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tv   DNK  NTV  April 16, 2024 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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mom didn’t provide that for them, well, at least i didn’t see it, but from whom did you even learn about what happened? in the news, i saw, well, i understood that the person was lying, blatantly lying about the fact that children cannot be sent to the same conditions, i was not aware of this, i came to save them and take them away. marina, what conclusion can you draw after our entire discussion? nastya, trying to create her own family, unfortunately, did not become an authoritative adult in this family. face, i see here a rather childish position, a position in which constantly, as if we hear that something is unfinished, unfinished, that is, the whole world is against her, and such, you know, a victim, this is such a childish, sacrificial, infantile position, in my opinion, it is a red line here, in general can be seen through everything, and it’s a pity that the fragile adult psyche became, as we see, a trauma for children in the end.
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zulfiya, how will events develop further? can anastasia be deprived of parental rights? the criminal case against anastasia will be terminated due to the absence, well, her guilt, in relation to her father, i think, due to his lack of involvement in the children at all, access to him, i think, anastasia generally isolates her from her father, in relation to what will happen next, the guardianship authority will take control of them, will track.
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they are the most precious thing i have, and i am ready to fight for them everywhere always, if i ever simply lose some truth or restrictions, i will not be able to see my children, i just understand that i will have nothing to live for then i really want to wish them health, i really want them to quickly forget everything that they had to go through, remember that with any problem you can turn to our program for help, we will continue tomorrow, a new dna test right now. watch tomorrow in the program beyond. a woman weighs 250 kg and is afraid that because of this she will not be able to attend her grandson’s graduation. until i was ten years old, i weighed about 165 kg. i didn’t consider this weight as weight at all. her relatives are sure that she became so fat because of her own laziness. she is an organizer.
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this is the person who controls the work, she doesn't do anything herself. i think it’s still a miracle that she survived to her age in this condition. is the curvy lady ready to pull herself together to shed this heavy load? i want it to lose weight and everything will work out well. this is beyond the bounds, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. told her lover that she was pregnant, but he left her, and now she intends to prove to him that he has a son. in our studio anna kamentsova. hello anna. hello. i understand that you were expecting a different reaction from your lover to the news of your pregnancy? yes, i was completely expecting a different reaction from...
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in 2016, the romance lasted almost 4 years, well , seriously, out of these four years you even lived together for 2 months, yes, we lived together for 2 months, and to my mother, why didn’t you please him, didn’t like it, you said, she was against your relationship, yes, she was against it because i have an eldest daughter from my first civil marriage, and the fact that i also turn out to be 3 years older than arkady, that is. ..
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when i told arkady about pregnancy and i took a pregnancy test, it showed two stripes, i sent him a photo in social networks, to which he simply told me: “are you pregnant, i say yes, well, do what you want, it doesn’t concern me,” that’s all. and he put an end to your relationship, and you tried to communicate with him further, during pregnancy, maybe you asked for something, yes, i asked, i called him, i said, i need financial help to go get an ultrasound, to which he said that you are counting on this, i
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don’t have money, leave me alone, i had to at that time, i was out of work, i should borrow from my mother, she’s retired from me, let’s go do an ultrasound. in general, he didn’t help me in any way, during the entire pregnancy he brought me only ice cream, nothing else, but then why did he come? he arrived alone, he called me, he said: i need to meet you, i said, yes, okay, i was four months pregnant, and then he said, you go out, but he said, we ’ll talk outside, it was winter, it’s cold, i say, well , it’s kind of cold, i say, come home, we’ll talk, we’ll drink tea, no, no, no, your mother is there, i don’t want to.
