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tv   Utro  NTV  April 16, 2024 6:30am-8:01am MSK

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tea incident in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya. volunteers in ufa are looking for the owners of the dog training center. they promised that they would help correct the animal’s behavior with the help of animal psychologists and trainers. in reality, the dogs were simply kept in an ordinary apartment. a labrador named goofy was the family’s favorite, admits maria moiseeva. he got along well with children and gave only the best and positive emotions. the puppy had to say goodbye. specialist by name. sucked by a woman found on the internet, she positioned herself as a professional canine specialist and animal psychologist who specializes in correcting animal behavior, the labrador was just at the age when a competent approach to education was required, when a week later the animal psychologist called and reported that the labrador was in serious condition in the veterinary clinic, the owner, who could not come to her senses out of shock, i tried to find out at least some details, when i suggested to her that i would come now, pick up samachenka and take her to my clinic, which...
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which i trust, she immediately replied that her charger runs out, so she turns off the phone. i didn’t know which clinic they went to. maria called the local veterinary clinic, after a while she found out that the laboratory dog ​​had died, it turned out that the goofy was brought in in an extremely emaciated state, you want to say that he lost 10 kg in a day, you lock up the dogs here, they poop here, poop, don’t eat neighbors who don’t drink and cecilia have been fighting for a long time with an impromptu zoo hotel in their house. for probably a year and a half we have been hearing this terrible howl, scream, scream of dogs, well, which just continues until the morning, it is impossible to tolerate, we are tired of this smell, we feel it in the rank of evil. people believe that the activities of an unscrupulous zoopsychologist need to be checked, meanwhile, the owner of the deceased labrador is sure that there are many more animals that suffered from the actions of the dog handler; now she is looking for other clients who trusted their pets to this woman.
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crumples. by the way, our columnist anastasia oldenburgskaya recommended translating oral folk art. so she said: if you want something right, do it yourself. it also turns out to be an english proverb. you 've probably heard it. if you want something done well, do it yourself.
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you can’t see a damn thing, i recently changed the light bulbs, the headlights are clean, but they don’t really shine, alas, my eyes are cloudy, it’s expensive to buy new optics today, but driving a low-blind car is not an option, how to give the headlights their former transparency, on the internet on this topic.. . is full of advice, the top budget remedies are soda and lemon, cut it, open it, rub it in, wash it off, there seems to be a result, it seems no, it’s some kind of bullshit, maybe try plastic, dental, take a tube and masking tape, paste it over, because toothpaste... ours is abrasive, so
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it can easily damage the paint and varnish, we don’t need that , we apply and rub, but it’s interesting, you have to wait, it’s hard, your hand gets tired, damn, well, in general, manual polishing, it seems to be an amateur, because after 10 minutes there is no result, well, it seems to me, no. are your hands already tired? well, frankly speaking, i don't like the result. i'll try it with a sander and headlight polishing paste. not hurry up, improper polishing can permanently kill your headlights. let me teach you how to do it right. vitaly petrov, without exaggeration , an automobile milk machine. there are several reasons why headlights dim. first of all, car enthusiasts themselves, wiping their headlights... leaves a lot of scratches on
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the surface of the headlights, also sandblasting, reagents, ultraviolet radiation in the form of sunlight, and of course time. even 20 years ago, diffusers, that is. aluminum oxide, if you see cerium oxide in the composition, such a paste for headlight plastic is not applied, it is intended for glass. when choosing a polishing paste, focus on professional compositions; they do not contain filling components, that is , polishing oils that only mask
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defects for a short time. well, let's get started: the first stage is polishing. sanding is the process of leveling a surface. today you yourself will try to put the headlights in order, so for the primary one. we will grind the alignment manually, because an amateur using a grinding machine can damage the surface of the headlight. under the guidance of a master, i sand the glass; this is done only while it is wet, without strong pressure, with multidirectional movements. done, the glass has become frosted. the next stage is polishing. well , now we need a polishing machine. for polishing we use one-step paste, it... will remove scratches and give the headlight a final shine and transparency. one-step polishing pastes cope with any task, for example, when using a hard polishing wheel we can easily cope with the removal of deep defects, when we apply a soft polishing wheel, we can easily achieve maximum shine on the surface. these pastes have a wide
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range of uses; they can be used to polish varnish or restore the transparency of a headlight. gently, also without pressing, at low speeds , rub the paste over the surface and control it. we are completing our polishing, the final touches, and now, as they say, feel the difference before and after, the best for today at 20:00, the big premiere, oh, old friend, what kind of formers? i drove the soldiers, call murin evgeny, this murin again, he’s a damn guy, he was in the war, trampled the zone, arseny robok
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returns, the smart guy in the city takes up arms again, i expected something like this from you. to restore justice, the hero plays alone, i know people like him, hot spot, new season, soldier, stop it, i'll tell you everything, i 'm asking again, who sent you, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv, good morning, about the weather today, the far east and siberia are rocking on waves of warmth and coolness, here is blagoveshchensk, which tomorrow will take off to +20, and then a noticeable decrease. chita will dive from +16 to +8 tomorrow. there will be no precipitation, but the wind will increase. all these are the tricks of the cyclones, which one after another go north. in yakutia, they alternate between snow and sun, relatively warm days and very cold
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nights. siberia is taking control of a vast anticyclone, it will open the way to cold air, and it will be very restless on its outskirts. there will be precipitation in irkutsk and the wind will increase to dangerous levels. today it’s +13 here, and tomorrow it’s +7. in krasnoyarsk, on the contrary , the sun will start working, and today’s +6 tomorrow will turn into +11. in south-western siberia , warming will be associated with the approach of a cyclone. in novosibirsk it is still sunny and cool, then warmer, but rainy. today they will take place in the urals, thunderstorms are possible in places, but the temperature will have time to drop only in yekaterinburg. a new heat wave is approaching, which will overwhelm the volga region and the south of the european part. in samara it’s still +15. and tomorrow it’s 22, in stavropol today it’s 26, and tomorrow it’s all 30. the center will only get a couple of degrees from this heat holiday, here it’s up to +15 and there’s rain, in the north-west there is even more precipitation, even less warmth, and in the north frosts are returning. in st. petersburg +7, short rains in places, in moscow they are also possible,
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and +12:14. see below. morning is the best. we study the chinese auto industry with the main road. let's try yoghurts together with sergei malozyomov, learn about events in cultural life, rusty bottoms. and glitchy electronics for the price of an apartment, now you'll laugh, the gas pedal, it's plastic, it just fell off in the cold, how does the chinese differ from the domestic one, i figured it out alexander lushin, we’re just trying to turn on the radio, everything is frozen, we need to reboot it, the first chinese is like a young first love.
