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tv   Legavii-2  NTV  April 15, 2024 4:50am-5:40am MSK

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said, he had a difficult situation in life, and he said: “son, money is the cheapest thing on earth, if you have to pay, pay, if you can, only with money, because money is the cheapest thing if you don’t pay with money, you will pay with honor, conscience, friends, health, what is more valuable than money”? china, india, the european union and japan have already announced plans to land on the moon. new countries are rushing into space: israel, brazil, korea, iran. on the other hand, by the decision of president obama, the united states abandoned the lunar program and decided to extend the operation of the iss until 2020 . this means that for the coming decades, orbital flights, in which russia plays a huge role, will remain the main direction of development of world astronautics. despite the fact that in
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the history of the development of soviet and then russian cosmonautics there were times of triumph and times of defeat, we were, are and will be the first in space, we will be, because only in our country there is such a colossal intellectual potential, there is a rich history and invaluable experience in the field of space exploration, we will, because it was we and no one else who first conquered the cosmic abyss, it was the soviet people who were not afraid to become the first, risking their own lives for the glory of their homeland. a low bow to them for this, the task of our generation is not to lose what has been gained, to worthily continue the work of the pioneers and pass on to descendants the memory of the great feat of great people, then russia will again say to the whole world, let's go! flew.
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dad, maybe you should go to another service in the evening? no, earring, now, today is 40 days, i know the fate of the deceased is being decided, because our mother will go to heaven, of course. open up, dad, this is for you, the best one will pass by, yes, i think i’ll come in.
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maybe we need some help there? somehow this is all wrong, yurok, what’s wrong? yes, i’m talking about you and me, somehow all this is stupid, but what could have been different? well, it was, it was, but wait a minute, because of people like you, normal people are afraid to go out into the street, people like you, they killed polina, but listen to you, all the people’s troubles are from us, and the mess and don’t read, and other delights of the soviet authorities. okay, we talked, bavaykusor, forgive me, if anything happened,
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ibrahim went, uh, well, god willing, and the prosecutor will add, go for a walk, uncle, it seems, the last one, there won’t be any more trains, uncle, dakukin didn’t say anything, we’ll have a replenishment soon they will give, yes, two guards, oh, hello, valiant police, watch out.
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not upon arrival, i didn’t find a single suspicious face, let me go, give me a light, and go ahead, well, it’s always, please, oh, herzegovina, flor, uh-huh, a bunch of snakes, and well, whoever works well eats well , it happens, it happens, it happens, well, we can call it a day, oh, good, oh, i’ll smoke the house, let’s go. if only they would give us a replenishment as soon as possible, they didn’t kill you kurashkova, alov didn’t come out of the psychiatric hospital, he says, he hid under the bed and the eagle, gold, gold, it’s mine, get out of here, i wonder if they’ll give us time off on the weekend for
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overtime, they’ll give it, they’ll give it to us, if they don’t catch up with me, they’ll definitely give it to me. we've dumped the liquor, where should we go? there is a pier nearby and a manufacturing labask, from this pier the gunpowder goes to the capital, you're right, if we take the shovel, we get together nearby, it won’t occur to the garbage man that we are somewhere nearby, we will jump onto this ship and quietly, in the name of the union of soviet socialist republics, the military board of the supreme court considered in a closed session a criminal case on...
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here here, in an hour all the necessary documents should be on standby, okay? i’m sure, comrade, citizen, okay, let’s go without any reservations, convoy, convoy, convoys, convoys, take away, eat, let’s pass. right away , they hit me from behind, as if into my thin heart depiction, the blow was well placed, it looks like a sharpening, the villain didn’t
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leave any personal information there, no, listen, they killed a man here, and you’re joking, and if i had licked a punishment corpse, a long time ago i seemed to be in a psychiatric hospital, like your molov, lyokha wouldn’t moved out of pity, but out of greed. great, what's here? yes, the warehouse was cleaned out, the store was already banged, sharpened, the blow was well placed, another one. we have established that it was stolen, now the supply manager will arrive, we will establish that the trunk was taken, apparently not local, most likely leaked from someone passing by, we will wait, when it surfaces, i hope, these mazuriki are already driving up to the capital, they’re driving them up, they’re driving on anything, it’s unlikely that there’s a car, the train is also gone, the next one passing after lunch, and the first bus to moscow is at 11:30, there’s still water transport, let’s go , gennady. and the nearest titanic from here to
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the capital is 40 minutes away, this is why the titanic, because on this vessel there is a direct road to the bottom. well, what do you think, they are already here, most likely sitting nearby on trial, but there must have been no more than three afterbirths, and of course the loot must have been bolloks, i agree, that means so.
