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tv   Nash kosmos  NTV  April 15, 2024 2:45am-4:50am MSK

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she needed their advice, needed their attention, what exactly did she need their attention, maybe she didn’t receive it, 2021 there was hope for reconciliation in the star family. svetlana afanasyevna and alexey finally realized that they need to be closer to each other, in every sense. regarding the family and all these ups and downs, i’ll say right away that, of course , any family can have some problematic moments and segments in its history, well, this is all passing.
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says ilya, he says, it would be nice if you accompanied me to penza to see the younger one to brother oleg, i say, why svetlana afanasyevna, you have olga, you have masha, you have a great-grandson who adores you, also vladimir ivashov in honor of his great-grandfather, yes, she says: “you know, here after all, they’re not my people in spirit, you know, what’s happening to her is affecting her health.”
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there are some small benefits and they may not be given, so all this lies on the shoulders of the children, so the fact that she has a very bad old age, an unsuccessful, unhappy old age, i think it’s the son’s fault, but this is my personal opinion, you understand, this is how i judge, ana is a wonderful family, she has a wonderful daughter-in-law, olga, son, granddaughter maria, absolutely wonderful, they never turned away from her, never, it’s all you... this doesn’t happen, she has wonderful relatives, she is completely under their wing; many still envy the actress’s unbending character, her willpower and desire to live to the fullest despite her age. svetlana svetlichnaya will forever remain in the hearts of viewers as a bright diamond of soviet cinema. and... one of the symbols of the era
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great directors and great artists. ivan fedotov was with you, see you in a new, exciting series based on real events. half a century ago, the world became different, man broke out of the pred'. century did not bring humanity a greater sense of unity than the first flight to the stars, this is how the era of space began, and we were, are and will be pioneers in it, this is our space, all station systems are working normally, the third minute of landing, after 3 minutes touching the surface.
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four minutes into landing, communication is lost, we are trying to restore communication. connect me with ustinov. tesh marshal, hello, this is a private, untrained babakin speaking. the station is lost. on july 20, 1969, the question was decided: which of the two superpowers would win the final round of the great space race of the sixties . the soviet union was the first to launch an artificial satellite, the first to launch a man into space. and the soviet cosmonaut was the first to go into outer space. america's last chance to compensate for these defeats was to land a man on the earth's only natural satellite. the states spared no effort or money. the soviet union, however, without publicly announcing it, was also preparing manned flights to
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the moon. and he did everything to get ahead of his ideological competitor here too. of course, politics played the main role here, but behind the façade of an attempt to get ahead of an ideological competitor... it will fall apart, as it happened before, i ’ll smear it all over your wall, and if the rocket doesn’t fly, well, that means someone’s heads will fly, whose heads, well
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, if the rocket will explode, that means the lid is on my head, and if the return vehicle fails, that means a heart attack, the funeral is guaranteed for me, georgiy babakin was called a soldier of space. according to the recollections of his relatives, he did not return from work before 9 pm, and when he finally found himself at home, he sat on the phone until late at night. he didn’t feel sorry for himself, he only rested in a sanatorium in the south once, and then from there he rushed off to evpatoria, to the center of space communications, and burned the candle at both ends, as colleagues said about the chief designer. in july 1969, smoke stood like a rock in his office. georgy nikolayevich practically did not let the cigarette out of his mouth, it was at stake. everything, personal career, and what happened disproportionately great for the designers babakin and chelomey, the honor of the soviet country, at the last decisive stage of the grueling lunar race, it was the finale, well, the beginning,
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the country celebrated 1965 in a state of cosmic euphoria and the best people of the country came to the new year, after alexei leonov’s spacewalk, the leadership of the ussr seemed undeniable. the proposal made by larisa mondrus, in the song “my dear dreamer,” to meet her beloved not under the moon, on the moon, no longer seemed poetic metaphor. but rather it seemed quite possible and even expected event. there was no doubt, a little more, and the foot of a soviet man would leave a mark in the lunar dust. of course, we are used to what we always do.
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in greenhouses among the dead rocks, man will lead the improvement of the wild planet on a broad front. soviet film director, correspondence teacher of lucas and kubrick pavel klushantsev, in the year of the first soviet cosmonaut's spacewalk, released the film "moon". it demonstrates with amazing authenticity: the soviet moon landing ship and the further transformation of the earth's satellite into a thriving colony of humanity. the lunar race actually began on may 25, 1961 . on this day, us president john kennedy proclaimed a new
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national task at a meeting of congress. oddly enough, the union did not immediately notice the challenge. moreover, there is even a transcript of a meeting in the white house, where kennedy speaks directly to his people. colleagues, employees of my administration, that i am not interested in space, i want to win the russian lunar race, it seems to me that the whole country should unite. put everything in its place. kennedy asked congress to provide $9 billion to finance the first stage of the lunar program. then he issues a special memorandum for vice president lyndon johnson, where they ask what is called without paupers. does america have any program to beat the soviets in space? we, the soviet union, from the very beginning gave
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the americans a head start of more than 3 years. this is a colossal head start, taking into account the fact that kennedy, as you know, set a goal for america: to land a man on the moon and return him safely to earth before the end of the sixties, that is, in fact, we gave a third of this period to the americans. economically . the states in the early sixties were an order of magnitude superior to the soviet union, which had just recovered from world war ii. in addition , the country, split by disputes over the vietnam war and torn apart by racial divisions, was then especially in need of something that could unite the nation. the idea to unload the american flag onto the surface of the moon could not have come at a better time. by the way. what was happening with us at this time? korolev, in my opinion, did not intend to fly away.
