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tv   DNK  NTV  April 15, 2024 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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but ksenia is deceiving us in that moment that she was not at home, she was there, yes, if you believe the reactions, then after all, she was at home at that moment, i was not in the house on the day of the murder, she saw what was happening she did not see the murder, precisely the murder itself, the very moment of the murder, she saw the beginning of the fight, that is, either the person subsequently left, that is , she was at home, but she saw the beginning of the fight, but the moment of the murder.
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in this case, the investigation will carry out all the necessary measures, carry out examinations until the end, if they have not yet been completed, maybe perhaps he will appoint some additional ones, interrogate witnesses, and the charge has already been brought, if the person is in custody, then perhaps there will be some clarifications on the charge, because new evidence will appear, and then the case is transferred - for approval to the prosecutor, and who transfers the case further to the court, the court is already considering the question of the person’s direct guilt, the guilt is already confirmed by the court’s verdict, ekaterina. and if
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your brother’s guilt is confirmed and proven, you will apologize to ksenia, you know, no, for one simple reason, if she had left him alone a year and a half ago and had not continued communication with my brother, that is , no matter what the court decides, for you she will be guilty, yes, but for the relatives of the murdered man in this case you will have any words? yes, i offer my deepest condolences to my ex -wife. killed and if i could, i would kneel in front of that boy who was left without a father due to the fault of my brother, remember that with any problem you can turn to our program for help, we will continue tomorrow, a new test right now dna, this is a foster girl - the nurse said during a routine examination, but... olesya
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pleshkova. hello, olesya. hello. tell us what kind of medical examination it was? there was a routine medical examination at school, everyone was checked. i heard that i was a receptionist from a nurse. i’m in the office, the nurse and the doctor were discussing with each other where i’m from, what kind of girl i am, they said that i’m a receptionist, and then you asked whether this was true or not, where did this information come from, yes, i started getting hysterical there, i tears began to flow, i began to find out if it was true or not, then i ran away from the office, and where did the doctors even get such information that you are olesya, not your own child, they had my medical card, and everything was written down there, and you went to your parents? for clarification, yes,
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when my brother and i had already returned from school, i began to find out from my mother how this happened, why she didn’t tell me earlier, we had a big fight, really, there was a very big resentment, anger, anger at my adoptive mother, anger at the fact that i’m adopted, at the fact that she didn’t tell me earlier, at the fact that this happened in general, at the fact that i...
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it didn’t help either, it broke me very much at that moment, i couldn’t find a common language with anyone and my family, i pulled away from absolutely everyone from the moment i found out. the parents didn’t work out for the mother, well , she really wanted a daughter, but it didn’t work out, they decided to take the girl, here’s me from the orphanage, how old were you? 2 and a half years old, did they tell you somewhere about your first meeting? they didn’t tell you, but
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maybe then they told you what they know about your blood relatives? yes, dad told me that they live in perm region, in the matovilekhinsky district. the fact that there is a mother, there is a father, sisters, and where did the adoptive parents even get such information? well, when they adopted me, they still had courts, and they were told all the information there, and you saw some documents about your adoption? yes, after 2 weeks, when i found out that i was adopted, when no one was at home, i decided, well, look for some documents, i found a blue folder, where the drink is... that there are sisters, brothers , mother, mother, well, it seems like their name was natalya, last name yalovskikh, yalovskaya, these documents did not contain information on exactly how many children there are in the family where you are from, you were not in a foster family, you are the only daughter, besides me there are also two
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brothers on my mother’s side, here is the father, they are doing very well, their relationship how were things going for you, we’re doing well, what’s going on with... with my sick brothers, what ’s going on with my mother, well, everything was great, if it weren’t for the words of the nurse during the medical examination, would you have ever thought that you might not be your own girl in this family? no, it's probably because your childhood was good in reception, well, my childhood was just so eventful, we went to a lot of places, we went with a very large group on vacation, went to an amusement park, they gave me absolutely everything, well, if that’s all...