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orthodox, but it also has its downsides, after about 10,000, 15,000 miles, it’s already
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starting to rust at the seams, the paintwork and electronics are the achilles pit of all chinese, and these shortcomings do not depend in any way on the price of the car. this car costs 8 million rubles. i was distinguished by the fact that its trunk opens on the move, and of course a free bonus with each new by car. an indescribable chemical ombre, it really will bring tears to your eyes from the smell, imagine you ordered a phone case on some chinese website and you open it , this smell is like this and you are like this and you are driving it in this case in this packaging , but the real problems of chinese cars are at the very bottom, nikita lukin from barnaul makes money from this, and treats cars with anticorrosive, the corrosion process on new cars actually begins from
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the moment the car leaves the assembly line, even a little bit, the filler neck could have rotted completely, we have a profuse riot of corrosion going along the langeron, and the client brought this car in for treatment immediately after purchase. we can already see that some, well, rusty elements of rust are leaking out of our amplifiers. there are three types of friendly automobiles on sale in russia: chinese cars imported by private owners, official chinese cars, those sold by dealers, and domestic chinese cars assembled in russia. the difference is not only in price. not all cars imported from china will be adapted for russian market, well, for example, from the point of view even from the well, interfaces are in the language, for example, only chinese, or at best in english. the chinese survived the past harsh winter with dignity, dealers solved the problem with the lack of spare parts, buyers
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are happy with the cars, but when they were cheaper, they could turn a blind eye to the shortcomings. the price of this car is 2.2000, of course, it is a little expensive, but in the current realities we have what we have. good morning! this is living food, and i am sergei malozyomov, medical education fights in me with love for delicious food, which, however, can be enjoyed without consequences. that's what we 'll have today. it regularly appears on lists of products that pretend to be healthy. at the same time, its manufacturers claim in their advertising that a lot of research has confirmed its positive health effects and recommend eating or drinking it every day. this is yogurt, delicious, controversial, and, of course, more than
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deserving of being the protagonist of our investigation of the week. christos kisidis, former professional boxer. he moved to russia from greece back in the nineties and went into business, now in a small production facility in the smolensk region, producing a product that everyone knows about, greek yogurt. through this closed pipeline. the milk enters the container, when the temperature reaches 45°, we pour the starter into it, then through a closed pipeline it enters the packaging machine for direct filling into the jar, now you see how something liquid is poured into the jar, this is not yet yogurt, and milk with sourdough, and for the product to thicken, you need several hours of a special oven. this production method is called thermostatic. there is also tank type, when yogurt is first fermented and then packaged. in any case, classic thick greek yogurt
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requires one more mandatory step. this is the yogurt that... they did it yesterday, now we are putting it into bags, then they will hang it so that the whey passes through the bag and it becomes thicker. the greeks themselves prepare their own yogurt at home. christ heats the milk to 95°, then cools it to 42 and adds a couple of spoons ready-made yogurt. you can use store-bought starter. the product should stand for several hours in a warm place, then hang in a special... yogurt is eaten with canned peaches or honey and nuts are added to it, and for a savory snack called tirokateri, it is whipped in a blender with feto cheese, hot peppers, spices and olive oil . in greece, we generally eat it at the end of the feast, because yogurt is
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like a digestive enzyme, so it calms any food and smells very well. everyone kills, that’s it, he’s such a good guy. at all, fermented milk products are considered healthy primarily because of the good bacteria. they actively reproduce at a temperature of about 40°, and then remain dormant for a long time during storage. manufacturers claim that there are very, very many of these microbes. maybe they can actually be taken directly and examined under a microscope? we tried to do this. dairy technologist olga soklova immediately found a thermophilic one. coc in greek yogurt, these bacteria are very similar to a cluster of beads, but there was no bulgarian stick it is seen. the fact is that the bulgarian stick gives a sour taste, and not everyone likes it, people like the soft sour-milk taste, it is given by thermophilic striptococus, and some yogurt manufacturers add less bulgarian stick to their yoghurts, and more thermophilic
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striptococus. we also looked at thermophilic streptococcus in bio-yogurt, but didn’t find it. bulgarian coli are unhealthy bifidobacteria, which manufacturers often add artificially. maybe these microbes simply didn’t get onto the slide, or they not there? we also looked at the so-called yoghurt product with fruit filling. it was originally just regular live yogurt, but it was pasteurized at high temperatures to make it last longer. perhaps that is why there are no bacteria left in it. let's check different options using the usual microbiological method. laboratory of the center for hygiene and epidemiology in the moscow region, greek bio-yogurt is a sweet product where beneficial microorganisms are declared, we will find out whether the number of bacteria corresponds to the end of the shelf life numbers on the packaging. meanwhile, natalya, who eats yogurts, already notices positive changes on the tenth day of the experiment.
