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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 15, 2024 4:00pm-4:45pm MSK

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cat: when you go to the toilet in the dark at night, it’s easier to kick him than to step on him. it was a meeting place that could not be changed. 14:00, weekday ntv broadcast. all the best to you, goodbye. will the us be able to keep israel from retaliating against iran? how did the un council meeting on the middle east end? the water does not go away, the right bank of kurgan is under threat of flooding, residents are being urged to evacuate. and in the orenburg region, the flood is gradually receding, but the situation is still difficult. about the main thing for this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev. hello. tel aviv is preparing a response to iran's unprecedented missile attack on israeli targets. the authorities of the jewish state do not want to act alone and are waiting for a reaction from their own. official tehran
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says that after the demonstrative strike it does not plan further actions, unless, of course, tel aviv itself provokes them. the un security council, which gathered in hot pursuit at an emergency meeting , did not come to a common denominator and common assessments. representatives of the us, uk and france focused on condemning the actions iran, and russian and chinese diplomats reminded everyone of what was the root cause of the current round of escalation. the united states condemned the iranian strikes on israel, vowing to continue to support its main middle east ally, but at the same time, washington said it was not seeking escalation and did not want the conflict to escalate into a major regional war. white house national security speaker john kirby repeated this in every possible way on american television. we will obviously be vigilant to any potential threat to our forces in the region, but president biden. made it clear: we do not
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seek war, we do not expect escalation and we certainly do not expect war with iran. trying to keep israel from retaliating, biden immediately after the iranian attack called israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and asked him to regard the results of the raid as a victory for israel, saying that almost all the missiles were shot down in the air, and those few that reached the targets did not cause any significant damage damage according to washington estimates. additionally, according to kirby, biden said netanyahu that the united states will not support any forceful response to iran. netanyahu’s reaction to the conversation with biden has not been reported, but some of the israeli prime minister’s colleagues definitely believe that the incident is far from over. in the face of the iranian threat, we will build a regional coalition and force iran to pay when it suits us. and most importantly, despite the desire of our enemies to harm us, we will unite and become even stronger. and gantz is not the only one calling.
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for more stringent measures, warned and washington. quote: this is a conflict between iran and the rogue israeli regime that the us needs to stay away from. at the un security council, iranian representative amir sayad iravani recalled that his country did not attack israel for nothing. in response to repeated military aggression by the israeli regime, in particular the april 1 attack on iranian diplomatic facilities in violation of article two of the un charter, armed. iranian forces carried out a series of attacks on israeli military targets with dozens of missiles and drones. russia, after that israeli strike on the iranian consulate in damascus warned the world about the danger of a new conflict and called for a joint response, but western countries did not support it. what happened on the night of april 14 did not happen in a vacuum. iran's steps were a response to the shameful inaction of the security council.
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this attack crossed every possible red line and israel reserves the right to respond, we are not frogs in boiling water, we are a nation of lions. in washington, according to an unnamed administration source president, biden is preparing for a catastrophic escalation if israel retaliates against iran. strike after strike, american forces in the middle east have been put on high alert. alexey veselovsky, alexander dekin, alexander gusev, ntv, usa. vladimir putin today held a working meeting in the kremlin via video link with the governor of the astrakhan region, igor
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babushkin. discussed the socio-economic development of the region. babushkin noted that the basis of the region’s economy is still the fuel and energy complex, and not only the oil and gas sector, but also green energy. vladimirovich, now it is very important to increase cargo flow - the creation of a modern fleet. just last year , our shipbuilders laid down container ships and dry cargo ships 2.0108, a type that can operate in the caspian sea, since, well
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, the caspian sea is quite shallow. igor babushkin also asked vladimir putin to support his nomination for a new term as head of the region. the president noted that the governor proved himself. in this position wished him success in the upcoming elections. vladimir putin spoke today with the governor of the volgograd region andrei bacharov about the development of the region; he told the president about the situation in the real sector of the economy. according to bocherov, regional enterprises are increasing production volumes and entering a new market. your industrial production is growing, the level of agricultural production and investment is maintaining. andrey ivanovich, it has decreased twice as much as in the country.