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which of olesya’s blood relatives would you meet the most important? sister. olesya, today a girl came to meet you, whose younger sister olesya ended up in an orphanage when their mother natalya was deprived of parental rights, and since then she has been dreaming of finding her. nadezhda alkhova in the studio. hello, nadezhda! yes, please have a seat. how much is yours is your sister olesya younger than you? for 6 years. do you remember her? i remember, very little. when was the last time you saw her? well, when we arrived, it turns out, with my grandmother, with my aunt,
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when i was a baby, when i saw her for the last time. why did you come there to the baby's home? and your mother was deprived of your birth. ski rights, and how old was the girl at that time? i don’t remember how, but she was lying in her crib, and that is , she didn’t even walk yet, of course not, that’s the day when they took your sister to malyutka’s house, do you remember that day? i remember the moment when aunt katya came to my mother’s house, apparently with my grandmother, and i myself said: “go to your orphanage yourself and got married for the bed, that is, they also wanted to send you to the orphanage directly, she hid and your grandmother did not give you up and took you to her place, yes, and olesya, why did she end up in the baby’s home? the guardianship authorities gave her a paper, grandmothers and aunts, yes, they quickly signed this paper, but it turned out that they did not
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agree to take olesya, well, into guardianship, what did they not agree to ? guardianship, because of which your mother was deprived of parental rights, you you know, mom, well... my sisters, unfortunately, i couldn’t do anything, they took me away, i remember, i went, someone helped, someone didn’t help, someone said, how would you have a mother, you have dad, but it’s not just me, well , i approached people on the street, someone i knew, so i saw, so i tried to approach them more often. when you started living with your grandmother, did your life change? has it changed for the better? well, i began
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to explore the world more, i began to develop more in life, but how often did your mother visit you at your grandmother’s? well, i came once a week, maybe twice a week i came, sometimes i met, i’ll tell you, with my mother quietly, quietly called up after school or at school they came to see me, i remember it was my birthday and i just arrived. there was mom and dad, but grandma didn’t know about it, they brought me a red book, i remember, it’s big, a big cake, they congratulated me on my birthday, they brought sweets for the whole class, then of course i was very happy, it was difficult to part with them, when they were leaving too, that’s the hope, why they met secretly, who was against it, grandma, yes, well, apparently mom was leading such a riotous way of life, did you remember about your sister olesya?
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i was told that she is being raised in another family, everything is fine with her, during all this time your mother, she tried to somehow be restored to her parents’ ancestry, it didn’t work, your parents are alive now, hope? mom is alive, dad, unfortunately, is not, you often communicate with mom, we communicate, but not as i would like, i’ll tell you honestly, there’s no one... her love for my son, well, for my grandson, awoke for an hour, that maternal feeling that was not there for me, i directly watch how she as a child, well, straight to him with all my soul and body, which was not to me, but you and your mother talked about ales, we talked about it almost every day, but it wasn’t even me who was holding back, she was mostly somehow and what, well, i tried to find her, i said: mom, i remember from childhood that there is a sister. she says, she exists, let's find her, i say, or maybe we'll wait until she turns 18, but
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we waited for eighteen, why, because we were afraid that she might not even know that she was adopted, yes, when she turned 18, you started looking for her, and i tried to find her, i wrote on the social network what data they were looking for, which your sister should have originally had, yes alkhova olesya ivanovna, born in 2006, march 11th ... she had , i searched, but nothing worked, if you found her again, what would you tell her that i love her very much, i have been waiting for this meeting for a long time, hope, i want to introduce you to olesya, she is 18 years old, she was brought up in a foster home family, the adoptive parents told the girl that her biological mother’s name is natalya, who am i talking about i say? olesya, tell nadezhda why
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it is so important for you to find your relatives? well, i wanted to hear the story of why this happened, now i ’ll hear everything. nadezhda was just talking about her sister, but that doesn’t mean she was talking about you, alesya. would it be easier for you if this story was about you or not? it would be better not to, is it a shame? yes, that the mother allowed herself to live such a life so that this girl would try to find food for her small child. it’s a shame, that’s all, resentment towards the mother, resentment towards the mother, yes, but hope has nothing
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to do with it, well, if it’s about me specifically speech, i’ll say thank you, but now you’re not sure, it turns out that nadezhda is talking about you, you wish everything was different for you, hope, and you believe that olesya could be your sister, why does she look like her dad and mom. when i honestly walked in, i realized that i understood at first that a copy of dad is sitting, well, dad’s face, and you, looking at hope, notice some similarity with yourself, you don’t... want to notice him? no. maria, what do you say, are the girls similar to each other, how can sisters be similar? you know, it seems to me that it looks like they are somehow snub-nosed, and the eyes are the shape, maybe, of lips in something, somewhere? it seems to me that they are very different,