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well, maybe he still has something in there his head clicked, probably, maybe his heart told him that this was his child, he didn’t appear again, in general, how did you meet arkady, i stood at the bus stop, i was going to the city, we live in a village in the countryside, so i stood at the bus stop and i was waiting for my bus, and he came up and asked my girlfriend, can you tell me what time it is, so i told him what time it was, and somehow things started happening. we had a small dialogue with him, but the fact is that after that i didn’t see him at all in our village for several months, and then he appeared, and how he appeared, he often rode scooters past my house to work, so
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i was hooked by the fact that he started sending me high-fives, smiling, winking, and even the neighbor was surprised, she said, anya, she said, who is this? i say, yes, i say, this is a guy, i say, in my opinion, stops, i say, we stood at the stop with him, waited for the bus, then, when that’s all, he went often, we went for a walk with our daughter , we were walking not far from the house, he probably already decided to take such a step and drove up to me asked my phone number, smiled like that, asked why i gave him the phone number and we began to communicate on social networks. he hooked me by the fact that he, in general, so to speak, paid attention to my daughter, the eldest, my daughter, the eldest, was also raised without a father, i raised her alone, he brought sweets to my daughter, did homework with her, at that time she my daughter was 11 years old, well, he looked after you,
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he looked after me, he gave me candy, he called me princess, which really affected me, he was like, oh, princess, you my... beloved there surrounded me with attention and care, everything was fine, everything was normal. when you started your relationship, were you both free from previous relationships? yes, we were both free, but we didn’t hide it from each other, since we had children from me, he from his first relationship, he has a son, i have a daughter, here he is with his son from his first relationship, communicates from the previous ones? communicates, he lives, however, in another city, but he takes him to his place for the summer, he dresses him, he treats him, he gives him financial support it helps, and how soon did you start living together, after 5-6 months, somewhere like that we started living with him, but we didn’t live long, because of his
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mother there were scandals, she didn’t like the fact that the child was here , here she is running, jumping there, she’s annoying her, and that is, he took you and your daughter to him. he says, now there’s no time for that, i don’t have money to rent an apartment now, i say, well , you work, but he really worked, that’s it, he always worked for him, he still works, so i say, well, let’s move out and we’ll live as a full-fledged family, we ’ll have a child together, to which he said, yes, daughter, and we’ll call her adeline, and did you end up moving? no, we didn’t move out, i just after these words, when arkady told me that he didn’t have money for... a rented apartment, after a couple of weeks i packed my things and my daughter’s and moved out to my mother, your
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relationship ended, no, ours the relationship did not stop, we also began, also communicated, also met, he called me and said princess, come, make me dinner, so he made dinner, he also arranged romantic evenings for me, we met, here you go, we met on a neutral side. no, he has a friend, but he is often on business trips, his house was empty, and as if in this apartment we met, we still didn’t think about the wedding during this time, we thought about it, and i told him this, he says: well, just wait, he says, princess, maybe he’s telling us, it’s too early to think about it, we’ll live a little more, and then we’ll get to know each other, i say, where already getting to know each other, if we’ve been together for almost 3 years, i’ve been getting to know each other for years - well, it’s still too early, but if, after all, the conversation turned to family, about children, about living together, why
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then did your words about pregnancy come like a bolt from the blue? ? i was also very shocked when i told him this, i didn’t even understand why he did this, if he always treated children very well, why this news shocked him about pregnancy, i still don’t understand, anna, well, a person can’t take so abruptly... to change immediately, there must have been some, maybe there were reasons, well , maybe, i also think, the fact that my cousin often came to see me from the city, maybe that’s what motivated him too , that doubt, that this is my lover, and this is my cousin, i told him, i say: arkady, well, you, i say, ask, i say, ask the neighbors, this, well, you know, we still have one village, that they can and... type to say the opposite, which was also the case in your case, but
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apparently, they probably just told him that yes, this is probably not a relative, but her next lover, you didn’t give a reason for no, no, i was always at home, i worked part-time there, my eldest daughter, my mother, that’s it, i’m nothing else, arkady told you his claims, his doubts, maybe... accused you of something, yes, but there was also a moment when he was even jealous, there was a time when i just went with a friend to another friend’s birthday, he calls me , princess, pick you up, i say, no, i say, they’ll bring us, he’s with this crazy, well, to hell with you, he says, take her wherever you want, he even answered my friend, i say, i’m not jealous, i say, i’m really with my friend, it’s obvious, you said that arkady appeared during your ...