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program, there was a resolution, a serious resolution, as they said then, of the government parties, the moon program, where it was written that in the year sixty-seven we should complete the first stage, fly around the moon, and then land in the year sixty-eight, it was even written there return back, personally signed by nikita sergeevich khvushchov. doubts about the success of the enterprise haunted the americans. in september 1963, at a session of the general
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un assembly, kennedy made a spectacular move. he invited the soviet union to join the united states in organizing a joint expedition to the moon. but khrushchev said that the soviet union, unlike cannibalistic america, did not intend to send people to the moon without careful preparation. of course, he was lying. but kennedy's assassination finally buried the idea of ​​a joint flight to the moon. from now on, someone had to win, someone had to lose. a small civil war between soviet designers and a conflict between government officials who supported one or the other others, flared up long before the start of the struggle between the two great powers for the moon. the first project was a flight to another planet. before the official appearance of the lunar program was proposed by vladimir cholomei. this is the operating principle of my
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spaceship. by putting it into production, we will be the first to fly around the moon. what will sergei pavlovich say about this? nikita sergeevich, i consider it inappropriate to create a separate ship to fly around the moon. the tasks of the lunar expedition are necessary. to be solved as a whole; to fly over the landing you need to create one, universal ship, prosomous dolod, you agree, vladi nikolaevich, despite
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the fact that the secretary general clearly sympathized with chalamey, for whom, by the way, his son worked in those years. he said that the main thing in a rocket is not its dependence on korolev, well, it ’s a design, which was made there under the leadership of korolev, but the engine, because if a good engine is screwed to a fence, it will also fly. glushko said, honestly, i
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can’t make 600 tonne oxygen tanks in this time frame without backlog, i can.
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and nobody cares about you, it’s another shame, the people at the head of the state are no longer the same, good. i could personally call at any moment, but now you have to make your way to appointments, or you are dragged by force onto the carpet, ah, ustinov, he himself created the cosmonautics, now he is ruining it with his own hands, when he saw
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ustin, of course, he jumped like that when. .. as a result, when it became clear that the lag behind the americans was almost catastrophic, it was decided to get ahead of them in at least something. the dispersion of forces led to delays in deadlines, as nikolai kamanin would later write, instead of putting his fingers together.
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that if sergei pavlovich korolev were alive, then we could fly around the moon
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six months earlier than frank borman. on december 21, 1968 , the american spacecraft apollo 8 launched to the moon for the first time in history and delivered people into orbit of the earth's natural satellite. astronauts frank borman, james lovel and... the soviet union lost the first part of the race, but the question of who would be the first to land on the surface of the moon and deliver lunar soil to the ground was still open, ahead there was the main competition. on july 13, 69, 5 hours, 54 minutes, 41 seconds, from baikanur on a proton launch vehicle,
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a soviet station, officially named luna 15, launched towards the moon, and indeed, the luna 15 station could land on the moon, automatically pick up samples of lunar soil, the rocket had to take off from the surface of the moon, return to the earth, enter the earth's atmosphere, and then bring a small ball to the earth, inside of which there would be samples of the soil; this could have been done in front of the americans literally, maybe in a week. the object moves along the calculated trajectory. the first stage has separated. well, you're in luck, only until the device lands safely on the ground, you're
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on my hook, that's how i am. came up with this, came up with this, fear, it was an interdepartmental conflict, and ustinov really wanted to destroy the man, but because of khrushchev he could not destroy him, and then after khrushchev he also could not for a long time, while grechka was there. 3 days later, on july 16 , the american saturn rocket tore off from the cape kennedy launch pad. apollo 11 spacecraft with three astronauts on board. at the cosmodrome in the surrounding areas , about a million people watched the launch, about a billion people watched the television broadcast, because few people know that
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before... apollo-11 apollo 10 commander tom stafford descended to 100 m, looked, flew away, again connected with serenne and returned to the ground, tom stafford dropped to 100 m, we saw it all, neil armstrong, we should have. for the first time in human history to land on the surface of the moon, collect samples of lunar soil, install scientific instruments on the moon and conduct television sessions from the surface, two rivals, the soviet union and the united states, reached the finish line. on july 17 , a soviet automatic station entered lunar orbit, and on july 19 , an american ship with astronauts. the count went on by hours, perhaps by minutes. everyone was worried about
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the question: who will sit down first? american astronauts or soviet station? overseas newspapers wrote about the nightmares of nasa leaders, who fearfully expected that the russians would be more dexterous this time and that the lunar soil would delivered to the laboratories of soviet scientists earlier than to the laboratories of american ones. the moment of truth and... and day x was supposed to be july 20, the day of the moon landing. july 20 , 69, an american ship and a soviet automatic station circle the moon together. according to the flight program, our station must land before its rivals. the first possible moment for this is an hour earlier than the landing time of the american apollo. the tense situation was highlighted by the reluctance of the soviet side to provide information about the luna 15 flight program. yes, it must be said.
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to the apollo orbit, since its lunar cabin was soon to begin maneuvers to descend to the moon, there was a possibility of its collision with our vehicle, but the americans were not going to cancel the landing, the apollo crew was forced to begin manual control, the automation landed the ship on the rocks and choked automation, the famous american automation, failed and armstrong switched to manual control and chose
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a landing site. where there were no stones, it’s worthy to be happy for the americans, well, remember, i think maybe on mars let's be the first, the apollo 11 lunar module landed on the surface at 20:17 and 42 seconds, that is , just an hour after the expected landing time of the moon 15, according to some reports , a soviet device from lunar orbit photographed the landing site.
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china and the soviet union. this is the greatest stupidity that has been committed by the leadership of both of these giant countries. all countries saw all this. but we cosmonauts sat on shabolovka, there was a special room where the signal from the moon was sent out, we watched the first thing, the launch, for a very long time they showed all this, and armstrong’s landing and exit from the ship, the soviet union silently accepted defeat, it did not resort to the extreme technique of announcing the landing of a man on the moon.
