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tv   Sledstvie veli  NTV  April 14, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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the fact that we brought a sick child, that our child had mantu done there, which does not affect anything at all, that our child had a heart threshold, which over the course of 3 years of checks with cardiologists we have never had it was observed that in none of these cases did the business owner, whose revenue for the company under rottenfeld’s management amounted to 165 million last year, consider it necessary to make simple changes, talk to...
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forward, but the conclusions may be very unexpected, we will tell you about them in the near future time on the pages of social networks, type pvp kunitsina in the telegram vkontakte search engine, as you see now on the screen, or point your smartphone camera at the qr code on the right side of it, you will be the first to know the news. andrey kunitsin was with you, see you in a week. right now leonid konevsky, the story of the wolf people and the case of the disappearance of the teacher, a terrible discovery in the well, and you love your swearing, and even an attack on the school, like who are you, for the first time on the screen, chilling.
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when we walk along the streets of our city, we sometimes we indifferently glance at the stands with the alarmingly screaming inscription: find a person. 88, volgograd region, that day a young man came to the police and said that yesterday his mother was sitting with her granddaughter at 22.30 went home and disappeared,
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the police officer advised the guy to wait 3 days, that’s how it’s supposed to be, they don’t start searching before, maybe her love, and you are disturbing her, the guy left, but an hour later he appeared again, laid out two objects in front of the duty officer, broken glasses and a woman's shoe, stated that he found them on the road, where she usually walked... mom, me walked her route, broken glasses do not cause alarm in themselves, sometimes people trip and simply drop glasses on the street, and even step on them themselves when they are looking for them, but a shoe, people do not lose shoes on the street, she drinks alcohol, not a drop , the findings clearly indicate that it happened to a person...
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a profession, but there is a special attitude towards doctors and teachers, yes, the teacher disappeared, this is how our story began, the history of the wolf people.
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volga detectives began searching for the missing elena dubinina. the son said that from his house she went to the bus stop, but before her, judging by everything, i didn’t get it. at this place , traces, glasses, of our victim, and a woman's shoe were found.
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the search continued, there was still hope that the teacher was alive, but after 3 days this hope was gone, 200 kilos, 8 rubles from you. dear, i work as a mathematics teacher, but i made a little mistake, 7 rubles 82 kopecks. i’m a high school teacher, but i wish i could do it right away.
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we are now at the intersection of lamota and friendship streets, these two wells are just behind me, in one of the wells they found the missing teacher, elena dubinina. cause of death: organ fracture
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neck. deep cuts were found on his legs. at least 12 hours passed between the disappearance and the murder. the deceased was without clothes, that is, someone attacked her on the street, dragged her somewhere, stripped her, kept her there for 12 hours, killed her, then hid her body in a well, the detectives understood that this was clearly not a robbery, more like an explosion of rage and jealousy , or an unbearable thirst for revenge, which means the killer is most likely an acquaintance... but who is the student? it is unlikely that elena mikhailovna taught in the lower grades, and the criminal was clearly mature and strong. the detectives were interested in the son the deceased, pavel, is the same one who reported
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his mother missing to the police. i found this on the road. somehow he kept twitching back and forth, he made a very bad impression on the operas. sergei babkin, 1988, senior investigator of the volgograd region prosecutor's office. pavel was 22 years old, but he had already started a family and a little daughter, he lived separately from his mother, but she often came to babysit her granddaughter and sent the young people to the cinema or to the dacha. this happened on that very day. i'm leaving, close the door.
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a version arose: maybe pavel followed his mother then they had a fight again, and he hit her, why in the end. would be 100%. i had to continue the investigation and look for new versions. at this time
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another emergency happened. no matter where our children live, no matter what nationality they belong to and no matter what social position their parents occupy, they all study in schools for free. comrades, children, behave more calmly, here , you see, this is not a circus arena, you see, this can be said, a temple of knowledge, is it really not clear, the director is the main person in the school, he notices everything, everyone owes him to be afraid, life was not always like this. so, who are you? i, sidorov, the second b. sidorov, sidorov, you’re running around like a squirrel in a wheel, but you could read a textbook. do you know that knowledge is power? of course i know, but i don’t have time. sidorov, don’t follow sidorov’s example, it’s clear, but who are you, why is an outsider at school, and i
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came as an outsider to get a job. in soviet schools for a long time there were no guards and nothing was lost, but in the late eighties they began to recruit night guards in some places, and i have a higher education, and why do i need a watchman? higher education, but how to solve crossford at work at night? in our history, such a person became a victim of a crime. vyacheslav chernov worked as an engineer, and for the sake of an extra penny for his family, he worked as a night watchman at school number 26 in the city of volzhsky. but one morning vyacheslav did not return home after his shift. the wife became worried, went for her husband and found him in a pool of blood at the door of the school principal's office.