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the bloating has gone away, the feeling in my stomach is very good, i don’t know what’s there. with, as they say, with flora and fauna, but, but what used to worry me, it doesn’t bother me now, did yogurt really turn out to be an effective remedy or was the placebo effect working, why did national dietary recommendations in the uk call for eating less dairy products, what they were identified as dangerous, more on that very soon, be sure to wait. timothée chalamet broke john travolta's record when two films starring him, released three months apart, became box office hits, after which the actor's fees soared several times, and warner brothers signed a multi-year contract with him. what is the essence of this deal? how sholem achieved such success and what he looks like as bob dillan
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in his new film. this is the show business news today. seven-year-old timothy sholem is now officially the biggest box office star of the new generation. he managed to break the record staged 45 years ago by john trovolta. then, with a break of 7 months , two super-successful films were released with him: saturday night fever and grease. and it took sholoma only 3 months to break the box office twice. late last year , he grossed $600 million while singing and dancing on screen as a young willy wonka. and already in march... the same amount of time, when in the role of paul trades i plowed the desert on a sandworm in the second dune. travolta congratulated shalomas on the record, noting that it’s great when you have someone to share the box office money with fees. here. after such success, warner brothers signed timothy a multi-year cooperation contract; he will still be able to work with other studios, but warner brothers will receive priority. in addition, timothy
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will not only star in the company’s new projects, but also produce them. as stated in an official statement from warner brothers, for the past few years the company has admired timothy's dedication to his work, which is manifested in the variety and depth of the roles he has chosen, his commitment to giving his time to projects, which he is working on. sholom’s serious attitude to his profession is also evidenced by the fact that he does not like to show off his personal life, even though he is dating one of the most popular girls on the internet, twenty-year-old businesswoman kylie jenner. they do not appear together on the red carpet, but despite rumors of a breakup, they are still together. according to insiders, sholome simply wants only his work to be discussed publicly, not his relationship. he is currently filming a biopic. about bob dillon , the first photos from the filming taken in new york have already appeared. the film, entitled "perfect stranger", takes place in the early sixties, when he was only 19
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, and shows his transition from folk to rock and roll. shelome learned to play the electric guitar for this role and he himself will perform his hero’s songs in the film. the director of the film is james mangold, who shot, for example, ford vs ferrari and walk the line about the country legend johnny cash. he says. that a perfect stranger is the story of how a guy comes to new york with two dollars in his pocket and in just 3 years becomes a world sensation. it shouldn’t be difficult for chalamet to play this, he himself experienced rapid fame. timothy became a favorite of the public, directors and producers in just a few years. he started with teenage roles in tv series, in one of them homeland, he was noticed by the italian director luca godagnina, who called him to play the main role in his film “call me yours.” a name after which timothy was nominated for an oscar, a golden globe, a bauto and a screen actors guild award. his career began to develop at jet speed. timothy played in the film
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handsome boy, for which he also received many nominations. next was the role of the young henry v in the film the king, an anxious day in new york by woody alina, little women by gretta gerwick, the french messenger, wes andersen and don't look up by adam mackay. well, then dune happened and... according to rumors, timothy's fees have already soared to eight figures and may well approach the level of leonard dicaprio and tom cruise. travolton has already won, leo and tom will get ready. this is the news of show business today. i was with you. see you, smiled, it means recognized, smiled, it means
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real, they recognize, hmm, love, remember, appreciate. truly psb is a bank for the real, what is it, beautiful, yes, meet me, this is zhenya, and his just soldiers, somehow you are younger, i imagined you differently, kuat decided to take over the entire business in the cemetery, yours too, come on, like in the good old days, the old times are not over, ivan makhovikov, we were taken somewhere in the wrong place, nikolai kozak, are you
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going to fight, vladislav kotlyarsky, i will kill you, you bastard, arseny robok, give me one day, i decided everything, hot spot, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv, the boy’s word, blood on the asphalt, the most anticipated premiere. today at 23:00 almagel fights heartburn and pain in the stomach, carefully coating its walls. almagel knows his stuff for heartburn and stomach pain. order medicine with discounts at for breakfast in starodvore there are sochenki. i cook it, cut it, stuff it in the summer and it’s done. these are all our compositions. old dvorie is truly delicious. i incorporate bright color with care for my hair. permanent cream paint palette gives saturated color. and the triple system is ear. restores, moisturizes, nourishes hair from the inside, without gray hair, palette is your best choice of color, we take loans, it’s easy to apply for, we are all in the commercial bank, we take loans. loans, and
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kind ones quickly, we are at sovcombank, loans that everyone knows, fishhouse is a variety of freshly caught, high-quality seafood and fish, we carefully select them, without adding anything extra, so that you enjoy the amazing taste, once you buy it, you immediately love it, fishhouse on the wave of diversity, the five helps out when you talk about your desires, we hear, we create practical solutions so that you can rely on us. moskvich 3 from 1.590. rub without additional conditions. now we have become closer. millions of pets throughout russia are protected from fleas and ticks with bars preparations. we are different, but we all trust bars products to protect our pets. my new invention for cleaning the toilet. but with
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bref there is an easier way. bref. colored water for a clean, fresh toilet with every flush. brev number one in russia for keeping the toilet clean and fresh. our life is a series of meetings. over a cup of fragrant coffee monarch every meeting can become destiny. and the most familiar day with aragia coffee-monarch can become a special gift of wings. monarch coffee, aroma happens. for different you one magnet cosmetics hair care product synergetic 1999 price what you need, if you have national rice in your kitchen, this means that uzbek pilaf or japanese sushi is now not someone’s national pride, but yours personally, detralex imagines when running all day, heaviness in my legs, pain and swelling can catch up with me,
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shopping or getting rid of debts credit cards are easily damaged, hair lacks vitality, gliscur is exceptional moisturizing. replenishes hair with the power of hyalurn. moisturized, shiny and bouncy hair. instead of scissors. try gliskur exceptional hydration. attention, in honor of the anniversary. magnit returns 30% bonuses for purchases. choose your favorite categories all april in the magnit app. 30 years by your side. the morning continues, the best.
