like the first cosmonauts, is now not just a childhood
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dream, but a real possibility for an adult man. we are proud to present to you the device: apollo soyuz. physiotherapy office in your home. this improved development of russian scientists is intended for drug-free treatment of sexual dysfunction in men caused by vascular and neurogenic diseases. disorders. soyuz-apolon was created to relieve inflammation, cleanse and tone blood vessels improve metabolism. the combination of vacuum massage and alternating magnetic field helps reduce pain, improve the health of cells and blood vessels, and the pelvic organs. please note that these are technological achievements of soviet designers, because the main operating principles of the soyuz apollo apparatus were developed back in the soviet union, specifically for the rehabilitation of our cosmonauts. 800-100 exactly. 8 800 100 exactly 14 18 call free anonymous 8800 100 exactly 14 18 800 100 exactly 14 18
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are embarrassed to discuss your problem with outsiders, you don’t want to be disappointed anymore, you’re tired of running to the toilet and experiencing serious discomfort, we present a device that combines proven technologies with a modern approach: physiotherapy is yours. at home is always available and easy to use. apollo union promotes cell regeneration and accelerates metabolism. with the soyuz sapolon device you will see the prospects that every man deserves. persistent erection, regular sex life, healthy prostate - these are the main goals of physical therapy at home. give yourself a gift confidence, cheerfulness and bring back the pleasures of youth. 8800 exactly 14 18. 8800. exactly 14:18 call free anonymous mask: new season, today at 20:20 on ntv. hello
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guys, i came to get sewed up, i'm tired of being a jerk, boy, now with us, who's older? i, the boy’s word, have blood on the asphalt. you are now a boy, you are now from the street, there are enemies all around. tomorrow at 23:00. on ntvel in a new convenient package for poisoning, hangover, allergies, this is its own game, we are in the studio playing the second round, here are its topics: channels, around sports, an old topic, questions from the wild fabric of the north, question,
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the role of such a pioneer camp worker i played twice in the films oh, it’s nastya , breakfast on the grass, which one? in 1977, in this film by vladimir gramatikova, i played my first significant film role, a night watchman in a kindergarten. what kind of movie was this? sat has nannies, that's right. sergei prokhanov for 600. after receiving my professional education, i was accepted into the troupe of this theater, where faina ranevskaya, raceslav plyat, vera moretskaya and many others then shone,
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name this theater. this is the mossovet theater. questions from sergei prokhanov for 800. i was the creator of this theater, which opened on february 14, 1993. in golf, the height of the grass can be very different, but it is always located on a special green with short-cut
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grass. hole, you are right, please, old topic 800. on the territory of the old archaean historical reserve, people lived back in the 6th century bc. the old archaean is one of the attractions of this country. romania, no. moldova. right. around sports for 400. in in 2019, they were admitted for the first time.
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fabrics for 800, please, in the 16-17th century from altabas, varieties of this fabric in russia were sewn for ceremonial clothes for kings and church hierarchs, brocade, a type of brocade, that’s right, in front of you is alexey mikhailovich, around the sport 200. among the disciplines of this sport there is dome acrobatics. parachuting, further, around the sport 800, this german cap is needed by adherents of contact sports, mouth guard, that’s right, in german, mouth guard, cap, cap, in the wild north 800, five were opened as part of this archipelago in 2019
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new islands, all on... comic songs in the far north, the iskimos ran after this prey, and when they caught it, they loaded it onto a borzha, absolutely right, don’t remember how it was there, no, i don’t remember, in the north the eskimos ran, the eskimos ran for... this jack london used this expression more than once to describe northern landscapes; he even included the title of the whole story in the collection the way of the wolf. white silence, it’s true, there are thousands of sports around. this italian from south tyrol beat
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daniil medvedev in the final of the australian open this january. sinner, him surname, it seems, yannick is correct, in the wild north 200, bag code: 8300 for you, 3300 for igor, 2300 for alexander. alexandru. alexander, theme of the opera, rate? thousand. on the poster for the production of this famous opera, you can see, so to speak, the tying for... the main character madame butterfly, yes, absolutely right, we see butterflies in the upper right part of the image, channels 600. in modern turkmenistan, this canal, the construction of which began in 1954, officially called the river. karakum, absolutely right, karakum river. channels 400.v 1937 under this artery.