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very different in psychotype, and well, that is , you can, of course, try to find similarities, but like this... you judge about your mother and the attitude of your biological mother, then you don’t need to be offended by her, you need to start from the position , that something could happen in a person’s life that broke him, like you did at 13, you yourself just told us that you really broke, it was difficult for you to continue communicating with family and friends, and maybe your mother
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had some kind of life event, you just need to treat this with understanding, you... are not to blame for anything, as a child by definition. olesya, is there someone with you whom you trust? brother valera and i are more or less in touch now. is he the only one from the family with whom you maintain a relationship? well, yes, that's more or less. your adoptive mother’s own son remembers how you ended up in their family. our guest is valery pirozhnikov. hello. how old were you when olesya got into your family? i think 8-9, maximum 10 years. i remember the first meeting, because i saw alesya even before she was at our house, that is, my mother and i went to her grandfather’s home, that is, we met there, and i remember very well the day when we already had her
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i found myself at home, i came home from school, my mother met me and said, come in, we have a guest. they show that olesya now lives with us, well, accordingly, i saw, why did the parents even decide to take their daughter? well, at that moment my mother and my stepfather were already they lived together for quite a long time, my mother was old, they probably also wanted a child, as i understand at that moment, and my mother understood that she would not be able to give it to her at all ages, uncle seryozha wanted it, well, they came to the conclusion why no, especially since my mother wanted a girl. here are two guys one after another, they talked to each other and then came to us, that is, first they asked their older brother if he was okay, then to me. and what about mom and stepfather, how did they treat alesya? we have never had any division and even, probably, the thought of sharing, but in principle it did not appear among us, that, let’s say, someone is dear, someone is a stranger, even let’s say, when during some quarrel
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between me olesya, because that, plus or minus , we don’t have such a big gap in years as my eldest and i, well, for the entire time. this is how olesya appeared, these thoughts never existed, so you can understand why olesya is so offended by your mother, olesya took this side, as if her mother had done something bad, because it is not known what would have happened if yes, yes to say, my mother would not have decided to do this act, and this is also far from an easy act, i remember how many problems there were simply in order to take olesya from there, how many nerves my mother went through, how many papers had to be done. and what happened subsequently after all this, let’s call it that, it was rewarded, it is presented as if she had committed some kind of crime, as if she had snatched it from someone else’s family. you can understand olesia’s biological mother, who admitted that her daughter ended up in an orphanage. well, due to the fact that i am now
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i’m also a parent, before that i generally held a position that constantly condemned. it doesn’t matter what reason children end up there in general, now it’s as if with the advent of a child i have become a little wiser, i can understand the position, that sometimes it seems like you can be human and forgive for it, it is not clear for what reason exactly he sent the child there, that is, it could have been really worse if a person understands that he absolutely in no way can make sure that the child is fed, he has a roof over his head, roughly speaking, if his child is homeless person that you can't help in any way, if you have the courage, then you can probably do that. alesya, have you ever thought about how... your fate in your biological family could have developed? i thought, well , if i had sisters, i would know
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my mother, maybe, in principle, life turned out much better in that if i didn’t find out that i was adopted, i wouldn’t have had such a stage and his a feeling of resentment, valeria, this is how you feel about... hope was last seen when she was very young, can you guess who i’m talking about? yes,
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here’s the girl sitting there, you think she looks a lot like olesya, i would probably even say that they weren’t very far from the twins, that is, when they saw hope somewhere on the street , they would immediately think that it could i wish i could be my sister, no problem, i still have poor eyesight, i would probably approach her first, probably with... about olesya, well, olesya just doesn’t want to see the resemblance with hope yet, probably this is still some kind of stage of denial, but i’ve already whispered subtly in her ear that it’s kind of useless to deny, you’re too similar, olesya, you’re not you see the similarities, you still don’t want it, i don’t want it, well, when will the dna tell me for sure whether she’s my sister or not, that is, you want to know for sure without a dna test , don’t plan to be related to anyone, but what kind of meeting is a parasite?