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gave birth to her son, she was being discharged on july 30, they came with us to the discharge, well , then he turned off the phone, that’s it, he was unavailable because they called him, well , in the end he saw his son, he saw him , when he was already 5-6 months old, he looked at him like that, oh, he says, he’s fair, he says it’s not mine, but i’m dark, although his eldest son, he’s the same, he’s fair, but what’s your son’s name, evgeniy u... and did you give your father’s middle name? no, at that time i was very
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offended and gave my eldest daughter a middle name. didn’t he ask you to somehow prove that the child could be his? he called me around, i was probably 7-8 months pregnant, he just called and said, he says: let's do a dna test, i say, come on... an honest girl, you can see it in her, i believe every word she says i i support that indeed, most likely in utero, i would not want my child to have a dna test done in utero, this is absolutely normal, and a man who would insist, well, goodbye right away, anna, well, it turns out that if he did offer you do a dna test, which means he really
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doubted it, but admitted that the child could be his, yes, and then everything turned into complete denial, he just saw the child, now my child is 2 years and 8 months old, and we often go for walks , he can see us on playground, near the house, he will just pass by everything, now the initiator of the dna test is already you, yes, it’s already me, i want to do a dna test in order to prove to arkady that this is his son, and then to apply for alimony, so that he didn’t help... my son’s nutrition, after the child was born, why didn’t you tell arkady, come on, the child was born, things went well, i said, the child was born, let’s do dna, he has no time, then something, then my friend and i decided to consult, i said, come on, he says, we let's take a loan, we'll do dna, well, for a fee,
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let's go talk to him, everything is somehow, well , we decided, that's it, we got together, still... in this state, i say, okay, i say, i i had an envelope of cotton swabs, so i say, i take out the cotton swabs, that’s what i say, open your mouth, you won’t believe it, he just spat his saliva on the ground and said: well, pick it up, i slapped him in the face and his ear just turned around, and my future one also gave him a good hand then, now you continue to communicate with her, but not very well,
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i often see his mother, i say, well... look, well, many, i say, see our village, everyone says: yes, this is a copy of arkash, and his eyes speak of him, and his manners, he even says he can’t sit still, like him, the fact is that your ex-lover assures that you had only an open relationship with him, there was never any talk about children, in the studio arkady muratov, good afternoon, hello, the assholes are not enough, mutually, you are also an asshole , you believe that you have no obligations to anna, did not have and could not have, and it was stipulated, discussed that there is nothing we can do there except for health, except for sex, not that, because neither communication is interesting, and even there as a woman, i didn’t consider her in any way, i had neither a relationship nor
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a girlfriend , like male instincts, rumors about her, that’s all. met my friend, yes, yes, when we just started dating, some time had already passed, my mother asked me, she said, did you have someone, i say yes, but no, it was an acquaintance on the street, just met and parted ways, no, not at all it’s impossible, that’s not true at all, and they’ve never seen my mother , no, well, no, well, how did i see that , as for, well, like in the village, that
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she went somewhere there, so that there was communication, something like that, no, and so see saw, and acquaintance with yours. maybe it wasn’t a relationship, the meetings were well, as they were periodic there, time passed 2 weeks, let’s say. she was there after, let’s say, our meeting, it all started behind me, a lot of calls, a lot of text messages, that is, stalking, i
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blocked one number, the second one starts, you always have the same number, everything went like this this is a mania for me, i have the same number, and you have about 10-15 of them, i don’t know, i probably have about eight blocked there, that is, after your first date, anna started stalking you, calling the first to the second, yes so let's say, well, to which i immediately said... if you weren't alone, your mother wouldn't even let you in. of course, yes, of course, otherwise i don't know your mother, lord, in general, well, like the first second meeting, i understood, well, what kind of girl is this,