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immediately after this event, the french began to call the previous political regime the old order, after the great french revolution. that's right, igor.
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called noble pina. visson, bravo, fabrics worth a thousand. igor, you get the auction, 3,900 from alexander, 4,300 from you, 10,700 from kiril. rate, 3.900. 3.900. what do you say, kirill? 4.400. we play with kirill. this coarse cloth, according to the russian proverb, is not hard for anyone, if, of course, you have your own cloth. your own little heart is not a burden to anyone channels a thousand in the penultimate line of this the textbook poem mentions the icy ripples of the canal night lantern pharmacy true
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old theme 400 it is celebrated in some german-speaking cantons of switzerland where they bear the name. and the third round, it is a real pleasure to feel the taste of coffee. jardin colombia medelin, from selected arabica beans,
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which have revealed their aroma in the author's roasting, filled with colombian passion. pleasure to feel, genuine. jardin colombia medellin. this is not necessary. oh, old acquaintance, what kind of foiro, drove out the soldiers, call murin evgeniy, this one again murin, he’s a seasoned guy, he was in the war, trampled the zone, arseny robok returns, a smart guy in the city and takes up arms again, something like that? i expected from you to restore justice, the hero plays alone, i know people like him, hot spot, new season, soldier, stop it, i'll tell you everything, i ask again, who sent you, from tuesday at 20:00
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on ntv, mask - new season, today at 20:20 on ntv, who is always in a hurry to help, aim accurately. in muscles and joints, one of my friends endlessly sits on social networks, try it, because that the megaphone gives everyone unlimited access to social networks, and even unlimited video access to regular subscribers, connect the megapowers and there will be a jaga. open a deposit on to order food from a restaurant, use yandex go. products
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from the store. jandex. jandex. all deliveries in one application. choose your favorite brands on wildberries. get ready for summer with yourbox shoe brand. freshness we grow, collect and deliver fresh vegetables, mushrooms and herbs. freshness from garden to shelf at the speed of freshness only online magnet at bigfested hamburger for 39 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price. let's check your memory. remember in detail what you did 3 days ago. if the question seems difficult, the innovative drug naapt can help with memory problems. it helps improve cerebral blood circulation, restore memory and attention. the choice must be balanced, time-tested. i wanted my head to work. dream job in the office or at home, opportunities for career growth
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, a secure future, your place is already waiting for you among thousands of vacancies, join the team of one of the best employers in russia , tenki, one of my friends decided to relax where there is no connection, where can i go from this connection, hello, nowhere, lyusya, nowhere, because the begaphone can pick up even here, the megaphone is mobile operator number one in coverage and speed, word on blood on the asphalt, the most anticipated premiere of the year, tomorrow at 23:00. how to clean up your face and avoid cutting yourself? how about removing hairs from your nose and ears? liamax razer. three in one: cordless 4d rotary razor, beard trimmer nose ear trimmer. just change the attachments. three cutting heads, a metal mesh cover, a high-quality and safe shave, regardless of the direction of hair growth. a beard trimmer will get you in order. mustache, beard, edging and styling without visiting the hairdresser,
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the nose trimmer will carefully remove unwanted hairs in the nose and ears, call and order a three-in-one razor leamax razer for 1,999 rubles. but call us right now, the razor will be yours for only 1,699 rubles. and only today moisturizing aftershave lotion as a gift. liamax purchases. with a plus, call or order on our website dna, tomorrow at 17:50 on ntv. the tragedy of evgeny kungurov. this is a big loss. what brought the singer to the last line. this is the kind of pain that is simply impossible to bear. he found out that she cheated and he couldn’t change it in his head and couldn’t get over it. they sent him very far away and called him under the hatch, well
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, there was probably a reason, a reason where they hid the screen legend from prying eyes, they could have hired someone to look after her, that reconciled anna shukshinna with her mother maria shukshena, she called me and said that she needed my birth certificate, why do the stars of a reality show go out after the stop command has been removed? lyubezh sang quite often, they got used to it. popularity, often without representing anything, the stars aligned today immediately after the show, a mask on ntvel in a new convenient package in nature, at work, in a restaurant, on an airplane, always at hand - now, enterosel is a faithful friend for poisoning, hangover, allergies. this is our own game, we play it out
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third round, here are the topics of the third round: husband and wife, mysteries of the peoples of the world, trees, manuscripts, where is this street and pearls? alexander, start, where is this street 900? the pedestrian baumman street in this city starts from tuk square. how far to the walls of the kremlin? kazan. right. where is this 1200 street? by order of this leader , a wide avenue, viadelle impero, was laid over the excavations of the ancient imperial forums, destroying many archaeological values. mussolini. you're right? manuscript 900. in this capital you can see the work of an ancient doctor.