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the trunks contain stolen swag, what do you think? let's, as agreed, let's go in from both sides, yeah, if anything happens, i'll say that i ordered, i ordered, hello, show me the documents, please, what kind of horseradish is this from the hill, so that i can show you my power, and at the same time my things inspection. i’m sorry, boss,
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i didn’t admit it, you’ll be rich, you damn lawyer, come on, jaana, be careful, we’re leaving us,
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yes, what’s wrong with the coil, it needs to be changed, and where can i find it? don’t be afraid, uncle, i’ll do everything by the evening, but before the evening, what will we do? and before evening, uncle vova, don’t worry, you won’t need it. and you, why is this so? but those mazuriki that kostin and kozyry neutralized, they left the last one passing , so go ahead. the back yard,
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the back passage, i don’t know how it looks on the face, and let me quickly report on the management in the evening, and i’ll write about the house, well, have lunch, bon appetit, my comrade, and since what about me, strawberry, you’re worse than a dog to me already i’m tired of it, i explained to you, they don’t hire us if we have a criminal record, i understand, it’s not a set, you say it yourself, maybe somehow? no strawberry, no way. don't be shy, comrades, come in. hello, comrade dakukin. great, did you bring a tour, or what? today, these three fighters are included in your staff. i personally decided to deliver them to their new duty station. so, accept the replenishment. well, finally, otherwise my eagles have gone completely wild without rest, and will soon
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start attacking people. zemlyanikin? well, you say it’s not a set. look at the eagles. let's. introduce yourself, comrade, i am the head of the department, major sergei vadimovich dakukin, viktor zubov foreman, appointed to the position guard, well, i know you, we went to school with your dad, so he decided to come to us, that’s right, well done, sergeant, safiulin arthur, he himself came from noginsk as part of the komsomol recruitment, yarobey arthur, we’ll help with housing, we’ll check into the hostel today, thank you , captain zazuli yuri, seconded from the regional ugro for a year, well, where is a year, there is two, well, yes, i’m kidding, we won’t keep anyone, well, comrades, rest today, settle down, and tomorrow you are welcome to the service at 8:00 no delay, clear, there, thank you, allow me a few words, comrade major, so to speak, parting words from the city committee of komsamal, comrades, i’m telling you, i’m walking by chance, i see two pauls dragging me,
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they asked me to bring me to the pier, well, in return they promised to buy me a ticket to the capital. well, that's it, citizen gulkin. either you tell me the whole truth now, or you will go as a locomotive as a murderer. don’t take me for a show-off, boss, i won’t tell you anything anyway. well look, you chose it yourself. and i won’t sign anything. go find witnesses. we will record the refusal to sign. write, write, boss, you still have proof against me, no. and the court, the court will sort it out to the right. after all, he is humane and fair. or maybe you’ll try on yourself for the kliptlager because you’re hanging bullshit on me, and there won’t be any trial, i really don’t have time to spend time on you, but if you now fall out of the window while trying to escape, i’ll write off somehow, here in principle, everything i wanted to say, i can only wish that in the difficult
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struggle for socialist legality, you will never be forced to destroy the law, god bless you, i will immediately report this , i did not kill, this is your legality, to the secretary of the city committee, comrade lychkov, what are you doing, and now everything is the same with your hand, you understand, he’s doing something, here’s a citizen major, lawlessness, close the floor, and you
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follow me, gene, follow him, if what, call me, the devil knows that ivan serofimovich, this is arbitrariness, we don’t have chicago, after all, to beat a confession out of people in this way, you know a lot about chicago, but these are not our methods, but what our? in what sense , literally, that you offer them, to drink tea with jam or to crush consciousness? well i don’t know, but it’s impossible to leave it like that, especially since everything happened before the eyes of witnesses, among whom were those newly admitted to the service. what example does this kozyrev set for them? listen, dim, what do you want from me? i want kozyrev to be prosecuted
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to the fullest extent of the law, let the court decide whether he is guilty or not, it’s our job to respond. comrade zonov, hello, luchkov is bothering you, will you sit down on the path? well, what are you going to do, the first thing he will do is pull you out, again you are on your own, who will let me go? why the hell did i deal with you there? i will answer the first question: the same one who will release you is our fairest
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supreme court in the world. well, here’s the second question, the second question we’ll discuss with you when we’re free. is it coming? okay, let's go. soon, very soon, everything will be fine, hold on, come on and don’t relax, forest fires occur due to human fault, stop and... 90 years guarding the forests of russia,
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comrade pavlivker, comrade krainov ordered you to be taken to him, ordered you to carry out . why are you waiting for someone else? well, why are we standing? let's go, let's go, we still have half a day to go to moscow to nag. yes, and before entering the capital of our homeland, the hero city of moscow, you should at least wash your car. what, vitoldich, is it unusual to see