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how many fantasies does she have, how many hysterics can she make, i generally started to stay away from as far away from her as possible, but how did you understand this, well, i said, rumors are starting that she’s supposedly with me, she tells me, they say, are you meeting there or something, i say, where do all these conversations come from? screams, some kind of hysterics, i start to leave, the neighbors come out, i feel ashamed, i turn around, start to walk away from all this, i don’t need a relationship, and you immediately told anna that it’s not serious, in general, at the root, i repeat, that i said it right away, that i don’t need it, i’m not interested, no, these are these words and there wasn’t at all, that’s what arkady says? well, he’s a fan of making things up, when i realized that, well, in general, everything needs to stay as far away from a person as possible, and i, well, started
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to get serious with the girl, well, how serious, well, i started dating more, of course he lives there not far from me, and this, well, she also knows her very well, you know, well, well , they started dating, and she didn’t give us any peace, calling her, calling me there, i didn’t even call her there at all. such writings, such text messages, that is, according to your words, i understand that anna loved you very much, was very interested in you, and you never consider anna as a woman for the family, in general, exclusively, explain this thing to me arkady, why would anna come up with something that didn’t exist, but well, it’s most likely, probably some kind of female a fantasy that she came up with a lot of things, me first of all, if we had a relationship there, everyone would know me before me, everyone would laugh at me, is this because? she produces such things as much as possible in the village, well, she presents herself in such a way that attention will be paid to her, she quarrels with absolutely everyone, we have some groups there, well, sales in stores there, she
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was removed from all groups absolutely everywhere, because she takes people out everywhere , even what she doesn’t need, why are you sitting here now just lying blatantly, yulia, having now listened to two versions of the development of relationships, who do you believe, i know this type of men, these are children. irresponsible all your life, you will be jumping around all your life, because you are a child and will never grow up, a decent person cannot have respect for you, arkady, that’s when anna told you that pregnant, do you remember this moment, of course, tell me how you felt, absolutely nothing came, an sms came, i understood that, i think she thereby wants me to come to her, well, that’s all, i somehow reacted to it this way, this then... again, again, again, i say, listen, come on, i say, well, see you, we saw each other, i say, what kind of pregnancy is it, she says, that’s all, i ’m pregnant, i say, listen, it makes no difference to me, mine, not mine, i say, i don’t need
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a child, i say, there’s no need at all, especially from you, i’m saying, that’s why i’m saying, from whom did you do it, your child is there, figure it out yourself, i don’t need it, well, no need, i have a son, he’s desirable, he’s loving, and i’m sorry, how did you sign him in social networks, arkasha chicken. i immediately said that i was not in a relationship, then i said for the child that i don’t need a child, there are abortions, maborts, whatever you want, arkady, well, you said that you have a beloved son, yes, we care about you, yes, not for a minute there was no doubt about him, absolutely no doubt, such a faithful, honest woman, very strongly, i respect her, i appreciate her, in general, god forbid such women in general.
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you can stop in line, i heard it there, i heard it there, well, i don’t particularly follow her life there, because i’m not interested in it, well, what did you hear, tell me, damn it, her debauchery, so what’s that? , my friend, let’s say, came to visit me, he lives in the stavropol territory, came to visit me, well, that time has already passed there, he doesn’t have any number there, i gave the number, that’s it, after 3 days he gave me calls, he says,
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says what should she do? doesn't know how, well you creature, and i am always with my mother, daughter and son, have you ever seen me somewhere, tell me what kind of man we are talking about, he has a friend, fedya, yes, yes, yes, who also wrote to me when i told him, excuse me, goodbye, okay, he says, back then you and i were still fighting, he says, i ’ll measure you in an arcade, everything will be fine, it wasn’t like that, it was like that, so shut your mouth, my a friend said that you didn’t refuse the meeting, i refused, yes he offered, but i refused, this didn’t happen at all, arkady, this can’t happen maybe he suddenly comes up with, but no, where are you going, he’s an adult, a little older than me, such a story there, well, why is it there, i don’t know, that is, are you sure that at the same time there were some other men with you, well, i heard , yes, but if, as you say, anna is such an easily accessible girl that you can call and there will be no refusal, then why does anna call
