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tv   Legavii-2  NTV  April 15, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

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and so as not to leave the house, i realized, i also cleared my brains today, it’s too late, 10 years later they identified it, okay, tell me how you look at it all, but what actually happened, well, yes, it’s a terrible case, but there are witnesses - no, the girl doesn’t count, well, if we give her money, we’ll shut her mouth, and if there are witnesses.
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the duty officer, ulansky says, urgently find out the telephone number of the first secretary of the petrovsky city committee. van, what? is it true that they say that the circus is coming to us? who 's speaking? well, i heard it at the market today. i would close all these markets to hell.
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are they churning out these rumors there, or what? well, is that true or not? yes, no, of course, there’s a circus, there’s plenty of that in life, look what ’s going on in the country, and what’s going on in the country? i think everything is fine, life has become better, life has become more fun, vanya, what, what? why are you, you fool, are you going to kill me like that? you will leave with these abrasins, oh, i would understand why, this is a rejuvenating mask, you yourself want your wife to be young, and so , by the way, you yourself will remain young with you, and forever, hello, now, go, you to phone some stelnov from moscow, anton ivanovich, i’m listening, how many years, how many winters? following
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the testimony of witness zemlyanikin, at the place, besides him and koshkin, there were five more people, four young guys and a girl of 20-25 years old, and what happens is that these five, for no reason at all, attacked koshkin and killed, i think, the place there was a conflict during which koshkina was killed, i have sketched out several plans for operational measures. well, that’s smart, you can immediately see the capital’s detective, this is my business, okay, i’ll need help, get people involved, freely, well, you find out everything there, and well , be so kind, then... i ask you to be careful,
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well, you understand, it’s a delicate matter, and i ’ll jump up to you tomorrow morning, well, see you tomorrow, fireworks, so you well, i seriously decided to go, it’s our father’s lot to wipe up our requests, so what, when i’m with you, and these handsome guys are locked up.
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version that he stood up for the girl in the fight and was killed? well, yes, i also think so, there would be no leader in the country, i need to look for her, and the sooner the better, it seems to me that your friend is not... where did she get you so masculine? fell unsuccessfully. apparently more than once. this is of course up to you, but i categorically insist on
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immediate hospitalization. i 'll write out the directions now. no, no, i can’t go to the hospital, i have to in the morning. the doctor said to the hospital, that means to the hospital. i’ll go there tomorrow myself and tell you everything, that’s it, no talking about who opens the door. what, if not special, feeds the wolf’s legs, only one thing is known for certain on the legs, there is no truth in them, come out, why didn’t you come to me right away, and what, isn’t it yours? the guys didn't warn you, where? another
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mines under whose asses. there is everything, yes, he cleverly hooked me, who would have thought, just think, when you wrote this denunciation of beria about this comrade, you were also thinking about something, yes, you may not answer, it’s a rhetorical question, well, how my affairs, here is the order in your appointment to the position of deputy chief of operational investigation. department of the regional administration, about awarding you the next rank of colonel, thank you, but it seems to me that you didn’t ask, this is not my initiative, he ordered, something like compensation,
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compensation, well, but you will need to come in, thank him, come in, come in, tell me better how... “we will now be with you, and comrade major general, allow me to start carrying out official duties, just a minute, please, read here the plan of operational measures and a detailed description of the feasibility of carrying out these activities in the very near future, look, you didn’t waste your time, well, i had too much of this myself. okay, i’ll think about it, you’ll get the official documents. in the frames, there already notified, there, don’t forget, be there.