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exactly 30 27 find out details about the emperor's secret, free anonymous call, happiness to you and good luck in love! central television on saturdays at 19:00 on ntv. what is it? beautiful, right? meet zhenya, for his people he’s just a soldier. somehow you ’re younger, i imagined you differently, kuat decided to take over the entire business in the cemetery, not yours either, let’s do it like in the good old days, no, the old days are over, ivan makhovikov, we’re going somewhere, not there it ’s gone, nikolai kozak, are you going to fight, vladislav kotlyarsky, i’m telling you
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i'll kill you, you bastard, arseny. who will be next? mask - anniversary fifth season. this is the dna program. at the age of 13, the girl found out that she was adopted in her family, and since then she has been haunted by the desire to meet her blood relatives. nadezhda, your mother also came to us today. in the studio natalya
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alkhova. hello, natalya, how many children do you have in total, natalya? well, two, they were deprived of parental rights, two, who are they? alesya has hope, why was he deprived of it? i went downhill a little, after about five months, six months i realized it. i already applied, well, i decided go to the hospital, asked my relatives, my mother, my sister to take the children with me for a while while i was there to go, i was refused there through the juvenile affairs inspector, i came out, so she said, there is some kind of, well, kind of non-shelter, i don’t know, but we can leave her for the duration of treatment, there ’s a child there, they took nadia. no, but during
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the treatment, unfortunately, she didn’t finish her treatment, she left, then they couldn’t scratch her out of there, it didn’t work , nadya’s relatives grabbed her nappies with their teeth. stubborn, no, that’s it, i don’t need her, she even in the maternity hospital, she suggested that i leave her and tell my husband that she was born dead, then my relationship with her was already bad, even from the very beginning i just didn’t want to
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accept your mother, and with guardianship, it was me who then fell to my knees i stood up and said: mom, take it, she says, i said, no, nadya, we’ll take it, but my wife’s teeth are not strong, even when i was working, they started taking her away from the kindergartens themselves. well, you didn’t behave very well, did you make attempts to pick it up, to recover? well, yes, they told me there is no chance, because she is not even under guardianship, she well, adoption is already underway, she’s not under guardianship, so when the pods didn’t even have time
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to come to their senses, it turns out that it all happened very quickly. natalya, and you blame your mother for the fact that she separated you from your daughter olesya, well, to some extent, but not to any extent. i don’t in any way relieve myself of responsibility, the fact that i gave some slack there, went downhill, but here yes, to some extent, that yes, where was your husband at that moment, at that moment we were with him they either lived there or didn’t live there, he went completely crazy there, i somehow i was slowing down, going out to work somewhere for a special day, i already understood all this, what was what? everything leads, he was not interested in the fate of his daughter at all, that is , he was not interested, no, well, so he died, he still came to me to die, even though we had not seen each other for 2 years before, how do you remember your daughter alesya, the white-eyed eyes are always straight, not
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i know, a piece of happiness, she was always smiling, she’s a copy of dad. dad has the same blonde eyes, can you recognize her? i think so, yes, very similar to dad, who are you talking about, the girl? the first thing i said was that she also looks just like dad, where i went, that dad is sitting, alesya, when natalya
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paid attention to you, you turned away, didn’t even want to look in her direction, well, talk to... alesya, if you share with us with your emotions, perhaps you yourself will feel better. resentment, aggression towards my mother, what i expected to hear, i have already heard, but personally there is nothing more for her. that is, you now think that in front of you is really the woman who is for you. gave me life. in general, do you believe natalie’s story about how she... goes to the end, look after life so that both daughters are