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century in constantinople and acquired a thousand years later for emperor rudolf habsburg prague no vienna correct manuscript 1200 bag code 7 400 you have 14200 from cyril 5400 from alexander. you know kirill then, kirill, the theme, all the work is good, the rate is one and a half good, a monument to this urban worker , installed in the center of stavrop.
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became the wife of this officer in 1921, and several decades later she was noted with the phrase: the presidency is not for long, but the family is forever. charles daigol. right. where is this 600 street? and again the auction. exactly 8,000 for igor. 5,400 from alexander, 16,600 from. igor - 6. kiril 7. igor. kirill. let's play. the waterlow road song by brits michael wilshaw and
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michael deighan is not nearly as famous as this remake by joe dunn. i guess. champs elysees, champs zalize. bravo! champs-élysées, that's right, shan zalize. manuscript 1500. this name is translated from armenian as a repository of manuscripts. matenadaran. matena daran. bravo! the scientific research book center in yerevan is truly a repository of manuscripts. husband and wife - 1.200 please. for the picture. in which she mourns the body of hector, jacques louis david received the title of academician of painting. andromache, that's right. trees for 900 please. this tree on the shore of lake teletskoye fell many years ago. the earth was washed away from its roots by rains, but the tree still clings to
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life, becoming the hallmark of the small village of yaylyu. pine is probably pine, absolutely true. the so-called bow pine. trees 1200. the platinum of the city pond was built on the river and the network in the year of the founding of yekaterinburg. the trunks of these trees were driven into the base of the dam. i'm guessing larch. right. where is this 1500 street? after this sad event, part of the gaton tunnel street in stockholm received a new name. after the murder.
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nicholas roerich. rimsky korshakov? exactly. 1500. a pig in a poke 18100 you have exactly 9,000 for alexander, 20,200 for igor, igor, igor,
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the theme is martian, the bet is 1,500 in 1991. i cooked food in mangoni, and it arrived here hot. the yakuts talk about them, they say there is someone whose body is mosquito-ridden. when they don’t bite, and the altaians look alive, but they’re all bad. it's about fish. pearl 600 please.
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there is a small museum of this religion in the buryad ulus zhemchug. buddhism, right. his wife roxana was a bactrian princess. article 51 of the russian constitution gives spouses the right not to testify against each other in court, exactly 600 trees were cut down by a vandal last year in northumberland in the north-east of england.
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300 manuscripts. the birat codex of the 6th century ad, kept in albania, contains the greek text of two of the four. what are we talking about? about the gospels? absolutely right, from mark and from matthew. mysteries of the peoples of the world 600. it is about the hawaiian riddle tells them, my double.