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the soviet union continued to fight in the hope of winning at least the technical side of the matter, despite the already obvious victory of the americans. on july 21 at 15:47 on moon 15, the braking propulsion system finally turned on, and the station began to prepare for landing. all station systems are operating normally, the third minute of landing. after 3 minutes touch surface of the moon, the fourth minute of landing, communication is lost, we are trying to restore communication, when approaching the landing on the surface of the moon, the station crashed, hit the mountainside,
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got caught on this mountainside, tumbled, so there is no talk about taking soil and returning with this station to of course there was already news on the ground. it is forbidden. after 2 hours , the take-off stage of the american module left the moon, taking with it the astronauts and the first soil samples. the united states has often won the race to the moon. all political dividends went to them. let me quote what us senator abraham riebecoff said shortly after the successful completion of the flight. 11: if we reached the moon, this means that there is nothing on earth that we could not do, this is the main achievement of apollo 11. georgy nikolaevich, we have lost the station. well,
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this option is possible, especially when everything is done on the run. what will happen now? without fear, my dears, let us advance. but the first launch, not the last, connect me with ustinov, then marshal, hello, says the private untrained babakin, the station is lost, the americans are ahead of us. from taz's message: the station left orbit and reached the surface of the moon in a given area. work with the luna-15 station ended at 18:51. during the flight in orbit of the lunar satellite, a number of scientific
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studies were carried out in cislunar space ; important experimental data were obtained on the operation of structures and on-board systems. the measurement results are processed. the luna 15 station did not fulfill the program, the ussr lost. only in 1970, another station luna-16 made a soft landing on the surface of the moon. planting took soil samples that were delivered to the ground. it was the third spacecraft to take soil after apollo 11 and 12. georgiy babakin, after the success of luna 16, called his friend, the developer of the proton rocket, vladimir chalamey. yes, zhora, thank you, thank you, dear, we will tear the universe apart. like the fat was warming, nina,
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bring volokordin, we’ll knock you out, we’ll knock you out for success, we won! would you like to have a bite, dmitry fedorovich? i 'll still live and work. during the implementation of the apollo project, 382 kg of lunar soil were delivered by soviet automatic stations luna 16, and then luna 20 and 24 about.
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i’m listening, please, call the chief designer babakin on the phone, and he’s at a ceremonial meeting in the workshop, then the president of the academy of sciences keldysh, he’s also at a ceremonial meeting in the workshop, minister afanasyeva, there, excuse me, who is asking, bothering you from the reception brezhnev, brezhnev, which one? why do you also have your own brezhnev? yes, brezhnev, deputy
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minister. georgy nikolaevich, in my opinion, i i was just talking to brezhnev himself. deputy minister? let him call back later, there’s no time for him now. meanwhile, brezhnev could tell babakin news that was formally pleasant for him and dramatic for his colleagues. the triumphant flights of automatic stations to the moon prompted the country's leadership to pretend that the exploration of the earth's satellite by automatic stations from the very beginning was the main and only direction of research. for a long time it was believed that the ussr was not preparing any manned flights in principle, when the americans were the first to land on the moon, then everyone really began to say that we cannot take risks with a person, that it is better that the same work, for example, delivering soil to the ground, will be done by an automatic machine.
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korolev's successor, vasily mishin, was removed
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from the post of chief designer, his place was now taken by valentin glushko, but the main victim of the new policy was the n1 rocket, which was eventually put under the knife. as soon as glushko came to head our company, the royal one, the former. the competition eventually grew into a conflict on the scale of a country, even on the scale of the earth. from aiming at the moon royal rocket n1, a canopy, a permanent building in balkanurya, gazebos in the park and
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a sviranda roof there. the fate of the creators of our lunar victories. it turned out differently: georgy babakin died on august 3, 1971, like a soldier at a combat post, in the morning at the dacha he played preference with his son, said something was wrong with me , he left for work, in the evening they called the dacha, his heart stopped, vladimir cholomeiei survived colleague for 13 years. in 1981 , ustinov still managed to pass a resolution in the central committee that prohibited chalamea’s bureau from engaging in space activities. the designer of the proton rocket, vladimir cholomeey, actually left to live in the country. in the cold winter of 1984, marshal ustinov took to the central clinical hospital with
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pneumonia. the man who learned about this perked up, but fate decreed otherwise. here is chalamey's dacha, garage. the path to the gate was slippery, vladimir nikolaevich slipped and fell, his wife rushed to him, nothing, he said, they called a doctor, he examined his leg and found a fracture without displacement, he said: “it’s okay, but just in case, we’ll hospitalize your husband, i have the night passed somewhat restlessly, but now i feel good, and the main thing is different. i came up with this, i came up with this. these were the last words of vladimir chelomey. he died instantly, the trumpet came off. every moment of his life he always came up with something, what he came up with this time, one can only guess. ustinov and chelomei died at about the same time; when
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the dying ustinov was told that chelomei had died, he smiled. mozart solieri and the cosmonautics died 12 days apart. cholomei is buried at the novodevichy cemetery, ustinov is buried in the kremlin wall. soviet union lost the lunar race, starting it 3 years later, spending six times less than the united states. however, the strategic direction chosen by the soviet cosmonautics turned out to be correct. since 1972.
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my friends, when we launched the first satellite, people danced on the streets of hansville, the dancing continued when the first man landed on the moon, don’t be discouraged, we’ll be on the beach more than once, but the americans, according to their announcement, spent more on apollo. 22 billion dollars, these are dollars of those years, the sixties, these are not today's dollars, at the same time, created within of the soviet lunar program, the soyuz spacecraft, to this day the main workhorse of the world cosmonautics, which regularly delivers people and cargo to the international space station,
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the proton rocket created for flights to the moon, is still the basis of our space transport: iss modules, satellites, interplanetary stations, all of them are brought to the stellar roads by protons. vladimir chalamey, one of the greatest designers of the 20th century, one of the creators of the soviet nuclear shield , one of those who paved the way to space. his lunar plans were ambitiously feasible, but for two programs korolev and... the resources of a huge country were no longer enough, the soviet program of manned flights to the moon was close to successful completion, it lacked several months, technology...
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perhaps humanity is standing on on the threshold of a new lunar race, in this competition,
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russian cosmonautics has a unique foundation. starter key. one pull, purging, ignition, dniester, dniester, fire at the start! baikanur cosmodrome, a symbol of progress for the whole world, the place where the road to space, the heart of the cosmodrome, the launch pad, witness to the greatest victories of man. over nature, she saw many launches, beautiful, successful, dangerous, deadly, all worthy of worship, but each is inscribed not only
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in the history of the cosmodrome, but in the history of all mankind, a launch pad, a point that can become the beginning of a journey, or may turn out to be point of no return. september 26, 1983 will forever go down in history, fire at the start, 2 minutes before the explosion. the life of two soviet cosmonauts, vladimir titov and gennady strikalov in mortal danger.