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well-fed, so that they grow up together, and not in other people’s families. natalya, can you answer something for your supposed one? yes, i went, well, as far as i know, to visit my relatives, i asked them, then my sister vera and irina will also help. i also asked them all, not only did i turn to them, the guardianship turned to them in order to leave the child in the family somewhere, that is, you tried to the last for olesya to stay in her own family, yes, olesya was very welcome baby i wanted the same age, i’ve been begging a gynecologist for almost 5 years, he says, everything is fine, wait, you give birth, then somehow she let go of the situation, now she’s pregnant, show her teeth right away, when
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she told her parents, they didn’t like him, here’s vanya, i have a husband, right away, as soon as they found out that he was from the village, the village guy was not pleased, your eldest daughter was accepted, she was also from the same father, there were also incidents, she became pregnant, the first one came, her husband was at work, the first one came to tell her mother about the pregnancy, when nadia is pregnant, she says, well, you’re married, you owe it to your husband report this, i’m giving birth, it was saturday, my husband worked until lunch, he says, are you going to give birth to me, wait, here he is just at work, i’m at the birthing center, giving birth, within 10 days, my mother and sister are coming to pick me up, vanya says, drank, why would he come here with a fume, i say, maybe, well, to celebrate, the daughter was born first, i say, i want him, no, they took the child, get in the car, and it was very painful when we we were leaving, my husband was coming out of the house, all in tears and just
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throwing a bouquet of flowers into the car, so i i haven’t been home at all for a week, i ’m breastfeeding my baby, i’m all on edge, they ’re doing fine, they’re walking around, smiling, so it’s all because your mom didn’t accept yours, she didn’t like him, but what’s his name? no one thought about this, and your mother asked you for forgiveness for not taking your youngest daughter with her, no, but you never forgot about your youngest daughter, yes, even for all 18 years, i remember , when i started getting hysterical, when we arrived at the baby’s house, they told me that i had started adoption process, no one will show her to me anymore, i asked her for the last time...
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did olesya meet her biological mother in our studio, does the girl have hope for a sister, the dna test result will show after a short advertisement. watch the zenit spartak russian football cup match on april 17. ton wanted to take my sneakers. sneakers? well, take it off. what will i wear? let's figure it out. they live by the laws of the streets. we would have to pay for the horn, that’s our way.
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are entrenched here. times change. every situation can be overcome if done correctly let’s agree, take the blame on yourself, you have no one else to blame, it’s a hot spot, even though you were in prison as a shooter, but you are not a bandit, today at 20:00 on ntv, the dna program is airing, an eighteen-year-old resident of perm decided to undergo a genetic examination, so how... can she no longer live in ignorance of who her biological parents are? natalya, your mother and sister came to our studio today to tell a completely different version of why olesya and nadezhda did not grow up with you. our guests are valentina khudyakova and
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ekaterina batalova. hello, hello, ekaterina, hello valentina. ekaterina, do you think your sister was deservedly deprived of parental rights? yes, but she led the wrong lifestyle, she reached such a stage in her life together with her husband that they decided to go to the hospital for treatment, because nadya was with her grandmother, olesya was with them, as they decided olesya, or was offered to her, the doctors said that for now... you will be in the hospital, and lesya will be in another hospital, that is, she herself brought the child, if i’m not mistaken, to the police, from the police they sent him to the house of the mongrel, and then we only found out about this when we were informed that olesya was there, when we had already arrived to pick up
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nadya. valentina, didn’t natalya, your daughter, beg you to take the girls, no, on her knees, she says, when the woman was in care, i came to you, dad also told you, let’s take the second one, you said, no, i’m still in front of i got on my knees with you, what in general or something, well, that’s always the answer, what in general or something, i wasn’t, probably like that, no one asked us for this, they went together to tikhari, gave olesya, guardianship came to my mother’s house , wanted pick up nadya, mom says what happened, leave her to me, they gave it to mom exactly.
