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tv   Prospekt oboroni  NTV  April 16, 2024 2:10am-3:01am MSK

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val, as he sleeps, let him sleep, he needs to come to his senses after yesterday. okay, so you’re coming to my center, to olga pavelna, you’re having a test, i’ll deliver the money and come over. did lisa get up? no, i knocked, he said he didn’t want to eat yet.
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uchastkov, are you, alexander petrovich ostakhov? me, and gennadievich, where? ermulov is on vacation, i’m taking his place. i need an explanation from you. explanation for what reason? well, regarding the public statement of your wife anna nikolaevna ostakhova. what nonsense? she is a relative in nowarzhava. okay, i'll write it down, i have material. is there any way to do this tomorrow? no. no need to report, we have problems with losses, it’s clear, show me to my office, now i’ll come, come with me, it’s a stranger, we’ll figure it out, now the main thing is to get the money out, that means, serge, you’re going, that means you’re giving the money, count it, that’s it , you go to tangiz, ruslan will take you, although no, let him work, take a taxi. maybe denis
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will take me? denis is undergoing testing. didn't you hear me? i said: take a taxi. that's it, do it for me, then call me. hi, great, what were you looking for? here is the whole amount, i i didn’t take anything, are you refusing? it’s not me, my brother is in denial, he actually wants to stop everything, when the tribe fights, that if you don’t work, let’s go and tell the car.
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lisa, lisa, dad, she left, i saw, where is everyone, they left, you’re like, okay, i can start training tomorrow, otherwise there’s not enough time before the fight, we need to get ready. you said that if i win, then this is my fight, and that you believed in me all the time, well, i said that so that you would shake yourself up, to somehow wake you up, so i won, i can, well val, well, you won against a boxer who retired a long time ago and even then with difficulty. for you and for amateurs these are
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average data, for professionals in general there are zero prospects, you’ll only embarrass yourself, no, denis will fight, where is this ancient girl, lisa, i’m going to your boss, then lie down, say that... stakharov has arrived, who got in at just the eighteenth second and put him down. oleg sergeevich, boris ostakhov is here, let him go, come in. buri, i’m glad to see you, although i wasn’t expecting you, much more than... brother,
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why suddenly such an honor, come in, sit down, yes, i don’t understand, he always spoke little, he answered for his words, in life. made real plans, it’s a pity, just this trouble, what can i do, what happened, what happened, yes, i’m not happy myself, okay, here’s the money, count it, i believe, the zastakhovs are honest to the point of disgust, so brother, pass the question to him, i’ll close it , the fight will take place on the twenty-eighth, as planned, i’ll tell you, borya, tell me, have you tried consulting abroad, well , in germany, for example, doctors there are doing such things now, you’ll get pumped up, but your question is not as serious as i remember , happy, oleg, money, yes, it’s all about money, that’s it i thought, well, of course, my brother has only thoughts
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about his son, about boxing, he has no time for squirrels, what are you doing now, but you understand, your brother kept coming to see me here. decency, oh, you speak beautifully, oleshka, beautifully, only this envy is gnawing at you, i understand, but you drive it away, what envy, borya, well, why should i envy you the ostakhovs, enlighten me, because you didn’t have those 18 seconds that i had. then in yalta, and this is worth a lot, but for crutches, maybe so, but you are unlikely to understand, everything is fine, i handed over the money, fight twenty-eighth,
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what a surprise, natasha, tea, coffee, cake and ice cream? no, thank you, you count the money, and i’ll go, but why count, i ’m used to trusting my friends, you’re so charming today, thank you, of course, but you still count it, alexander petrovich ordered, well, he ordered, so he ordered, no i'm tired of
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living like this, natasha, i mean, house, dorm, father-in-law, commandant. you’re wearing things from the troetsky market, my housekeeper doesn’t dress like that, and i think deniska passes out after training in 5 seconds, i didn’t understand something, tingis vakhtangovich, with an appearance like yours, natasha, you already need to live differently, you already need to have money, apartments, cars, clothes, and most importantly, a rich and generous patron, when i saw you, i immediately thought, what is this doing? a wonderful woman, among such people, she deserves more, put your hands away, you’re a fat asshole, said hands, or have you forgotten that
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my husband is a boxer, take a second to open the door, you shouldn’t be doing this, natasha, life is a complicated thing. anything can happen, each of us has something dear to us, honor, memory, the present. and the future, dear sincerely, and not like a worn-out phrase from a sticker. we don’t throw words to the wind and don’t abandon our own, join yours, groom,
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you want to become a lesson, yes, hmm, can you guess where the ball is? i’m asking for a fee once, twice, where, before, it was a shame to put shoes on my boys, but why are you presenting yourself to me? help me, training time, senior times, everything you know. volodya, denis, where, he wasn’t there, i already gave irinka, i thought everything was cancelled, it’s clear,
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answer, answer, denya, why aren’t you at training, where are you, you went, you’re not going anywhere go away, i'll be right there, what are you doing, hello. and you didn’t come yesterday, you couldn’t, and i won, let’s take a walk, i can’t now, why, because i can’t do everything, oh well, take your hands off me, take your hands off me, what the hell did i say, take your hands off me put it away.