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you? father and son, because she has this fantasy in her head, that there we can be together, there she sees me, pursues me, for probably two years old, she’s stalking, it’s just that these numbers are there for my friends, girlfriends, in stores, all over the village there is a child, that’s arcadia, that’s arcadia there, so everyone can see that he looks like you, arkady, in almost 3 years it hasn’t arisen desire to come see the boy. photos once, i think i saw somewhere what she was doing, that the persecution, as regards, sends me a photo, i don’t remember, i look with such eyes, there is the face of my son, which son of yours, i send it to my neighbor as a sister i show, i speak, listen, i i say, it seems to me, i say, there’s artyom’s face, she says, somewhere on the internet she found a photo of my son and put his face
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on her child, you can. in general, completely light, completely light, blue eyes, i don’t have that, kushila - everything, i don’t know there, there’s nothing, there’s nothing, arkady, anna is only trying to prove to you that rena is from you or even to your relatives, also with evidence , well, moms, they crossed paths there in the store, she says to the child, look, your grandmother is talking here, she doesn’t even want to come up and hug you, why
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she says don’t bother me at all, toya’s mother is constantly drunk, constantly constantly under pressure, she avoids pressure, she can walk down my street 500 times just like that with a stroller just like that, i don’t know anna, it turns out she’s stalking your whole family, including you, this is generally on the show i moved precisely to get rid of this persecution, well, i also told this to the cheresh. arkady and his mother and with his daughter and with his daughter also with his daughter and well done, what will
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groom, you want to become a lesson, right? can you guess where the ball is, i pay a fee? one, two, where? before, it was a shame to put shoes on my boys, but what are you presenting to me, help me, it’s time for training camp, time for training, everything you know, you know what to call those who collaborate with the cops, i’m now... everything will change a lot, little one i wish i could pay, i earned it, i got you taught this, the boy’s word, blood on the asphalt, premiere today at 23:00 on ntv, this is a dna program, and today a single mother wants to prove to her ex-lover that they have a common son, anna’s daughter remembers very well how you looked after her mother . our guest is maria vysokikh, hello maria, hello,
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meet me, otherwise he doesn’t know you, this is the same arkady who paid attention to your mother, yes, that same arkady, and how your mother introduced you to arkady, we came to guests, she introduced me to him, there he was very helpful, kind, always treated me so well, brought me treats and treats, all this, and at some point you and your mother moved out of your house? yes, we lived at arkady’s house, how many rooms do i have? you, i you now, how many rooms do i have? well, there was one room, there were two, a kitchen, another small room where my father was lying, where my father was there , my sick father was lying, she told me, she told you, yes you, yes you don’t even know how many rooms i have, how my rooms are located, well, tell me, i’m done , i'm fine. well tell me how it is with me it looks there, you, i had you there,
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it’s standing here on the left side, there’s a stove here, standing there, there was this, what’s it called, sink, this, there was a table here, a refrigerator here, nothing, i have that no, what are you sitting there pretending to be, an unfinished rooster, plucked, you’ve already been plucked from head to toe, it’s not a disgrace even to our village, maria, mother, when she had a relationship with arkady, she was. happy, yes, she was very happy, she was glowing, she dressed so beautifully all the time, arkady, arkady was too, at first he looked very good, but then for some reason he after, that’s right, when my mother became pregnant, he became worse, the way arkady’s mother treated you, and arkady’s mother, how she treated you normally at first, at first she even called me granddaughter. there was such a thing, arkhady, i’m actually listening,
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i’m amazed, i’m shocked, not just amazed, but how shocked i am by you, but someone here is skillful, generally skillful, even really, and how you gave me when i i asked you, i spat on the ground, get it together, it was because there are so many nerves to fray, it’s just, well of course, where is your father? it’s as if we don’t live, i’m being brought up too. have you seen this man? yes, of course, i still communicate, well, we have a tight relationship, well, he helps somehow, at least no, he doesn’t help, when mom had arkady, were you happy? yes, i know, i even felt that he was like a father figure for me, we constantly went for walks, he took me with him on fishing trips, you don’t remember, he has amnesia, wait, he even helped with his lessons.