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checking! prices for popsicles in our consumer supervision, we have the right to receive legal advice, we will go to an interesting place, let's eat a local dish with federico arnaldi. singer prokhar chaliapin admits that he cannot stand milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir and other dairy products. as a child , he was overfed, outside of his black list, just ice cream. i remember when i was still little, like this , it was like this for me, like this tray and this one with the saleswoman, i looked in there, she opened these boxes of ice cream, there was either vanilla or chocolate, also popsicle, such ice cream already unfortunately i can’t find it anywhere. yes, there is ice cream on the shelves anymore, it’s really not always of good quality, admits the chief technologist of the russian ice cream union, but if you know how to choose, study the label and know how
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ice cream is prepared... then it’s not difficult to enjoy good ice cream, the very first state ice cream in our country was developed in the forties first year, it was the most stringent state standard in the world for ice cream, now we have it better than it was in soviet times, and your jaw dropped at that moment, but is it possible to distinguish good ice cream from a surrogate by price and in general how much? cost ingredients for one of the kimos from a large manufacturer, i place a bid of 50 rubles. rate: accepted, make yours too! the first component of popsicle is milk; the fatter it is, the brighter the taste. in all honesty, you need to take milk with a fat content of 3.2%; for an eighty-gram portion of popsicle it takes only 14 g. it’s just like meat in sausage, look, there’s no milk at all. surprisingly, there is only 56 kopecks worth of milk in a serving of ice cream. and in summer
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this price is usually even lower. this is our product that depends on the season, in winter the price for it usually always increases, in the summer it is always lower, but milk alone will not make ice cream, it will be watery and tasteless, therefore... the basis of the popsicle is cream, the milk fat from it gives softness and plasticity, it is formed in our country during counting the fat globules that we add in large quantities from cream, cream costs almost 9 rubles per serving, and this is a lot, some manufacturers believe, there is something to save on, so cream is willingly replaced with cheaper vegetable fats, coconut, sunflower or palm. products with milk fat are three times more expensive than products with a milk fat substitute; according to the law, manufacturers have no right to hide such a substitution. my friends, who are over 60, sorry, can’t always see these inscriptions, even if
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it’s written somewhere and covered with flowers, this is so that all people of any age can see this front part of the packaging, to see whether there are vegetable fats there or not, special shelves are allocated for... contain only milk fats. just a couple of grams of milk powder are added for about 70 kopecks. therefore, manufacturers do not use chemicals with it, which cannot be said about another dairy ingredient - condensed milk. in one serving it costs as much as 60 rubles. therefore, it is also replaced, though not with vegetable fats, the expert admits. lard is added to condensed milk, and not the kind that comes with garlic and borsch as a bite , but the kind that doesn’t go on sale because... but it envelops the internal organs, its nutritional value is low, so it is much cheaper even palm oil, but it is much more difficult to identify in the laboratory; such substitutions reduce to zero the benefits and pleasure of a serving of ice cream. there is a large amount
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of tryptophan, and which contribute to the production of serotonin, the hormone of pleasure in us and in general , such happy always, ice cream is concentrated in condensed milk. happy, all that remains is to add vanillin for a spicy taste for 9 kopecks. yes, yes, natural vanillin costs little per popsicle, but they manage to replace it with even cheaper ones flavorings. here is sugar, in ice cream it should be at least 14%. a portion of white sand on one izskimo costs 16 kopecks. and now all these components need to be mixed, only here there is fat and water, which can be combined with each other only with an emulsifier, one of the most expensive is gelatin, which was added to soviet ice cream, it is also one of the most expensive ingredients, it turns out, our gelatin costs 2,500 rubles. per kilogram, we
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added 0.4, so it makes such a significant contribution to the cost of ice cream, it turns out that we have to spend a whole ruble on this gelatin, prokhor, robbery, robbery, why are you charging such prices from... alas, at home or in the studio, it is impossible to completely repeat the processes taking place in ice cream factories. the technology of factory-made ice cream requires the participation of special, bulky and powerful equipment. first , the milk is pasteurized at the cold storage plant and the butter is melted, then all the ingredients of the future ice cream are dissolved in hot water, and then there is a complex homogenization process. very large drops of milk fat in a special apparatus. crushed into smaller, smaller and smaller balls, then this whole mass is squeezed through a tiny hole under enormous pressure, becoming as homogeneous as possible and ceasing to separate, the fat is distributed throughout the entire
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volume, then this thick mixture is heated to kill possible microbes, and finally cooled , at the same time whipping it vigorously, icy ones begin to form in the future ice cream... it is saturated with air bubbles, acquiring airiness. the ice cream is molded and sent to the drizzle is immediately dipped into the hot glaze, which instantly hardens. the ice cream is ready for packaging. and, by the way, this is the kind of ice cream that is sold in shopping centers or cafes, which is collected from trays like this and made using a different technology, simpler. the owner explained this to me. this is the name of a cafe that makes and sells sweet ice dessert. an exclusive opportunity to become, just for a short time, an employee of the best ice cream establishment in the world. the cafe owner lists the
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lucky few he also allowed run your own kitchen. this is dustian hoffman, here is penelope cruz, and everything is done really much simpler: peel the bananas . add antioxidants, would you eat ice cream that has turned black due to oxidized bananas? yes, yes, that ’s what this glass of orange juice is for, after the juice... 2 kilos of sugar are dumped into the container, a couple of liters of milk, that’s it, we’re done, that is , we all wondered what the secret recipe would be in the best cafe ice cream world, we dreamed that there were some secret additives, secret recipes, no secret recipes, this mixture is whipped by an apparatus the size of a coffee machine, the ice cream does not ripen and is immediately sent to the counter, this ice cream is called soft, it melts much faster and
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it is impossible to make popsicles from it, but maybe this is not bad, but what a variety and what freshness, ayskimo in the studio our consumer supervision remains to be poured into molds and allowed to harden, during this time prepare chocolate glaze, ideally it should be made from cocoa powder, sugar and butter, glaze that is based on butter, it turns out so very soft, went very well... with ice cream, but it is more labor-intensive, chocolate icing with vegetable fats, it will be cheaper, about half as much as, yeah, natural, than natural chocolate and than butter icing , real chocolate coating without surrogate impurities costs 11 rubles. the raw material cost of one finished popsicle is half as much as what prokhor chaliapin assumed. this is not so