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well, what are you doing, citizens, good, well , who drives like that, well, what kind of things are they doing in nature, for god’s sake, forgive me, comrade, i don’t know how it happened, i got distracted, oh you got distracted, so we have to look forward, we well, forward, and not tossing your head around, actually, what kind of tone is that, do you understand who you are with? talk, but i don’t care, someone like that, i live here, if necessary, people will say a word for me, that’s it, wait, wait, wait, wait, antosha, calm down, comrade, you’ll forgive us, honestly, now let's be careful, you
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it’s better to tell us where we have lenin street here, and what we need on lenin, party cork, and go straight ahead, take the second turn to the right, don’t miss it completely. thank you, thank you, comrade! dambovo ox, where, comrade, comrade, listen to the riddle, a man returned, he hadn’t been in the city for 10 years, he came to his mother’s grave, in its place the owner of the meat processing plant was buried with a monument, the question is, who got the money, are you kind of being fair, zhenya murian, your mother won’t forgive you, but do you really think that i didn’t take precautions? i don't like these dances on the graves, they killed him with mine, he
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pressed you tightly, you want you to fight on his side, you are his, i told you the truth, then you can do what you want, arseniy robok, hot spot, new season, tomorrow at 20 :00 on ntv, where they recruit you from, only through the komsomol recruitment, you wait, please, now someone will definitely come and receive you, thank you, i’ll wait, you’ve made it. the policeman doesn’t know how to accept a simple statement, how are you going to catch bandits, dear, i’ll learn, comrade captain, here they want to submit an application, but i i don’t even know how to take it, hello, who are you? urvantseva, vera vasilyevna, head of the city library, it’s very nice, captain kozyrik, what do you see, yesterday an accident happened to my daughter, in the morning she went to the river, and in the evening she literally crawled back beaten with a broken head, she also said that straight ...
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“now i don’t even know how to help, you first tell me, did you find out what i asked you to do? yes, of course, that means that a criminal case has been opened into the murder of the disabled war veteran koshkin, an investigation is underway, there are no suspects yet no, he will still bring on wars, from the age of one, they couldn’t cope with the collection without anything else, there is one. witness, what does indirect mean? this means that he was not at the crime scene,
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but he saw the criminals, he can identify them, now it’s not at all easier, who he is, this slanted witness, he can work with him on the subject, there’s a lapse in memory, a certain zemlyanikin from the local bandits, he has three convictions in the past, one for robbery, two for theft, but in recent years he has nothing like that. was not observed, maybe he was on the path to correction, the hunchbacked grave will be corrected, or maybe there is some other witness, yes, it seems not, tell me, how are you getting along with the local police authorities, yes, i’m getting along well, and why are you asking, tell me, ivan sirfievich, aren’t you tired of your position. in what sense? in the sense that this whole mess with
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the control of power will soon end, a lot of responsible vacancies will appear in the apparatus of the cpsu central committee. how do you feel about the position of the sect of the cpsu district committee of one of the districts of our capital? i do not even know what to say. so it's positive. yes. well, if you tell us if you help, then i not only promise you such a position, but practically guarantee it, your old friend, comrade stelnov, can confirm this, well, thank you, maybe some cognac, maria sergeevna, i ask you, please remember again. but in more detail, every little thing is important to me, i already told you everything, i don’t even know what else, well,
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for example, what brand the car was, i don’t remember, it’s big, bright, victory, yes, probably a victory, definitely a victory , are you sure, yes, i also thought where such young guys got such a car, because only civil servants drive it - well, or there is a taxi, i saw it in moscow, but it was definitely not a taxi, but a license plate, no, i don’t remember the license plate. how were they dressed? they were dressed well, as in the capital, as in the capital, comrade kozyrev, i would ask you. yes, of course, thank you, maria sergeevna, if you remember anything else, be sure to let me know, and i’ll come back myself. have you written?
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okay, goodbye, get well, goodbye, find them. please, we will try, goodbye, oh great, hello, how are you here, yes the duty officer said you are here, well, yes, there was that girl who saw vitka, everything was confirmed, well, what he said, and what else he said, but a little, well, yes. not a lot, but if there’s something to dance about, you need to ask zemlyanikin again, i agree, let’s go, otherwise you know how it happens, i don’t remember, i don’t remember, a couple of leading questions, that’s all, it broke through.