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maria, you didn’t expect, i understand that arkady would abandon the child, no, i didn’t i expected this, i don’t even understand it, how can you abandon a child like that and not help or recognize it, i can’t do that either. is this really his child? yes, i’m even sure that this is his child. arkady’s friend believes that you, anna, could have given birth to a son from someone else? in the studio of anastasia likhacheva. hello everybody. hello, anastasia. how long have you known arkady? yes, arkadia, i have known you for about 5 years. arkasha, well, is a good friend, sympathetic, will always come to the rescue, well, he always says everything straight to your face. and if he has free women.
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i was just walking by, anna, explain to us what this story is with two men? i’m completely shocked, i don’t know, honestly, you don’t know, i don’t know, this is the first time i’ve heard this, that is, anastasia, you want to say that anna is not deprived of men’s attention, is not deprived and she herself gives this attention to men, and in no way anna’s child cannot be arkady’s child, i don’t believe that
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this is arkady’s child, but arkady also participated in anna’s personal life, well, that’s understandable, but the child doesn’t look like, i know arkasha ’s... son, but he doesn’t look like, just like that, nope this child doesn’t look like arkasha, well, no one else, if not arkady, who else could turn out to be a boy’s father? well, i think that there could be a whole line of fathers lining up behind this child, who could be the father, she’s anastasia’s, why did they talk about you, well, she won’t turn out well in our village either, so yes, so don’t talk , let’s remember your childhood, how you stole when my daughter went to dances? that it’s okay, hear, i’m going to whip you, i’ll get up, shut your mouth, you look, i’m so smart, i well, they’ll put you in jail right away, but the stable, why are you talking to me like that, who gave you the right to talk to me like that, who gave you the right, that you’re saying something to me now, when you’re in tatyana vasilyevna’s rattle, and
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this is 500 rubles, it’s not you, what are you carrying, what 500 rubles, and where is your child, it’s very simple, that’s it, he came up to us, came up, she said, mom, this is arkady, what were they talking about, nothing, just hello , since he kept asking about things, what impression did arkady make on you precisely as his daughter’s chosen one, well, at first
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it’s okay, he was so gallant, gentle, attentive, that’s it, everything was fine. granddaughter, he did a lot for his granddaughter, i can’t say anything, he bought her sweets, he bought everything, ice cream, and he brought everything to her, he even bought candy there for other people’s children, even if he didn’t tell his granddaughter something, he says, i’ll bring you back later, that was it, that is, he treated masha well, well, they expected that the development of the relationship would be good, that he might make an offer. yes, why didn’t we ever drink coffee, since i so gallant there, and you invited, wait, arkash, and you invited, but because you and i didn’t have such dialogues, so that i didn’t even talk about it, because i communicated with your daughter only for sex, no there are no meetings, no hand-in-hand walks, no
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rides somewhere, a trip even to the city somewhere, a trip here or there , some t-shirts. from him, from him already, the fact that you didn’t buy me anything from things, yes, why is it a year, like your report, why have i never been at your house, no one knows the year, that he lived with her, and this is the first time i’ve heard about this, anastasia is very pleased that you’re only hearing this for the first time, the whole village knew, but you didn’t know, strange, really, very strange, strange, somehow we didn’t go, you rode, went, to the ponds, were you on the ponds? you forgot, not only did you forget, i also don’t know, this is bad, well, of course, it was arkasha who attacked you, so you don’t remember anything, natal, why then didn’t it come to a more serious relationship? i don’t know why, he didn’t propose marriage, i was waiting for him
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he’ll tell her, let’s get married, but i couldn’t wait for it, you yourself don’t doubt that the father of arkady’s grandson, no? well, after all, anna is a free woman, she could have had other relationships. i understand that she is a free woman, but she had no time, she had a daughter who was a teenager, she only looked after her at school, this child was born, this little wife, so you didn’t have any problems at all then, she was only with the children, she had nowhere to go when she had to go for a walk, when arkady began to abandon the child, how... grandma, didn’t you try to somehow reason with the person? i tried, but he wasn't there. they didn’t talk to arkady’s mother, so maybe there are two grandmothers, well, let’s say one of them is supposed to be for now.
