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tv   Prospekt oboroni  NTV  April 16, 2024 3:50am-4:51am MSK

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well, a reserve like, well, that’s good, let’s press the guy, one and a half lemons, it’s better than nothing, but i have a day, i’ll add, well , this was the most extreme case, in case, san, this is the most extreme case , yes, yes, tanya, i remember, tomorrow, well, i just piled on here, yes, thank you, i’m sorry. tanya ’s sister asks when we’ll take petka, you haven’t seen valya, my grandfather has been missing for two days.
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everything is fine, get back to the car, good morning, alex sergeevich, unfortunately, i can’t say the same thing. what destinies mironov, it seems that you were transferred to the region , to what’s his name, to svyatogorsk, to zelenogorsk, and this is a region of st. petersburg, they didn’t finish it, it’s not in order, well, nothing, but you connect your connections again, and i’m sure that they will find me some somewhere warm, closer to the arctic ocean, but for now give me a couple of minutes, i wanted to call you first, but you change phones so often that you need
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konstantin bondarchuk, who is this? well, oleg sergeevich, let's not play dumb and dumber, your guy shot two people, a boy in intensive care, a woman died, i don’t think they did it on your instructions, but there was a big noise, according to my information, the boy’s family has already begun hostilities, so if suddenly everything starts to spiral here, i simply will not have another way out, no other way, to drag you to this matter, i... heard that a team has already arrived from moscow for your soul, and a well-written certificate, you know, sometimes it just works wonders, and i know that you have interests in boxing, maybe this exactly what they lack, in short, what you want, banderos, repentant and decided to give up, you're a dreamer, mironov, put away the car, yes, if something... happens to bandarchuk, i might
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think that i've unexpectedly hit the mark, let's go. yes, who came? well, that's it, hold on to the food.
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some kind of groundhog day, good morning, anton bogdanovich, good, colonel kostin of the ministry of internal affairs of russia, don’t take a little time, don’t program the heavens, everything will come true, i’m sorry, i say with great pleasure. well, that's good, please park the car , let's go for a walk along the bay. i know, that you flew out of glavka thanks to the efforts of oleg sergeevich bezuglov. your management did not want to spoil relations with him. in short, they gave you up. well, they can be understood. sergeevich has a lot of ties to his older brothers, who would want to quarrel with them in the beginning. are you always this kind? no, i just learned to take someone else's place. this makes it much easier to come to terms with
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many things, even betrayal, betrayal, as one smart person said, since the word law left the lexicon of law enforcement agencies. in our there is no longer betrayal of work, there is a divergence of interests. for example, now you are heading the team for the development of sergeych, and we are allies. and tomorrow he will render some invaluable service to his fatherland, they will forgive him everything and give him a hero of russia and you will be sent here to cleanse with fire and sword all those who can cast a shadow on his honorable name, there will be a completely different situation. you are quite cynical for your age. but in this service, age is measured not by years, but by lessons learned from life, and in this regard , oh, i can already babysit my grandchildren, so you did you want from me? as far as i understand, the purpose of my visit to sergeevich today is not a secret to you, well, what kind of secret is it, if we are talking here, we want you
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to find banderas, you won’t believe it, me too, but we want you to find him for us, you hope to make him a witness for some big case, why not?
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hello, the doctor is looking for you, we have already called you, yes, my sound is off, what happened, talk to the doctor. what do you mean the medicine is not suitable, are they bad, well, give me other good ones, no, they are not bad, well how can i explain to you, let’s just say, they are not strong enough, but what is needed, judging by the speed of spread, i would recommend to you, of course, stronger, more modern means, but unfortunately, our hospital does not have them, where there is, i’m afraid it’s free they are nowhere to be found. oh, listen, this is not a problem, i’m ready to pay, i’ll tell you frankly, we ’re talking about a different amount of money here.
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in the abandoned weight, he is there, i won’t go there, okay, look, if you deceived me.
