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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 15, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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big water is coming down the urals, about how new villages found themselves in the flood zone in the orenburg region, mikhail chernov, leopard hunting, the ministry of defense awarded fighters for. destroyed german tanks. military artillery dynasties in the special military operation zone. about their joint work in the seversky direction. report by alexey ivliev. socio-economic development of the astrakhan and volgograd regions. the president discussed their assistance to the participants of the special operation with the heads of regions. the governors, in turn , asked for support in the fall elections. about how it was, in more detail, nikita korski.
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will there be an israeli response to iran's response, and will there be a new iranian response if there is an israeli response ? vladimir kobikov tried to figure out how the middle east tangle is being untangled or entangled. a new height for cooperation: moscow and minsk will build airplanes together, what else did the prime ministers of russia and belarus agree on, in roman sobol’s report. hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, today's program, its presenter is aina nikolaeva and igor politaev. in orenburg, the water level in the ural river began to fall, this is already the second day in a row. water per day. dropped another 18 cm, this
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allows us to hope that the peak of the flood, which occurred on saturday, has passed, but the situation still remains tense. the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, has again arrived in orsk, where he is eliminating the consequences of the flood after the dam broke on april 5. the minister spoke with residents of cheydam who were affected by the flood. water in orsk, like in orenburg, is also gradually retreats. today, schoolchildren returned to full-time classes. there is work in the area of ​​the old city that suffered the most.
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in the water, a clay embankment was erected here for several days in a row, now they are dismantling it, the water came from the other side, the village is between two rivers, they were waiting for water from the urals, but it came from its tributary, the krestovka river and neighboring fields, then they blocked it from here, they saved it, they even brought it, you see what a bag there is, and now the opposite is coming from there, the barns with hay and grain were the first to sink buildings where cattle are kept, chickens are now not leaving their roosts, they managed to get the cattle out of the barns, now they are looking all over the village, since yesterday i still can’t find them, damn, where they ran, who knows, in the very in orenburg, the water is slowly, but slipping, a few centimeters a day, they joke here, there used to be a grant park microdistrict, now there is an archipelago of the same name on the ural sea, among the flooded waters of the urals , houses are like islands, some of the residents remained to protect the area from uninvited guests, here there are still at the entrance they ask where you are coming from, what to eat the guys who are on duty check if we understand that they are not... in the area
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they move in large groups, so that if something happens it is easier to detain the looters, there is no schedule as such, sometimes every half hour, sometimes every hour, and so on all the time night, then in the distance across the river lights flashed, they galloped for reconnaissance, or rather swam, they found fresh food quickly, then there was a chase, the unbroken guests disappeared into the darkness, but they saved the main property of their neighbors, as if it seemed, yes, that there were some reflections, so unclear. toli may be sunny someone was shining just like that, well, it would be worth checking. the depths here are different; in the entrances, for example, there is a shallow. the water did not enter the apartments here, but the entrance was flooded. in their haste, people didn’t even have time to take out all their things. here's someone's bike. in their squad, there are welding engineers, doctors and managers, and a faithful companion
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sam, the eldest in the squad, by the standards of a dog’s life, age 7, almost near retirement. people from the mainland are helping as best they can; a generator was recently delivered. the developer donated it, and at night we charge, at night and during the day we charge all the generators, these lights, telephones, when all communications are cut off, any benefit of civilization, such as luxury, especially sleep, sometimes a couple of hours is enough, we sleep everything, and then we check during the day, and at night we check, during the day we help people remove everything from the first floors, lift furniture, equipment, how can you sleep here if the beds are on the windowsill, the residents of the first floors rest either in their cars or ask to visit the neighbors above, fortunately there is still water in the apartments here. i didn’t go in, but the locals made thorough preparations just in case, for example, they raised the beds to the level of the window sills. furniture by it’s easier to bring it higher, mold grows on the landing, in dampened apartments. the basements are overcrowded, everything is standing still, that is, mold is already starting to form, everything is piled up, everything is damp. at the end of duty, either a late
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dinner or a very early breakfast, no gas, no electricity, but the smoke of the fire creates comfort. their apartment already has a stunning view, and there are also fireworks on the horizon. poems made them friends, now it’s like in a village, everyone knows each other, everyone greets everyone, strangers are only moroders, those who, at least in the face of a flood, have everything to gain. mikhail chinov, igor akimov, nikolay dasun, ntv. orenburg. a colossal amount of water flows into the mound, local authorities announced today. according to governor vadim shumkov, the head of the flood is located several kilometers from the city. the level of the tabol river in kurgan has already exceeded the dangerous mark of 7 m. authorities are calling for the evacuation of people. private houses , warning that this process may soon be difficult due to flooding of roads, about what is happening in the region, olga zenkova. bird's eye view in the middle of the flood tabola, this island looks uninhabited, but local farmer pavel kochitkov and his 15
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sheep have been waiting here for 3 days and nights for the water to recede. suddenly it all crept up, there was an old village here, and thanks to this hillock they were saved. his hermitage and farm are located a few kilometers from the village of gledianskoye. when the water began to rise, he opened the pens, released the animals, took the highest place with a tent, he lives here, now they have laid out a sheepskin coat, everything is as it should be, everything, sweatshirts are there, there is a phone, chargers yes, now you can only approach the house by boat, in the room there is water under the window sill, there is a lot of damage there, and of course it’s big, like small, now the stove will have to be destroyed, all this will have to be done again, the firewood has floated away, the hay has also floated away , local residents bring drinking water and food, but leave...