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i went and then even asked my mom for my dad, when and if she had asked, we would have gotten out of
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the situation and we would have found it and we wouldn’t have given the child away, they explained to us how that mom would go through rehabilitation, come and pick it up, then malyutka’s house comes out to court for deprivation of parental rights, they asked me to come to court with my mother, literally like entering the courtroom, and the representative... in the courtroom we already understood that this was deprivation of parental rights, and what you signed, you understood when you arrived into custody she said that i was ready to take alesya for myself, my youngest daughter was only a month younger than olesya, and i sat... with my husband i thought and i came to the conclusion that i would take it, she says it won’t work out, after all. firstly , the adoption process is underway, the court will be on their side, and
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secondly, you signed a piece of paper, which is a minus for you, i say, which piece of paper is a minus? she takes out these two pieces of paper, that’s it, we drove around, we visited her, then at a wonderful moment they forbade us to even go there, they said, so mom should still have a chance for her take away, here is your sister, here... they gave a chance for correction, she took this chance, well, i think not, because she was organizing her personal life, i guess, i think so, that is, you think that your sister was not treated you need neither one daughter nor a second daughter, that no, i think no, in your family in general , valentina needed a youngest granddaughter, of course, that is, you were happy about her birth, yes , of course, natal, well, i think, now if we talk they will say, again, this didn’t happen in my family... when you arrived, when i olesya gave birth, told the doctors to pay to say that she was born dead, that didn’t happen either, tell vanya about it, that didn’t happen either,
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her mother scolded her that she was pregnant, because her life with vanya wasn’t very good, but natasha , when we found out that you were pregnant with your second child, you were asked why, if you excuse me, you already live in... in starvation, we lived normally, where you lived normally, your mother carried you groceries in bags, it was you do you think you lived normally? that’s when i started getting married, that’s when, and before that i was working, if i didn’t even drink, how long was it when you started drinking, as you call it, a year and three, a year three, years and three, they took her at a year and eight, when you started, the child was about three years old, did you think about that , what? are you doing, or is there a mother again, and now you’re talking about how we lived on hunger, you lived on hunger, you lived on hunger all your life, she
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didn’t need anything, she didn’t need anything, what did she need , i worked, what did she need, everything she needed, yes, yes, that she went to kindergarten at a commercial price, she needed it, and why then where? yes, what kind of kindergarten did she go to then, speech therapy, who put her there? she told us, you understand, that the child remembers that there was nothing to eat at home, the mother did not take care of the children, the whole neighborhood knew when we found out all this, when it dawned on us that after all natasha was leading us, you would come to her, belly it hurts, but we don’t know why, excuse me, as people, maybe you’re still behaving like this? condition under this, that after nadya ended up with you, she started such conversations, that she was walking somewhere around the area
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bowed down and asked for food, she was all there... ekaterina, if you had understood everything correctly then, you wouldn’t have gotten confused in the documents in court, you would have been ready to raise two girls, i was ready to raise two children, you were worried that i wouldn’t it turned out, of course, well , for about a year, yes, but on occasion, the fact that it was a child’s birthday, i understood that my gloomy, let’s say 16, in such cases we always remembered. let's say, now we have olesya 16, let's say, she looks like you imagined her, well, honestly speaking, they were small, they were very similar, nadya and lesya, they looked very much alike small, she and nadya were not small, nadya was absolutely red, alesya was white, generally blonde, olesya, i say, is a copy of dad, nadya also has her father’s features, her eyebrows also frowned a little, when we
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were in malyutka’s house, the last time, when we and... were told don’t come here again, it was a quiet hour, i say, at least take a photo, and the nanny stood for a while, she tells me, of course you can’t do this, but she let me in for my husband, we were looking for a long time for a phone in which, well , this photo remained, but i didn’t find this phone, there was the last photo, when my husband came in and took a photo of les. and two or three years ago - in the village of zvezdny, i was driving with my husband for work and a girl was walking towards me, here’s a copy of nadya, i don’t remember what i shouted, my husband slammed on the brakes, i got out of the car, the girl stood up, so she looked at me, and i was confused, i didn’t know what to say, whether to call her olesya, or just ask your name olesya or not, but she