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the future of our entire manned space program is at stake. repeat the tragedy of the past, or will we be able to avoid death? there seemed to be no signs of trouble. on that fateful day , everything went as if under smooth rails, without failures. 48 hours before launch, the soyuz rocket is rolling out for launch. technicians carefully watch as the huge rocket is transported on a special train and place coins on the rails for good luck. this is one of the pre-start traditions of beikanur. the soyuz rocket is heading for gagarin's launch. that's where she came from should take astronauts into the sky. little did anyone know that they could stay in heaven forever. the idea of ​​creation.
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to the ship. the launch of a spacecraft lasts a few seconds, but is fraught with great danger. and then, on september 61 and 26 of the year eighty-three, the nerves of everyone who saw off the ship were, as always, at the limit. on the eve of the fateful launch, the astronauts were not calm. everyone was nervous, of course. flying is not only dangerous, but extremely responsible. the astronauts had to perform a large volume research work. in addition, they had to modernize the station, preparing it for the arrival of new crews. for this purpose, the theta gores were going to go into outer space to install additional solar panels. the astronauts walked towards the elevator as if in no hurry. the suit is convenient for space, but on the ground it hampers movement and makes it difficult to move. the accompanying technicians helped titov and strikalov climb into the ship and take their places in the chairs.
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the hatch cover closed. everything seemed to be as usual, but something was still there. not like always the astronauts would later call it a premonition. the baykanur people are generally very superstitious people, they believe in omens and strictly observe the customs established by their predecessors. the trendsetter for secret signs of initiates was the chief designer, sergei korolev. the night before the launch, he always made a circle at the cosmonauts’ house; during the launch, he kept two kopeck coins in his pocket and forbade women from coming close to the rocket. korolev believed that the appearance of a woman at the start was almost certain. behind you, if not a catastrophe, then some kind of emergency, if everything is at launch everything turned out well, it was believed that those who were present at the time, who prepared the flight, were lucky, such baikonurites became real talismans, this applied to everyone, senior and junior, if a bus is carrying astronauts, then it is driven by a certain driver, and this driver must always lead the astronauts , then everything will be fine, and
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even if her wife has a harvest, we can agree to have the wife put away. to the kremlin that it would be okay to forget everything, but still he has no right not to come on a business trip and cannot help but escort the crew. the rules associated with omens are strictly observed to this day, and some of them are very funny. baikonur residents love to joke; every time a rocket is launched, they congratulate each other on the new year. everything is explained very simply: a standing rocket looks like a new year tree, and... the people glowing around seem to be dancing in circles. here is another tradition that appeared not so long ago. it seems that everyone already knows that on the eve of the launch, cosmonauts must watch the film white sun of the desert, but it turns out that they should not just watch a movie, and answer a whole series of questions and prove a thorough knowledge of this film. there is a certain questionnaire
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about the new astronaut. going into orbit for the first time, they seem to be testing their knowledge of the film, for example, what kind of caviar did customs officer vereshchagin eat, there are some rather piquant questions, look, here are ekaterina matveevna’s hips; to answer what size they are, you will need a little ingenuity. correct answer: 3/4 of the screen. there are signs at the mission control center. for example, we have one. the manager said that if i bring a different jacket to the launch, there will be trouble, he specially kept the old jacket and always came to the launch in it, and they say that korolev also came to the launch in the same clothes. each baikanurovite has his own ritual before the start, his own signs and his own traditions. for example, all cosmonauts visit yuri gagarin’s house before their flight. luckily, we had our own traditions.
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and it was decided to work without paying attention to stupid superstitions. as a result , accidents began to happen one after another on mondays. then the queen still managed to insist on her own. the tradition was preserved for some time, and then forgotten. less than 20 years passed from the laying of the first stone at the cosmodrome to the launch of the first orbital station, which flew by like one day. today many people know about the genius of korolev and the courage of the first cosmonauts, but they were not the only ones behind the loud phrase “road to space”. hundreds of people sacrificed their youth, home comfort, health for the sake of a dream, for the sake of victory, hundreds of people who became a real brotherhood, the brotherhood of baikanur. gennady strikalov and
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vladimir titov was escorted into space by a proven tandem, part of the legendary brotherhood. alexander soldatenkov is the launch manager, alexey shumilin is the shooter. they met at the start during testing of the royal rocket r-7, the magnificent seven, as they call it. rolls and nothing, we arrived, where they are staying in a barracks, a barracks in the most literal sense of the word, this is really a barracks, 72 people
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lived in this barracks, two toilets, five taps connected in series, if you open one, no water flows in the last one, at that time, babette was in fashion after these films. foreign, and in order to preserve this victory, there was, of course, wind, wind, terrible, then we bought such handkerchiefs, uh, nylon handkerchiefs in every possible way, then there were no jargets, there was nothing, but there were nylon handkerchiefs, everything women walked around here, well, here i am personally, i also had a babette, i also wore this headscarf and walked in this headscarf , walked around, you get to mick, please, from work, that means, in front of the door, before
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opening the door to your room, you took pictures shoe, took it by the sole, flew into the room, turned on the light, and kicked with this shoe, which means bedbugs were crawling along the walls, and in half-phalanx, both of them, which means you won’t be satisfied in the most terrible dream. however, the atmosphere at the spaceport was amazing. without exaggeration, all the workers considered themselves a big friendly family, and despite the fact that there was catastrophically little free time, they still managed
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to find ways to properly relax, the time was right - they walked along the concrete and sang songs, we really loved to sing songs there , then just when akudzhava and sotsky left, i started bringing the tape recorder with me.
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year, the first detachment of military builders arrived, a significant day for domestic cosmonautics, a mere coincidence, but it makes you think: on january 12, 1907 in zhitomir , the chief designer, columbus of the cosmos, sergei korolev was born into the family of a teacher of russian literature. while digging a pit for gagarin's first launch, workers discovered. a site of an ancient tribe with a huge fire pit and many small coals. sergei korolev took one of them for himself, saying: “the most important thing is that we are building where there was an ancient civilization, and that means this place will become happy for us too.” the most intense work took place at the first site, where the launch complex was being built. train after train approached the tyurat station. this former small siding received up to a thousand wagons of cargo per day. above the ground.