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pick up during the evacuation, three streets were flooded here, local residents are counting the damage, even those whose water did not cross the threshold of their house were affected, for safety reasons , electricity is turned off in the villages, meat supplies are disappearing, let it be 10 kilograms, for now i threw away maybe everything, well, there may be no light for another week, the rest can be thrown away, the greatest damage, of course, will affect those houses that are located on the first coastline, for example, the owners of this house will have to dry not only furniture, but vehicles. in the kurgan region, for a week now they have been trying to do everything to minimize the consequences of the flood; along the tobol they are strengthening the banks with clay and sandbags, and deploying flood dams. kilometers of filled sleeves will protect against flooding residential sector. here the results of the work are clearly visible. the water came close to
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the houses and flooded the entire street, but tons of brought soil contained the elements behind a man-made barrier; all the yards remained completely dry. the speed of the current is very high, i think, 7 kilometers per hour, because it was very... coming, scary, to be honest, the local residents organized themselves, were on duty, now we are still on duty, because now the water will stand for a long time, god forbid it breaks the dam didn't break through. within the city limits, the level of tabola is constantly growing. water has already arrived in kurgan from of the uy river, which received forced discharge from the reservoir of the chelyabinsk region. according to forecasts, flows from kazakhstan may arrive in the coming hours. we are waiting, getting ready, stocking up on water and food for several days. but we hope for the best. employees of the ministry of emergency situations in boats are on duty near the bridges, guiding large debris and demolished trees between the supports to avoid congestion. residents are being evacuated from the right bank. water began to cut off holiday villages. you can comfortably survive the flood in temporary accommodation centers; several dozen of them have already been deployed in the region. in shelters
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felchers are on duty, vaccination against hepatitis a has begun. peak flooding in the region is expected at the beginning of this week. olga zenkova, artemy epifanov, valeria proskurikova, ntv television company. the number of victims of the ukrainian strike on the city of takmak in the zaporozhye region has increased to 16 people, including three children. these updated data were reported today by the regional authorities. the success of assault units during an offensive largely depends on powerful artillery support.
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self-propelled artillery units are firing at enemy positions glazdika hail. from the front line to the report of our military correspondent alexey ivliev. the tone is the second shot. to search for this self-propelled gun, ukrainian nationalists sent a whole flock of reconnaissance drones here. after all, they have a carnation literally under their noses and hit one target with sniper fire. for another target 101 mortar crew sight 558 less than seven goniometer 34 and dozens of birds are flying over it, they still can’t find the self-propelled gun, you can raise the sight by about 300 somewhere so that the fang can climb in, all the settings are there, just raise the sight , what the crew came up with the idea to make their carnation invisible, we’ll leave it a secret, but we have to work at night and the crew turns on any light source...
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separated into different crews, god forbid, the enemy gets into the carnation so that one of them remains alive, but when that the situation demands, they work together, literally covering each other. i know. that i can safely turn my back to him and he will always protect my rear just as i
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do at the same time on the other side of the accumulation of manpower in ivano-daryevka on in the northern direction , the crew of the city is preparing to strike at night. if there were any among the zhavonka military personnel before the start of the special military operation, now there are mostly owls left. in particularly dangerous areas it is necessary to work, as a rule, at night, due to increased activity.