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i looked, turned around, went, and to be honest, i got in the car, just drove on, and it was just that my daughter was finishing the ninth grade, senior or junior, i say, in stellar form, they say, so mom, photos says they will post the graduating classes, well, on the school’s website, let’s look there, well, somehow then, while my youngest and i were still fussing with graduation, then my eldest…
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ekaterina, what do you say, well, i thought there would be more she looks like nadya, but there’s something there, but i can’t put my finger on it. today olesya came to get to know your blood relatives. do you think you might be her aunt, her grandmother? i think yes. alesya, in case of a positive dna test result, would you like to communicate? with my mother, most likely not, with
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my grandmother, with my aunt and sister, perhaps. i will try to somehow establish contact, but my mother now only evokes negative emotions and aggression. nadezhda, would you like to be able to really find your sister ales today? i would like to, i hope so. natalya, do you think you met today? your daughter, well i think so. she has very pronounced features of her aunt’s father, since her father and her sister were very similar to her own, they were very similar, both fair-haired, a devil, but you understand the position, alesya, yes, it’s clear, she has every right to this, i blame you i don’t deny it either, alesya, what do you think the result will be? it seems most likely
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positive, we are ready to find out for sure, yes, i invite professor doctor of biological sciences, sergei kiselyov, to the studio. will olesya find her biological mother and family today? sister? we will find out the long-awaited result of the dna test together immediately after a short advertisement. watch at 19:00 on ntv. those affected by the flood in the orenburg region have already received over 340 million rubles. the water level in the ural river in orenburg has begun to decline, but the flood wave is capturing new settlements downstream. what's happening in
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this is the dna program. after numerous arguments with her adoptive parents, the girl decided to search for biological relatives. sergey lvovich, the floor is yours. today eighteen-year-old olesya pleshka came to us for a dna test. olesya found out that she was adopted in the family.
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ready. natalya, can i open the envelope? yes. attention, i am opening the envelope. on the one hand, the supposed biological daughter olesya pleshkova. on the other hand, her alleged biological mother, natalya alkhova.
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there is a good chance that you, people who are related to each other, and that means you, olesya, met in the studio today not only your biological mother, but also your grandmother valentina, aunt ekaterina, and sister nadezhda. 99.9%. nadezhda, today you really met your younger sister alesa, whom you remembered meeting with whom you were waiting. and you, natalya, your
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youngest daughter, nadezhda, want to hug your sister, unless, of course, alesya is against it, i can’t yet, no. i can't yet to let this person come to me, i still don’t fully accept that all these people are here. my dears, do you want to ask your mother something? why couldn't you go all the way, hmm? i understood at that moment that i
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didn’t even have enough strength, that’s how many resources i had, i did what... it’s correct to say, you can say that there’s just an impenetrable wall, she gave up, she says: yes, i tried, but if she really tried, she could, sorry, if you need genetic testing, contact us. and we will definitely help you let's help, a new dna test is on ntv tomorrow,
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let's go, matra's grandmother should also be warm in the house, like ours, we are conducting a thorough examination. pipes, checking the supports, hello!
7:00 pm
big water is coming down the urals, about how new villages found themselves in the flood zone in the orenburg region. mikhail chernov. leopard hunting, the ministry of defense awarded soldiers for knocking out german tanks. military dynasties of artillery in the zone of a special military operation about their joint work in the northern direction. socio-economic development in the astrakhan and volgograd regions, the president discussed their assistance to the participants in the special operation with the heads of the regions; the governors , in turn, asked for support in the fall elections, nikita korzun, in more detail, about how it was. will there be an israeli response to
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iran's response and will there then be a new iranian response?


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