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now about the situation with floods , according to the latest data, residents of 39 are suffering from floods russian regions, operational services reported. the most difficult situation still remains in the orenburg region, but gradually the water is flowing into the kurgan and tyumen regions. in kurgan , the water level in the tabol river is rapidly rising. in 8 hours , the water rose by 54 cm, approaching 685 cm. according to forecasts, by mid -week it could reach 11 m. according to the governor. threatens to flood the entire right bank part of kurgan. the water is already 10 km from the city. authorities continue to urge residents of the most dangerous areas evacuate immediately. sirens sound constantly in the city. report from kurgan region by olga zenkova. from a bird's eye view in the middle of the flooded tobol
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, this island looks uninhabited, but here local farmer pavel kachitkov and his 15 sheep have been waiting for the water to recede for 3 days and 3 nights. suddenly it all crept up. there was an old village here, so that’s the expense. hillocks were saved, his hermitage and farm are located a few kilometers from the village of gledianskoye, when the water began to rise, he opened the pens, released the animals, with a tent took the highest place, here he lives now, they laid out sheepskin coats, everything is as it should be, all the sweatshirts, everything is there, there is a phone, there are chargers, the house can now only be approached by boat, in the room there is water under the window sill, there is a lot of damage there, yes, of course, it’s big, like a small one, now the stove will have to be broken down, all this will have to be done anew. the firewood has floated away, the hay has also floated away, local residents bring drinking water and food, but pavel refuses to leave, waits for the water to go downstream, it does so, capturing along the shores of villages, forcing residents to abandon their homes, some were driven out of their homes by the elements during the day, others were taken by surprise at night, there was no silence during the day, the night began to get dark,
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all these sirens began, it was as if a war had begun, here the house was flooded , there is water in the house, there is water, there is water in the house, he patrols houses on his fishing boat, makes sure that there is no looting, feeds the dogs that the owners could not pick up during the evacuation, and my good one, there were some here. three streets are flooded, local residents they are counting the damage, even those whose water did not cross the threshold of their home were affected, for safety reasons in the villages the electricity is turned off, meat supplies are disappearing, maybe 10 kilograms, while i threw it away, maybe that’s all, well, for another week, maybe there will be no light, any leftovers can be thrown away. the greatest damage, of course, will affect those houses that are located on the first coastline; for example, the owners of this house will have to dry not only furniture, but vehicles. in the kurgan region, for a week now they have been trying to do everything to minimize the consequences flood, along. tabola strengthen the banks with clay and sandbags, and deploy water-filling dams. 2 km of filled branches
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will protect the residential sector in the regional center from flooding. here the results of the work are clearly visible. the water came close to the houses and flooded the entire street, but tons of brought soil held back the elements, and behind the man-made barrier, all the yards remained completely dry. the speed of the current is very high, i think, 7 kilometers per hour, because it was arriving very quickly. it's scary, to be honest. local residents organized themselves were on duty. we’re still on duty now, because now the water will still stand for a long time, god forbid, the dam doesn’t break. in an emergency situation, dozens of temporary accommodation centers have been deployed; not only residents of flooded houses are taken there, but also those in a potential risk zone. felchers are on duty at the shelters. vaccination against hepatitis a has begun. the peak of the flood in the region is expected at the beginning of this week. olga zenkova, artemy epifanov, valeria proskurikova, ntv television company. the situation in the orenburg region remains difficult, where... water active retreats, in orsk, which was the first to suffer the blow of the elements, this week they will already begin
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to repair roads and restore power supply. in the capital of the region , the water level dropped, but only by a few centimeters; in some settlements, river flooding has only just arrived. so in nikolskoye, not far from arenburg, several dozen households were flooded, the residents barely had time to leave, taking with them only the most necessary things. mikhail chernov met with the villagers. in nikolskaya the big water came while everyone was sleeping, village from orenburg. 50 km downstream of the urals towards kazakhstan, flood waters quickly inundated the outskirts of the dereen church. the cars are flooded, the water came to this street early in the morning, people managed to grab only the most necessary things. residents say that first the dogs started barking, then the forest creatures ran through the village. roe deer are running along the asphalt, they ran from there, they swim across, well, they just don’t have time, through the courtyards, back and forth, wild boars swim across, everyone hides as best they can, to take the property out. almost no one made it here, some tried foam the doors, but it only helped in the first hours, everything was drowned, here’s the hall, here’s the kitchen,