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little, considering that other costs for salaries must be added to this price employee, cleaning, household chemicals, water, electricity, rental of retail space, and the company, suppliers and stores still have to earn money, so the upper limit of the commercial cost can be completely justified, and that’s why the composition of ice cream should be studied carefully so as not to feed it’s like it’s on a stick. marina velikova, lawyer. we have a question from our tv viewer tatyana. tatyana asks: my husband, born in sixty-two, suffered a heart attack last year, has concomitant illnesses, but a group he was not given disability, but was given a certificate for light work with restrictions. at his work, they could not provide him with a job based on this certificate and dismissed him for health reasons. for several months now he has been on... the labor exchange for unemployment, but the exchange
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also cannot find him a job, according to the conditions of his health certificate. he belongs to the pre-retirement age group. i read on the internet that if they can’t find him a job, then the stock exchange can legally send him to retire. how to do this correctly? well, let's figure it out. indeed, in accordance with federal law, unemployed citizens of pre-retirement age can retire earlier. how to do this correctly? you must, upon the recommendation of the employment authorities , apply to the social fund of russia and they are obliged to provide you with a pension for citizens of pre-retirement age, but not earlier than 2 years before the onset of the old-age pension. the right to this type of pension is granted to pre-retirees who have lost their jobs as a result of the liquidation of an organization, or staff reduction, or other reasons that are provided for by law. the main requirements for a pensioner to receive this type of pension
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are to have at least 15 years of insurance experience, pay attention to this, the individual pension coefficient is not less than thirty, and also the lack of employment opportunities, this is exactly the case that our tv viewer described that her husband cannot be found a job at the labor exchange according to his health certificate. decision on early retirement. in this case, we issue employees of the employment agency and issue this offer to the pre-retirement person, with which he can then apply to the social fund of russia. i would like to draw your attention to the fact that the russian social fund replaced the pension fund and social insurance fund when they were merged. so, such a proposal can be made personally, or employees of the employment agency, in this case, the labor exchange can independently send such. documents to the territorial
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department of the social fund. also have in i mean that after such a pension is assigned to you, if your life circumstances suddenly change, you find a job or move for permanent residence to another country, then you are obliged to notify the social fund of russia that such changes have occurred. further, as soon as you reach the age to receive an old-age insurance pension, you must also... contact the social fund of russia in order for your pension to be reissued, because you are applying for it for several reasons. for today it is all. if you have any questions, please send them. to our email address remember that you have the right to know your rights, chow friends, sam war, hello, amar mendez,
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hello, bairla, thank you, my vocabulary of buryat words is expanding. now we will supplement it with a new word, by the way, very cozy and cute, ante, very tasty, because the buryat chef sayan will teach us how to cook a lamb dish bayan-tala, and there is a translation bayantala, rich steppe, tell us how we cut meat, cubes, strips, we cut the meat against the grain so that it is soft enough, like this, yes. and how is it sliced, and we also cut boiled potatoes into slices, rich steppe, i like the name of your dish, it’s always so mysterious, poetic, and there’s probably some connection between the dish and the steppe, our steppe is rich in herbs, that is, when you eat lamb, it
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marinates itself, roughly speaking, our meat is tasty, aromatic, we need to fry the potatoes now, fry them a little in crêpe. wait, it’s boiled in advance, but we’re all we also deep-fry it, yes, so that it does not fall apart, it will have a small crust, like country potatoes, yes, that’s right, how gorgeous they are, i will use this method, you know, now heat up the frying pan, add oil, fry the meat, then eat meat, first fry without anything, without anything, by the way, marinade, not marinade, in principle, not in principle, not in principle, if the meat is fresh, good, you don’t need to marinate, fry the meat over high heat for 5 minutes, then add chopped onion to the frying pan , dark, we take away, from
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you also secretly use temyany, yes, oh, how, and we call it pimo, in general it reminds me of rosemary, i really like them, use the combination, and we will also use rosemary now, buryat cuisine is like italian, it turns out, well, ours tastier on uh, well, let's start, and this can lead to long arguments, we're not in a hurry anymore, we add spices and garlic, now such aromas will open up that we will awaken jingeshan, now we can add the potatoes that we deep-fried, salt and re...
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well, a little pasta in oil, and can you show me what you’re doing? i’m chopping chili peppers, oh, we’ll have a hot sauce, it’ll be fiery, sweet-sour-hot, bye, we’ll send garlic there too, now we’ll send three spoons there, sea buckthorn, sea buckthorn, why, sea buckthorn tomato paste, yes, how so, well, we’ll try in the end, but it’s certainly a shock. add three tablespoons of honey, so i’ll be more careful, otherwise we end up with a sweet dessert sauce, but again we also have chili pepper there, it gives it some heat, we puree the whole mixture with a blender, now we need it strain through a sieve, modonna how many
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procedures, we get rid of the pulp, with such a simple movement we wipe it, yeah. separately, we have everything ready, now we just need to arrange it, try it, golden words, after such a dish, it seems to me that chenki khan would hire me as a cook, you know, the dish is hearty. tasty, not very difficult to prepare, this is what i expect from nomadic peoples, but i want to pay special attention to this sauce for a minute, i thought we would lose, i absolutely suck it, on the contrary, it dominates here, but at the same time the tomato give her body, meat, corpus, in italian, thickness,
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you know, yes, and it seems to me that this sauce can be served with different dishes, yes, so look, i’ll try to repeat it all at home, then from there i’ll send you a huge bayerla, sayan, ok, agreed, federica, i still want to hear the baerla twice. twice, i want to treat you to our signature dessert, this wheel, what a beautiful dessert, and what do we have here, this is haleso, translated as mix, we mixed sour cream and bird cherry here, served it in layers with pine nuts, lingonberries and jam and pine cones, i certainly don’t want to create any controversy. but so far it looks like teramis, hmm, how do you like it, this is
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a dark layer, i don’t understand, is it tolkan or something, or does it have such a bright taste, this is our bird cherry, such a berry, bird cherry, bird cherry, here it is in the form of flour, badai, berry flour, yes, that’s right, nothing. they boldly open it based on the support of experts, they strive further to get more, we have something to offer them, bcs is the world