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“so, you are asking me to commit a crime in office, i understand you, ivan serafimovich, but you understand everything, zhenya, and there is no need to fool me, by the way, i came to you with a specific proposal, from very specific influential people from there, yes, but you forgot to tell me why they need this, well, it’s like you were born yesterday, honestly, or your bosses are explaining to you what and how to do, my bosses are my bosses, bosses, they are not my boss, that is, you want to say that you refuse to obey the orders of the party, but you don’t need to hire me as a bass player, but god be with you, what are you, well, you didn’t have any thoughts, what are you risking, well, you have a corpse there is, there is,
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there is a suspect, there is also, but what’s the matter, zhenya? the fact is that this case is full of bullshit, and if the real killers are found, they won’t be found, come on, come on, come on, tell me what i don’t know yet, just don’t take me in word here, i just wanted to say that if they are found, then you will release this strawberry, what’s his name, then, you can vouch for him, are you silent? that’s it, well, i’m waiting, they’re also waiting, keep in mind zhenya, not you, so the other
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thing i’ll have, besides the enviable opportunity to get 5 years for a crime, is also a business conversation, well, let’s put it this way, like you you feel about heading a police department in one of the districts of our capital, what kind of people are they who give out such positions so easily, so... duty officer, markova to me, urgently, comrade colonel, colonel poblifker, yes , what’s
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the matter, from today i am your adjutant, appointed by order.
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yes, what's going on here? are you blind, kosarev? go to the eye doctor and check, the arrest of a criminal, a criminal, that is, he is already a criminal, who decided that? yura, get away from this sin, why are we loading? if anything is interesting, ask the authorities, i understand, i’m a small, small person, the main thing for me is to crow, and then at least don’t bloom. what are you doing, let's go? that is, as i understand it,
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the criminal has already been found, or rather appointed, right? and who is this? so introduce me, yes, yes, i understand everything, there is, okay, no, no additional data on koshkin’s murder has been found, that’s right, there is, what is this, additional data on koshkin’s murder. zazuli, go and have a smoke, you already registered, not yet, i decided
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to show you first, consider that i showed you, that’s all, so, i understood correctly, someone decided to make wild strawberries as a last resort, and this is not our business, but what is ours, to watch how the guy is brought under the tower, we now know for sure that he did not kill, then you will go and you’ll personally report to comrade zonov, i understand, i won’t report. well, in general, i made inquiries about vitka. in short, the topic is this: they flunked him, most likely for flying, who? well, it is not yet known who, but what is not from the blots is the exact one. it looks painfully like a cormorant. i'm not asking whether it's boklanka or not. i ask who. well, they whispered to me what happened to the witch, when he was knocked down, there was a strawberry. strawberries and the cat didn’t make up his mind with him, you know, fishing doesn’t happen, well, fisherman’s fisherman, so maybe he killed him, drank, got better,
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you yourself say, fisherman, fisherman, you were talking with him, well, that’s the point the thing is that i didn’t have time, the frogs tied him up, i myself saw how the archangels in bracelets were loaded onto the monitor lizard, and there was also a trump card there, so he was very angry that they took him, and even with the legal man who was packing him, it seems like took it. barked, i wonder what kind of legislator he is? and bye bye markov, business from heaven, markov, this petty fellow they won’t drive you, and even so that he himself will come to the arrest, it’s all for a reason, you’re on the same page with markov, so ask around, what’s there and how, where to go.
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why didn’t you start wandering earlier? yes, i had this music. ruzil minikaev. although there will be war soon. leon kemstach, i see it in the area, i’ll bury it. nikita kologrivy. don’t you understand that they will now catch us all one by one? anna peresilt. help! anton vasiliev, we are now creating a new department, the power is now behind us, we will hand over all of you in two weeks. sergey burunov, why did i become the father of a bandit? ivan yankovsky, they sharpen their teeth on us, no one likes the fact that we are a force in ourselves. the boy's word, blood on the asphalt. goda today at 23:00 on ntv. hot spot, new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. a fight in the knee, a fight in the back, a fight in the neck maybe.