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that’s what they could, they lifted it up, the water was coming in quickly, they just didn’t have time, instantly everyone screamed evacuation and the siren, and the water was just coming, people hurriedly added soil and clay around their plots, they were waiting for big water here, they tried to fence themselves off, successfully the water-filling dam is now all in water, a clay embankment was erected here for several days in a row, now they are dismantling it, the water came in from the other side, the village is between two rivers, they were waiting for water from the urals, and it came from the direction of its tributary, the krestovka river and neighboring fields, then they blocked it from here, so they saved it, they even brought it, you see what a bag, but now it’s the other way around from there, the first to sink were the barns with hay and grain and.. . at the construction site where they keep livestock, chickens are no longer being cut off from their roosts, they managed to take the cattle out of the barns, now they are looking all over the village, since
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yesterday i have been looking and can’t find them, damn, where have they run, who knows, in orenburg itself the water is low. , but he stumbles, a few centimeters a day, he’s joking here, there used to be a grant park microdistrict, now an archipelago of the same name on the ural sea, among the overflowing urals, houses like islands, some of the residents remained to protect the area from uninvited guests. mikhail chinov, igor akimov, nikolay dasun, ntv. orenburg. in a disaster zone, volunteers not only protect property, but also come to the aid of domestic animals, pets are often left defenseless in homes abandoned by people, one of these stories happened in the suburbs of orenburg, oh-oh-oh, here he is, here he is, now, now , he's ready, yes, yes, now, now, now, now, wait, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, let's go, let's go, let's go, now, he's ready, yes, yes, now, now, now, wait, a dog was locked in a private house, on amateur footage , it is clear
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that the water rose to the very ceiling, the dog was holding on to the floating furniture with his last strength, but he had no chance of getting out of the water captivity on his own, he managed to get the animal only after a volunteer broke the window, he was in the first minutes of rescue warmed the dog, and such stories in the zone there are dozens of floods now. oil prices are falling today, despite the sharp escalation of the situation in the middle east. next on the air is business news from namidinstvo. in the first hours of today's trading, world oil prices tried to rise, but now they are going down quite confidently and losing more than half a dollar. the launch of about 300 missiles and drones by iran towards israel has not yet frightened the market, although it would seem that this is the same escalation in the middle east. iranian strike marks first attack on israel
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from another state for more than 30 years. in addition, iran is the third largest producer. and here it is always customary to remember that iran can block the armus strait, and approximately 20% of the oil consumed in the world flows through it. but the relative calm of oil prices is explained, firstly, by the fact that the iranian attack did not have serious consequences, and secondly, investors seem to have factored such a development into prices in advance. for example, on friday oil added half a dollar. goldman sax analysts add, that now 5-10 dollars in oil prices is just... a premium for the middle eastern risk, thirdly, now the main thing for the oil market is still how israel will respond, and as, for example, analysts of the dutch financial group suggest ing, this answer will be limited, precisely because the iranian attack did not cause significant damage to israel. shares of rusal and norilsk nickel are falling in price on the moscow exchange today, this is affected by
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new sanctions from the united states and great britain, which have banned the import of russian aluminum, copper and nickel, produced after. april 13 this year. in addition, such russian metals cannot be traded on the london metal exchange on the chicago mercantile exchange. and at first the market reacted to all this with a sharp rise in prices, aluminum and nickel rose in price by 9.9.5%. but then most of the growth was lost because some analysts doubt the scale of the impact of these sanctions. yes, russia produces 6% of the world's nickel, 5% of the world's aluminum. but, firstly, nothing prevents companies. trade russian metals, which were produced before april 13, and secondly, large volumes of metals are sold, bought and transported in the world, without any contact with either the london or chicago exchanges. russian stocks, despite the fall in oil and the fall in shares of metal producers, are still in the black as a whole; investors probably continue to buy