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of investment, groom, you want to become a lesson, yes, guess, one, two, where before yours... bastard there was a buzz, but why are you presenting yourself to me? help me, it’s time for the training camp, the names of the elders, everything you know, you know what to call those who collaborate with the cops, everything will change a lot here now, i should pay for the horn, i earned it, i taught you this, the boy’s word, the blood is on asphalt, premiere today at 23:00 on ntv. hot spot, new season, today at 20:00! on ntv. take care of your sleep. melatonin is the northern star. sleep well. it’s not easy to catch a firebird, but
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to get a fire rate on your deposit at gazprombank anyone can get up to 16.5% per annum. open a deposit on for 37 years, it has been preparing the broth base using fermentation technology, which lasts more than 100 days. therefore, my choice is doshrak. just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine magnet mr. muscle two products for 2999 magnet - the price is right buy a ring with falcon topaz at a 77% discount or polaris equipment at a discount of up to 70%. tabacquette, start a new life without cigarettes. you are my basket, favorite chicken for 199 rubles. in
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you take out credit cards, transfer debts. kholva, you divide it into 24 months, you can conveniently repay it, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts, it’s easy with kholva, heartburn can cause a lot of unpleasant sensations, but it can be stopped, one capsule of rabbi prozov north star in the morning helps fight heartburn all day long, north star , they trust us, the boy’s word, blood on the asphalt is the most anticipated premiere of the year, today at 23:00, there is a pipe or a heating radiator, a leak has damaged the roof, a small leak can grow into a big problem and cost tens of thousands for repairs, that’s enough, save money and nerves, order fixpro three-in-one liquid rubber from liamax, sealant, rubber glue in one bottle, quick elimination of cracks, seams and leaks, spray the spray on the surface, elastic
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seal blocks access to moisture, closing any leaks, is not afraid of... low, low temperatures, safe for people, animals, plants and works practically on any surfaces, call and order fixpro three in one from liamax, black, white or transparent, for only 999 rubles. but call us right now and order fixpro three in one at a super price. 399 rub. leamax. shopping with a plus. call or order on our website meeting point today at 14:00 on ntv. good morning, about the weather for today. the far east and siberia are riding waves of heat and coolness. here is blagoveshchensk, which tomorrow will have a rise to +20, and then a noticeable decrease. chita tomorrow will dive from +16 to +8. there will be no precipitation, but
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the wind will increase. all these are the tricks of cyclones, which one for... yakutia for them is either snow or sun, relatively warm days and very cold nights. siberia is taking control of a vast anticyclone; it will open the way for cold air; on its outskirts it will be very restless. in irkutsk, precipitation will reach dangerous levels, the wind will increase, today it is +13, and tomorrow it is +7. in krasnoyarsk, on the contrary , the sun will begin to work, and today’s +6 will turn into +11 tomorrow. in the south of western siberia , warming will be associated with the approaching cyclone it's still sunny in novosibirsk. and cool, then warmer, but rains, today they will occur in the urals, thunderstorms are possible in places, but the temperature will have time to drop only in yekaterinburg. a new heat wave is approaching, which will sweep the volga region and the south of the european part. in samara it’s still +15, and tomorrow it’s 22. in stavropol today it’s 26, and tomorrow it’s all 30. the center will only get a couple of degrees of heat from this holiday, here it’s up to +15 and rain.
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in the northwest there is even more precipitation and even less heat. in the north. they're coming back frosts. in st. petersburg +7 short rains in places, in moscow they are also possible and +12:14. we wish you the best morning. next in the program, we’ll take care of your health with your doctor. let's make fruit jelly with yulia vysotskaya. we are surprised by the wonderful news with sergei malozemov. let's talk one day with our favorite opera singer. vitamin c: is it true that it can support our immunity? are residents of our country at risk of vitamin c deficiency in their bodies? where do we get it from? do i need to drink it extra? let's talk about this with the doctor
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biological sciences, vera kodentsova. good morning, the program your doctor is on air, and here we are talking about the right medicine with the right doctors. hello, vera mitrafanovna, i’m very glad to see you on our show. and, uh, we'll touch on the topic of vitamins. vitamin c, the great terrible one. all the time , patients ask me, loved ones, and relatives, and in general, what to do with vitamins, what to do with vitamin c, and this is a wave-like situation. that... means vitamin c is right on such a hype, then this hype fades away, some time passes, it rises again, again vitamin c, vitamin c, then again it all fades away, but over more than a quarter of a century of working as a doctor, i have already had several such periods of rise and fall of vitamin c, i have seen them, and how should we really treat this, what kind of vitamin c
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is it, what is it - how important is it in general in everyday life. everyone is probably well remembered, in all the fiction books, it is described, yes, the charge is an extreme degree of deficiency, such a deep, complete... were stored, well, for example, if the apples of the past years, this vitamin is very labile, and its quantity was greatly reduced there, but now we are supplied with the same apples or
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oranges, supplied all year round and from those countries where this is a fresh new harvest, so it is enough to eat one orange a day, and you you will fully meet your need for vitamin c. in general. thank you very much, we can and should get vitamin c from food with fresh vegetables and fruits, but these waves exist, they are not just vitamin c, how to get rid of scurvy, it is clear that it does not exist, a that vitamin c is some kind of panacea, so you need to drink a gram a day there or for some illnesses, for example, if there is a viral infection, sars, let’s say, plus vitamin c in addition to aspirin
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. if we start taking more, then there is an excess it is excreted in the urine, through the kidneys, and what is also very important is that when we greatly exceed the dose of vitamin c, not only it, but also other antioxidants, for example betacarotene, they begin to show not only their antioxidant properties, but... there is , on the contrary, they trigger oxidative processes in body, so it is very important to maintain this balance and not exceed it, well , of course, we can drink 500 mg in a course,
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by the way, the upper permissible level of consumption in dietary supplements and food additives is 900 mg, that is, it does not even reach 1 year, well, because, but there is not much point in this, because it turns out that we can arrange a maximum of 200 mg, yes, this is already enough, yes, but you can drink a little more in a course of several days, there will be no harm, but you shouldn’t get carried away either, and as for aspirin, then yes, indeed, having been to all sorts of conferences, yes, i heard this and there is such evidence that vitamin c mitigates side effects. the effects of acetyl-salicylic acid, so well , during illness, but maybe you can take an increased dose for five days. thank you very much, vera mitrofanna, i really think you
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have opened the eyes of both me and many people to how we consume, where we get vitamin c from, and what the daily dose should be, the daily requirement, and indeed, what is very important, that we we mostly get food... everything you need, in particular the required dose of vitamin c, it is absorbed much better with food than from tablets, which are from tablets...