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banzarys jumped back, i didn’t kill you, it’s you telling me in the next world. to me turned around, turned around, all kinds of weapons are lying around in our rivers and lakes, i told the truth, thank you, you helped us a lot, you
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’re welcome, just take me to your farm. you said the man must decide, i decided, they never killed, there’s nothing to start with. fight, fight, fight find, he betrayed me, you know, he betrayed both me and anya, you betrayed everyone, yes, it would be better if they imprisoned you, yes, i have children, fight, you forgot, yes, no one would imprison you , they would have thrown him into the lake and the ends and waters, no one would have known, but you and i would have known, i don’t... i don’t want to with this to live, you understand, but i don’t want to live with the knowledge that this creature breathes, you know,
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eats, sleeps, and in the end has its own unlucky daughter, that you don’t dare say that ever, fights, fights for her, fights, pain , she said that she would leave... she would leave for me, you know, she would leave for me, why now, why now, it’s good that you are here, i’ve run out of money on my phone, denis is very bad, he needs it urgently some new medications, very expensive, how much, here are six packs for a course, what
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did you say, that you always have a medical condition, for extreme case. “i already said that it doesn’t matter what you said, i didn’t kill this woman and didn’t shoot her son, zhenya, yeah, that’s what it means, i didn’t kill, but it was your double, you’re messing with my brains, yeah , i’ve seen you half the city, zhenya, that’s enough, that’s enough, it will be when he ’s bent under the bunk, the creature, “if it were my will, i ’d hang people like you from every lamppost, masters
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of life, bought themselves huts, cars, whores, they’re eating in three throats, i hate, you hate what you bought, or it’s important that someone killed, it’s important, i know that you killed, tell me about it now you’re going to write blood on your pride, zhenya, that’s enough, i said that you’re in command here, are you a commander or what?” he left, came, returned, and i ’ve been plowing here for 20 years, this is my city, this is my district, i’m like him, since the nineties, i remember when it was impossible to go out into the street calmly, because of people like you, we live like a bad cop, a good cop, nothing new,
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well, what makes you think that i’m good, here you take off the handcuffs, drink some water , it’s not scary that i’ll run away, no, you didn’t do anything, then you made a mistake, i’m a bad cop here, you know something, i can’t believe it, you big greetings from the investigative team for sergeevich. they really want to talk to you, i don’t understand what you’re talking about, thank you, you know, i ’ll probably need a lawyer, do i have the right? well, you already believe, you’ll have coffee, and how urgently are these medications needed, what do you think, how quickly do those who relieve thirst need water, of course, the sooner the better? of course, the medicine we give him, listen, doctor, i’ve been living for a long time, so
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you can be direct with me, i understand, your salary is small, i understand everything, i’m ready to participate, only i want to know the truth, you that they decided that i came up with all this in order to embezzle your money, you know, go ahead , excuse me, doctor, don’t be offended, it’s just how life is, what life is like. life is normal, ordinary, we make it one way or another, i will get money for medicine, just help dina, please buy the medicine? sami, can i see him,
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how is he? he's sleeping, is everything okay? yes. you gave him money, he doesn’t take it, he wants you and me to buy medicine, he’ll buy it, everything will be fine, for sure, well, how long have you been there? at the turn near the ostakhovs’ house, right up to shots, something took a long time, i was hoping that the fox would come out, i wanted to apologize, before the shots were fired, it means you heard the shot, but how could you not hear it, the distance is nothing, yeah, and what
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did you do, did your legs, the strength of your reflexes when it shoots , you have to stay away. who gave you such reflexes? maybe not sergeyech? who is this in your zone? isn't he a lawyer? yes, i’m listening, yeah, okay, i’ll be right there. no, not a lawyer, but you and i will have to take a break. come on, i'll take you to your cell. sanya, are you sure the doctor isn’t scamming you? storms, just don’t do it on your own, but judge others, okay, what are you hinting at, and what am i hinting at, if we , by your grace, had not rushed to catch the banderas ourselves, now we would have money for medicine, maybe next time we’ll sort things out, okay, now dinya needs to be saved,
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i’ll try to keep chris and frol busy, i ’ll go to tangiz, money isn’t a god after all, yeah. it’s not bad news, if they exist, how come, what’s this, but your friends brought it, friends, yours? that i can’t know anyone? do i actually leave the garage sometimes? no, just unexpected. listen, i need to go to one place here, i’ll be there in an hour, but if anyone asks. ok. so, here, come on, yeah, it’s me, we should meet, we have a conversation.