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did the watchman himself let the murderers in? signs of a break-in were found in the building itself. many doors. apparently, vyacheslav stood up to defend the director’s office and died for this. the cause of death was stab wounds with heart damage. detectives.
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over the fingerprints and surprised, among them there are women, what did the woman do during the brutal crime, simply watched, directed or killed herself, they checked the fingerprints against the file of those previously convicted, no matches, the brutal murder at school number 26 was taken under special control. detectives spent days and nights at work, as the district prosecutor said, when such things are committed
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crimes, the labor code is repealed. gennady bondarenko, in 1988, head of the rvd of the industrial district of the city of volzhsky. and soon we managed to find a tenuous connection. recently, teacher elena dubinina was killed. then the school guard who defended the principal's office died. then the detectives did not yet know that soon grief would come to the family of another teacher. the murder of a drunkard, this is just foam, this is a deception, and the young big man, you, my dear friend, acceler, who deals with school employees, really
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students, i sidorov, second b, and a new twist in a complicated matter. came from a residential apartment, predators, an action-packed detective story from the investigative series conducted with leonid konevsky, legs, i'm leaving, i'm leaving, go, get out of here, soldier, continued in a few minutes on ntv. well, magnitogorsk, are you ready, ready to melt the ice, ready to become the best in, ahem, ready to take what’s yours? playoffs fort of the khl championship in the game there were only the best calcium detrinic for healthy hair, nails and teeth beauty 500 cfd men it was a dump of the head of the butterfly towers could and watercolors summer.
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extragel that we bring from trips with avito, cashback bonuses for the next trip, avito travel, everything will go as booked, with cashback, bonuses, heaviness, pain and swelling - these could be symptoms of varicose veins. the course of phlebodie 600 promotes the treatment of varicose veins. plyubodie 600 for freedom of your feet. are you from here? i say, of course, from here. grandfather, do you
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prefer fishing or tinkering? receive your pension from postal banks, of course. after all, there are benefits there, transfer your pension to the post office bank and get 2,000 rubles and a chance to win a car each month, and this is for you, get a profitable pension, mail in a jar at bigfest, a hamburger for 39 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price, the plan is this, i’ll build a ship, a flying ship, what kind of life started for you then. i don't have to experience irritability and mood swings; i take tennoten during the day. tenaten does not cause drowsiness, helps cope with anxiety, do not be captured by anxiety, take tennaten during the day. a plate for only 49 rubles 50 kopecks. fix price for
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everything low price. yandex tv station pro. culet screen with anti-glare coating. tires can be found conveniently and quickly, there is a search by car brand, and there is complividity to support
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health, performance and well -being. complivit is a vitamin and mineral complex of 21 components each. at night, her heart would pound, then suddenly freeze in her chest, had she really fallen in love, she didn’t know that an increased rhythm or a sinking heart at rest were signs of cardiovascular disease, just get a medical examination for free. dna, tomorrow at 17:50 on ntv. confidence and strength, that's how she is. wants to see you brutal, reliable, stylish, like a set of hermes men's accessories from leamax, a voluminous cross and a chain of armored weaving, a massive hermes cross, jewelry. steel, noble shine and a spectacular, voluminous design, three crosses in one, a powerful cross ideally combined with an armored weave chain, the color of real gold,
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a durable lock and reliable links, hermes jewelry is self-confidence and an integral part of a successful male image. a set of hermes jewelry is a worthy gift for a real man. set price - 2.499 rub. but call. us right now, and you can buy it for only 1,999 rubles. but that’s not all, everyone who orders a set will receive a hermes bracelet as a gift. leamax, purchases with a plus. mask. new season, today at 20:20 on ntv. it’s 88, a teacher disappears in the city of volsky. happened to a man. trouble, her body is found in a sewer, soon there is an attack on the school, the night watchman dies, a version arises:
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bloody killers are operating in the city, their target is school employees, why are strangers at the school, but who criminals, adults or children? sidorov, second b. in the ussr, women mastered a wide variety of professions: they drove trolleybuses, worked as crane operators, served in the police, but some occupations caused unhealthy gossip, for example, being a fashion model, or rather a clothing demonstrator. ish, so overdressed,
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the older generation condemned this, many believed, she walks along the catwalk in front of admiring men, expect a moral decline, horror, here is another profession with a dubious aura. model, shame, shame, but he’s an artist, he’s a man, it’s logical, although often turshis were painted in clothes, come on, soldier, move, please, please, people valued the profession of janitors, in soviet times they were called with respect, the mistress of the yard, the janitors got up at dawn and... put the territory in order, legs, i ’m leaving, i’m leaving, go, get out of here, soldier, in our history a woman of exactly this
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profession appeared, that morning the janitor aunt zoya went out to clean early, first of all she went to the local pub, it was located on nichaev street and was the only joy of many men nearby district. from there was only one type of beer. and suddenly aunt zoya was dumbfounded; in front of her lay a young guy in a pool of blood. death occurred from fifteen stab wounds; the ring finger was amputated for an unknown purpose. a wedding ring is usually worn on the ring finger of the right hand. did a criminal really brutally kill a man because of a ring? in my pocket i found a pass to the local bearing factory.