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an expert in liver cleansing and restoration. you are my basket, favorite chicken for 199 rubles. in rostix restaurants. he is like a demon, he knows everything, he sees everything. chakotila keeps imagining things. shadow of chikatil. series premiere. only in the okka online cinema. there will be no money to enter. sazon map. there will be money, now you can easily get up to 300,000 rubles for any purpose, spend it anywhere, and also withdraw cash and receive cashback. money always will be up to 300,000 rubles. for any purpose, get an ozone card and pay anywhere. the dna program is on air. her beautiful romance with her lover ended with the birth of a son, and her lover. he assures that they did not have any affair, which means he cannot have a son from this woman. arkady, if evgeny
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turns out to be your son, will you not help? no, it’s cold, i didn’t need a child, i told her that i had nothing, to help. well , you have to, but there’s nowhere to go, given the fact that there’s this small percentage.
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they gave it to me, the conditions in the house leave much to be desired, anna shows. the furniture is broken, the wallpaper is torn, but for now they can only dream of repairs. here i have plasterboard, how can i close all the holes, hang new good wallpaper, and somehow do the ceiling as well. the single mother does not work, lives on child benefits, but whenever possible she buys natural products for her child. from the local market, here's homemade milk, here's homemade sour cream, here's homemade cottage cheese, here's sausage, new clothes anna rarely buys for her son, old things that zhenya has grown out of long ago, she tries not to throw away, a t-shirt, i bought it too, he loves it, it’s terrible how he loves it, although it’s already everything, he wears it, anna also doesn’t manage to indulge herself in new things, well
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, here are my favorite jeans, which i... wear, so to speak, when going out, which i just allowed myself to buy everything lately, basically i spend more on my son, and it’s not offensive, arkady lives very close, a five-minute walk from their house, but when they met he didn’t even he says hello, i showed him to my wife, here is your dad, and i say, this is your son, to which he simply turns his head away. arkady does not hide that he has no time now... for anna and her child, he has his own life, there are many problems in it, he tries first of all to help his loved ones, for example, his mother, this is my mother, natalya petrovna, well, this is sacred, it is i’m hypertensive, that is, so you understand, i weigh 40 kg, my testicular pressure is 160-170,
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it’s not only my mother who needs attention, arkady works on shifts, he’s never at home. anna hopes that someday her son zhenya will will wait for gifts from her dad, now even
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children’s toys are given to her by kind people, sometimes broken, but the baby and... has grown up, maybe in the video it’s more obvious anna, if the dna test is confirmed,
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arkady will want to communicate with the boy, please, i’ll just be there. i’m glad about this, you won’t create any obstacles, you’ll introduce father and son, yes, throw away all the grudges, yes, a question for you, arkady, do you want to, yes, i feel like i’ll want to move, but thank god, i’m very sorry for how you’re acting up still playing the victim, but you will have to take responsibility for your how you said it’s for health, yes, but what you’re talking about doesn’t add up? as an innocent victim, with what you know about her, most likely you do not remember what you talked about, about your dreams and fantasies, it’s a shame that you attracted your friend in order to whitewash, illuminate yourself, but there will be consequences , firstly, you need to establish paternity, then, naturally, go to court to collect
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alimony, the issue is enforcement... you will already have a criminal record, well, i don’t argue, arkadia, if the child is yours, you in front of anna apologize for slandering, slandering, that i’m not slandering, i’m telling the truth, as it is, why should i apologize, for the truth, that is, i’m not guilty of anything and don’t consider myself wrong, well, as everything is, that’s how i am i told you everything, there’s not a drop of lies here or anything, anything to apologize for, i don’t understand, you’re lying blatantly, for some reason naively believing that everything is here, everything is here... just people, yes, what all the fools are sitting and will not appear. they understand that you are just lying, that is, what you have, but i don’t know why, i need it ask a question to you, that is, do you think, as your justification, yes, you pour out a lot of dirt, do you really think that this is spilled dirt, well, call it