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ok. well then, i’m on my way, i’m listening to you, by the way, how’s your brother’s condition? fine, thank you, the duty officer told you something important, yeah. listen, i want to make a statement, kostya banderos, bendarchuk did not shoot my mother and denis, my brother valentin lied when he said that he saw him, he told you about it himself, why are you so sure
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when the shots rang out, kostya was in my room, in my bed, i want this... we have hardware, customers are waiting, there is nowhere to work, what are you doing, uh-huh, well, you yourself don’t see what’s going on, who could have known that this would happen , now it works only lights up. well, why do you suggest everyone go on vacation? question of the week. vanderas has already been taken, tomorrow the day after tomorrow everything will calm down, we’ll start working.
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in short, will you give me money or not? open a workshop, accept the goods, and you will receive it as agreed. borya, we are not friends, we are accomplices. we don’t even give it to our friends so that they don’t to lose, 700,000 tonge, but you know, i ’ll give it to me, if you want, i’ll write a receipt, that’s all, but what else, yes. well, i’m sorry with your man , it didn’t go well with this official, but he himself, well, you know what time it is, i
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couldn’t restrain myself, well, i’m sorry, i’m really to blame, i’m sorry, you just apologized, yes, i ’m begging you, fuck you, why, fuck you, sasha, am i just a kid? you come, ask for help, and then you humiliate me in front of respected people, you are rude to them, you set me up, and then, excuse me, tangiz, give me money, but i’ve lost the contact for which i worked for years, for what else, to get you out of the shit once again, but why do i need this, why are you yelling at me? and the silverless person, you are ours, they offended you, you have at least once in your life for free, even lifted a finger, but everything you have is
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thanks to me, you eat, drink, drive at my expense, you will now teach me how kid, go away, tyngiz, and prepare documents for my share in the hall, i will know you. i don’t want to, you asshole, kostya wanted to make peace, he came, wrote me an sms, when i didn’t show up, he came himself, but how did he get into your house, through the window, we have many balconies at home, it’s not difficult to get to mine, and you let him in, yes, why did you, because i love him, i wanted to ask why you didn’t tell me about it right away? afraid of whom? father and brothers, you don’t know our family, they immediately
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decided that it was bones ; it was generally impossible to convince them if they knew that i was, but he was always with me, until they started shooting, when i ran out of the room, he i was still lying in bed naked, but how do you explain that your brother, valentin, claims that bandera shits, he hates him because what the... he hates everyone, why? i don’t know, he became like this when katya left him, his wife, yes, boris petrovich, it’s me, me, yes, i’m waiting here at the hospital, did you buy the medicine? as alexander petrovich said that i already called him, he doesn’t pick up the phone, i don’t understand anything anymore, that’s it, okay,
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let’s, i’ll call again. you’re sitting, sitting, you’d better go home before any of the bosses knock you down. calm down, i ’ve been working here for 20 years and no one says a word against me, miron, what about you? the title has been flooded,
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zhen, go home, they say that you are a killer, but excused me, listen, i have to work, this is not your boss, this doesn’t work out here, firstly, never stop me from thinking, secondly, never wander around here drunk, thirdly, my name is anton bogdanovich, it’s easy for you ... anton, you got it, got it, got it, got it, knock-knock, can i come to you, yes, of course, guys, am i at the wrong time, no, everything’s fine, we’re practicing samba techniques with a colleague, that’s it, he’s already leaves, come on, see you tomorrow, well, mironov, we can congratulate you, i assumed that you would find bandarchuk, i didn’t think that so quickly, i think that yours
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return to chapters? is just around the corner, something is wrong, maybe banderos didn’t kill ostajo, but now what’s the difference, what’s important is that he ’s arrested for this, it’s easier for us, he’ll make a deal with us, and we’ll release an innocent person, and if he doesn’t , and if he doesn’t go, then we ’ll leave the bandit sitting, who has already been walking free for an extra 10 years... so don’t disappoint me, start a song about, everyone should sit honestly for their own, as comrade zhiglov said there, the bandit should be in prison, well, yes, we already have that you served half the country, as saboteurs and traitors, so mironov, so that i don’t hear any more of these intellectual things from you, are you an opera or whatever, a task has been set, complete it, the bandit should be in prison.