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the deceased's name was vladimir golubov. he left behind a wife and two small children. another important detail: vladimir was the son of a physical education teacher from a local school. what is this? is it a coincidence or is it ongoing? a series of bloody massacres associated with schools, first the murder of teacher elena dubinina, who was found in a drainage well, then the guard of school number 26 was killed, and now her son, a physical education teacher, was stabbed to death. the corpse lay spread out on the ground, the jacket was blue, lying on the roof of the beer kiosk. and an important detail: the school guard has 15 stab wounds, vladimir goluby has the same number. in terms of the number of knives stored, the same. connects, maybe
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this is the work of the same psychopath or the whole group? we had an idea to check who was registered as a psychopath there, the dispensary, the detectives took on local drunkards, alcoholics from tunisia, those who spend their days and nights at similar beer outlets, perhaps someone saw or heard something, but.. . in response , silence, and not just silence, such silence that the murder was committed by some alien, no one saw, no one heard, no one knows anything, what it means, the killer is invisible, or everyone knows and is afraid of him, an operational matter. took six thick volumes, but in the end detectives found an important witness. well,
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neighbor, we’re out of breath, of course, until i come down from your fifth floor, like, i’m the one who plays sports, and what’s good about your first floor, there’s not even a balcony, oh, why do i need a balcony, i have a balcony all over the yard, balconies were created so that people could breathe fresh air; balconies were not built on the ground floor; it was faster to go outside. and it’s not much joy when every passerby can look into your home, but it’s easy to steal something interesting from your apartment, especially in the summer, when the windows open, it’s true, recently someone ’s favorite geranium was stolen along with a pot, oh, sorry, i forgot to say, i just didn’t steal it, i took it for a while, you gave it to your wife, but it turned out that she is allergic to your geranium, so that i’ll return it tomorrow,
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they didn’t put bars on the first floors of soviet... apartments, but why? did people keep their keys under the rug? well , look, you won’t return it, i’ll watch you and tell everyone all the details about you. residents of the first floors always knew everything about their neighbors, this played an important role in our history. investigators found a witness who lived on the ground floor of the house, next to the fatal pub. the girl's name was inga, she gave an explanation that - at night, she was communicating with a certain novel. that night the girl was already sleeping, suddenly there was a knock on the window. and it was me who came back, took a closer look , and recognized romka snegerev from the neighboring house. he actively courted her 2 years ago, and
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even she liked him. and then he was imprisoned for some hooligan prank. inga nevertheless opened the window and found that romka was very happy and pretty drunk. we celebrated there with the guys, sorry. romka asked if there was does she have a boyfriend or is she still single? quiet, parents wake up. inga sent romanan to bed, promised to meet during the day, then. something very strange happened, and so she began to walk away and heard a wheezing, listened, nothing, decided, it seemed like it, and in the morning she found out that a man had been killed nearby, and just at the moment when romka walked away from her window, could it really be him? murderer? the detectives began
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talking to the guy, he didn’t deny anything, he said: yes, we drank, yes, i remember this, i don’t remember that, they showed photographs of the murdered man, and romka suddenly said, maybe i killed, i don’t remember anything, admitted that he committed the murder and was arrested, accordingly, roman snegirev was checked for involvement in the murder of teacher elena dubinina, from the guard of school number 26. but he had an alibi for these episodes. an important detail: at the scene of the murder of the watchman, women’s fingerprints were also found, that is, there were at least two criminals, and snegerev was completely alone. and then another emergency struck volzhsk. mask, new