6:06 am
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neronskaya, i will tell you about the weather for today: a cyclone is smoothly moving through the southern regions of the far east, it has already left transbaikalia, with bright sun and +10, but the amur region will be covered with heavy rains, while in blagoveshchensk the temperature will be up to rise to almost +20. and khabarovsk has been breaking heat records for several days in a row, and today a new record will be quite possible. the previous one was installed in 1965, but then it was only +20, but on tuesday the rains will start and it will get colder. the southern regions of siberia were swept by another heat wave, in krasnoyarsk 16, in altai almost 20, but all accompanied by heavy rains. closer to the urals there is less precipitation, but it is cloudy, cold, windy, in omsk it is only +5. in the urals the sun will appear, in perm +1, in orenburg - 14 without
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precipitation, but tomorrow it will rain again. the situation remains very difficult. in the north of european territory there is wet snow, a huge scandinavian cyclone is responsible for the weather here, its cold front will cover the volga region, there are heavy rains, thunderstorms and gusty winds. this is warmer than in sochi, where it is only +17, in crimea the air will warm up to 22 without precipitation, in rostov +21 and rain, in st. petersburg +6, rain, in moscow there is slight rain and +10, this is a little below normal, well , that’s enough, enough, i say. put him in prison, well, what did you think, mind you, i don’t even
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ask what happened there and how, but do you know why? because i'm not interested in this, i need you to sign a piece of paper calm down until the trial. on which they will give me a rushak, well, whether they will give it or not, that’s a different matter, come on, sign it, i didn’t kill him, listen, albertik, i imprisoned you twice too, you know, if i take on someone, i won’t let him go, i know, i won’t sign anything, even if you beat me to death, no, i ’m not interested in such an outcome, but you know what, i ’ll send you to the regional pre-trial detention center to dry out, there
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you’ll be assigned to a cell with the convicted, who have nothing to lose, and no longer than in 2 days, you are not only killing yourself koshkina, you are killing yourself you’ll take kirov, although of course you were still running around with a slingshot then, but these are details, come on, come on, drink some water and sign, come on. well, you're a boor, we'll treat you,
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well, i'll see. comrade poblifker, you didn’t waste any more time in vain, that you were sure that sooner or later you would howl to freedom? i was sure that sooner or later the truth would prevail colonel general, sit down colonel, what do you want? i won’t refuse, well, i haven’t eaten anything since the morning, tea and sandwiches for us, tell me, do you seriously think that all this... can be done? i i don’t think so, i’m sure, as you imagine, because in our country there is no such phenomenon, and in principle it cannot be, well , you yourself know, comrade
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colonel general, when they say that we do not have such a phenomenon, that in in principle it cannot be, then this only means one thing: everything has existed a long time ago, do you realize who you are telling this to? that's right, if i said something wrong, please forgive me, but in this case i consider further discussion of this issue unnecessary, sit down, colonel, sit down, but if your enterprise is not will be crowned with success and even moreover, will end. will end in complete failure, i guarantee you this, i also guarantee that in case of failure i will put a bullet in my forehead, leaving you a letter of repentance, from which it will become clear that this whole undertaking was only my
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personal initiative. i’m ready to write a letter right now. write, i just have one request. i need this man to be released as quickly as possible. why do you need it? let me explain this later, when i have drawn up a complete plan for the operation. what's wrong with your hands? oh, what about nonsense? yes,
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thank you, comrade, this material will be added to the case. comrade colonel, does this mean that zemlenikin will be released? after all , from this statement it is clear that he is not guilty, whether he is guilty or not guilty, this will be established by the investigation. would you allow me to interrogate him at least one more time? i don’t allow it, the case is with investigator markov, i will give orders and he will familiarize you with the materials. if this is all, then you are free. no, that's not all. i promise you that i will not leave this matter like this. and i will find the real killers, even if i have to leave the authorities. and forbid you you can’t do that for me. so why are you silent? what does the colonel say? have you heard everything yourself? go. eat.
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“hello, comrades, the zones are worried, we have a little problem here, by the name of kozyrev, kozyrev, wait, are you serious about the dismissal, that i look like a clown, but wait, yura, don’t lie, well, well, you see how things turned out , this person is also forced"? and apparently, there was some specific indication to know someone else, but what will that give you? well, in general, stop talking about being fired, i understand, but i didn’t mean to do that, i broke away, but i i warn you, i won’t leave this business, but am i really against it, the main thing is to keep me informed so that i can cover you, and what’s wrong with you, another pony man, they rightly say, the best watchman for slaves is such a giraffe with a moist coat hands, where are you going now? i want to go home and check on my son,
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he’s on vacation, by the way, about the vacation, i remember i promised you a vacation, so if i find anything, then we’ll have a break, so you’re saying that koshkin was killed by some young people who came to... yes, i approve, but what about you? can you say, if you yourself say, that you were unconscious? well, i heard something, not everything, of course, but maria serge, maria sergeevna, this isn’t funny to you yourself, i heard something, not everything, of course, what you want to say by this, i want to say that with your diagnosis i'll have to send you to college.