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i was sure that the builder would not be let down, but i did not imagine that in such a short time they would be able to build so much and so well
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for space purposes. august 21, 1957 year, thunder from the future gagarin launch announced that the soviet union had created an ultra-long-range carrier of nuclear weapons. a power has emerged in europe capable of reaching the territory of the united states. this circumstance changed the entire geopolitical alignment. but for those who were nearby, who saw the rocket launch, it was the most fascinating sight. earth, and not just
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testing space transport, i always sat in the soup on a separate table so that they wouldn’t see my face when they showed us rockets taking off, because there are always tears in your eyes and it’s scary, you know, a person who says that he’s not scared, he’s lying, he’s scared, and korolev was scared, probably in every launch, you can watch this rocket launch 100 times and it makes you cringe 100 times. and the heart gets cold or, on the contrary, the hands warm up. on october 4, 1957 , a launch took place from the cosmodrome. artificial earth satellite. from this day the countdown to the new space era began. the world has changed. april 12, 1961, exactly half a century
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ago. the flight of the first man into space, a great milestone in the history of mankind. but at the cosmodrome, both before and after gagarin’s flight , the conquerors of the universe were just young guys, an integral part of the baikonur team. the same gagarin came. after the launch, already from moscow, i drank alcohol together with everyone from the same lyamen mug, they never presented themselves to us, that i was a hero, nothing like that, in any case, i
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don’t remember anything like that, by the way, about alcohol, actually on the testing ground has always been prohibited, but to wash all these devices and equipment, i used alcohol, and of the highest quality, it was excellent medical alcohol, the devices were made for us by the leningrad design bureau, so they made it, they took it from the instructions for the globe, and the globe is a unit like this, like this, like this, like this, like the size of a saucepan, like this , they wrote in the instructions that before installing it in the dashboard, the globe needs to be washed three times by dipping, which means you need to take a bucket of alcohol, immerse it in it, after that the alcohol naturally pours out, you need a second time, a third, well, we already had three buckets, as it were booked, especially since the beginning new risks have appeared in manned astronautics, the launch of a rocket is the most dangerous part
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of space flight, if a rocket takes off, it is impossible to stop it, if something goes wrong, the only chance... to save the crew from a dying ship is ejection. september 26, 1983, our heroes, shumilin and soldatenkov, are responsible for the launch. they are in the bunker, watching the progress of preparations and the launch of the rocket through periscopes, receiving reports from the services providing the launch. in an emergency situation, the emergency command is issued. this is the saz team. but if you just decipher these, this is. abbreviation, this is the propulsion system of the emergency rescue system, it stands at the top of the rocket and is used in case of danger for the crew. to eliminate the possibility of error or sabotage, the designers introduced a scheme of voice orders
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using passwords and divided the issuance of commands into two channels: in the event of an accident, each shooter transmitted the password command to his operator by voice. among themselves, the starters called such passwords the cock word and they prayed that it would not have to be uttered. on that day, the dniester was such a password. said out loud, it ordered the complete cancellation of the operation and the emergency evacuation of the crew. months of preparation, effort, nerves, a lot of money, finally, all in vain. the sas propulsion system is a solid fuel rocket engine with several nozzles and is attached through the elements of the head fairing to the ship's service compartment. operators must press the cac button simultaneously. the interval between presses is no
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more than 5 seconds. team duplication was is provided in the design of the system in order to prevent accidental operation of the system. 2 hours before the flight, the astronauts are already in the cabin of the ship. zarya, the constant call sign of the earth, communicates with the oceans, as the crew was called on the air. estimated launch time announced: 23:37 minutes, 49 seconds. everything was familiar. and it seemed to be under control. the key is at the start. pulling one, purging, ignition, fire! more, more, more, already the whole rocket is in the window. dniester, dniester, fire
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at the start. soldatenkov repeated in his own way communication lines. dniester, dnestr. everything happened synchronously. both shooters performed their task flawlessly. there is a simple explanation for this. behind us are years of working shoulder to shoulder at one of the most...
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ishumili at soldatenkov knew very well what a fire was at the start. fate had already saved them from imminent death once, but it did not save their close friends who died right here, on the concrete slabs of the cosmodrome. after the start of the new space era'.
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84 soldiers and officers are buried in the mass grave of baikannur, in total they died in launch pad, 126 people died in the hospital; chief designer yangel himself miraculously escaped; a few minutes before the explosion , he went down to the bunker to smoke. the state commission quickly figured out the causes of the disaster. basic
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safety requirements were violated. contrary to instructions, people worked without insulating gas masks.
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feels some kind of hopelessness from the multi-meter thickness of concrete, cramped conditions, twilight, a clutter of equipment, communications, and the most important thing is that there is nowhere to run, living witnesses to the start of the fire there were no people left in the mine, eight people died, both those who were in the mine and those who wanted to
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save them, it turned out that the day before, while filling the rocket with kerosene, some of it was due to negligence. monday, and the 24th. today is october 24, here is the official day of mourning, and not only here, rocket scientists throughout the country remember their comrades on this day, silence reigns at the launch sites in the missile silos. the death of friends at the start remains an unhealed wound for the baikonur team. the conquest of space is a real battle, and there were casualties in it too
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real. after the disasters of the sixtieth and sixty-third years. the safety of cosmonauts and cosmodrome employees during launch has become the number one task for all ground workers. fortunately, there were no such emergencies at the start for 20 years. and here's a new test. according to eyewitnesses, a couple of seconds before the explosion they saw a small dot in the sky. for the first time in the history of manned space exploration, the emergency rescue system was activated. but are the astronauts alive? nobody knew about it then. basically, in our case , this all lasted 5 minutes. approximately 30 seconds, the engines themselves, they work for a very short time, 4 seconds, these are the main engines that move the ship up, up and a little to the side, depending on the wind, in order to move the ship so that it lands in a safe place and didn’t get back, as if into this
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burning place where the rocket was burning, the flaming rocket fell into... the gas outlet chute and burned there for several hours, the fire was extinguished only in the morning, but the rocket itself exploded, turning around the famous gagarin launch, the first site from which yuri gagarin launched in 1961, titov’s flight from trikalov was included in the guinness book of records as the shortest in the history of astronautics, the jump from the fiery hell lasted 5 minutes 30 seconds, we felt normal, well, how normal, physically normal, on ... of course it’s bad, let’s face it, why? because so much effort was put into preparation for so many years, then suddenly such a short flight. the cosmonauts had to experience incredible overloads during these 5 and a half minutes, but vladimir tetov found the strength to do everything.