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i don’t understand what’s going on, why aren’t you in the gym, what are you eating, you’re completely stunned, you have a fight on your nose! so what happens is that olga palovna gave me namenpas at the medical center, she forgot it, when she took out the insurance, they called the phone offline, dad, explain to me, how could she leave on the train without passports? what is going on? why are you lying? why are the police coming? where is mom and
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dad? and our favorite moment? well done, that's all for today, thank you, goodbye everyone, fox, well, this is the seventh time they've called you from the same number, hello, yes, it's me, from the homicide department, yes, yes, i'm running, more than anything in the world, i love uh-huh mom. “you know, i ’ll gnaw at the throat for our seed, but i’m a grown
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man, you have to understand me, women age earlier, we men still need it, in general, i had another woman, my mother found out about it, by chance, we had a fight, she left where i don’t know.” and what kind of woman, what’s the difference, a young girl from the federation, just to get laid, you can say so, i understand that you’re angry that i’m wrong, live with mine, you’ll understand everything yourself, that’s now young, good, dad, i want my mother. she will cool down and come back, well, you know, she,
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until i see my mother, i won’t train, i won’t fight either, day, what are you talking about, you understand, i said, no. i will. tengis, hello, why are you here, i came with my father, i need to talk, let’s go, let’s go in the car, what happened, what happened,
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where's she? it’s so beautiful, there’s no one in the house, there’s silence, rosika and petya are digging around in the garage, by the way, where’s valka, he seems to have to lie down, grief, i know that you know where she is, who, i need to talk to her, liska filed a police report, denis refuses to fight, he is crushing. help me, 30,000, valya, how did you manage to lose so much money
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? i know there will be a fight soon, there should be good money. you denis, even if he wins, his father will receive all the money, you will ask him, well, tyngiz, no, no, and no, don’t ask, thank you, i’ll say that i’m not calling my father, well, if you want, i’ll talk to those people, to whom you owe, we’ll decide on a deferment, when did you even get hooked on this topic, have i never seen you play cards in your life? no matter, okay, okay, wait, wait, but my father’s share in the club is registered in my name according to the documents, what are you talking about? well, you always
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wanted to buy him back. just making it, but want some coffee? no, i i asked to take half an hour off work, what happened? yes, absolutely nothing, your statement just caught my eye, so i wanted to ask a few questions about my mother, not really, almost, about this girl, you know her, of course, this is katya,
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my older brother’s wife, more precisely, the ex- wife, yeah, they got divorced, no, she left 2 years ago, where? didn’t say anything, left a note that she was tired of us and that’s it, that is, she left, the child remained, but at least she calls, writes, as far as i know, no, that is, in these 2 years, nothing from her news, no one saw her, didn’t hear anything about her, well, yes, that is, we can say that 2 years ago katya simply disappeared, just disappeared, just like your mother just disappeared now, right, right, i don't know, it's expensive. forgot to subscribe here.
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“this is what you need today, the rest, after making a change in the registry, thank you, don’t tell your father yet, it will come up later anyway, then it will be, later, i didn’t get something figured out.” what kind of topic is this, in fact, there is no topic yet, just today, when i was on duty, the boss was writing up the material on this missing woman. anna ostakhova. myron, what are you doing, what’s wrong with you? yes, my back hurts. why a glass? that's how it should be, zhenya. and
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palych, the chief of the district police, remembered that one of them had already disappeared in their family. she allegedly ran away from home, abandoning her child. and since then, not a word or breath has been heard of her. nothing, well, no one wrote about the loss. and there is no one to write to. she was not local. and it seems even so.