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alexey ivlev, valery kozhinoy, ekaterina kovalchuk, dmitry tsarkov, ntv television company, seversk direction, lpr. the ministry of defense awarded the participants of the special operation for knocking out germans. the ceremony took place at the headquarters of the moscow military district, military personnel west factions destroyed enemy armored vehicles during the fighting in the kupinsky direction. one of the leopards was destroyed with the first shot, and the distinguished fighter did not immediately understand what kind of tank it was, because the distance to the target was more than 15 km. after the battle, he saw a video recorded from a drone. still, from
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the first, from the first hit, they say exactly what they say, that they have some kind of armor there, that’s all. when i hit the first leopard, i was very shocked and at first i didn’t believe it until the video showed how it’s burning, i’ve already seen everything, i understood everything , they’re here, it means it’s time to beat them, prove that they’re burning, cash certificates of 5,000 rubles for knocked out leopards were awarded to servicemen of the artillery unit and two special forces soldiers from representatives of the business community, these payments are in addition to those which charge the ministry of defense for the destruction of military equipment. vladimir putin today supported the intention of two governors to run in regional elections, he wished good luck to the head of the astrakhan region igor babushkin and andrey volgogradskaya bochirov. their powers expire this year, the president discussed with the heads of regions the achievements of the problems of the development plan. nikita korzun listened to the statement.
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igor babushkin began his presentation to the president of the socio-economic achievements of his loyal astrakhan region with a topic that is clearly capable of eclipsing everything else. before moving on to the main report, let me tell you about the participation of astrakhan residents in a special military operation and the work that we are doing for seven of our fighters, listen, three astrakhan residents were awarded the title of hero of russia posthumously, thousands have been solving tasks set by the state at the front since the first days of the northern military district. according to babushkin, the region sent one and a half billion rubles to help the participants of the special operation and their families. 24 measures of social support are being applied to relatives who are defenders of the fatherland. there is an opportunity to open you up. to support this initiative, the request is indeed very serious, for example, we have become a pilot area for medical examination and in-depth examination of combatants who received shell shock. in addition, he reported babushkin putin has the potential to open a center for prosthetics
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for military personnel in the astrakhan region for the entire south of russia, you have a good supply of doctors better than. the national average is a very important thing. cooperation between astrakhan and the kremensky district of the lugansk people's republic is actively developing, patronage over which the region accepted in august twenty-two. restoration of apartment buildings and social infrastructure are the priorities of this work. by the way, ostrakhona herself managed to solve the problem of defrauded shareholders - reported governor to the president, moving on, as they say, to the main topic of the report. also, among the successes of the region are the growth of the regional grain product, the effective resettlement of dilapidated emergency housing, and the renaissance of shipbuilding. and a leading position among russian farmers growing vegetables in open ground. igorevich, a lot of work has been done. and indeed, the indicators are generally satisfactory , with growth in agriculture and growth in industrial production. true, you just said about construction, but according to my data, still
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there is a slight decrease, you and i have different data or am i somehow not telling you. i realized that we have a failure to achieve the targets for the commissioning of apartment buildings and individual housing construction, we are blocking plans, most likely this is the issue, the head of the region reported on the work on the development of the astrakhan stage of the international north-south transport corridor, which will connect the indian port of mumbai with st. st. petersburg, including through the territories of iran, azerbaijan and a dozen other countries. there are still many problems to be solved, solutions are known,” babushkin emphasized. i ask you... to support my nomination for a new term, i really hope that the residents of astrakhan will also support this choice. in general, igorevich, everything is working out for you, well , everything probably never works out, but the main tasks are being solved and are being solved, quite satisfactorily, i wish you success, but of course, you need to get out to the people during