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this is the time to report to the ground what is happening. then genostrikalov asked me. says: listen, how could you speak? he says, i tried, my tongue says, somehow it became like lead, i couldn’t say anything, well, i don’t know, it’s just. in our country, sometimes, unfortunately, airplanes, military, civilians, perish when they listen to recordings of radio traffic and so on, the crew is silent, the crew is busy trying to save the plane, but in this situation , professionally, he is obliged to speak, so that the analysis can reveal what causes, situation, cause-and-effect relationships, what was, what is... this happened for the first and only time, fortunately, when the sas, the emergency rescue system, worked on earth, although it was developed for
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the very first unions, back in the sixties and was operated in the sixties years, in fact, after we touched the ground, they drove up in cars, felt them, looked carefully into our eyes, were we talking some nonsense, weren’t we crazy... didn’t go crazy there, didn’t break there, but then everything goes further normally we lit a cigarette, stood, and then a helicopter from a medical team lands, and these guys in white coats with a stretcher are flying, the stretcher is on the ground, they throw us onto these stretchers, it was certainly scary, i say, guys, leave us alone, we 're all fine, you see, we're standing, talking, no, so get out, i think now we either need to lie down, or someone, i don't know, at least...
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an actor who has played a lot of roles, but he himself said, meets you on the street: oh, comrade sukhov, let me shake your hand, that’s how some kind of stamp was glued on, yes, that is, people remembered exactly that. together with muusa monarov, in the leap year 1988 , vladimir tetov set a world record. for the first time, astronauts spent 366 days in orbit. quite a difficult flight. with emergency situations, with an abnormal spacewalk, with the repair of a radio telescope, which was never planned and they did not think that it needed to be repaired, 1500
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scientific, technical experiments, etc., carried out, one and a half thousand per year, and about this flight in general - that they don’t say anything at all, but i think that this flight is the most important for me, because it really is some kind of contribution. well, a significant contribution in any case. by the way, at the start musumanarov and vladimir tetov were launched by the same permanent shumilin and soldatenkov. the gagarin launch was rebuilt a year and a half after the tragic events. today , soyuz tma ships, developed under the queen, are launched from it; they are still considered the most reliable in the world. and baikanur. survived another freelance situation in his life, again came out of this situation with honor, once again the main thing here was the people, the legendary and
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amazing brotherhood of baikonur, everyone who finds themselves on baikonur, even guests, feels a certain aura that hovers over this land there, probably all the people who worked there for some time, who...
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it feels like that, so everyone is in space, everyone is in space. february 23, 1997, the day of defense.
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now the main field for the struggle between the two superpowers has become near space. having lost the battle for the moon, the soviet union, which relied on unmanned projects, ended up winning. the soviet salyut station opened a new era in the history of space development. the question was, where to run next? is there no moon? well, the conclusion naturally suggests itself that then we need to do something that can be used to
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explore the earth. well, we knew that the americans were preparing a similar program, we were preparing in reotov, well, they were making something like a military satellite, then there was such a stupid idea to put a machine gun at the station and shoot there are our enemies, however, it means that they already had the station buildings in good condition, and of course, when in such conditions there were smart heads who recommended taking the station body, stuffing it with equipment from... and quickly launching it, several people , enthusiasts, we went up and proposed this idea, we liked the idea, so we began to do it very quickly, gave money, well, that’s it, in general, we made the station in a year and 4 months, mid-seventies, the soviet union actually became a monopolist in the field long-term orbital flights are coming close to a new task, which until recently was completely fantastic, the constant presence
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of man in space. the creation of the mir orbital complex began at npo energia, the former korolev bureau, in 1976, but in fact the whole country took part in the work on the station. the first expedition , consisting of leonid kizim and vladimir solovyov , was sent to the world in march 1986 and worked there for 125 days. this was a new victory for the domestic cosmonautics, but a year later... perestroika began in the ussr. at first in the nineties, the mir station was actually the only platform for work in space. its closure could mean the end of a career for all, without exception, cosmonauts who were preparing for the flight. there was simply nowhere to fly. at a time when the country was in a fever from socio-political upheavals, the costs of operating
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the station... its conservation until a more favorable era. the project, unique for all mankind, could be closed at any moment. the situation changed in 1993, when russia and the united states signed the following agreement: the so-called chernomyrdin mountain agreement on joint operation of the mir orbital complex. i was the program director.
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the amirians did not do charity, they simply paid for their own mistakes. in the seventies in the states it was decided to curtail the orbital flight program. now long-term experiments could only be carried out on board the russian mir station, they proposed joint cooperation beneficial for both parties. a program emerged according to which astronauts from all over the planet began fly to our soviet station. twenty- second and twenty-third expeditions to mirv station. in 1997 were no exception, according to the plan, just in february the crews handed over watch to each other, everything went as usual, and of course, no one could even suspect what dramatic events awaited in... air force colonel, preparing for a flight to station back in ninety-one as part of a backup crew, at the last moment he was removed from training due to the peculiarities of the structure of the spine. it turned out that
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the standard box of unions did not suit him. individual chairs for korzun began to be made only in ninety-five. as a result, this flight was the first for the crew commander. alexander kaleri - flight engineer. by the way, he was also removed from flight training at one time. soviet union and the first of kazakhstan, taktar aubakirov. nevertheless, kaleri still flew into space a little later. flight in ninety-seven for...
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health conditions, adaptation to weightlessness, ordinary human fears, including fear of the unknown, two points are considered dangerous: recovery, descent, although i have to say that flying, let’s say , it seems to me, the second, third time is more scary than the first, because the first time you fly, you don’t understand anything, as it were, the second time you compare yourself and think, yeah, about...