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the truth, do you really think that you will be released from alimony obligations, i don’t i say, look at your child’s eyes, you are now behaving unworthily as a man, vladislav, anna’s son will have a dad, i think i understand anya perfectly well and he is incredibly convincing, so also on the other hand, because i’m starting to think, well, a man probably doesn’t you have to push back so hard why if there really was something? so we are waiting for the result, i am from the provinces and i know all these stories, and the better a person you are, the more and dirtier the gossip. once she came up to me, i played some kind of girl
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of easy virtue in some tv series, my teacher came up to me and said: yul, we saw everything, but where have you gone, how come, you’re an excellent student, smart, these dirty gossips are constantly circulating in these. what will a dna test show? does arkady have
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a two-year-old son or will ani have to admit that she was in vain trying to shame her ex beloved. the truth will become known in a couple of minutes when the envelope is hidden. be careful. watch at 19:00 destructive spring in the tyumen region ; people are urgently evacuated from a potential flooding zone. in kurgan, the level of the tobol river has exceeded the dangerous level. in which regions the flood situation is improving, and where the peak has not yet been passed. it is now easier to remodel an apartment and document the process, but it still exists in any apartment. what zones? watch in the evening on the air, on the website at application now. hot spot, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. a credit
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the advantage of this complex is that it allows you to get unforgettable erotic sensations at the first use, you will again feel the forgotten tender ones.
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free anonymous call, happiness to you and good luck in love! hot spot: new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. this is the dna program. the woman appeals to the conscience of her ex-lover and demands alimony from him for her son, because she is sure that this is their common child. daria, you have the floor. today for the test. anna komentsova from the krasnodar territory contacted us; the woman told how 8 years ago she fell in love with a stranger at first sight when they were waiting together at the bus stop, and a few months later they started dating. this relationship lasted until anna told her lover that she was pregnant. the man's name is arkady muratov, now he is...
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the man's alleged son, two-year-old evgeniy komentsov. the probability that you, arkady, are the boy’s biological father, which means anna has every right to demand alimony from you, is 99.9, i told you, i told you, pour it out to me, come on!
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so how much dirt was poured on me, how much of what this is arkady, you are the father, there was a possibility of this, arkash, you are now yes, you know what you have. there is a son and that he is next to you, god grant that you would at least have him, then you will see what kind of person he will become. and you will speak, you will be proud, he says: this is my son, and this will happen, believe me, because no one else has such a son, understand? arkady, you still don’t understand how you offended anna? yes, i never offended her, i was as far away from her as possible, you
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first of all offended anna by they abandoned their son, well , there was no need, i don’t need it, why do i need her if i say at an early stage that i don’t need a child. dna has confirmed this, it doesn’t change anything, nothing so far, it all sounds very childish now, nothing, nothing, for now i have nothing, there’s nothing at all, you ’re being raised by your child, well, he’ll be raised and you ’ll pay child support, you’ll have to, there will be , the only thing i can say is, thank you for my son, my son is magnificent, he is smart, wonderful, handsome. if you require genetic testing, please contact us and we will definitely help you, tomorrow ntv, new test, venta,
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so, ready. hostess, take the job, our people are doing it, come in for dinner, i ’ll prepare my signature pastiches with pistiques and pickled cucumbers, and with your abilities, it’s time for you to become a culinary blogger, oh, come on , you’ll say the same now.
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the flood is covering new territories, urgent evacuation has been announced in ishim and kurgan, and the head of the ministry of emergency situations, kurenkov, has arrived in the region. mikhail chernov looked into the water detective why the orenburg microdistrict, which should not have been flooded, was flooded. ukrainian detained agent who blew up the car of former sbu lieutenant colonel prozorov in moscow. reports this. fsb. as our infantry advances , their support is essential. grad rocket launchers are clearing the way for our assault troops from the southern donetsk direction. report by sergei pikurin. vladimir putin held.


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