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what do i have to do with this? well, despite the fact that this fall was preceded by a blow with a blunt object the left temporal region, but an object with a limited surface, perhaps a fist,
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it looks like a robbery, anton bogdanovich, you go further, look, everything is upside down there too. well, exactly, she’s disappeared, we can’t come yet, we’re waiting for the owner of the apartment, clearly, fitness in... pirogovsky you say, interesting, ostakhova, i just went to her place at their house this morning, yes, i know, and valentin ostakhova means her brother, yeah, yeah, there’s another one there, denis, boxers, boxers, yeah.
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you still love her, yes i know you do, well then you pushed away after travn. she would love you anyone, khromova, kosova, funny beds, she’s like that, you did everything to push her away, sometimes it seemed like she got it because of me, just to be closer to you, why are you silent? what now? i'm daring, noble, do you love me more? answer!
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are you satisfied with this answer? quite. forward 100 m. there is a house by the lake, she is waiting, i warned her. i ’ll sit here, wait for you, i don’t need your showdown, good blow.
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i brought it, there’s something a bit too much here, it’s an advance payment, there’s a topic, hello, sasha, i understand, i have no forgiveness, i ask you, listen to me, please, i listen to you, sasha, it all looks like i understand. but this is not necessary, sasha,
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please, don’t say what all the men say, you know, something like this is not what i think, it will be interesting, of course, i think that if you natalya was just doing a massage, no, it all just happened so accidentally, she was just sitting on the table.
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you yourself said that everything is bad with denis and natasha because of sex. you know her, she this girl is like that, she needs it. and denis is now in the most important period in his life. he must be completely focused on training, this is the most severe load. he can't give her everything she asks for right now. she twitches, blows his mind. he is afraid that she will go outside, he is also going crazy, he is jealous of her. his breakdown at the weigh-in, that’s all from there, i just wanted to relieve this tension, i understand, it sounds crazy, but i, i just wanted to somehow normalize the situation, it has nothing to do
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with feelings, what? smile, what are you doing, yes, i did this for the sake of his son, so that now, the most important moment in his life, he would not lose everything because of a woman, that he won this fight and reached a new level, where he, where he would feel like a human being, would be able to support her himself, so that we stopped counting pennies. “i understand that this is terrible, but it was necessary, although i am very ashamed of myself, i know that i am right, listen, ostakh, do you know that the worst thing in all this is that you are telling the truth?”
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i, i am grateful to you for our children, in general for everything that we had, just something you afterbirth.
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this, it’s hard for him, and liza feels it, and valik and i, we’re all just a means, you know, for our own purposes, you know, when i think where all this can lead, i’m so scared, terribly scared, well, come back, let it be, only you can balance everything. protect the children from me and think how unhappy you are, by the way, everyone was going crazy, lisa reported to the police, denis refused to train, i
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had to tell him everything, what to tell him, without specifics, of course, he just said that i had changed you . that you left, and now he's on i’m angry, okay, everything is clear, i ask you, please come back, at least before the fight, whether you like it or not, but this is really a real chance for denis, he loves boxing, this is his life. if you love him, come back, 10 days, i ask you, 10 days, then i’ll do as you want, i’ll rent an apartment, i’ll move, for their sake, not for my sake, listen, astakhov, you always get what
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you want, i said it myself, i didn’t make a career. lord, what are you doing, you, go away, i’ll come tomorrow, the fight will bring me, go, please, i beg you, thank you. and you know how much is left there? it will definitely go over the weekend, clearly, so we order as usual, yeah, yeah, another beer, okay, max,
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hi, great, wait, we 'll have football on saturday, yeah, yeah, let's drink twice as much, yeah. i took it, it’s all right, maybe we’ll charge the strays, or i myself, come on here, listen, they didn’t teach you how to knock on the door, sorry, this is the case, svetka was killed in the hut, why, when they found it in the morning, her head seems to be broken, i’m sorry surrounded? okay, okay, go, don’t even think about it, i just threw a stick and left at night, maybe after me
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who came, you know, the light was weak at the front, there was an infection of my prints on the campaign, okay, don’t worry, and walked half the city, is there albie? i don’t know, my wife was already asleep, talk to the boys, let it be better, out of harm’s way, one bad thing with the boxer will have to wait, the fox was friends with sveta, now the cops will start hovering around their family. so his face is so sad, dad promised to go to the vending machines, but he’s not there, and you called him, he doesn’t answer, i made my bed for a whole week and ate these vitamins, well done! then 5 minutes getting ready, but we have to be home by eight so
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there’s no talking, okay, uncle ruslan, you’re the best, what’s here? you’re doing it, help yourself that you’re not training, but i don’t want to, what else is this, what will dad say to this, let’s ask him, he knows everything, natasha. wow,
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damn, now, hello? mom, where are you, mom, how are you coming tomorrow? well, okay, where have you been, mom, okay, let's see you tomorrow, mom will come tomorrow, well, sing, where, shooting games, shooting games, well, let's shoot, these, yes, exactly, exactly. oh cool, great, what do you want too?