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the preliminary election campaign, before voting on the relevant candidates need... to receive their assessments, their instructions, their opinion on what needs to be done for development astrakhni, astrakhan region in the near future. and today, with exactly the same request, of course, after a report with arguments in its favor, the governor of the volgograd region, andrei bachirov, addressed the president. i will ask for your support, the support of the residents of the volgograd region, and i ask you to support my decision, nomination as governor of the volgorod region in 2024 . the president also noted the sustainable economic development of the volgograd region, the growth of industry, investment and agriculture. andrey ivanovich, work it’s really big, a lot has been done, but you have everything. on the march, as they say, and i certainly wish you good luck, well, of course, you need to work with people in order to show the results of what has been done, well, directly in
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dialogue with residents, determine priorities for the near future, about the demographic situation, then there are numbers of residents of the volgograd region, the president demanded clarification, andrei ivanovich, reduced it twice as much as in the country. the birth rate is still twice as high volgograd is such a good place to work we are working on this task, we believe that here we need to introduce additional support measures, we are considering them, vladimirovich, we understand what we need to do, and apparently they really know that the volgograd experience of social support for svo participants could become an example for many regions of the country. in the volgograd region, a decision was made on what to provide. free car, not only for participants of a special military operation, but for all participants in hostilities in full, also provided to all participants
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military operations, and a car, if he does not have the ability to move around as a social taxi. bucharov also told putin that in 5-7 years a modern center for recovery, rehabilitation and support of military personnel and their families will be created in the volgograd region, this will help solve problems with the health of defenders of the homeland . new workplaces. nikita kurzun, marina gusarova and vladimir zabnin, ntv. this is the program today. next in our issue. historical process. for the first time, a former us president is being tried for a criminal offense. crime. will this put an end to trump's election ambitions? will there be an israeli response to iran's response and will there be a new iranian response if there is an israeli response, how they unravel or confuse. a daytime tangle, vladimir kabyakov tried to figure it out.
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it will be added. tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. this is the program today. we continue our release. about two hours ago a trial has begun in new york that is being called historic. donald trump is being tried for a criminal offense. this has never happened to former us presidents. trump is accused of falsifying financial documents to
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cover up the 2016 election. the defense filed a motion to disqualify the judge, but it was rejected; three more criminal cases have been opened against trump, but most likely only this process can be completed before the presidential election in november. if convicted, trump faces long prison sentence. the world press is today discussing what israel's actions will be after iran's retaliatory strike. this question is raised in the headlines of articles today and heard at press conferences of politicians. on
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sunday night in response to the recent one. israeli air strike on the iranian consulate in damascus, iran launched a swarm of drones and missiles towards israel. tehran says the retaliation operation is over. and tel aviev is now actively discussing how to punish iran for this large-scale attack. authorities israel has refrained from making immediate military decisions, but no one knows what will happen next. will an exchange of blows lead to a major regional war? let's ask our columnist vladimir kubyakov. he joins us in the studio. vladimir. what options are offered by the netanyahu government? well, yes, this is a dilemma for israel: should it respond with a blow to iran in what form? here they report that the military cabinet of ministers is considering the quote: options for action of varying intensity, including painful ones, but so that this does not scare away israeli allies, but we will return to this later, but for now let’s talk about iran’s attack on israel. after 2 days, there are different assessments of this operation, what it was. well
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first. approach in assessing iran's strike on israel is rather a symbolic demonstration of a spectacular gesture in the form of a multi-hour performance, this allowed iran to save face. iran and the united states, in addition, previously maintained a communication and warning channel through turkey, switzerland and china. another, second approach in assessments, this was a landmark move by tehran, and israel defended itself with its maximum from an iranian attack to its minimum. iran launched waves of drones and missiles across iraq and syria. was through iraq and jordan. in addition, shiite groups in iraq added their own drones and missiles. on the border between israel and lebanon there were exchanges of blows between the tsahal and hezbollah. and the houthis from yemen added stress to the israeli air defense systems. at the same time , the americans helped israel with intelligence data and their air defense from their bases in iraq, jordan in eastern syria. british aviation covered northern israel