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season, today in 2020. there is so much to do, we can handle it, because i have a compliment, everything one tablet daily to support health, performance and well-being. vitamin-mineral complex of 21 components, 11 vitamins, eight minerals, rutin, lipoic acid, complete every day at an affordable price, there will be no money for lime, there will be money with a card, now you can easily get up to 300,000 rubles for any purpose, spend them anywhere, and also withdraw cash, the first payment is only in a month, the money will always be up to 300,000 rubles for any purpose, get an ozone card and pay anywhere, anywhere appetite, only dad will reduce it, sausages, dad, maybe all the ways are good, when
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you want barbecue bacon, with beefsteak, instant cheese, bacon and smoky sauces and barbecue, what are you ready for, in fix price stores, a children's creativity set for only 87 rubles , easter candle for only 199 rubles, decorative. garland for only 174 rubles 50 kopecks. fix price for everything - low price. on easter , russian lotto brings people together. and when we are together, our help is greater. in the easter charity draw , 10 rubles from each ticket sold. will be listed for works of mercy. we'll be giving away thousands of cash prizes. every second ticket wins. lotto. amylat gay acts precisely at the source of pain. the exact solution is free movement. you're from here. i say, of course, from here, grandpa, but you like fishing or tinkering more, receive your pension from postal banks, of course, because there are benefits there, transfer your pension to the postal bank and get 2,000 rubles and a chance to win a car every month, and this is for you , receive
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a profitable pension, mail banks, the boy’s word, blood on the asphalt, the most anticipated premiere years, tomorrow at 23:00 woman. intuitively senses whether you have what she needs? one glance is enough! real masculine energy drives you crazy, attracts and attracts like a magnet. tankatali premium is a natural remedy for men that gives bright and unforgettable sensations. maximum. sexual energy, maximum confidence, maximum endurance, the strength of a man is the ability to subtly feel subtle signals, give confidence and awaken passion
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premium tank now for free. find out how by phone. 8800 2009 456. all conversations are confidential. hot spot. new season. from tuesday at 20:00. on ntv. compared to teenagers of previous generations, our children have become taller, heavier, wider, all at an accelerated pace. tax. oh okay, that's it good place. well, young man, we must serve science. stand up straight, straighten up. no, no, you can breathe. and i’ll ask you, colleague, to guide you. measurement 2 m 3 cm, phenomenal, and how old are you, boy? 15, 15, you, my dear friend,
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accelerator, since the fifties, soviet scientists have been accelerating children, the younger generation has grown by leaps and bounds, the onset of the century has been marked by acceleration.
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three, a large guy is clearly an accelerator, there are two more with him, a small, thin guy and a fragile girl, volgograd, sit down, suddenly a trio started to insist, we won’t go, we were stunned, the short one refused to go, tried to hold the girl, but the giant dragged her along with him, maybe we won’t go, let’s go, i said, the short one stayed, and the other two went on the road. on the outskirts of the city, the accelerator asked to slow down. somov obeyed and did not sense the danger. and i say the moment i stopped, i felt a burning sensation in my side. i raise brok and look, i have a knife here. the man pulled out the knife and the thug jumped out of the car along with the girl. bleeding nikola.