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third, the biggest fear that you came, says that this happens to everyone , you want to, you prepare, you feel that you can, then some bad thing happens, well , let’s say, with health or with some situation, be it technical, political or some other kind, in fact, half of life goes to nowhere, to the basket, except maybe to say, the lucky ones who nevertheless flew to the station, valery korzun, alexander kaleri and the german reinhald ewald, in february ninety- seven on board the world were vasily tsibliev, alexander lazutkin and the american jerry linninger. air force colonel vasily tsibliev,
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commander of the twenty-second expedition, was also not immediately able to fulfill his dream of flight. in 1993 , he left the cosmonaut corps due to his appointment to the post of head of the first department for cosmonaut training. but after a few months i still flew to the mir orbital complex, however, this time could not return to earth in time. politics and money. due to funding cuts , the soyuz launch vehicle could not be manufactured on the ground. tsibliev’s flight was extended; at that time , demonstrations were taking place on the ground demanding the cosmonaut be returned home. for lieutenant, reserve engineer alexander lazutkin, who arrived on the world as a flight engineer of the twenty-third expedition, this is. it was the first flight, the first day at the station, a terrible day, the first thing that surprised me when we approached the station, it’s a big station, there was a small ship in space, suddenly you fly up to such a house, there are antennas, all this, you think,
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oh my god, it wasn’t the mood that spoiled the impression, but the feeling, because i’ve already started to have vestibular disorders, well, that’s when there everything feels motionless there, nausea sets in, you also think, well... it’s not all so beautiful anymore, i thought, i shouldn’t have become an astronaut. joint flights of cosmonauts and astronauts from different countries for quite long periods, from a month to six months, acutely exposed differences in culture and mentality. crews have conflicts. and it happens that people stop talking, it happens that people boil over there almost to the point of a fight, but this, as a rule, is when psychologists did not recommend it. that this wonderful person, this wonderful person, but when the neaplitians go into space, it will be two wonderful people, and there will not be one crew, i remember, i have... or dissatisfaction that the commander is starting,
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he had a certain set of these favorite singers , and he twisted them all the time, it was so annoying, i think, traram-traram, but he commander, i took the headphones, turned on the player, i went crazy on this one group, the lyceum, there was a lyceum group, i listened to him every day, vasily acted differently, he turned on the speakerphone. that is, when people work at the station, there are your problems,
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but the crew are always higher, and jerry was a little bit the opposite, probably, jerry michael linninger, board engineer, commander of the us navy, qualifications, flight specialist, hobby, competitions triathlon, ocean swims, marathon, skiing, scuba diving, hiking, the moment of the flight, his wife katherine was expecting their second child, from the moment of their birth
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for the rest of their lives, it will do that’s it, you can always come to an agreement with her, which means she participates in any work, but there was some american, there was a de-hymetization, the toothbrush remained in the de-grammed compartment. he was whining there the whole flight, it means, about this, that is, his toothbrush, you know, uh, in a confined space, in my opinion, psychology begins to work a little differently, but the fact is that if on earth you had a fight with a person, went to the door, slammed it, left, and you want it, you see this person, you want it, you don’t see it, but there you can’t slam the door and leave, let’s see how the mir station was structured, the main link is the base unit, it contained the equipment necessary for... the life of the crew. this block was
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the first to be launched into orbit on february 20 , 1986. in february 1997 , the soyuz ship was docked to it, which delivered a new expedition to the station. let me remind you that in those days there was a crew change on board. the kvant module was intended for carrying out astrophysical and other scientific research and experiments. an alliance was also docked to it, but from a previous expedition. the order of the ships is important. to describe what happened at the station on february 23, so pay attention to it, briefly about the other modules: the kvant-2 module was intended primarily to support spacewalks. crystal for holding technological and other scientific research and experiments to ensure dockings with ships. spectrum is a place for research and experiments to study the natural conditions of the earth and the upper layers of the atmosphere. well, the docking compartment, which provided the connection of the american shuttles
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with the station, the purpose of the nature module, as well as the spectrum module, was to study earth resources and the atmosphere. as the new crew stayed on board, tension between them and the americans increased. about presence, albeit hidden, but everything the conflict can be judged from the documents. it is written in the brochure journal. jerry is running, the crew is transporting cargo from the newly arrived union. jerry presses the spander, the crew continues transportation. jerry eats lunch and sleeps strictly according to schedule; nothing seemed to bother him at all. february 23rd is a holiday, russians are usually here. nothing like that, uh, in fact, the guys were already
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getting ready, we arrived, they were so easy to prepare for the descent, here, here there was a rather calm conversation about, well lord, we're talking about life. we’re talking there , naturally, we have questions that’s like what they are there, they have a lot of news there, a lot of material that they had to convey to us, a lot of information, so here, yes, we ate a little, but that’s all. at some point, it was decided to slightly refresh the atmosphere at the station. in space, fresh air is produced using special bombs containing lithium perchlorate. i went to activate such a checker. well, it happened as follows: here is this tg unit, into which this checker is inserted here, the unit was attached behind this panel, this is how it was first folded back, i inserted the checker there,
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started it, felt that the fan was working, which should drive air and... in my opinion, i did it like this covered it, just like that, i covered it, well, because it was necessary, i was about to fly, to join the guys, i heard something like that , hissing in the wrong way, hissing, but not like that, i turn around, sparks are coming from there, like a volcano , started there one, two, three, more, more, more, in there is a teacher’s voice in my head, who when we went through this whole system, he says, this filter is made of non-flammable material. serials can’t burn, but i looked, and it was burning, i looked here from there, here it was quieter, smooth surface, the guys were sitting, and i tell the guys, so as not to scare them, there are men, there ’s a fire, at that time smoke was already starting to appear, worked.