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me in the role of an interrogated person? i’m yura in this life, i’ve seen not such turns, and it’s not an interrogation, it’s a conversation, bye, okay, come on , you think i don’t understand that you have an order to sew up a case. yes, you sewed it for yourself, you sewed it for yourself, if of course it’s all true, yes it’s true, it’s true, tell me, well, why the hell did you do all this, even in front of a bunch of witnesses, it so happened that it was impossible for no one i saw, yes you can, you can’t, what difference does it make to you , go ahead, do your job, then, then no offense, you understand, i don’t want to represent my ass for you, and i’m not asking,
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that means, citizen, what are you you can say on the merits of the matter, and i’m warning you... about liability for giving false testimony, great, the guys are dashing, like life, young, life, just hold on, it’s hitting you with the key, and more and more on the head, and what kind of dandy, bank or something robbed, but what the hell am i to do, i earned it, and mind you, with one claw, with the shabashniks raised the national economy, well , they pay well, but... it’s not clear to me, here’s another ale op, duchess flor, favorite cigarettes of the late comrade stalin, please, no,
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thank you, i’m mine, otherwise i’m afraid to get used to it, okay, i’ll go, guys, there’s still a lot to do, happily, come on, do you hear, albert, what, yurka kozyrev is here, he wanted to invite him to go fishing tomorrow, after all. we haven’t seen each other for a year, we won’t see each other for the same amount of time, if not more, they arrested him, fuck you, when they just took him away, i’m sure it’s utkin, he drove a cart over him, i’m still waiting for this freak i know from when i was young, he always snitched on everyone, we harassed him for it, but now the bosses can’t, uh-huh, just like that, listen, viter, maybe you can put in a good word for... me there, well, in your coven, here it’s no longer magatu, come fishing with me tomorrow, we talked there. it’s an infection, try it, just don’t
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get wound up, oh, comrade kamsor, great, hello, victor, and i see you’ve already returned from your sabbath, how do you know, but i know a lot about this city, it’s due to my position , but that's understandable. you’re also supposed to sleep with other people’s wives due to your position, what kind of nonsense are you talking about, go get some sleep, and aren’t you afraid that when i wake up it’ll seem like a big deal to you, in what sense, in the most literal sense, let’s move away, now let’s talk about what, at least about how tezinki put a basket on the bed, no, i don’t understand you, but i’ll explain it to you. you
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know that kozyrev lived with her after you, however, she ran away from him, but that’s their business, only after her there was one very curious notebook left, in it there is a complete list of her lovers, who came when, who gave what, how much everything it's worth it, oh, the names are there they are dating, i’ll tell you, but you and i are only interested in one thing, it’s true, this is a provocation, this cannot be, but how much time has passed, well, for such cases there is no statute of limitations, we can... ask the woman for loss of moral character , especially if the person has a position, and the higher the position, the greater the demand. kozyrev threw this notebook away, and i picked it up, you never know, i think it will come in handy, you won’t prove anything, and i ’m not going to prove anything, i’ll just send it to the regional party committee with an explanatory note, and then you know what i’ll write, i’ll write that you wanted to buy it from kozyrev, when he refused, you let him down, i didn’t let him down, he was himself. and
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i don’t care whether he himself, not himself, but in that notebook there are so many different figures, they definitely won’t be ignored, but before that they will confuse you, the bitch, with shit, okay, what, what do you want, this, this is the other one conversation, listen in both ears, wait.
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that they took the trump card, that’s what’s going on, they say, in order to crack one mazurik, he threw him head down and almost threw him out of the window, who, yes, from the strays who were tonight the manufacturing warehouse was broken down with a wet woman, two of them were wound up tightly, and the third was killed , the ghoul calls, now he’s drying out in the bullpen, so we need to help out, that’s what you know, right? how very simple it is, we’ll put our little guy next to the stray, and he’ll hiss so that he doesn’t roll barrels at his trump card, they say, for the lads it’s necessary, just like a cat, and now you’re not overheated, you’re in the air, understand?
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so maybe i haven’t heard of one yet or that’s enough, get out of here or have nothing else to do, said i got it, i got it.
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bear, great, great, great, great, well what, i collected all the gold in magadan, no, magadan is taking a break from me this time, i turned restaurateurs into builders for you.
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well, you, me and yurka, not yusyakh, the three of us, no way, you know, i’m always with you, please, but do you remember how in the thirty-fifth, if it weren’t for you, i was lying, to be honest, for a while, that’s why you ’re smoking for me, dammit, okay, let's figure it out, yes, i'll just take a sip of beer, great, bro, hello, great!