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that’s it, period, don’t you want to return to the headquarters on horseback, do you want to stay here, rot as a loser, until retirement, if i, of course, reach it, okay, what’s your plan, okay, let’s bring your gangster, let’s have a nightmare his little one, what does the lawyer say? so far nothing good, they have a 100% identification plus a motive. everyone knows that this banderas piled on the younger stakhs. hmm, he gave it to you too. but i was not in makrukha’s place. so, really, tell me. banderos did it or
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didn’t do it, he says that he didn’t do it, there’s something in your voice that i didn’t hear the firmness of confidence, banderos has been completely crazy lately because of this woman, i don’t know where it is and what she’s got on it, but i it was the first time i saw him like this, so if he decided that her brother really stood between them, he could...
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yes, then the questions concern you, please tell me , if the cops press the banderos, he won’t float, he’ll have the strength to hold on as before, well, you’ve been with him for so many years, i don’t know, banderas has gone soft lately, things, the club, this girl. in general, i’ll say this, he won’t take a long time for the concept, that time has passed, i heard from you, iraq, for your frankness, thank you, yes, well, what are you talking about, well, you know me, vasya, well, i , i’m not...
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what’s this here? i thought you were in the hospital? what should i do there without medicine, watch denis die? there's just a slight delay. in short, money, well, i think tomorrow everything will be decided. so there is no money, right? and that reserve you spoke about doesn’t exist either, right? we spent it to find the killer. i think it's. the question of one day is no more, but the only question is whether denis has this day, how could you, or did you plan to solve all the problems in one fell swoop, and since there are no
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obstacles between us, what are you talking about, you fool, so that i traded my son for you, sasha. you already changed it a long time ago when you climbed on me, we’re both larvae, i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have, i should have, i
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asked for it myself, i’m just tired. next, we have to save him, we are so before the day i love you, i love you, i don’t know how to blame him. “we just have to do it, we’ll do it, we’ll definitely do it, he didn’t give me the money, but i’ll find it, i’ve already put the car up for sale, i’ll try it at the bank tomorrow.”
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again, hello, hello, am i here to see you with some papers? yeah, why are you here? banderos communicates with the gods, in what sense did the ministry of internal affairs brigade take him into circulation, and i’m guarding them , but i know they were with the boss, the investigator wanted to transfer the case to another, he sent them, there’s some kind of war there, he was ordered to... the reason for there are no police officers, and this is a personal order for you, sign a copy, give me a pen, go ahead, but you
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’ve never followed anyone’s lead, what do you think, astakhova is lying, i don’t know, their sms correspondence confirms her testimony, i have a strange feeling, it seems to me that ostakhov is lying. but bondarchuk didn’t shoot, then everything turns out illogical. okay, listen, mironov, muscovites will seduce queens, don’t be fooled, please, stay the way i like you, independent, a very rare quality these days, that’s those on which nothing depends will be given to you. is this a gift from the investigative committee on our case, yeah, tell me more about her, okay? yeah, how's it going? yes, it’s still
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dull, apparently i felt support. listen, give me all the information on the little girl who makes bondarchuk, okay? lisa, what are you doing here? oh, i'm waiting for kostya to be released. go home, it’s not a fact that this will happen. why, i’m telling you everything. he has an alibi. the alibi will still be checked. lisa, do you understand that you are independent of whether you are lying or telling the truth. you got into serious matter. it might just be dangerous for you. why, if kostya is not guilty, are they not releasing him? well, because it's not that simple. lisa, falling in love happens, but the scars from them remain forever. judge for yourself, right? i'll figure it out in my life. yourself, by the way, you have an arrow on the side, men
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don’t like this, and you are brave, but so much the worse for you, be careful, why are you telling me this, i don’t know, why are we knocking? dimon, how should i call? bone, but i just can’t, there are some people grazing here from moscow! the bosses are all cheating, let's set ourselves up, listen, dim, well, when i