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for fresh berries, but i still have frozen ones in the refrigerator and therefore they need to be put to use as soon as possible , because soon the fresh season will begin, i understand that it’s not tomorrow, but nevertheless quite soon, look here i have two sieves, this is a kilogram of cherries, after all, cherries are so tender and the berry that it gives is fiber, so look, you even see it on the second sit, uh-huh remains. a few grains of cherry, we don’t need them, we only need liquid, now we need half a liter of liquid, oh look, half a liter is perfect, i add it to the saucepan, cherries are naturally sour, so i add 100 g of sugar, we begin to warm up our cherry, well... so let’s say, nectar, it’s
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certainly not juice, but nectar, i take the whole orange right here, add the juice from the orange, just the juice, you and i make jelly, but i don’t make it with gelatin, just with agar, like this agar sachet, you need to read it at all instructions on the package, agar agar, what is called, is a thickener made from algae, you and i must boil this... new wonderful component, so we cook it in this boiling mode for several minutes, here you can’t leave the saucepan , you need to stir, it turns out we have such a beautiful mixture, you see the mixture, it all boiled beautifully, then i take a sieve and strain. so, the color is very beautiful and the color
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is beautiful, the aroma is absolutely fantastic, i have prepared these forms here, but in principle, you can take any shapes that you like, you can even cut it into pieces, into squares, but it seems to me that this is how you serve it individually - it smells, and it’s so elegant , just like... in a restaurant, pour it into the number of molds that you have prepared and for an hour and a half, put it in the refrigerator, look how beautiful it is, it’s frozen, i suggest decorating it, we’ll hurry up, look, here are these two cherries, like this...
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combine these cherries mint leaf, so cherries for decorating liqueurs, i suggest it turns out as if we had real berries, oh, by the way, even lying down, it’s okay, look how beautiful it is, very beautiful, and we get this smaller one, a dessert in itself, you can have one cherry. also with a mint leaf, whoops, look how beautiful it is, this is a wonderful dessert we have, bon appetit everyone, everyone is on the air, a miracle of technology, a program in which i, sergei molozyomov and my team test everything on ourselves. without a doubt. heard
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loud stories about when the stars show business people become parents at a very advanced age, or have children while living alone, without a partner, or donate their eggs to someone. all this again draws attention to the technology that underlies the freezing of germ cells, and some use it, by the way, to build a successful career, even the concept of delayed motherhood has appeared, how does this new reality work, is there any danger in it? stars, one after another, are freezing their eggs, as is known from the press, and sometimes. approved by the participants themselves, the biomaterial of jennifer aniston, kourtney kardashian, and of ours natasha koroleva and anna semenovich is already stored in nitrogen. in moscow, the average price for a service is about 200,000 rubles. this amount includes an examination, hormonal stimulation
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for the formation of a larger number of eggs, one or two, which do not mature enough each month, and an operation to collect them. if desired, the egg can be immediately fertilized in a test tube and frozen with it. many foreign companies, for example, technological ones from california, are already paying such cryopreservation for their employees so that they can work calmly without rushing to have children. we care about our employees and their families, and we are always looking for new ways our health
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programs can meet their needs. in russia, as a rule, patients pay themselves. psychologist olga chebereva, together with her husband, thought about children when both. i was already over 30 years old, before the freeze i wanted to realize myself in a relationship, but it was interesting to travel, try something new, meet different people, experiment like that, there was no desire, well, to be in some kind of permanent stable relationship and in general somehow tie themselves to the house, to the family, they were not ready to get pregnant right away and decided to freeze... freeze their material, so that later, when they decide for sure, they can do ivf, in vitro fertilization. to save money , tests were done in those clinics where they were cheaper. and they refused a genetic test, which could have shown possible pathologies, which they later greatly regretted. i had to
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have an abortion, the embryo did not develop, but the second time everything turned out well, at 35 years old, olga is about to become a mother for the first time. 35 years old, it used to be believed, when i studied 20 years ago, that we wrote birth at 28 years old, you know in the medical chart, late primiparous, imagine, now 28 years old, so this is a wonderful age for childbirth, and of course, today it has really shifted this emphasis, and today we believe that up to 35
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years is the optimal age for pregnancy and planning it, after 40 there are fewer suitable eggs, we do not freeze all eggs, for example, here... such a case, this cell obtained from a 42-year-old woman, it is not only immature, it is degenerative. embryologists select healthy cells and treat them with a special solution, a cryoprotector, so that the water contained inside does not damage the structure with its crystals during freezing; they also do the same with male material. this is a vessel for storing biological samples. storage temperature - from -196°. preserved in this way, cells and embryos can lie in nitrogen for a very long time. one morning on ntv, i'm sergei mayorov, hello, we are returning to makvali
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kasrashvili. it will soon be 60 years since makvala kasarashvili became a soloist of the bolshoi theater opera troupe. notice how she decorates its interiors at our photo shoot. kasarashvili was admitted to the theater at a time when two great divas of classical art reigned on its thrones in their vocal categories: medtsa soprano irina arkhipova and soprano galina vishnevskaya, and somewhere on the waiting list were young makvala kasarashvili, elena obraztsova and tamara senyavskaya. when i sang on stage big went out of the theater and sat near the opera house. office, a smiling young, beautiful girl came up to me, she congratulated me, and that means we met, this...
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fell with lena together, i sang aryozomi there, and her then husband, first husband, listened to me, so he reported she said that this was your intern there, and lena then also listened and said, congratulated me and we met, after that we became friends, well, we traveled together, even i remember.
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you remember elena vasilyevna, she was very generous in friendship in relationships, she was not so often, of course, happened at my performances, but when in her old age she sang turandot and it was a performance dedicated to some kind of my anniversary in the big theater, she still came, she didn’t let me sleep at night, then she talked the whole night, it was this... she was delighted to give, she could just take off her diamonds and
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give something away just as a gift, i remember it was my birthday, she called me, mokvalka, come, i went to her, so she came in, we kissed, she made some the box, which was a little damaged, did not close. ok, this box, don’t look at it like that, it’s a fauberge, she said, but didn’t say anything about the stones, there was a moment when i crossed the border, i always did the same thing, i said, wrote that yes, i filled out the declaration, but they tell me , and you also have something, i say, i have, yes, this, i show this brooch, and i say, let’s check, i took this very thing, and it says diamonds, write it down, when i arrived, i i say, lena, what did you give me? what, what did you think i was going to give you?
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you see, these shots are already history, a gala evening on the occasion of elena vasilyevna’s seventy-fifth birthday, her last appearance on the stage of the bolshoi theater. there are three close ones in the director's box.
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happens to me, i think that these qualities are the main thing. and this is already the anniversary evening of makvala felemonovna herself. a couple of years ago, her eightieth birthday was celebrated on all the main stages of the country. kasrashvili begged the organizers to do without especially important guests, ceremonial speeches and lavish banquets. she wanted to listen only to her students, among whom there were already many world stars.