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from its base in cyprus. well, french. provided support; their planes were stationed at an air base in jordan, plus the king of jordan himself made it clear that he did not want to see aircraft from iran over his territory. well, it turned out to be a kind of six-hour thing. reality according to this scenario, which the whole world watched, but its result is a minimum of physical consequences and a maximum of further political uncertainty, well, such uncertainty, why uh, why does valodi have a point of view that israel used the maximum in its defense, and iran showed at least in attack. well, first, israel used the resources of its allies, second, the cost of the israeli anti-missile missiles involved was estimated at about a billion, 1.5 billion dollars, and the cost. iranian attacks are 10 times smaller, estimated at approximately $150 million. well, look what iran used. uavs, drones, shahed, according to american intelligence estimates, only 185 units, missiles of various types, cruise,
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ballistic, they report that there were 146 of them in different directions, but among them there were no new developments. israel reported that shot down 99% of the target, this is a media message that benefits israel. iran brings its own ideological narrative. and reports that khaybar missiles reached an airbase in israel, from which planes took off to strike the iranian consulate in damascus, and tehran probably specifically points to these missiles with the ideological name, khaybar shikran, how it all translates and what it means, city khaybar is the site of battles between jews and muslims in the middle ages, and shikran translates as destroyer. well, about the reaction in the un security council, as well as comments from our american correspondent, alexey veselovsky, will talk about washington. the united states condemned the iranian strikes on israel, vowing to continue to support its main middle east ally, but at the same time, washington said it was not seeking escalation and did not want the conflict to escalate into a major regional war. we do not seek
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escalation, but we will continue to support israel's right to self-defense to protect our personnel and interests in the region. trying to keep israel from retaliating, biden immediately after the iranian attack, he called the israeli prime minister. the us will not support any forceful response to iran. everything was very clear, we are with you as far as self-defense is concerned. this was the main message from the president to the prime minister of israel. the conversation with biden has not been reported, but some of the israeli prime minister’s colleagues definitely believe that the incident is far from over. in the face of the iranian threat, we will build a regional coalition and make iran pay when it
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suits us. official tehran with its the parties made it clear that they did not intend to cause the maximum possible harm to israel; according to the iranian authorities, they informed the countries of the region in advance about the preparation of strikes. in addition, there was an alleged missile attack. was planned to avoid civilian casualties, american targets in the region were also not considered. the purpose of our legitimate defensive actions is simply to punish the israeli regime. we are not targeting americans at their bases in the region. our response did not involve attacks on civilian targets. our the armed forces did not target economic targets and densely populated areas. the iranian mission to the un issued a statement calling for the incidents to be counted.
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unable to calm passions, the israeli envoy, showing the audience footage of missiles flying over jerusalem, promised tehran a far from diplomatic response. this attack has crossed all possible red lines and israel
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reserves the right to respond: “we are not frogs in boiling water, we are a nation of lions.” in washington, according to unnamed presidential administration sources, biden is preparing for a catastrophic escalation if israel chooses. well, now a lot really depends on the pressure of the states, whether israel will retaliate against iran or not, this is the atmosphere in the american press: wall street journal: israel repelled a large-scale attack, but only with the help of the united states and partners. and then israel shot down the worst iranian missiles, so what happens next will be a test for the middle east. or, for example, the new york times. iran strikes refute israeli belief that tehran is not ready to fight directly (article). write: israel is accustomed to attacking iranian officials without direct
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retaliation from iran, but this has now been refuted by direct attacks from tehran. well, that's what israel's closest allies and the united states say. we need, on the one hand, to be on israel’s side to guarantee its maximum protection, but on the other hand, to call on everyone to limit themselves in order to avoid escalation. it is necessary to avoid that new boundaries are violated each time.