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shares for the starting dividend season. the ruble is now moderately cheaper, the dollar is 93.65, the euro. 9965. alar broker analyst alexey antonov says: in april you can hardly count on the ruble in the second half of the month the tax period will help, well, as is usually the case, because before the may holidays , investors and those who go to foreign resorts will stock up on foreign currency. part of the former moscow hotel, now a hotel for seasons near red square, located in the same building, the fashion season shopping gallery, can become state property, as rbc learned, these areas have been seized, in the lawsuit, a representative of the federal bailiff service asks turn them into state income. sources rbc says that both objects are valued at 25-28 billion rubles in total, and that their investment attractiveness is high. they are going to seize these assets from businessman
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alexei khotin. he is the former owner of the ugra bank, which lost its license in 1917, the collapse of which was the most. for other regions in the central part of the country. today's session of the georgian parliament turned out to be extremely emotional. during the speech of the leader of the parliamentary majority, a representative of the opposition ran up to the podium and hit him with his fist with all his might. on the head. the meeting was disrupted, other deputies immediately rushed. other deputies
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immediately rushed to separate the drachuns. at this point the broadcast on the parliament website was interrupted. the reason for the showdown was the scandalous bill on foreign agents. the opposition believes that the document contradicts georgia's european path and will complicate the work of public organizations. the authorities, on the contrary, are confident that they are acting in the interests of the country. they tried to pass the law in early march, but were forced to remove it from the agenda amid a protest. now the situation is repeating itself. hundreds gathered outside the georgian parliament building this morning. dramas in the kaliningrad region, search engines include a father and son, the final act of the heroic discovered the shells of a fighter, which in
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1944 was transferred to the air force by the actors of the small academic theater of moscow , a special operation in the crew of a self-propelled gun, gvozdika alekseevich motarev, which will confirm the hypothesis of the search engines. try investing in stenkov, continue, if you like it, open an account with tinkof investments and receive a starting 50,000 rubles from the bank, you take the income from this amount for yourself, and if there is no income, then you do not need to compensate for losses. tinkov investments are just tinks. every success begins with a dream, to do something of your own. the desire to stand out, the desire to act and not be distracted by vanity. business works to make
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day, i give you a wonderful day, my strength is returning, the day is wonderful again, a new drug for your activity, prospect, there is strength to live and enjoy everyone day, a credit card is beneficial in any situation, an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, the manpower and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine were destroyed in one hundred ten districts, in addition, the command
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point of the thirteenth brigade of the national guard of ukraine. the crews of russian guns and multiple launch rocket systems try to work at night, which makes it difficult for the enemy to return fire. alexey ivliev found out how artillerymen manage to hit targets in such conditions. to search for this self-propelled gun, ukrainian nationalists sent a whole flock of reconnaissance drones here, because the carnation is literally under their noses , hitting one target after another with sniper fire. target 101. mortar crew sight 558 less than seven protractor 34 and dozens are rushing over it birds, they still can’t find the self-propelled gun, ilyukha, you can raise the sight to about 300 somewhere so that the fang can climb, all the settings are there, we’ll just raise the sight, what the crew came up with to make their carnation invisible, we’ll leave it a secret, but they have to work at night, and the crew turns on any light source only when all the vehicle’s hatches
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are battened down. shot, in addition to being invisible for the carnation, the crew of the self-propelled gun is unique in that today the father, the senior gunner with the call sign fang and his son are working here together, just a gunner with the call sign ilya, i am always proud of him, he is the best i have, when the head of the family went to fight as volunteers back in 2015, ilyushka only went to school then, but was terribly proud that his father...
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and he is always mine the rear will protect it just like i do. at the same time, on the other hand, against the accumulation of manpower in ivan daryevka, in the northern direction, the hail crew is preparing to launch a night attack. if they were among the military personnel of zhavonka before the start of the special military operation, now they remain in mostly owls. in particularly dangerous areas it is necessary to work, usually at night, due to the increased activity of fpv drones of ukrainian nationalists. ukrainian nationalists still have fewer reconnaissance drones capable of working in the dark than daytime drones, but they exist, which is why the hail calculation works practically without light, there are a lot of different birds, we hide, we hide from them, camouflage, camouflage, this is the first thing turn, while aiming at the target, we find the combat vehicle has its talisman, this is such a murzilka accompanies fighters to the front line, as...