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alarm sensors, smoke detectors, here i see, i don’t remember who turned around, because i only saw the eyes, guys, then valera flies in, grabs my fire extinguisher, everyone in such a loud voice, fire extinguishers, and i remember that well, my shock had already passed, i flew up here, everyone ran around the station, looking for these fire extinguishers, i remember when i already brought the fire extinguisher, there was already a lot of smoke, and the picture is like this : gray smoke against its
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background, valera in white shorts, of course what was happening was by no means an ordinary moment in the life of the station, a fire in space was an extraordinary event. “well, you’re not the first in history, at the salyut 7 station the smoke had to be eliminated twice, but it didn’t lead to an open fire, but mir station such an emergency has happened only once before, on october 15, 1994. i remembered that once, when polyakov was flying, they had a moment when their filter began to flicker like sparks, he took his jacket. the flight suit, well, the flight suit, covered this generator from above, stopped the air supply, and it all stopped, in the case of the palik saber it quickly went out, if the atmosphere at the station was not oxygen- nitrogen, exclusively oxygen, as it was at the early stage of the development of astronautics , then the station
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would turn into a furnace from the slightest fire. at one time, this is exactly how cosmonaut candidate valentin bondarenko burned in a pressure chamber, several years later in the descent...
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several autonomous fans continued to work at once, smoke began to fill the station, in conditions when
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the room around outer space cannot simply be ventilated, the smoke turned out to be even worse than the fire itself. i then say to sasha: sasha, get out of there, we go out together, that means i tell the guys to put on gas masks, we take a fire extinguisher, that means all the guys started put on gas masks, i asked sasha to prepare a throwing station. a feeling of fear arose when i flew into the ship and began to prepare it for urgent departure, when i saw smoke there, i felt such a feeling of fear, i wanted to open the window like a normal person in a fire, because as if naturally, i understand that the window cannot be opened , then this whole station seems to be big, it seems to have large volumes, there are empty places, clean places, it somehow became very small, and i understand that we can here suffocate from this smoke, but again it was such a stream. i was walking, and so, i shuddered, then all this was replaced by a feeling of deep regret, that well, i didn’t
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want to fly away, from jerry linnenger’s standings. smoke almost immediately filled the kvant module, and in less than a minute it was no longer visible at arm's length. it became impossible to breathe without a gas mask. only my personal thoughts are presented here. it was a very serious, life-threatening fire in a closed space. there will probably be serious damage. end quotes: but the worst thing, jerry will also describe this later, is that one of the two soyuz ships, on which the crew returns to earth, was heavily smoked. this meant that only three of the six crew members would be able to evacuate from the orbital complex; for the remaining three, the road to the ground was closed. tsub controls everything that happens on board the station. this is where decisions are made about what to do. in an emergency, but while the astronauts are left to their own devices, there is no communication. let me remind you that the fire at the mir station
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occurred on a festive evening on february 23. in at the time of the fire in tsup , only one operator was in touch, sergei selkov, he was sitting here, and it was he who, after a painful pause , responded to the attempts. inform the land about the emergency situation. only literally a few seconds before the end of the communication session, the mission control center, in the voice of sergei selkov , says: we understand you, and the communication session has stopped, that’s it. mission control center understood everything. the astronauts are in a critical situation, but alas, the earth could not help at this moment. the station again left the radio range. life of astronauts still remained only in their own hands.
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extinguished after using three fire extinguishers, of course, it’s difficult to imagine yourself in the place of the cosmonauts who found themselves at the station that day, and despite the fact that the mission control center is certainly always ready to coordinate the actions of the crews in orbit, to thoroughly analyze the situation and draw conclusions, specialists will be able to only in a few months, but for now, despite the fact that communication with the ground has been restored, the situation on board still remains critical, smoke saves...
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now, when we tell, well , you can say so, yes, what a nonsense little idea, well, i took off the gas mask and that, then it was perceived as, well, at least by me, a person is taking a risk. sasha, i’ll add, i took off the gas mask in order to make radio communication, because through this, the thing could not be heard, of course, i now have my feelings, this is written by the association with fires, i really, when i took off the gas mask, inhaled the air, my first feeling was such a terrible soreness in my throat, it was so strong,
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i had a lot of tickling, because i didn’t show it, no, i was coughing then, you just didn’t hear that, did you?
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but there was no feeling of guilt, we were not ashamed of our actions, but what happened at the station, but this can be assessed in different ways, one thing seems to be your fault, what caught fire, but our guilt is difficult to establish, but another thing is our victory. the crew managed to save the station to continue operations. despite the fire, the mir-97 program was completed in full. a fire in space provided
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a number of lessons. besides technology. babylon, uniting all cosmic professionals of planet earth. on board were 42 russians and 62 representatives of other states, a total of 104 cosmonauts and astronauts. of course, such joint flights play a huge role in international cooperation in general, not only in space. the astronauts who worked on board in 1997 also
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had to seek compromises. mostly. with jerry linninger, the japanese have their own national characteristics, the americans have theirs, and if jerry represents the americans as a class, as such a nationality, then you can’t work with them so to work with the americans, it’s better to work in general, go, explore space one by one, my relationship with him changed when he published a letter to his son on the internet, well, i just glanced through it, and i... in these letters i saw a normal person an earthly man, a very good father, a man who raises his generation, i thought, this is bad and good, these are probably not the definitions that should be used in general with people, after the fire of the ninety-seventh year the station
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underwent, so to speak, an inventory and were checked. life systems and key components of the world. as we checked, it became clear. by that time, the orbital complex, which had already spent its life many times over, was, alas, actually turning into a repair shop. in total, during the operation of the world , 1,379 breakdowns of various systems and assemblies occurred. how did the station successfully meet the two deadlines prescribed to it at the design stage and actually avoid disaster twice? experts guess... on march 23, 2001, the mir orbital station was flooded. in the pacific ocean. having entered the dense layers of the atmosphere, the world fell apart into several parts. most of it burned down and several large pieces fell near
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fiji island. here the death of the station could be observed with the naked eye. despite the fact that 10 years have passed since the station was flooded, there is debate about how expedient it was.
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without our segment, the american segment is unable to work. thanks to the astronauts, designers, specialists, all those people who saved the space industry in the terrible nineties, russia managed to maintain its leadership position in terrestrial research, and today it is important for us not to stop there, not to lose the status of a space power. cosmonautics has become for our people, well, like a national thing, well, not a hobby, not a hobby, like national ideas, especially since in fact this is the only thing. today, something to be proud of, every person in russia, including babies and old people, pays 10 rubles a year. for space a chervonets, this is a figure - not


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