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about her personal life, makvala filimonovna speaks with restraint, she is the daughter of a great people with innate dignity, and also being a georgian means having half the republic as relatives, i supported my entire family in georgia, i bought cars, then it was not so expensive , because it was cheaper in foreign currency then. for uh my nephews, i helped in general in every possible way, they didn’t gain wealth, no, like the world’s world famous stars, but makvala kasarashvili earned a lot, in addition to constant work in the main theater of the country, she had official contracts at the vienna
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opera at the lascala theater, only at the london covend garden she sang for four seasons in a row. at the new york metropolitan opera theatre , there were two five-year plans. makvala felemonovna remembers well her first international success, when the greatest stars of our time, katya ricciarelli and lucha na povorotsya, were next to her. even unexpectedly, since i am on insurance, i was sitting in the hall, and suddenly they announced that misskashvili, please, we ask for the stage, after the first act, that means i ran and immediately came out, i think.
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see you on ntv. happily. the best for today is beyond. three mowgle children were found in the basement of a st. petersburg high-rise building. children live in such conditions, where cockroaches and rats run around. the boys' mother says she had no idea that her sons were living in such conditions. it was a shock for me. i had no reason not to trust. i talked to every child. all was good. she begs for her children to be returned to her. i will achieve what they will live with me. but somehow? it turned out that the three little sons did not live in the apartment with their mother, but in the basement with their father. the biological father wanted to live alone with them, like a dad with his sons, but you didn’t ask the children’s father any questions about how you could allow your children, our children, to live in such conditions, but the truth is that literally one or two days didn’t clean up, but small children supposedly can clean it all up in an hour, you
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saw all this and gave the children away in order to arrange their own with... with a new man, this is beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on ntv, this it's a real pleasure to feel the taste of coffee. columbia medalin from selected arabica beans, which revealed the aroma in the author's roasting, filled with colombian passion, the pleasure of feeling an authentic jardin columbia medalin, smiled, it means they recognized it, smiled, it means it’s real, they recognize it, hmm. they love, remember, appreciate, truly, psb is
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a bank for the present, hello, i'm on an advertisement about a room, here's the deal, soldier, who is a soldier, a former military man, sat behind the iron, got ready to move bags before retirement. well, are you planning to live until retirement? his life is like a battlefield. no shit, turn around. drift, serious people were cooking. but he must win this fight. we need a rifle with night optics. where have you gotten yourself into again? either he us, or we him. that's it, there is no turning back. hot spot, new season. this is a normal action, today at 20:00 on ntv, stars,
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premiere on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. tabacquette, start a new life without cigarettes. we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for them, we’re at sovcombank, we take out loans, and they’re approved quickly, we’re at sovcombank, loans that they know. everything when relatives if you are concerned about intestinal problems, give way to hilokforte, thanks to its metabolites , hilokforte is immediately ready to act and can be used together with antibiotics. buy from gorzdrav pharmacies. maybe a sister? appetite anywhere. only dad will tame it. there is a beastly appetite. a snack won't hurt, sausages, dad maybe, nail fungus can deprive you of many joys, so you need
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to fight it with the triple power of fungaril, penetrating deeply into the structure of the nail, it has antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial action, bringing joy back to life. the triple force fungadyril. our life is a series of meetings. for a cup. aromatic coffee monarch, every meeting can become destiny. and the most familiar day with the aroma of kofenarch can become a special day - the gift of wings. coffee monarch. aroma happens. submit an application for free gas supply to the border of your property. details by phone: 8800 101 000 04. the call is free. rabeprozole, northern star, pleasure from life without heartburn, i demand that
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the banquet be continued, ryaba is fabulously tasty, let's bring it back everything is as it was, in april we will return the prices of last year for all ascona hits, beds, sofas, mattresses and pillows for adults, children and cats, the day went wrong, everything is annoying, i don’t have the strength to start the day, i’m a prospect, and i fairy of a wonderful day, i give you a wonderful day, my strength returns, it’s a wonderful day again, a new drug for your activity, prospectus, you have the strength to live and enjoy every day, it’s not easy to catch the pyro of the firebird, but to get a fire rate on a deposit in gazprombank until 16 .5% per annum everyone can, open a deposit on, even faster, me, so that life remains. full-fledged, our body needs the key to launching internal resources to get rid of pain. salvisar ointment is the key to activating the body's internal resources and helping to eliminate
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the source of pain and inflammation. solvisar in green packaging is the key to a fulfilling life. magnet - the price is what you need. chocolate fork with 50% discount. take care of your sleep. melatonin is the northern star. sleep well. good morning, i, evgenia neronskaya, will tell you about the weather for today. in the south of the far east bright warm period, marked by a series of temperatures. records will be replaced by cold weather, it will be brought by a cyclone from china, it will take with it rain and thunderstorms for some areas, in vladivostok today it is not higher than +10, in khabarovsk +18, in blagoveshchensk - 15, but soon it will warm up here again, but near lake baikal the temperature is set to dive down, in chita today it is +16, tomorrow only +8, there will be no precipitation, but the wind will increase , irkutsk will not escape the cold, there is precipitation here, the wind will increase, in krasnoyarsk, on the contrary, it will start
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to work. sun and today +6, tomorrow will turn into +11. in the south of western siberia it is also sunny, still cool, then it will be warmer, but there will also be rain. today they are in the urals, an atmospheric front crosses it and thunderstorms are possible in its zone of action, but they will not bring down the temperature. this will not be allowed by the powerful heat wave that travels from the middle volga to the south of the european part. in saratov it’s +16, and tomorrow it’s 23. in krasnodar today it’s +25, and tomorrow it’s 31. and here it is. the center this time is towards warm bursts, here it is not higher than 15, it rains in places, in the north-west there is even more precipitation, there is less heat, frosts are returning to the north, in arkhangelsk tomorrow -4, in st. petersburg +7, short rains, in moscow it is also possible and +13 during the day.
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the water level reaches a new height. latest news from flooded russian regions. looking for a compromise. how olaf-scholes is trying to ease tensions between the eu and china on could this be the chancellor's social media debut? well , also cold calculation. a loud scandal in saratov with bills for heating that did not exist. this is the program today in the studio of dmitry zaboisty. hello. we start with the flood situation in russia. it remains acute in several regions in orenburg. after record levels, the ural river is gradually retreating from flooded areas.


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