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threats from iran's nuclear program and probably some form of strikes are being prepared against research centers and enrichment installations in iran, but this is dangerous, well, in fact, they are well protected. a symbolic response could be at the center, a strike at the center of development of iran’s missile programs, as well as possible options and oil infrastructure, which allows tehran to finance the military-industrial complex, but again these are hypothetical directions while israel pauses. press secretary of the russian security council nikolai patrushev
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had a telephone conversation with the head of the israeli national security council late in the evening, reportedly saying about the need for restraint by all parties to the conflict. well, how do world markets and big business react to all this? let's ask our economic commentator denis tololayev. denis, i see you already. denis, this is how the markets blinked, closed their eyes, or vice versa, the markets are keeping an eye on this situation without blinking. the market looks to the future confidently, straight into the eyes, and in general, so far , the market has reacted weaker to this iranian attack by israel than to those stuck in the soviet canal 3 years ago container cart. the approximately 300 missiles and drones launched by iran towards israel did not really frighten the world oil market. today , the wti and brend brands have been falling in price almost all day, at this moment they are losing about a dollar. if you look at what is happening on the surface. then it would seem that this is the very escalation in the middle east that everyone
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is afraid of. the iranian strike was the first attack on israel by another state in more than 30 years. in addition, iran is the third largest oil producer in opec. and here it is always customary to remember, that iran can block the strait of armuz, through which approximately 20% of the world's oil flows. but the relative calm of oil prices is explained, firstly, by the fact that the iranian attack did not have serious consequences. secondly, similar. they say that now 5-10 dollars in oil prices is just a premium for the middle east risk; thirdly, iran, it seems, has done everything to ensure that the expected attack on israel is not at all terrible. now the main thing for the oil market is how israel will respond. how analysts from the dutch financial group aing suggest that the answer will be. very limited, precisely because the iranian attack did not cause
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significant damage to israel. and today’s drop in oil prices shows that this point of view about a limited response is shared by the majority of market participants. well, the business situation is optimistic, right? how everything is quite, quite, similar, yes. well, we have analyzed the situation in the middle east, and now certainly from all sides. well, we will monitor the messages coming from there. i'll go follow this now. well , we’ll continue with denis tolalayev, he will present an overview of the business events of the day, and we will present with gifts, where did all this come from, you’re retired, vtb is retired, for pensioners on the vtb savings account up to 18% per annum vtb together everything will work out from falling oil to flying cats. aeroflot today changed the rules for transporting pets and indirectly this can be considered a victory for the cat victor, who in november 1919, as the whole country remembers, was not allowed into the cabin because he was too big.
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weight and asked to go to the luggage compartment. aeroflot announced that it is now introducing a new service on a permanent basis and allowing transfers. pet in the passenger seat next to the owner. previously, this service was tested for 3 months and the conclusion was “possible”. the animal weight limit is 15 kg. previously the limit was 8 kg. in addition, there are limits on the size of container transportation, and payment for a place for a pet is at the regular rate for an adult passenger. aeroflot was in no hurry to introduce such a service. s7 allowed to transport a pet on a vehicle next to its owner chair back in december of the twentieth year, yuter in september. twenty-first, that is, the same cat victor, who weighed 10 kilos and did not comply with the old aeroflot rules, according to the new standards, could fly not just in the cabin, but also in the passenger seat, but unfortunately, before this undoubted triumph, victor himself did not live, he died in january of this year.
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shares of rusal and norilsk nickel on the moscow exchange fell in price all day today, at one point by 3%, but by the close of trading investors still calmed down, here is rusal. even went out to plus. shares of russian metallurgists set in motion new sanctions. the us and uk have banned the import of russian aluminum, copper and nickel produced after april 13 this year. in addition, such russian metals will not be able to trade on the london metal exchange on the chicago mercantile exchange. and at first the market reacted to all this with a sharp rise in prices: aluminum and nickel trembled by 9.9.5%. true, then most of the growth was lost. but because some analysts. doubt the scale of the impact of these sanctions? yes, russia produces 6% of the world's nickel, 5% of the world's aluminum, but firstly, nothing prevents companies from trading russian metals that were produced before april 13, and secondly, large volumes of metals are sold, bought and transported in the world, in no way , without contacting either the london or
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chicago stock exchanges. the russian stock market, despite the fall in oil and the fall in shares of metal producers as a result. the day still turned out to be in the black, investors probably continue to buy shares for the starting dividend season, the ruble has fallen in price today, dollar at the end of the day 93.75, euro 99.84 on world exchanges, the main event is that tesla shares are falling by 2.5% at these minutes. elon musk announced that the company will cut more than 10% of its employees worldwide, that is , approximately 14.00 people. based on the results of the first quarter. this year, tesla reported that sales of its electric vehicles fell on an annualized basis for the first time since 1920, and tesla is now experiencing particularly strong competition in china, where there are more and more local electric vehicles. true, all this does not negate the fact that in 4 years the promotion tesla prices have already risen 4 and a half times.
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part of the former moscow hotel, now a hotel for seasons near red square, a shopping gallery located in the same building. representatives of this service ask to turn them into state income. rbc sources say that both objects are valued at 25-28 billion rubles in total, and that their investment attractiveness is high. they are going to seize these assets from businessman alexei khotin. he is the former owner of ugra bank, which lost its license in 17.