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several days passed, suddenly in his office an operative from a neighboring department who dealt with car thefts ran into sergei druzin with such hot eyes and shouted: go seryoga, look at what he wrote there, who wrote what? the colleague quickly brought things up to date. it turns out that a call was received about the theft of a moped. the group left and quickly apprehended the thief. and didn’t hide, stopped literally in the next yard and
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bragged to his friends, i’ll give everyone a ride, the detectives detained the unlucky car thief, it turned out he was only 16 years old, despite his enormous size, his name is vasya akulov, and he’s as naive as a child, uncle, they write to me about everything, of course, they write about everything, well, uncle vitya was thinking about all the mopeds and bicycles that he stole, then from the basement, then... cut him off finger, and i also killed the watchman at school, and i also like to play the accordion, at that moment the entire district police department was excited, which of this is true? that naive inventions, it turned out
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that everything is true, before it bursts into music, makes us sad or starts dancing, fearful voices pass the exam, oh, once and again, the legs themselves start dancing, and the money, oh, you, however, are a mercantile
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talent, okay, get your fifty dollars, in any soviet music school they taught you to play the button accordion, so many boys were excellent at playing the instrument, this played a role in our history, vasya akulov’s relatives were sincerely confident, they have a wonderful child growing up, studying at a vocational school, getting a decent working profession, graduating from a music school and playing the bayan perfectly. what should you play, granny, my beloved, vasenka, mother and... grandmother couldn’t get enough of what a talented boy, he lived in one of the microdistricts nearby, together with his grandmother, mother and sister, however, from time to time vasya behaved strangely, suddenly
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going somewhere at night and disappearing, but his grandmother and mother were not afraid for him, who would dare to offend such a large guy? yes, i’ll offend anyone myself, what a joker! the relatives thought that vasenka most likely got a girlfriend, it’s too early, of course, but what can you do, acceleration? akulov really got himself a girlfriend, and someone else’s wife, and you sit here, understand? the svestunovs met the teenager by chance, and they themselves they were not happy about this, but they were terribly afraid to object to him, they are unquestioning. they obeyed, even though they were 5-6 years older than him, unquestioningly. vasya akulov was terrible in anger and absolutely unpredictable, you breathe too loudly, i’ll poke you with a knife now, understand? understood? at first, vasya intimidated only the svestunovs, but then he decided to show
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his strength to the others, to anyone he met on the night street. the watchman vyacheslav was the first to come across. he was opening the door to the school when a sixteen-year-old giant rose behind him and pushed the guard inside. they inflict on him several stabs with a knife in the chest and neck area. olga svestunova watched the brutal murder with horror. vasya forced her to go with him, she even tried to press the blood from the wounds with some kind of rag. so we stayed at school. bloody fingerprints not only of the killer, but also of an unwitting witness. the next was vladimir golubov, he was returning home from the night shift and caught the eye of verzily, who attacked without hesitation.
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it was at this time that the drunken romko snegerev turned the corner and walked a few steps away from the lying man. i didn't notice anything, but later ended up in jail on suspicion of this murder. i don't remember anything. finally, the real killer had to go to jail, but forensic psychiatrists decided that akulov was not sane, and he belonged in a mental hospital. vasya willingly described all his adventures, but he categorically denied the murder of the teacher. i didn't touch this aunt. and indeed, on the night of cancer, verzila was with his grandmother and mother. neighbors also confirmed the information. they heard vasya playing the bayan late at night. just at the moment when elena disappeared dubinina. it turned out that the teacher’s killer
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was still at large. the detectives again began to walk around the entire area, and after a while. lucky, they found the most important witness, he reported that he had observed a strange picture, saw a man carrying a woman over his shoulder, he still stopped, asked what he was saying, she went overboard after the holiday, he muttered something and went on his way, the man even pointed out the house, where the gloomy fellow went with the woman on his shoulder, 79 mira street, there are at least 200 apartments in the building, how to determine which one the killer has escaped, you can try to calculate, perhaps there are tenants with a criminal record, everyone works, everyone has normal families, you won’t
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search every apartment, this will take several months, door-to-door visits are one of the most important. despite its apparent simplicity, it requires performers not only to be conscientious, but also to be able to get people talking during a survey. yes, he was carrying a woman. we managed to find a resident of the house who saw a man, a woman on his shoulder, but did not notice which entrance he entered. i remember the door slammed. operational ingenuity worked, detectives set up an experiment. they placed a witness in the yard. and began slamming the entrance doors. it turned out that everyone sounds different, the witness remembered: this is the door to this house. here in this entrance, it’s our third, he made his sacrifice, the list of suspects was shortened,
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the families were immediately dismissed, i say, look, look for who lives, well, let’s say, alone, an apartment with one tenant was found on the fourth floor, and its owner was a woman who was in the hospital at that moment; was she really involved in the brutal murder? the detectives decided conduct a search in her apartment. strange tracks. blood in my bathtub, a clever lie? or is there a cruel puppeteer? didn’t you smell the beast, a series of brutal crimes? and it becomes secret. obviously, they are wolves, you know, predators, a film from the series, the investigation was carried out with
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leonid konevsky, the woman who was his mistress is amazing, the denouement is a few minutes later on ntv. watch the zenit spartak russian football cup match on april 17. it's 6 pm today, on ntv, there's a big crowd. real boys, the authority of sofu, who has five moves and 16 years in the zone, scored the arrow of the main boys of the country, boys, you have no price, for the first time the junior adidas will answer for the market, you are now a boy, coat, either you or you, turbo, dear brother, from another mother, winter, we will make of yourself a beautiful swan, yes, there is experience, experience versus youth, okay, okay, let's go. authority versus boys. he who is not with us is against us. whoever doesn’t come is not a kid.