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in the first 3 months of the year, russian motorists sent over 24,500 emergency calls to emergency services using glanaz, a significant part in automatic mode, and now based on the system they have created a unified digital platform for monitoring transport, it will operate countrywide . she will tell drivers about the installation on the road, help them find a stolen car,
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and show passengers how long... still to wait for the bus, while only residents of a number of large cities have this opportunity, now the platform began to be tested, nakhit babaev found out what other capabilities it has. sochi, a driver in a car fell off a fifty-meter cliff, everything, everything, boxes, boxes, boxes, everything, everything, let's go, let's go, guys, let's go, in a normal situation such an accident would have ended fatally, night, there are few people on the road, no car visible, but thanks to the eraglanas system, the rescuers had information about the accident within a few seconds. the essence of this system is as follows: every car is equipped with a smart compact device, a cos button, as we call it, and this button, it is triggered at the moment of an accident in automatic mode, in a matter of seconds - the exact satellite coordinates are transmitted to the rescue services. the system operates throughout russia, the signal is transmitted via
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satellites in the cellular communication zone of everyone. four operators in the country, here is an important figure: 90% of calls through eraglanas were not duplicated through other channels. rescuers will learn about an emergency thanks to this small device, it can be installed on almost any car, on new ones they are installed at the factory; if, say, a mobile phone can break or even fly out in an accident, then this device will withstand any impact. in addition to automatic mode, there is also manual mode. in addition to reporting accidents, there are a variety of situations, well , let’s say you witness a fire, you are driving along the road and see a fire, you press a button and so on.
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specially spotted, answered in 11 seconds. based on eroglonas, they are now launching the world’s first state platform of services for car owners; drivers will be able to warn about the situation on the road or, let's say they'll help you find a stolen car. there is already a public transport monitoring system. you’re standing at a bus stop, look in your mobile app when the bus is coming, it’s era glannas that tells you, but in most of the country there is no mobile network, what should you do then? if it's not there? communications, you do not have the opportunity to control otherwise than via satellite, and hybrid modems should appear that allow you to switch to a satellite channel if you enter a zone where there is no cellular communication. a similar monitoring system is being developed
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for unmanned and small aircraft, which will become part of the seamless digital sky project, this is essentially the rule of traffic in the air, they will unite everything that flies at an altitude from half a meter to 500 km. from drones to paragliders. seamless space means the removal of horizontal seams, that is, starting from the ground infrastructure, from the lower levels, passing through all stages of the airspace by air, reaching low orbits, high space, this is the removal of horizontal seams, when today you have a ban on flights beyond beyond direct radio visibility, and we allow drones to fly further 1.2 all technologies, of course, are domestic, but what is more important is that this is no longer just import substitution, but import advance, the path to russian technological sovereignty. nakhit vabaev, irina lemkina, pavel kacher and ilya
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apolichuk, ntv. the cradle of democracy and the equality of all people before the law, the acropolis of athens is preparing to introduce not at all democratic valuable excursions. 5.00 euros per person, this one is offered. do the cost of a private walk through the largest museum under open sky in the world. for this money, a group of a maximum of five people is organized a visit before the museum opens or after it closes, so that tourists can freely walk around the empty acropolis. every day the museum is visited by up to 22,000 people, which results in huge queues and sightseeing, to put it mildly, is completely uncomfortable. the idea has already been criticized by archaeologists and tourists, who considered such excursions elitist, which, according to them, contradicts the very spirit of the acropolis. and here. athena, everything looks different, they say that money from excursions will be invested in maintaining historical monuments. search engines in the kaliningrad region discovered a fighter-bomber shot down in the spring of 1945. they have already called their discovery perhaps the most significant in the entire
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history of the movement in the region. firstly, the crash site remained inviolable, the black diggers did not reach it, and secondly, there is reason to believe that the car is a rare yak-9l, one of the nine that disappeared in these parts in april on the eve of the victory. well, it’s already practically established who exactly was at the controls of an airplane. alekseevich bataryov has details. for 79 years, these few cubic meters of land hid the secret of the death of the soviet pilot. the fighter that crashed here a month before the victory sank so deeply into the ground that no one could even think of looking for it in this place. i was just passing by in a car, well , i don’t know if something slipped or something else, as if i had left something here. i came back here after work.