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set you up, remember how you scored 30 pieces of booze for one fleet minus, why didn't i help you or something, the bosses are already at home, come on, 2 minutes is enough for me, ok, wait, the room is clean, just come quickly, “hello, kitten, it’s me, kostya, have you been let out? no, not yet, i know what you did, you just, i love you very much, well listen, you have to go now to take your testimony, say that you made it all up, it’s dangerous for you, lisa, there are completely different situations here, it’s going to take a long time explain, well, it’s true, you didn’t shoot at anyone, leza, of course, i didn’t shoot, but someone wants me to sit”? i’m very afraid of you, honey, you know, let this someone
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be afraid himself , i’m not going anywhere, i told the truth and i love you, lisa, listen to me, the person in charge is coming, come here quickly, lisa, i love you too, dear, please be careful, okay, i can’t talk about everything, come on, come here quickly, just try, bastard, just try. hello, tengis vakhtangovich, what do you want? necessary? i came to apologize, does sasha really need money so much that he sent you? i need money to save my husband, and if
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sasha finds out about this, he will kill both you and me, understand? do you think i’m going to feel like the last bastard, i’ll give you money and let you go, but i remember everything, everything, i said, i came to apologize, and i know how to apologize very well, you’ll even like a loan of money, something like a bonus, how's your business? okay, we agreed, business is business, sit down, no need to call.
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let's go, sixth to first, the object arrived at the base, as understood, understood you, sixth, continue. what's this? and you thought i’d take you to asoria? i have taken down my web number here, relieve stress every wednesday, of course you don’t have to go, but
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then you understand. well, take off your clothes, darling.
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i can’t, i’m walking around south london today, but maybe you can take me with you to london, sorry, you don’t have a visa. okay, while you're walking around london, find some evidence on this case, otherwise i'll find it tomorrow, tangist, where are you going, we've already rolled on the second one, and i have a surprise for you,
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this is natasha, she agreed to reduce our male company. natasha, natasha, 3 rubles from us. 600 thousand, a lot of money, honey, i’m the only one who doesn’t come to you for that amount, smile if you want to get it, fucked up, there’s a business, well, where do they take you, and where did the money look for you, have you met chris, have n’t you seen him, we have something to eat, what did chris say he was drinking what? you're a sting, you don't drive, you're not my wife, chris sent us, chris made it clear, either business or no business, in principle, it's his right, sanya, sanya, you have to agree, you
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i thought that we would live, the denes are done with boxing, god willing, we can improve our health, but we have a house, children, we can’t live on car repairs alone, fighting crime is a one-way street, you thought, if we are accepted, what will happen to the children will happen, or chris’s competitors will set fire to it, remember, the gypsy garage in roshchina caught fire, and by the way, three people died, but we’ll be smarter and more careful, that’s not the point, borya, i’m not a thief, but what happened was a mistake for which sanya is not paying now. and this is my cross, i have to bear it for the rest of my life, so i don’t need to talk more about this, okay, we are proud, yes, but you can exchange pride for a son, if we don’t find the grandmother, everything is a mess, but if i had a son, i
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would kill anyone for him, i would rob anyone, go to sleep from sin. i’ll go, go, van, hi, what’s my request, that’s it, thank you, i understand, go ahead, bye.
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“great, what do you want, you should at least warn me when you stir up something in the case, i would prepare the client, otherwise we look like idiots, what are you talking about, liza ostakhova’s testimony, wait, isn’t it you who prepared her, what are the testimonies, let's do it all over again." dad, what color should we paint the planes? dad, what color should we paint the planes with? black, green is okay, yes, but which is better, listen to me, i’m busy, you can’t disturb me, do you understand? color it however you want, just silently, did you understand me or not, have you forgotten how to talk to me, well, you said,
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silently, okay, sorry, i’m just working, when i’m working, you can’t disturb me, let’s color it, and then show me , fine? hey, i have to leave in 10 minutes, turn off the lights and go to bed, okay, okay, so i can come, you were already asleep.