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come on, shurik, shurik, where did you run off to, i have the card, hello, hello, i paid, thank you, go to sleep, no, don’t, well then the next game is on me, it won’t end quickly, maybe we’ll have coffee then let's have a drink, okay, boys, hold the card, play, don't go anywhere, petya, yes, petya, you heard me, yes, wait, what's yours, six, but you're not mine, sisters, she 's shopping here, she asked me bye to bring him together, imagine, i also have a brother’s son, he is at work, and i gave birth in altai. there i graduated from college, and here i have an
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older sister, she’s here, she’s still working, that ’s where i am, and shurik is playing, meet me, this is ruslan, hello, i also came with my brother’s son, it’s very nice, me too, olya, we let's leave, i'm taking shurik, yeah, it was very nice to get to know each other, maybe we can continue communicating somehow, let's go, i'm telling you, thank you, goodbye, oh, you're crazy, you found someone to meet, do you even understand, how this can end, i scored 300 points, i'm a champion.
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passport, yeah, everything is fine, where do you live, ruslan alexandrovich, on defense, what's the matter? it's just a routine check, whose boy? brother, yes, what is your name, fighter? petya, who is this? uncle ruslan, and mom, dad, where is yours? mom has been gone for a long time, and dad, i don’t know where he is now, but he means, i’m not talking to you now, where are you going now?
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to the bathhouse, to another uncle, yes, let’s go, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly. yes, this is not what you think, we’ll figure out the models, everything is fine, what, well, what will we do, i mean, tomorrow will come back, and how will we continue to live, how we lived before, so we will live, in the sense, as before, we must discuss this now, when she returns tomorrow, how should i talk to her, how should i look into her eyes, sit at the same table, what do you want me to do, should i kill her, no, just make a decision, what decision, you are my
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son’s wife, that is, you are afraid to tell him, yes, well, if you are afraid, then i will say, no problem. wait, please, i beg you, not now, okay, but this will kill denis, they will kill his training, his career, come on after the fight, sasha, you’re here, gennadievich called, ruslana and petka were brought to mentura. hi, i’m actually on vacation, okay, i accidentally dropped by work to pick up something, i see petka is sitting with dzhyurov, and ruslan is in a cage, and then it turned out that it was amunov’s men who grabbed him, they are here today for reinforcement, well,
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they saw child with this black one, come here, grandfather? now i’ll call ruslan, but he’s there, well, he had a conflict with the guys, in general, i’m sorry, but somehow? why was ruslan imprisoned? he didn't do anything, did he? no, he didn't do anything didn't do anything bad. on the way out , let's go, i'm sorry, dad, that they pulled you, come here, what is this, well, they
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didn't believe me a little, they interrogated me, so we're going to the hospital now... to the prosecutor's office, i promise, everyone will be jailed, who is involved in this, i told you, it’s amon, i don’t care, it’s clear, everyone heard, let’s go, now i’ll take my things, come quickly, return your passport, so now we’ll go anyway, don’t give a damn, i’m not going anywhere, what does that mean won’t go, i’m the first, i’m not the last, that i don’t understand, black, there is black, even if his last name is russian, son, we never talked to you about
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this, you didn’t talk about it, but i did, today i ’m on my mind, let’s go... we need to lay the stove already, let’s go bake,
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mom, breakfast is ready, grandma, petya, oh, my friend, my little one, my good one, no matter how bored i am, okay, who else has porridge, me, what, ruslan? no, mom, thank you, what’s wrong with your face, i was there in the garage turning the nuts on a wheel, the key came off, in general, well, yes, the nuts, so, let’s finish, otherwise... we’ll have breakfast before lunch, denis, val, go into the hall, warm up, i’ll come, let’s get busy tactics, come on, lisa!


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