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that is, speaking in russian, you think that kozyrev is guilty, but punishing him would be a politically illiterate decision, yes or no, well, in general, how would it be more precise, that you are like a cow before calving, you say yes or no, yes, that is, no, off you go , excuse me, go home, i say, but what about kozyrev? comrade zonov is worried about lychkov again, well, it seems, everything seems to be everything, read
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and sign. yes, markov, yes, comrade zonov, yes, i’m done, yes, everything was confirmed, and he didn’t deny it, yes, excuse me, i understand, give it to me, i didn’t understand, and i’m not a help desk to explain everything to everyone, i understand , go home, yura. you 're tired, i'm tired. go, that's it.
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kuzarets, just wait, it’s you, you’re like here, yes so i escaped, that is, as it were, with my feet, but they let me go, comrade major, markov first interrogated him, then they called him, he put the protocol in the ballot box for me with foam. who called? okay, we'll figure it out, you don't have to come tomorrow, let's go!
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get out of the car. comrade pavliv, where are you going? where? but comrade koralov ordered you to be taken straight to him. tell comrade krainov that he will not give orders when i am his subordinate, another transfer, haste is needed in two cases, when catching fleas and when...
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belyashen whispered that he was released yesterday, often, that’s okay, the truth is, one should always be above the lies, and yurka is an opera from god, yes, he’s also a person, if it weren’t for him, i would still be trampling the zone, a normal place, quiet, water, grace. oh, what else is needed for happiness, yes, but the men won’t be offended, we
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’ll frighten all the fish for them, well, if they have eyes on their shoulders, they’ll knock them off themselves, i’d like to know what kind of shit they are at that age, such a car, but i want now i’ll drive them into race, don’t leave them, the devil knows who they are, we’ll run into the sons of high authorities, then it won’t be a sin, you're better off for half a liter. drive, then maybe the bite will be more fun. oh, it’s me in an instant, take the money, yes i have it, enough for a bottle of snacks, i’ll instantly, well, let’s go to the fire, vasily, come on guys.
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in general, well-mannered people first say hello, sorry, madam, and don’t plop down like that without an invitation, so invite me, i don’t have the slightest desire, all the best. listen, if i violated the courtly behavior, i’m ready to offer my most sincere apologies, listen, what are you doing, what are you doing, i’m culturally approaching, well, it’s boring, you know, boring, look, i really wanted female company, they wanted to dilute it a little, i don’t have syrup to dilute the water.
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it won’t work, let the girl go, listen, man, you told you something stupid, get out of here, please help, this is possible, i’m sorry, i asked for it, run, run, and i’ll hold them back, stop it, what are you doing, well stop, your comrade was the first to attack,
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and they are falling into the bushes, that’s it, let’s quickly get out of here, run, no, hear, maybe that’s enough, you ’ve done so much, but run, i said. vasyacha.
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"let's just hurry up, we have to get out before the body was not found, the leaders, vasya, the leaders, what are we going to do with this, or maybe there is someone who wants it, and that he has gone completely off the rails, that’s enough already, but it’s his own fault, there was no point in flattering not his own affairs, but she, by the way, another witness, i’m against it, two corpses is already too much, i agree that she knows, she doesn’t know anything about us, she didn’t see the license plate number of the car.” they got caught in a joke and that’s it, buddies, if he gets away with anything, i’m clean, then pull him out throw her out of the car, throw her into the ditch, come on, come on, come on
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, is there anything in the back? something dull and heavy, then the body was dragged from here to here, it’s like a fortune teller.
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okay, let's tell you everything in order from the moment these guys pulled up, where is he? yes a hundred!
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listen here, you'll send this to the capital, zyama has been waiting for a long time, pick up the messenger, decent muzzles, a civilized outfit, decent, where can i find you decent, don't you know our muzzles, find it, red moscow, pour out a bottle so that it smells like may rose, in general, figure it out, this is one topic, well, in general,
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the one-armed witch was killed. in the thirtieth he saved me from death, when on five dooms with pikes climbed up to me, where did we get the obraks? yes, we had hired gours, they were building our mailbox. “we fought with them at the dance because of the women, and because of me he took a pike, but i’m sorry, i didn’t
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know, so, try this thing, if one of ours worked, skid, come to me, touch it yourself , and if you’re not one of ours, are you really stupid, especially if you don’t stand on ceremony here?” the main thing is that he is alive, okay, niku, you go, may you rest in peace, cat.
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look at him, he's an angel incarnate, the only thing missing is the wings, but the man was killed, it’s good that you were smart enough to admit that no one saw you.
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and don’t leave the house, understand? i also cleared mine today, it’s late, 10 years too late, okay, tell me how you look at it all, but what actually happened, well, yes, it’s a terrible case, but there are no witnesses, the girl doesn’t count, but if we give her money, we’ll shut her mouth, what if? there are witnesses.


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