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i see, well then, okay, i’ll go, maria sergeevna, you’re getting better, you still have your whole life ahead of you.
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great, boss, i'll give you a shot, when? you have a pistol, yes, i’ll bite you to death, what do you need to say, you need to, well, say it, just quickly, come on, come on, in short, i need to know everything about the murder of vitka koshka. everything, you know, i’m afraid that everything, even i don’t know, is good, then he says everything you know, otherwise, you know, it seems to me that he won’t like it. what does anyone care about some vitka koshkin or is it a secret? and what is this secret? they just sat side by side on the same tree when they were children, understand?
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thus, the case of the brutal murder of disabled war veteran viktor koshkin has not only a criminal, i would say, huge political resonance, but also a person i went through the whole war, lost my arm, and just like that, i died in peacetime in an absurd way. that is why the leadership of the regional party committee set the task of finding the killer as quickly as possible and severely punishing him to the fullest extent of soviet laws, which was done in the shortest possible time, all i had to do was punish, i know for sure that zemlyanikin did not kill koshkin, who killed him
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killed, i also know, no names yet, but it’s a matter of time. listen, kozyrev, if you stop the investigation into this case, i guarantee you a promotion in the near future. the rank of promotion up the career ladder, that is, you are offering me a promotion for committing a crime in office, i understood you correctly, what kind of person are you, and kozyrev, don’t you understand, but not everything in this life happens the way it is this what you and i want? listen, yu, maybe you need money, huh? daughter, well,
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i need to eat, do you think that i didn’t eat anything yesterday, i don’t want it, mom, i don’t want it, you need strength now, where does it come from? if you don't eat anything, i don't want to, i eat, i die i want, oh, give up these conversations, who will i stay with, i can say, i live for you in the world, and these people will be found, they will be found , they will be judged, i asked people about this policeman who came to you, kozyrev, they said, this one will find it, he will hurt himself, he will find it. moreover, the deceased turned out to be his friend, i ran to work, in the evening i’ll come and feed you dinner, eat at least two spoons, i’ll check, okay.
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why do you need this? you're not from the police, are you? well, let's just say that i'm not really from the police, or rather not from the police at all, but to the law in i have a direct connection to this city, only my law is different, but i can promise you one thing, that from this moment you are under my protection and
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not a single bastard will raise its tail against you, tell me.
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why are you so late? what about you? i just can’t become a dead point. what's stopping you? not what, who? that puts a spoke in the wheels. and tries to buy nezarut 20. who are we talking about? yes , there is a leader of the regional spill here, you’ll tell me, why not tell me, i’ll tell you,
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listen, boss, untie your hands, with what strain, i recognized you, we’re together in they were in the camp, the rivers were flowing, come on, yes, chief, untie your hands, chief, you won’t know how you found me, it’s also a military secret to me, yes, in petrovka, every dog ​​knows the address of this house of yours. send your eagles, and you and i will talk about what
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the market will be like, dress, dear, exclusively, dress, i slammed the door and left, yes, they wanted to buy you cheaper. conclusion? what is the conclusion? are they all goats? well, that's undeniable. and they already bought your lychkov. otherwise, why the hell would he promise you mountains of gold that he cannot give them with his own power? well, yes, they can give you such a card only very serious people. and these people are interested in ensuring that the real criminals are not found. does that mean they are connected to the murderers? and considering their age is about 20 years. parents? influential parents, otherwise where is the victory? it's a pity that no one remembered the numbers. well, this is not
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the only way, i mean, but before you buy lychkov, you had to agree on a preliminary conversation with him. so how do you find out who it is? is it possible to call moscow from here? no, only from the duty room. went. we wish you the best morning, further in the program we will clarify the details of the emergency incidents, we will tell auto stories from the first transmission, on ntv, an emergency program in valery’s studio. heated debates are being waged by residents of one snt in


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