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a forensic ballistic examination will be carried out on the weapons and ammunition found, but the kaliningrad search engines and until the results of the examinations are received , we are confident that they have found one of the nine yak 9l lost in the spring of 1945. these rare aircraft, unlike other modifications, had a bomb compartment and the shells intended for placement in it were found at the crash site and handed over to the sappers by search engines. according to front-line reports, it was in these places that three such fighters were shot down in april 1945. all because of the pranks of the small theater of the front, they named the unit in honor of
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the famous moscow troupe. the theater staff in 1944 for the construction of twelve yak-9l collected a million rubles, something like 300 million by today’s standards. only three vehicles reached victory, and of the nine lost in battle, not a single one was found until this winter. earlier, we recently discovered the plane with the remains of the pilot, here literally a couple of kilometers in the forest in a place based on the nature of the fall, this is fedotov. on april 11 , 1945, the second loss was the next day . on april 12, 1945 , lieutenant mikhail maksimovich senin returned from a combat mission. the picture here in place is quite consistent to what was in the reports of mikhail senin’s comrades, who saw that his plane was shot down by enemy anti-aircraft artillery, fell in a tailspin about 200 m, well, accordingly, it ended up at a decent depth in the ground, no less than 5 m. the climax on the generator of the raised engine finds duplicate number,
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it matches the data of the yak-9l engine, which, according to archival data, was piloted by a twenty-four-year-old native of the oryol region, lieutenant mikhail senin. he made his last flight on april 12, 1945, and now relatives who even before after detecting the plane, contact with the search engines has been made and they will be able to find out the details of the lieutenant’s last battle. having picked up all the fragments of the fighter, the searchers found out that mikhail senin undoubtedly took on a difficult battle before he was shot down by fire.
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people the first episode of the word to the boys goes out on ntv today at 23:00 they will now catch now about the weather in the capital region today is cool, weather forecasters do not rule out that it may even snow in the evening, the atmospheric pressure is below normal, the forecast for tomorrow is presented by evgeniy neronskaya, contact us meteorological studio, zhen, what should we expect? yes, for the center, two cycles of bright warming, which redrawn the meteoroid tables, are left behind, now the south is picking up. even fry it. here , its own cyclone is formed while its
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warm sector is operating, where there is no rain, a lot of sun and the wind is very warm. the result is impressive. tomorrow in krasnodar it will be +25, and a day later it will be +31. and it won’t be the only city where temperatures will reach 30. traditionally this spring , coastal areas lag behind, but temperatures there are rising too. in sochi in yalta on tuesday it’s about 20, in wednesday to 23. of the minuses - a sharp wind, a very tense situation with fires. a warm wave will pass through... the middle volga there in a day , too, up to +20 and above without precipitation, but the center will only get a couple of degrees from this heat holiday, in the coming days up to +15, a little more by friday. the weather is being shaped by a cyclone, so we expect light rain in places. in the north-west, too, there will be no precipitation, and here it is already the rear, cold part of the cyclone and during the day only in places above ten, it will become very cold at night. to the north it's still the same the cyclone intends to return frosts. in mormonsk it’s already -2 tomorrow, in arkhangelsk it’s still +3. in a day it will be -4, the rains will turn to snow,
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it will freeze even more seriously in the northeast, in ryanmar -4 will turn into -1 by wednesday. about the weather in the capitals, in st. petersburg tomorrow +7, short rains, in moscow not also possible, the weather is windy, during the day +12:14, maximum this week -17 on friday, rain and wind will disappear from the forecasts by the weekend, but then it will appear probability of night frosts. thank you, this was the weather forecast from evgenia neronskaya. that's all we have for now, come in on, see you! and... are you sure that you chose this profession yourself, or were you simply born into a family of musicians? at bigfest you definitely choose, chicken premier for 109 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price, and even more profitable with 50% cashback from alfabank, delicious, period, every success begins with
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