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advertising: a new height for cooperation: moscow and minsk will build airplanes together, what kind? what else did the prime ministers of russia and belarus agree on in the report by roman sobol? the loud premiere of ntv, the series phenomenon, the boy’s word comes out on our channel, perhaps the most discussed project on russian television. pairs of grand and grand picant at an attractive price, only delicious, period, we take out a loan!
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congratulations on your better percentage, sorry for passing it on, and although almost every day brings new problems, overcoming them together is much easier: trade turnover between moscow and minsk grew by 6.5% last year. today , several more agreements were signed between the two countries on the mutual recognition of electronic signatures, which is very important for business, and on the development of a joint
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project for the construction of a twin-engine aircraft. union state. a large territory, we, of course, need the most modern aircraft of different classes, different types, and for the transportation of both passengers and cargo, so we are embarking on such deep cooperation in the field of aircraft manufacturing on the basis of mutual benefit and equal use of technologies, and, very importantly, common production capacities. we have found a form in which russia and belarus actually invest in this project on a parity basis and will show up accordingly. also jointly by the owners of the product that will be created during the implementation of this important project. together ours countries will also develop microelectronics. belarus plans to grow crystals and produce housings for microcircuits. in general , our neighbors are ready to participate in almost any large-scale project launched by russia: energy, mechanical engineering, aviation, space,
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light industry. we are ready to join in the format of a union state. calls on russian businessmen to invest more actively in the development of the tourism industry of the republic of belarus. last year , more than 1,100,000 russian tourists visited here, and now all places are in belarusian health resorts are sold out almost before winter; with such high demand for hotels, there are not enough sanatoriums. large field for investment.
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roman sobol, stepan lesakovich, gennady lesitsky, ntv television company. spring rains have arrived in central russia; three months' worth of precipitation fell in one day under the hydra center in moscow. evgenia neronskaya joins us. evgenia, what should we expect tomorrow? tomorrow in the center of the european territory of russia there will also be rain and a respite from incredible bursts of heat will continue. they are now on in the south, there is a warm sector of the cyclone, there is no rain, there is a lot of sun, and the wind is also very warm. as a result, real heat comes here. for... in krasnodar +25, and a day later +31. the downside is a sharp wind and a very tense situation with fires. a warm wave will pass through the middle volga. in somar tomorrow it will be +15, and the next day it will be +22 without precipitation. in the center, from this holiday the high temperatures will only drop a couple of degrees. in the coming days up to +15, by friday a little more. the weather here is shaped by a cyclone, so we are again expecting small
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rains. in the northwest the rain is more serious. and warm air in teluts. but even less, during the day only in places above 10, the nights will become very cold, almost frosty, frosts will return to the north during the day, in murmansk tomorrow it will be -2, in arkhangelsk it will be +3 for now, but in a day -4, the rains will turn to snow, about the weather in the capitals after a short pause, relevance, reliability, confidence in the future, criteria are important both in weather forecasting and in choosing a bank for business, ural sip bank, prompt resolution of issues, individual approach and financial stability, 3 months free service when opening a business account as a gift, in st. petersburg tomorrow it will be +7, short rains, in moscow they are also possible, the weather is windy, during the day +12:14, the maximum this week will be +16 on friday, the rains and wind will go away from the forecasts by the weekend, but then there will be a chance of night
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frosts. thank you, that was the weather forecast from. cutting through the lekhkovushka, so our road, we are on the street, we are the only people in this city, this series, after being released in online cinemas, not only broke all popularity records, but has already
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managed to become a cult. the main roles were played by ruzil minikaev, lion kemstach, ivan yankovsky, sergei borunov, nikita kologriva and anna peresilt. watch the boy's word, today on ntv 23:00. these are the main news at this hour, and igor and i are flying. nikolaeva, thank you for your attention and see you, goodbye, pride in full cars of patched cars blowing from the south are young. we're tearing up the clouds, we haven't forgotten the mica from far away from home, mom and not the last one, but they're running across the sky, you see
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someone's footprints, it could be you, it could it could be me, maybe they’re waiting for us, maybe they’re singing to us. i found a scythe on a stone, there is a war going on in memory of flax, i found a scythe on a stone there is a war going on. this is not an investigative report to a lawyer, sit down, i say, it’s great, shumilin,
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well, what’s it like to live on government money, huh?


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