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and good quickly, we’re at sovcombank. welder of the sixth category georgy petrovich was distinguished by iron discipline, respect for petrovich grew, and half-polyps grew, for 30 years he had not i’ve never been late for a shift, i’m late because intestinal cancer is growing birdmen, guys, get a medical examination, free of charge, health is important here now. mask, new season, today at 20:20 on ntv. is a pipe or battery leaking? a branch has damaged the roof, a small leak can grow into a big problem and cost tens of thousands for repairs, that’s enough, save money and nerves, order liquid rubber fixpro three in one from liamax sealant rubber and glue in one bottle, quick elimination of cracks, seams and leaks , spray spray on the surface, an elastic seal blocks access to moisture, closing any
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leaks, is not afraid of either low or high temperatures, from tuesday at 20:00 on ntv. eighty- eighth year, volgograd region. detectives are investigating a series of crimes. history of people in volkov. two murders are solved. they were committed by a psychopathic youth. i'm going to poke you with a knife now, okay? but who killed the teacher?
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i didn't touch this aunt. he finds a witness who noticed an unknown person with the body of a woman on his shoulder. the building has at least 200 apartments. not good the apartment is installed. oh, it's a door, but there's a lonely woman living inside it. is it really a false trail again? the owner of a suspicious apartment. a decent woman, a divorced accountant, detectives came to her hospital. vera was outraged, why inspect my apartment? i had to explain, perhaps teacher elena dubinina was killed in your apartment. do you understand what you are saying?
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it was not possible to come to an agreement with the obstinate owner, but a search warrant had already been obtained. the detectives went to the address, the door was closed, no one was there, i told the cooperative members, go to the housing, call the locksmith, they opened the door, everything is clean and tidy inside, have you really made a mistake, i tell the locksmith, lift it into the bathtub, what are we going to break, i say, they gave you the command, lift it into the bathtub. the siphon and part of the drain pipe were urgently sent to experts, and professional intuition did not disappoint. forensic experts found there traces of blood of the same second group as that of the deceased teacher. the owner of the apartment had blood type o. the results of the search shocked faith. blood, my bath.
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attempted murder of a woman, recently got free, took a naive mistress, vera isaenka lied to her that he had just returned from a drilling rig in the arctic, i missed ... women, my brutal temperament demanded an immediate release, and my mistress liked it, but vera turned out to be painful, she was often in the hospital, belyaev endured nights without a woman hard, mostly drank, and one day he could not stand it, went outside, saw elena dubinina, she was walking to the bus stop, he ... hit her, she lost consciousness, he put her on his shoulder, dragged her to his home , committed rape at home, later stunned
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the teacher came to her senses, realized what had been done to her, and the satisfied rapist was already sleeping soundly, then she made a fatal mistake, began to shake the sleeping criminal and threaten, i’ll go to the police right away, he breaks her gartan with the edge of his palm, it creaked, belyaev dragged the victim into the bathroom, completely strangled him there, wanted to dismember him, but it didn’t work out, then at night he dragged him out in a bag and threw him into a well, the camp wolf revealed himself in full. their disgusting beauty, they are wolves, you see, they dragged a sheep into their teeth, the killer was calm in court, he hoped that once confessed to everyone, the sentence would be short, then
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the victim herself provoked him to murder, but the court had a different opinion, belyaev was sentenced to death. the request for pardon was rejected and the sentence was carried out. a fair sentence for a man who has turned into a primitive beast. the woman who was his mistress is amazing. usually the female nature feels everything without words, has it really not sensed the beast? the second serial killer from this story, teenager akulov, did not leave the mental hospital, and died there a few years later from a serious illness. diseases. another hero of our story, roman
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snegerev, forever gave up drinking, which almost sent him to jail. he married the girl who lived on the first floor, they are now raising children somewhere in volzhsky. however, this is already quite. history according to operational data, the crime boss sofa, aka repeat offender ilsur gadelshin, five convictions, 16 years from the sitka, now in a bind, scored the arrow of a new, unorganized group of stars of the loudest super-series of the season. the boys coat, aka andrey, aka actor leon, accepted the challenge to authority kemstach, turbo, aka, valera, aka,


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