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well, apparently it will be 9700. 9700. alexander does not take part in the auction. kirill. kiril doesn't mind. igor, 9700. we play with you. philippine mystery. poor king david. he has a wound in his side. his ear is twisted. his stomach is churning. he talks about it to everyone. famous instrument, let it be a violin, this is
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the correct answer. igor, where it is street 300. glass street in this city got its name because it started from the imperial glass factory. there should be one in st. petersburg. right. this is y us. pearl 300. tiara of george ii. worn by all the queens of this country. among other things, the tiara is decorated with two rows of pearls. great britain. you're right? riddles of the peoples of the world over 300. the gagauz riddle underground is a black bucket about turnips, and the riddle about beets differs in only one word. that's exactly how there is a white bucket underground, no, a red, red bucket, absolutely right, well,
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let's sum it up after the third round: 9:300 for alexander, 19:300 for kirill, 33:200 for igor, the final round is ahead, it was all on its own, every third business develops with ecosystem outline, based on real developments. enteros gel in new convenient packaging. in nature, at work, in a restaurant, on an airplane, enterosel is always at hand now, a faithful friend for poisoning, hangover, allergies. he said, i’ll get her out, i’ll get her out, and then, then... that’s it. the doctor of the year, who decided who lives and who dies, is being tried in nizhny novgorod. personal business on government
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drugs. after another manipulation, he told me that they took me into the water. the man is in the right. today at 16:20 on ntv. hot spot, new season. from tuesday to 20:00 on ntv. what can negatively affect the liver? constant stress, unhealthy diet, ecology. this can lead to inflammation and destruction of liver cells. the two components of phosphoglyph help not only restore liver cells, but also fight
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the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph. now in economical packaging. 96 capsules of lime there will be no money with the zone card, now you can easily get up to 300,000 rubles for any purpose, spend it anywhere, and also withdraw cash. first payment only in a month, money always will be up to 300,000 rubles. for any purpose, get an ozone card and pay anywhere. choose your favorite brands at... wildberries are high quality, beautiful and stylish, a huge selection of shoes for all occasions, shoes or sandals for going out, or maybe sneakers for every day oha at competitive prices at wildberries, you have a uniform, you need it for baking , for squats, try it, like this, so, i liked the trial lesson, but save up for a subscription and a vtb savings
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account. divide by 24 months, conveniently repay, do shopping or getting rid of credit card debts is easy with kholva. hot spot, new season, from tuesday at 20:00 on ntv. is a pipe or radiator leaking? the leak damaged the roof; a small leak can grow into a big problem and cost tens of thousands to repair. enough? save money and nerves,
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order three-in-one fixpro liquid rubber from leamax. sealant, rubber glue in one bottle, quick elimination of cracks, seams and leaks, spray the spray on the surface, the elastic seal blocks access to moisture, closing any leaks, is not afraid of anything low or high temperatures, safe for people, animals, plants and works on almost any surface. call and order pro 3:1 from leamax, black, white or transparent, for only 999 rubles. but call us. right now order fixpro three in one at a super price of 399 rubles. leamax purchases with a plus. call or order on our website results of the week. today at 19:00 on ntv. hot spot, new season. are you planning to live until retirement? from tuesday at 20:00 on ntv.
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the drop is tempted. bcs is limitless, there are those who they boldly open it, relying on the support of experts, and strive further to get more. and we have something to offer them. bcs - the world of investments. we are playing the final round. business processes online to a new level. final round. holy aliases, outline is based on real developments. topics: naturalists, crowns, history of photography, scientists and brushes. alexander, remove any topic.
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the saints. igor. history of photography. the bets are in, the topic is considered, here's the question: for a novel where we are not, the classic of humorous fantasy mikhail uspensky invented many names of tribes similar to the slavic ones, there is strikachita. chi svechi and even veterinarians, a tribe of warriors who, out of caution, wore shields not only on their chests, but on their backs, received this name. time!
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time has expired, alexander's answer, turtles, that's wrong, bet is 9,000, thank you, alexander, kiril's answer.
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carefully 699 igor's answer correct answer bet 3. 200, well, let's sum it up, alexander, alas, you are dropping out of this tournament, igor, please accept congratulations, you take first place in our game today, you are definitely heading to the next round. kirill, your result also gives you the right to take part in the next round. well, congratulations to igor, he is the winner of our game today. dear friends, thank you very much for your attention, all the best, see you, bye.
4:00 pm
in a direct strike, iran launched missiles at israel from its territory for the first time. kurgan is preparing for the peak of the flood; the level of the tabul river is rising at a significant speed. on the anniversary of the american civil war , the film fall of an empire was released, about the new civil war, alexey veselovsky, about why the tape scared americans so much and angered both the left and the right. hello, you are watching news on ntv. in the studio egor kalyvanov. in the kurgan region, residents of more than twenty settlements were urged to evacuate due to flooding. water levels in tabul are forecast to rise to peak levels today.


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