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great, where did you go, what was going on, what happened to our business, tomorrow, at 3 o’clock , approach the gulf stream, we’ll gather there, okay, okay, i ’ll go, wait a minute. there is only one problem, what kind of problem is it, your little sister,
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she opened her mouth for something other than business, so speak up, well, she’s alive, i’m sorry, i didn’t expect pashka to get so worked up, money when, money, right now. i earned a bonus, you promised to lend me money, but i lied, you say business, sometimes people cheat in business, i offered you to become my woman, i offered you my soul, but you insulted me, and now you just a bathhouse whore, but they don’t give them a loan, they
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are a rod and sometimes they pay, so you’re glad that i’m paying, hurry up, the next visitors have arrived, they might think that you are included in the price. what are you collecting? tanka is familiar, well, it seemed like i saw him somewhere, so we saw everyone here and tried it, let’s go already, listen, who is usually
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in front of us, is it you? with our own, they are eight, we are at eleven, we went already and were so late, what happened, it’s normal, that’s it, fuck off, what are you doing, you creature, he killed his mother, and you are covering for him, and i’ll kill him, ah...
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ah, everything is at home, lisa. what's happening? i'm sleeping.
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he gives khaz a day for a week, that’s all, call
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chris, say that we agree, just let the money be delivered tomorrow. well, that’s right, otherwise i see that you’re really crazy about sending natasha to tengiz in the bathhouse, this is some kind of humiliation, bro, what did you say, what did you say, open it, i know where have you been, open up. orya, i saw you near the bathhouse, i think i can talk him into giving money, he put me in the car and drove them, there were four of them, i didn’t expect it.
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well, are you convinced that i'm telling the truth? chris, don’t call, everything is cancelled, but where can we find the ladies? we'll rob the tangi. hello, dear, good to see you, hello, i brought the car, everything is fine, thank you, how are you at home? thank you,
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okay, that's it, you're fine, you're kind of upset, you just didn't get enough sleep, huh? excellent, like new, it’s not for nothing that they say that you are the best master, here you go, this is for you, no, this is a lot, like this, here you go, here you go, good work costs good money, that’s how it is with us, come and see us, let’s have some tea, us churek is fresh, cheese, do you like churek, i don’t know, in the caucasus everything they love churek, let's go, ruslan. “they say that they found your mother’s killer, if you need help, tell me, akhmat, where are you going, he’s a man, if necessary, he’ll say it himself, let’s go, thank you, we’ll take ruslan with us,
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we can’t do without a third, you’re in you’ll be in the car, we ’ll go upstairs, as you tell him, i’ll say that for my brother, for the honor of the family, san”? maybe you’ll think again, well , how do we fit into this whoredom, let’s better accept chris’s offer, it ’s a familiar matter, there are risks too, but let’s not help and we’ll earn money, think about it, what are you doing, i’ve already thought, there’s no topic, why not you, i don’t understand why your mother, tell me?
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sanya, brother, why are you stuck, well , you barked there before because of money, well, let me go to him, i’ll talk, no, i said, don’t you dare, why, yesterday, you saw natasha near the bathhouse, she arrived, the money... everything was a mess, and this nit in return offered to spread the legs of my son’s wife for this, when he is there between life and death, he must
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answer, san, well, maybe he was drunk there or a stupid joke, in short , fight yourself decide, i just need to know whether you’re with me or not... yes, with you and someone else, but that’s all for me, take our weapon, there’s no time to look for anything else, val, where are you going, on business, on what else affairs, with the worker, as i understand it, boxing in our family is over, the fight is out. i’m no good, but i want to eat, petka, who is he left with? natasha will sit, she’s not his mother, it’s okay, i didn’t have anything like that on the internet, what are you doing, why are you rushing to drive my temper here, that
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there are a lot of men in dignitaries, i’m getting cold if i don’t do it myself you'll go away, why the hell did you hand over bandera to the cops, he killed his mother,


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